• Hair coloring with Indian henna at home. Hair dyeing with henna: personal experience and useful tips. Ways to remove henna from hair


    I took excerpts from two different articles that I liked)... Maybe it will be useful for someone else, and for myself, of course)

    Henna and basma are natural dyes that do not penetrate the hair. They are able to bind to keratin and are fixed at the cuticle level, envelop the shaft and are placed on top of the main pigment of the hair. Therefore, the color after dyeing will depend on the original hair tone. Also, it is impossible to obtain a lighter shade with henna and basma.

    Henna contains orange dye, basma - blue.

    The color after painting depends on several factors:

    Depending on the duration of dyeing - the longer, the richer and darker the color. Duration varies from 15 minutes to several hours.

    It depends on the temperature - the warmer it is, the better the coloring process goes.

    From the original hair color - the lighter, the brighter. The darker, the richer and deeper the tone.

    Depending on the thickness and structure of the hair, thin and damaged hair is colored faster and brighter.

    There are two methods of coloring:

    Combined - when henna and basma are mixed and coloring occurs in one stage.

    Separate - coloring is done first with henna, then with basma or mixtures in different proportions.

    When dyed together, the colors are warmer in red, chestnut, brown and chocolate tones with a reddish sheen.

    If there is little henna in the mixture (1 part henna and 3 parts basma), you will get the color of dark chocolate with virtually no red tint. On light hair that has not been previously dyed with henna, a high content of basma can give a greenish tint and be quite light. Therefore, if you want to dye your light or gray hair dark, for the first time it is better to apply dyeing in two stages - first with henna, then with basma.

    When dyed separately, the colors are cooler in light brown, brown, chocolate and black tones without a reddish sheen. But in order for such a shade to be fixed on the hair (since basma is washed off faster than henna and a warm red color begins to appear), you need to do several dyes once a week or two, reducing the exposure time (you can use one basma - if there is henna on the hair, basma does not give blue color), so as not to darken the tone, after this you can only tint the regrown roots.

    Extract first henna on the hair, then basma:

    15 - 20 minutes (brown shade)

    1 - 1.5 hours (dark chocolate)

    2 - 3 hours (black cool color)

    Henna and basma tend to accumulate on the hair; after repeated dyeing, the color becomes richer, deeper and darker.

    Very light hair, blond

    Red shade:

    in half an hour he will give us a composition in which there is 2 times more henna than basma. We will get a fiery red tone in just an hour and only from henna.

    In 4 hours the color will turn dark red.

    Chestnut shade:

    will give a solution with double or triple the advantage of basma compared to henna: the more basma, the darker the color.

    Also, the longer the procedure, the more intense the result, so we begin observation after half an hour, and the maximum time that gives a golden chestnut tone is 4 hours.

    A spoonful of cocoa or ground coffee, but not instant coffee, will add an attractive chocolate tint.

    A soft chestnut tone will appear from brewing the mixture with 2 tablespoons of chamomile infusion.

    Dark brown:

    Blondes will acquire a dark brown shade only with repeated dyeing. It is even more difficult for them to get black.

    At the same time, we take 4 times more basma than henna.

    Light brown and ash brown hair

    Light shades:

    We will get a reddish tint from henna alone: ​​in half an hour - a light reddish color, in an hour - a full reddish one, and in 3 hours - a dark reddish one.

    Chestnut color:

    we are guaranteed an equal ratio of basma to henna.

    In half an hour the color will become red-chestnut, in an hour - natural chestnut, in 4 hours - dark golden chestnut.

    Dark shades:

    Hair will turn dark brown with a double portion of basma compared to henna.

    In an hour, the color of the curls will become perfectly brown, in 3 hours - matte brown.

    Compositions with a triple dose of basma and one dose of henna will make us brunettes in 4 hours.

    Adding dry cloves to the gruel will enrich black curls with reddish tints, and a decoction of oak bark will speed up their darkening.

    Brown hair


    Again, we can achieve a red color exclusively with henna: from rich - in just half an hour to chestnut with a reddish shine - in 4 hours.


    We will achieve dark chestnut color from the same amount of basma and henna.

    We leave the thick consistency on the hair for from half an hour to 4 hours, depending on the depth of the desired tone.

    We brew the paste with chamomile infusion to soften the brightness or with oak bark to, on the contrary, enhance the color.

    A couple of spoons of red wine will illuminate your curls with a charming reddish shine.


    A perfect black color will be obtained by combining a triple portion of basma with one henna. However, let’s take half as much tea leaves, coffee, cocoa for light toning - and the undertones will be more refined.

    Cloves crushed for culinary spices do not contain acid, and therefore do not weaken the tone, but decorate black curls with reddish reflections.

    A decoction of pharmaceutical oak bark in the coloring mass guarantees the desired darkening of the strands.

    Dark brown, black hair


    Henna with the addition of chamomile infusion and juice from half a lemon will provide a pleasant reddish tint to very dark strands within an hour.


    A full-fledged rich black color with rich chestnut highlights will suit us in 4 hours with a composition of 1 part henna, 3 parts basma and steeply brewed tea, exclusively black.

    On a note):

    • We will not then repaint strands colored with henna or basma with chemical cosmetics, otherwise the result will be unexpected;
    • We also do not expose curls previously colored with modern synthetic dyes to basma or henna;
    • We protect hair after these natural components from other hairdressing chemicals: highlighting, curling, lamination, toning;
    • Sometimes you need to refresh the color so that a purple tint does not appear on basma-dyed curls.

    Henna is a hair coloring material that is absolutely safe when used independently. Despite this, the home dyeing method can be quite troublesome, but the result can exceed all expectations.

    Vegetable dyes have long been at the service of the beauty of all mankind. In Ancient Egypt, for example, red henna was common, which helped change skin color. This dye of natural origin is extracted from the uppermost young leaves of Lawsonia. The bush is pruned, the leaves are placed in the shade to preserve the coloring pigment and ground into powder.

    Typical variety of henna

    Before you understand how to dye your hair with henna, you need to decide what shade you want to get. The final result depends entirely on the type of coloring powder itself. In addition, the type of hair, its actual condition, and the type of previous dye have an impact.

    Indian henna for hair

    Indian henna for hair has seven different shades depending on the intensity of the coloring and the choice of the powder itself. You can get both black and golden hair shades. Colorless henna is often used to heal the hair fiber from previous damage. All shades of this type of powder belong to a warm palette with reddish undertones. If you mix in different proportions, you can achieve a richer variety of colors and maximum color saturation.

    Manufacturers have developed five main shades of Indian henna:

    • Golden. Suitable for women with light brown hair and blondes.
    • Brown. Designed specifically for brown-haired women and those with light brown hair.
    • Burgundy. Hair takes on the shade of aged expensive wine, but this solution is not suitable for everyone. Women with dark hair should focus on their own color type.
    • Mahogany. Looks great on natural brown hair.
    • Black Indian henna hair dye. As a result of coloring, a deep dark brown tone with notes of dark chocolate is formed.

    Indian henna for hair: reviews, scope of application

    The benefits of this herbal hair dye are endless, as confirmed by numerous reviews. Among the positive characteristics are rapid growth, strengthening of roots, cure for dandruff. All beneficial properties accumulate with longer use of the substance. Henna has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles.

    The effect of the procedure can last up to 4 months. As they grow, it will only be necessary to tint the roots. In addition, this particular product allows you to perfectly cover gray hair, and the resulting shade will pleasantly surprise you with its resistance to sun exposure and the influence of salt water, which is extremely important on vacation.

    Iranian henna

    The main difference between Iranian henna and Indian henna is that it allows you to dye your hair chestnut color with minimal glimpses of copper and reddish undertones. It is advisable to use such dyeing material only for those girls who want to get natural hair shades of different tones.

    Iranian henna comes in one variety and has a narrower color range, which eliminates the appearance of rich copper and red tones. Hair acquires a calmer and more natural color, oil content at the roots decreases, the structure becomes denser, which makes it more well-groomed, shiny, and flowing.

    Sudanese henna

    The powder is produced in Saudi Arabia and allows you to obtain a beautiful copper undertone, the saturation of which remains for a long period of time. This is the henna for hair whose reviews are always positive. The dye is of the highest quality, with a minimum content of impurities.

    How to dye your hair with henna at home

    Regardless of the type of henna, the dry powder is diluted to the consistency of sour cream with hot water. It is advisable to use a glass container for work to avoid unwanted reactions. After this, the substance is applied to the head, starting from the back of the head, along the entire length of the hair. Dyed hair is protected with a plastic cap and placed in heat, which usually helps to organize a terry towel. Basma is often involved in the dyeing process, which allows you to obtain a darker, deeper and more saturated shade. By varying the proportions of basma and henna, you can easily look for new images and achieve harmless changes in your own appearance. True, the resulting reddishness is quite difficult to get rid of, and if the products are used incorrectly, a greenish tint may appear.

    Basic principles of coloring

    1. When dyeing dark hair with henna alone in the standard proportion, which is indicated in the instructions on the package, you can get a red tint. Blonde and gray hair can take on a dramatic bright orange color when using Indian henna.
    2. The interaction of henna and basma can give the redhead a noble sound. To do this, you should use the following principles:
    • two parts basma to one part henna - bronze shade;
    • one part basma to part henna - chestnut color;
    • one part basma and two parts henna - dark chestnut;
    • four parts basma to one part henna - black;
    • When dyed, simple basma gives off a green tint.

    Atypical henna dyeing at home

    The above-described formulas for the proportional formation of the dye can be enriched with some natural components, which make it possible to obtain atypical tones. Dyeing your hair with henna won't make it any more difficult, but you can enhance your natural shades without much hassle.

    1. A teaspoon of cocoa will give the shade a hint of mahogany undertones. This solution will help visually rejuvenate your face.
    2. A few drops of iodine will help create a golden tint.
    3. Red-chestnut undertones can be created using a decoction of onion peels. The mixture of henna and basma is simply diluted with a decoction instead of water.
    4. Hibiscus decoction will give your hair a distinct reddish tint.
    5. Cinnamon powder added to henna will help achieve a pleasant chocolate shade.
    6. For short hair, it is enough to use fifty grams of dry powder.
    7. For medium hair, it is rational to use a volume of 150 grams.
    8. Long hair may require the use of 200 grams of dry powder.

    Dependence of the amount of dry powder on hair length

    When asking questions about how to dye your hair with henna, you should follow one simple rule. The dye should not be saved or spared; the hair should literally bathe in it, each hair should be enveloped in henna on all sides. It is better to initially prepare a little more substance than to then catch up with the shade with multiple dyes.

    It is necessary to rinse the substance from your hair without shampoo, but with balm, which will allow you to more efficiently remove powder particles from your hair. The final shade should be expected on the third day after dyeing.

    How long should the powder be left on the hair?

    The question of how long to keep henna on your hair is controversial. The time for applying the powder depends entirely on the initial condition of the hair. In addition, you need to have at least the slightest idea of ​​what shade you want to get. In order for the hair to acquire a pleasant red color, henna is applied for 5-10 minutes. The effect on dark hair increases to two hours. Some women, wanting to cover up their gray hair, leave the mixture of henna and basma on all night.

    Dyed, highlighted, chemically permed hair absorbs the dye much faster due to its porosity - this must be taken into account when calculating the exposure time.

    How to dye dark hair with henna

    Henna powder is ideal for coloring dark hair. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that after such staining, vegetable dye may not give entirely expected results. Henna works perfectly on dark hair, but you must strictly follow the dyeing rules.

    Henna is diluted to the desired consistency and applied to the hair in the usual way. Along the entire visible hairline, the skin is pre-treated with a cream that will help avoid the appearance of spots in these areas.

    Before work, you should take into account that the strands dry quickly and become much heavier, so it will be useful to stock up on special clips.

    If you wash off the dye after an hour and a half, you can get a beautiful and rich color. Henna on dark hair never gives extremely bright shades, it only ennobles and deepens the natural color.

    Possibilities of colorless henna

    Hair coloring with henna, which is called colorless, also has its obvious advantages. These are also dried and crushed parts of lavsonia, but the material is taken not from the stems, but from the leaves, which causes the absence of a coloring pigment. The main value lies in the amazing healing properties of such henna, but few people know how to dye hair with henna without color.

    Even a few colorings done with colorless henna can eliminate the need for a trip to a beauty salon. The hair will acquire amazing silkiness, volume, shine and manageability.

    • colorless henna works to strengthen hair follicles, prevent subsequent hair loss, and improve blood circulation in the scalp;
    • active hair growth is stabilized;
    • oily and dry dandruff disappears;
    • oiliness of the scalp is regulated;
    • the structure of each hair is improved, the hair acquires strong internal density;
    • curls become elastic, shiny and voluminous.

    Despite all the advantages of such a natural dye as henna, the powder has one significant drawback - with frequent use it causes dry hair; for greater benefits, it is not enough to know how to dye your hair with henna. A simple tip will help you avoid such manifestations: before coloring, add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to the paste. Any oil will eliminate the occurrence of dryness and is characterized by additional properties. For example, ylang-ylang oil gives hair a unique mirror shine, jojoba nourishes tired hair drooping from negative influences, wheat germ oil revives brittle and thinning hair. This approach will completely eliminate all the negative effects of any type of henna, but when using oils you should not neglect the dosage - two or three drops are enough.

    If you pay attention to the reviews about this plant dye, they always sound positive. It is noted that, provided that the type of henna is chosen correctly, in 90% of cases it is possible to achieve the desired shade.

    Whatever method of transformation a woman chooses, it is impossible to achieve perfect beauty without a kind smile and shining eyes. Enjoy life, be friendly, and the red tint of your hair will perfectly complement this beautiful image.

    If you want to refresh and renew your hair color, then it may be difficult for you to choose red dye. But this does not mean that you will need to use regular paint with harmful chemicals. Using henna is a gentle, natural way to achieve red hair color and at the same time improve its condition. Using henna for the first time can seem like a rather time-consuming process, so you need to learn as many techniques and tips on how to use it as possible.


    Part 1

    Henna preparation

      Consider your natural hair color. Natural henna has a reddish-copper hue, but is translucent so your natural hair color will show through. On very dark hair, henna will most likely not give a noticeable shade, but will simply add shine.

      • Light blond, gray and white hair colors will acquire a vibrant and bright reddish hue after applying henna.
      • Transitional colors, such as dark blonde or light brown, become more saturated, almost chestnut.
      • If you have red or brown hair, you most likely won't see much difference after dyeing with henna. However, henna will enhance the natural color and cover up gray tones.
      • Dark hair tones, including chocolate brown and black, will not benefit much from henna, but your locks will still be shiny and vibrant.
      • Keep in mind that you will not end up with a uniform tone if you have gray shades in addition to the main color. Henna will highlight gray strands that can blend harmoniously with light and transitional shades. With dark hair, red splashes can look strange.
    1. Measure out the required amount of henna. The amount needed depends on the length of your hair, and the longer it is, the more henna you will need. Henna powder is sold in packages, but it can also be purchased in compressed form. Read the package directions carefully to determine the amount you need.

      Mix the henna with the liquid in a small bowl. Warm water works best to create a thick, mud-like paste. Try to mash out as many lumps as possible until the mixture reaches the consistency of yogurt.

      Cover the mixture with plastic wrap or an airtight lid. For best results, leave the mixture for 12 hours. The longer you leave the mixture, the brighter your hair will become. A dark place and room temperature are the best conditions for storing henna.

      Part 2

      Applying henna
      1. Check the consistency of the henna before applying. It may be too thick, so you will need to add a little liquid. Add liquid little by little until the henna becomes smooth and mud-like.

        Protect yourself from stains. Henna stains everything it comes into contact with, including the skin, so you need to make sure you cover all the necessary areas. Apply petroleum jelly or another thick cream or balm along the hairline, around the ears and on the neck to prevent skin staining. Be sure to wear rubber, latex, or other gloves while applying henna to your hair.

        • Wear clothes that you are not afraid of accidentally dripping or staining with henna while dyeing, as you will not be able to wash it later.
        • It's best to apply henna in the shower or bath, so you don't have to worry about stains on furniture, carpets, or other surfaces.
        • It is necessary to immediately wipe the area where henna is accidentally applied. The longer it remains on the skin, the more noticeable the stain will be. It may take several days for the henna to completely wash out.
      2. Divide your hair into sections. Henna is much thicker than other dyes, so spreading it evenly over the entire surface of the head can be quite a difficult process. Working with individual strands will make it easier. To begin, gather your hair into a bun and secure it, leaving only a small strand about three centimeters wide.

        Apply henna to every strand of your hair. You want to completely cover the hair, so don't be afraid to apply too much of the mixture. Take your time and make sure to apply it to every strand.

        Cover your head with a cellophane cap or film. Henna works best when it's warm, so doing this will give you a richer red color. After studying the instructions on the henna package, you will understand for what period of time you need to leave it on your hair. This can take anywhere from one to six hours, but the longer the henna is left on the hair, the richer the resulting color will be.

        • Three to four hours will give you a rich red color.
        • If you have a naturally dark complexion, you can leave the henna on for six hours to achieve a reddish tint.

      Part 3

      Hair rinsing
      1. Rinse the henna with warm water. You can wash it off in the shower, but henna tends to stain the skin even while rinsing. If you are concerned about this, try rinsing your hair over a bathtub or sink. You should wear gloves when rinsing because you can still get your hands dirty. It may take several rinses to completely remove the henna from your hair.

        • Start rinsing with clean water. If you have difficulty washing out henna residue from your hair, you can use a mild shampoo. Using shampoo will also help remove the earthy smell of henna that can linger on your hair for several days after coloring.
      2. Allow your hair to air dry. You can use a towel, but never a hair dryer, because heat can dry out your curls.

        • Since henna has a positive effect on hair health, you can use it as often as you like. It will improve the condition of your hair and give it shine.
        • Touch-ups can be done locally, applied just to the roots, or the entire surface of the hair can be covered with henna, using it as a deep conditioning treatment.
      • Remember that your natural hair color will affect the final shade after using henna.
      • It is best to use henna on dry hair.
      • Buy henna that does not contain any additional components. Make sure that the product can actually be used on your hair.
      • Henna actually improves the condition of your hair, so you can use it as often as you like.
      • It's not a good idea to use henna on your eyebrows as it can get into your eyes and leave marks on your skin. Use brow pencil, powder or auburn eyeshadow if you want your brow color to match your hair color.


      • Hair dye should not be used over henna. Talk to your stylist if you are unhappy with the color you received before re-dying your hair.
      • Henna color appears differently on each person, so don't expect your hair to be the same shade you saw in the photo.
      • Do not use henna on chemically treated hair unless you are using henna on your body.

    Henna is a hair dye that has been known to mankind for a very long time. It is used both to change color and to restore the health of curls. There are certain rules for using such a natural dye, and only if they are followed will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

    The biggest advantage of using henna for hair coloring is that it is an absolutely natural dye, which not only does not harm the health of the strands, but in many cases helps solve the problems of their fragility, excessive dryness or oiliness, and others. In addition, henna:

    • has a beneficial effect on hair follicles, which accelerates the growth of curls;
    • eliminates dandruff, regardless of the reasons for its appearance;
    • restores hair after aggressive treatment, even if it is severely damaged;
    • makes curls shiny, strong and “manageable”, which simplifies their styling;
    • provides a red tint - it looks so natural that not even the most expensive and well-known chemical paint can achieve a similar effect.

    The paint does not contain ammonia, so it is non-toxic and does not cause allergies (exceptions occur, but are extremely rare). Henna can be used even during pregnancy, breastfeeding and all diseases of internal organs and systems.

    Disadvantages of the procedure

    Firstly, henna is practically not washed out of the hair, so it will not be possible to quickly change the image. This is due to the fact that the dye penetrates under the scales of each hair, and is “sealed” on top with a thin film. There are several homemade masks that will help speed up the process of getting rid of bad color, but it will still take some time.

    Secondly, doctors are well aware that natural dye dries out curls greatly. If a woman uses henna too often and regularly tints the roots and ends of her hair, the result will be not only damage to its appearance, but also brittleness, fluffiness and thinning.

    Third, if you dye your hair with chemicals quickly and easily (30-40 minutes is enough to get the result), then the henna dyeing procedure will be longer and more labor-intensive. To do this, you need to set aside an hour and a half of free time and prepare for the fact that it will be dirty, and henna cannot be washed, washed off or washed off.

    How often can you do it

    Many people believe that if the composition of henna is natural, then you can use it as often as you want. But trichologists warn that if the dye in question is used too often, it accumulates in the hair structure. This leads to gluing of scales, heavier strands, dullness and dryness.

    The optimal mode for using henna for coloring is once every 2 months, but you can adjust the color of the roots with any frequency. The natural dye is highly resistant, so in two months the hair color will not become dull and faded.

    Preparation and methodology

    Before dyeing your hair, you need to wash it with shampoo and dry it slightly by blotting with a towel - this will be the preparatory stage. But then you need to strictly adhere to the following algorithm:

    How to paint correctly at home

    Henna is interesting because it colors light brown, gray and dark hair in different shades. In order to be pleased with the results of the procedure, you need to know some of the features of its implementation at home.

    Watch the video on how to dye your hair with henna:

    Dark hair

    If your hair is dark in color, then dyeing with henna will give it a beautiful and noble copper or reddish tint. The problem can appear quite unexpectedly - the natural dye gives a little redness to the hair. If this moment does not bother you, then you can carry out the procedure safely, but if you do not want such an effect It is worth combining henna with one of the following components:

    • basma - in proportion with henna 1:3, respectively;
    • strong coffee made from roasted beans;
    • Concentrated decoction of chamomile flowers: 1 tablespoon of plant material per 100 ml of water, boil in a water bath for at least 5 minutes;
    • lemon juice is added to ready-made, but too thick paint, in small quantities - 1 tablespoon is enough for a serving of 25 g of powder.

    If you need to dye your dark hair a deep copper color, you will need to prepare a composition of 100 g of henna and hot water (immediately dilute the powder to a pasty state) with the addition of 2 tablespoons of warm honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cloves. But you need to keep the dye on your hair for at least 3 hours.

    Blonde hair

    In this case you need to be very careful! Often, blond hair under the influence of henna becomes so red that it is associated with the “pluck your eye” effect. It would be appropriate to use those additives in the process of preparing the coloring composition that will help darken, make the color less bright:

    • saffron – 1 teaspoon of plant material per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain;
    • turmeric - added to dry henna in a ratio of 1:4, respectively;
    • rhubarb decoction - you need to chop the stems and leaves of the plant and boil them for half an hour, you will need a glass of the plant and 3 glasses of water.

    To prevent initially light hair from becoming noticeably red after the procedure, you need to add cinnamon powder to the dye - about 1 teaspoon per 100 g of henna powder. Next, everything is prepared according to the standard algorithm.

    In order not to make a mistake in choosing a specific composition, it is worth testing each on a small strand of hair, which will not be too noticeable in the hairstyle.

    Grey hair

    It must be remembered that if gray hair is present on the head in large quantities (more than 40% of the total volume), then dyeing with henna is extremely undesirable. The fact is that the result may not only not be to your liking, but can be catastrophic - reddish-red strands, unevenly colored and creating a sloppy look. But if gray hair has just begun to appear, then you should try this composition:

    The composition must be applied according to the classical algorithm, left for at least 3 hours, it is better to leave the dye for 4 - 5 hours, since gray hair requires longer exposure. For curls of this color, this is a real “salvation”, as they will not only acquire a beautiful color, but will also become shiny, silky and a little more voluminous.

    Important nuances when dyeing hair with henna

    In order for the procedure to proceed easily and give the desired results, you need to take into account the following points:

    If you follow all the recommendations, henna dyeing brings only positive emotions. But what should you do if, after washing off the composition, you can see that the result is not at all what it should have been? Yes, natural paints are extremely difficult to wash off, but you can speed up the process of washing out foreign pigment a little. To do this, you should make the following masks:

    • olive oil is applied to the entire surface of the head and strands, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, everything is left for 4 - 8 hours;
    • Each strand and scalp are thoroughly wiped with medical alcohol (if the hair is excessively dry, then the alcohol is diluted with water in equal proportions), then any vegetable oil is immediately applied to the hair, wrapped and left for 30 - 50 minutes;
    • All hair and scalp are lubricated with non-acidic, fatty sour cream, a “greenhouse” is created on the head from cellophane and a towel, and everything is washed off only after 60 minutes.

    Such masks will need to be made daily for 3 to 5 days. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely wash out the pigment, but it is possible to make the color more correct.

    Henna is a natural dye that will not only be a substance for changing your image, but will also help restore and improve the health of your hair. It is extremely rare that negative results are observed when dyeing with this product; for example, the hair may simply “not accept” the foreign pigment. But if you strictly adhere to the procedure algorithm, then no troubles will occur, and your hair will become shiny, with a beautiful shade.

    Being a natural dye, henna came to the modern world from the distant past. Previously, it was used exclusively for creating tattoos and mehendi (temporary body painting). Currently, henna is very popular because it restores damaged strands, gives hair a natural shine and emphasizes the depth of color. Henna is an ideal option for oily hair; it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    How to choose henna for hair coloring

    Henna is made from the leaves of the lawsonia plant, which grows in Egypt, India and the Middle East. The plant is first dried, then manually ground until dust forms.

    According to their territorial purpose, Iranian and Indian henna are distinguished. In terms of their characteristics as a dye, they are almost identical, with the exception of two differences - price and practicality. Indian henna is more expensive and harder to find, while Iranian henna is sold in any cosmetic store at an affordable price.

    Indian henna is easier to wash off from the hair, due to which the end result is always uniform. This is not observed in Iranian cases. To achieve a uniform coloring you will have to work hard.

    If you decide to give preference to an elite series in the form of Indian henna, purchase it in professional cosmetics stores or online. In the second case, go to the website of the official manufacturer, ask about the availability of all certificates, and only then fill out the order form.

    You can verify the quality of the product after purchasing it. Brown color indicates the expiration date, dirty swamp color indicates that the henna is fresh.

    Before the procedure, it is important to acquire basic knowledge. The dye composition does not penetrate into the hair shaft; it lingers only in the top layer. Neither Iranian nor Indian henna guarantees a copper or red hue. The final result depends on the current color of your hair.

    So, light-blond beauties will be able to create a golden head, while girls with chocolate-colored hair can’t dream of this.

    Remember, natural henna does not lighten hair! If a store consultant furiously asserts the opposite, this indicates the artificial composition of the dye.

    Positive properties of henna:

    • eliminates dandruff, treats minor inflammations on the scalp;
    • nourishes weak, dull and lifeless hair;
    • dyeing is acceptable during pregnancy;
    • protects from the harmful effects of environmental factors (sea water, wind, sun, etc.);
    • creates visual thickness by thickening the hair;
    • paints in a deep and rich color;
    • has accumulative properties of a coloring pigment;
    • normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum;
    • restores hair with moderate frequency of coloring;
    • Colorless henna heals hair many times better than colored henna.

    Negative properties of henna:

    • the composition is poorly washed out of the top layer of hair;
    • the difficulty of covering the pigment with other paints;
    • an unexpected result is possible during the first staining;
    • significant difference in the final result and the shade indicated on the packaging;
    • frequent and prolonged dyeing turns hair into a “loofah”;
    • the impossibility of using the composition as a clarifier;
    • incorrect coloring of gray hair (the difference in color remains);
    • the impossibility of carrying out the procedure on hair dyed with permanent dyes;
    • there are a large number of fakes, it is difficult to identify the natural dye.

    Contraindications to hair coloring with henna:

    • burnt and split hair;
    • perm;
    • preliminary hair dyeing with ammonia dyes;
    • large area of ​​gray hair (more than 35%).

    Many girls, upon hearing the word “henna,” immediately imagine fiery red strands. However, the situation is different. Depending on what kind of tint you want to get, natural ingredients are added to henna. Let's look at everything in order.

    Adding clove infusion, strong brewed black tea or natural brewed coffee will help to deepen the chestnut color or create it from scratch.

    To give your hair a mischievous golden shine, dilute the powder with chamomile infusion, turmeric spices, rhubarb or saffron.

    If you want to fix the copper tint, use a decoction of onion peels. It can be added directly to henna or used as a rinse after dyeing.

    Girls who want to achieve a lasting chocolate shade are recommended to dilute henna in a decoction of the kernels and shells of unripe walnuts.

    You can give your hair a burgundy or eggplant shade using hibiscus, beets, elderberry juice, madder root or red wine.

    Experts advise experimenting with different shades using Indian henna. As mentioned earlier, Iranian henna is cheap and unpredictable.

    Before you begin the procedure, you need to prepare the composition for coloring. Henna is available in 25 g bags, 3 pcs in a box. One sachet is enough for short hair, two are used for medium-length hair, and three are used to color long curls.

    Dilute the composition taking into account individual characteristics. In a glass or ceramic container, pour the powder with hot water (not boiling water!), close the lid and leave for 25 minutes. The mixture should not be liquid, but viscous. You can also pour the mixture with water at room temperature and leave it overnight; by morning the henna will be ready for coloring.

    Experts advise adding several egg yolks or full-fat kefir to the diluted powder. With the help of simple manipulations, the composition will be easier to apply, and the hair will be enriched with nutrients.

    Despite the fact that henna is a natural dye, be sure to wear rubber or plastic gloves. Prepare a brush or food-grade sponge for application, and change into old clothes.

    The main difference between henna and ammonia dyes is that the mixture is applied to clean hair. Otherwise, the composition is distributed unevenly, forming strange and ugly patterns on the hair.

    1. Wash your hair with shampoo, do not use conditioner. Gather them into a ponytail and squeeze out excess liquid. Wrap your head in a cotton towel and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed (15-20 minutes). After time, comb the strands with a comb with sparse and wide teeth.
    2. Before applying henna to the entire surface of the hair, it is recommended to conduct a test. Put on gloves and select 1 thin strand on the lower part of the back of the head. Take a little product onto a brush or sponge and color the curl, wait 35 minutes. Rinse off the composition and evaluate the result. Depending on the required color intensity, you will subsequently need to increase or decrease the exposure time.
    3. Take a rich cream, cover your ears, neck, temples, forehead with it, do not touch your hair. This is worth doing in order not to stain the skin, because henna is difficult to wash off.
    4. Divide your hair into 8-10 equal parts, break them into strands 2 cm wide and pin them at the roots. Open one on the back of the head and start coloring.
    5. Place a strand on your hand, put a lot of henna on the brush and distribute it over the entire curl. The product is applied only in a generous layer, otherwise there will be unpainted areas. Cover the entire strand from root to tip at once. This technique will reduce the time for the procedure and allow you to get monochromatic hair.
    6. Wrap the dyed strand with foil, loosen another curl at the back of your head, and do the same. After you have treated the entire occipital area, smoothly move to the crown. Start coloring symmetrically from top to bottom, going down to the ears. Also wrap the strands in foil.
    7. A good effect can be achieved if you additionally wrap your head with cling film, collecting all the strands under it. Then you can wrap it in a warm terry towel. This advice should be ignored by fair-haired ladies, since instead of a beautiful red shade, you may end up with a dirty carrot or orange color.
    8. Now you need to keep the composition on your hair for a certain period of time. The approximate period is indicated by the manufacturer in the attached instructions, but you should not believe it blindly. You have already carried out a test on your individual strand, build on this.
    9. There is a general recommended exposure time, but this is for guidance only. So, fair-haired beauties need to keep henna on for 25 to 40 minutes. For blondes, 10-20 minutes is enough, dark-haired ladies have it the worst: the time the paste is left on the hair ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours, in some cases the composition can be left overnight (black, brown, burgundy hair).
    10. The mixture is washed off with warm water one strand at a time. Remove the foil, rinse the curl, and move on to the next one. Moreover, it is important to know that washed hair should not come into contact with dyed hair. After you have processed all the strands, apply balm to them, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. Only after this you need to use shampoo and conditioner again. This is an unusual feature that is present when removing henna from hair.

    Before you start coloring, make sure there are no contraindications. Choose a suitable shade, add natural ingredients if desired. Don't forget to do a color intensity test. You cannot use henna on hair that has been pre-dyed with permanent dyes.

    Video: how to dye your hair with henna

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