• Baby buildings on a kindergarten plot with their own hands. How to equip the playground with the help of healthy means? Children's playground from undergraduate materials: Preparatory stage


    The playground is considered an important element of each modern country area if the younger generation lives on the territory. Acquisition of swings and similar attributes - the pleasure is not from cheap.

    It is much easier and more affordable at the cost of building a children's playground from girlfriend with their own hands. Let's talk about this issue in more detail.

    Project process

    The most important condition for the creation of a platform for children is to carry out the design so that the structure is reliable, as well as as safe as possible.

    In addition, by defining the site of the construction site, you need to navigate the place with excellent visibility.

    In addition, the idea for the playground should not be provided for the arrangement on the site of children's games of wires, various traumatic corners. The site should not be equipped next to the pool or river.

    Place for games should be as smooth, equipped with a soft surface capable of minimizing the risk of injury during a random drop.

    When choosing a suitable material for registration of the playground, stop the selection on a natural array, which is harmless, practical, as well as easy to use.

    Also, wood is simple in processing, thanks to which it is possible to build any designs from it.

    Straining crafts from wood for the playground in a variety of shades, you can get an attractive externally area for active games of your kids.

    Preferably, initially develop the appropriate drawings on the sheet of paper. In project documentation, definitely indicate the sizes of details that are planned to be placed on the site. Also define the optimal inclined corner of the children's slide and, of course, height.

    Optimal ideas

    When choosing a suitable idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the cottage playground, it is important to navigate the children's age, as well as the features of the place of arrangement of the structure. Basically, the main element of the platform is the swing, sandbox, as well as a slide.

    In addition, you can build a small fabulous house, small slides. Simply put, each element of the site for children's games should be interesting for kids.

    We draw the sandbox

    By defining the sandbox location, focus on the following points:

    • the terrain must certainly be an open type, that is, well-viewed;
    • it is undesirable to build a sandbox under the crown of trees to exclude garbage from entering it;
    • certainwise take care of high-quality protection against ultraviolet;
    • calculate the dimensions so that the kids can move in it as free as possible.

    As for the form, the square sandbox will become optimal, which is created without problems from wood. To make sure that this photo of the playground is proof.

    When choosing a natural massif, stop the selection on the pine, which is considered a moisture-resistant material that is perfectly carrying the radiation of the Sun, as well as temperature differences. Also, the resin in the pine is characterized by antimicrobial properties.

    The optimal dimensions of the sandbox 200 cm per 200 cm. First you need to prepare a special platform using pegs and threads. Having finished with marking, it should be slightly eliminated to the top layer of the Earth. Then you can proceed to the arrangement of the base in order to hide sand.


    It is preferable to store the most bottom facility with a dense building material. The bottom closes with a pillow with sandy, plastic tiles.

    Remember that the use of a polyethylene film is contraindicated, because after precipitation in the sandbox, a lot of moisture can accumulate, which prevents sand burning.

    However, materials from geotextiles pass humidity, but do not pass into the sand from the ground of various insects.

    To close the sides of the structure, you should construct shields from boards. For convenience, you need to equip sides.

    The option of arrangement of sandboxes with a special shelter in the form of a mushroom is not excluded. This design will protect the construction from moisture and the sun.

    Decoration of Places for Children's Games

    If you are interested in how to make your own children's playground and how to arrange it, remember that the use of expensive materials in these purposes is optional. It is enough to use a couple of cans with paint, as well as brew materials.


    An excellent version of the design is a playground, created from tires, or plastic bottles, disks.

    To appear fabulous palm trees on the site, use plastic bottles, and in the presence of hemp, create tracks. Applying tires, build various interesting features for the garden in the form of animals.

    Attach every effort to make all the details of the courts for children performed a developing function. For this you do not need a lot of effort, quite a minimum of fantasy and desire.

    Photo of the playground do it yourself


    There is no doubt: to equip the children's playground on our own territory with their own hands - the right decision. A modern child just needed movement: He needs to be cut down on the hill; relax psyche playing in the sandbox; Feel the risk of a swing and distract from the screens. In this article, for example, 77 photos, I will talk about the most interesting designs of popular shells for entertainment, we will demonstrate non-standard ideas for the playground, telling a solution to the use of submitted means and give the opportunity to get acquainted with the drawings of your own products.

    "Lie in the garden, in the garden" choose a place for the playground

    First of all, it should be borne in mind that places for the children's playground should be enough. On the one hand, the kids in their own yard are a bit, and the territory may be small. On the other hand, the place in the garden should be enough in order to place the planned objects there so that the child does not stuff for neighboring shells during the game.

    Thus, you must first decide on the set of necessary, and then draw the sketch on the scale of the type presented above. In any case, less than one meter between the projectiles should not be.

    Couldfully place the playground, for example, at the fence. In the country, it may be uncomfortable and unsuitable for landing ground. In any case, adults should be able to watch the games of children from the windows at home and come to help if necessary.

    Coating options for the court in the courtyard

    Already at the planning stage, the playground should determine its coating. At the same time, for its own territory, you can choose a more fiscal option, since the load on the surface is noticeably less than in the city yard.

    It is enough just to fall asleep all the territory for the games of the sand: it turns out a big sandbox. At the same time, the curb should be installed on the perimeter, at least from the boards to limit the movement of sand. It is likely that you will need a sand machine, cats will be able to unhindered to protect their needs to be unimpeded, and the wind will cut the sands throughout the country.

    It may be convenient for you to use the usual lawn. The coating will easily endure the load if children are a bit, even if the lawn is not special, but, for example, sports. In the example above, the example of nothing prevents it from watering, but to mow the grass is easy with a small amount of supports of the construction.

    An interesting coating option is a fine chopped wood bark. Eco-friendly material is relevant for applying in the conditions of cottages. The territory is filled with the bark should be limited to the border.

    More is more accessible at the price of wood chips, but the likelihood of gaining kids in this case is higher. Over time, wood darkens, but it can be painted independently in different colors.

    Relatively inexpensive and simply equip the coating of plastic modules. From the squares of different colors you can make a bright pattern. It should be noted that wet plastic becomes slippery. With long loading loads, the tiles are prepedential, and the coating must be corrected.

    The most trauma-safe option is a coating of rubber modules. Multicolored elements will help to decorate the playground, but they stand quite a lot.

    Some cheaper coating of rubber crumb. It can be revived by paints with stencils. To improve the surface, a concrete basis is needed, moreover, it is difficult to apply a crumb enough.

    The most interesting thing seemed to me artificial lawn. Inexpensive carpet is unpretentious in use and perfectly works for seven years on our site. For his styling, I previously tumped and leveled the earth. From below, the usual geotextile was imposed.

    For the supports of the buildings, it is necessary to perform seams that should not coincide with the cuts of geotextiles. The joints and edges of the flooring are fastened with brackets, stuck in the ground. I made a strain from a zinc coated and a mesh plastic for a fence. Part of the buildings of the buildings was dismantled for the time laying the coating to minimize the number of joints of the artificial carpet.

    How to make entertainment in summer safe

    To solve this issue, it is not necessary to regret the time and it is necessary to carefully study the designs made by professionals of equipment for children's playgrounds.

    No one solved this problem completely, and we should rely on someone else's experience and our own logic.

    I will list the considerations that I used when developing your own structures:

    • it is better to use a non-slip and non-solid coverage of the territory;
    • the equipment should not have sharp and strongly protruding parts;
    • the designs are not allowed gaps and gaps in which the fingers, arms, legs, kids heads can fall;
    • access to swings from the side of the sides, if possible, should be limited;
    • before leaving the slide, and also ahead and behind the swing should provide free space, which is necessary when inertia movement;
    • height and other equipment dimensions must correspond to the age of children, otherwise, it is possible to play only under the direct control of adults;
    • plates at the height should be provided with railings.

    Photo of homemade equipment for the playground

    Focus in a huge number of structures for entertainment boys and girls is quite difficult. I picked up the most interesting projects that are actually equipped with your own hands with maximum use of inexpensive and retracting materials.

    Projects of children's towns made by hand

    Currently, almost any playground has a children's town on its territory. Its feature is that a whole range of shells is collected in a single design for children entertainment.

    I did this town on my own, and you can repeat this project according to the drawings from the article. The design has 14 shells for entertainment and physical exertion.

    This design is interesting because it is assembled without a metal-based metal. Elements has few: several sports shells and swing. Suitable for teens.

    The photo demonstrates the possibilities of logs for the arrangement of children's buildings. This option is good for younger kids.

    This design is suitable if you want to do something easier. This building requires quite a few low-cost boards and timber. This town is designed for children of junior and middle age.

    Before you, an example of a platform collected from the available funds. The slide here brought from the store, a number of toys took at home, the border, the rocking chair and the staircase made them with their own hands, and the tire was removed from the nearest ravine. The coating is a small pebble, which is quite appropriate if the surface dimensions do not provide significant movements. Everything worked out!

    Old car tires - wonderful available material! If you show fantasy, you can make almost any elements of the playground.

    An interesting option is obtained if there are trees suitable for the arrangement of the playground. In the conditions of own yard, the fence and railing can be made of plastic mesh.

    We have an example of the imitation of the ship, which is quite actually equipped with your own hands from the bar. Please note: the entertainment building is not necessarily painted in bright colors, and the painting can be selected according to other elements of the landscape of its own site.

    Presented in the photo, the option of the playground is highlighted in large sizes of the roof. This solution is quite relevant in the southern solar regions. However, it also happens that the rain in summer is the main obstacle to children's entertainment. It may be necessary to equip a light and transparent roof, for example, from carbonate over the entire territory of the site.

    If you own the art of welding, the children's town can be made of metal. It is necessary to be attentive and ensure the absence of sharp and protruding elements. Coloring the design is better in different colors, with the metal must be carefully cleaned and degreased.

    How to equip a sandbox in the country

    The sandbox will easily argue with the town of popularity. It is easier to make it easier, and children love to play no less in it.

    The boat has five faces more. The tent of the fabric will serve as reliable protection from the Sun, and the steering wheel will definitely want to twist.

    The trunks of old trees will be successfully served by the fence and frame for sandbox. It remains to add several boards, awning and rope and you can "go swimming" with a whole team of kids. Very concise, original and spectacular design!

    The truck stuck in the sand is quite popular. You can also play in the sandbox, and charge. Four bars scored to the ground form a body frame. Six more stakes are autly served as the cab. For the roof and the hood you need to prepare horizontal strapping from the bar. It remains to be asked the frame with the ski of the desired length, and the car will turn out. Wheels are cut out of a thick log.

    It is much easier to arrange a rectangular sandbox in the form of a car, for this you need to bury next to the tire and a gas cylinder. It remains to secure the steering wheel - and the car is ready! Believe me, children have an excellent imagination, and such a car will like no less than the previous one.

    Short multicolored logs can be burned to the ground vertically and equip the sandbox of any form. It turns out fun, easy and inexpensive.

    Approximately the same can be collected from cropping boards, which remained after construction. They can be painted in different colors, as in the past version.

    This is the most budget version of the sandbox made of the tire. The sidewall of the tire is convenient to cut the electric bike.

    If you need a little sandbox, its border can be made of concrete. On top there is a segment of tires that are fixed by a dowel-nail. Tires solve the safety problem and decorate the structure.

    The photo shows an unusual version of the sandbox in the form of a table. Having settled on a bench, girls can play cooking. If the hole close the shield, the table will be, for example, for drawing.

    In such a sandbox, you can also draw with chalk on the board, and fold toys into the boxes. If the vertical shield is installed on the hinges, it can be lowered down and close the sand from cats.

    Before you, the transformer sandbox: the roof is understood as the rotation of the handle and is fixed when installing two pins on the end boards in the openings on the racks. A complex design provides protection from the Sun and Cat, and also makes a proper impression on neighbors and acquaintances.

    How to make unusual and fun swings

    In my opinion, the playground without a swing, like a song without words. Your child will definitely wishes the swing, and we will look at the most interesting options.

    These swings are made of logs. The suspensions are made on chains using carbines. An additional pillar with a ladder decorates the design and makes it more functional.

    Practically make supports of swing from available materials, that is, thin tree trunks. I would leave a thick cord with a thick cord as an additional fastening and scenery, and the main load in the locations of the connection it is better to charge the screws.

    Swing from a bar with decorative elements look attractive. Two children will not argue if they want to ride at the same time. Springs on the scenes of the chair promise additional comfort.

    Reliable swing supports are mounted in the form of the letter "A", which will not swing. For kids, you can make an exception and set the usual posts. Factory plastic seats are inexpensive and provide reliable fixation of children with belts.

    The seating of swing in the form of an airplane is attractive for children. Its design consists of the elements connected by the cord and is quite real for repetition with his own hands. The child has the opportunity to sit stable and hold onto the crossbar.

    A special ring, fixed in a high tree with a single suspension, will fully experience a widespread flight in different directions. Such entertainment is permissible only for adolescents. Ready set you will find in the store of sports goods.

    You can use the old car tire as a seating. At the same time, four attachment points ensure its stability and movement only in the same plane. Elements of fasteners and chains can be purchased at the building materials store.

    The photo contains an option for a large family or kindergarten. Kids sit down inside the tire and can be shattered from side to side.

    Huge swing balancing resemble a road technique. Such entertainment is available for older guys. At home, this idea can be implemented as a more affordable design. Semicircular arches can be replaced by triangles, and other roundings to provide with the help of finished steel taps of the desired diameter.

    Wooden swing-balancer is interesting for young children. The design of this type can be installed anywhere in the yard. Required shock absorbers under seats can be made of thick rubber hose or tires.

    The photo shows the swing that I did it yourself. Instructions for the manufacture and drawings you will find in the article

    Homemade children's hill

    The slide is often part of a children's town, and can be built separately. Constructions for kids and adolescents are noticeably different in height. Under conditions of their yard, you can build a slide "on the gross" and help ride small children.

    The most affordable design, of course, from the tree. Slide will noticeably improve, if you cover the slope with linoleum. Cutting trimming can be purchased at the store at a reduced price.

    Make a good skate is not so easy, perhaps it is better to buy it. Plastic is not always high quality, and it will be preserved better if the slot is hiding for the winter indoors.

    A high-quality descent surface provides stainless steel. It costs it expensive, and the metal can drain if they leave it unattended for a long time. Old tree trunks make up the basis of the design, and this noticeably cheapens the construction.

    If you are welding, you can make a reliable slide of metal. It should be pretty well, degreased and paint in bright colors in two layers.

    From thick plywood and old tires it is possible to build an almost natural tractor. The kids will be able to climb the steps, diligently break at the wheel, and then go down the slides.

    Charm baby house

    All children copy adults and dream of their own small house. As schoolchildren, we made it with a friend on their own from the trimming of boards found at the construction site. You can build a beautiful house with the whole family.

    This construction is made of plywood fixed to the frame of a bar with a cross section of 50x50mm. For the roof, any inexpensive material, for example, a pair of sheets of Ondulin is suitable. Frontones are made of thin tree branches. The construction team should keep dad, mom can paint the walls, and children must collect trash at the construction site.

    Competed option is a house of dash. As in the last case, you first need to equip the frame from the bar, and then tinker it with boards. Metal profile is perfect for the roof, if there is a roof from the country's cottage house.

    It is tempting to build up the construction of girlfriend. As you can see, a wonderful house of Baba Yaga on Courish legs turned out of thick branches. The floor is absent in it, and the children get inside, climbing below.

    If there is a large splashing tree in the courtyard, the house can be arranged directly on it. At the same time, the ladder is necessary, and it is quite logical to add a slide to the design.

    Construction begins with the installation of transverse beams between the branches of the barrel to which the rectangular frame of the floor is attached. Next, several ducts are mounted, providing reliable frame fixing.

    Now you can select the floor, attach vertical supports from the bar at the corners of the base, build a frame and squeeze its boards. In this example, the roof is made of small lobs, laid down to the roof lamp. The place and railing of the ladder is mounted on vertical racks. Kosoe stairs are made of wide boards.

    Another example of the use of available funds is a lodge from tires. Several lower wheels must be partially burned into the ground. Tires are bonded with a bolt with washers and nuts. Pre-old tires should be pretty laundering and painted in bright colors. Children are happy to climb through numerous windows in a house.

    You can equip the bar of obstacles for children

    Strip obstacles in playgrounds do not so often. I think it is wrong: such a projectile can be very simple and useful for mobility and dexterity, especially boys.

    I propose to recall the tires again: a wonderful cast material. Install half a row of tires, paint them with a barrel and we get a fencing for the site and the bar of obstacles in one person.

    It is quite simple: to wind the cord around several trees. Do you think this is only for children? Try to overcome the placed network, without touching any threads: fun and useful!

    This option is somewhat more complicated in the work. I note: in this case, the number of shells is made in one style of quite affordable material - thin tree trunks.

    Is it not true, tires with wood are perfectly combined? Most of the shells are made of primary materials. Dare!

    Decorations and figures for the playground from the primary means

    What is the playground without bright figures and other decorations? They create the necessary mood, and it is very important! The design and design of the playground in its own garden have its own characteristics that we will see in practical examples.

    Such a wolf-gown! Everything is simple: on a wooden frame of unnecessary clothes and old gloves. To cut it out of wood, you need to try. Not very scary if you have it more unsightly: so he, villain, and necessary! But the wolf will not squeak and complain if your child tries on him his strength.

    Horse from trimming logs to make quite easily. Probably, the legs must be made early so that he does not extend them under the bodies of small energetic seds.

    This hardworking horse will gladly slide several kids at once. The materials are available, the design is simple, so we will make it with your own hands!

    It turns out, the donkey can also carry a combat chariot. For its manufacture, just needed - five old tires, a couple of bars and bright paints. Saddle, clamp - also from the tire. How great got nostrils, eyes, ears! Act!

    The kids love to get into hard-to-reach places, so let them check: what's inside the caterpillar? The scheme of the craft is simple: 4-5-colored tires are partially buried into the ground, the eyes of plastic caps are screwed to the rubber self-taps, the horns from the metal tape are attached the same way.

    Whatever we come up with, children will always find the opportunity to have fun as we would not want. Let's mostly organize this process and send it to the right direction.

    In the country there is a watering system that the kids are better not to touch. I suggest connecting a plastic bottle with holes to the hose, place it on the lawn, and let the guys play with her how they do.

    A few more bottles, cut from above, can be attached by self-drawing to a wooden fence so that water from one fall into another. By the way, before you, the process of studying the laws of physics.

    The fence has another worthy application: it is cracking, if it holds a stick. Let's enhance the "musical instrument" and add rattles, cracking and ringing unnecessary things. Everything is serious: didn't the musicians of the Time Machines born?

    More ... Draw on the fence. Allow your children to enjoy the process of visiting, arrange a special board and ensure a sufficient amount of chalk. Everyone will be happy: both children and neighbors, and parents.

    On the fences also climb. There are that children break the fence, and sometimes they themselves get bruises. It is better to make this process "civilized". Highlight a special place, screw the support to the fence and it will turn out to be a clodder. By the way, the supports can be cut from the same tires!

    Back from the fence to the construction, you can stretch the cable and arrange a funicular. A set of relevant fixtures have already prepared for you in a sports store. The guys like this adventure very much, and unsafe occupation is under the control of adults.

    A sure way to make children move - to provide them with the opportunity to run behind the ball, which fell into a hole in the tarpauline. To do this, the cloth from any dense material should be placed vertically and secure with the help of ropes.

    There are several holes to cut through, and the rows indicate the figures of the points that are assigned to the corresponding hit. The edges of the holes in the film material can be fastened with scotch.

    Wonderful entertainment for a group of teenagers - a puppet theater in the yard. Here they can act as the audience, and actors. Scene, scenery and curtains can be arranged from fabric or plywood.

    The guys are older to play twister. Why not do it outdoors? It is enough to paint grass with paint with paint through a stencil.

    Many parents wish to make a playground with their own hands on the country site. This will allow you to take a child and secure it.

    To build a playground in the country, it is necessary to place the territory, determine the number of elements and their mutual location. If children's playgrounds are within the subsidence, then a separate fence is not necessary for them. If the playground is located outside the site, then it must be disappeared.

    After determining the area, which can be highlighted for a gaming zone, choose specific elements. The smaller the space, the fewer elements can be placed.

    Details of the playground

    If the construction of the playground is performed for the first time, the process cannot be called simply. Special preparation and the availability of certain knowledge will simplify work, but they are not all owned. We must be prepared for certain difficulties.

    Relatively rarely children's playground in the country includes complex elements or attractions. In most cases, traditional ideas are used simple solutions.

    Be sure to determine functional design. There are differences between facilities for preschool children and adolescents. If children of preschool and younger school age, then the children's playground should include a sandbox, swing, slide and a small number of stairs. Such a playground is done with their own hands quite easily.

    children's playground with their own hands photo of step-by-step instructions

    In the second case, the game design should be more complicated. It turns out that the sandbox does not need, but requires zones for playing basketball or other games with the ball. Simulators are installed, complex devices for climbing. This kindergarten in the country is already harder.

    Children's playground in the country with their own hands. Step-by-step photos

    After the necessary items will be determined, it is required to do plan. It is necessary to perform a drawing with the markup of all the main parts and you can start building a playground with your own hands.

    During the construction of the playground, it is necessary to take into account that the following is prohibited:

    1. put the sandbox next to the swings;
    2. place the slide in such a way that the descent led to the carriageway;
    3. installing structures outside of the local area without fence.

    playground ship do it yourself. Photo

    After creating the drawing, the purchase and purchase of the necessary materials are calculated. Make a playground with your own hands is not easy, including the calculation of the materials, but the photos will be prompts in this work. When the calculations are fulfilled, the materials purchased and collected the simplest basic parts, then you can move to more complex elements. The advantage of the playground in the country is that it can be gradually changed and finished.

    The most important thing in the construction of the playground do it yourself, you need to take care of her security. All items must be carefully checked and securely connected. Details should not be sharp angles, protruding compounds and other potentially dangerous elements.

    children's playground do it yourself from a tree

    Children's playground with their own hands. Option 2.

    On your household plot, you can build a game complex for children with your own hands. The project may provide the following elements: a slide with stairs, a balcony house, vertical stairs with ropes, swing, etc.

    Step-by-step instructions for the installation of the playground do it yourself

    Drawing up a project and purchase of the required material. For the construction of the site, it is necessary to purchase timber, namely pine boards and bars of various sections. For this project, you will need a timber for the next section: 100x100mm, 100x50mm, 50x20mm, 150x20mm, 50x50mm.

    children's playground with their own hands. Stock Foto Step by step

    From BRUSEV cut out future supports and scraps. Next process them with a grinding machine and grinding. After that, the bars must be coated with antiseptic solution.

    playground at the cottage. Instruction master class

    From the ready-made supports collect the framework. For the compound, screw screws with a diameter of 8 mm are used.

    Next, you need to dig a pits with a depth of about one meter and set the framework in them. Above the surface of the Earth should remain 10-15 cm. It is impossible to perform this work alone. It will be necessary to take another two or three people to help. The frame must be exhibited by level. After that, it should be hollowed with rubble and, while holding in such a state, to attach transverse beams to the frame. In complete, the installed supports must be pouring a concrete mixture.

    Tip: In order for the site to fail, you need to put bricks under the supports.

    While the concrete mixer freezes - you can start assembling the stairs and installing the railing. On our playground will be provided for two rows of railings located at different levels. Thus, enjoy playing at such a site will be convenient for children of any age. All wooden elements are covered with varnish or paint.

    For sex, you will need 250x25 mm boards. Of these, it is necessary to make solid flooring. The size of the floor of the upper floor, according to our project, amounted to 100x250 cm. To give stiffness under the floor, bars were laid with a cross section of 50x100 mm.

    From the end part it is necessary to install a vertical staircase. For its manufacture, you needed a plank 20x50 mm. In the future, it will be possible to hang the rope through which children can climb.

    After you can proceed to the manufacture of the beam support, on which the rope and swing will be located. For greater stability, it was decided to make them back. Supports are connected to the sample and fixed with bolts. Next, you need to make markup and dig a holes. After that, they make a transverse beam on the support. The finished design is mounted in the pit, fall asleep with rubble and poured with a concrete mixture.

    While concrete freezes - you can start making a lazium. To do this, you will need a sheet of OSB, the timber 50x50 mm and the transverse ribs of the rigidity from the palate with a cross section of 50x20 mm.

    We proceed to the manufacture of the balcony on the second floor. On this balcony, you can install the table and chairs to make children relax and eat. For the manufacture of such a design, OSB sheets will be needed.

    At the testation stage of construction with your own hands of the game complex, it is necessary to check the site for the presence of sharp angles speaking parts and defects. If these are available, then they must be removed so that children will not be injured.

    Photo of kindergartens

    Modern, including homemade, children's playgrounds are very diverse. There are many interesting options for their design. Consider some.

    . Game complex Consists of two rope swings, a house, sandboxes, ladders and slides. The house is located on the second tier, a slide is moving away from it. Under the house there is a sandbox protected from the Sun. Side is a rope ladder.

    Playground in the form knight's castlehaving several game elements. Side of the rope swing. On the lower tier there is a house and tanks for the sandbox. For lifting, there is a wooden and rope staircase, as well as an inclined board with rests and rope. The slope is installed a hill.

    Playground for the smallest. It is an extensive space for the sandbox, on the sides of which the benches are located. One corner is engaged in a game house in which you can hide or hide from the sun.

    Game complex with a house On the lower tier. On the one hand, there is a small table with benches from the house. On the other hand there is a device for climbing. Side of the swing and children's gymnastic rings.

    . Small complexconsisting of two swings, slides and ladies. Swing are on the side so that the swinging did not hurt other children. Forests are represented by two types: wooden with restraints for climbing and rope. The top view is closed with a roof that allows you to hide from the sun or rain.

    A varied and compact game complex, including many elements. At the bottom under the top house you can float sandbox. The side is a table and shops. You can get up on the board with the stops and rope, on the grid or by the rope stairs. There is a plastic wavy slide.

    . Wooden town.consisting of two towers. They are connected by the arcuate ladder to which the swings are attached. On the same tower there is a front staircase with railings, a slide and other details. The second tower is equipped with a rope and arcuate bridge with the stops.

    The playground is made in deliberately rough style. It is equipped with an upper platter from which the hill descends. You can get clustered along the wooden staircase, on the rope vertical grid, on the board with the stops or by the rope.

    children's playground with their own trees

    Wooden game complex with plastic slide, swings on chains and gymnastic rings. You can get to the slide on the wooden crossards or overcoming the inclined board with the stops, and then by moving on the hands of gymnastic rings.

    A relatively simple, but diverse platform intended for children of different ages. There is a sandbox and a comfortable color staircase, a wide slide. Older children will interest the board with holes for the stop and the similarity of the metal staircase on the sides.

    Very interesting in the form and a kind of children's complex, which can decorate the site. For entertainment, there is a hill, a wooden vertical staircase, a lazoline with stops, a grid located under the top game house.

    . Spacious A playground with three types of swing, one of which are intended for the smallest. There are two towers of different heights connected by a bridge. Metal slide is lowered from less. Climb on the towers in several ways.

    Game complex in the form ship It looks original and will be interested in most children. He has a cut, several designs that can be climbed onto the top platform. The slope provides a slide.

    Relatively simple playground design. Under the top house there is a sandbox, protected from the sun from the sun. Plastic slide, slightly curved. The playground is equipped with a swing of two types. Some of them are designed to swing together.

    The playground that can be called: for children and parents. Swing in the form of chairs will enjoy both adults. They are suspended on durable metal chains. Children can ride a slide or climb on the observation platform, which is from the opposite side of the slide.

    Playground in the "log" style It has many corners where you can hide in the lower tier. Upstairs are the multi-level areas for which you need to climb the stairs with stamped straps. You can go down on the hill.

    . Maximum simple Children's playground consisting of pillars supplied by a triangle and crossbar between them. Swings, grids, rope stairs are hung on the crossbar. There is also a platform from which the hill descends.

    Place with carousers, sandbox and toys are not just a decoration for the plot, but a whole world - children; do-it-yourself playground, photo With which you will see below or in the courtyard of a multi-storey house, or in our own summer cottage will become a gift not only for all the children, but for their parents, because it will be safe, comfortable and cozy. All the best - children!

    Ideas of the playground do it yourself

    In the list ideas of the playground do it yourself You can see the usual and us from childhood things. The main task is to make each item so that skillfully combine a safe stay on them so that this safety is interesting to children. We will take the platform as a meeting of the most necessary, favorite children's entertainment.

    The first, where to start the construction is the allocation of the area itself for construction. Yes, you can just put the attractions, but remember that in order for them to stand for a long time and pleased the kids, they should be stable and durable, and therefore, without aligning the landscape will not work. You can approach the construction of this place as construction - to level the soil, fall asleep with rubble and concrete. But then it will be necessary or cover the entire surface with some safe material, non-slip and not solid, for example, rubber coating. But it is much better to use the existing lawn or to build it using a roll technology. On the cottage playground do it yourself And in design, and on a set of entertainment, only your fantasy is limited. Choosing a better place from a leeward side so that in no case there is no so-called air corridor, draft. It will also be important if there is a dunes in the daily heat on the territory, if there is no shadow from home or garden, then you need to organize awnings, canopies.

    The main element, the component of the sandbox will be part. It will be interesting to play and very little kids, and older. Of course, it will be superfluous about the quality of sand, and so it is clear that it should be absolutely clean and sifted, but this purity needs to be supported. Therefore, when you get a piece of wood with a tree, press the lid that you can cover all this sandy wealth. You can use a mesh, a flexible lid from an inflatable pool, and so on. It is important to use for dIY kindergarten design. It is also very important to have existence of wide sides that will be used as benches, as well as for the plowing of the amusco. For convenience, take high above the sandbox of the roof, which will allow you to play even with bad weather or bright sun.

    Swing and carousels can be ordered ready, today there is a huge number of firms that specialize in installation and manufacture plates of kindergartens do it yourself. However, you can independently make some of the species. It will be easy to build balancing - swings on which two children ride, in turn, then sweeping up, then dropping down. It is necessary to calculate the maximum load and, based on it, select the variants of materials and fasteners. At the ends of the board you need to make holders and backs so that the kids feel safe. Suspended swings It is important to do from such materials about which children will not be able to be injured, the ropes, rubber will be optimal (household version - rubber tire, not very large size).

    Among other traditional elements that are often used for - mini-simulators of various species. It is very important, since it is they who help at least spend a little wasteless children's energy. If you can't do the horizons, you can wear up to the ground to half the automotive tires so that there is a distance between them enough to jump. You can also organize an unusual Swedish wall from rope ropes, passing them as a grid. Be sure to consider the soft matte system under it, which will not be afraid of moisture. If you have more adult children, and there is a sufficient number of trees on a plot or in the courtyard, it is possible to organize a miniature rope park with a set of dashs, ropes, stairs.

    Make a playground with your own hands

    In order to make a playground with your own hands Not only a place for games, but also for high-quality child development, you can use the same furniture as in development.

    The table is necessary for creative work: drawing, modeling, appliqués, creating craft. Children's playground do it yourself Will not do without such a facility, do you make it for one or two children or for the guys from all over the yard. But the usual table is not always suitable for standard drawings. If you want to achieve maximum safety and comfort, you can make a countertop in the form of a four-meter clover, and in each of the four recesses to make a small bench. The tree is a good material for such furniture, but it will need to be covered with a large number of furniture varnish to avoid damage from snow and rain. Plastics will suit better, but it will make something independently to do something problematic. You can arrange master classes at such a round table, for example, teach kids ,.

    On the children's playground with their own hands, photo Which you see, it is the house that takes a central place. Inside it does not have to be empty, you can put a shop for games for children in the hospital, benches to place a counter or cashier to play a store.

    Children's playground do it yourself: photo

    Why the children's playground for children, probably, probably, only to the one who appeared on the light of six feet growth, in the business trip with a tie, crocodile shoes and a cigar in the teeth. Cigar, of course, electronic. Even smoke is not chemical, but depicted by holographic and clearly visible without harmful to anamorphous glasses.

    Guides on the construction of playing for descendants enough with excess. And in these are really valuable and necessary guidelines for the safety, reliability of fastenings, the quality of materials, etc. However, the revision of such a lot, something like the fact that in Figs arises to mental gaze. below. Paradise, no dispute. Well, a palm tree, a hefty stump (it seems, not less than 100 years of eucalyptus). Maybe they have palm trees there that we have swans, and the high-length businesswood distribute to everyone in a row, just to be taken from the eye.

    However, there, and here the households are medium intensive, who decided to please the kids, making them a playground with their own hands, the question arises immediately: and where to take the square? Earth under such a monumental structure left no less than 2 hundred, and if they are only 6 in the country? Or is less on personal incoming territory? The playground for children is built when the farm has already been established. Therefore, then we will consider first of all how to properly complain everything that children for joy are needed, having put it in 1 weaving or less. But, of course, the most components of the site for children's games will not be covered by attention.

    The most difficult case

    The most difficult is the playground at the cottage. In addition to the acute lack of space, it remains unattended and without protecting all the cold season. Those., In addition to resistance to external conditions and environmental friendliness, the material of the structure should not give a largely shedding potential. At least, the temptation standing on disassembly works. Hence, the entire cottage game complex must be compact, strong And upon completion, uncomfortable to approach the tool. And suddenly it will still be miserable or denominated in bad weather, there should be no big losses.

    A successful version of the children's game corner in the country of the girlfriend is shown in the photo:

    The main material in this case is quite reliable, high-quality and affordable - building pallets (pallets). The occupied area is OK. 5 sq. m. Lazaline - 2-storey secret asylum. If one of the younger family members of the beautiful sex, then the car is unceremoniously expelled on green parking, and the garage is converted to the BooR, the kiosk, the reception doctor, etc. If there is enough area before the structure, the ladder or slide can be attached to the captain's bridge.

    About materials

    The case above is not trivial. Promotional materials are mainly on the design of the site; We will back to this question. But for the key structures (see further), structural materials are needed high-quality, it is about the safety of the child.

    Wood - Coniferless without signs of rot, mold, cracks, dropping bumps. Bearing elements - Bar from 130x130 mm or log from 120 mm. Boards - edged or twisted from 20 mm. Before assembling, the parts are treated with an oil hydrophobizer (water-repellent) or twice soaked with a water-polymer emulsion. The best finishing coating is a water-based acrylic varnish along a well-skilled surface.

    The second most important material - metal. In addition to fasteners, highly loaded elements are performed from steel, for example. In sports facilities. In this case, connect the details preferably with welding: any ledge is essential. For absolutely, it would seem, the smooth head of the bolt of the tutor is managed to catch up like a very unsuitable clothing for this. Metal parts are painted by primer and twice. The best colorful coatings are acrylic.

    Plastics Easily electrified, in the open air in them for 1-2 seasons, microcracks appear and hygienicism disappears. And since at home plastics are also non-technological, from them in a homemade playground is better to refuse. Perhaps the only place where the plastic on the playground is appropriate, it is a laz tube. A plastic barrel is well suitable for him. It is better to take a white, translucent, so as not to be frightened, did not begin there to beat in a panic and not stuck. Glass and other beyful or fragile / soluble materials (composites, eg) are absolutely unacceptable.

    A rock For the playground, there is also an inappropriate material: crashing with a swing, it is possible to better exhibit about it. If currencies are required on the site, they need to be stacked or soft, or homemade wooden, or plant phytobordi from soft hardy plants, eg. Seduma (Clear).

    Separately, I should say about ropes. In terms of children's injuries on playgrounds, the first three stably occupy rope railing / fences, labyrinths and grids for climbing. Through the first, they outweigh, without knowing how to correctly appreciate the stability of the support, falling the knuckle and are seriously injured, right up to the neck fracture. Grids do not leave parents without sorting, but fractures and dislocations for them are quite a lot. The grinders are physically hard injured, but as a result of frightened with hysterics, they can leave an indelible mark in the psyche. Therefore, ropes on the playground are applicable only as sides of the swings, stretch marks of the awnings and lianas - gymnastic rope with nodes.

    Note: Fabric and nonwoven textile products on children's holidays are used for awnings and soft fences. In any case, the fabric should be stretched so that there are no dumping sides.

    Basic and extended equipment

    Traditional typical playground minimally consists of, slides and fungus. The latter are now most commonly combined in the form of a 2-storey gaming house with a balcony, air transition, overview, lazalcock and ladder. This allows on the same area to create a greater variety of entertainment, see fig. However, it is impossible to make a sandbox on the first floor of a house: the football over the heads will not go to the benefit of the development of a very small, "sandy" age, kids. The sandbox must be separate.

    So, we get a base kit from the sandbox, a combo and swing house. It is able to serve from the first top-top to the pore, when it is found that the girls are in general, not to pull them for braids. To set-mini, if possible, added:

    • Free space for calm games, children's picnics, in winter - for the modeling of a snowman, etc.
    • Decorative elements for the development of aesthetic feeling.
    • Boom, i.e. Podka-pusher.
    • Inflatable pool, bath, trough or bathing pelvis.
    • Secretory-shelter.
    • Sports complex.
    • Playground for sports games.
    • Mini-flowerba or mini-flower garden.
    • Chaolars or tent.
    • Labyrinth.
    • Children's carousel.

    Many other additions are possible, there would be a free square and fantasy of the parents. But the determining meaning for the comprehensive development of the child, they no longer have, so we will restrict ourselves to the comment that most of them and some of the above can well be placed in the lumeks between the security zones of the main structures, see below.

    Choosing a place

    The ideas of part of the artistic and decorative design of the playground can be anyhow; Some of the combining pleasant with useful will be discussed below. No establishments / prescriptions about the appearance of facilities on the playground for children's games are not. However, when selecting a place for it, certain the rules of security and comfort that promotes the right development of children:

    1. The site should be within sight of the most inhabitable room. In private households, it is usually a kitchen;
    2. All structures on the site, including their security zones, should be within an angle of view of 45 degrees. This approximately corresponds to the possibility of reviewing the hostess engaged in the plates located according to the rules;
    3. If the site borders with the passage, incl. internal (their own, yard), between him and it should be a major overhaul for children a fence regardless of the presence of a fencing of another type;
    4. Also must be excluded reservoirs, wells, hostedvors, etc. Sources of possible danger. In this case, the fence may be light, but necessarily irresistible for children;
    5. The site should be placed in sectors from the north to the south-east. Otherwise, the smallest in the sandbox and children engaged in active games should be protected from hard afternoon light;
    6. With any location of the site, the Sun should not make eyes with children engaged in active games or sports exercises;
    7. The sandbox is located first in order to remove from the exit to the site. If it is not - the first from home;
    8. The sandbox should not be under the tree (trees);
    9. The directions of swinging suspended swings and roll out from the slide should not cross the sandbox. Otherwise, the distance between them should be at least 3 m for swings and no less than the height of the roller coil;
    10. The same directions should not go to the carriageway;
    11. Between the sports complex and the sandbox must be a gaming house or swing, or another capital (immovable) structure or be at least 3 m;
    12. Capital security zones should not intersect.

    Note: The default child safety zone is taken by 1 m. The zone of the roller is 1.5x1.5 m. The safety zone of swing in length is 1.5 of the height of their suspension, and in a width of at least 1.5 m; Carousel - its diameter. Safety areas of sports complexes are indicated in their projects.

    Examples of the location of the base modules of the playground with its various orientation on the countries of light are shown in Fig. The house is conditionally marked with a gray round with a star of rumbers with half-grains. The safety zone of swing is shown by a rectangle of mustard color; The house with a slide - dense-green. What is a sandbox with an awning, see below.

    About sports committees

    In fig. Below are the projects of children's sports complexes with a house and a slide (left) and only the gymnastic most compact T-shaped scheme. From there it is seen that less than 30 square meters. Square with a typical solution can not do, and the full complex does not leave space for the sandbox. It would seem that home sports in a small area does not shine.

    Nevertheless, it was the Russian specialists that the projects of children's sports complexes of open air were developed on the basis of the conditions of the Russian Federation, namely, the high-end population of the population, secured by the Middle and lower, land plots remained from the USSR. In the West, afford to have 6 acres outside the city can only have a very rich man.

    Drawings of one of such children's sports complexes are shown in Fig. below. Material is a steel pipe (27-30) x2. Its features - an extremely narrow, but quite substantiated security zone, just 0.5 m along the contour. No matter how ignoring this design, the ergonomics is thought out canceled: if you hurt it, it is not strong, but you can't hurt little nearby. The second is the correct configuration. This facilitates the placement of the complex on the site, which is clearly visible in Fig. With layout schemes: a platform with sports opportunities will not "wave" for 1 weaving.

    About fences and separators

    In addition to the protective fence, on the site for 2 or more children it is very desirable to distinguish between zones. If the place allows, a lot of fun and useful skills will give a labyrinth, see it. Next. The traditional solution to the issue of separation of zones is a fence, and within the site of the tire or logs, also see below. But the fence, albeit very cheerful, as in Fig. A little lower is a clear ban that children are not useful in general. The strongest and reliable discipline is conscious, my mind is understandable. And from the explicit ban during the "festival of disobedience", you can also tear off the board. And get to get, where it should not be at all, without thinking more than it is fraught with.

    When you need to burn out from the roadway, there is no choice, because The safety of children in this case depends not only from them. But, for example, the pond or hosdvor themselves will not appear on the site. In this case, if the platform is made of wood, the perfect light protective fence - woven. His, firstly, it is not difficult to weave, and the damask material is almost everywhere in nature. Secondly, a rather high woven is very difficult to overcome and for an adult well-trained person. Do not believe? Try to climb. No wonder once from the Swells made temporary fortification facilities - fascines. In the same way, to break the properly made woven and bull is not capable, not the fact that a person. Thirdly, the woven in itself is an excellent decoration of the country area.

    But the most important thing is the children do not perceive the woven as a prohibitive mark. Why? And you can pry through it. Just to look at the pond - well, the pitches are beautiful there, well, the frog climbed onto the sheet and squabbles. And in a slit, stealing - a fabulous world appears, inhabited in the imagination of amazing creatures. Okay, we still have. But then, if you turn to the shoulder from the other side of the frowning pig or angry hussak, you can jump out, you really do not risk anything. Be sure the children are perfectly distinguished by toy fear, on the basis of which reasonable caution is produced, from merging.

    About Soil

    Almost the perfect primer base of the playground is a seeded or roller: after the rain, it will quickly dry, well slows down well and damping the fluffy, it does not overheat in the heat. One "But": Celebrate can be soldered, which is dispersed bad. Therefore, often the soil on the playground falls asleep with small gravel. He drands and slows down even better, but under the sun heats up stronger and you can scatter about it. An ideal backfilling would be small, up to 1.5-2 cm in the diameter, well-bearded pebbles. But, alas, this is a very expensive material, and its predatory self-study persecuted by law.

    Modules and elements


    The first thing is that a sandbox with an awning required when the site is located in sectors from the south to the north-west? See fig. Making a cloth very large and lowering its edges is not necessary too low: it is enough that the awning corresponded to the sandbox from the high milk-falling sun. Closer to the sunset, if the children are still playing at this time, it should be shaped about half the drawer so that the small themselves are located, where it is more convenient.

    The second, which will be very helpful, if children are two or more with a sufficient difference in the age - a sandbox truck, or looking at the tendencies of the older (senior) sandbox-boat. In the latter case, the cutting with a chassis bridge is located, as on any decent "transport", in the stern. Then the younger will deal with their sandy matters, without feeling the annoying guardianship, and the senior "Pestun" will be able to fulfill their duties literally playing, not bored. And someday will ever take behind the wheel or stand in professional, he has already been postponed at the level of reflexes: the main thing is in the flight - passengers and cargo.

    House with Gorka

    Here you fill in something missing. The first are slopes. They are most often bought ready, from plastic. The choice is mostly 3 designs: straight, spiral, see fig., And pipes.

    The latter is better to ignore: a children's slide is not a water park, the water lubricant on the pipe does not flow. Children in the tubes are often stuck with all follows. According to the degree of psychological trauma, the pipes-pipe is almost on par with confused.

    Of the others, if the seats under the site are very little, it is better to take more expensive spirals. Their use allows in a typical design (see above) to abandon the zone of the rollout, because It will be a sidewall, within the overall security zone. And roll with a screw is more fun and "cooler" than just like that.

    However, as stated above, plastic on the playground is better to avoid. Therefore, for enough skillful home masters we give in fig. On the left profile of the scatter of a children's slide of sheet metal. The red slide line is highlighted, brown - the side of the trough-shaped gutter, blue - direct protective fibers with a bend outward; Green - elastic overlay on it from smooth rubber. The latter is needed to slow down with your hands. The width of the gutter is 600-700 mm.

    Note: Overly to remind, but for the sake of the seriousness of the moment we recall that the allen sheets that make up the chute and the board should be directed down the slope. Otherwise, the allen turn into knives.


    The cradle (seat) of suspended swings is often made from tires. Then, if children are boys, hang the tire better vertically, on the left in fig. It will be possible to "strangle" from the soul. Girls are better suitable for the cradle of a tire swing, suspended plastics: it's already comfortable to grasp the circle and put in a female.

    The lullets of sports swings on the right in fig., Make rigid, in the form of a volatile trapezium with rings, and soft. It is recommended to do separately rings only for children already engaged in athletics and have certain successes in this: a lot of novice gymnasts were quite seriously injured, trying to make a cross on rings without sufficient physical training.

    When weaker, a small place will be very likely and a swing-balancer, a broken-in in fig. below. If there is little space, and the child shows the deposit and strong small deposit, they can be replaced with spring swings. The diagram of their device is shown on the same rice. Spring - from the shock absorber of a small passenger car or a motorcycle, depending on the age and weight of the saddle.

    About labyrinth

    The labyrinth for children's games should satisfy such conditions:

    1. Be one-dimensional, i.e. From the partitions standing on the ground.
    2. Partitions should not be deaf and high: the elders should see on top of them and be able to climb, and younger to see at the bottom and bring suite.
    3. Herbal labyrinths for children are unacceptable for games, they can, dull, in the bushes with a fright entangle and hurt.

    Funny beauty


    Functional, i.e. Suitable for games, decorative elements of playgrounds most of all make from tires of trucks. Aesthetics will leave adults. Children of pragmatists, it is important to them that elastic, cool spring, and does not be fighting if he is cold. Try only to use one-piece tires: the traumatic ends of the Cord often repeated from the cutter over time. Or regularly check the tire structure and go through the protruding flames with a grinding wheel.

    Classic product of this kind - boom-fugitive. He can be a delimiter of zones or barrier between the sports complex and the sandbox, if there is not enough space. So, the tires for him in all respects it is better to boil not along, as accepted, and across, as on pos. 1 Fig. with gaps ok. 30 cm:

    • Clearly see the gap where it is not necessary.
    • If the leg is slipped, then the sidel. Who knows about sports physics, knows that the first in contact with the underlying surface of without any grouping skills will come not a physiognomy, but a fifth point.
    • Conveniently and safely pushed: the legs themselves rise in the position of the strongest support, and if the leg slings, then everything is like in before. case.
    • Who collided, does not fall back, risking damaging the back or knock on his head, and Block, that for children is safe.

    Little, if tires are somewhat different, they can simply fold the slide, pos. 2. Those who are older and infant - "advanced" lazalum in addition to ordinary, pos. 3. Pos. 4 In general, the Nakhodka: the old but extradited steering wheel, and if they grow up, it is generally like a Tractor in Ughabam.

    Pos. 5 - the well-known sun tire and bottles are actually not only scenery. PET bottles are an excellent, resistant target for darts, arrows and in general all the high. And do not be afraid that children will grow aggressive. On the contrary, just those who in childhood did not have the opportunity to express the natural male, due to the epochs of biological evolution, a tendency of a harmless way, when they grow, have a much more chance of breaking on the manifestation of their adult up to the highest measure of responsibility on the legislation of the place of action.

    Girls, yes, perhaps, not only them, well will fit and decorate the entire platform of mini-flowerba from the tire, on the left to the trail. Fig., or Vase from the unsuitable wheel. In the latter case, in view of the above-mentioned attendance from Cord, it is better to turn the vase with festers down how to right there. The lack of aesthetics there and there is compensated by coloring.

    From old tires make a lot more. For children, already without explicit functionality - different figures. For example, there are crafts for the playground from tires in the form of different animals, see

    Video: Crafts from tires for registration of the playground


    On sniffs or roots, painted by animals, we will not stop: it all depends on the source material, to predict the form of which it is impossible, and the already known creations can not be repeated, too, there is no two identical corping. We will deal with the fact that more or less stable on the source form: logs. Not necessarily business dimensional, on crafts for children from logs, any dryer or waste from trimming trees will be used. It's just a drink of churakov from them, and not very carefully, you can already build a good zone delimiter, on the left in fig., Sandbox, in the center, or furniture set for a picnic picnic, on the right.

    And attaching a little more effort and skills, make figures for a composition having an independent value or, say, for children's carousel. The drawings of some of these are shown for example in Fig. below.

    Another idea

    The arrangement of the playground is still not leaving for 100 square meters. m and not interfering there anything else may complete another aircraft. Suppose you have a children's bath, and you are not going to start the offspring. Old adult bath is too deep, it is better to put it on. Or fell in the barn prohydrated trough. Or, let's say, you came across an ad: "Culinary equipment used used", and in it - "baking sheet for donuts 1100x650x100". In general, you need any lag in length from 80-90 cm, about half a smaller width and a depth of 15 cm.

    Why are these children? Ships can be allowed. Adults impose payments on a construction or aquarium silicone, paint if rusty is a simple matter. Water will leave a little, so it will be possible to change it more often, without applying excessively not always safe disinfectants. If the children's mini-sea is to keep in the sun, and in the water to throw a pair of groans of manganese or methylene blue (pharmaceutical blue), to the bare or blue or blue, and cover with water to the night with a film, weekly continuous navigation in it is provided. Children from her - a lot of delight and fun. Spray and wet clothes will also be a lot, but there was nothing to be angry with anything, or weren't it?

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