• Dragonfly made from origami modules. Modular origami dragonfly Modular origami dragonfly assembly diagram for beginners


    Modular origami for beginners

    How to assemble a dragonfly from paper modules

    Dragonfly made from paper modules. Master Class

    We will tell you how to make a scorpion from paper modules.

    This craft can be made by children over 6 years old. This craft is simple and good for those who are just starting to practice the art of origami.

    You can make a variety of crafts from paper, including bugs and spiders.

    DIY paper dragonfly. Step-by-step production

    To make the scorpion, we will use two colors of paper: yellow and brown (the paper can be regular colored, office paper, or special for origami). The size of one module in our case is 7.5 by 5 cm (modules can be made in a different size and color)

    Assemble the yellow, brown and red modules according to the diagram. You will find diagrams for assembling modules.

    1. Take 2 brown modules and insert 1 module into the other with the long side facing up.

    2. Take 2 more brown modules and connect them in the same way.

    3. Connect both pieces of brown modules with three yellow modules. We insert one corner of the yellow module into the empty pockets of the outer modules, leaving the second corners free for attaching the wings.

    4. We put on 2 yellow modules in the next row. The extreme corners of the modules of the previous row should be free.

    6. In the next row we put on 2 yellow modules, capturing three corners with each of them.

    7. We put 1 brown module on the middle corners.

    8. Then we put on 2 yellow modules, grabbing the free corners of the previous yellow row.

    9. We put 1 red module on the middle corners.

    10. Then we put on 2 yellow modules, grabbing the free corners of the previous yellow row.

    11. We put 1 red module on the middle corners. We put on 2 yellow modules, grabbing the free corners of the previous yellow row.

    12. We put 1 red module on the middle corners. We put on 2 yellow modules, grabbing the free corners of the previous yellow row.

    13. We put 1 red module on the middle corners. We put on 2 yellow modules, grabbing the free corners of the previous yellow row.

    14. After this, we put one yellow module on all four corners of the previous rows.

    15. We put on 1 red module.

    17. For the wings, take 40 red modules. Connect 10 modules by inserting one corner of the module into the pocket of another. The second corner remains free.

    Make two wings pointing in the same direction and two wings in a mirror image.

    18. We put the wings on the free corners located in the upper part of the dragonfly’s body.

    19. Take 2 yellow modules and bend them. Screw the left corner on one module, and the right one on the second.

    We insert the untwisted corners of the modules (antennae) into the pockets of the brown modules on the dragonfly’s body.

    The dragonfly is ready.

    Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and place it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

    Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem that what else can you come up with, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

    Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson we made a Swan in red, but now I decided to change the style a little and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

    Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different schemes and master classes on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I'm sure you've never seen a swan like this before. This scheme is quite simple and even [...]

    Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 3. In the third part of the master class, I offer you two video lessons and a detailed origami diagram of how to make a swan. The first video shows how to make a swan's neck and how to make a small stand. The second video talks about how to glue a swan better and faster. Lesson 6 (neck and […]

    Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the “Swans in Blue” tutorial we finish making the body. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed diagram of an origami swan from modules. To assemble a swan you will need 1438 modules of 1/16 size, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

    Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami swan from paper from 3D origami modules. The design is quite unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. I'll be honest - the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme I […]

    “Rainbow Swan” diagram and video tutorials (part 3). The third part of the “Rainbow Swan” master class consists of three video tutorials on assembling the stand. And I also decided that a video tutorial on gluing the “Rainbow Swan” would be very useful for you. Lesson 5 (stand part 1) Lesson 6 (stand part 2) Lesson 7 (stand part 3) […]

    Department of Education

    Administration of the urban district of the city of Vyksa

    Nizhny Novgorod region

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    additional education for children

    Children's Center "Chaika"




    Performed: Sorokina Maria Vladimirovna,

    additional education teacher




    Origami is the ancient art of folding paper figures. It develops thinking, spatial imagination, memory, fine motor skills, and, consequently, speech - therefore, origami classes are especially useful for children. In addition, working with paper requires concentration, attention, and perseverance.

    The “Wonderful Dragonfly” master class allows you to interest children in making three-dimensional toys using the modular origami method.

    Characteristics of equipment for the lesson

      Visual aids: educational tablet “Dragonfly is a miracle worker” using the modular origami method.”


    Paper: For origami, it is better to use paper that does not form cracks after folding. The paper should be clean and not wrinkled. You should pay attention to the color of the paper from which this or that craft will be made. It is very important. The color should concretize the image of the object, on the one hand (green - Christmas tree, frog; orange - fox, squirrel), and imagine the possibility of using the entire palette of colors (flowers, butterflies, fish, birds) on the other hand. Place paper scraps in a special box.

    Scissors: It is advisable to have one with rounded ends. When using scissors, we must not forget about safety precautions:

      do not swing scissors;

      pass the scissors rings forward;

      When cutting, pay attention to the position of your left hand;(

      do not use scissors with loose hinges;

      put them in boxes or stands with the rings facing up.

    Colored pencils and markers: the craft needs to be decorated - draw eyes, nose, etc. Pencils and felt-tip pens are especially useful if the figure is made of white paper. Pencils should always be sharpened.

    All tools and materials are put back in place after finishing work, and your workplace is also cleaned.

    Subject:"Dragonfly is a miracle worker."

    Target: introducing children to the technology of making souvenirs using the modular origami method.


      Learn to make triangular modules for a souvenir

      Develop motor abilities through mastering various manual operations

      Foster independence and accuracy in work.

    Form of study: Master Class.

    Teaching methods:

      verbal: story, conversation, stimulating - praise;


      practical: reproductive, creative (independent);

    Form of organizing a training session:



    Timing of the training session:

      Organizational moment – ​​2 min.

      Updating knowledge – 3 min.

      Theoretical part – 5 min.

      Practical part – 30 min.

      Lesson summary – 5 min.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Teacher: Hello guys! My name is Maria Vladimirovna. I am the head of the Origami association, I invite you to a master class.

    In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the technique of making toys using the modular origami method and learn how to make them. But before starting the lesson, I will ask you a riddle, by answering which you will find out what kind of souvenir we will make.

    The airplane is light and fast

    A fragrant flower flies over.

    Wings, tail and eyes.

    This is a miracle...

    Children's answers: Dragonfly.

    Teacher: Guys! Do you know what the dragonfly symbolizes?

    Children's answers.

    Teacher: So, the dragonfly is highly respected by many peoples. For some it symbolizes warlike courage, for others it symbolizes the blossoming of nature and the arrival of summer.

    2. Updating knowledge.

    Teacher: Guys! Every person has probably at least once in his life created the simplest product from a sheet of paper - a boat or an airplane. And in those days, when stores did not have such a selection of straw hats and panama hats, people in the summer often made themselves a “cap” from a newspaper. Both the paper boats and the cap are made using the origami principle.

    The magician who invented colored paper

    Red, yellow and blue,

    I probably believed that the guys could

    Make figures from different squares.

    These figures are all over the world

    Only Japanese children knew.

    The white crane has become a symbol of peace,

    The symbol of happiness is a paper boat.

    Fairytale butterflies, pink hares

    This can be done using your fingers.

    I suggest trying with you

    Learn the origami technique.

    Teacher: Guys, could you tell me what origami is and where it originated?

    Children's answers: Origami is the traditional Japanese art of folding paper figures.

    3. Theoretical part.

    Teacher: Today we will not make boats or airplanes familiar from childhood, nor will we make complex figures. We will make our product using the modular origami technique.

    Modular origami gained popularity in 1993, when a ship carrying illegal Chinese immigrants arrived in the United States. The poor fellows ended up in prison and, to pass the time, they collected paper models - fortunately, paper can be obtained even in prison. And, thanks to this, the world learned about this folding method. At first there was an opinion that this was a completely new folding technique that the prisoners themselves had invented. But later it turned out that this technique has long been popular in China.

    Features of this technique: the use of a fairly simple triangular module. Creating such figures is an exciting and fun process. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by inserting them into each other. The friction force that appears in this case prevents the structure from falling apart.

    4. Practical part.

    Teacher: Before we start work, we’ll do a little physical exercise and give a light massage to our hands and fingers.

    One two three four five.

    The fingers went out for a walk.

    This finger is the strongest

    The thickest and biggest.

    This finger is for

    To show it off.

    This finger is the longest

    And he stands in the middle.

    This ring finger

    He's the most spoiled one.

    And although the little finger is small,

    Very dexterous and daring.

    Teacher: Now let's start making triangular modules for our souvenir; we will need 43 of them. (Annex 1). Sketches and recommendations should only become assistants for you in your work, which will prompt and awaken your creative imagination. When working, do not forget about safety rules.

    Children follow the teacher's step-by-step instructions for making triangular modules.

    Teacher: Guys! Well done! You have all the modules, and now let's start assembling our dragonfly. (Appendix 2).

    Children follow the teacher's step-by-step instructions for assembling a dragonfly.

    Teacher: Well done! Our product is ready. You are given the opportunity to use watercolors, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens to decorate the product at your discretion. Show your imagination, creativity, and imagination.

    Children design their own crafts.

    5. Summary of the lesson.

    Teacher: Well done boys! Now let’s choose the neatest and most original work...

    Children evaluate the work of their peers.

    Your dragonflies turned out beautiful, as if they were alive! You can admire them endlessly. Many writers write about them in their works, compose proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, even scientists study the world of insects.

    Teacher: Would you like to see us again?

    Children's answers.

    Teacher: Thanks guys for the lesson. Good luck and creative success.

    Results of the training session:

      will receive information about the history of the modular origami technique;

      get acquainted with the techniques and techniques for manufacturing triangular modules;

      learn how to make a three-dimensional toy from triangular modules;

      will increase interest in arts and crafts.

    You can also fold modules from half a square using note blocks available in office supplies.

    How to fold a triangular origami module

    The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

    How to connect modules to each other

    Modules folded according to the above diagram can be inserted into each other in various ways and obtain three-dimensional products. Here is one possible connection example:

    By making many modules from paper of different colors, you can get a modular construction set. A figurine made from such a constructor can be easily disassembled. From such details you can put together many interesting figures.


    If you want to get acquainted with the modular origami technique, but don't have time to fold 500 modules, start with less labor-intensive models. For these dragonflies you will need only 43-63 modules. You can glue a three-dimensional applique with dragonflies, make a mobile pendant, make toys for kids or to decorate a New Year tree.

    First option

    For a dragonfly with lush wings, you will need 63 modules.

    Second option

    For a more economical option, you will need only 43 modules.

    Other options

    Experiment with color and paper quality. You can make dragonflies from coated paper, magazine paper, or colored foil on a paper base.

    The resulting dragonflies flap their wings well and are very popular with children. If you plan to use them as a toy, then when assembling it is better to use glue (PVA or a glue stick).

    Modular origami, how does practicing modular origami, making triangular-shaped modules, as well as creating a dragonfly using the origami technique affect a person.

    Modular origami, how does practicing modular origami, making triangular-shaped modules, as well as creating a dragonfly using the origami technique affect a person.

    What is origami. History of modular origami Origami refers to the ancient art of making all kinds of paper products. At the moment, there are many versions of how this fascinating art form was born. Paper was discovered in China, and origami also comes from ancient China. Initially, origami was used for religious purposes for all kinds of rituals. For many years, this art was mastered only by people of high class, since the ability to master the technique of composing figures from paper testified to good form. But still, only one thing can be said with confidence: origami developed to a greater extent not in China, but in Japan. The origami technique is one of the main components of the ancient Japanese religion Shinto, the symbol of which is the snow-white purity of paper. Back in the eighteenth century, this art was hidden from everyone and was passed down only by inheritance from mothers to daughters. The first written recommendations for making works using the origami technique appeared only in 1979. It was then that the first book was published. This is what gave impetus to the development of such a widespread art form in Japan today. However, this type of creativity came outside the Eastern countries only after the Second World War. And today, many people all over the world are interested in origami. Moreover, at the moment this creativity is experiencing its boom and is at the peak of popularity. In addition to the classic origami techniques, which involve straight lines, other techniques of this art provide creative freedom, one of which is modular origami. The leap in the development of this particular type of origami occurred in the 1960s; it was during these years that the art spread throughout the world. At the moment, modular origami can be called international creativity. Modular origami came to the United States along with illegal migrants from China who arrived by ship. Once in prison, they had nothing else to do, but the paper was there too. Thanks to prisoners from China, the world was able to learn about this folding technique, although it existed in China for a long time. Very few patterns are known for the modular type of origami; most often, figures are created simply from illustrations or photos. Often masters create their own variations. Therefore, we can say that this technique requires imagination and significant creative elements. Another modular style of this art is called 3D origami. A distinctive feature of this technique is that it is created not from one piece of paper, but from separate paper parts - the so-called modules. Each of them is folded according to all the rules of origami in a classic style. As a result, they need to be connected by nesting into each other, this is how certain paper figures are obtained. Another very important distinctive feature is the complete denial of the use of scissors, glue or tape when connecting modules into a figure. Modular origami involves creating products from many individual paper modules. Therefore, in order for the craft to turn out beautiful and neat, the work must be done carefully and carefully. Depending on the methods of connecting different modules, different shapes are obtained. Models can come out either flat or voluminous. The former are most often represented by figures in the form of polygons, stars, etc. Three-dimensional figures are created in the form of polyhedra, as well as their compositions. Tools and materials You need to dwell in more detail on what kind of paper is best suited for creating objects using the modular origami technique, and what size module is best used for creating figures. Before you start creating crafts in the modular Oringami style, you need to familiarize yourself with some secrets and tricks. Suitable paper types:

  • Office paper is a good option for a modular type of origami, since it is not at all smooth, and also has a fairly high density, which is what will allow the modules to firmly hold each other and not slip. Moreover, if you choose multi-colored office paper, the good thing is that it is double-sided and there will be no white lines on the folds.
  • Special paper designed for origami. It is good because it is already cut into separate parts of the required size. Most often, one side of this paper is white and the other is colored.
  • Paper for creative activities with children. Some types of this paper can be used for modular origami, but check that it tears at the fold.
  • Paper taken from glossy publications is perfect for creating products in the style of modular origami, but it should not be too thin.
  • Modular origami dragonfly Origami in the form of a dragonfly is one of the most common crafts. And if you don’t know how to make a dragonfly using the modular origami technique, read the step-by-step instructions below and you’ll succeed. Symbolism of the dragonfly This insect is one of the oldest; its remains were discovered in sediments from the Jurassic period. The Japanese revere the dragonfly and associate it with belligerence, bravery and bravery; it can bring good luck and happiness. In China, the dragonfly is associated with the beginning of summer, instability and weakness. Nowadays, the dragonfly is considered a symbol of lightness, grace and speed. She, like the butterfly, is associated with immortality, as well as rebirth. Looking at a dragonfly, everyone should have thoughts about the fleeting nature of our lives, and we should not transform it into something gray and dull. If you want to change something in your life, you need to turn to the energy of this insect. Modern people are burdened with various problems and most often they do not allow themselves the ease that is inherent in a dragonfly. By presenting a souvenir in the form of this insect, one would like to hope that it will endow a person with its energy of free flight, carefreeness and joy. Dragonfly diagram Dragonfly in modular origami belongs to the category for beginners. The work of making it is quite simple. Pay close attention to the photographs and repeat the same in reality. In this version, the dragonfly is made in blue, but you can choose any other color that you like better, in addition, you have the ability to change the size of the modules. In general, we can say that there is quite a lot of room for imagination. To work you will need 40 blue modules and 42 blue ones. They should be triangular in shape. In addition, prepare the glue and be patient. How to make a triangular module to create a dragonfly Triangular-shaped modules are often used in the modular origami technique. To create a triangular-shaped module, prepare a sheet of paper; it should be rectangular in shape. Creating triangular modules is possible from both larger and smaller sheets. The final size of the finished craft will depend on the parameters of the sheets. It is best to use rectangles that will be 1/16 or 1/32 of an ordinary landscape sheet. If both sides of the sheet are divided into four equal parts, then you will get a rectangular leaf with dimensions of 53 x 74 mm. If the long side is divided into 8 identical segments, and the short side into 4 identical segments, then the dimensions of the triangles will be 37 x 53 mm. The module assembly algorithm will be like this:

  • The sheet needs to be folded in half.
  • To determine the middle, fold the sheet in half again and fold it back. It needs to be placed with the corner up.
  • Next, both edges need to be bent towards the middle.
  • After this, the leaf needs to be turned over.
  • Fold both bottom pieces up.
  • Fold the corners; to do this, they should be folded through the main triangle.
  • Next, the corners, as well as the lower part, need to be bent.
  • Again, bend both corners along the marked line, while lifting the bottom part up.
  • Bend the resulting piece in half.
  • The resulting modules have two pockets in their design, as well as a pair of lower corners. Thanks to this, they are easily inserted into each other, and the figures come out voluminous.
    Now that you know how to build a triangular module, move on to creating the dragonfly itself. In this option, the modules will be counted from above. The first row consists of four blue modules, the second row consists of three blue modules. The third row consists of four blue modules. Carefully observe the illustration to ensure that all modules are positioned correctly.
    The third row is different in that the modules are inserted into each other. The fourth row will consist of three blue modules.
    The fifth row contains two blue modules, and the sixth row consists of three blue modules.
    After this there are again two blue modules, and in the next row you need to make a decrease in modules.
    This is what the figure will look like when it shrinks. The ninth row will consist of one blue triangular module.
    The tenth row contains two blue modules. After this, insert one module twice, alternating their colors.
    In the illustration you can see that the number of modules in the tail can be arbitrary. Adjust the length as you wish.
    Add one more blue module at the edges, and in the middle you need to insert one blue module. Make two eyes.
    Now start making the wings. You need to make four of them. Each wing should have ten modules; for a more durable fixation, it is best to immediately place them on glue.
    Pay special attention to the direction of the wings: two of them should point in one direction, and two in the other.
    Attach the wings to the body, also dropping a little glue on them.
    Glue the eyes; if desired, you can make a small proboscis.
    Now the dragonfly is ready to give you and those around you lightness and carelessness. And finally, some interesting things about origami. Creative people use modular origami to express themselves and their thoughts. Many scientists are trying to study the geometry of this type of creativity in order to use it for beauty in the future. Doctors resort to this skill to cure their patients. Everyone understands that acting mechanically and thoughtlessly in this matter will not work. Due to this, modular origami classes act as a kind of psychotherapy, which, at least for a while, can distract people from their daily gray thoughts. Origami directs our thinking towards creativity. Working on origami figures can increase the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since it requires total control over the actions of both hands. And this leads to an improvement in many indicators. Modular origami is a difficult art form, but this is its main feature. For every origamist, it is first important to solve the puzzle. But you can’t just discover all the secrets of origami figures. You need to have certain knowledge in the field of geometry as well as mathematics. Many scientists claim that creating origami figures is very useful. A passion for modular origami can teach consistency in actions, develop the ability to self-control minor movements of the hands and especially fingers, and improve spatial thinking. By engaging in such creativity, everyone is able to learn to read and disassemble drawings for folding certain figures, develop confidence in themselves and their abilities, and also develop their creative abilities, which perhaps you did not even suspect.

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