• How can a person live what is right? How to live correctly. How to learn the right life


    Useful tips

    This unique material is a real instruction that will help you learn more about the deepest secret of the Universe, which is life (in this case, the life of a specific person, that is, your life).

    They say that living life is not a field to cross. This famous saying means that from each of us requires appropriate effort and skills to cope with life’s ups and downs, difficulties, sorrows and bad weather; draw the right conclusions from the path traveled.

    Yes, life is unfair. Besides, at the end of life's journey we die. Many give up because of this fact, especially if you look back and do not see any significant actions that would distinguish LIFE from a purposeless existence.

    In order to learn to live, we must understand the structure, solve the puzzle of human life itself. Actually, it's not that complicated. Every person who lives to old age goes through four stages of life. What are these stages and what can be recommended for each of them?

    The essence of human life

    First Stage of Life: Imitation

    Man is born helpless. He cannot walk, talk, or eat food on his own. As children, we are doomed to watch and imitate others. Initially, we master physical skills and learn to speak.

    We then develop social skills, also by observing and imitating our surroundings. As a result, in the last years of childhood, a person adapts to the cultural traditions around him.

    This also happens through observation of the rules and norms existing in society. A growing child tries to behave in accordance with the norms that are considered generally accepted in our society.

    What is the purpose of the First Stage of life?

    The goal of Stage One is to learn how to function within society in order to become autonomous and self-sufficient adult person. The main idea is that the adults around us help us achieve this goal.

    To do this, they help us learn to make decisions and act independently. However, some adults and some models of society that we find ourselves in teach bad things. They punish us for wanting to be independent; they don't teach us how to make decisions.

    This is why some people fail to become autonomous. Such people get stuck in Stage One, endlessly trying to imitate everything around them. They are constantly trying to please someone so that they are not judged harshly by those around them.

    In a "normal" healthy individual, Stage 1 continues into late adolescence or early adulthood. However, for some people it continues into their adult lives.

    The “chosen few” manage to come to their senses at the age of 45 and realize that they, in fact, have never lived for themselves. And then the question arises - where the hell have my years gone??! This is the First Stage of Life - imitation. That is, the absence of independent thoughts and personal values.

    Of course, we have a responsibility to be aware of the standards and expectations of the people around us. But we also have a responsibility to become strong enough to sometimes act in defiance of those standards and expectations when necessary. We must learn to act independently and in our own interests.

    Second Stage of Life: The Process of Self-Discovery

    In the First Stage of life, we learn to conform to the people around us and their cultural values. Stage Two is about learning how to what distinguishes us from the people around us and their cultural values.

    This stage requires us to start making decisions for ourselves, to test ourselves and understand ourselves; It is also necessary to understand what makes us unique, different from others. Thus, Stage Two involves experimentation and trial and error.

    We experiment with changing our place of residence, find a common language with new people, explore new surroundings and try to slowly stick your nose into other people's affairs. During this period, many young people begin to travel (much depends on individual capabilities).

    The Second Stage is the process of self-discovery. We take on different things during this period. Some of them are going well. Some - not so much. The purpose of this period is to try to understand what you do well, so that you can then move along the chosen path.

    What is the purpose of the Second Stage of Life?

    The Second Stage lasts until we begin to run into our own limitations. This happens to many people breaking existing stereotypes. Be that as it may, discovering these very limitations is quite normal and even useful.

    You just suddenly realize that you are not very good at some things, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, you need to know what exactly you are not very good at. For example, you don’t know how to cook so much that you can’t even prepare a basic meal for yourself.

    This can be easily learned, although it will take some time and effort. Or let’s take a more “severe case” - for example, a person by nature may not be sick enough and physically weak. But this situation too making the most of your efforts, can change.

    In other words, we simply must independently recognize all our weaknesses as early as possible. And the sooner the better. The more chances and time to do everything necessary to correct the situation.

    So, in some issues and things we are not very good. There are other things we are quite good at, but getting worse over time. For example, once your voice was sexy, and your skin was so soft that you were always popular with the opposite sex.

    Or you could easily get drunk on a weekday, and the next day, early in the morning, show up at work in a fresh and cheerful state. You never know what “abilities” you had, and then you lost them! In other words, you become aware of LIMITATIONS.

    And this stage is very important because you must ultimately come to the understanding that our time on this planet is limited. Therefore, it should be spent on things that are truly worth it the most.

    You must realize that you should not do this or that just because you can do it easily. You have to realize that you shouldn't be around certain people just because you like them (but don't care about you).

    Peter Pan Syndrome

    You must realize that there are alternatives for almost everything in this world, but this does not mean that they are all open to you. However, there are people who never admit to themselves that they feel such restrictions.

    Perhaps they refuse to admit their mistakes; or perhaps they delude themselves into believing that such restrictions do not exist for them. Such people are simply stuck in the Second Stage of life.

    There are “successful entrepreneurs” who are under forty years old and who still live with their mother, since they have not been able to earn money over the past 15 years of effort. There are "popular actors" who constantly waiting for calls from famous directors, but haven’t attended a single audition in the last couple of years.

    There are people who have not committed themselves to long-term relationships for the sole reason that it seems to them that just a little time will pass and very soon they will meet the “ideal” person who will be better than those from whom they had the chance to choose earlier.

    But we all, at some point in our lives, must accept the inevitable - life is short, Not all dreams come true. Thus, we should be more careful about highlighting and taking more seriously those things and activities that we are good at.

    However, people who are stuck in Stage Two spend a lot of time trying to convince themselves otherwise. The fact is that they have no restrictions. The fact is that they can overcome anything. The fact is that their life is continuous growth and the desire for world domination. And at this time, those around them see in such people only those who run in place...

    In a “healthy” individual, the second stage begins in mid to late adolescence and continues until age 25 (ideally) or 35 years. People who are stuck in Stage Two are eternal teenagers constantly discovering themselves, but finding nothing in themselves. They say about such people that they have Peter Pan syndrome.

    What is a sense of life

    Third Stage: Accomplishments

    Let's say you've tested your boundaries and identified either your limitations (inability to cook, inability to set records in sports - it doesn't matter) or what you're starting to get worse at (playing video games worse, becoming less capable of learning - also doesn't matter ).

    Now you must understand that discovering these boundaries is, firstly, extremely important for you; and the very fact of awareness of these moments is by no means something terrible for you. This only means that the time has come to leave your mark on this world.

    The Third Stage is a period of great generalization of everything that is in your life. You need to throw out those pseudo-friends from your life who take advantage of you and pull you back. You should forget about those activities and hobbies that are a waste of time.

    You need to finally get rid of those callous dreams which will definitely not become a reality in the near future. And after that, you should put your maximum effort into what you do best and what is best for you personally.

    What is the purpose of the Third Stage of Life?

    You need to put your best effort into the most important relationships in your life. You need to make every effort to fulfill the one mission in your life that seems most important to you.

    This is the mission you are good at– whether you are a specialist in overcoming the global energy crisis, a computer graphics artist, an expert in the treatment of brain diseases, or... the parent of several wonderful children.

    It doesn’t matter what you are better at than others - the Third Stage comes when you have already decided on this direction. The Third Stage of Life is about maximizing the full potential of your life. This is the stage of building your legacy. And this does not necessarily mean the accumulation of a large fortune!

    What will remain after you when you leave this mortal world? What kind of person will people remember you as? Will this be a scientific discovery that shocks the world? Or will you create an amazing new product? Or will there be beautiful children left behind you?

    The Third Stage of life is a period when it is time to live a little differently than you were used to before. The Third Stage ends when a combination of two things happens: first, when you feel that there is not much left that you could achieve; secondly, when you start to get old and tired and you are more likely to be drawn to the sofa watching TV and doing crossword puzzles.

    For “normal” individuals, the Third Stage of life usually begins around the age of forty and lasts until retirement. People usually get stuck in Stage Three when if they never found a way out for their ambitions and constantly wanting more.

    The inability and unwillingness to loosen the grip and influence that such people feel counteract the natural "soothing effect" of time. Therefore, they often remain active and hungry for action until they are 70 or 80 years old.

    Stage Four: Legacy

    People enter Stage Four after living for about half a century and investing their efforts in what they consider important and significant. They did serious things, worked hard, earned money; perhaps they started a family, started a political career, carried out a cultural revolution; or both, and the third.

    They have reached an age when their energy and living conditions no longer allow them to set themselves such global goals as was possible in the previous Stages. Of course, there are exceptions, but they only confirm this harsh rule.

    What is the purpose of the Fourth Stage of Life?

    The goal of Stage Four is not so much to create your legacy, but to make sure that your legacy is can be saved until your deathbed. And don’t confuse heritage with inheritance (although the latter would also be useful).

    For many, a completely normal goal of this Stage may be such a “simple” thing as supporting their own adult children (giving advice, helping with grandchildren, and so on). This may be the transfer of experience and affairs to their successors and students.

    This may be an increase in one’s own political activity, allowing to strengthen certain values ​​in society, which the new generation does not really want to acknowledge. In other words, we are talking about heritage in the broadest sense of the word.

    The Fourth Stage is very important from a psychological point of view, since it gives each individual a chance to come to terms with the inevitable reality of approaching death. It is in human nature - an urgent need for our lives to have at least some meaning.

    This is why people are in constant search of what is literally ours. psychological defense against the incomprehensibility of this life and the inevitability of the fact that the mortal existence of every person on this planet has an end.

    The worst thing is if this meaning is lost; if he begins to inevitably slip away from someone’s life; or if a person feels as if life has simply passed him by. In this case, we come face to face with oblivion, which will willingly swallow us up.

    How to live right

    What is the meaning of Stages?

    We develop as we go through each next Stage of life. Every time we get more opportunities to control our own state of happiness and well-being– and this is the meaning of the Stages. In the First Stage, a person is completely dependent on the actions of other people, on which his happiness also completely depends.

    This looks very unfair in the realities of our existence, since other people are often unpredictable and unreliable. However, having moved to the Second Stage, a person can decide for himself whether to rely on other people.

    Correct life... What is it like, who can say? How often do we hear this concept, however, no matter what, no one can answer for sure the question of how to live correctly. However, this does not mean that you need to abandon yourself and your life and let everything take its course, not at all.

    Below are the most common examples of “correctness” in our lives. They concern everything: work, study, recreation, entertainment and even health. They are considered the most acceptable, and therefore correct. However, in spite of everything, everything in the world is relative, and our topic is included, so you shouldn’t rely entirely on the written “rules” and forget about the most important thing: life belongs to you, which means that only one person has the right to dispose of it Human. You. No one else: not the author whose advice you read, not the TV presenter whose recommendations you watch, not the parents you have to listen to and enroll in an unloved specialty, for example. Your existence and what it will be like tomorrow and in 10 years depends only on you.

    Self-improvement and self-development

    As a child, a person learns something new every day. A sea of ​​new questions is spinning in my head; I want to know everything at once as soon as possible, starting with the name of a bird flying past and ending with the principles of the universe and the laws of physics. If a person is fed only food from childhood, without including information, absolutely any information, in the diet of growing up, then such a child will grow up to be a mentally retarded creature, not formed as a person and completely incapable of living in society.

    With age, the thirst for knowledge fades. School begins to force you to study, and, unfortunately, people are designed in such a way that the more they are forced, the more they resist. Not to mention the time after graduation. All information has been received, and the person does not want to develop further, not understanding how important it is. In the absence of spiritual and physical development and without self-improvement, a person increasingly begins to have thoughts in the style of “how to live correctly.”

    Right Thoughts

    Thoughts are no less important than self-development. His life directly depends on how a person thinks. And if he wonders how to live correctly and happily, it means there is more negativity in his head, because otherwise, if he is satisfied with everything, he will not even think about this topic.

    First, you need to filter your thoughts. As soon as you think about something bad, immediately try to switch to something much more positive. Over time, you will learn to see the positive even in the negative. This will affect your life in a good way. Yes, at first you won’t notice the changes, but one day you will definitely realize that you feel better than before.

    Secondly, think less about how to live correctly. You may become obsessed with this, become paranoid in search of “that” existence, and end up not noticing how you missed life through all these actions.

    Third, dream. This will help you create a couple of large-scale ones and simply develop your imagination.

    Right way of life

    How to learn to live correctly without taking care of yourself and your body? No way. A person must take care of himself. This doesn’t just mean basic things like brushing your teeth and regularly changing your underwear.

    Exercise, jogging, light exercise or something similar - the body needs all this no less than water or food, it’s just not expressed so clearly. At least at a young age. In old age, the lack of physical activity will have an impact. That is why it is recommended not to forget about your body, not only in terms of cleanliness, but also in other respects. or jogging, getting up and going to bed at a certain time, healthy eating, as little as possible of the pleasant “harmful” things in life like cigarettes, alcohol... The list can be continued for a very long time, but in general everyone has an idea of ​​what the “correct” way of life should be.

    Proper nutrition

    A healthy diet can also tell you how to live correctly. True, not from a psychological point of view. This rather relates to the previous point. It’s just that nutrition is so important that I had to separate it out for better memory.

    Everyone understands perfectly well how many goodies are prepared for purchase in the store. Every time you see another harmful product, your brain screams: “Buy it!” Buy it!” And people buy as if hypnotized, after which they regret what they did.

    You need to eat right. At least for those who believe that they deserve good health and a happy long life.

    Correct relationships with people

    Some are interested in how to live correctly with their husband, relatives, etc., since sometimes there are situations when it is completely unclear how one can coexist in the same room in peace and harmony with other people. Others want to know how to properly communicate with a stranger, when there are no common topics for conversation, and it is awkward to remain silent. Still others are interested in learning how to meet people and how to behave on a first date. Fourth people are concerned about how to find the right approach to all people.

    4. Take care of yourself, your health, body and nutrition.

    5. Communicate more.

    6. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

    7. Show less aggression towards others.

    8. Learn to show the positive qualities of your character and get rid of negative traits.

    9. Love the people around you.

    10. Be yourself.

    Now you can imagine how to live correctly and happily. Take action! Good luck to you!

    One day, each of us is visited by a strange, depressing feeling and we ask the question “Am I living right?” We are doing something wrong in this life. We are surrounded by not the things we would like to have, not the job we dreamed of, and our environment, to put it mildly, is wrong. Why is this happening? And who set the framework for the concept of correctness? Let's figure out why our life doesn't suit us and what it means to live correctly.

    How to learn to live correctly?

    Different people come to see psychologists. Some are sure that their life is not going well due to the lack of material wealth. But, at the same time, millionaires come to the same psychologists, who, it would seem, have a full house and have everything one could wish for. Whatever the case. There is no happiness in their life and that’s it. These are the simplest examples of the fact that our lives depend on us. Most people tend to blame everyone but themselves for their troubles. And happiness is so close - you just need to understand how to start living correctly.

    First of all, you should understand your daily routine. Many people complain that they are very tired during the day, although they have actually done nothing. The secret here is that a person gets tired of laziness much faster than of fruitful work. To understand the principles of how to live correctly, start a diary, and before going to bed, be sure to make a plan for the next day. Break it down into points and sub-points, and throughout the day, cross out what you have already done. It is better to do unpleasant things in the morning. This way you will relieve yourself of stress and be in a great mood all day. Having learned to plan your time, you will notice that you will have a lot of free minutes that you can devote to your favorite activity, vacation or trip.

    We present to your attention just some tips on how to live correctly:

    1. Start your day at 6 am. Preferably with lovemaking. Scientists have proven that in the morning there is an increased activity of hormones responsible for sexual desire. In addition, this way you can have a pleasant time and at the same time wake up your body.
    2. Breakfast is supposed to be at 7 am. By this point, the body has already used up all the beneficial substances and needs replenishment. It is best to have whole grains for breakfast. After breakfast, don't forget to take your vitamins. Our body needs them all year round.
    3. At 7:30, brush your teeth. Professor of the British Dental Association D. Walmsley advises waiting to brush your teeth for half an hour after finishing your meal.
    4. At 10 am, start solving difficult problems and unpleasant things. After breakfast, the brain works especially actively due to the replenished supply of glucose. And you will be able to solve all difficult matters especially easily.
    5. When it is one o'clock in the afternoon, dedicate this time to lunch. At this time, our digestive system works most actively. Food should be light, containing a balance of proteins and carbohydrates.
    6. Half an hour after lunch, start sorting out your correspondence. In addition to the fact that at this time most of your recipients are resting and will respond to your letters much faster, scientists have proven that the degree of stress from having to deal with mail in the afternoon is significantly reduced.
    7. At three o'clock in the afternoon it is better to devote time to a short walk. Even if you're at work, go outside to get some exercise. This will not only save you from drowsiness. Sunbathing will be good for your bones due to the effects of vitamin D.
    8. Have your last meal at 7pm. This is a special time to eat. Even if you do not have the opportunity to have a snack at this time, try to have dinner no later than eight in the evening and 3-4 hours before bedtime. Avoid sugar because... its excess can lead not only to weight gain, but also to insomnia.
    9. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. For proper rest, the body needs 7-8 hours. By establishing a regime of wakefulness and rest, you will ensure yourself excellent health.
    And a few more tips

    Once you understand how to live according to time management, you can discover a few more simple life truths:

    Stop worrying about the opinions of others. It is not so important what people think about you, what is more important is what you think about yourself. Goethe said: “Truth lies between two opposing opinions. Wrong! There is a problem between them." How should one live correctly?

    Take risks. Risk is an integral part of everything that happens in your life. Maybe there is less of it somewhere, more of it somewhere, but it is everywhere.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch said: “A good man is one who does noble deeds, even if in doing so he risks everything.” Therefore, stop being afraid to take risks.

    Stop being afraid of your mistakes. The greatest harm that mistakes bring to you is the fear of making them. Because of this fear, you miss out on a huge number of opportunities and never achieve your goals. If you make new mistakes, it means that you are moving forward and not marking time.

    Rules for how to live correctly

    Stop being a workaholic. Someone said that if there were only Sundays in life, a workaholic would hang himself. Of course, work is an important component of our lives, but we shouldn’t kill ourselves at it.

    You need to be able to rest and relax, devote time to hobbies, family, and be able to reward yourself for hard work. You will wear yourself out very quickly if you don't get enough rest.

    How to live correctly - the last thing, stop focusing on the future and returning to the past. Horace said, “Everything that has already passed is the past.” Life is what happens now, in the present, and this present cannot be missed.

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    How to learn the right life?

    Learn to live right - start to prosper! We hope that knowledge of such information will greatly stimulate you to action!

    1. Don't judge people close to you. Before you start “judging”, think about the fact that in many ways you are no better than those on whom you are going to hang “labels”.
    2. Quit your job if you're tired of it. Don't be afraid of major changes in your life!
    3. Engage in self-development and self-knowledge to finally understand what exactly you want to achieve in the future.
    4. Travel! Any (even the shortest) trip will give you a huge amount of positive energy.
    5. Get down to business - act flawlessly. Don't get attached to the result. The main thing is that you are specifically satisfied with what you have achieved.
    6. Constantly set goals commensurate with your capabilities. Any goal must be well thought out and clearly defined.
    7. Get rid of unnecessary things. Leave only what you can really need.
    8. Do not torture yourself with strict diets, but fast once every eight days.

    How to start living and thriving correctly?

    We recommend the following:

    1. Be active. Find a charging complex with pictures on the Internet, print out your find, remember the contents and hang it in the most visible place. Perform a gymnastic set of exercises every day. Don't leave your apartment until you've done your gymnastics!
    2. Don't compare your life to anyone else's life. The fact is that all vital human details are hidden behind closed doors. Not every person is able to open up and talk about their family dramas.
    3. Take a contrast shower every morning. Get used to it gradually so that your body does not experience stress.
    4. Sleep eight hours a night. Dreams will help you put your thoughts and feelings in order.
    5. Breathe fresh air every day and ventilate the room you are in. Your mood will skyrocket and this “lift” will have a positive effect on your prosperity.

    How can a guy, a man, learn to live correctly?

    Let's answer an important question:

    How to live correctly for a girl, a woman?

    Women's advice:

    1. Tame time! Manage things so that they are completed almost without your participation (automatically).
    2. Read at least fifty self-development books. Choose literature based on reader reviews.
    3. Learn foreign languages. They will be very useful to you and will expand your capabilities.
    4. Remember that you will never be able to please absolutely every person. Be yourself and continue to attract sympathy from those who need it.
    5. Don't hang out in the virtual world 24/7. Live reality, enjoy it.

    How to live with your husband correctly and happily?

    To learn how to live correctly with your spouse, you need to remember some points:

    1. Approach any problem with humor. Every problem has both negative and positive sides. Look for something good in the bad.
    2. Gratitude for what you have. Don't ask your loved one to get the stars from heaven. Say words of gratitude for everything he does for you.
    3. Great intimacy. Almost all men love to spend time in bed with the woman they love. By the way, they look forward to the morning “process” more than the evening or night one.
    4. Cooking delicious dishes. Download e-books on cooking and learn to surprise your betrothed with more and more culinary delights.
    5. Thoughtful presentation. Before you say anything to your husband, imagine what his facial expression will be like.

    How to live happily with your wife? Basic rules of residence

    Men's tips:

    1. Treat your spouse with great respect. She deserved it, if only because she agreed to legally devote her life to you.
    2. Give your "half" flowers. Perform the rite of donation not only on holidays.
    3. Accept all differences between you and your beloved wife. You must understand that no two people are the same.
    4. Be responsible for all your words. Don't deceive a woman if you really value her.
    5. Be faithful to your betrothed. Cheating destroys family ties and lowers women's self-esteem.

    How to live on credit while observing the correct behavior?

    Russian psychologists say that the residents of the country have a new disease, it is called credit addiction. It gradually drives people to depression, poverty and bankruptcy. You should correlate your “credit appetites” with your real capabilities.

    Carefully study all the nuances of lending so as not to fall into the “trap” of scammers due to your incompetence.

    Create a so-called “reserve fund”. Invest in it as much money as would probably be enough to pay off three monthly loan payments. Then you will not be frightened by any unforeseen circumstances (loss of job, dismissal from the workplace, illness, urgent waste of money).

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