• When you have a boyfriend. How to understand a guy's intentions towards you? The power of attention and compliments


    Maria Dubynina

    Often a woman racks her brain for a long time in search of an answer to the question of whether a man likes her. There are many signs that a guy likes you, you just need to be able to spot them. As a rule, lovers know how to carefully disguise themselves, but a keen eye will not miss signs of true affection and tender feelings.

    It happens that gentlemen hide their caring attitude towards a girl, feigning ostentatious indifference and voicing caustic jokes.

    They can behave this way even when the guy likes you very much and is ready to walk you down the aisle. It would be much easier for young inexperienced ladies to choose a line of behavior with the male sex if the guys did not have this habit of remaining silent and directly communicated their interests.

    Fortunately, there are a number of signs that a man likes a woman. By looking closely at how a guy behaves when communicating with a girl, you can accurately determine what is on his mind.

    What does a friendly relationship mean?

    It would seem that love and friendship are different things. But for a young man, a friendly attitude towards a girl already means that she is attractive to him.

    If he strives to be close, helps in every possible way and provides all possible assistance in various everyday situations, there is a high chance that the guy likes you. It is possible that he wants to take the place of his lover next to the only one that the man is madly in love with. Why does he hide his feelings?

    Perhaps, at some point at the beginning of the acquaintance, the woman made it clear with a word or a hint that he is not her ideal and she does not see him next to her as a lover. Without losing hope for reciprocity, in such a situation the guys try to prove themselves as loyal and reliable friends, expecting that the young beauty will appreciate their efforts and skills.

    This strategy very often bears fruit, because being nearby makes it easier to get closer, find common interests, get to know the girl better and choose an approach to her.

    Conquering the princess is the task of a real hunter

    By nature, every male is a conqueror and hunter. Therefore, a sign that a man likes you can be regular active attempts to get closer by any means.

    If a young man arranges “random” meetings, strives to get into a company where a girl appears, or attracts attention in other ways, then he probably wants to become her dear friend.

    Paradoxically, if the situation develops in favor of the young man - he easily got the girl’s phone number, she happily agreed to a date - the gentleman can quickly lose interest.

    The princess's heart didn't need to be won, and that's depressing.

    It turned out that there was no need to organize a hunt.

    The power of attention and compliments

    When listing the main signs that a man likes a woman, one cannot fail to mention gifts, surprises, compliments and other signs of attention. It doesn’t matter what the cost of the gift is - if you received it from the hands of a guy you like, then it’s likely that your feelings are mutual.

    Even a sign of attention that is insignificant at first glance (especially if it is not shown on March 8th or New Year) can be regarded as a signal that the gentleman wants to attract the favorable gaze of his chosen one.

    You should beware of those who are used to complimenting all girls without exception. Take a closer look at how the young man behaves with other young ladies.

    Think about whether he has a mercantile interest (for example, whether he is expecting some kind of work service from you).

    If the compliments sound sincere, and the guy doesn’t look like a manipulator or womanizer, there is a chance to build a warm relationship with him.

    The cinema is a great place for a first date

    Should you be happy that a young man invited you to the cinema? Is the date complete if he didn’t try to kiss you in the dim cinema? In most cases, this is one way or another a good sign that a man probably likes you.

    The cinema is often chosen as a meeting place by shy young people who find it difficult to directly confess their feelings. Sitting in a dark hall, it is easier to take a girl by the hand or give her a little hug.

    But even if small signals could not be noticed, the very fact that the man stayed until the end of the melodrama in the style of the movie “Titanic”, and did not run away in the middle of the film, speaks of his intention to get to know his chosen one better.

    What can touch tell us?

    Even light touches on the arms, shoulders or back, even if seemingly casually, can convey feelings. And we are, of course, not talking about intimate areas. The signals are simple - a woman is attractive to a man.

    A girl can also touch the guy she likes, making it clear that she is not against a relationship with him. But you need to act carefully and not push the gentleman away. Still, it’s better that the initiative comes from him. Let him take the first timid steps.

    An eloquent look

    Sometimes you can notice a man’s gaze, which is fixed and unwavering, directed at the person he likes. This sign is clear - the guy likes you. But even if the look is not so obvious, a man stealing glances at you and averting his eyes as soon as he meets yours is worth thinking about.

    Young people more often direct their gaze to those girls who are attractive to them. They also expect to be responded to with playful behavior and light flirting. This is an effective seduction technique, this is how all relationships begin.

    Some other signals

    In addition to the quite obvious and obvious signals sent by a man to the young lady he likes, there are seemingly less noticeable and insignificant ones, which can also indicate serious sympathy. You just need to notice them in time and interpret them correctly.

    Tired of men constantly pestering you with questions about your boyfriend? You don’t know what to answer when they ask why he’s not there, how many of them there were, when someone will appear, did you love, was it answered, and not lose face in the dirt? We will tell you how to do this in an original, funny and sarcasm way. Such answers will surprise even the most curious and elevate you in his eyes. You will also find several interesting phrases that can be used to answer the question of whether you have found someone.

    Before answering anything, you need to understand what you want to get from the person who asked the tricky question.

    If you like a guy and would like to continue your relationship with him, then don’t be rude to him and be smart.

    The correct answer will help you establish further communication with a pleasant young man and win him over. Here's what you can tell him:

    • When I saw you, I completely lost my memory.
    • There were no brave men. Are you brave?
    • I'll only tell my boyfriend about this.
    • If I say “no”, you won’t believe me. I'll say yes, it won't be true.
    • I passed the theory. I didn't have any practice.

    And if you don’t like the guy and you want to end the conversation on this topic, then you can safely answer with sarcasm:

    • I love collecting men's hearts.
    • Yesterday it was, today it’s not, tomorrow we’ll see.
    • There was no boyfriend, the men were dating.
    • No, I don't know how to cook them.
    • My husband doesn't allow me.

    What's funny to say when they ask: “Do you have a boyfriend?”

    There is absolutely no need to open your cards and tell the truth. You can laugh it off or change the topic of conversation. If you don’t have a boyfriend and want to give the guy a chance, then please his pride with this answer:

    • Look at your passport, you will see its photo.
    • This position is vacant today, please send your resume.
    • Look into my eyes and you will find the answer to your question.

    If you have a boyfriend or you don’t want to continue communicating on this topic, you can stop curiosity with funny phrases:

    • No, I did some spring cleaning.
    • My boyfriend is on the dollar bill.
    • Today they are worth their weight in gold, and we are poor girls.
    • Guys are like money; before you have time to pick it up, they disappear.
    • Sometimes it doesn't happen at all.

    What to think of if you are wondering: “Why are you alone?”

    There are situations when a girl is left without a gentleman. To satisfy guys' curiosity, prepare your answer in advance. We offer 10 original options for all occasions:
    1. Every queen needs a rest.
    2. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
    3. My fire is too bright for moths.
    4. Good males were taken as puppies.
    5. Guys went extinct along with the dinosaurs.
    6. I'm just friends with my head.
    7. Loneliness is the calm before the storm.
    8. A man is a big responsibility, and I am an irresponsible girl.
    9. The doctor prescribed me a medicine for my problems.
    10. I'm not alone, I have a thousand cockroaches in my head.

    Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

    The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

    We answer the question: “How many men have you had?”

    It is indecent to ask girls about this. But many guys are overly curious. Don't blush or blush! Be armed and boldly answer the piquant question:

    • Was is a past tense verb, but I live in the present.
    • Like the stars in the sky. Who will count them?
    • Counting my exes is for fools. And you are a smart young man.
    • How many were - all mine.
    • I think more than you.
    • I had a lot, but not one in me.
    • I don't keep records, I'm weak in math.
    • Didn't you know that every girl's man is her first?
    • Even my doctor doesn't ask about this.

    If you are still alone, maybe you need it? We have collected several effective methods that will help improve your opinion of yourself.

    If a young man stubbornly imposes himself as a son-in-law, you should not be rude to him, you can. Here you will find lists of suitable phrases, there are options that are rude, funny, and original. Look and choose!

    If , then stupid questions may not be asked, because such a girl potentially cannot help but have a boyfriend. Read about the secrets of self-care in our other article.

    What if you like a guy who is interested in your personal life? In this case, try . Here you will find step-by-step instructions from collecting information to consolidating the results.

    There are a lot of ladies, but there aren’t enough gentlemen for everyone, right? We interviewed various young people, analyzed the data obtained and published them in a separate article.

    How to answer the question: “Have you found the young man?”

    When a girl doesn’t have a permanent boyfriend, many people wonder why everything is so sad and when he will appear. We offer you several answer options to satisfy their curiosity:

    • Guys don't have gloves; they don't lie on the road.
    • Nowadays it's easier to find a Bigfoot than a guy.
    • You can't find what you haven't lost.
    • Look at me and don't ask stupid questions.
    • I will definitely find it when the need arises.
    • I'm actively searching. Can you tell me the address?
    • No, let's look for it together.
    • I don't play hide and seek with guys.
    • It’s not a woman’s business to look for guys.

    In this video, the girl is clearly tired of the question, do you have a boyfriend, but the answer is definitely extraordinary:

    No matter who and no matter how interested in your personal life, it is personal so as not to dwell on it. You can simply ignore the question and save your nerves.

    The difficulty of communication between boys and girls lies in differences in perception. For example, it happens that a guy has been in love for a long time, but the girl doesn’t even suspect it. It also happens the other way around - a girl takes simple chatter and light flirting as a manifestation of sincere feelings. So how do you know if a guy likes you?

    Unfortunately, only the guy himself can answer this question with one hundred percent certainty, and even then, most likely, not out loud. Since the shyest guys may not even tell the truth when asked a directly question.

    Therefore, if you are interested in how to understand whether a guy likes you, then watch his behavior.

    How to understand that a guy likes you - women's secrets

    Pay attention to...


    If he likes you, he will subconsciously be drawn to you. That is, in a company he will not turn his back, but will try to stand next to you. And, in general, he tries to lean towards you, listens to what you say. Another sure indicator is that he begins to repeat gestures after you. Don't be afraid, he is not imitating you; people in love copy the gestures of their lovers on a subconscious level.

    Eye contact

    Look him in the eyes. If a guy immediately lowers his gaze or, on the contrary, begins to maintain contact for as long as possible, then he is clearly not indifferent to you. Moreover, in the first case, he is still romantic and shy. If you like him, the guy will constantly look at you. He follows you with his gaze and meets you with his gaze. Often, he cannot look you straight in the eyes and turns away. This means he is afraid of being rejected. The look always spoke volumes, and you must understand what his look says. After all, you can read everything in your eyes.

    Try talking to him

    How to understand that a guy likes you? Start a conversation on a general topic. If during a conversation a guy shows slight nervousness and turns the conversation on himself, this is a sure sign that he wants to look like a fine fellow and a hero in your eyes.

    The language of touch

    If he takes every opportunity to touch you, it means he likes you. If your hands accidentally touch, he will not withdraw his. And on occasion, he will want to embrace you in a friendly embrace on some joyful occasion. True, there is a danger of making a mistake if such touches are the norm for a guy in communication. Take a closer look, does he do this to all girls or does he single out only you?

    Relationships with girls

    Guys have a way of starting flirting with other girls to make sure that the object of their feelings is unpleasant. For example, you see how he flirts with your friend, but at the same time periodically glances at your reaction. Another sure sign: all advances stop immediately after you leave the room. By the way, guys can express their interest in a very strange way. For example, he began to constantly make fun of you. Do not rush to be offended, if only you are the object of jokes, and not all the girls around you, it means that he really likes you.

    Circle of friends

    He tries to become the best and begins to communicate with the leaders of your society. It’s not uncommon for this to turn into mere “window dressing.” Often boys enter your social circle and begin to show all their best sides. Showing all his best qualities, he behaves like a peacock. Luring you with a beautiful tail.

    Common interests

    If a guy suddenly begins to be interested in the things that you like, then this is a clear sign of falling in love. For example, he has always been a fan of rock, and then suddenly he began to be interested in recordings of classical music, which you adore.


    If a guy likes you and you suddenly need something, he will definitely be the first to provide it. He will give you advice, recommendations, tips. Will always put you first. Even if he has a girlfriend, he will stay to support you rather than go to her. Here it is very important to understand whether he behaves like a friend or whether he cares about you.

    Friends reaction

    Usually, a guy's friends find out faster that their friend likes a certain girl than the actual object of his desire. Therefore, if his friend suddenly started a lengthy conversation with you on the topic of how you feel about Sasha K., then perhaps he decided to help his friend in love.


    He began to notice changes in your appearance. For example, you did a new hairstyle. Most likely, the guys you know who aren't in love with you simply won't notice this change. But if a guy likes you, he will certainly notice and give you a compliment. There is another option that this guy is interested in you as a friend, then he will also give you compliments, purely in a friendly way.


    If you give another boy more attention than him, he will get angry and behave aggressively. But a boy with the opposite character will behave more restrained. He will worry everything inside, showing only sadness on his face. Because he will think that you like the other boy better;


    He asks you to help, to explain something to him. In an unclear situation, you become a support and mentor. Guys want to know that when you're dating, he can rely on you.

    How to tell if a guy likes me by his behavior

    First, you need to listen to his words. If a guy told you that he saw you somewhere, then 85% that he liked you and only 15% that he actually met you somewhere.

    Next, look at his gaze. If a guy likes a woman, then when she is not looking, he looks at her. If in your presence he becomes distracted and inattentive, then this is also a sign that he clearly likes you.

    Among the ways to understand that a guy likes you, no less effective, is to pay attention to his gestures. Sign language, unlike spoken language, cannot lie. The position and gestures of the hands and feet will help you tell how a person feels about you. For example, an old but proven way to find out if he likes you is to look in which direction his toe is pointing. If it's in your direction, then he definitely likes you. If a guy does the so-called “mirroring”, that is, repeats your gestures, then this is also a sign of sympathy for you.

    A provocative question will also help you find out whether the guy likes you or not. You need to ask him a question so that you can already determine by the answer. Or hint that you wouldn’t mind drinking coffee together. The reaction that follows will answer all your questions.

    Pay attention to the guy's pupils. If they are expanded, then be sure that he feels more than just sympathy for you, he wants you and has already mentally replayed it all in his head.

    The most effective way to find out if a guy likes you is to ask the guy for help. By his reaction you can immediately determine whether the guy likes you. While fulfilling your request, he will definitely want to talk to you. Pay attention to what he is talking about. If it’s about your life, it means he’s interested in you. But it also happens when a guy wants to meet, for example, your girlfriend through you, in this case all the questions will be directly about her.

    The most important. You need to make no mistakes yourself. Even if he wants to be with you, you must understand that you are letting him into your soul. Find out the opinion of your girlfriends, friends, what they think about him and what emotions are in their souls when communicating with this guy.

    You mustn't make a mistake. You must get only to the center, only to the top ten with your choice. After all, it might not just be a guy. He can be a deceiver, a pick-up artist, or he can become the one you are looking for. We hope that you will now be able to understand the question of how to understand whether a guy likes you.

    Psychologists write entire books on how to understand that a guy likes you. Many different studies have already been conducted that confirm that little things like gestures and speech can tell a lot. You just have to take a close look at them.

    How to tell if a stranger likes you

    A man can show sympathy by courtship. After all, it’s always nice to look after someone you like. Also here. If a guy likes you, he will begin his courtship with ordinary signs of attention that you may not even notice. He will look for eye contact with you every time. After all, don’t forget that every guy loves with his eyes, so take a good look at his eyes. He often smiles when looking at you and waits for an answer to your smile. Very often guys are afraid to take the first step. By giving signals (such as smiling), they wait for a response.

    How do you know that a guy likes you, even if he’s a stranger? If it so happens that you have a mutual friend, then the guy will try by all means to find out everything about you, through an intermediary. First of all, the guy will find out your contacts, namely your phone number, so that he can call you in the future. Also, he will ask about your personal life, if you have a boyfriend. So think carefully that if you receive an SMS message from a stranger, this does not always mean that he simply made a mistake.

    Friends are very good in this situation. Ask them to look at the guy from the outside. After all, sometimes it’s better to ask another person than to look for a white spot on a black background yourself. Sometimes it's not easy to see for yourself. So ask for a small favor. Do not forget that independent opinion is very valuable.

    There are situations when a guy tries to get to know his girlfriend. After all, in order to make acquaintance with a girl you like, you should get to know her friend. So that's what persistent guys do. And if such a situation happened to you, then rejoice. This means that you are dear to him, and he is simply afraid to approach you and hear the word “no”. And if he carefully enters the circle of trust of your friends, then we can assume that he has met you.

    He wants to be witty around you. His position is to be a leader. After all, crowds of girls always run after the leaders. And that he is a leader can be seen in many ways.

    It is very important to remember that it is impossible to hide sympathy one hundred percent. Even by external signs you can see that a guy likes you. After all, every time he meets his eyes, he will blush. So take a good look at it and you will understand everything right away.

    Politeness. Guys know that girls like well-mannered and polite boys. He can give up his seat to a pregnant woman, compliment the teacher, or help a friend. But all this happens so that you can see it. In fact, he may behave this way very rarely, but you need to be impressed.

    If you want to quickly find out if a guy likes you, then ask directly. After all, it’s better to find out right away than to arrange the secrets of the old courtyard. Ask to accompany you to find out everything completely. And if the guy is shy, then with this move you will simply help him.

    If you are having a hard time and he is nearby, ask him for help. He will feel like a hero and you will benefit. This is an additional reason for him to get to know each other. Or you can show everyone with your appearance that you need help. Let him offer his strength and intelligence...

    Don't go with your girlfriend all the time. She may be the reason that he still hasn’t approached you to meet you. When he's nearby, ask her to step away for a couple of minutes. Explain to her, don't be afraid. She will understand everything and will not be offended.

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