• Varnish for tree species. Types of varnishes for applying a tree. Tree coating varnish


    To ensure the protection of wooden products, a variety of means are used: impregnations, varnishes, paints. In order not to get confused in choosing one or another tool, the buyer should know some subtleties of choosing such a composition.

    In this article, we will talk about the nuances of the choice of varnish for the wooden surface.


    Varnish is a drig composition obtained from dissolved resin substances and polymers. When applied to the surface, such a substance forms a shiny film. This coating is used to protect the outer layers of a tree, as they are strongly vulnerable to various influences.

    Thus, the life cycle of wood products using the applied substance will be extended.

    The properties of each varnishing composition are completely dependent on its components. For example, using alkyd substances, we can save a wooden coating from moisture, and with the help of alkud-carbamide compositions, the coating acquires additional strength.


    The most important criterion for any varnish composition is its shine.

    Therefore, the parameter protective substances for woody rocks are separated as follows:

    • High-glossy lacquer. The brightness of the reflective light from the surface of the tree in this composition reaches 90%. This finishing material is the best gloss quality.
    • The composition of glossy. The described parameter varies in the range of 80-90%.
    • Lacomantsevaya varnish. When applying such a composition, the shine parameter takes values \u200b\u200bfrom 40 to 50%.

    • Semimit Material. Glitter has parameters 10-15%.
    • Matt lacquer. The brightness of reflective light from the surface is less than 10%.

    Lactering coatings are also divided by the field of application - they are for both exterior and works indoors.

    Lucky for internal works. Such formulations are particularly popular, because they not only protect the surfaces from various kinds of influences, but also decorate them, making any wooden product and pleasant to look.

    Specialists such varnish compositions are divided into several types:

    • parquet;
    • furniture;
    • universal.


    Designed to cover parquet. This board needs a high-quality protective coating, so manufacturers recommend using this LKM category for this. In addition, the coating of the lamellae after applying such a composition acquires a rich and exquisite appearance.

    Parquet LCMs have a wide range: in stores you can find both matte varieties and glossy.

    When choosing this composition, it is worth focusing on several criteria:

    • Premises in which additional protection is required. For example, if the owner of the housing wishes to cover the floor of the bedroom, then it does not need to use dear varnish, because in this room there are no special impacts on the floor, which cannot be said about the corridor or kitchen.
    • Technological features of the composition. Here, an important factor is the consistency of the substance and the method of applied.
    • Product type. It is represented in the form of a transparent substance or has some calf.
    • The gloss level. Here I mean frostedness or gloss.

    As mentioned above, it is measured in percentage ratio.

    • Stability of the composition for various external influences: ultraviolet, loads and other equally important criteria.
    • Coating service life.

    Parquet varnish can be divided into several varieties,r euche about them will go below:

    Primer composition

    Used to enhance adhesion with wood at the initial processing stage. It is necessary if it is necessary to obtain a flat color range of products, as well as for isolation of woody breed from humidity influences.

    Using such a composition, you can save considerable means, because the finish coating will be required quite a bit. When his choice should be particularly attentive - the substance must approach the finishing component.

    Water soluble composition

    Consumers choose exactly the composition most often, since the price value and quality ratio is optimal here. This substance contains not only water, but also various solvents and emulsifiers. Due to this, such a product dries a little longer than its analogues.

    These compositions have several varieties that differ in the absence of the absence or the presence of the percentage ratio of solvents, which is either 5% or 15%. Of the positive points of application of this composition, it is worth noting the absence of any odor, as well as its non-hatching.

    Negative parties are much more, but this fact is practically not affected by the popularity of this product among consumers.

    The following positions should be attributed to the disadvantages of the use of this composition:

    1. At the time of application, this solution is able to penetrate all the cracks, which creates some inconvenience - creap appears in the floor. This nuance can be corrected using primer in the initial stage, which includes water.
    2. Another disadvantage of this composition is bad wear resistance. Improve this characteristic is possible at the production stage: manufacturers are used as an additive to special substances - additives. However, it is possible to use this water soluble lacquer only in the absence of a large humidity in the room: manufacturers advise to take into service with this LKM with an indicator of less than 50%.
    3. When applying a water-soluble composition, rollers should use: brushes and sponges for this process is undesirable.


    The main purpose of such a product is the additional protection of the coating from external loads. The composition has high adhesion and dries quickly.

    Additionally, it is worth noting other distinctive features of such a material:

    • Polyurethane compositions consist either from one component or of two. Therefore, they are recommended before applying to mix thoroughly.
    • In the manufacture of such a substance, the solvent is used, as well as urethane or acrylic.
    • When applying and drying up, it is necessary to ensure its protection - it is impossible to enter the substance of water or moisture.
    • The use of this product allows the absence of an additional primer layer.
    • The composition is characterized by high elasticity.
    • The use of the composition is possible without special requirements for the temperature regime of the room.
    • During operation, the plane where the polyurethane varnish was applied, will not be afraid of water.


    In the manufacture of this substance, manufacturers use natural ingredients - oil resins. Wood components or linen substances perform as them. These components penetrate well into the structure of the wooden coating and securely protect it in the process of the entire service life.

    Alkyd substances are pretty toxic components - in their composition it is often possible to observe such an ingredient as White Spirit.

    It is worth noting a few more distinctive qualities of this composition:

    • When applying alkyd components on a tree, its texture becomes brighter that enhances the natural beauty of the breed.
    • Using such a varnish, the consumer will forget about the negative impact of moisture and mechanical load.
    • Alkid coating differs from its analogues not to the fluidity of the solution, so when applied, the varnish will not be spread and get into all sorts of cracks. This means that there will be no problems with gluing a tree to other materials.
    • The moment of drying such a composition should be accompanied by low temperature indicators, since the increased values \u200b\u200bof the varnish is quite sensitive.
    • Alkyd substances are distinguished by a low level of wear resistance.
    • It should be applied to the wood structure for the wood structure, the thin layer must be carefully monitored.


    The basis for such a substance is formaldehyde resins.

    They are very harmful to the health of others, so in the process of application it is necessary to use the means of protection - respirators.

    The main characteristic features of the use of this composition are the following positions:

    • such LKM is the most durable;
    • usually, this composition is applied as a final coating on a wooden surface without the use of primer;
    • the substance is well connected with wooden surfaces;
    • this composition is not afraid of racing of temperature and moisture;
    • when applying this substance, almost any tools can be used: roller, brush and other items;
    • such formulations have an unpleasant sharp smell;
    • the composition of the varnish is distinguished by a dense, it must be taken into account because there is a possibility of gluing the boards among themselves.

    1. for sleeping rooms, a water-soluble composition is perfect;
    2. the alkyd composition of the substance can be used for the living room, loggia or cabinet;
    3. formaldehyde substances are commonly used in the corridor, hallway and in the kitchen.


    Applying the LCM for furniture, the owner of the house will receive not only an excellent version of protection against external factors, but even thus emphasizes the natural texture of a wooden product.

    Such a composition for wooden furniture can be divided into the following varieties:

    • oil;
    • alcoholic;
    • alkyd;
    • acrylic;
    • nitrocellulosic;
    • epoxy;
    • polyurethane.


    This LKM in the storage process can easily thicken. Skipidar is usually used to dilute it. Application of such a composition should be carried out using high rigidity brushes, a spray can also be used.

    After applying, the wooden coating will dry out for quite a long time, since the oil composition does not have volatile solvents. To apply the second layer to the surface of the tree, it is necessary to wait for drying the first, after which it is recommended to clean the surface from dust and poll. Before applying the third layer, the process needs to be repeated. As a result, a shiny glossy surface should be turned out.

    The surface treated with such a composition is not afraid of moisture, ultraviolet rays and elevated temperatures. To speed up the process of drying the composition, the processed product must be placed in a light, ventilated room with a small level of humidity.

    After drying, you need to ventilate the room until the unpleasant smell is disappeared. Specialists advise on the layout of the surface to achieve the maximum gloss level.

    To do this, use a tampon impregnated with alcohol. It can be made from a piece of cotton wool or wool fabric size with a chicken egg. Additionally, this material is wrapped with soft linen fabric. The lower part of the tampon is covered with a small amount of vaseline or sunflower oil. Then there are circular movements over the surface until dry places remain.


    This type of coating is performed using alcohol and natural resin ingredients.

    The composition has the following distinctive features:

    1. good adhesion;
    2. high strength to mechanical effects;
    3. excellent shine;
    4. the composition is not distinguished by moisture resistance.

    Typically, this composition is used to coat the wooden surfaces that require polishing.


    The basis for the production of this varieties of varnish for wood is a solution of synthetic resins and solvent. Film formed after drying is obtained transparent and solid. In the process of surface coating, the color gamma does not change. Such an LCM has resistance to moisture and has excellent adhesive properties.


    This composition has a basis on water and is characterized by good strength. Wood covered with such an LKM does not change its color, and the texture of the tree breed is fully saved. However, it is worth considering such a moment that the composition is not moisture-resistant, so the use of this finishing material in wet premises is not recommended.

    Polyurethane (polyester)

    Such a substance is distinguished by the presence of polyesters and diisocyanates. It happens both one-component and two-component. Before applying, isocyanate and the solution is mixed, obtaining the necessary consistency for use.

    These compositions are elastic and form a solid film. Additionally, it is worth noting that the coating is obtained resistant to abrasion and mechanical effects. Furniture covered with this varnish will last for many years.


    The basis of such a coating is a resin with the addition of colloxylin and organic mixtures. Suitable for applying on any wooden surface. Varnish is distinguished by high strength, smooth surface and excellent decorative properties.

    The optimal temperature in which the lacquer will dry in about an hour, is the indicator 20 ° C.

    As soon as the composition is completely dry, it will become completely safe for human health.


    Such a substance has an epoxy resin solution and organic solvents.

    The advantages of this type of LKM:

    1. moisture resistance;
    2. mechanical strength of the material;
    3. high glitter parameters;
    4. harmfulness.

    Of the disadvantages it is worth using accurate compliance with the cooking technology, since the composition is two-component and poor elasticity. The composition is used to cover parquet, doors, furniture, windows and gender.


    There are many options for universal compositions. Below is an example of one of these varnishes.

    Acrylic universal glossy Kudo varnish. This composition is necessary to give the surfaces of decorative shine. Wooden, metal or plastic products are as such surfaces. The composition is easily applied even on the surface where there is a layer of paint. It is worth noting that the lacquer is universal not only due to its ability to be applied to a variety of surfaces, but also because it can be applicable both with internal works and in external.

    The features of the composition are the following characteristics:

    • varnish can hide coating defects;
    • is a reliable abrasion protection;
    • protects the product from mechanical effects;
    • without a specific smell;
    • varnish is completely transparent;
    • no moisture is afraid.

    Varnish for outdoor work. This composition is distinguished by reliable protection of the surface from environmental factors, including all the individual features of each wooden coating are taken into account.

    It is worth noting that such a varnish is quite expensive, but due to the fact that the wooden surface will be under reliable protection, this fact can not be taken into account: over time, the cost of the finishing material will pay off.

    Color spectrum

    The main task of the paintwork is the creation of a solid coating and giving it a color effect.

    The use of colored varnish has several advantages:

    • protection against external factors;
    • decorative function;
    • the service life of the material increases.

    Often, for the interior, the owners of housing acquire a glossy color varnish - this applies to those rooms in which it is rather dark. Colorless appearance is one of the few examples when the natural structure of the tree is emphasized by applying varnish.

    When choosing a certain color scheme, you need to understand that it has a huge amount of shades.

    For example, covering the colors of the color walnut parquet board, you can get several different color effects. It can be a beige shade, red, black or dark brown color.

    Household owners love to use and tinting compositions. They cover doors, furniture, parquet. Wood receives an unsurpassed appearance, as well as resistance to mechanical effects. On this surface will not form blue, fungus and mold.

    Scope of application

    As already mentioned above, the varnish can be used both with internal works and in external. It all depends on the composition, it is necessary to carefully study it before buying. Varnish for internal works can be used for painting wooden furniture, doors, gender and other household items.

    LKM for external work is used to finish the following structures and elements:

    • facades of buildings;
    • furniture parts;
    • arbor;
    • enclosing structures;
    • wooden flooring;
    • terrace designs;
    • beams;
    • frames.

    To apply to large areas, you can use an aerosol LCM in a canister or spray. A representative of this type of LKM is a bitumen varnish. It protects the surface from rotting, the formation of mold and fungus.


    LKM consumption depends on several indicators:

    • Category of processed surface. If the tree is endowed with deep pores, then the flow rate will be clearly more than the usual wooden coating. For example, for an ash and oak composition, the composition will be needed much more than the beech or pine option.
    • Viscosity of the composition. The viscous composition does not spread over the surface, which means that it will be needed much more.
    • LKM consumption also depends from the quality of ground grinding. It is worth noting that if the surface is polished well, then the varnish will need less than usual.
    • The method of applying the LKM.. Using a paint gun, you can significantly save on the number of composition. Roller and brush consume much more varnish.

    Middle Indicator LCM consumption is known: usually 1 liter of matter covers about 8-10 square meters of surface.. When applied by the second layer, the coating can handle an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. m.

    Lacquering in 2 layers guarantees the resistance of the color and the required surface protection.

    How to cover?

    For treatment with lacquer of wood texture, use the following application technology:

    • The old surface must be processed using sandpaper.
    • After that, you should polish the surface and remove dust from it.

    Polishing the surface is more carefully, because the number of LKM is dependent.

    • If the caloring varnish is used, then you need to use the veil.
    • Then you need to apply primer. At the same time, it is necessary to follow all the rules for its use.
    • The final stage is to apply lacquer using a brush, roller or sprayer.

    For the convenience of the process, lacquer should be applied using roller. Tassel is suitable for hard-to-reach places. In order for the surface of the tracks from the brushes, it does not remain, it needs to be selected with a slight dissoloration at the end.

    As for the sprayer, they can cover large areas for a short period of time.

    If the surface of wooden furniture is required to be treated with varnish, then two layers should be used, and when processing floors - three.


    Currently, LKM producers have become much larger than a few years ago. This is due, first of all, with the active construction of new buildings and structures.

    • Among domestic firms it is worth highlighting Technocolor. This manufacturer produces acrylic and polyurethane compositions for water based wood. The color palette has more than 50 shades, including here you can meet white and even red LKM. Also, this manufacturer meets other varieties of LKM, but in a more limited quantity.

    The natural beauty of the wood with its unique texture will not replace any modern finishing material. Today, the tree is no less popular than 100 and 200 years ago.

    However, it is vulnerable to the effects of negative factors and requires a film barrier that will protect the structure from moisture, the sun, the drain drain, insect pests.

    Therefore, if your goal is only giving shade, enter the color additive gradually - in small portions and each time, thoroughly mix the composition until you get the desired color.

    Should I buy quick-drying varnish

    What varnish is better for a tree - which dries long or quick-drying? The drying rate of paintwork material is one of its main characteristics. Information on how much the wood varnish is dry, the manufacturer indicates a label. However, the practice is confirmed that the strengthening of one quality often leads to the weakening of the other. For example, high aesthetic properties of organic soluble products, a beautiful gloss is already from the first layer, not for each customer ...

    Photo 2. Semi-conventional organic lacquer from Teknos

    Long-having lacquer (nitroquac) for wood along with advantages and disadvantages:

    • high price;
    • sharp, unpleasant smell (nitrolaca);
    • the product is less environmentally friendly than a water-soluble analog that dries over an hour to the next layer.

    The most convenient in the work of a lacquer for wood is the water-fused compositions of the company Teknos. and Rennerwhich, with proper application, are operated at least 8 years. When updating the surface, you do not need to fully clean from the old layer, the staining is carried out directly on it.

    Photo 3. Teknos varnish water-based

    Fast-drying lacquer (a vodnik) for a tree along with advantages and disadvantages:

    • it is impossible to paint into one layer (almost imperceptibly);
    • high raises a pile of wood, require careful intermediate grinding;
    • losing nitrolas in aesthetics.

    Matte or glossy

    The main types of varnish for wood according to the degree of glitter Glossy, semi-conventional and matte.

    The glossy film well reflects the rays of light, it looks aesthetically attractive. Most often choose not the highest degree of gloss, the so-called "semi-shallow".

    Photo 4. Facade of Planken painted Teknos varnish

    Matte and semi-wave wood varnish has a special matting additive. It often falls precipitated, so matte varnishes need to be mixed thoroughly.

    In this varnish, the gloss is practically absent, but the surface looks like matte, while it becomes smooth to the touch and very beautiful.

    How to choose a varnish for wood?

    The answer to this question depends on the product being processed and the conditions for its operation. And glossy, and matte formulations are applied to protect and decorate:

    • musical instruments;
    • furniture;
    • floors, parquet, engineering board;
    • finishing panels.

    For furniture, stairs, musical instruments are best suited to nitrolakes, especially if they are reinforced with polyurethane or are two component compositions.

    Photo 5. Stages of oak lacquered

    That is where there are high strength and aesthetic properties, it is better to use organic-soluble. Apply them better by brush or air spraying.

    For lining, Haus, Planken block, etc. Perfectly suitable water formulations. Especially if a large amount of indoors have to be painted. Paint with varnishers is better to brush or airless spraying devices.

    From a practical point of view, the glossy surface wins, as traces of hands, dust and other pollution are clearly visible on matte. However, with improper cleaning on a shiny surface, scratches will appear, and any damage here is clearly visible.

    Transparent, translucent lacquer or streamlined painting scheme. What is suitable for me?

    Choosing a wood staining circuit, follow the desired effect.

    If you are important good protection and durability, and the aesthetics are not fundamental (although saturated colors look quite attractive), apply observed paint on a wooden surface. This paint material is opaque. It completely hides wood texture, serves until 15 years.

    A matte lacquer for wood does not form a breaking film, which one can crack and crumble over time. Behind the matte surface is not difficult to care for. It is also updated without any problems.

    Transparent, semi-tailed varnishes (for example, AQATOP 2600 Teknos) looks beautifully on color soil. They have a big dry residue, form a beautiful film that does not hide the wood texture, but only emphasizes natural beauty.

    The next drawing of this lacquer on the tree according to this scheme will be required no earlier than in 5-8 years and this, if you paint outside!

    Photo 6. Matte varnish aqatop 2600 Teknos

    Lacquet technology on a wooden surface. How to properly cover a tree?

    How to apply lacquer on a tree? Technology of our company will be told about it. It is best to call us, as different products require a different approach.

    Frequent question: what is better to apply lacquer on a tree? For this purpose, the paintopult is ideal for this purpose (aircraft aircraft and airless for vodnikov), but if it is absent, you can use a brush or roller. Under the aquatic products, synthetic brushes are well suited, and under organic cravy - with natural bristles.

    First we prepare the surface. Pulliness and any shallow defects. Rights are eliminated by grinding. Movements should be carried out in the direction of fibers. It is best for grinding to use an eccentric machine. Primary treatment is carried out by a large grain 80, the grinding of the abrasive P 150-240 ends.

    Frequently asked Questions:

    1. How to cover the tree with varnish without divorce? The lacquer layer should be as thin as possible. For this, the applied composition is poured into a painting bath, where the excess of varnish is removed using a rolling surface. Circuit control is carried out using a table lamp installed from the edge. The light falling on the wood will indicate where the varnish is much, and where it is not at all.
    2. How many layers of varnish should be applied to the tree? Typically apply at least two layers. Some coloring schemes require three-layer application. Between the layers it is necessary to withstand the time recommended by the manufacturer for drying.
    3. Is it necessary to cover the tree with varnish after impregnation of the soil? If you need aesthetics, then the varnish is needed. If a constructive is processed, which is not visible, the lacquer composition is inappropriate, and the efficient protection will provide primer.

    Lacquer spending on 1m2. Coating schemes

    Varnish 1 m2 on the wood depends on the density of wood, such as lumber (planed, sawy), concentration of LKM and pre-processing. Usually, on the planed surface, the flow rate does not exceed 1 liter by 10 m2.

    What to treat the tree before coating with varnish so that the consumption of the latter was minimal? To do this, use acrylic soil, which creates a film on the surface. The absorbency of the sawn timber decreases, varnish flow rate is small.

    When painting with brushes, the first layer of varnish is recommended to dilute with water so that its consistency becomes fat. The approximate value of the water flow rate on a tree by 1 m2 for the first layer is 130 ml. When applied to the ground or the second layer, the flow rate can be shrinking.

    Photo 7. Planken Teknos varnished

    What is moisture-resistant varnish. Is it necessary to overpay for it

    Moisture-resistant varnish for wood does not let moisture inside and does not give it back, as a result of which the water does not accumulate under the film and does not destroy the LKM layer. However, there is a moisture-resistant lacquer more expensive, therefore it is advisable to use it in conditions with high humidity - the street, where rain and snow, bathroom, kitchen, sauna are detaining on wood. If there is dry, overpay for moisture resistance does not make sense.

    Photo 8. Varnish from Renner

    What varnishes have the smell? Is it harmful to human health

    Paintwork materials based on organic solvents are endowed with a caustic odor causing human headache, nausea or allergies. Such symptoms indicate pathological processes in the body. Lkm with a sharp smell, of course, harmful. Such products need to be used for their intended purpose, in specially equipped air ventilation.

    Laches odorless to wood on a water basis is an absolutely safe product for a person. Water soluble varnishes are very popular today. They are environmentally friendly and endowed with excellent technical characteristics. The coating is used aesthetic, serves a long time, not cracking under the influence of sunlight.

    Over time, many materials lose their original appearance. Wood products and buildings are exposed to external factors and need regular update. To restore wood, it is recommended to apply wood varnish. Unlike paints, it has a transparent texture, which helps to keep the original pattern.

    Varnish will give an aesthetic appearance and emphasize natural beauty, and also reliably protect the product from adverse events and prevents its destruction.

    Tree coating varnish

    The principle of work with a lacquer on a tree is to apply it to the surface. As a result, the solvent, which is part of the substance evaporates and will remain a dense and shiny film. These simple actions will help extend the life of wood.

    Of course, a number of preliminary measures must be performed for impeccable results. First, pollute the wooden surface, remove the remains of the old paint or varnish. After grinding, do not forget to remove all the remnants of dust.

    Secondly, it is very important to initially apply primer varnish. This will avoid the appearance of bubbles and will prevent the formation of small defects.

    Then you can apply lacquer, selecting the desired tonality in advance. Thanks to a wide range of goods presented in the sales market, you can pick up the desired color under the interior of the room.

    Nakov species

    It is necessary to choose a varnish, taking into account the upcoming works (internal or external) and operational conditions (the level of humidity and temperature).

    Consider the following most popular categories of lacquers:

    Oil varnish

    Oil solutions based on the composition are vegetable oils and resins. It is a wood lacquer, intended for internal work. They are distinguished by the degree of fat content.

    Accordingly, the fat remedy, the better the protective layer. A colorless lacquer in this category is greater popularity, as it helps to preserve the natural natural texture of the tree.

    Alkyd Lac.

    Alkyd varnishes are distinguished by universality in use (designed for internal and external manipulations). They have increased resistance to external adverse conditions, moisture and high (low) temperatures are not afraid. This safe and environmentally friendly product has a relatively low cost.

    Alcohol Lac.

    Alcohol varnish contains ethyl alcohol and resin. It is used mainly to cover furniture accessories and musical instruments.

    Acrylic lacquer

    The acrylic varnish for wood does not smell, the composition includes antiseptics designed to combat mold and fungi. It is very convenient for use at the expense of plasticizing additives that allow you to simulate the substance. Presented in a wide range of colors, is environmentally friendly to use.

    Water varnish

    Water varnish for wood has water, emulsifiers and in some cases solvents (from 5 to 15 percent). Despite the fact that it will dry by much longer than the other means, in demand from buyers by compliance with the price and quality. They are absolutely not combustible.

    Polyester lacquer

    Polyester based on polyester resin creates a dense, thick glossy, water-resistant film. It is applied solely with a special device.

    Polyurethane lacquer

    The polyurethane opposite has a sharp smell and is hardening for a long time, but ultimately forms an unconditional protective layer.

    Alkud-carbamide varnish

    Alkud-carbamide varnish is considered very durable and waterproof due to the acidic hardener, carbamide and resin contained in it. Great for parquet coating as it has a special brilliance.


    Famous manufacturers represent a wide selection of assortment of wood varnishes. They are characterized by the type of application (internal or external use), by the type of solvent, taken as the basis and in the degree of gloss.

    Thus, the oil varnish will protect the surface from dust and dirt, and alkyd can create a barrier from moisture. Alkud-carbamide are designed to strengthen the surface and create a more durable coating.

    When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the gloss of the lacquer. In the sales market, exclusive options are already presented with tinting varnishes. With their help, you can change not only the shade, but also the color of the tree.

    To decide where to buy a tree lacquer, you need to visit several building stores, explore the range of each, consult with specialists and find the right product.

    The price of a tree varnish will be directly dependent on the operational characteristics of the product and the brand of the manufacturer.

    Stock Foto Lacquet for wood

    In order for the wooden base for a long time and give it a presentable appearance, a tree varnish should be used. If you know how to choose the appropriate composition, you can significantly improve the performance characteristics of the product. We offer to get acquainted with the main types, their distinctive features, methods of application.

    Varnish will protect the tree
    Photo: DeKoriko.ru.

    Read in the article

    Varieties of varnishes for wood

    The composition and characteristics of the varnish used may differ significantly. Manufacturers offer a large range. We propose to get acquainted with the main varieties used for wood processing.

    Big assortment - ample opportunities
    Photo: Antiquepurveyor.com.

    Oil and resoly

    Comparatively recently, oil varnishes for wood enjoyed high popularity. Now they are used slightly less due to the appearance of other options. The basis is resin and oil that is mixed in certain proportions. Natural ingredients were originally used. Later, artificial resins and modified oils began to reducing the cost.

    Oil varnishes, depending on the percentage of oil, it is customary to divide on:

    • fat (65-85%);
    • medium (55-65%);
    • skinny (35-55%).

    The first will dry much longer skinny, but it is better to perform a protective function. With their help most often protect the floor covering in residential buildings. Given the large population of the compositions, they are usually diluted before applying. Oil varnishes for wood are stored. For their complete drying, it takes from 1 to 3 days.

    Oil varnish long dries
    Photo: bionic-house.com.ua.

    The basis of resin varnishes is natural (for example, amber), thermoplastic or thermosetting resin. Their area of \u200b\u200buse completely coincides with the area of \u200b\u200buse of oil compositions.

    Alkyd, alkyd-carbamide and alkyd-urethane

    Alkyd base is a glyphthale or pentafalum resin. As a solvent, solvent is used or White spirit. Also manufacturers add special substances, accelerating the process of drying the applied composition. The formed coating is not afraid of moisture. Saves properties with temperature drops. It remains unchanged under the right sunny rays.

    Alkyd varnish has a long shelf life, an acceptable cost and an unpleasant smell. Allows you to emphasize the natural wood texture. Applying several layers allows you to achieve the desired color depth. To dry out each applied layer, 2-3 days may be required. Due to good wear resistance, the composition is used to process floors, including heated. Less often applies to cover furniture.

    Alkyd varnish suitable for floors
    Photo: stroybaza.by.

    The composition of alkyd-carbamide varnish for wood, in addition to alkyd resins, amino-formaldehyde is introduced. Are two-component materials. So that the acid-containing hardener is added to the base. The prepared mixture has a limited shelf life, depending on the brand, a couple of hours or several days.

    As a result, a solid film is formed on the surface of the tree, providing a sufficient level of protection against moisture. Alkud-carbamide brands are used mainly to process parquet or massive floorboards. They are also in demand when processing wooden furniture and various interior items.

    The basis of alkyd-urethane varnishes is an alkyd resin, to which the Urethane group is added and an organic solvent. The introduction of additional components made it possible to increase the service life of the formed coating twice as compared with the alkyd analogue. The substance has an unpleasant smell. Protects the tree from the impact of negative factors. Used to process ship surfaces.

    Alkudine-urethane - Reliable protection for wood in wet conditions
    Photo: Archiline.BY.

    Acrylic and acrylic urethane

    Acrylic varnish is an eco-friendly and safe composition that does not have an unpleasant odor. It can be used to process bases in children's rooms. Water soluble compositions dry sufficiently long. For the formation of the film may take about two weeks. Before applying the composition, the tree is ground.

    Attention!Manufacturers offer acrylic varnishes for wood, containing up to 15% solvent.

    Water-based preparations undermine the natural beauty of wood, but do not provide a sufficient level of protection against moisture. Do not support burning. The mechanical characteristics of the coating are relatively low. The manufacturers are significantly improved by the introduction of special additives.

    For processing inside and outside
    Photo: i2.wp.com.

    Acrylic urethane varnish can be divorced by water. He almost does not smell. It has a high level of adhesion to the base. It can be applied at temperatures above + 12ºС, and when it is stored, the value should not be descended below + 12ºС. Used when performing finishing works inside the bath, sauna.

    Alcohol and epoxy

    Alcohol lacquer for wood finds limited use. Its base is resin and ethyl alcohol. The latter evaporates quickly, so it takes 20-60 minutes to dry out the formed layer. The coating poorly protects the basis of the tree from the moisture, but it has a beautiful shine. With it, musical instruments are painted, sometimes furniture.

    The basis of epoxy varnish is the resin eponymous. It is a two-component drug. The hardening of the formable layer is possible only after adding a certain amount of hardener. Allows you to get a solid coating with a sufficient level of moisture resistance and suspension resistance. Used when performing internal and external work. Outdoor coatings are painted with it. To dry out the printed layer, no more semisal is required.

    Epoxy varnish - two-component composition
    Photo: Gidpokraske.ru.

    Polyester and polyurethane

    Polyester varnish is a multicomponent composition. Its base is polyester resin. For application, a special pistol is used. The process is quite laborious. Requires certain skills and accuracy. After drying, a robust thick film is formed on the surface of the tree, providing a sufficient level of protection against moisture and aggressive substances. The optimal option for furniture, gender and some musical instruments.

    Polyurethane varnish is the most popular. The group includes a yacht varnish. Due to the high strength and hardness of the formed coating, it can be used everywhere. Differs in high adhesion to the base. Not afraid of direct sunlight and chemicals. Dries enough quickly (4-12 hours). Can be used when performing outdoor work. Required to observe the technology of application, as even a small amount of water can significantly deteriorate operational characteristics. Has a high cost.

    Polyurethane - the most common varnish for wood
    Photo: i1.wp.com.


    The composition of etherocellulosic varnish includes an organic solvent, resin, plasticizer, cellulose nitrate. Drying is required 20-50 minutes. It happens matte and glossy. The formed coating is well polished. It has sufficient water resistance. They are covered by musical instruments and pencils.

    For drying required less than an hour
    Photo: DeKoriko.ru.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    To the advantages of a varnish for a tree should include:

    • protection against biological impact;
    • increase resistance to mechanical damage;
    • resistance to the effects of the Sun;
    • improving the appearance of the foundation.

    Of the disadvantages it is worth noting a long drying.

    The basis is reliably protected
    Photo: Gidpokraske.ru.

    How to choose a wood varnish: Main Criteria

    A number of criteria will help to purchase a suitable composition, which should be taken into account when choosing a tree varnish. The main attention should be paid to the purpose of the purchase, the appearance of the formable coverage and its operational characteristics.

    In terms of application

    The scope is of fundamental importance. Wooden varnish is divided into solutions for internal and external work. Based on the appointment, various substances are introduced into their composition. For the processing of surfaces outdoors, coatings must have properties that resist atmospheric precipitation and physical exposure. Internal work is made by the composition that is safe for human health. The surface treated with varnish for internal works, under the influence of the Sun and atmospheric precipitation quickly cracks.

    Operating Conditions - Important Criterion
    Photo: vagonkapinsk.by.

    By degree of brilliance

    The degree of gloss formed coating may differ. When choosing a lacquer for wood, it is necessary to take into account the design of other interior items and the overall stylistic design.

    Tip!The degree of gloss formed coating depends on the order of its formation, subsequent polishing, features of the substrate and the selected shade.

    The degree of brilliance may differ
    Photo: Teleplast.de.

    Wear resistance and refractory

    With a significant mechanical exposure to the level of wear resistance of the formed coating, increased requirements are imposed. Choosing the composition for the parquet, it is worth immediately paying attention to a polyurethane varnish for a tree. The formed coating will have sufficiently high wear resistance. The degree of abrasion will be minimal.

    Attention!From buying nitrocellulosic varnish should be refused. Its wear resistance is the most minimum.

    Wear resistance should be sufficient
    Photo: antiseptiki.com.ua.

    The refractory varnish is used to finish the premises to which the increased fire safety requirements are imposed. Its compliance with regulatory requirements is confirmed by the relevant certificate. To ensure a sufficient level of fire resistance, the composition should be applied with compliance with technological requirements.

    Drying and toxicity speed

    Often, drying rate becomes the main criterion when choosing a suitable composition. This depends on the timeliness of finishing work. Throwing time directly depends on the brand and the base of the varnish for wood. The minimum term demonstrates water-based lacquer. We will have the longest to wait for the coating formed by nitroglycerin.

    When performing work indoors, the toxicity of the composition is of particular importance. The most harmful are varnishes containing solvents: nitrolac, acrylic, polyurethane for external work, polyester. With their help, the finish must be performed in the workshop or non-residential room. If the base will be lacking in the residential room, during the execution of works by residents should be left.

    For wood processing inside the house it is necessary to use non-toxic varnish
    Photo: Woodpro.BY.

    Leading manufacturers of varnishes

    When choosing a lacquer for a tree, pay attention to TECHNOCOLOR products. The domestic company offers acrylic polyurethane and other compositions. Among foreign manufacturers are allocated:

    • Akzonobel (Holland);
    • Tikkurila (Finland);
    • Henkel (Germany);
    • BASF (Germany);
    • DuPont (USA).

    Many manufacturers have high quality varnish
    Photo: Palitra-vl.ru.

    Popular compositions

    Choosing a varnish for wood, it is worth paying attention to the compositions that are particularly popular. They are in demand from buyers, thanks to the good operational characteristics of the formed coating. Reviews of specialists will help the right choice.

    Outdoor work

    To protect the tree exposed to atmospheric precipitation, it is worth paying attention to:

    Mark. Characteristics
    Uretano-alkyd; one-component; Ultraviolet protection530
    Mark. Characteristics The average price (as of September 2019), rub. per liter
    Polyacryl; one-component; semi-man1200
    Polyurethane; semi-man2400
    Polyurethane; transparent2500

    Varnish Sherwin-Williams Wood Classics

    Wood lacquer methods

    The procedure for applying a varnish to the surface affects the appearance and service life of the formed coating. Work is better to perform in a dry windless day at a temperature of more than + 10ºС. Optimal is the temperature range in the range of 15 - 35ºС at a humidity level of less than 80%. The process itself includes the following steps:

    • tool selection;
    • preparation of the foundation. From the surface you should remove the old coating, dust, existing pollution. If there is a fungus or mold on the basis, this zone is disinfected. The tree is grinning with a grinder or sandwich;
    • applying primer. From this stage, you can refuse, but the priming will allow to align the base and reduce the expenditure of the varnish;
    • varnish the selected tool after complete drying of the primer layer;
    • grinding the formed layer.

    Tip!You can remove the old varnish with soda.

    Using a sprayer

    Used with a large area of \u200b\u200bprocessing or when applied to the base with a complex relief. Allows you to form a homogeneous layer. The composition applied with a sprayer must have a suitable consistency.

    The coating is calculated
    Photo: Azurka.ru.

    With a brush or roller

    When choosing a brush, the composition of the tree varnish is taken into account. For oil it is worth choosing a tool with genuine bristles. To form a smooth surface will help the brush with a synthetic pile. The roller is resorted when processing a large area.

    On the horizontal base of varnish are applied by strips. If the surface is located vertically, cross movements. After drying the applied layer, the tree is treated with shallow sandpaper. After that, the second layer is applied.

    Share in the comments, have you had to handle a tree with varnish? What composition did you prefer?

    The facade of the wooden house is under the constant influence of adverse weather environmental factors. Therefore, not only the aesthetic characteristics of the material, but its protective properties are key points of choice of varnish. Nail polish for the wooden facade of the house should provide protection against any natural factors: moisture, pests, ultraviolet. Only in this case can not be doubted that the coating will last for many years. Today you can find a large range of varnishes, but not all of them can provide reliable protection of the facade. In the article we will tell about how to choose a varnish for a wooden house.

    In the modern market there is quite a lot of funds for the outer decoration of a wooden house. which will completely hide the structure of wood, it is possible, but only the lacquer allows you to save and emphasize the natural beauty of the tree. Varnish forms a dense elastic film on a wooden surface, which decorates and simultaneously protects wood.

    An important criterion for choosing varnish is the conditions for its operation. In this case, it will be applied to the facade of the building, which is located in the open sky.

    Special requirements are made to the means intended for the outer finish. The lacquer for the exterior decoration of the cut must protect the wood from mechanical damage, negative natural and biological factors, and also have good decorative characteristics.

    Requirements for paint and varnishes for finishing facade:

    1. Wear resistance. This indicator is especially important when varnishing external horizontal surfaces: terraces and steps. In this case, it is necessary to choose a composition with a high degree of wear resistance and mechanical damage. To cover the walls of a wooden house, a varnish with average wear resistance are suitable.
    2. Resistance to UV radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is one of the main causes of burnout and rapid coating. It is necessary to lacquer the facade with means of special components in their composition, increasing resistance to direct sun exposure.
    3. Waterproof. The main enemy of the tree is moisture, under the influence of which the wood begins to rot, the fungus and mold appear on the surface. Therefore, it is very important that the lacquer coating creates a protective layer on the surface, repelling the water.
    4. Insect protection. The tree is a nutrient medium for various microorganisms and beetles, which, settle in its structure, from the inside destroy the wood. It is desirable that the lacquer contains substances that protect the tree from pests.

    There are several types of varnishes that are allowed to cover the outer surfaces of the wooden house. The choice of a particular means depends on the climatic conditions of the area, sawn timber used for construction, characteristics of the paintwork.

    For the varnishing of old, painted previously wooden surfaces, it is necessary to pick up the lacquer with the same basis. For example, it is impossible to apply an alkyd varnish on the surface coated with a water-soluble composition. Wood, fully purified from old coating and well polished, can be painted by any means.

    When choosing a varnish, its decorative characteristics are also taken into account. Lucky have a wide color palette, which allows you to choose the required shade in accordance with the common style of the facade. You can choose a glossy or matte varnish, which forms a transparent or translucent film on the surface.

    At the heart of these varnishes are artificial or natural oil treated with thermal oil. The means also contain a resin of natural or synthetic origin.

    Depending on the percentage of oil, the compositions are divided into fatty, bold and skinny. For external work, only varnishes with a large oil content belonging to the group of fatty means are intended. The composition with an increased oil content is more resistant to atmospheric phenomena.

    Oil-based varnishes are characterized by good protective properties, they form a water-repellent film on the surface, which demonstrates high light resistance. Lucky of this species dries sufficiently long (from 12 hours to three days), so it is desirable to conduct work with steadily warm and dry weather. It is also necessary to take into account that oil varnishes give the wood of the Okrovka

    Judging by the title it is clear that the paintwork is intended for staining of the yacht. But thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, this varnish is very often used to varnish the external surfaces of wooden houses.

    Yacht varnish is distinguished by exceptional reliability and durability. Such indicators were achieved to be included in its composition toxic components - toluene and xylene, which are very harmful to health and can cause poisoning. Therefore, it is intended only for external work.

    But, despite this, it is often used for the color of the floor and other surfaces inside the house, which is categorically impossible, because even after many years, the lacquer coating will distinguish harmful substances into the atmosphere.

    The use of a yacht lacquer to cover the log house outside, on the contrary, only welcome. The varnish coating ensures reliable protection of the outer walls of the cut from different atmospheric influences, and also gives wood a noble look.

    Alkyd Lac.

    The varnish is made on the basis of alkyd resin, it also includes various oils and solvent. The tool creates a durable and durable coating, resistant to temperature differences, humidity and mechanical loads. The composition has good water repellent properties, protects wood from the formation of fungus, mold and insects.

    The remedy will dry more than a day, it is distinguished by an unpleasant odor. Excessive varnish can lead to wrinkling coating.

    Polyurethane lacquer

    Lacquer, designed to dye the outer logs and timber, is made on the basis of organic solvents. It deeply penetrates the wood, forming a protective wear-resistant layer on it. The varnish is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, well tolerate temperature differences.

    Luck is one-component and two-component. In the first case, the remedy is sold ready for applying. In the second - it is necessary to add a hardener before work. A two-component remedy is better suited for painting large areas.

    Water soluble varnishes

    This type of paint and varnishes is based on water based. Lucky of this species is safe for humans, do not distinguish harmful substances and smell. They are produced in a wide variety of colors. The tool provides full-fledged surface protection from microorganisms, mold and fungi.

    The composition dries around about a day, but for the final formation of the protective film takes about two weeks. However, water-soluble varnishes are not able to provide such reliable surface protection as organic compositions. The coating requires a regular update.

    Varnish must be applied on dry wood. If it was raining on the eve of the work, it was better to postpone the varnishing and wait when the tree is completely dry. The moisture content of coniferous wood during staining should not exceed 15%, for deciduous rocks, this indicator is 12%.

    Regardless of which the facade will be squeezed by the facade, the coating of the bar of the bar is outside the house should be performed in a windless and dry weather. Street temperatures should be no lower than 10 degrees, and the optimal indicators are 15-25 degrees at a moisture content of about 80%.

    Before varnishing the surface you need to carefully prepare:

    • clean the facade from dirt and dust;
    • remove the former paintwork;
    • spank the wood well;
    • apply two layers of antiseptic on the walls and 3-4 layers on the ends of the bar to protect the tree from rotting and microorganisms;
    • process the house with antipirens to prevent fire;
    • progress the surface.

    When diluting the varnish, it is necessary to take into account its type. As a rule, the LKM is mixed with the solvent. Only water can be added to acrylic. Yacht varnish is not recommended to dilute at all.

    It is more convenient to apply lacquer on the facade of the building, in this case the composition will evenly cover the surface. End and hard-to-reach areas are better handled with a mixed bristle. For oil composition it is recommended to use a natural brush.

    Before covered with varnish lining on the outside of the house, it should be tested on adhesion, decorative characteristics and the color of the future coating. For this, the tool is applied to a small inconspicuous area. After drying the composition, try to remove it with a spatula. If the coating is difficult to remove, it speaks of a good clutch of materials. If the spatula leaves deep traces, it is required to predlect the surface again.

    To make a beautiful and durable coating, it is necessary to apply at least two layers of varnish. If porous wood is painted, the surface is vague at least three times. After drying each layer, it is recommended to produce intermediate grinding of fine-sided sandpaper.

    Services of professional finishing

    The company "Master of Sabov" offers its services in staining and varnishing the facade of a wooden house. We specialize in the decoration of bruschers and log houses for more than ten years. Qualified masters of our company have an extensive experience with the tree by the shoulders.

    We use certified paints of well-known manufacturers who differ in high quality and safety. We are ready to perform any scope of work, from local painting, to the finish of the house turnkey.

    You can leave your applications by any convenient way by coordinates in the section.

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