• Lambada dance movements. Lambada is a sensual dance. Sexuality comes first


    Lambada is a fusion of forro and samba as movements and a combination of carimbo and merengue rhythms. Before learning how to dance lambada, let’s decipher the name of the style. The word “lambada” itself is translated from Portuguese as “contact”. This is due to the fact that the partners touch as much as possible in the dance in order to show all the sexuality and sensuality of this style.

    Characteristics of the dance

    So, how to dance a couple dance with a rhythm of 4 counts and a tempo of 70 beats per minute. Moreover, the first part of the beat involves slow movement, and the next two – fast. The partner begins to dance with the right foot, and the partner with the left. The peculiarity of the dance is that the woman dances only on her toes, and the man rests his entire foot on the floor.

    Sexuality comes first?

    Many people think that Lambada is a too vulgar dance and is filled only with sexuality. Actually this is not true. The original lambada represents fast and graceful movements with full dedication of oneself, showing all the love, passion within reason. And vulgar sexuality is present only in Hollywood films.

    Forbidden Lambada - myth or reality?

    Lambada dance has never been forbidden. In those days, there was indeed a ban on one type of dance because of its explicit movements. It was called maxixe. Lambada got into this mess completely by accident. There were people who loved to spread any news. Thus, without really knowing which movements should not be performed, they began to spread the news that the lambada was a forbidden dance.

    History of origin

    Lambada originated in Brazil, in the Amazon basin, during the time when the country was a Portuguese colony. There are no exact dates, but it was from about 1500 to 1883. The dance was based on movements from the tribal dances of the Karimbo Indians, so the original lambada was called Karimba and was a free dance of outpouring of feelings, where the woman tried with all her might to embrace and embrace the man with every bend of her body. The dance was accompanied by drums made from hollow tree trunks.

    Later the accompaniment was heavily influenced by Caribbean music. One day, one of the radio stations in Brazil began to call all music karimba. Local residents understood that all popular compositions are karimba.

    Melodies began to be enriched with various musical effects using modern musical instruments. And soon carimbo became known as lambada. Spreading throughout Brazil and borrowing certain features from other dances, over time the lambada acquired its own individual rhythm - the count of 4, which became the final change. Now lambada has become a completely separate type of dance, completely different from carimbo.

    How to dance lambada?

    How to learn to dance yourself? Experts advise dancing lambada barefoot, since the rhythm is very fast, and unnecessary tension in the dance is inappropriate. You need to completely relax your entire body. Partners take their starting position, snuggling as close to each other as possible. The man should hold the woman firmly with his right hand at the lower back and squeeze her right hand with his left hand. The partner places her left hand on her partner's left shoulder.

    Choose a large training space so you don't get caught in anything while moving. Any dance consists of certain key elements. Lambada is not an exception. Therefore, we break the dance into elements and learn each one separately. Then we combine the movements in the correct sequence and learn the dance at a slow pace. Every time we try to speed it up.

    So, how to dance the original lambada? You need to start moving smoothly, pumping from side to side, while moving your hips, drawing a figure eight in the air. Keep your knees slightly bent. You need to practice this movement first. Over time it will get better.

    Add steps to the first movement. We take a step forward and begin to rotate our hips, throwing out our legs one by one. Add to the learned hand movements. We begin to lift them one by one, shaking our wrists. These are all the basic movements you need to know in lambada. It is necessary to practice the ease and speed of each element, first alone, and then with a partner.

    Learning Lessons

    There are special Lambada dance lessons. Therefore, you can learn not only from videos on the Internet, but also use the services of a trainer. Experts recommend learning lambada in a dance studio, since dance has its own characteristics that are difficult to learn on your own without explanation.

    Song "Lambada"

    There is also specific music for Lambada dance. The story goes that in the mid-80s, Olivier Lamothe, having visited a local festival in Brazil, decided to create a group of Latin Americans who would play the song “Lambada”. Subsequently, the composition was recognized as a copyright violation, and only the instrumental version remained.

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    It is advisable that the room is spacious enough, but you can also go outside. In principle, lambada can be danced on a small piece of land, because the main thing in it is the movement of the hips, which does not require a lot of space. But when there is a lot of space, you can dance not just in pairs, but in a large group, standing, for example, behind each other like a “locomotive”.

    First, you need to stand up straight and describe an imaginary figure eight in the air with your hips, actively moving your buttocks. In this case, you need to transfer the body from one leg to the other. It will seem easy once a few practices give you confidence.

    After this, you need to add one more dance element - steps. Repeating all the movements that you learned earlier, you need to move forward. The combination of movements should look harmonious and flexible. In the process, you should take turns throwing your legs to the sides.

    It is difficult to learn how to immediately use the whole body in the dance, so after you can perform all the movements described above well, you can add your arms. They need to be lifted one by one and swayed fervently.

    When you finally master the dance movements, you will need to work on your tempo. After all, a real lambada is danced very quickly.

    Positions in pairs

    The man wraps his right arm around the woman's waist, and she places her left hand on his shoulder. He extends his left hand to the side and a little forward, just so that it ends up between him and his partner. The man then takes the woman's right hand and holds his clasped hands at chest level. The legs of the dancers are slightly touching.

    It is important to remember that in a couple, the man begins to dance all movements with his left foot, and his partner begins with the right. The partner finishes, on the contrary, on the right, the woman on the left.

    In a couple, a man can put his entire foot on the floor at once, while it is advisable for a woman to dance on her toes. At the same time, she should keep her legs straighter so that the couple can easily make various turns.

    What to dance in

    Lambada is a cheerful, playful, passionate dance. This means you need to dress accordingly. For the top, a bright top or T-shirt is suitable. The skirt should not be long so that it is possible to demonstrate the beauty of the body and the sensuality of movements. It is better to choose shoes with low or medium heels - they will lengthen your legs and emphasize your curves. Or maybe barefoot. Hair should be loosened or tied into a high bun.

    A man can wear a nice bright shirt and trousers. A T-shirt and shorts are suitable for a more friendly circle.

    How to dance lambada

    Lambada and samba are two fiery dances originally from Latin America.

    Lambada is a dance that originated in Brazil. The Lambada dance style is based on the movements of the Karimbo dance of the Amazon Indians; the dance was originally called “Karimbo”. The name "lambada" comes from the Portuguese language. Over time, the name “lambada” replaced the name “karimbo”. On Brazilian radio stations this was simply the name for popular dance tunes, “hits”. Basically, lambada was known only in the north of Brazil. The situation changed around the end of the 80s, the melody was heard by the French producer Olivier Lamothe, who was eager to introduce lambada to Europe. The lyrics of the song were added to the melody of the labmada, the song itself was performed by the group Kaoma. The result was an international hit, known all over the world, including in Russia and other republics of the USSR.

    Samba is a dance that, like lambada, originated in Brazil. Nowadays, this is a kind of calling card of this country, folk dance. There are many dance schools in Brazil that teach samba. Samba is a must at all Brazilian carnivals.
    The dance is quite complex, more complicated than the lambada; an untrained person can reproduce some of the movements, but he will not be able to perform a full dance.
    There are several varieties of samba dance, including ballroom dance. Ballroom samba dance is characterized by frequent changes in partner positions, hip mobility and a general expressive character. Dance movements are characterized by rapid movement of body weight by bending and straightening the knees. Samba ballroom dance arose as a result of the mutual influence of two cultural traditions: African ritual dances of black slaves who arrived in Brazil from Congo, Angola and Mozambique, and European dances (waltz, polka), introduced by the Portuguese. Samba was also influenced by the Brazilian shoto dance, which developed from the Scottish polka in its German version. Before contact with European culture, Africans did not have partner dances.

    Lambada combines several trends in art. It is a musical style and a dance at the same time. Brazil is considered the birthplace of lambada. It was there in the state of Pará that this trend originated.

    History of the “forbidden” dance

    The basis of Lambada movements is the dances of the Amazon Indians. Ethnic dance includes elements of the following dance cultures:

    • Carimbo;
    • Mashishi;
    • And Forro.

    The name of the dance itself is of Portuguese origin. In Brazil, on the radio, lambada is the name given to the “hits” and “hits” of successful singers.

    In the 80s, French producer Olivier Lamothe came to the Brazilian town of Porto Seguro. The city was hosting a local carnival, which greatly impressed the artist. Then Lamothe decided to popularize lambada in Europe.

    Under the strict guidance of the producer, the group Kaoma was released. Their song with the name of the dance of the same name quickly soared to the top of the music ratings. All band members were from South America.

    Lambada has never been banned throughout the world. In the 20th century, the mashishi dance, which was the prototype of the modern lambada, was officially banned. The ban was imposed due to the large number of obscene movements in the dance.

    Singer Vladimir Migulya spread the lambada in the Soviet Union. Concurrently, this performer was also a composer. “Black Sea Lambada” performed by him received many musical accolades and awards.

    Lambada has become popular even in Japan. There it was performed by singer Akemi Ishi. Several films were dedicated to this dance style in the 90s.

    Features of bright dance

    Lambada is an incendiary, intimate and sensual dance. It is danced in a fast rhythm, but does not lose its harmony due to sharp turns or high-speed movements of the dancers. Lambada is also considered a pair dance.

    The main movements in lambada are figure eights with the hips. Girls dance it in full skirts and high heels.

    The peculiarity of the dance lies in the continuous contact of the partners’ legs and hips.

    Women almost always dance Lambada “on tiptoes”; men place their entire foot on the floor. This dance is an expression of youth, fire, love, passion.

    Lambada is a musical and dance direction that has absorbed all the best from the ancient dances of Indian tribes in Brazil. Its popularity was at its peak in the 90s, but today you can find enough schools where they teach how to dance the sensual Lambada dance correctly.

    Lambada is a fiery dance that came to us from vibrant Brazil. The name of the dance translates as “hot kiss.” Lambada, which had already conquered the whole world by that time, came to the CIS countries at the turn of the 90s of the last century. It was a real boom, everyone was dancing lambada. Today, interest in this dance style has decreased significantly.

    Complex simple movements

    And today there are people who want to master the technique of this dance. You can contact professionals in dance schools and studios, or engage in self-education using video lessons. The basic Lambada movement is to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately, begin to move your entire body from one leg to the other, while moving your hips as if you were drawing the number eight in the air.

    Initially, this movement may seem very difficult to perform. Actually this is not true. With a little practice, you'll be able to perform these movements with ease and grace. After mastering this movement, begin to complicate the dance pattern. Move forward in small steps, remembering to constantly move your hips. During the movement, alternately lunge to the side with your left and right legs. You can add movements with your arms, raise them up, or make smooth movements with your hands.

    After mastering these simple movements, you can start looking for partners. The more people who dance with you at the same time, the more fun it will be. Stand behind each other, place your hands on the waist of the dancer in front. Begin to move forward in a chain, synchronously performing the lambada movements. Start dancing at a slow pace, increasing the speed with each step. Lambada is a very fast and playful dance.

    Creating an image

    To complement the dance picture and plunge into the fun dance atmosphere of the lambada, complement your look with colorful outfits. To perform a lambada, choose skirts. The skirt should be narrow at the waist and flared at the bottom. In such a skirt it is very convenient to lunge with your legs to the side; it will not interfere or hamper energetic movements. As outerwear, you can use a short top or a shirt, the ends of which are tied above the waist. Clothes should be bright and colorful.
    Both a child and an elderly person can dance a cheerful lambada. Performing lambada will give you a lot of positive emotions, help you gain self-confidence, relax and learn to control your body.

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