• What is stevia - the benefits and harms of a sweetener, application. The whole truth about stevia and its benefits and harms - is it really a safe sugar substitute Stevia and its uses


    Stevia is a plant native to South America. It is used as an extract and used as a sugar substitute. Among other things, stevia is very useful. What exactly? Let's figure it out!

    For more than 4,000 years, mankind has been eating sugar. At the same time, only the last few centuries, the products containing it have become available to all strata of the population. The scourge of the modern world has become excessive consumption of sugar, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes is growing inexorably. How stevia grows The solution to this problem was offered to people by nature itself - this is stevia, a useful natural sweetener. The benefits and harms of stevia are the subject of debate in many Internet forums, medical conferences, and weight loss groups. The debate about what it is - stevia, do we all know about it, what exactly are the benefits and possible harm of stevia, does it help fight excess weight and is it not addictive, last for more than one year. In this article, we will figure out what benefits the stevia herb has, how harmful or useful stevia is for diabetes, whether it helps to lose weight, and answer other burning questions.

    Where to buy stevia: a natural sweetener not available to Europeans because of its benefits or harms?

    Stevia is native to South America. Stevia belongs to the genus Compositae (aster), it is a perennial plant, looks like a shrub with erect leaves and stems. The height of the stems is from 60 to 80 cm, they die off annually and then grow again. The plant is not only useful, but also very "prolific" - one bush gives up to 12,000 leaves, it is from them that the product of the same name is made.

    Stevia has more than 2,000 "relatives", including marigold, aster, chamomile, sunflower, gerbera, dahlia, chrysanthemum, and even dandelion. The plant grows in a tropical and subtropical climate, 3 factors are important for its growth: high humidity, sufficient sunlight, loose soil. The main halo of habitat is Paraguay and Brazil, grows in Uruguay, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Israel.

    The history of stevia

    The Maya Indians were the first to use stevia, they called it “honey grass”, because it is 10-30 times sweeter than sugar. The figure depends on the form in which the plant is taken. It can be powder, syrup, crushed leaves. Centuries ago, South American natives discovered the beneficial properties of this plant for themselves: they knew that it helps to cleanse human blood, treats diseases of the urinary system, liver, and men's health also improves. Now they are grown in countries with a favorable climate. Like many natural remedies, herbs whose essential oils are beneficial for the body, this plant can also be grown in your summer cottage. When cultivating honey "bushes", a vegetative propagation method is used, since only a small percentage of seeds germinate.

    In countries such as Russia and Japan, you can buy various healthy products based on honey grass: sweeteners, products for diabetics, chicory with stevia. You can treat yourself to a special tea (stevia tea is a product for cleansing the body and losing weight).
    Tea from stevia In the UK, the honey plant became widely known in the nineteenth century. So why are healthy sweeteners based on the sweet plant not sold in Europe? The answer is simple: it's all about the money.

    Scientific research on stevia

    Studies of the stevioside contained in stevia have been and are being carried out by many states. Paraguayan scientists conducted research and found that Paraguayans are almost never obese and diabetic, since the annual consumption of natural sugar substitute is 10 kg per person. Scientists of the USSR conducted research in the course of which they found out whether stevia is harmful to the body. As a result, it was introduced into the diet of political workers, as numerous positive properties were discovered. Japanese scientists have been conducting research on honey grass, which is extremely popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, for more than three decades, and have not yet found any side effects.

    At the same time, synthetic sweeteners, popular in Europe and the USA, have a number of significant drawbacks: they are high in calories and change metabolism, leading to weight gain. In the USA, Canada and EU countries, sugar grass can only be purchased in the form of dietary supplements; it is not officially allowed as a sweetener. It is not used in the food industry either, lobbying for the interest of large corporations and depriving the population of the opportunity to consume plant products. There are no studies that can confirm the benefits of the honey plant.

    The benefits of stevia: the chemical composition, ideal for the body

    Mayan legend says that Stevia was the name of a girl who died to save her people. The gods appreciated her noble deed and sent down to the Indians honey grass, which has tremendous miraculous power.

    In the middle of the 16th century, the Spanish botanist Pedro Jacobs Stevus first explored sweet grass. At the end of the 19th century, the Swiss botanist Bertoni was engaged in research on the topic “The benefits and harms of stevia for the human body”.
    The chemical composition of stevioside In 1931, through the efforts of the French chemists Bridel and Lavie, who conducted research on stevia, glycosides were isolated from the plant, giving it sweetness. Stevia extracts (they have two names - steviosides and rebaudiosides) exceed the sweetness of sucrose by 250-300 times. The peculiarity is that when consuming stevia products, sweetness is felt more slowly than with products made from regular sugar. This should be taken into account when cooking dishes using stevia leaves.

    The widespread use of stevia is due to its unique chemical composition, it contains:

    • vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, PP;
    • iron, cobalt, copper, potassium, selenium, calcium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, chromium;
    • coffee, humic, formic acid;
    • rutin, polysaccharides, fiber.

    How much stevia is needed to replace sugar The benefits are in essential oils, amino acids, campesterol, apigenin. The sweet taste of stevia is given by steviosides, these substances can affect the hormonal background of the human body. At the same time, the calorie content of the leaves is only 18 kcal per 100 g, in the form of tablets - 272 kcal, syrup - 128 kcal. At the same time, the glycemic index is zero, so it is indispensable and useful for diabetics.

    Useful properties of stevia

    Honey grass has a lot of useful properties:

    • stops the development of cancer cells;
    • is a prophylactic against obesity;
    • treats inflammatory diseases, relieves pain in the joints and muscles, eliminates swelling;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • useful for metabolism;
    • normalizes digestive processes, prevents heartburn, protects the gastric mucosa, restores the balance of intestinal microflora;
    • helps to reduce blood sugar and normalize cholesterol levels;
    • supports the health of the liver and pancreas;
    • prevents the development of bone diseases;
    • useful for the heart and blood vessels;
    • fights lung diseases;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • cures caries and periodontal disease;
    • reduces appetite, reduces cravings for smoking and alcohol;
    • reduces testosterone levels, which is useful for female hormonal disorders;
    • is a mild diuretic;
    • improves skin condition, strengthens nails and hair;
    • stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland;
    • restores strength after physical and mental stress;
    • cleanses the body of toxins;
    • has an antimicrobial effect;
    • slows down the aging process.

    This plant is very economical, dissolves perfectly in liquid, one leaf is enough for one cup of tea.

    The use of stevia

    Where, then, did the myths about the dangers of the sugar plant come from? The fact that the body lacks the enzymes necessary to break down stevioside has long been a stumbling block for proponents and opponents of nutrition with its use. The substance is excreted through the intestines unchanged, but some bacteria break down glycosides into steviols, similar to steroid-type hormone molecules. Therefore, the erroneous conclusion was made that tablets and any other form of stevia reduce sexual activity. This theory was later debunked.

    The possible allergenicity of the product also raised concerns, but an allergic reaction to honey grass can only be caused by individual intolerance.

    The theory that the plant increases blood pressure was refuted by the Chinese, who proved that the pressure normalizes by decreasing. All tests of stevia for toxicity had negative results, so we can safely say that its many beneficial properties have been proven and its use is absolutely safe.

    The use of honey grass reduces insulin resistance, with regular use, blood sugar levels normalize, which makes the honey plant safe and beneficial for both healthy people and diabetics.
    Stevia in diabetes Stevia should be used with caution only in three cases - when:

    • pregnancy and lactation, since during this period the female body is hypersensitive to food;
    • individual intolerance;
    • hypotension: people with low blood pressure should consult a doctor before use.

    In the food industry, stevia is used for the production of lollipops, chewing gums, confectionery, carbonated drinks, yogurt, ice cream, bakery products.
    Stevia release form The main use of stevia is to replace sugar, its leaves are added to tea, tinctures are made from them. In addition to the dried crushed form, tablets, syrup and white powder can be purchased at pharmacies. It is necessary to carefully use pharmacy forms, as they are the most concentrated, may contain flavorings and sweeteners, so they are less useful. The maximum benefit will be from stevia, applied in its natural form.

    Stevia for weight loss

    The benefits of stevia for weight loss is that it contains a very small amount of calories, while having the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. While people trying to lose weight have to eliminate sweets from their diet and even "sacrifice" many fruits, dishes and drinks with stevia become a real salvation. For comparison: 1 teaspoon of sugar equals ¼ teaspoon of ground stevia leaves and 2-6 drops of extract. Choosing drinks, dairy and cereal products with the addition of stevia, you can lose weight and rid the body of accumulated toxins.

    An excellent and quick result is obtained by eating fruit salads with the addition of steviosides. Another convenient way to keep fit is a stevia drink for weight loss.

    Stevia tea for weight loss

    Preparing the drink is almost effortless. You need to take a tablespoon of crushed leaves and 1 glass of water, boil water and hold for another 5 minutes on low heat, the leaves are in the water from the very beginning. Now you just need to pour the liquid into a thermos. After 9-10 hours, the broth must be filtered and poured into a sterilized vessel. Pour the remaining leaves after filtering with boiling water (half a glass), let it brew for 6 hours. Then combine both infusions. Keep the drink in the refrigerator for no more than a week. There is an easier way: dip a tablespoon of leaves into a thermos with boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours. Drink half a glass before meals, but not more than 5 times a day.

    Stevia is a natural sugar substitute, its use reduces the feeling of hunger, eliminating the constant harmful "snacking". Using healthy grass instead of sugar, in a few weeks you will notice how those extra pounds begin to disappear. Stevia-based herbal teas are very convenient - natural leaves in convenient bags should be consumed in the morning and evening. Stevia tablets also act as a sugar substitute and are taken half an hour before meals, 1 or 2 depending on dosage.

    Stevia Sweetener Features

    As a sugar substitute, stevia can be used without fear, the calorie content of stevia is so low that it allows you to eat sweets without consuming sugar and its derivatives. The calorie content of the product (we are talking about sweets) is reduced by 30% due to honey grass. Diabetics can use the herb instead of sugar for years, it has no side effects.

    Another feature of preparations based on a sweet plant is the absence of an unpleasant aftertaste, which is characteristic of other sweeteners. The drug in tablets can be added to your favorite drink, and its taste will not change.

    Stevia-based preparations - Stevioside, Bioslimka, Novasweet, Better Stevia, Stevia Leovit - are a replacement for drugs used to prevent colds. They not only strengthen the immune system, but also renew the body, restore tone and improve the general condition of the body - both internal and external.
    Stevia manufacturers Preparations with honey grass are useful for rinsing the mouth, they whiten teeth, treat gums, and relieve pain.

    Healthy people should not use stevia as a main ingredient in food, only as a supplement, otherwise it will not bring benefits. After all, sweet causes insulin release, which can eventually reduce sensitivity to an increase in sugar in the body. Ways to use stevia are varied, but you need to know the measure in everything. Please note that the main negative reviews of the product refer to "bitter taste". This is explained simply - it's in excess. Reduce the amount of herb in a dish or drink and the bitterness will disappear.

    Where to buy stevia?

    Now honey grass can be bought at a pharmacy or an online store. In Russia, their own varieties were bred: "Slavutich" and "Bereginya". It can be grown as an annual plant, and in the Krasnodar Territory even as a perennial. Crimean stevia is very useful, on its basis herbal teas for weight loss are made.

    A natural sweetener is added to pastries, chocolate, useful decoctions and infusions are made on its basis, and home-made medicines are made.

    Stevia in cosmetology

    In cosmetology, stevia is also known for its beneficial properties. It cleanses the skin of acne. On its basis, masks are made that have a rejuvenating and tightening effect, moisturize the skin, even out the tone of the face and prevent the formation of wrinkles. The mask can be made independently, for dry skin you need to use egg yolk, for oily skin - protein. Rinsing the hair after washing with a decoction of honey grass will make them thick and shiny. A useful herb is also used to treat seborrhea.

    Stevia Recipes

    The key point in stevia recipes is its quantity. Strictly adhere to the recommendations, if you overdo it, the dish will become too sweet, besides, stevia has a slight grassy aftertaste, which at first will seem unusual, but later you will stop noticing it.

    To the question of how to process and use stevia at home, the answer is simple: no way. You don’t need to do anything, you just need to buy a ready-made package of healthy leaves at the pharmacy. If you grow healthy herbs at home, you just need to collect the leaves and dry them , they can be stored for 2 years.Add fresh stevia leaves to compotes, teas, pastries and homemade preparations for good.

    Stevia infusion recipe

    Stevia infusion is very easy to prepare. Subsequently, for the sake of benefit, it can be added to drinks and confectionery. Take 100 grams of dry leaves, dip them into a bag of gauze and pour a liter of boiled water. Then there are 2 options to choose from: leave in this state for a day or boil for 50 minutes. Then the infusion must be drained, and into a vessel with the remaining leaves (we have them in gauze). Add half a liter of water, boil for 50 minutes. Combine both extracts and filter. Then add to taste in your favorite dishes.

    Stevia syrup - application and storage

    Stevia syrup is prepared on the basis of infusion, it must be evaporated in a water bath. If a drop of healthy syrup solidifies on a flat surface, it is ready. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of the syrup make it indispensable for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as other ailments. One drop of it can change the taste of a dish or drink, and it is stored for several years. On the basis of syrup, as well as tinctures and fresh leaves, you can prepare healthy compotes.

    Raspberry compote with honey grass

    Raspberry compote is easy to prepare: prepare a liter jar of raspberries, mix 250 ml of water with 50 g of honey herb tincture, pour the berries with a hot solution (already in jars), now it remains to pasteurize for 10 minutes. Useful compote helps with hypertension, atherosclerosis, nervous tension, respiratory diseases.

    Strawberry compote should be prepared in the same proportions: 250 ml of water per 50 g of tincture, pour boiling water over strawberries, arranged in jars (we take about 600 g), pasteurize for 10 minutes. Strawberry compote has antioxidant properties, removes excess fluid from the body. Remember that strawberries are a strong allergen, give them to children carefully.
    Strawberry compote with stevia Rhubarb compote is extremely tasty.

    1. 500 g of rhubarb should be cut into cubes;
    2. pour 50 g of tincture with two glasses of hot water;
    3. put everything in jars and pasteurize for 25 minutes.

    This compote is good for digestion, helps with lung diseases, strengthens blood vessels and the heart.

    Cherry compote with stevia

    Cherry compote with stevia is one of the most delicious and healthy. It increases the level of hemoglobin, stimulates appetite, it is recommended for anemia.

    1. The pits must be removed from the cherries so they release more juice.
    2. Arrange the berries in jars (we take 500 g).
    3. Pour the contents of the jars with a solution of two glasses of hot water and 50 g of tincture.
    4. Pasteurize for up to a quarter of an hour.

    Cherries in this recipe can be replaced with your favorite berries: currants, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries.

    With stevia, you can make a healthy compote of apples, apricots or pears. In this case, the drink will be without a drop of sugar. Main principle: 50 g of tincture per 250 ml of boiled water. If you want to use leaves - then 6-12 pieces.

    tea with stevia

    Tea with stevia leaves is brewed according to the principle: a glass of boiling water for 1 teaspoon of leaves. There you can add black or green tea - half a teaspoon. You need to infuse the drink for 10 minutes. Remember that green tea cannot be poured with boiling water, add it a little later. Boiling water deprives green tea of ​​benefits.

    Cookies and pastries with stevia

    Fans of homemade cakes will definitely like cookies with stevia. The dough for it is easy to make. You need to mix:

    1. 2 cups of flour;
    2. 1 glass of water;
    3. 1 egg;
    4. a pinch of salt;
    5. a pack of butter;
    6. 4 tablespoons of stevia tincture.

    Choose any baking dish, put the baking sheet in the oven for 40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

    A very popular recipe for Christmas cookies. Do everything as in the previous recipe, but add nuts, raisins and candied fruits to the dough (for goodness and taste).

    You can make low-calorie shortcakes from stevia: mix 2 cups of flour with 1 teaspoon of tincture, half a glass of milk, a pinch of salt and soda (soda is better to add to flour) and 1 egg, add 50 g of butter. The resulting dough must be rolled out, cut into circles and baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
    There are a lot of recipes for baking with stevia. For example, chocolate muffins and soufflés, puddings, Easter cakes, cheesecakes, cottage cheese and chocolate brownies, jellies, muffins, biscuits, strudel and much more. You can make your favorite ice cream from stevia. Eat it with pleasure, without worrying about extra calories.

    Stevia is a benefit from nature itself. It gives you the opportunity not to deny yourself such joys of life as a piece of delicious dessert. If you plant it on your balcony or garden, it will always be at hand and can help out in case of illness or poor health.

    The benefits of stevia are enormous and undeniable. Honey grass will help you improve and maintain health, lose weight, cope with complexes, become more energetic and cheerful.

      Stevia is a unique food product of plant origin. A number of useful properties of this plant are in special demand in traditional medicine. And for athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle, stevia has become an excellent sugar substitute.

      Stevia is an excellent sweetener

      Stevia is a plant of the Astrov family, which is a low-growing shrub. Its stems reach a height of 80 cm. In the wild, it can be found both in mountainous and flat semi-arid areas. It grows mainly in Central and South America (Brazil). Stevia was first described by the Swiss botanist Santiago Bertoni at the end of the 19th century. This plant was brought to the Soviet Union by the Russian scientist Nikolai Vavilov from Latin America in 1934.

      Another name for stevia is honey grass. It got its name from the sweet taste of its leaves. Stevia is a natural sweetener. It is actively used in the food industry. Today it is in demand all over the world, it is produced in powder form, in the form of herbal tea or extract. Thanks to the use of this plant, the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases is reduced, the activity of the reproductive system improves, and the immune system is strengthened.

      Composition and calories

      Stevia leaves contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, macronutrients and other beneficial substances. It consists of the following components:

      Substance name Description of the substance
      Stevioside (e 960)A glycoside with an intense sweet taste.
      RebaudiosideA glycoside that is 30 times sweeter than sugar.
      SaponinsA group of substances that are necessary for thinning the blood and cleaning the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol.
      Complex of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, P, PP)The combination of different groups of vitamins has a positive effect on the body, strengthens the immune system.
      Essential oilsHelps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
      Flavonoids: quercetin, apigenen, rutinThese natural substances have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls.
      Micro and macro elements: zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and chromiumThey are necessary for the human body, their lack disrupts the functioning of internal organs.

      100 g of the plant contains 18 kcal, 0 g of protein and 0 g of fat. One standard tablet weighing 0.25 g contains only 0.7 kcal.

      Useful properties and harm

      The plant has a number of useful properties for the human body, in particular, it has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. These properties allow the herb to be used for various diseases.

      The use of stevia is advisable for the following indications:

      • deviations from the endocrine system (in particular, obesity and diabetes);
      • hypertonic disease;
      • degenerative-dystrophic diseases (for example, osteochondrosis of the spinal column);
      • chronic arterial disease;
      • fungal infections;
      • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

      Important! The use of honey grass is useful as a prevention of hyper- and hypoglycemic conditions.

      There were a lot of rumors and speculation about the dangers of stevia. In 2006, WHO stated that stevia extract is harmless to the human body (source - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Stevia). Numerous studies have confirmed that all components of the plant are non-toxic.

      Is stevia good for diabetics?

      Due to the high sweetness of glycosides, stevia is actively used in the manufacture of sweeteners for diabetics. It lowers blood sugar. Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of this herb leads to a decrease in insulin resistance.

      Is stevia good for weight loss and exercise?

      Honey grass is often used for weight loss. Unlike many synthetic sweeteners, this natural product does not harm the body. At the same time, experts note that the plant reduces appetite and dulls the feeling of hunger. According to statistics, thanks to the use of stevia, you can lose up to 3 kg per month (without strict diets). If you combine honey grass and sports, the amount of weight lost will be much greater. In general, the calorie content of the diet when replacing sugar is reduced to 12-16%.

      There are several ways to use the plant for weight loss. Tea is brewed from its leaves, and stevia infusion or syrup is added to food. To prepare a sweetener, you will need 300 ml of boiled water and 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves. Raw materials are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 4-6 minutes. The resulting product is insisted for 12 hours in a dark place, after which it is filtered. 100 ml of water is added to the leaves and infused for 6 hours, after which both infusions are mixed together. The resulting product can be added to various drinks and food (for example, compote or salad).

      Comparison with sugar

      How is stevia obtained?

      The grass is grown in greenhouses or at home (in a pot). At the same time, it must be sprayed once every 14 days. When the size of the plant exceeds 10 cm, they are planted in the ground. After the appearance of small white flowers, they begin to harvest. The collected leaves are soaked in boiled water, filtered and dried, resulting in a crystallized extract. The sweet constituents of the plant are subsequently processed into the desired state.

      How and how much is stored?

      The shelf life of stevia directly depends on the form in which it is produced (liquid, powder or tablet state). The drug is stored in a place protected from direct sunlight at room temperature (not higher than 25°C). Each brand that produces the product sets its own expiration date (detailed information can be found on the packaging). On average, the shelf life of stevia is 24-36 months.

      For long-term storage, you can make your own powder from dried grass leaves. They are washed with water, dried in a natural way, and then ground with a rolling pin to a powder state. Such a tool can be stored for a long time in glassware (from 3 to 5 years). Decoctions prepared from the leaves should be consumed within 24 hours, and tinctures can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

      Contraindications - who should not use?

      The beneficial properties of stevia for human health are truly limitless, they are used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Numerous studies by scientists have confirmed that the use of a plant in reasonable quantities is not capable of harming the body. However, side effects are possible, which are caused by individual intolerance to the components contained in the herb.

      Important! In order not to harm the body, watch its reaction to the use of the plant. If negative symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop taking it and seek help from a specialist.

      There are no absolute contraindications to taking the drug, but experts do not recommend using stevia for pregnant and lactating women. In case of hypotension, it is dangerous to take grass in large doses, since it lowers blood pressure. Without consulting a doctor, it is undesirable to use the remedy in the presence of serious hormonal disruptions, psychological disorders and problems with the digestive system. Some liquid forms of the herb contain a small amount of alcohol, and people who are sensitive to it often experience diarrhea and vomiting. It is worth using stevia with caution for people prone to allergic reactions.

    Plants are widely used in the treatment of diseases and to improve the body. But not everyone knows about the herb stevia, its benefits and harms, use in cooking, weight loss diets. Judging by the reviews, honey grass successfully replaces sugar, helps in the treatment of "diseases of the century" - hypertension and obesity.

    Europeans learned about grass with sweet leaves after the colonization of the New World, and already in the 16th century, the botanist Stevus was studying the plant and its beneficial properties.

    Growing conditions and description

    In the wild, grass grows in South, Central America. It prefers flat places, although it is also found in foothill areas.

    Perennial, belongs to the large Astrov family. In nature, there are more than two hundred varieties of grass, differing in appearance, in chemical composition.

    At honey grass, branched bushes reach a height of 80-120 cm, throwing out a large number of narrow leaves as they develop.

    Leaves 2-4 cm long, dense, dark green. The grass blooms with small white flowers collected in baskets. Seeds, outwardly similar to a spindle, ripen in small boxes. Seed germination is low, so the perennial reproduces more often vegetatively.

    Smell, taste

    The leaves of the plant have a sweetish taste, but it appears only after a long process of processing. The leaves plucked from the grass taste slightly bitter, with a specific aroma.

    The bitterness disappears after drying, bleaching (discoloration). The taste changes, sweetness and licorice aftertaste appear.

    Chemical composition of grass

    The Indians of pre-Columbian America, living on the territory of modern Paraguay and Brazil, have long used the sweetish leaves of the perennial for food. They also knew about the medicinal properties of stevia, adding to medicinal tinctures and teas.

    The plant is not accidentally called unique. With high levels of glycosides, it contains a minimum of calories. When scientists examined the composition, they found that at that time the grass surpassed all other plants known to science in terms of sugar content.

    Glycosides are responsible for the sweet taste of the leaves:

    • stevioside is a compound from the group of glucosides. Withstands high temperatures during heat treatment, retains its characteristics and properties for a long time (up to 1.5 -2 years);
    • dilcoside A;
    • rebaudioside A and C.

    Each glucoside has its own taste and degree of sweetness.

    From the table it is clear that the honey grass extract without purification will have a bitter taste (due to stevioside). But the chemical composition is not limited to "sweet" components. The remaining elements are presented in the table:

    Groups Compound names Properties
    organic acids Arachidonic acid Regulates the activity of the CNS and PNS
    Chlorogenic acid Affects the breakdown of glucose, helps lower blood sugar
    Flavonoids (over 12 components) Quercitrin, apigenen, rutin, avicularin natural antioxidants. Beneficial for the cardiovascular system, prevent sclerotic phenomena, increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels
    vitamins A, B1, B2, E, C, P, PP, F, beta-carotene They have a tonic effect, stimulate metabolism. Possess antioxidant and regenerating properties
    Cellulose Stimulates peristalsis, "cleanses" the body, removing toxic elements and toxins
    Minerals Magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, phosphorus "Building" material for bone tissue. Promoting the normalization of metabolic processes
    Lipids Linolenic, linoleic acids Needed to improve the chemical composition of the blood. Stimulate the production of "healthy" cholesterol. Included in cell membranes
    Essential oil Contains 53 elements. Promotes the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, diuretic effects
    Pectins Remove radionuclides from the body. They have an enveloping effect, contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, the vital activity of beneficial bacteria.

    Thanks to this composition, the perennial is used in official and traditional medicine.

    In various forms of release, it is used as:

    • sweetener;
    • hypoglycemic agent;
    • an antimicrobial drug;
    • means of normalizing blood pressure;
    • source of essential trace elements and vitamins.

    The glycemic index of honey grass is 0, while even a small amount adds sweetness and savory taste to dishes and foods without increasing the calorie content.

    On a note!

    Caloric values ​​depend on the form of product release.

    Approximate indicators:

    • fresh leaves and stems of perennials contain 0 kcal;
    • in sweet syrup - 128 kcal;
    • in capsules - 272 kcal.

    Data are per 100 grams of product.

    The benefits of stevia

    Numerous studies have proven that the discreet perennial from the American continent is good for health:

    • lowers blood sugar;
    • stabilizes pressure. The action is gentle, gradual, which is important for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. Normalizes the rhythm of the heart, the tone of the venous vessels;
    • has an antimicrobial effect, is indicated in the treatment of fungal lesions of the skin, wounds, weeping and trophic ulcers;
    • contributes to the normalization of digestion processes, improves the absorption of food. Neutralizes the processes of increased gas formation, decay, fermentation. Has enveloping properties;
    • slows down the aging process;
    • balances the functions of the systems of the whole organism (healing effect);
    • optimizes metabolic processes;
    • promotes weight management.

    Stevia helps to improve heartburn, eliminate allergic rashes in children and adults, and helps strengthen immunity.

    The benefits of honey grass in autoimmune diseases of the skin (seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis), in the treatment of tumors have been noted.

    Drinks prepared with stevia tone up, give vigor, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. Blood circulation improves, fatigue, apathy, depression, and a feeling of drowsiness go away.

    Stevia is a natural food sweetener, a sugar replacement recommended for those with diabetes. At the same time, the plant is hypoallergenic, when eating it does not cause an increase in blood sugar.


    Perennial honey grass is considered a safe natural product. But, like any remedy, it has contraindications:

    • intolerance of individual components in the composition of the plant by a specific person;
    • the possibility of a reaction in those who are allergic to plants of the Aster family (chrysanthemums, stevia, tagetes and others);
    • dyspeptic symptoms when using herbal preparations simultaneously with dairy products (cow's milk).

    Preparations are produced with the addition of a certain amount of plant leaves, pure extracts that differ in chemical composition. Their effect on the human body is different, and this must be taken into account.

    Stevia production

    As an industrial culture, stevia began to be cultivated in the 80s of the last century. The main production of sweet perennial is concentrated in Asia and America:

    • China (about 90% of world production);
    • Vietnam;
    • South Korea;
    • Paraguay;
    • Japan;
    • Canada.

    Stevioside is obtained in the process of multi-stage industrial processing. Then, after double crystallization, rebaudioside is made.

    Honey grass is considered a natural product, an alternative to unsafe artificial sweeteners. In Russia, stevia is often grown on their plots by ordinary summer residents, there is practically no industrial production. This is largely due to the lack of a state program for the cultivation of stevia, climate features, and breeding specifics.

    Grass grows well at home, on windowsills, in pots and boxes. The leaves are collected, dried, used as an additive to drinks, infusions and syrups are prepared on the basis.

    Receipt of the product, release forms

    Leaves are used as raw materials. The production process includes the main stages:

    • soak;
    • cleaning;
    • filtration;
    • drying.

    The final product is a crystallized extract. It is cleaned of ballast components, dried by spraying in special chambers. Further processing depends on the form of preparations:

    • liquid (syrup, liquid extract);
    • capsules;
    • pills;
    • cubes (under the guise of pieces of refined sugar).

    In pharmacies and stores, stevia is also available in the form of teas (crushed leaves or extract in sachets), powder, whole dried leaves loosely.


    • dried leaves are less sweet than extracts and syrups. There is a grassy aftertaste and a slight bitterness;
    • extracts contain additives in the form of flavors, sweeteners, flavor enhancers. Syrups are available with nut or vanilla flavors.
    • stevia powder is a refined stevioside, so the dosage should be observed when used. A number of manufacturers add natural plant fiber - inulin - to the powder.

    How to choose stevia

    The choice of product is a matter of taste. Stevia in various forms is sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, online stores.

    The sweetness of the products is given by rebaudioside, the higher its content, the better the taste of the drug. Extracts without additional purification are bittersweet (rebaudioside 20-40%), so when buying, pay attention to the components.

    Innovative technologies make it possible to obtain crystallized extracts with a rebaudioside content of up to 98%. But their price will be higher than the usual unrefined products based on honey grass leaves.

    Stevia produced in Russia, USA, China, India, Paraguay is on sale. Trade marks:

    • Truvia (products with a lot of flavors);
    • Planetary Herbals (Stevia Powder);
    • Wisdom Natural (tincture);
    • Leovit (tablets);
    • Fitparad.

    Not all stevia-based products on the market are healthy. It is necessary to take into account the composition of drugs, choosing only those that contain minimal additives.

    Stevia as a sugar substitute

    Preparations based on or with the addition of honey grass are popular in China, Japan, and South Korea. The Land of the Rising Sun is the largest consumer of stevia, as the Japanese add stevioside to various culinary dishes.

    The plant is a natural alternative to sugar, so it is introduced into their menu, both diabetics and healthy people.

    Use of honey grass as a sweetener (norms)

    In the US, studies have been conducted on various types of sweeteners, including aspartame, cyclamate, stevia. Honey grass is healthier and safer than artificial products.

    Comparison table of natural sweeteners

    Fructose Xylitol stevia
    The simplest monosaccharide found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains Sugar alcohol found in fruits and vegetables Perennial from the Astrov family
    Glycemic index - 20 Glycemic index - 7 Glycemic index is zero
    399 kcal 367 kcal 0 kcal pure (fresh leaves)
    Cholesterol levels rise, there is a decrease in leptin production. It leads to obesity Slightly raises blood sugar levels Does not raise blood sugar levels
    Excess consumption leads to problems with the heart, liver It has a beneficial effect on dental health, helps to increase the production of collagen. Has a prebiotic effect Used for weight loss, no contraindications for pregnant women and diabetics

    *calories are per 100 grams.

    Honey Grass for Diabetes: Applications

    According to WHO studies, there is a pharmacological effect after taking stevia in people suffering from a serious illness - type 2 diabetes. This is explained by the fact that there are no carbohydrates in the composition of honey grass (respectively, plants do not contain glucose).

    Therefore, people with diabetes can consume various foods and desserts with stevia and are not afraid of an increase in glucose levels. In addition, the herb helps to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs and insulin.

    Features of taking sweet grass for various types of diabetes:

    • in the first type, stevia normalizes the activity of insulin-producing cells. Also, regular intake of tablets or extracts based on it allows you to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic hormones;
    • in the second type, when using products based on stevia, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism is normalized. It is possible to reduce the doses of tablets taken by diabetics. An excellent means of prevention for various vascular pathologies.
    • in gestational diabetes (occurs in pregnant women), stevia replaces “fast” carbohydrates, helps to equalize glucose levels in pregnant women, and correct carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

    Examples of products based on sweet stevia for diabetics:

    Sweetener Forms Titles Peculiarities
    Pills Stevioside Per glass - 2 tablets. Daily rate - 7-8 tablets
    stevia plus A maximum of 8 tablets per day is recommended
    Stevilight Per glass - 2 tablets. Norms per day - 6 pieces
    herbal teas Dried leaves in bags, as well as tea bags in sachets Steviasan, Green Slim Brewed in hot water.
    Concentrated Syrup Restorative In the composition, in addition to stevia: leaves of horsetail, St. John's wort, linden. Additive to drinks - four drops
    Stevia syrup Contains extract, vitamins, distilled water. For tea, coffee, desserts. Add 5 drops to the glass
    Honey grass syrup (consisting of pineapple and fucus extracts) Take courses, 5 ml every day. Course - 4 weeks
    Extract Stevioside Add to tea, sachet per glass

    Use by healthy people

    Supporters of a healthy diet position stevia as a modern sweetener. When it is eaten by a healthy person, the sugar level drops quite quickly (by about 1-2 mmol). At the same time, insulin production begins.

    For diabetics, this effect (hypoglycemic) is important, since the process of producing insulin for processing glucose is disrupted in their body. But healthy people do not have such a pathology, and increased insulin production must be taken into account.

    Frequent consumption of sweet grass-based products leads to a certain stress for the body. Reactions occur and the processes of processing calories that come with sweet food are launched. But the calorie content of pure stevia is zero, so the body has nothing to process.

    Honey herb for weight loss

    The plant with natural sweetness is used as an additive in the menu for various diets. There are no calories in the leaves of the perennial, while various elements in the composition of stevia contribute to weight adjustment.

    Benefits for weight loss:

    • strengthening the autoimmune system;
    • optimization of metabolism;
    • stimulation of intestinal motility;
    • acceleration of lipid breakdown;
    • removal of excess water;
    • removal of toxins and harmful toxins.

    Replacing sugar with this wonderful herb significantly reduces the calorie content of food. At the same time, you can change the nutrition system to a minimum, without discomfort for the psyche, calmly “lose” 2-5 kg ​​per month. A person does not feel constant hunger, which is typical for "sitting" on a diet, consumes desserts and at the same time loses weight.

    Stevia-based preparations can be included in the menu for any diet: carbohydrate and carbohydrate-free, protein and others. The choice of form when taking stevia is determined by personal preferences:

    • powder;
    • pills;
    • herbal teas;
    • dry leaves.

    On a note!

    When preparing drinks based on stevia leaves, it is taken into account that sweetness appears more slowly in cold water than in boiling water.

    To lose extra pounds, they use teas with stevia, add it to salads, various desserts.

    Stevia for pregnant women

    Domestic experts believe that honey grass as a sweetener is safe during pregnancy. But if a woman has not previously taken products with this plant, then it is better not to experiment.

    If you took stevia tablets or extract before pregnancy, you may continue to use them. But before that, you need to consult with a gynecologist, endocrinologist. Taking stevia by pregnant women with diabetes is allowed only after consultation with your doctor.

    When using, observe dosages, take into account possible individual intolerance to the product or its individual components.

    Application in cooking

    Culinary professionals appreciate all the beneficial properties of a sweet perennial plant. In addition to the sweet taste and lack of calories, stevia components dissolve in liquid and do not lose their qualities during heat treatment. At the same time, the addition of a natural product to pastries, drinks, desserts enhances their taste.

    Stevia is an ingredient in:

    • cookies;
    • ice cream;
    • yogurt;
    • desserts;
    • bakery products;
    • chewing gum.

    Culinary uses:

    • in powder form;
    • syrup;
    • concentrated infusion.

    In many recipes, this herb successfully replaces sugar. Suitable for cooking sauces, first courses, meat.

    On a note!

    The indicators of sweetness of products from different manufacturers are different. Before use, you must carefully study the composition in order to properly dose stevia.


    With honey grass, you can cook many dishes. Add it wherever sugar is traditionally used:

    • beverages;
    • dairy products;
    • yogurts;
    • bakery.

    At home, stevia is used as an ingredient in canning and pickling vegetables and fruits, for making compotes, syrups, tinctures, and for making jams.

    Application Features:

    • herb powder or infusion is suitable for baking and desserts;
    • for tea, tinctures, marinades, compotes - crushed leaves of the plant;
    • in compotes and marinades, the leaves are laid just before seaming;
    • to balance the taste of dishes, it is necessary to increase the amount of other ingredients (the dose of stevia is much less than sugar).

    Stevia tincture at home

    Dried grass leaves retain the entire set of useful components. Infusions are prepared from them, then adding liquid to tea, coffee, pastries, desserts.

    The recipe is simple:

    • prepare a liter of boiled water;
    • pour 100 grams of dry leaves with water;
    • insist 24 hours;
    • poured into another container;
    • the leaves are carefully poured with water (0.5 liters), boiled over a fire for about an hour;
    • the resulting liquid is poured into the first infusion;
    • mix, strain.

    The resulting infusion is stored for 5-7 days, added to drinks.

    Instead of water, you can take vodka:

    • per liter will require 100-150 grams of dry raw materials or 300 grams of fresh leaves;
    • fill raw materials with vodka;
    • shake gently;
    • stand 48 hours in a dark place;
    • filter;
    • put the container with the infusion on a minimum fire and evaporate the alcohol for 15 minutes;
    • cool, strain, bottle.

    The infusion may become thick and dark when evaporated. Such a product is stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-6 months.

    Sweet herb syrup: cooking at home

    Another product that is easy to make at home is sweet syrup. Its shelf life is up to two years, so you can immediately make a couple of liters.


    • infusion (on water or vodka) is poured into a saucepan;
    • put on a minimum fire and heat;
    • the infusion should not boil,

    The total time of evaporation of the liquid from the infusion is 5-6 hours. The saucepan is not left unattended, the contents are gently stirred. As soon as the syrup slowly drains from the spoon, the fire is turned off, the pan is removed. Pour the syrup into bottles, store in the refrigerator.

    Among the many sweeteners, stevia is perhaps the leader in terms of a whole range of useful properties. She was even given the proud title of grass of the 21st century. However, due to the fact that at one time there were disputes in the scientific community around the additives of the plant in food, the trail of negative opinion still affects the reputation of the herb and leaves questions: what are the real benefits and harms of stevia for the human body.

    What is stevia and where does it grow

    Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana), or honey grass, is a subtropical perennial shrub with 2–3 cm leaves and miniature white flowers, which was originally found in the South and Central part of the American continent. Paraguay, Mexico and Brazil are traditionally considered to be the birthplace of stevia honey grass, but it has become widespread all over the world, including in the south of Russia.

    The origin of the herb is mysterious: according to one version, the involvement in the discovery of the useful properties of the plant is attributed to the botanist and doctor Stevius, who lived in the 16th century, and according to another version, stevia owes its name to the famous Russian scientist Steven.

    And the name "honey grass" was assigned to stevia from the Guarani Indians, who valued its properties both as a sweetener and as a medicine.

    And the source of the unique sweetness of honey grass - glycosides - were isolated by French researchers in 1931. Later, in the 70s of the XX century, its properties as a sweetener for the manufacture of drinks were adopted by the Japanese food industry, at the same time herbal teas based on it became very popular. Honey grass has been widely used in culinary experiments in the United States as an additive to recipes for desserts, pastries, and dairy products.

    The composition and calorie content of stevia

    Stevia has a sweet taste due to its glycosides, mainly stevizoid, which includes glucose, sophorose and steviol, which give the herb a unique sweetness. Stevizoid is obtained from the extract of the herb and is used in the food industry as an additive labeled E960, which is classified as safe.

    The complex of glycosides in the composition of the herb is also supplemented with:

    • rebaudiosides A, C, B;
    • dulcoside;
    • rubusoside.

    Stevia also boasts a wealth of useful components in its composition:

    • vitamins A, E, K, C, P (rutin), PP (nicotinic acid) and group B;
    • essential oils;
    • fiber;
    • minerals: potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron and silicon.

    The sweet properties of stevia exceed beet sugar by 25 times, with a negligible low calorie content:

    One hundred grams of grass contains 18 kcal, which is especially appreciated in dietary nutrition.

    Useful properties of stevia

    In addition to the benefits of using instead of sugar, stevia has a whole list of valuable properties:

    1. Stevizoids have the inherent quality of nourishing the pancreas and restoring its functions.
    2. In small doses, a beneficial effect of stevia on lowering blood pressure has been noted, and in large doses - on a slight increase. This indicates the importance of dosing the herb and the need for its individual appointment by a specialist.
    3. Taking herbs in small doses slightly increases the heart rate, and in large doses - its mild slowdown.
    4. The power of stevia to restrain the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. So, taking herbs with tea serves as a useful prophylaxis against caries and periodontal disease, which is harmful for tooth loss, and in particular, in cases of diabetes mellitus. These properties work in special organic medicated toothpastes with the inclusion of stevia leaves. And tinctures of honey grass are beneficial in the treatment of colds and flu.
    5. A separate point of application of the bactericidal properties of the herb is the wound healing effect. Stevia is also used in the treatment of burns, from the bites of poisonous insects, the elimination of dermatitis and even eczema.
    6. The benefits for the human body of external use of stevia are not inferior in effect to its use inside: as part of lotions and masks, the herb improves skin condition, eliminates dermatitis and even eczema.
    7. The dietary supplement from stevia complex helps to improve digestion, affecting both the kidneys and the liver at the same time.
    8. The use of honey grass reduces the harm of addiction to tobacco and alcohol.

    The abundance of useful properties makes the plant a real healer for a number of diseases:

    • hypotension;
    • diabetes;
    • hypertension;
    • dermatitis;
    • periodontal disease;
    • seborrhea and eczema.

    You can learn more about the benefits and harms of stevia from the video:

    Stevia for weight loss

    Stevia glycosides, with their zero calorie content, are superior in their useful properties to sucrose, which has been used in weight loss diets.

    The easiest option is to include E960 stevizoid in the diet and use it to sweeten dishes. You can buy it in specialized stores or pharmacies.

    You can also use a non-synthesized version - an infusion of dry stevia herb,


    For 200 ml of water, take 20 g of chopped herbs, mix, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. and insist another 10 minutes. After that, the composition is poured into a heated thermos and insisted in it for 12 hours. After that, filter the liquid into a sterilized glass container. The rest of the herb is poured into 100 ml of boiling water and infused for another 8 hours. The infusion is added to the previously prepared, mixed by shaking.

    Add to drinks and meals.

    The third option for using stevia for weight loss is herbal tea or powdered dry leaves in bulk. The drink will benefit when taken 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    For cooking, use 1 filter bag or 1 tsp. chopped herbs in a glass of water brought to a boil. Infuse for 10 minutes.

    Stevia tablets are taken up to 3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1-2 pieces, washed down with warm boiled water or dissolved in a small amount of clean water. The maximum allowable dose is 6 tablets per day.

    Attention! The specific herbal taste is most pronounced in crushed leaves, it is less pronounced in tea bags, while stevia supplements in the form of powder, tablets and syrup do not have such an aftertaste.

    The benefits and harms of stevia in diabetes

    Useful property of stevia to help reduce blood sugar levels is used in diabetes.

    In the insulin-dependent form (type 1), the herb is taken as an additional general prophylactic, while type 2 diabetes does not involve insulin dependence, so stevia benefits directly by inclusion in the diabetic menu or as a preventive measure.

    Important! To prevent the harm of side effects, the preparation of the menu should be carried out in consultation with a doctor.

    Forms of use of stevia in diabetes:

    • Infusion - brewed according to a standard recipe, as for weight loss;
    • Liquid extractto be taken in 1 tsp. with food or drink;
    • Tablets - take up to 3 times a day according to the instructions.

    In addition, the benefits for diabetics can manifest themselves in the bactericidal properties of stevia, which help to heal wounds and trophic ulcers without scarring in diabetic foot: in this case, shallow wounds are moistened with herb concentrate.

    A quick version of the infusion is prepared as follows:

    Chopped honey grass - 2 tbsp. l. placed in a bag of 2 layers of gauze, pour boiling water (1 tablespoon) and keep on low heat for up to half an hour. Then poured into a bottle. The contents of the gauze bag are re-filled with half a glass of water, also insisted for half an hour, mixed with the first broth. The resulting infusion is additionally filtered.

    Stevia during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The benefits and harms of stevia as a sweetener during pregnancy and lactation is a controversial issue. On the one hand, the use of healthy honey grass can undoubtedly normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, improve metabolism, help the heart and blood vessels, and increase immunity.

    On the other hand, during this period the body is especially sensitive to various food agents and is able to show an increased reaction, including herbal remedies.

    Therefore, the decision to use stevia on the menu should be strictly in accordance with the advice of a doctor.

    During lactation, you can be less afraid of using stevia supplements, but it is important to test within a day for the ability of the herb components to cause harm to an allergic reaction.

    In the absence of general indications and a negative allergy test result, you can carefully add the herb to food, while controlling your well-being.

    Interesting! The properties of stevia can affect the taste of milk in a nursing woman: it can become sweetish.

    The benefits of the plant will also be in restoring weight after childbirth, strengthening the body as a whole.

    Can You Give Stevia to Children?

    Given that children love sweets, the properties of stevia as a natural organic sugar substitute will help a child's diet, especially in cases of contraindications for the consumption of sugar-containing products. The herb extract, which is devoid of aftertaste, perfectly solves such problems.

    You can also use tea with stevia, which will benefit the prevention of viral diseases and strengthen the immune system.

    Attention! The herb extract can be given to children after 1 year.

    Forms of release of stevia

    Stevia is on the market today in a variety of convenient forms:

    • effervescent tablets in dispenser packs;
    • crystalline powder resembling sugar in appearance;
    • liquid syrup;
    • elixir;
    • standardized extract;
    • in the form of dry chopped grass;
    • dry leaves of fine grinding in filter bags.

    Important! Natural dry stevia leaves give meager calories, and in tablet form, as well as in the form of syrup or powder, the calorie content of the product is zero.

    For those who like to grow plants, you can get stevia on the windowsill - the benefits of freshly brewed leaves will exceed the use of the drug in tablets.

    How to take stevia

    In a healthy state of the body, there are no dosage restrictions in taking the supplement.

    Stevia powder is usually packaged in bags of 1 and 2 g. It should be diluted in water, focusing on the proportion of 1 g per 1 tbsp. warm water.

    The sweetener in tablets has the properties of slowly dissolving, so it will take a little time when stirring with a spoon.

    Stevia syrup is added at the rate of 4 drops per glass of liquid product or to taste - in solid products: this is not only convenient, but also beneficial, unlike adding sugar.

    Attention! Stevia syrup should not be consumed in concentrated form.

    Recipes with stevia

    In cooking, stevia is used with the benefit of a natural sweetener, sweetening drinks and dishes, homemade cakes, sweets, and cold desserts with it.

    The use of stevia as a natural preservative is used in the preparation of products, while the herb is able to neutralize the harm of fungi and microorganisms.

    It is important to know some features of its preparation:

    1. Before using stevia in baking, you should first test its taste: it is specific to the plant, somewhat reminiscent of licorice, therefore it is not suitable for everyone. It is worth pre-brewing tea and only then decide whether the herb is suitable as a spice in dishes.

      Important! Stevia extract - stevizoid - is unflavoured, so can be of great benefit to those who don't like the herb.

    2. There are tricks to kill the taste of honey grass: for this you can put cinnamon, lemon zest in the dish. In pastries, it is better to use stevia powder (rather than crushed leaves). And in cookies and dessert, you can add leaves - to taste. Tea with stevia can be diluted with other herbs: chamomile, rosehip, Sudanese rose, citrus.
    3. If crushed stevia is indicated in the ingredients of the recipe, then we are talking about grinding a dry plant. Usually you need more of it than powdered herb concentrate.

    tea with stevia

    The easiest way to make stevia tea is to use sachets, which can be purchased at a supermarket, specialty store, or drugstore. The sachets are not filled with boiling water, but with water brought to a temperature of 90 ° C: this way the benefits of stevia will be revealed better.

    Attention! The tea is unusually sweet, but has a pleasant aroma.

    The color of freshly brewed tea is brown, while brewed for several hours is dark green.

    You can prepare stevia for tea yourself if the plant is grown in a summer cottage. The most suitable time for harvesting will be the time of flowering, when the stevizoid is most concentrated in the grass. The leaves are cut off. Dried and ground into powder.

    Attention! 2 tbsp. l. powdered stevia leaves can replace 1 tbsp. Sahara!

    Cooking method.

    1 tablespoon of chopped stevia herb is poured with 1 liter of water brought to 90 ° C. Cover and infuse for 20 minutes. To prepare tea leaves, take half a liter of water.

    Another option for making tea as a sweetener in drinks instead of sugar is to boil the stevia herb for 15 minutes and then infuse in a thermos for 10 hours. To do this, take 1 glass of water for 1 tablespoon of stevia “with a slide”.

    The health benefits of stevia herb tea are:

    • strengthens the body, normalizes immunity, blood circulation, blood glucose and blood pressure;
    • helps in scarring of stomach ulcers, improves the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys;
    • eliminates gastritis and caries.

    Stevia tincture

    For its preparation, fresh or dry stevia herb is poured with alcohol (you can use vodka) so as to completely cover the dry raw material. Then insist for a day and filter.

    On the basis of such an alcoholic extract, a syrup is subsequently prepared.

    Stevia syrup

    The benefits of stevia syrup in drinks and desserts will be indispensable.

    To prepare it, green leaves and shoots are poured with water and boiled for 40 minutes. Next, the liquid is filtered and evaporation is continued over low heat or a water bath until the consistency is reached when the drop does not spread on the plate.

    The syrup can be prepared from an extract of the herb, obtained by alcohol or water. The liquid is also evaporated for 4 - 6 hours, making sure that it does not boil - until the syrup begins to flow smoothly in the form of a thin stream over a spoon. The finished syrup is poured into a bottle and stored for up to 1.5 years, at room temperature - the beneficial properties of stevia will be preserved.

    Cookies with stevia

    For the Stevia Oatmeal Christmas Cookies you will need:

    • hercules - 200 g;
    • fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • dried cranberries (cherries) - 100 g;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • whole grain flour - 50 g;
    • cognac - 25 g;
    • stevizoid - 10 tablets or 1 tsp;
    • zest of 1 orange.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Soak cranberries or cherries with raisins in warm water, drain and rinse.
    2. Mix hercules, flour with baking powder.
    3. Lightly beat the eggs, add to the dough and then add cottage cheese, berries, zest in turn. Add cognac.
    4. Everything is mixed and laid out on parchment.
    5. Bake 25 min. in the oven at 200°C.


    Christmas compote with stevia


    • water - 1.5 l;
    • quince, apples - 6 pcs.;
    • orange - 1 pc.;
    • cinnamon - 1 stick;
    • cardamom - 3 - 4 grains;
    • star anise - 3 stars;
    • stevia - 1 filter bag;
    • rosehip - 1 sachet.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Cut apples and quince into cubes.
    2. The zest is removed from the orange, and the slices are cleaned of grain and cut into 3 parts each.
    3. Bring water to a boil, lay apples, quince and boil a little.
    4. Add the orange to the boiling mixture.
    5. When the fruit is brought to readiness (determined by softness), spices are added: orange zest, cinnamon, crushed cardamom and star anise.
    6. Bring the fruit to full readiness, add a bag of stevia and rose hips, cover with a lid and remove from heat.

    The output of the finished product is 2 liters.

    The use of stevia in cosmetology

    The beneficial properties of stevia to improve the condition of the skin and hair are appreciated by women who use the herb as part of home cosmetics.

    Powdered dry honey grass, diluted with warm water to a slurry, is used with benefit and for the preparation of masks that increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin: both independently for nutrition and with other ingredients.

    Mask for dry skin

    The gruel of crushed grass is mixed with olive oil - 1 tsp each. each component, add a raw yolk and carefully beat down with a fork. Apply to the face until the mask dries. Remove carefully: a dried composition with protein can harm the skin.

    Mask for oily skin

    A mixture of a teaspoon of stevia gruel is mixed with raw protein and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

    The herb also has beneficial properties as a hair decoction.

    Stevia hair rinse.

    Stevia leaves, dry and fresh - 2 tbsp. l. - pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 3 hours. For rinsing, mix 1 glass of broth with 1 liter of water - purified or mineral.

    The use of such a procedure every time after shampooing will be useful for activating hair growth, increasing their density, and adding shine.

    Harm of stevia and contraindications

    The ambiguous attitude to the grass of official studies has given rise to the myth of its harm. So, published in 1985, scientific data made public the conclusions about the carcinogenic properties of stevia, which produced the effect of a scandal. And only additional experiments in 2006 rehabilitated the plant in the reports of the World Health Organization: as a natural product, stevia is recognized as a useful supplement that has no restrictions, contraindications or side effects in use.

    However, they are still present in synthetic and herbal medicines. Restrictions apply to:

    • individual intolerance to the product;
    • pregnancy and lactation - ambiguous recommendations: should be treated with caution and with mandatory consultation with a doctor;
    • age up to 12 years;
    • gastroenteritis.

    Which is better: stevia, fructose or sucralose

    Comparing the benefits and harms of popular sweeteners that replace fructose sugar with respect to stevia, we can draw conclusions regarding the individual preferences of a particular drug.

    So, sucralose is characterized by:

    • obtaining from sugar in a concentration that gives an increase in its sweet properties by 600 times;
    • with a glycemic index of zero (meaning no effect on blood sugar levels);
    • the substance is able to retain its properties after heat treatment;
    • do not give an unpleasant aftertaste;
    • excreted from the body in a day.

    Its disadvantages include a limitation in the dosage of 5 mg per kilogram of weight, the excess of which can threaten the harm of extra pounds.

    As for fructose, its features are:

    • synthetic origin (using hydrolysis during the breakdown of sucrose);
    • excess of the sweet properties of sugar by about 1.5 times, pleasant taste;
    • low glycemic index;
    • the ability to enhance the taste of fruits.

    Conditional minuses can indicate the high calorie content of the product, limiting the daily intake to 40 g, the excess of which retains the risks of obesity.

    With all the listed advantages and disadvantages of various sweeteners, one can note in this respect the undoubted advantage of stevia herb in terms of medicinal properties.


    The stormy debate about the benefits and harms of stevia subsided in connection with the recognition by WHO of the harmlessness of the herb to humans. Now we can say with confidence about stevia as a gift of nature, a natural medicine given to people to maintain health, and along with it - beauty and youth.

    Medicinal herbs have long been used by humans to eliminate the symptoms of various diseases, strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition. A few decades ago, when the pharmaceutical industry was not yet so developed, plants were the only way to treat. One of these is stevia, the benefits and harms of which have been known to mankind for a very long time.

    The ancient Indians were the first to learn about the benefits of stevia. They found that the powdered stems or crushed leaves have a sweet taste and help patients recover faster after suffering a serious illness.

    After the Indians, the aborigines who lived in South America learned about the benefits of grass. Later, the plant began to spread to other territories, they learned about it in Japan, Israel, Korea, China, Brazil. However, South America is considered the birthplace of stevia.

    The plant belongs to the genus Compositae, is a perennial. Its appearance resembles a bush with straight stems and leaves, which reaches a height of 60-80 cm. It is rather unremarkable, grows in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

    For comfortable growth of stevia, you need a lot of sunlight, enough moisture and loosened soil saturated with oxygen.

    Every year, grass bushes die out and after a while grow again. During the flowering period, the top of the plant is covered with small white flowers, which are shaped like small bells with five petals.

    Stevia roots are quite long, reaching 40 cm, not winding, have a large stem and smaller branches. The fruits of the plant are presented in the form of boxes that appear on the stems, inside there are seeds, their length does not exceed 2 mm.

    Today, grass can be found in Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Korea, China, and Malaysia. Stevia does not grow in Russia and the CIS countries. Despite this, products based on it can be bought in some pharmacies and even supermarkets.

    Composition and preparation of raw materials

    The benefits of stevia for the human body are due to the rich and unique chemical composition. The main components will be the following:

    • valuable essential oils;
    • glycosides, for example, stevioside, which provides a sweet taste (stevia leaves are several times sweeter than sugar, and stevioside itself is 120 times sweeter);
    • flavonoids, which are natural and safe antioxidants;
    • organic acids;
    • fatty acids (linolenic and linoleic);
    • valuable vitamins: tocopherol, retinol, riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, ascorbic acid;
    • minerals, including calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, silicon, phosphorus;
    • pectins;
    • cellulose.

    Due to the unique chemical composition, the herb has extremely positive properties, it can treat many diseases, but only when used correctly.

    The collection of medicinal raw materials begins before flowering, when buds form on the bushes, but do not open. For therapeutic purposes, mainly the leaves of the plant are used. It is during this period that the greatest amount of glycosides is concentrated in them.

    Leaves should be collected, spread out in a thin layer and dried naturally, excluding moisture or direct sunlight. For fast and high-quality drying, the room must be well ventilated.

    After complete drying, the raw materials must be collected in paper bags, glass jars and stored in a dry, cool place. If moisture and sunlight do not enter the storage area, the leaves will not lose their healing qualities for 2 years.

    plant research

    For many years, scientists have studied the composition and properties of the plant, its effect on the body, since many of its qualities were in doubt.

    The first was the question of the impact on patients with diabetes. Stevia is a natural sweetener, and also has an almost zero calorie content, so its necessity for diabetics is not disputed.

    In 2005, the first results of studies confirming the safety of the herb for diabetics were published. In 2010, the conclusions of another group of scientists became known. Experts have studied not only the effect of stevia on diabetics, but also the effect on the body of a healthy person.

    As a result of experiments, it was found that people with normal blood sugar levels also tolerate herbal remedies well, and their condition even improves.

    Separately, experiments were carried out with the participation of patients suffering from varying degrees of arterial hypertension. The results became known in 2003. In all those who took part, the blood pressure figures decreased, and an improvement in well-being was noticed, as well as a decrease in the need for large doses of antihypertensive drugs. Some patients began to take stevia products on an ongoing basis, which significantly improved the state of the cardiovascular system.

    Beneficial features

    The chemical composition of the leaves of the plant has a beneficial effect on the work of the internal organs and systems of a person, especially with the correct course application.

    The main useful properties will be the following:

    In addition, stevia-based preparations have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

    Indications for use

    Certified doctors do not deny the positive impact of products based on a unique plant on the functioning of internal organs and systems.

    This allows them to be used in diagnosing the following diseases:

    Stevia can be used by patients who experience strong emotional and physical stress, get tired at work. Grass with regular use makes a person strong and energetic.

    The plant will also be useful for patients with insomnia, as it helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state. According to studies, stevia helps reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 23%. This allows it to be used in patients with chronic pancreatitis to prevent the progression of the pathological condition.

    Contraindications and harm

    Despite the benefits of the plant for human health, it is not always allowed to use it. Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use grass for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It can affect the development of the fetus and the quality of breast milk.

    Stevia's ability to lower blood pressure makes it impossible to use it in the treatment of patients who suffer from persistent hypotension. A critical decrease in indicators leads to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition.

    Patients with a tendency to allergic manifestations should also not use stevia for treatment. A contraindication is the period of recovery of the patient after major operations on the internal organs.

    When using a large amount of plant-based products, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure numbers, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness are possible.

    Allergy to grass manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, itching, peeling, irritation, redness. Usually the symptoms disappear after stopping the use of drugs. If symptoms worsen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Best Recipes

    In the pharmacy you can buy dry herb, powder and tablets with stevia. However, the most effective are infusions, decoctions and teas prepared independently from raw materials. Popular recipes for home use are as follows:

    1. The infusion can be prepared from 20 g of dry grass and a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist for a day. After that, the infusion should be filtered, and the remaining thick pour 125 ml of boiling water. After 8 hours, strain the resulting infusion to the first portion. You can take the medicine in a tablespoon a day or add it to tea. The duration of the course depends on the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the pathology.
    2. To teach the syrup, an infusion prepared according to the previous recipe is used. It is necessary to pour the liquid into a saucepan and steam over low heat until a thick syrup is obtained. You can check the readiness by dropping the syrup on a plate, the liquid should not spread. The syrup is most often used by diabetics, instead of sugar, it helps to control blood glucose levels. It is necessary to monitor the dosage of the agent, do not exceed the daily norm of 20 ml.
    3. A decoction can be prepared from 2 tablespoons of dry grass and half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to cook for at least 20 minutes, leave for 1 hour to infuse, filter. The finished medicine is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the vessels, digestive tract, and heart. The daily norm is 2 tablespoons.
    4. An alcoholic extract is obtained by heating the herb in combination with alcohol or vodka. For 20 g of raw materials you will need a glass of liquid. After that, the mixture should be kept on low heat for 20-30 minutes, cool, filter. Add the resulting product to tea 10 drops twice a day. Patients with stomach ulcers should not use the prescription.

    In addition, stevia can be used to make tea.. To prepare one serving, you will need 5 g of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. It takes about 20 minutes to infuse tea. Filter the finished product and use it, replacing regular tea with it.

    Before you start using any of the products at home, you should consult with a specialist and exclude the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the plant. With proper use in moderation, adverse reactions develop rarely and quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

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