• Why do you want to eat a lot on a raw food diet. Raw Food Diet: The 10 Most Common Mistakes Beginning Raw Foodists Make. Raw food in the city


    Each of us has experienced the feeling of hunger, but most often this is faced by fans of a raw food diet, especially those who are at the stage of transition from a conventional diet. At first, hunger haunts them constantly and not infrequently a real zhor comes when you constantly want to eat something, and even if your stomach is full, the feeling of hunger does not go away. Zhor on a raw food diet: how not to break loose - many people ask themselves this question, including experienced raw foodists. A raw food diet is a good opportunity to cleanse the body, it’s hard to argue with that, but the harm of abandoning the traditional lifestyle can also be significant, so the transition to a raw food diet should be gradual with preliminary preparation and cleansing of the body.

    Zhor on a raw food diet and how to get rid of it

    Everyone knows that there are areas in the human brain that are responsible for pleasure, and you can imagine what happens if you sharply deprive him of the main pleasure - food, which, in addition, is necessary to maintain vitality. Therefore, zhor on a raw food diet is not so much a physical as a psychological problem associated with a constant feeling of hunger, which is sometimes difficult to fight to the point of impossibility. A person who has lost a source of pleasure tries to somehow compensate for this, and in the most extreme cases, returns to the traditional diet again. Zhor with a raw food diet, although it is a serious problem, it is still possible to stop it, and the following methods can help with this:

    • Since it is impossible to find a panacea in the form of a product that can cope with zhor, and a raw food diet and zhor are often integral concepts, try to do what you love. When you are busy with something, you can sometimes forget about food altogether, try, for example, to tear off a child who is busy playing with his favorite game to receive.
    • How not to break loose on a raw food diet - this question is asked most often by people who have a weak will, so try to do self-education, and especially with regard to food issues. Try to impose as much food as you will be enough to get the necessary substances, because if there is nothing on the plate, then you most likely will not want to eat.
    • You should reconsider your attitude to breakfast, forgetting about the well-known saying - breakfast should be delayed as long as possible, since cleansing processes take place in the rested body in the morning.
    • Do not forget that energy enters the body not only through food, there are enough sources of energy in addition to food. What are sunbathing worth, because in addition to the energy of the sun, we get a significant amount of vitamin D.
    • Go in for sports or yoga - this is a great way to take your mind off food and solve the problem of how not to break out of a raw food diet.

    Withdrawal during a raw food diet is the most terrible phenomenon, and only specialists can often help you get out of a difficult state (this is like breaking with drug addicts). If it happens that you just need something to eat, experienced raw foodists and experts recommend using vegetables and herbs for this, as fruits only increase appetite. To defeat zhor, you can also change your basic habits, which only you know about. How not to break down on a raw food diet - this question is asked by everyone who has decided to start a healthy lifestyle. You need to know your enemy in person, so you must be prepared, first of all, psychologically.

    Hello everyone, my friends! Well, how are the holidays, how do you feel in the midst of the general bacchanalia of “delicious” food? It is especially difficult for beginners these days. Guests, general fun, a lot of temptations. Of course, you should not make the transition to a raw food diet before the New Year - you will feel like an outcast ten times! It is better to wait and start after the holidays, having previously passed at least a few days of cleansing hunger. And how did this time pass for the “oldies”? What holiday traditions have you developed on a raw food diet, how do you compensate for the usual pleasures of the New Year's table? And do you need such compensation?

    I had pomegranates on the New Year's table, which I pre-peel and then crush the grains with a spoon, and freshly squeezed orange juice. And in general, it so happened that the chimes caught me together with a six-month-old baby grandson, and I had to think about “raising glasses” the least)))

    As for the problem of zhora at the initial stage of a raw food diet, it really seriously complicates life and makes the transition not the most pleasant stage on the path to healthy prosperity.

    What are the causes of this disaster, which sometimes turns a raw food novice into a mini-processing food factory? They can be both physiological and coming from the psychological part of our being.

    Well, firstly, it was not by chance that I started the post with a question, how did you live these New Year's days! The fact is that with the rejection of the usual food, we automatically deprive ourselves of a large layer of familiar pleasures. It is no secret that for a modern person, food is primarily a pleasure. This is the wrong approach, and even vicious. But it happened and we all lived like this for quite a long time, all our lives. And then suddenly everything changes dramatically. The psyche is in a stupor, it needs compensation!

    Seriously complicating this situation is the fact that a new microphore will take a long time to form, I always set up "rookies" for a period of about a year. All this time, the body will be in a relative deficit of the right “fuel” and hunger can be both a constant phenomenon and periodically occurring, in the form of attacks lasting days and weeks.

    Now imagine that this physiological collapse is superimposed on a temporary inability to enjoy the usual source, which yesterday was denatured food for you. The seriousness of this test is difficult to exaggerate, agree.

    However, it is quite possible to fight gluttony, there are ways to do this.

    1. The most basic thing I would recommend is to always be busy. We eat most often in moments of idleness, food “successfully” fulfills the role of “occupation” for a modern person, regardless of the presence or absence of hunger as such. Therefore, if you are a happy owner of an interesting hobby or favorite job, it will be much easier for you. If there is no such case, urgently look for it. And it is advisable to start searching before you find yourself in a situation of total gluttony.

    Your task is to urgently look for alternative sources of pleasure! Do you remember yourself as a child, when you could be busy playing for days on end, and what a storm of indignation my mother sometimes caused when she called us for lunch or dinner, how we did not want to be cut off from the games! Remembered? And now we need to transfer food into the category of factors distracting from work, interesting, exciting things! I'm not saying that in the process of being busy, you need to have a snack on the go at random with the first unwashed cucumber that comes across (although it happened to me))), this is another extreme. But you will have to remove food from the category of significant rituals once and for all, otherwise you will not become a raw foodist for a long time.

    2. Measure out the amount of food you plan to eat. It is better to eat three oranges at once, wait half an hour and eat three more, than to gobble up three kilograms in one sitting. Either way, your stomach will thank you.

    3. Again and again I will speak out against the prescription raw food diet. It psychologically simplifies the transition for you, without breaking so sharply all the associative series associated with eating in the “past life”, but purely physiologically it only complicates the process. Monoraw food, as the simplest and most effective, saturates better, and the formation of microflora significantly accelerates. Decide how exactly you want to eat a raw food diet, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

    4. Master the technique of thorough chewing. It can be a good help in better assimilation of food, and therefore, saturation with micronutrients and glucose extracted from it. In general, I would advise turning meals into a ritual, but of a completely different nature. Make your lunch a meditation. In what sense? And in such that when you eat, in your mind there should be nothing but food. No books, no chatting with others, no TV, no internet. Chew thoroughly, from 30 or more times, it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Close your eyes while chewing, take a break from everything in these minutes. And if you still manage to connect visualization, imagining how all the useful components of your orange or apple are now penetrating into every cell of the body, making it younger, cleaner, healthier, then it will be just gorgeous!

    5. It is very good to immediately accustom yourself to breakfast much later than you are usually used to. In the morning, until 12 o'clock, the body is physiologically engaged in a completely different matter than the intake of new portions of food. He is scheduled to detox during this period. And the later you make the first meal, the better.

    I have now begun to master a new regimen for myself, the so-called quantum nutrition - when you start eating at 2 pm and finish at 5-6 pm. You can have time to eat twice, but ideally, as I understand it, it will be just one full meal. Let's wait and see how it turns out for me, but having tried to live like this for only a few days, I already see that there is nothing difficult in this, even with my early rise at 4 o'clock in the morning. The body is amazingly built, and forms new habits very quickly, especially if you often invite it to experience new experiences. Of course, for a beginner, this advice is premature, you need to eat as often as possible, preventing the feeling of hunger, but it is useful to keep in mind for the future.

    6. Additional energy is also very important. Since food cannot yet be its main source (however, I generally doubt that it should be), then you need to master simple techniques for obtaining energy from the sun, water, earth, trees. I already wrote about this, and on your own you can find a lot of descriptions on the net how to do it. In any case, you need to be in nature more often, breathe fresh air and touch the inexhaustible natural reserves of vitality.

    7. Connect sports, aerobic exercise. This cleanses the body, starts the processes of "acceleration" of blood and lymph, as the main substances of our body. Even regular walking can be a good help at the first stage if you are not used to loading yourself, for example, by running, or you simply do not have such an opportunity.

    8. At first, it is difficult for many to get enough of fruits, because the pathogenic flora is not able to digest them with high quality, but it starts the fermentation processes in an instant. Therefore, regulate the diet with vegetables and herbs, as sources of coarser fiber.

    9. There is also a purely psychological way to deal with zhor. Try to interrupt the satisfaction of hunger with another established habit. For example, you are used to brushing your teeth at night. That's good, but for now, try brushing your teeth an hour earlier than usual. After brushing your teeth, we don’t eat anymore - this has always been accepted by you, so the body should not rebel. You can, of course, come up with a lot of other options that are convenient for you, how and with what to distract yourself.

    10. Drink water. Clean, living, you don’t need to drink another and it’s harmful. This is a very good option to switch the body from the feeling of hunger, which is often false. Half a glass of water easily relieves an attack of zhora, until ... the next attack)) But at least you save the body a little from unnecessary overload caused by the constant processing of food. At this stage, he has a lot of other tasks related to the demolition of the old and the construction of the new, the “architecture” there is the most complicated, and such help from you will be accepted by the body with gratitude.

    11. You must understand that zhor at the initial stage of a raw food diet is a completely normal phenomenon, few managed to avoid it. The main thing here is to try to be in a conscious state, understand what is happening and take action in time, without falling into negative states. Over time, these processes will subside, and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of a raw food diet without the desire to constantly fill your stomach with insane amounts of food!

    Patience to you, calmness and awareness, everything will definitely work out!

    © Evgenia Dovzhenko. 2017. All rights reserved

    When switching to a raw food diet, do not forget that vegetables and fruits, in general, are low in calories. You will need to consume enough of them in order to reach the minimum daily calorie requirement. This should not worry you, just determine in advance for yourself the intake of nutrients and the required number of calories.

    In general, raw foods provide the body with much more easily digestible vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients than cooked foods, as nutrients can be lost during cooking. The exception is lycopene, the content of which increases in tomatoes during cooking, and several other similar substances. But their deficit is easy to make up for from a number of - again, still raw! - vegetables and fruits. For example, with regard to lycopene, it is found in watermelon, pink grapefruit and guava.

    The real challenge for the raw foodist is not trace elements, but the insidious feeling of hunger that can appear during the day. If you have learned to cope with this, then the second important point is the need to consume enough calories. Your diet should be varied and include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as (in reasonable amounts) healthy fat sources such as nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, olives.

    Remember that you are unique. The rate of calorie and nutrient intake for two raw foodists can differ - just as for two people who consume thermally processed food. The diet should take into account your individual calorie needs - they depend on age, lifestyle and many other factors.

    But there are general rules for everyone: consume enough healthy carbohydrates, plant-based protein and healthy fats (from nuts, etc.). So the first rule of a raw foodist is to eat enough, and that includes consuming enough different nutrients.

    We will tell you how to solve both problems of a raw food diet: firstly, how not to feel hungry, and secondly, how to consume different groups of nutrients without changing the chosen principles of a healthy raw diet in any way.

    1. Load up on fruit

    Fruits are high in fiber, which will help you feel full. Everyone knows that they are literally brimming with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so eating fruit is always the right thing to do!

    You should not treat fruits as something that is eaten "for dessert", "for dessert" or in small portions. Because it's not "sweet", but food. The sugar in fruits is not at all the same as in harmful sweets, but is in a “package” of healthy fiber, therefore it is absorbed much more slowly than, for example, fructose syrup or regular white sugar! Load up on fruit.

    How to prepare a complete, satisfying raw fruit dish - even easier and faster than a fruit salad? For example, you can make a smoothie by whisking together a few bananas, a cup of berries, and some freshly squeezed orange juice.

    Of course, fruits are also good as a dessert or a snack (including a late one - to get rid of the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, but also not to stuff it at night, for example, with nuts).

    Turn on your imagination - invent where else you can add fruit! For example, use them generously in vegetable salads and raw bread sandwiches. In fact, the possibilities of using fruits in raw food cooking are not limited.

    2. Drink more water

    It is clear that water is not as nutritious as fruits and vegetables. But it, firstly, is necessary for health; secondly, it gives a feeling of satiety, including between main meals. Drinking enough water gives a noticeable increase in vigor, and also speeds up metabolism and helps the body get rid of toxins that could “settle” somewhere in it a long time ago. Drink a large glass of water after every meal.

    If you find it difficult to drink a lot of water - let's not pretend, it can be really boring! - then diversify its taste. For example, add mint, vanilla or orange extract - you will no longer get water, but like a drink, which is much easier and more pleasant to consume in the amounts necessary for health. You can insist on herbs water (the same mint, or, for example, basil), putting the jug in the refrigerator overnight. Another win-win trick is to squeeze a fresh orange or lime into the water! You can diversify this solution by adding water, for example, fresh juice from grapes or kiwi juice.

    3. Include healthy fats in your diet

    Healthy sources of fat are needed as part of a raw diet because, like fruits, they contain a lot of fiber. In addition, fats are great for curbing hunger. Nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, durian (an exotic fruit) are excellent sources of healthy fat (unlike vegetable oils, which are also, of course, very fatty, these products also contain a lot of other useful substances). These foods can be consumed on their own or mixed into smoothies, salad dressings, sauces or soups. Feel free to create new amazing dishes! Avocado and coconut meat can be used in home cooking in the same way that nuts and seeds are added for fat and satiety, but they also make amazing ice cream!

    4. Avoid snacking

    Snacking is the answer to hunger for any raw foodist! Although raw fruits and vegetables are incredibly nutritious, they contain only a small amount of calories, so by eating only 3 times a day, it is difficult to meet the daily calorie requirement. You don't want to overeat... The solution is simple (and delicious): snack between meals!

    Make sure in advance that during the day you do not have a shortage of light snacks: for example, it can be washed and dried carrots, or celery pods, or dates - all this will wonderfully fit, including in a container in the glove compartment of a car. Keep a mixture of nuts, raisins and cocoa nibs on your desktop in the office and at home. And, of course, no one forbids you to take fruits everywhere with you - for example, a couple of oranges and apples.

    5. Plan your meals

    The quickest way to feel hungry on a raw diet is to skip meals. If you don't set a meal schedule for yourself, you're more likely to feel hungry every now and then.

    It only takes a few minutes to write down what you will eat (at least briefly) for the week ahead. It’s also a good idea to stock up on snacks for this period right after (see point above) so that you don’t have to think about it every day. What's more, you can even make your own salads, appetizers, dressings, and sauces ahead of time—and then just take them out of the fridge as needed. Cooking will go faster! The more you plan and prepare in advance, the better.

    If you follow these 5 simple tips, you will definitely be able to avoid feelings of hunger and lack of nutrients.

    18.02.2014 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

    Hello dear friends! Gradually, we, Vladimir and Pelagia, will post our work, which will help many beginners and not only raw foodists.

    So, let's move on to the topic of the article. With a sharp transition to a raw food diet, a novice raw foodist begins to eat. Yes, yes, a beginner raw foodist eats a lot!

    But what kind of food does he eat? These are mainly fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and honey. A person eats and eats, but the zhor does not go away, but grows even more.

    Many raw food gurus write off such a zhor for a transitional crisis, when the body eagerly begins to gain vitamins and micronutrients, which it was sorely lacking before the raw food diet.

    To some extent, this theory is correct. But only partly! Those who speak of this theory as the only correct one are greatly mistaken, because they do not want to delve into the biochemistry of human digestion. Therefore, they make such superficial theoretical conclusions about the transitional stage of the raw food diet.

    Now back to the raw food beginner. He himself develops pathogenic bacteria with his nutrition, because he eats food that feeds them. It's not even about whether this food is specific or not. At the transitional stage, he is not yet a raw foodist, but a very sick person.

    Fruits are ideal food for a healthy person, but not for a sick person. This is why raw foodists fail to properly switch to a raw food diet, suffer from breakdowns for years, or stop being raw foodists altogether!

    Why do they have eternal crises? Because each bacterium requires a different kind of food in order for its population to survive in your gut. And the one with the majority wins. It is logical that you need to "breed" your microflora, giving it specific food. Very desirable from the very beginning of the raw food diet!

    To do this, you need to eat not fruits, nuts and cereals, but vegetables, greens and oily seeds sometimes (when there is not enough energy from vegetables), sometimes you can eat some mono fruits. All!

    Fruits are delicious, and vegetables and herbs are healthy! Think about it. Empirically, I understood this, and decided to share it with you, because only this will help to avoid collapse at the initial stage of the raw food diet!

    After a few months of eating vegetables, you can eat as much fruit as you want. Only now they will be assimilated not by fermenters, but by friendly microflora, which will already have time to take dominance in your intestines.

    And further! If you have a large stomach, then on vegetables it will decrease - this is a fact, but on fruits, on the contrary, it will increase, and this will cause even more zhor. Therefore, after a vegetable diet, your stomach will decrease and be normal, and it will be difficult to overeat - the zhor will disappear. It will also be possible to satiate with a small amount of food and go (if you want) to a small diet with more raw food experience. And hunger strikes will be easier to give - this is a fact.

    Conclusions. Don't let gut bacteria rule your food choices, don't indulge your stupid body. If the will takes over, then you will certainly receive the benefits of a raw food diet that you intend to receive. Fruits, nuts, legumes and grains in transition are a road to nowhere, but rather to your breakdown from a raw food diet!

    But how to behave when the zhor comes? You can read in this article "Zhor on a raw food diet". Also, please leave your wishes and questions below - we will be happy to answer them.

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    The feeling of constant hunger is perhaps the main theme and problem of raw foodists, since all other problems on raw food are a thing of the past, but they also return immediately after another breakdown. In theory, the terrible consequences of a breakdown should again become a lesson and spur on the further continuation of a raw food diet.

    Nowadays, food has become not only a method of satisfying hunger, but also just such a means of obtaining pleasure or even a ritual. When we walk in the park, seeds, crackers and other small snacks should be an obligatory attribute, without which the walk itself does not make sense, walking along the street in the city center you definitely need to buy ice cream, go to the movies, this is already buying popcorn. It is much harder for a raw foodist to enjoy eating on the go, most likely they will have to be content with bananas alone, which are already sold in a real grocery store.

    How to deal with breakdowns on a raw food diet

    At first, the body of a raw foodist requires large amounts of raw food, then maybe in a month or two the body will begin to recover and will be saturated with less food, but at first it is necessary to endure, which will become a huge barrier to real health, which only a few can overcome.

    I don’t see anything so bad in breakdowns, this is a natural way, few people managed to tell themselves, since this morning I am a raw foodist or a fruit eater and I have been fulfilling my word given to myself for many years, and possibly for the rest of my life without disruptions. As a rule, serious motivation is needed, for example, incurable or serious diseases, pain can be a good motivation, for example, a stomach ulcer is a common chronic disease that can help you become a raw foodist, just try to sit on fruits alone without drinking coffee, beer, sugar and salt, not to mention about meat, bread and other bad things.

    On a raw food diet, the pain of a stomach ulcer completely disappears already on the third day, returning from a raw food diet to a normal diet, you will feel the return of the ulcer, well, that’s not an incentive to endure the feeling of zhora, in which case a person will be faced with a choice, to endure a constant feeling of hunger or constant stomach pains that also radiate to the back. The main cause of an ulcer can be overeating, when a person eats food larger than the size of his stomach, the stomach itself, full of food, tears off the valves through which the digestive juice is poured out to the wrong place.

    What happens in the stomach during the digestion of raw food, vegetables and fruits? Living food, once in the body, begins to be processed in the stomach by gastric juice. Hydrogen ions contained in the gastric juice penetrate into the cells of living food, destroy lysosomes and release the enzymes in the food that are languishing in prison, which begin to digest food cells themselves, in other words, we do not digest food, but food itself digests itself. It remains only to absorb the resulting substances. A different story happens with boiled food, dead food no longer wants to digest itself, it just wants to rot, all the resources of the stomach will be directed to trying to digest carrion with a huge expenditure of vital energy, which a raw foodist, unlike a non-raw foodist, can save, and this is the main motto of any cell in our body, saving and saving again, the more a person can save such cycles of food digestion, the longer he will live. Loss of enzymes can be compared to driving a car, consuming boiled food, a person constantly presses on the gas, while consuming raw food, idling down a hill.

    It is worth remembering that a person who eats modern dead food suffers from hunger, you just remember what kind of zhor even after eating cause flavoring additives and flavor enhancers, sugar, salt, pepper, the feeling of hunger does not let go even after the stomach is full of food under the most mute, but because everything is very tasty and you want more and more. On a raw food diet, at least a person feels real hunger, and not caused by flavor enhancers.

    Zhor can be divided into psychological and natural, in the first case a person seizes his problems, in the second case he lacks energy. If raw foodists claim that energy can appear in the human body only with the help of raw vegetables and fruits, then the zhor on a regular diet is understandable, but then what can we say about the zhor on a raw food diet, it seems that the body should be completely satisfied from this point of view.

    A novice raw foodist usually has very poor health, in which the body has not yet learned how to properly absorb live foods or has not adapted to a new style of eating, over time, the zhor will be less and less.

    But what then, you ask, happens to raw foodists who break down in the second year of this unusual lifestyle. Everyone has their own reason for the breakdown, most likely people have already felt very good, and a person gets used to good things quickly, it seems that excellent health has been achieved, but it is still not clear where it came from, the consequences of switching to dead food can clarify this issue again.

    In any case, the raw foodist's stomach becomes normal over time, so to speak, meaning its size, the smaller the stomach, the less the feeling of hunger. At least less food will be able to enter it, whatever quality it represents, living or dead food.

    The body on a raw food diet can send signals to the brain, so I'm losing extra weight, listen, let's throw a little firewood into the furnace. Such signals cause severe discomfort, which is the cause of breakdowns, here it remains only to endure. You want to eat, tell yourself mentally, well, I don’t care about weight, try to enjoy the feeling of hunger, suck in your stomach, know that at this moment there is a treatment and purification that distinguishes you from other mortal people. Over the long term of the raw food diet, the human body will learn to eat two apples or two bananas, by the way, imagine how much money it saves, after reading the reviews of most raw foodists, you can come to the conclusion that the raw food diet is not the cheapest style of food, it is true for Russia and other northern countries.

    Among other tips for killing zhor and appetite, one can cite as an example a raw-mono diet, when all fruits and vegetables are consumed in one meal separately without mixing with others, in any case, zhor provokes variety, mixing and strong taste, all these things must be avoided. The raw foodist who refused to season salads with salt, onions and spices will soon pass away, and the one who could not refuse flavor enhancers will continue to suffer without having established the correct microflora in the stomach and not having received 100% health and cleansing.

    The more the body is spoiled with spicy tastes, the more it needs additional thrills, so a raw foodist will get exactly the same pleasure from an apple as an ordinary person from coffee, chocolate and meat fertilized with flavor enhancers.

    In conclusion, I note that the most appetizing time is from three to five in the afternoon, it is at this time that the maximum digestive fire is played out, which must be suppressed with high-calorie fruits, such as bananas, after you overcome this time, the feeling of hunger will pass. Any food is a ritual that has strongly stuck in the brain, before you sit down you still need to buy, then wash, cook, arrange in beautiful plates, not only the process of eating brings pleasure, but also preparation and expectation. On a raw food diet, a person knows that apart from an apple for dinner, he will not get anything, that's confusion, but what to do, what to do, just like people who quit smoking feel it.

    Try to live as a single person, because your stomach has left you, which you had to constantly look after, take care of, feed, check how he feels and run to him every evening, this is the time when you can forget about problems, rituals and devote time to your loved one, slim and handsome. Probably someone else will like the new you too, enjoy how others admire you, try to enjoy other things, read a book, buy yourself high-quality audio-video equipment, become a music lover or computer gamer, find yourself a hobby or become more time to devote to work, which will bring additional income. Remember that it is better to be rich, healthy and beautiful than not a raw foodist.

    Zhor is a starving devil, who was born by saturating the human body with poisons that were released during the digestion of dead food, only when this devil completely dies of hunger, only then the Raw Eater becomes completely healthy and not subject to hunger.

    That's all, thanks and bad appetite to you!

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