• We teach the puppy to pee on the diaper without conflict or problems. How to teach a child not only to play independently, but also to make informed choices. That is, you will not create your own software


    Hello, dear parents. Many mothers do not have enough free time, not only for themselves, but also for doing household chores. Kids never want to do anything on their own. Is it really possible that in this case all that remains is to look enviously at those kids who give their mother at least a few minutes of free time, or is there still a chance to change the situation?

    Today we will talk about how to teach your child to play independently. It's great that you are thinking about this topic. Independence is not just the highest good that needs to be taught to a little person, but also a necessity. It will definitely come in handy in the future more than once.

    I have some tips to help you deal with the problem, but first there are a few things you need to think about.

    A look from the inside

    Some parents complain that their child is not independent, but... Too many people suffer from this problem for me not to devote a separate chapter to the topic. This is a real scourge of modern society.

    Giving a child freedom is scary; for many parents it is too much work. You have to find a lot of courage in yourself to leave the child alone at least for some time, to let him decide something for himself. Now I will give a simple example.

    One day I came to visit my friend, who constantly complained that a 3-year-old child could not do anything on his own and needed special help. While she was preparing tea for us, the baby took a notebook and pen and began to draw.

    “Do you want to draw?” she said, at the same time replacing the notebook with an album, and carefully putting pencils and markers next to it. It remains a mystery to me why she was not satisfied with the notebook. It seems like a small thing, but if a child makes a choice, and you point out that this option is not successful, he... Subsequently, this will result in thousands of stupid questions: “What should I draw,” “What exactly,” “Mom, what should I do,” and so on.

    My friend’s son looked at the ceiling for several seconds, until his mother advised: “Remember, I recently taught you to draw a flower. Show your aunt how good you are at this.” This was the second mistake. Already at 1-2 years old, children are able to invent activities for themselves. Some people succeed faster, while for others it is a difficult task, but in any case solvable. Let him show his imagination. It's all a matter of habit. The same thing happens in adults.

    Literally 5 minutes later, the friend could not stand it and came up to the baby to help him cope with the drawing, justifying it by the fact that he needed attention.

    As you can see, in some cases it lies in the parents themselves. They are afraid that they will become “bad parents” just because they do not devote enough time to their baby.

    : they offer the best ones, suggest where to stand and what to do, while all the child’s attempts to show independence are nipped in the bud. It was strange for me that not once did the baby go against it and tell his mother that he did not want to carry out some command. He meekly carried out all the orders that she passed off as caring advice.

    The question remains open: “Why complain about lack of independence if you yourself do not give the child a chance to show it and constantly pull him?”

    When is it really necessary and possible to give a child freedom? At what age is he ready to make independent decisions and can he do it on his own for at least a few minutes? Whatever you say, every kid... Some people can’t stand it when people mess with him, while others will not get away with their mother’s hands.

    Another friend of mine, already six months old, poured a glass of dry beans mixed with small change in front of her daughter, and she calmly and methodically separated the items into two different piles. What was strange to me was that the baby didn’t even try to put them in her nose or use them in any other way. I had concerns and questions, to which her mother objected: “Well, firstly, I see what she is doing, and, secondly, she is not a fool, she knows that she shouldn’t do this.” One can only be amazed at such trust.

    Pay attention to your child’s wishes, trust him and cooperate if this does not harm the baby. If at 4 years old he is trying to tie his shoelaces himself, and you want to get out as quickly as possible and are already tired of your outerwear, just unfasten your clothes, and don’t rush at him with reproaches and don’t do the work for him, because it’s faster. These are the first steps towards independence.

    All of the baby's toys should be available to him. Try to make sure that if he wants to take a doll or a car, he can do it himself, without turning to adults for help. . If he can’t do anything on his own, then it won’t be possible to teach him to play on his own. Development must take place fully.

    At 5 years old, you can already ask your child where to go for a walk. Give him a choice and praise him for any decision. Not long ago I wrote an article about... Can you imagine how difficult this can be for a child? Slowly accustom him to this, encourage him to make independent decisions and always fulfill his conditions if you first asked about his desire. Don't expect the "right" answer.

    If you want to teach your child independence, then I can recommend you an excellent book that I recently finished reading myself. It's called “An independent child, or How to become a “lazy mother” by Anna Bykova. An excellent work that easily and simply talks about raising children from birth to school.

    In it you will learn about the full and comprehensive development of independence in children. Not only regarding games, although a separate chapter is devoted to this topic, but also many other important aspects.

    By the way, this same writer has a book “Developmental activities for the “lazy mother”, in which you will find a whole selection of games for kids that won’t require much effort from you, as well as thoughts on how to motivate yourself to work with your child, what is best to come up with and what to do with him. It should be noted that in the book you will not find any expensive toys: sand, water and much more that everyone has at hand.

    Well, now you know what to do and how to proceed next. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

    So - you have a puppy in your house. The first thing you need to do is teach him to go to the toilet correctly - not where he wants, but on the diaper. Cleanliness is in the blood of any dog. Therefore, it is quite simple to train her to wear a diaper. But you need to know some important points to do it quickly and easily.

    Remember, first you need to explain to your baby what you require from him - a piece of treat or praise will help with this best. You can’t do it until he understands everything clearly.

    At first, do not punish your pet for pooping in the wrong place. After all, it only seems to you that everything is clear and logical, but you don’t know at all what conclusions the puppy will draw for himself after punishment. Accustoming him to a diaper if he is afraid to even approach it after your screams and punishment will be many times more difficult !

    Let's consider a typical situation for novice dog owners. So the kid did his thing in the middle of the room. The owner swears, grabs him, brings him to the diaper and pokes his muzzle into it; some novice owners even spank the confused dog. The owner thinks that he has clearly explained to his pet where to pee next time. But what can he think about this?

    Firstly, if you start scolding the puppy when he has already moved away from the “crime scene,” then most likely he will not understand anything at all. After all, for him, those seconds that have passed are an eternity. It is not clear what they are criticizing for. They poke their nose at this incomprehensible contraption - how scary it is... The tiny baby may decide that he doesn’t need to go near the diaper anymore - the owner will swear.

    Secondly, if you caught your pet in the process and started swearing, then the puppy can next time do it without you seeing and getting upset (behind the sofa, for example). They may also think that you are angry because the puddle is too big and you need to pee a little everywhere. And again about the diaper - the puppy may think that if they are poking at it so furiously with their muzzle, then they probably can’t do their business here. Your pet’s conclusions during such “upbringing” may be very unexpected and unpleasant for you, although completely logical from his point of view.

    Training a puppy to wear a diaper

    So how can you make sure your little friend understands what is required of him? The smaller he is, the more often he needs to fulfill his needs. He needs to go to the toilet immediately after waking up, after eating, after active play. Use this for your purposes. For example, immediately after sleep, take your pet to a diaper. Sit near him, but don’t play, just don’t let him leave. Nature will take its course - the puppy will do its job. Calmly, without unnecessary enthusiasm, praise him, give him. Show with all your appearance that you are happy with him. Believe me, for any dog ​​the best motivation is that the owner is happy.

    Suppose that after the first explanation, the puppy has not yet fully understood what you want, and begins to sit in the wrong place. We remember not to swear. We just carry him in the diaper, don’t let him leave and wait. After the “ritual” has been performed correctly, we praise and give a small piece of some goodies.

    Very quickly, literally in a few days, your little pet will begin to try to do his business in the diaper in front of you, wanting to bring you joy and get his treat for it. Praise, don’t skimp on encouragement, reinforce skills.

    When the baby finally understands what is required of her and has consolidated the skill, you need to gradually wean her off the treat. First, give every once in a while, then less and less, and then stop completely. The skill will be formed and become familiar and taken for granted.

    What to do if the puppy does not wear a diaper?

    The process of getting used to a diaper can sometimes be lengthy. But be patient. Patience, attention and encouragement are the keys to success in training your dog to go to the toilet in the right place. Don’t be lazy to take your baby to the diaper every time after sleep or after eating.

    In general, try to keep him in sight for the first time after the puppy arrives in the house, so you can study the animal’s daily routine. If you see that he begins to do his business anywhere, do not scold your pet, do not poke his face into the diaper and do not hit him under any circumstances. After all, the more understanding and love you treat your puppy, the faster he will be able to understand you.

    It has been proven that a dog’s character is formed in childhood; serious pathologies of animal behavior also depend on your treatment of him at a young age. If you want to have a healthy dog ​​that is easy to train, use these tips, and your animal will easily learn not only to walk in a diaper, but will also be able to give you many good emotions from communicating with it in the future.

    A few final words

    Under no circumstances try to replace regular ones with sand or newspaper scraps. Similar advice can be read in old books written at a time when no canine industry existed in the USSR. The fact is that your pet is guided by smell to the place for the toilet, and there is a very high risk that newspapers or sand (which do not absorb odors) will transmit the smell of urine to the floor so much that you will be faced with another question: how to wean the puppy from these substitutes diapers!

    One of the most harmful formulas in education sounds like this: “If you (don’t) teach a child right away, then it will always be like this.” No need to hand train. You need to immediately learn to be careful. There is no need to teach him to sleep with his mother. You need to immediately learn how to format written work correctly. Etc., etc. This approach implies looking at a child as a jar with a lid, where you put something, it will stay there. Despite all the seemingly obvious absurdity, this look has a downright magnetic effect, literally hypnotizing adults.

    “Well, how can that be? Leave it like that? But then he will ALWAYS (suck his thumb, cry in the toy store, forget to do his homework, play on the computer, love Dima Bilan - underline what is necessary)! Something needs to be done!” Aaah, we're all going to die! I usually say: “Listen, this is actually an interesting train of thought. I suggest not taking your child by the hand across the road. You need to get used to it right away! What if he will ALWAYS just come with us?” Confusion. “No, you can’t do that, that’s different.” What else, huh? The child is afraid to sleep alone. Well, of course we know that the skeleton under the bed, which he is afraid of, is unreal, unlike the cars on the roads. But for him it’s real! Much more than that, because he almost directly sees the skeleton, so terrible, and almost directly hears it scraping its bones on the floor. And the car - why be afraid of it? He goes and goes. Bright, beautiful.

    How, I wonder, do children explain to themselves why adults are ready to protect them from some dangers, even with excessive zeal, while others calmly let them be torn to pieces, and are even ashamed that you are afraid? What version do they have on this topic in their heads? I would like to know.

    Or this is elementary school. Well, why is so much attention paid to design in first grade? “To get used to it right away, otherwise...” OK, let's get used to solving integrals right away? Somehow, the idea that a seven-year-old cannot solve integrals is obvious. And the idea that he CANNOT, simply due to his age, remember all these algorithms: four cells here, and if it’s on the last line, then we don’t start, and if it doesn’t fit, then like this. And all this must be done simultaneously with the actual writing and thinking!

    Such a wonderful age - from 7 to 10! Such a creative, rich, such a passionate interest in how the world works, such an ability for unexpected generalizations, associations, such a synthetic perception of any subject! See the world not as a set of scientific disciplines, but as a whole, as a living single organism, think about butterflies, about stars, about the composition of dirt under fingernails, about hurricanes, about Vikings, about atoms, about why people laugh - at intervals of five seconds , or even at the same time. Don’t just think – FEEL about it, let it go through everything. This incredible perseverance and dedication to doing what is interesting! For hours, with rapture, forgetting about everything, whether it’s football, construction sets, drawing, fantasizing - who has what! Games are invented, their own Schwambrania and Terabithia are born, all these treasures, secrets, codes. The rapid development of all mental functions, like a flower unfolding from its bud in accelerated motion. Self-confidence, independence, and the ability to act in unexpected, changing circumstances are growing (should at least grow). A thirst for adventure and new experiences. The birth of friendship, no longer childish, but real, which can last a lifetime.

    The ideal world of a child of this age is shown in the cartoons “The Land Before Time.” Your own company of friends, freedom, real adventures, but somewhere nearby there are wise and strong adults who, if anything happens, will come to the rescue and put you to bed in the evening. And nothing more is needed from them.

    Lyudmila Petranovskaya, psychologist

    When and how should you teach your child to clean up after themselves? Effective methods of teaching a child to order and identifying the reasons for his refusal - practical advice from a child psychotherapist.

    My son is 4 years old. He is growing up as a cheerful and smart boy. My husband and I enjoy watching him when he plays with cars, construction sets, and soft toys. In a word, we cannot get enough of looking at Mitya, until that very minute when we ask him to clean up the nursery and go to bed. One moment - and it was as if the child had been replaced: bitter tears, screams, refusal to obey... He huddles in the corner of the sofa and sobs, and balls, cars, planes and stuffed animals are piled on the floor.

    My husband and I are also in a bad mood because we feel like evil giants who have invaded the children’s world and disrupted the harmony. In addition, we want our son to have at least a minimal sense of responsibility: if he plays, he will clean up after himself. We explain this to Mitya, but he refuses to listen to us. Almost every evening ends like this: dad loses his composure, shouts at Mitya, scares him that he will throw all the toys in the trash, and forcibly drags him to bed, and I put the toys away.

    Maybe we're asking too much of a 4-year-old? When and how should you teach him to clean up after himself? Is there any way to avoid children's tears and parental screams when it comes to the child helping elders?

    Olga Krasnova, Moscow

    The situation is commented on by children's psychotherapist and family consultant Madelena Sanchuk

    A child begins to help his parents at about one year of age. He may respond to a request to pass a napkin or give mom a toy. Around this time, it is worth teaching him to put away the toy with which he has played enough, and only after that allow him to play with another one. Is your child looking at books? He will be more comfortable and calm if you help him take one and move the rest a little to the side. If he reaches for the next one, suggest that he first return the one he was playing with to its place. However, if it is important for a child to play with two to five books at once, do not try to convince him otherwise. But if he is ready to start building a tower, he must say: “Mitya has had enough of playing with books and wants to play with cubes. Well done, Mitya! Well, let’s put the books in place, and then mom will give Mitya the cubes.” Does he want to draw? Wonderful. “Mitya, first you need to collect all the cubes in this basket, and then we will certainly draw together.”

    The older the child, the more difficult his game. Already at two years old he needs both a book and a doll: he “reads” a book to the doll. Or - little animals, a train and dishes: the little animals travel on the train, and at the stops Mitya feeds them. How many toys can you give your child at the same time? Exactly as much as he needs for his game. This could be a set of one hundred cubes. Or thirty cars, a garage and drivers with mechanics. Or a doll, her entire wardrobe, her kitchen, stroller and a set of a young doctor.

    When you ask a one and a half year old child to put away books or cars, you are unlikely to hear violent protests. But an older child may begin to be capricious because he does not want to clean. This can happen for two reasons. The first is that he has simply matured a little and is now testing you: what will happen if I do not obey? Firmly and calmly insist on completing the assignment, ask if your help is needed. If he hesitates, do not engage in battle. Step back. In five minutes he will certainly come to you for juice. Kindly and firmly tell him that you will give him the juice as soon as he finishes the unfinished work: “I will pour you some juice after you collect the cubes. Do you need help or you yourself?”

    The second reason why a child may refuse to clean is the fear of not being able to cope with the task. Remember yourself: you go out into the kitchen after all thirty of your friends and relatives have been out for the New Year. You are familiar with irritation and a momentary attack of weakness - where to start cleaning these Augean stables? A small child experiences the same feeling of depression and fear when he sees hills made of blocks, bears, hares and cars. There are a lot of toys, they are scattered throughout the room. The child cannot cope with the work. This is where your help is invaluable. Sit on the floor, help your baby divide an overwhelming problem into simple and manageable tasks: “Let mom put this cube in the box. And you bring that red one. Now mom will put this little blue one, and you bring that big yellow one. Now give it to me.” two green ones! Oh, well done! What a good assistant I have!"

    This way you teach several things at once: order, solidarity, mutual assistance, and at the same time teach a very important lesson where the child understands the concept of color, size, and the rudiments of counting. If this activity irritates you, it will irritate your child. You mutter instructions through clenched teeth - he protests. You are calm, firm and friendly - he calmly carries out the task. I am sure that you will not be persistent, but you will quietly tidy everything up if the baby is sick or very upset.

    If, nevertheless, your attempts to call your child to order using positive methods fail, do not worry: there is control over him! “Please put away the toys, otherwise I’ll collect them myself and hide them until the day after tomorrow.” He did not heed your words and pretended to be deaf. Don't lose your temper. Collect all the toys from the floor in one box and hide it for two days. What if your baby has a lot of toys and doesn’t have enough of the ones you hid? Repeat the procedure the next day. Sooner or later he will miss his books and typewriters. This is where a serious lesson awaits him: “You didn’t put the toys away, I hid them, as I promised, so you will only receive them the day after tomorrow.”

    You will have to be firm and not give in to persuasion that he just wants a book about “Teremok” or a small construction set. Day after tomorrow. Before returning the toys, be sure to agree that after play you expect him to put the toys back where they belong.

    One of the options for this effective technique is a penalty box, into which all toys that are not collected by a certain hour are sent. Remind in advance that hour X is approaching, after which you will take away everything that remains uncleaned until the day after tomorrow.

    And don’t forget to praise your child for every good deed.


    I think the advice in the article is very correct, it’s just that children are different - with some it happens longer, with others faster. I have an eldest daughter - 2 years old. he simply cannot be in the apartment if all the toys are not turned over, “dumped” out of boxes and cabinets. In the evening we will build together. mother-in-law says dad did the same thing, then it passed. It’s slowly passing for us, and some other interests are appearing. but from a year on, when they ask to vacuum with you, wash the dishes, or wipe the floor or dust, you don’t need to drive them away. Of course, you will do it faster, but this is how the child learns. We drove him away from the vacuum cleaner, now he doesn’t want to and you can’t force him :(. We have to struggle and do everything around the house together.

    Often, reading the advice of a psychologist, I can say that their methods are very gentle :) My son is 2 years old and for the first time putting away his toys, I explained that everything needs to be put back in its place. The second time I had to say this in a raised tone - but now there are no problems yet. And having spilled something, he also understands that I will be angry and begins to clean up himself. He also throws the candy wrappers into the trash himself. By this I want to say that education begins from birth :) I do not ridicule my son - but with the “carrot” and sometimes the “stick” I teach him order and help :)

    My parents and I were once tormented by this issue. And I still don’t understand why there was cleaning: my room, my toys, where they are, that’s where they belong. When I was 10 years old, I asked them not to clean my desk because I couldn’t find anything. I still do this with all my things, it doesn’t bother anyone.
    Perhaps you should explain to your child that there is a good reason to put toys away? And which one?

    12/07/2005 22:40:32, Irakez

    My daughter (4 years old) takes advantage of my help. As soon as it comes to cleaning, she says that she cannot bend over. She asks me to give her everything. Plus there are a lot of excuses not to clean up. In general, I’m smart and talkative already. We really should have started this year.
    The juice trick doesn't work either. She just doesn't see (or pretends to?) that she doesn't see the connection between the two events.
    Sometimes I use the game. For example, the ants came to collect building materials for the anthill (we collect pencils, cubes, etc.), we put the dolls in one corner to sleep.
    But in general, cleaning usually takes place at the limit of my patience. True, I didn’t try to put away the toys. It seems to me that she will forget about them until I get them. There are a lot of toys and other interesting things in the house (dishes, telephone, mother’s pens and stationery, clothes, etc.).

    05.12.2005 11:35:39

    Unfortunately, the method specified in the article does not always work. This doesn’t work with my son.. No need for juice, or anything else, or any toys. Of course, when I have time, I sit down and try to help, as it is written in the article, i.e. Let's clean up together. He already knows that mom can clean everything up. So when I just can’t join him in cleaning, protests begin, leading to tears. Perhaps it was worth not listening to the advice of psychologists, but threatening punishment from the age of 2-3. I do not know what to do.

    Comment on the article "How to teach a child to be tidy"

    How did you teach your children order, those who did it? - If I accustom a child to at least the army order, he will not have a positive attitude towards him if we, parents, throw our “toys” around.

    I read somewhere that it is very difficult to teach children (easily and naturally) to things that seem meaningless to children. That is, “putting away the toys” for mom is a globally necessary, great task of teaching order.

    I want to teach him order, but where I played, I left him there. There is such a “son-and-child” throughout the entire apartment, except our bedroom. Recently in the evening my husband and I found a piece of paper in the kitchen and wrote something on it.

    As one grandmother says: “In a house where there are children, the only place that is clean is in the candy bowl.” But is it worth putting up with the endless chaos of scattered toys, panties, half-eaten livers...? Or would it still be better if the baby cleans up after himself? To begin with, it should be noted that training should begin at the age of 1-1.5 years. You can involve your child in more complex household work when he is 2-3 years old. In this article I have selected 10 tips for you that will help you...

    Of course, the role of both mother and father is important in raising a child. It is the father who must show his son how a real man should behave, and guide his daughter on the right path in choosing a partner in the future. But this is all in general. Below I would like to touch upon the role of the father in raising his daughter in more detail. You shouldn't isolate yourself from your daughter. The most common mistake in a father’s behavior is taking a back seat in raising a girl. This is primarily due to the fact that they are of different genders. According to...

    Should I put a disposable diaper on my baby or put him on the potty straight from the diaper? How critical is late accustoming to natural recovery? Are diapers harmful? How to potty train a child? All these questions are sure to torment you. Let's try to answer at least one of them and figure out how to teach a child to go potty. A child does not go to the potty A WHOLE SCIENCE Indeed, potty training is a big deal not only for the baby, but also for the parents. Be patient...

    About teaching order in notebooks. General development. Children's education. About teaching order in notebooks. I constantly see the idea that it is necessary to reduce the score for the wrong number of spaces.

    My friends very aptly call their child’s room “the son’s room.” And they are very concerned about the question: “How to teach a child to have order?” Having come across the article “How to teach a child to order. Where do dirty people come from?”, I realized that this is what my friends need. System-vector psychology studies the human unconscious, its innate characteristics and desires. These properties are given to us from birth, but are not developed. Nature gives us time to develop these properties up to and including puberty...

    One of the most harmful formulas in education sounds like this: “If you (don’t) teach a child right away, then it will always be like this.” No need to hand train. You need to immediately learn to be careful. There is no need to teach him to sleep with his mother. You need to immediately learn how to format written work correctly. Etc., etc. This approach implies looking at a child as a jar with a lid, where you put something, it will stay there. Despite all the seemingly obvious absurdity, this look has a downright magnetic effect...

    Marla Cilley is an American housewife. She made a small career - she worked as an artificial fly fishing instructor. But in the late nineties, she attacked bigger fish: she came up with the “Flylady” system. More than a million women around the world use her techniques for housekeeping. ReadRate has reviewed the FlyLady School textbook, which comes out in mid-March, and publishes the most practical advice. The Flylady system offers a whole philosophy so that homework does not...

    All parents know that a child in the house is not only joy and happiness, but also things scattered around the apartment, toys, pieces of paper and candy wrappers behind all the sofas and beds. And sad as it may be, mom has to clean it all up. If mom doesn’t work, then she has time to tidy up, but if she works, then what’s the solution? There is only one way out - to accustom the child to order, cleaning and independence. This requires a lot of effort, but the result is worth it, because in the future the child will have to learn this. And what...

    A loving mother pampers her daughter from the bottom of her heart: rags, shoes, an expensive program during the holidays, unneeded repairs, but at her daughter’s request, etc. From her point of view, everything is fine. But dad’s soul is not in the right place: he fears that with such an approach it will be difficult for his daughter in life. The discussion participants were naturally divided into those who were for pampering and those who were against. [link-1] Can there even be a “right” or “wrong” point of view here? Or is everything purely individual? I personally...

    Many parents are faced with the problem of clutter in their children's room. To accustom your baby to order, you need to adhere to certain rules. There is no need to yell at your child and call him sloppy. Understand for yourself once and for all that the baby’s sloppiness is not his quality given by nature, but your omission that simply needs to be corrected. Using your personal example, teach your child to put all things in their places. There is no need to think that if the child is still small, then it is too early and...

    You need to sit the baby on the potty without screaming/whims, and keep him there, and what is even more important, wait for the happy moment when he does something. But he doesn’t want to! What should you do? Not to fight, but to play. Transform the potty training process into a fairy-tale playful one. Since the world is alive for a child, and everything, everything, everything (from his point of view) can move and speak, then all sorts of stories can easily happen with everyday objects. Even with something as prosaic as the potty, which the baby just can’t handle...

    oooh, how familiar. all without exception. and chairs, and a table, and the floor.... and exactly the second tier of the bed! I don’t know how to teach him anymore, we And about the children - while they all lived together, they were of course - “it’s all him!” As soon as everyone got a room, it became much cleaner.

    How to accustom your husband to order? I want to know how lovely ladies teach their significant other to put away dirty socks in the laundry, wipe the table after eating, and wash the dishes after themselves. This is gradually starting to piss me off.

    Now, in order. With my dear husband, such antics happen often. It all starts with harmless corporate parties, business meetings, dinners with friends, and trips to the bathhouse. You can train a cat to use a litter box, but not an adult >.

    How to accustom your husband to order? Girls, HELP!!! My husband is young, he will be 20 years old in May. But this does not justify him. He likes to dress cleanly and neatly, he likes when the room is tidy and free of dust. And he really loves it when I do all this!

    how to train? My husband is returning from another city in the evening, the road is unlit, there is a snowstorm, ice, he doesn’t accept his cell phone. I called him during the day while he was available, asked what time to wait, he said by... o’clock. the time is coming that everything is in order, then my soul is lighter :) Good luck!

    How to accustom your husband to order? He helps me only when I’m in the mood or after I’m already screaming and I’m all on edge. If he eats, there will be crumbs on the table and under it, and be sure to add some sauce.

    The question of when to potty train a child and how arises before parents, usually when the child begins to sit and stand up.
    The mother begins to spend a long time monitoring the slightest signs when the baby wants to go to the toilet. But is it necessary so early? Or wait until the baby begins to understand and asks?

    When should you potty train your child?

    There is no single correct answer.
    Each parent will have their own truth. Some people believe that the sooner the better, no matter by what means, while others prefer to wait for a softer and more natural addiction.

    • My opinion on this matter: children from birth should be periodically left without a diaper. This will be beneficial for the baby, as his skin will breathe and there is less chance of getting it.
    • Another reason not to delay is cystitis. Fecal matter in the diaper is distributed throughout the body and, when it enters the urinary tract, causes inflammation of the bladder. Girls are more susceptible to this due to their anatomical structure.
    • It is necessary to do this more often, gradually completely eliminating the “armor” from the child’s life. Even if he wets his pants, there’s nothing wrong with that, but the baby will feel the processes happening to him, and will quickly learn to control his urges, and will even begin to tell you that he wants to go to the toilet.
    • Ask more often if the child wants to go to the toilet, be sure to put him on the potty after meals, before bed and after. But if he resists, you should postpone training, otherwise he may restrain the urge and this will lead to psychological constipation.
    • After two or three days of frequent sitting, decide on the frequency when the child goes to the potty and sit him down by a certain time.
    • If your baby has learned to ask on his own, still try to control the time and remind him when he has not used the potty for more than three hours.
    • When it comes to potty training a child, it's an individual matter. It is generally accepted that the older the baby, the easier it is to potty train him. However, I think that there is no point in waiting until 3-4 years, it is most reasonable to potty train in the period from 14 to 24 months.

    Never stimulate urination with sounds, such as running water. This method creates the wrong reflex: first the potty, then the urge, but on the contrary, first the urge, then the potty.

    How to understand that your child is ready to use the potty.

    1. The little one knows how to take off and put on his pants, panties, and socks himself. Without certain self-care skills, potty training will be useless.
    2. After a midday nap, the baby remains dry, which indicates that he can control his bladder.
    3. Knows the names of body parts and can show them.
    4. Can sit for several minutes looking at a book or toy.
    5. The baby feels when he needs to go big, he calms down and concentrates.
    6. He understands speech and carries out some instructions; it is easier for such a child to explain what they want from him.
    7. Experiences discomfort in dirty and damp clothes.

    Sequence of training.

    • The first thing you need to do when potty training a child is to wean the baby off diapers at home, gradually putting him on the potty during the day, just sit down, sit, and look at everything around him.
    • Second, when this is achieved, you need to train him to ask to go to the toilet on the street.
    • And the most difficult thing for many children and parents is to teach their child to get up to go to the toilet at night.

    And now, how to potty train a child:

    1. Choose this item carefully. It should be comfortable for the baby and evoke pleasant emotions. It would be better if it had handles, a lid, and a protruding part in front for boys. I do not recommend buying musical, singing pots. Still, the child must understand what this thing is for, and all distractions are useless.
    2. The pot should not be cold, this will cause negative emotions and refusal to sit on it, so give preference to plastic models.
    3. Decide on the words that will be used to describe actions associated with the potty: “ka-ka”, “pee-pee” and others.
    4. It should always be within reach of the baby.
    5. If your child is bored sitting on the potty, then simply offer to take with him his favorite toy or a book to look at pictures.
    6. Let him get used to it, explain why it is needed, let the child sit on it without taking off his pants, and examine it from all sides.
    7. Only after you have given the opportunity to sit dressed several times can you begin training. Don’t rush to do it all in one day, let him know what’s happening to him.
    8. It is necessary to purchase pants and panties that are easy to take off and put on, as well as short T-shirts so that you don’t have to lift them when you sit down.
    9. As soon as the baby has gone to the toilet in diapers, then put him on the potty. At the first stage, do this 2-3 times a day. Explain each time why it is needed. Throw a dirty diaper into the potty for clarity.
    10. It is very good if there are older brothers or sisters who can demonstrate the purpose of this item.
    11. If they are not there, then there are dolls on sale that can not only eat, but also go to the toilet, which will clearly show the whole process. By the way, thanks to such a doll, the baby can get used to it very quickly.
    12. When the baby is used to the potty, seize the moment. Plant after sleep, after eating, before bed.
    13. If this doesn’t help, or you just can’t get your child to go potty, then involve his favorite toys in the process. It is unlikely that a child will resist if his favorite bear or bunny offers him to go potty.
    14. It is clear that at all previous stages the child was helped by adults. But after the baby is potty trained, it is important to teach him to use it independently, take off his pants, sit down, and empty it after himself. But take your time, act gradually, all this will happen, but over time.

    Tips for parents on how to potty train a child?

    The main advice is not to force or force your baby to go to the potty. This can lead to backlash, rejection and protest.

    Don't look back at others. That is, for example, a neighbor’s child already goes to the toilet on his own at 10 months, but your child still wears a diaper and does not ask to go to the toilet. Remember, everyone is different, look only at your child. Pay close attention to his behavior, he himself will tell you when “it’s time.”

    Don't punish him for going to the toilet past the potty, just as don't try to over-praise him for his success, for example, by purchasing a gift. All this can lead to subsequent expectations of a gift for the slightest correct actions. If you manage to go to the toilet, just mark it and say kind words.

    One more piece of advice, don’t stand over his soul, even though the child is small, it may be difficult for him to do his “business” under your sensitive gaze. You may need to place the pot in a secluded place.

    Be patient, the training process, as a rule, does not take one day or even a week, the only exceptions may be clear examples in the form of older children or a doll. In this case, you can potty train your child very quickly.

    If the child is accustomed to using the potty during the day at home, then proceed to the second stage of training outside. It is better to do this in the summer, taking spare clothes with you, and offering to go to the toilet before leaving.

    Don’t listen to other people’s advice, especially “when you need to potty train your child,” remember that this is an individual process and should be based on your observations and individual characteristics of the baby.

    Weaning off diapers at night can be the longest; as a rule, only by the age of 3-4 is a child able to control his urges at night. Don't let him drink a lot at night, and as soon as the diaper remains dry for several days after the night, we can conclude that he has learned to control himself in his sleep.

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