• Sergey Gordeev Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic). “Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic)” Sergey Gordeev Gordeev secret techniques of the special services hypnosis and magic


    People usually underestimate the environment. They are not prepared for dangers and do not know how to behave when something goes wrong. And this makes them an easy victim of criminals and emergency situations.

    The author of the book, former CIA agent Jason Hanson, is convinced that if people were more attentive and prepared, they could avoid most problems. It is in constantly assessing the situation and knowing how to properly respond to threats that is the key to health and wellness.

    How to act correctly? Although the book Protect Yourself Using Intelligence Techniques is primarily a practical guide, there are several key ideas that are important for everyone to know.

    Learn to survive

    The logic of survival is what helps us find a way out of the most difficult and dangerous situations. This is inner confidence based on the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice.

    In a fire, people often die not from fire, but from smoke. It is the logic of survival that helps us learn in advance about emergency exits and actions in an emergency. It forces us to move in the right direction rather than sit still. It helps to be guided by reason, and not pretend to be a hero, proving to someone how “cool” you are.

    Remember the importance of situational awareness

    Without situational awareness, no amount of training or skill will help. Situational awareness is the proper understanding of any situation in which you find yourself. If you are inattentive to your surroundings, if you walk with your head buried in or lost in your thoughts, if you are absorbed in conversation and do not notice anything around you, then you are very vulnerable.

    Jason Hanson says the prisoners were shown photographs of different people and asked who they would choose as a victim. And the criminals pointed to people with drooping shoulders and heads: they looked inattentive and unsure.

    A very important idea of ​​the book: we often ourselves create the conditions for an attack, becoming an ideal target for a criminal.

    Of course, the point is not to constantly look around nervously. You can talk to someone, but you should not let your guard down. Then you may notice something strange or potentially dangerous.


    The normalcy mindset is the natural mindset of most people. This is the confidence that no unexpected changes will occur. In essence, this is a defensive reaction to disasters: we need to present the situation in a normal light in order to preserve our own.

    But the problem is that this feature of ours fails us when we need to respond correctly to an emergency situation. Therefore, people do not immediately leave buildings after a fire alarm. They may even make jokes and act in extremely improvident ways. Most of us tend to think that if nothing extraordinary has happened before, then nothing will happen in the future.

    Advice. In emergency situations, do everything in your power to get away from the source of danger, even if other people ignore the alarms.

    Learn to recognize people with bad intentions

    Signs of potential danger:

    1. You notice someone's gaze. The right action on your part is to do everything to avoid being left alone with this person.
    2. The stranger matches your walking pace. As the author notes, walking at the same speed is unusual for strangers. The same applies to the movement of vehicles on the road. The correct action on your part is to change direction, go into a crowded place.
    3. They are trying to distract you. Criminals often work in pairs: one distracts, for example asks or offers something, while the other prepares to commit a crime. The right action on your part is to be extremely attentive when someone contacts you. It is better to expect a catch and make a mistake than not to expect it and become a victim.
    4. Remember that people commit crimes because they have the conditions to do so. Therefore, one of the key tasks is simply not to create such conditions.

    Notice deviations from the norm

    Wherever you are, you need to have a clear understanding of what is normal for that place and the people around you. Then you can easily even the most minor deviations from the norm, and this will help you act correctly.

    It is known that before the devastating tsunami of 2004, the water in the ocean quickly receded, exposing the seabed. Many people did not understand that this was a dangerous signal, and began to collect shells and fish from the bottom, subsequently becoming the first victims of the disaster. If they had paid attention to the abnormality of the rapid ebb of the tide at this time, they might have been able to escape.

    Advice. If you notice any changes to your usual picture, then you should be wary. If you are going on a trip to an unfamiliar place, collect as much information as possible about it and how to behave there correctly.

    Keep self-defense equipment with you

    Unfortunately, we can find ourselves in a dangerous situation at any second. However, by having the means at hand, you will increase the chances of a favorable outcome for you.

    Jason Hanson talks about what he always carries in his bag, and his list is quite impressive.

    It includes (and there's more):

    • penknife;
    • bobby pins: in the book the author tells how to use them to open handcuffs and start a car;
    • “Monkey Fist” keychain in the shape of a paracord ball;
    • a tactical pen in a heavy-duty case, which is suitable as a means of self-defense: you can even break a car window with it;
    • credit card knife;
    • bulletproof laptop panel;
    • waterproof cape;
    • dressing material "Quiclot", impregnated with a hemostatic composition;
    • flashlight;
    • multitool - portable multifunctional tool;
    • fire source;
    • reinforced tape.

    In Jason Hanson's car you can find:

    • tow rope;
    • axe;
    • shovel;
    • wind-up radio;
    • mount;
    • emergency supply of food and water;
    • water purification tablets;
    • signal whistle;
    • waterproof matches.

    Of course, it is not always possible to have such an arsenal with you. The main thing is that you have protective equipment and can easily use it if necessary.

    Even during a kidnapping, much is in your hands

    Jason Hanson says that the first 24 hours after a kidnapping is the most important time, primarily because the victim still has physical and mental health. Therefore, you need to do everything to get out at this time.

    If they try to drag you somewhere, you need to scream and fight back with all your might. But if you were unable to fight back, the author advises showing the kidnapper that you have accepted your fate, but not internally giving up and looking for holes in the security system.

    If you are being held in a car, try to kick out the window. But remember that it is useless to hit the center of the glass; you need to hit the corner where the glass is weakest.

    If a criminal grabs your hands and pulls you towards him, the natural reaction is to pull away. But the author, on the contrary, advises to approach and sharply hit the attacker in the face with the elbow of the hand he grabbed, and then sharply throw the elbow forward and upward to loosen the grip and break free. You can also hit in the eyes, throat, groin, shin.

    Advice. Even if your hands are tied, you can free yourself. The main thing is to know how. On author's channel You can find a video on YouTube that shows everything.


    The first step is to install a good door and lock. It makes sense to install a camera or false camera. They usually deter thieves. It is better to store valuables not in the bedroom, but in more original places: in a reliable safe that cannot be taken with you, or in a hiding place.

    Never open to strangers, and if they say they represent a service, call that service and ask if they have sent an employee to you.

    However, you should not ignore the doorbell, even if you are not expecting anyone. A criminal might decide that the house is empty and break into it, which could put you in serious danger.

    Criminals often mark houses of interest with duct tape or other signs. Be wary if you notice something like this.

    Advice. Have protective equipment and a clear action plan in case an uninvited guest enters your home. It will be too late to rush around.

    You can avoid persecution

    First of all, don't always walk the same routes at the same times.

    How can you tell if you're being followed? If someone walks too close to you and at the same pace as you, if you regularly see someone in the places where you go, you should be wary. Also, listen to your intuition.

    If you notice someone being followed, stop and turn around. This will show that you have guessed the pursuer's intentions. The author emphasizes that the criminal needs helpless victims who do not expect an attack. If you show your awareness, the criminal’s interest in you will decrease.giphy.com

    The author talks about certain signals that help. These are atypical movements, sighs, clearing the throat, a barely noticeable shake of the head before answering, twitching of the leg or, conversely, a complete lack of movement.

    It takes time for the brain to come up with a lie, so the person deceiving you will most likely not answer you right away. An overly emotional reaction to a question may indicate that you are being lied to. The person answers something like “How could you think that?”, hoping that the questioner will get scared and stop asking awkward questions. Also be wary if, instead of a specific answer to a question, you hear a story about kindness and religiosity.

    Many people believe that a person is lying if he does not look him in the eye. But, as the author explains, liars often deliberately imitate a sincere and direct gaze. And yet, if you ask a guilty and unconscious person how he would punish someone for such an offense, he will come up with a punishment that is too lenient.

    Advice. These signs do not always indicate a lie, but if they are atypical for a person and if you notice several signals at once, you should be wary.

    Final comments

    Jason Hanson's book does not claim to be a masterpiece. The main thing in it is not artistic merit, but information about how important it is to be prudent, and that our safety is largely in our hands.

    Some critics of the book accuse the author of being overly paranoid. However, unfortunately, the world is such that we cannot feel safe anywhere. We need to wake ourselves up from our usual half-asleep state in order to be ready to recognize the threat in time. Who knows how many tragedies could have been avoided if people had not forgotten at least the basic rules.

    The book is written in simple language and contains many valuable tips on how to act in emergency situations. This is not a book you will read for pleasure, but the knowledge it will give will help you avoid many dangers.

    Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic) Sergey Gordeev

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    Title: Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic)

    About the book “Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic)” Sergey Gordeev

    All kinds of mystical experiments are still carried out in the most secret laboratories of many countries. Criticizing magic as a type of human delusion, official departments of almost all major states have never stopped secret research in this area. It is tempting to have super-powerful weapons that can be used secretly and that do not leave any traces... This book is the first to talk about some types of professional hypnosis used by the intelligence services of various states.

    The book is intended for a wide audience.

    On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic)” by Sergei Gordeev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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    Sergey Gordeev
    Secret techniques of the special services (hypnosis and magic)

    © Gordeev S.V., text, design, 2015

    © Publication. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2015


    By nature, man is the most curious creature. History has proven that no prohibitions or dangers can destroy this property. What has a special attraction is that which cannot be understood or explained. Like a moth flying towards the light of a light bulb, modern man is looking for adventures that can add some variety to the dullness of everyday life. Many people know that the world is full of miracles. But everyone understands them in their own way. Believers dream of meeting God after death and somehow communicating with him. Therefore, throughout their lives they exhaust themselves with endless prayers in the hope of getting at least a little closer to their cherished dream. Others try to look for the unusual in everyday reality. They spend hours peering into the starry sky, spend nights in the ruins of ancient castles, and invent equipment capable of recording incredible phenomena.

    Augustine the Blessed stated that " miracles do not contradict nature, but contradict only what we know about it" By developing your abilities, you can enter the invisible world of fantastic possibilities, gaining unlimited power over the surrounding nature and people. Therefore, magic has long attracted all kinds of adventurers, villains and politicians who dream of finding a reliable means of secretly strengthening their power.

    At all times, the best scientists have worked on the magical “elixir of influence”. In the most secret laboratories of many countries, all kinds of mystical experiments are still carried out, hidden under the name psychological or medical. However, despite significant efforts, scientists have not been able to obtain what was known to the priests of Ancient Egypt and Babylon five thousand years ago.

    The failures of modern researchers, apparently, can be explained by two reasons: First, we must take into account that all modern sciences have become extremely bureaucratic. In order for a person to be recognized as a "scientist", he must go through many formal procedures, which begin with the defense of a useless dissertation. As a result, the best years are spent proving one's education. At the same time, there is neither energy nor time left for real research. The second reason for scientific failures, undoubtedly, is the traditional worship of the scientific conjectures of recognized authorities, many of whom made their careers not thanks to their mental abilities, but due to increased resourcefulness in the circle of influential people.

    It should be taken into account that many generally accepted scientific theories are not substantiated by anything other than the confused explanations of the authors themselves. That is why the surrounding nature has been studied one-sidedly and is presented in the form of a set of ordinary material phenomena that can be seen or measured.

    There is still an unspoken prohibition of the church, according to which any intrusion into its sphere of interests is considered heresy or sacrilege. For example, genetics and cloning are condemned by representatives of many faiths simply because someone has suggested that these scientific directions affect the interests of God.

    Meeting resistance from laymen who have great influence in society, many researchers try not to risk their well-being and study only those phenomena that are traditionally studied. Therefore, the spiritual component of the surrounding nature has remained outside of scientific attention and until now very little is known about it.

    However, there are no rules without exceptions. While authoritative scientists waste time defending their own dissertations and their endless scientific disputes, in the laboratory of the “Moon Castle” the author of this book successfully carries out the most unusual experiments, obtaining very interesting results where “this is completely impossible.” At the same time, many observed phenomena do not fit into any conventional concepts, since they are clearly of non-material origin.

    Next, for the first time, we will talk about some useful metaphysical phenomena that appear during the interaction of astral forces with the phenomena of the material world. These phenomena are difficult to explain because they go beyond conventional concepts. For example, a combination of ritual magic and medical procedures makes it possible to transform a person’s biological field in such a way that not only an instant cure for any old diseases is observed, but even an increase in the mental abilities of the test subject. This is easy to verify by repeating the experiments described below.

    I. Energy inside a person

    Studying life in all its manifestations, one can notice that the main basis of biological and spiritual processes is a special type of subtle energy that is located inside every living being. At different times, this energy was called the soul, karma or biofield.

    Considering that any energy is artificially increased or decreased, it can be assumed that by adjusting the internal energy field, one can influence strength, health, mental abilities and other vital functions. We'll show you how to do this in practice.

    First you need to understand the following concepts. It is known that the surrounding material world is saturated with many invisible radiations. These are all kinds of radio waves, electrical and biological fields. All types of energy are in constant motion. They change and, intersecting many times, form intricate formations called “energy fields.” Any object that falls into such a field becomes either a source or a consumer of a certain energy. Most often, both are present: consuming one type of energy, material objects are capable of emitting another. All modern radio electronics are based on this principle, where semiconductor crystals are used as such converters, converting invisible radiation energy into something that a person can perceive.

    If a crystal, being in some kind of energy field, is capable of generating new radiation, then we can assume that any living creature consisting of many microcrystals must also emit something. It follows that each organism has its own radiation, the energy field of which allows not only to support the internal process of life, but also to interact in a certain way with the external environment. Therefore, it can be assumed that internal biological processes are regulated not only by material factors, but also by invisible “organizing fields”. The human mind is a kind of trap (receiver) for information contained in the invisible energy field of the surrounding space.

    Considering that any energy can be artificially increased or decreased, it can be assumed that by adjusting the internal energy field, one can influence strength, health, mental abilities and other vital functions.

    Considering that any actions of a living being (movement, behavior, illness, etc.) cause certain changes in internal energy, it can be assumed that the external biofield created by this energy makes corresponding changes in the ether of the surrounding space. At the same time, every living organism acts like a constantly working radio station, which fills the airwaves with its signals. And if this is so, then the surrounding ether is very densely saturated with the biosignals of all living beings. In addition, given that nothing in nature disappears without a trace, it can be assumed that energy radiation, accumulating over many years, created a certain information field in the ether, which contains information about every creature and every event.

    Perhaps it is in this information space that consciousness “sees” new thoughts, ideas, discoveries and fantasies. This energy field behaves like a sentient being and is therefore called the Cosmic Mind. Unable to understand its essence, man called this energy God, since it is this energy that shapes the destinies of people and all world events.

    I.I History of the biofield

    In many religions, there are legends that a glow was observed around the heads of saints. Almost all witnesses who observed this phenomenon considered it a manifestation of divine energy that is emitted by the human body at a moment of strong emotional inspiration, or in the process of prayerful ecstasy. Five thousand years ago in Hinduism there was a concept of “Prana”, which denoted subtle energy, which was the main source of life.

    For many centuries, Indian yogis tortured their bodies with all sorts of exercises, trying to determine the best poses for concentrating internal energy. In ancient China, life energy was called "Chi". But, unlike the Hindu concept, the Chinese version contained two polar opposite forces “Yin” and “Yang”. It was believed that if these components are balanced, then the living organism is in a healthy and vigorous state. All diseases were associated with energy disorders.

    In medieval esoteric teachings, living energy was called “astral light.” This did not mean that an excited person necessarily had to glow like a light bulb. Usually, manifestations of this energy could be detected by various indirect signs. In the 12th century, the monks Boylas and Leibelunt wrote that many people act on others from a distance, for example, by being unnoticed in the next room. For the first time it was noticed that the energy of a living being forms some kind of invisible radiation. Paracelsus later named this radiation "Illiaster".

    Developing the theory of Paracelsus, Leibniz suggested that living energy is a special type of matter that binds the entire Universe together. Using this assumption, in the 19th century Helmont and Mesmer developed a detailed theory of the interaction of living energy fields, which later became the basis of modern hypnosis.

    In medieval esoteric teachings, living energy was called “astral light”

    The famous 19th century researcher von Reichenbach persistently experimented for more than 30 years, as a result of which he discovered that the living field is significantly different from the electromagnetic field. It was found that the energy of the biological field does not decrease depending on the distance, while the electromagnetic field is steadily weakening. In addition, during polarization within a biological field, like poles attract rather than repel. In addition, it was found that the human body has positive polarity on the left and negative polarity on the right. But Reichenbach's most amazing discovery was that living energy could be transmitted through a wire, like electricity. In this case, the conduction speed (about 4 m/s) depended more on the mass of the conductor than on its electrical properties!

    In 1911, Professor William Kilner published the results of his studies of energy fields, which he carried out using a variety of optical filters. In his experiments, he saw three layers of luminous haze on the surface of the observed objects, which he called “aura.” He was the first to prove that the aura changes depending on age, illness and emotional state. Based on his observations of the aura, Kilner developed a new diagnostic system.

    In the 1930s, a general fascination with living field theory began. Doctors Georges de la Warre and Ruf Drown created a series of devices that made it possible not only to diagnose, but also to treat patients at a distance.

    Similar developments were carried out by Soviet engineer Semyon Kirliyan, who in 1939 accidentally discovered the glow of his own body by touching an exposed electrical wire. Moreover, Kirlian’s research showed that not only living objects have an aura, but also those that were not previously considered such. For example, if you tear off part of a plant leaf and photograph its “glow,” you can see the aura of not only the existing part, but also the missing one!

    The German doctor William Reich developed a series of devices that discovered that human energy pulsates and these pulsations fill the entire surrounding space. He claimed that he saw their reflections even in the sky, above the patient’s head!

    Later, the Parapsychological Society at the United Nations managed to set up their black-and-white television so that it showed the aura of the participants in television programs. Chinese doctor Jen Zhuliyan created a device from a plant leaf vein connected to an electronic photometer sensor, which he called a “biodetector.” In the post-war period, discoveries were made at the Soviet Institute of Radio Reception and Acoustics confirming the presence of ultra-high-frequency vibrations inside living objects with a wavelength of 300 to 2000 nanometers. This radiation was called “biofield” or “bioplasm”.

    Subsequently, these data were confirmed by similar studies in the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Poland. But Dr. John Pierrakoz surpassed everyone, finding out that if you unlock all the existing energies of the human body, you will get an immortal, intelligent creature that will be able not only to heal itself, but even, like the Terminator, to independently restore its lost organs!

    I.II Properties of living energy

    Perhaps the content of the previous chapter resembles a description of an abstract science fiction project that has a very distant future. At the same time, one can recall the numerous bizarre “projects” of crazy inventors, which in practice did not bring any tangible benefit. However, in this case, the opposite is likely true. It is easier to apply these phenomena in practice than to explain the principle of their action.

    Unlike other types of scientific research, the study of energy fields requires not so much expensive experimental equipment as the researcher’s ability to correctly interpret the results obtained. At the same time, however, it should be noted that, despite its apparent simplicity, any experiments with biological fields are classified as very dangerous and unpredictable. Typically, such research is carried out in the most secret laboratories of various intelligence services. However, many of them are so simple that anyone can repeat them.

    When starting experiments with the biofield, you need to determine what types of energy are capable of having a noticeable effect. Considering that our Universe arose as a result of a gigantic outbreak called the Big Bang, it can be assumed that elements of light energy are embedded in every object in the surrounding space. Therefore, light affects all objects of the material world. While venerable scientists argue ad nauseam about the “true nature” of light radiation, we can begin to study this issue from the practical side. To begin with, you can do the following experiment.

    If you unlock all the existing energies of the human body, you will get an immortal, intelligent creature who will be able not only to heal himself, but even, like the Terminator, to independently restore his lost organs.

    Having placed the volunteer in a comfortable chair, we will put two silver bracelets on his hands, to which we will connect two wires: one to the left, the other to the right. We will connect an electronic frequency meter to the wires and begin to illuminate the subject with light of different colors. After some time, you can find that each color causes a corresponding frequency of biosignals, measured by the device. If we average the values ​​of these measurements, we can obtain approximately the following ratios:

    WHITE 1100–2000 megahertz

    RED 1000–1200 megahertz

    ORANGE 950 – 1050 megahertz

    YELLOW 500–700 megahertz

    GREEN 250–475 megahertz

    BLUE 200–250 megahertz

    BLUE 150–250 megahertz

    PURPLE 80 – 120 megahertz

    If we remember that red usually causes anxiety, and violet causes peace, then we can assume that the emotions caused by light form the frequency measured by the device. This means that a way has been found to accurately digitally measure the degree of excitement or joy!

    The more a person worries, the higher the vibration frequency of his biofield. This discovery allows for the most precise experiments to study emotions, which will ultimately allow us to find new ways to control people's moods. It is not difficult to imagine the effectiveness of invisible radiation, which, for example, calms a raging crowd of demonstrators or shapes emotions during a performance in a theater.

    According to quantum theory, light is a special type of energy that propagates in the form of a stream of pulsating elementary particles (quanta). It can be assumed that not only light, but also other types of radiation that have a similar quantum nature can have a similar effect. You can use, for example, electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) or acoustic vibrations (sound). Moreover, the power of such radiation can be significantly greater than the power of light, the maximum value of which is limited by poor visual endurance.

    But if the influence of color on mood has been studied in sufficient detail, then how can we determine the effectiveness of sound or radio waves? The answer can be found in your school physics textbook. It is known that radiation with multiple wavelengths causes the same resonance phenomena (a burst of energy when the frequencies coincide). Therefore, to obtain similar effects it is necessary to use radiation with frequencies that differ from the “standard” by an integer number of times. For example, if red light causes aggression, then a similar feeling can be caused by electromagnetic radiation, the frequency of which differs exactly a thousand times.

    At the same time, using radiation consisting of many harmonics (frequencies), it is possible to obtain effects that are inaccessible to conventional optical experiments: For example, alternating “invigorating” and “calming” frequencies, you can achieve the feeling of an invigorating contrast shower.

    It is known that the beneficial properties of acoustic and light radiation were known in the Ancient world. The priests built special temples, the walls of which reflected sound, creating multiple echoes. The famous “cromlechs” in England or similar “menhirs” in Tibet are oriented so that the rays of the Sun, passing through special openings between the stones, create special optical effects that evoke a feeling of unreality. If we add that all ritual events were accompanied by the smoking of incense and the glow of fires, then it becomes clear that the ancient priests were able to create a special mystical environment in which the effectiveness of energy fields increased many times over.

    In modern conditions, useful phenomena can be obtained more simply. For example, using compact electronic equipment, you can do without the construction of bulky ritual structures. The fire can be replaced with a strobe, for echo you can use an electronic reverberator, and the required spectrum of light radiation can be obtained using a laser.

    In addition, modern energy sessions use a special acoustic generator that imitates various sounds of nature: from the sound of rain to the sounds of sea surf. If at the same time an electrostatic machine is operating, ionizing the air, then a realistic feeling of a “pre-storm atmosphere” is created. In addition to all of the above, the modern priest has at his disposal modern technical means that significantly expand the possibilities of experimentation. For example, during some sessions carried out by the author in the laboratory of the “Moon Castle”, the client sits in a special chair, inside of which powerful acoustic speakers are built. A tonic sound passes through the entire volume of the body, causing the necessary vibrations of the internal organs.

    I.III Simple experiments

    When starting your own experiments with energy fields, you should remember that they are quite dangerous. Improper use of various radiations can cause negative consequences. At best, you will experience increased fatigue. At worst, irreversible changes in consciousness are possible.

    Therefore, the further description of the experiments is deliberately devoid of some technical details that could have a negative effect. Let's look at six typical examples.

    1. QUICKLY RELIEF FATIGUE AND ANXIETY: The subject is located in a comfortable chair or lying on a soft sofa. The room is created in twilight with a faintly flickering green light. Flicker frequency – 4 Hz, brightness – 6 Lumens, temperature 25 degrees Celsius. The generator creates a monotonous noise of the sea surf with a volume of 40 dB. As a result of this action: after 8–10 minutes, anxiety goes away, breathing evens out, and drowsiness appears. After 16–30 minutes, deep sleep occurs, during which the equipment must work. The full effect occurs after 25–30 minutes of sleep.

    2. INCREASING ENDURANCE (ENERGY DOPING): The object is located in a chair. Lying or standing position is not recommended. A dense fog is created in the room (based on glycerin vapor). Behind the object is a red light source with a brightness of 12 lumens. and a strobe having a white light flash frequency of 30 Hz. All light sources work simultaneously. The generator creates a noise reminiscent of the rhythmic sound of an African drum, with a frequency of 35 Hz and a volume of 60 dB. The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. The result: after 3 minutes, drowsiness disappears, and after 12 minutes, the most alert state occurs. Continuing the session causes fatigue.

    3. STIMULATING CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS: The object is located strictly vertically on a hard chair with armrests. A very dense fog is created in the room with a weak purple illumination from below. The climate control system creates two streams of air: a warmer one (30 degrees) goes to your feet, a cooler one (15 degrees) with the smell of rosin and pine needles blows on your face. The generator produces the rhythmic sound of train wheels, with a volume of 15 dB. As a result of this action: after 5 minutes consciousness clears up, after 12–15 minutes original thoughts and ideas begin to appear. The duration of the session is not limited.

    4. DIVE INTO TRANCE (CLAIRVOYANCE): The subject is located reclining in an easy chair. A large bowl of water is placed in front of it so that a light spot is reflected from its surface on the screen located opposite. The gaze should be focused on the surface of the water. The room is completely dark and faintly foggy. On the screen there is a vibrating red laser spot with a vibration frequency of 8 Hz and an amplitude of 12 mm. The generator produces rustling sounds with a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz. Volume – 5 dB. Room temperature 25–30 degrees, complete absence of “wind,” faint smell of incense. The result: 15 minutes after the start of the procedure, consciousness “switches,” things lose their outline, and a pleasant weakness appears. After 25–30 minutes, “visions” in the form of moving creatures or natural objects begin to appear in the reflected light of the red light spot. After an hour, sudden fatigue and sleep sets in, accompanied by dreams. The recommended duration of sleep is 10–15 minutes with the equipment running. After awakening, there is a clearing of consciousness and a cheerful state of health.

    5. RELIEF FROM STRESS (REMOVING DAMAGE AND Evil Eye): The object is lying on a hard, warm surface (such as a table or wooden floor). Eyes closed. The room is dim. Temperature 25–30 degrees. Faint scent of sandalwood. A quiet melody of meditation music sounds. Triple echo effect enabled. The generator produces a metronome sound with a frequency of 2 Hz. The ceiling is illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp. Result: after 10-12 minutes drowsiness and calmness appear, after 15-16 minutes sleep sets in. The recommended duration of sleep is no more than 5 minutes, after which it is necessary to wake up by gradually increasing the volume of the music. After awakening, there is complete calm and restoration of strength.


    The subject sits comfortably in a soft chair. Eyes closed. The room is completely dark. The screen opposite is illuminated with a weak white light. The first generator makes rain noise. The second generator produces a metronome sound with a frequency of 1 Hz. Temperature 30 degrees. Light wind from the fan. Light smell of smoke and hay. In the distance there is a burning candle or smoldering coals of a fireplace. Fifteen echo effect enabled. Result: after 3 minutes, consciousness switches to the mode of abstract fantasies, mental visions appear (waking dreams). After 15 minutes, a sound sleep with dreams sets in. The recommended duration of sleep is no more than 20 minutes. After awakening, there is a slight thoughtfulness and complete restoration of strength.

    For many centuries, the doctrine of life force (prana) was kept secret, since it was believed that without the participation of an experienced mentor it was impossible to release the energies concentrated in the chakras.

    David Leroy

    Psychotechniques of influence. Secret techniques of special services

    Chapter first

    What is psychotechnics

    Psychotechnics is a branch of psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on human activity and behavior. This branch of psychology became widespread in the tenths and thirties of the twentieth century.

    The term “psychotechnics” was introduced in 1903 by the German psychologist Tern. Its development was continued by William Stern and Hugo Münsterberg, also Germans by origin. William Stern and Hugo Münsterberg gave Tern's hypotheses a theoretical formulation. In their opinion, the main task in the use of psychotechnics is to help a person choose a profession, to train specialists to carry out a specific professional task. Stern and Münsterberg believed that psychotechnics would help study what factors influence the rapid fatigue of a person during work, how a person adapts to a machine or technology to a person, how to properly train psychological functions during the training of workers, how advertising affects consumers, etc. .

    Currently, psychotechnics are widely used in medical and social psychiatry. Medical psychiatry uses psychotechnics to treat mentally ill people and mental disorders. Social psychiatry deals with human social health and its interaction with the outside world. Social influence that respects human rights and is not coercive, if done for the benefit of the individual, has a positive impact. For example, help in choosing a profession, getting rid of complexes and phobias, from alcohol or drug addiction.

    Psychotechnics or psychological manipulation is a social, psychological impact on an individual. The purpose of this influence is to change the perception and behavior of another person. Hugo Münsterberg compared psychotechnics with mathematical solutions. He argued that psychology is capable of solving many practical problems in a wide variety of areas of human life.

    The use of psychotechnics abroad also pushed Russian scientists to study and develop this branch of psychology in Russia. Therefore, in the twenties of the last century, psychological services, centers, offices and even laboratories for the study of psychotechniques began to be created in our country. But the initial purpose of their use is the rationalization of labor. In 1921, the Institute of Labor was opened, where they taught the scientific organization of labor and the use of psychotechnics. Among Russian psychologists, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky played a major role in the development of this branch of psychology. But, unfortunately, in the thirties of the twentieth century, the development of psychotechnics was interrupted, and for several decades this science was consigned to oblivion in our country. It came back to life in the mid-eighties. Psychotechnicians have become necessary not only in work, but also in the economic field and even in politics.

    By the way, the word “psychotechnics” came to us from the Greek language. The literal translation of this word is soul, skill, skill, that is, the art of working with the human soul. If you look at psychotechnics as a science, then it is relatively young, but if you look at it as the art of working with the soul, with human consciousness, then this skill is already many thousands of years old. The first to master this art were the priests of temples in Ancient Egypt and Indian yogis. Using various tricks (lighting, incense, a special rhythm of music, artificially created “miracles,” dancing, etc.) temple servants turned believers into unquestioning executors of their will. They did not disdain hypnosis either. And if an easily suggestible person was subjected to hypnosis, then even after the end of the session he perceived the imposed program as the purpose of his existence, acted like a robot, and sometimes did not even spare his life.

    And to be honest, the use of psychotechnics is not always aimed at the benefit of a person, even in our time. “Men in uniform” have always been interested in knowledge and techniques that could influence the consciousness of the masses or the consciousness of a specific person and change it in the direction they need. Therefore, the development of psychological weapons is given as much attention as the development of nuclear weapons. The Pentagon even had a “Special Intelligence” department, in which over seventy different psychics and clairvoyants worked. The US CIA developed several programs that, using hypnosis and psychotropic drugs, changed people's thoughts and consciousness. Modern specialists in the field of psychotechnics are even able to create a “personal program” that causes the necessary changes in the psyche or even provokes the development of a disease. Unfortunately, no effective and simple protection has been found against modern “psychological weapons”. Although there are techniques for “blocking” hidden or overt influence, they are only available to special services specialists. But at the same time, an “absolute weapon” capable of driving crazy or suppressing the will of huge masses of people if they do not want it, has not yet been created.

    Perhaps the very first hypnotists - the priests - noticed that not all people can be hypnotized. Those who desire it, those who dream of falling under someone else's will, or those who really believe in the hypnotist are most quickly subject to suggestion. It is more difficult to work with an indifferent person, but it is impossible to work with the help of psychotechnics with a strong-willed, free person who is accustomed to acting and thinking independently.

    But no matter how strong-willed a person is, once he finds himself in a crowd, he sinks to the bottom rung of civilization. Even the thinkers of antiquity noticed that each individual Athenian is a sly fox, but a crowd of Athenians is a herd of sheep. An individual, finding himself in a crowd, becomes an easy prey for manipulators, although the simplest techniques and psychotechniques are used to control a mass or crowd of people. Therefore, the more we learn about manipulation techniques, the more difficult it will be to control us.

    We will learn from the following chapters what psychotechnics of influence the intelligence services use. After all, forewarned means forearmed. Having studied the secret techniques in detail, you will know how to resist them. And with some training, you yourself can use each of these psychotechniques in everyday life. However, remember that this is a serious weapon, which, if used maliciously, can turn against the manipulator himself!

    Chapter two

    2.1. What is hypnosis

    Currently, intelligence agencies use the most modern and diverse methods of influence. For example, a person’s consciousness can be influenced chemically using special mental drugs. Experts who study the field of changing human consciousness and behavior believe that President Clinton was subjected to just such an influence in the incident with Lewinsky. These experts claim that the US President was the victim of a special operation using powerful hormonal drugs. One drop of such a chemical substance is enough for a person to completely lose critical thinking and animal sexual instincts come to the fore.

    Current page: 4 (book has 11 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

    II.III Useful devices

    Every professional hypnotist has a set of favorite devices that make it easier to put the patient into the desired state. The author's laboratory uses a burning candle, a laser hypnoscope, sound generators and a strobe light. Narcotics and gas intoxication (which some hypnotist doctors secretly use) are not used here.

    1.) BURNING CANDLE stands at eye level at a distance of five meters from the patient’s chair. A close look at its flame leads to rapid visual fatigue and rapid immersion in hypnotic sleep.

    2.) LASER HYPNOSCOPE consists of a red laser, the beam of which is refracted in a special vibrating mirror. The climate control creates a light mist in which the bright beam appears very clearly. Continuous observation of an oscillating beam, just as in the previous case, leads to rapid eye fatigue and falling asleep.

    3.) SOUND GENERATORS are capable of creating various soothing sounds: from the ticking of a metronome to the monotonous noise of the sea surf.

    4.) STROBOSCOPE is a very effective adjuvant. The author's laboratory uses the most advanced electronic strobe, which produces very bright flashes of light at specified intervals. By influencing the brain through vision, a strobe light can not only immerse you in a hypnotic state, but also evoke various fantastic visual images. However, when using a strobe, it should be borne in mind that in certain cases its prolonged operation can cause an epileptic fit and some types of mental disorders.

    Each of these adaptations is quite effective. However, their combined use allows one to obtain very powerful hypnotic states, examples of which are described below.

    II.IV Ten experiments

    For hundreds of years, representatives of the “correct sciences” carefully denied the extraterrestrial origin of man and his mind. Modern hypnotists and psychics, in order not to lose the trust of atheist patients, are forced to call themselves “doctors”, in every possible way hiding the intangible basis of invisible energy, without which their art is impossible.

    However, here, as elsewhere, there are many supernatural mystical phenomena that cannot have standard explanations. You can verify this by performing the following simple experiments yourself.

    EXPERIMENT #1: For all subsequent experiments, it is necessary to make a pendulum, for example, by tying a thread 50 cm long to some ring. The size, weight and material of the ring do not matter. We wind the free end of the thread around the index finger, so that there is approximately 25 cm between the finger and the ring. Take the pendulum so that the ring hangs above the intersection point of the lines of the drawn cross. You can hold your hand freely or rest your elbow on any support. In this case, you need to try not to swing the pendulum. Now let’s close our eyes and imagine that the pendulum is swinging from left to right. Opening your eyes, you can find that the pendulum makes the intended movements.

    Let's repeat the experiment, imagining, for example, the rotation of a pendulum counterclockwise. Opening your eyes, you can find that the pendulum obediently fulfills all mental desires. Without knowing it, we experimentally confirmed the “Carpenter effect,” discovered in England in 1874. In medicine, this effect is known as the “Ideomotor Law.” This law is the basis of all physiology, psychiatry and psychology.

    According to the Ideomotor Law, the mental idea of ​​any movement is automatically carried out in practice. For example, if you imagine that your hands are shaking, then they will actually shake. Moreover, implementation is possible only when the intended desire is not hindered by another - the opposite. It should be noted that the most ancient magical actions are based on the same principle: the magician conceived a desire, and it “suddenly” began to be realized in practice. In addition, the negative consequences of any witchcraft could only be neutralized by the counter actions of another magician.

    The modern medical “Ideomotor Law” exactly corresponds to the most ancient mystical ideas. From this we can conclude that modern materialistic science, with its “discoveries” of human nature, is approaching the knowledge of the Stone Age priests. With such “successful development” in the near future we can expect the appearance of “therapeutic idols” in treatment rooms or ancient “rock paintings” on the walls of modern medical institutions...

    EXPERIMENT #2: This experience is confirmation of the participation of extraterrestrial intelligence (or God) in the destinies of people. Based on experience, it can be argued that life is controlled not by the will of a person, but by figurative ideas that are formed by an unknown force in his consciousness. This incredible statement can be proven quite simply. Closing our eyes, let’s try to force ourselves to hold our hand with the pendulum strictly motionless. Naturally, we will doubt that this will work.

    By opening your eyes, you can see that the pendulum is moving. Moreover, his movements will correspond to what we imagined. It follows that if reason (consciousness) and will (desire) oppose each other, then reason always wins. When we wanted the hand to be motionless, we realized that the pendulum would still oscillate. And he does them.

    EXPERIMENT #3: Now we will prove that thoughts are stronger than words. To do this, take the thread of the pendulum in your right hand, and with your left hand stop its oscillations and hold it. Let us mentally wish that the pendulum rotates clockwise. Let’s release the pendulum and start repeating loudly: “ It should spin counterclockwise! It should spin counterclockwise!..“After a while, we will notice that the pendulum does not obey the words and rotates as intended.

    EXPERIMENT #4: Now let’s prove that telepathy really exists. An assistant will be required for this. You need to hand him a pendulum and ask him to hold it completely still. Then you need to close your eyes and wish for a certain movement of the pendulum, as was done in the first experiment. After some time, you can find that the pendulum is moving along the correct path. He clearly responds to any mental desires that are telepathically transmitted to the assistant.

    EXPERIMENT #5: By complicating the previous experience, it is possible to prove the difference in the abilities that nature has endowed people with. To do this, we will invite several volunteers and give each of them a pendulum. We will ask the participants to hold the pendulums in the same way, close their eyes and make a wish for the desired movement. After some time, you will notice that the participants’ pendulums swing differently, depending on personal suggestibility and hypnotic abilities.

    EXPERIMENT No. 6: The following experience will prove that any ability can be developed. Let's ask the participants in the previous experiment to close their eyes and not open them until the end of the event. Let's choose the “most unsuitable one”, whose pendulum reacts to commands worse than others. After the telepathic session, we will “deceive” him by saying that he is “the best.” At the same time, it is advisable to praise him by listing non-existent advantages. After several repeated experiments, you can notice that the abilities of the inspired participant are rapidly improving.

    EXPERIMENT #7: For subsequent experiments, it is necessary to find out which movement of the pendulum means “yes,” which means “no,” which means “I don’t know,” and which means “I know, but I won’t tell.” To find out, you need to try to keep the pendulum motionless. Then mentally formulate a question, the answer to which is known in advance. For example, a man can be asked: “Are you a man?” The pendulum's oscillations will indicate a positive answer. Asking a person, “Are you an animal?” – you can get fluctuations corresponding to a negative answer. The remaining values ​​are determined in the same way. If in repeated experiments the pendulum gives a contradictory reaction, then it means that the questions are not formulated specifically enough. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the experiment many times, trying to determine more clear relationships.

    EXPERIMENT #8: Now we will show how you can talk to a pendulum. Having placed the pendulum in front of you, you need to mentally ask a question, for example: “Will I turn out to be a wizard?” The oscillations studied in the previous experiment will answer this question. You can choose any topic to communicate with the pendulum. In the same way, the ancient priests spent hours “communicating” with their gods, receiving valuable advice for all occasions.

    EXPERIMENT #9: Scientists have invented an electronic “lie detector” - a sophisticated device that allows you to separate truth from fiction. Meanwhile, a thread tied to a simple ring does the same thing, but much more accurately. In this case, you can test several people at once. To carry out this experiment, you need to invite several participants and give them identical pendulums. Then sit them on chairs, ask them to close their eyes and test each person’s telepathic response, as was described in the seventh experiment. After this, you can ask any questions while observing the oscillations of the pendulums. For example, you can ask: “ Do you believe in God?”, “Do you respect me?”, “Are you interested?”, “Are you feeling good?” etc. Questions need to be formulated so that they have simple answers: “ yes,” “no,” “I don’t know,” or “I know, but I won’t tell.”

    EXPERIMENT #10: And now it’s time to abandon the pendulum and move on to more professional art. An experienced hypnotist, psychologist or magician should be able to accurately determine the truthfulness of his interlocutors without the use of pendulums or any other useful devices. To start, you can experiment with your own index finger. You need to raise your finger up and watch him carefully. Mentally asking yourself various questions, you should try to notice the slightest involuntary movements. After studying the movements of one finger, you can move on to observing all fingers, the position of the hands and involuntary movements of other parts of the body. Experiments can be complicated in the same way as was done in the experiments with a pendulum described above. As a result of these exercises, after some time, intuition appears, which allows you to draw conclusions without delving into their cause.

    II.V Immersion in hypnosis

    There are many reliable ways to go into hypnosis. Each specialist uses his “own” method, which in his execution gives the best effect.

    When starting hypnotic activities, it is necessary to study the patient, assess his suggestibility and choose a method of further action. For example, the first information can be obtained from a simple handshake: Dry palms characterize a difficult-to-suggest person with an active psyche. Slightly damp palms characterize a passive person who is easily suggestible and hypnotizable. In a preliminary conversation, you need to gain the patient’s trust and instill in him confidence in the success of the upcoming event.

    When starting the session, you need to sit the patient in a chair and check how relaxed he is. To do this, you need to raise his hand and suddenly let go. If the hand falls limply, then everything is in order. If the hand lingers in the raised state, it means the patient is pinched. After making sure that the person being hypnotized is relaxed, you need to ask him to close his eyes and instill the desired state. When starting a session, you should never say: “ Now let's start hypnosis" This creates unnecessary tension of anticipation.

    It’s better to start with the words: “Sit comfortably and calmly close your eyes. Now let's see how relaxed you are. Listen to my voice and do not resist my actions. You are sleeping, but your consciousness is working. You are asleep, but you can move. You are sleeping, but you are following all my instructions...”

    II.VI Six ways to dive quickly

    1.) The classic method of immersion is to tire the eyes with a shiny object. The patient is forced to look at a shiny object, while being told: “Fatigue is increasing. The eyelids become heavy and the eyes close. You are tired and want to sleep. Gradually you fall asleep. You well. Are you sleeping ".

    2.) Abbot Faria 1913 year I came up with the following very impressive method. Dressed in the clothes of a priest, he came close to the trusting patient, looked intently into the eyes for several seconds, and then suddenly shouted: “Sleep!” The frightened patient fainted and instantly fell asleep.

    3.) American doctors prefer this method:

    With two fingers of their right hand they make a “goat” or the letter “ V”, which is gradually brought closer to the patient’s open eyes. Approaching your fingers to your eyes is accompanied by the suggestion: “Your eyelids are becoming heavier. You really want to sleep...” When the distance between the fingers and the eyes becomes minimal, the command follows: “And now you can’t help but close your eyes. Close it and sleep!” Under the influence of hypnosis and a protective reflex, the patient closes his eyes. Deepening sleep, the hypnotist places his hand on the forehead and eyes of the experimental subject.

    4.) In European clinics they often use the “rifat trick”, which consists of the following: The patient is told that he will now be given anesthesia. Then, in his presence, chloroform is dripped onto the mask and asked to close your eyes. After this, another object is brought to the face (another mask or just a hand), suggesting that “the smell intensifies, the senses turn off, sleep comes.” The patient falls asleep without anesthesia.

    5.) The simplest is the counting method, which begins with the words: “Now I will begin to count to five. You will feel yourself being drawn to sleep. As soon as I say “three”, your eyes will close. As soon as I say “five”, you will fall into a pleasant deep sleep.” This is followed by a very slow count to five. After completing the counting, the hypnotic state is deepened with the words: “You are sleeping, but your consciousness is working. You hear me, but you don't wake up. You follow all my instructions, but do not delve into their meaning and content.”

    6.) The most reliable method is pressure. In this case, it is possible to put the most difficult to suggest into sleep. To carry out this activity, the hypnotist must sit behind the patient, place his hands on his shoulders so that the thumbs touch at the back of the head and the forefingers touch the neck. In a soothing tone, the hypnotist says distracting phrases, for example, advising you to breathe evenly and deeply. In this case, it is necessary to quietly increase the pressure of the fingers. If everything is done correctly, deep sleep occurs within a few minutes.

    II.VII Deepening the hypnotic state

    1.) Paracelsus(Theofast Bombast von Hohenheim) developed the theory of “animal magnetism”, using which Franz Anton Mesmer came up with special hand movements (passes) that enhance the hypnotic state. According to his technique, the hypnotist performs smooth movements from the head to the patient’s feet at a distance of approximately 5 cm from his body. In some cases, a light massage is allowed. The duration of the procedure is about ten minutes. If, after completion, the hypnotist raises the patient's hand and releases it, then it should freeze in the raised state. If this does not happen, then the passes continue for another five minutes.

    2.) Pharmacist Emile Coue in 1885 he came up with a very original method of enhancing the hypnotic effect, based on the effect of complete relaxation of the patient during a preliminary conversation. He said something like this: “I am not a wizard, not a doctor or a healer. I just want to show you the results of some experiments that will allow you to successfully cope with your own passions and moods in the future. Try it - you will succeed." After such preparation, self-hypnosis began to work, a rapid immersion in sleep occurred and the effect automatically increased.

    3.) According to the Grossman method The hypnotic state is strengthened in several stages. First, the patient is told that he feels terribly tired and wants to sleep more and more. Then the hypnotist comes close, sharply grabs the patient by the shoulders and declares: “You are so tired that you can’t stand on your feet. You are falling! This is followed by a push to the chest, and the sleeping patient falls back into the arms of the assistants. This spectacular spectacle is often used in pop performances by hypnotists.

    4.) The method of telepathic suggestion is quite effective. To carry it out, the hypnotist brings his face closer to the patient’s face at a distance of 10–15 cm, so as to obscure the entire space. Thoughts concentrate on the order “sleep!” If immersion in deep hypnosis is required, then the verbal command “don’t sleep!” is periodically followed. The alternation of conflicting commands tires the patient so much that he falls into deep sleep.

    III. Secret techniques of the special services

    Defiantly rejecting magic, hypnosis and other “unscientific delusions,” the governments of many states have never stopped secret research in this area. It is very tempting to possess a secret weapon that allows you to enslave entire nations or carry out any delicate activities without leaving any traces.

    For the first time, a review of the main methods that exist in the arsenals of various intelligence services is published. In addition to describing some professional techniques, independent exercises are given to develop the corresponding abilities.

    III.I Suggestion of what never happened

    There are well-known performances by Indian fakirs, where a spectacular trick with a rope is used. First, the fakir and his little assistant are located on the ground in some crowded place. When enough spectators have gathered, the fakir throws the rope into the air. A boy climbs a vertically suspended rope until he disappears high in the sky. After some time, the fakir calls the boy, but he does not appear. The enraged fakir takes a huge knife in his teeth and climbs up the rope. After some time, pieces of the boy fall from above and a bloody fakir descends. He puts the boy's parts into a bag, puts him on his back and intends to leave. However, the bag begins to move. The fakir puts him on the ground, and a living boy comes out...

    Hidden video footage shows that during the entire performance the fakir and the boy did not climb the rope. This is an example of mass suggestion, when the fakir inspired the public with what they were supposed to see.

    An acquaintance of the author saw another example of mass indoctrination in Africa. One day a local sorcerer declared that any creature can be made to do anything. Then he was told to silence all the crickets. The sorcerer whispered something, and the crickets suddenly fell silent. Those present were stunned. Later, listening to a tape recording of this conversation, it was found out that the crickets were chirping incessantly. Everyone stopped hearing them only because the sorcerer’s spell inspired those present that they could not hear anything.

    Training in such an art usually takes many years. You should start with simple exercises. First, you need to imagine any object as if it were actually standing in front of you. If this does not work, then put a real object in front of you and examine it until all the smallest details are imprinted in your consciousness. In this case, it is necessary to periodically close your eyes, comparing the image of the original with the copy recorded in memory. The exercise should be continued until there is a complete coincidence of the real and imaginary object.

    Having learned to form and hold various visual images (objects) in the mind, you can begin experiments on the telepathic transmission of imaginary pictures. To do this, you need to choose a sensitive person, sit him in front of you, ask him to relax and not think about anything. Then you need to close your eyes, imagine any object and concentrate on the desire for the test subject to see the same picture. Mentally, in all details, you need to imagine that the imaginary object is “standing before the eyes” of your partner. In this case, it is necessary to imagine what you want long enough so that your partner’s consciousness has time to tune in to your thoughts. By gradually making experiments more complex, you can learn to influence entire groups of people, instilling in them ideas that never existed in real life.

    III.II Orders at a distance

    IN 1875 year, a description of the unusual discovery of Dr. Dusard, which he accidentally made while treating his patient, was published. Relieving the patient of insomnia, the doctor came to her home every day and hypnotically put her to sleep, suggesting that she should wake up the next morning at a certain hour. One day, having put her to sleep as usual, the doctor absent-mindedly forgot to make the final suggestion about awakening. He remembered this on the way home and, being too lazy to turn back, thought: “If my suggestions work at a distance of two meters, then maybe they will work at a greater distance?”

    The doctor concentrated, telepathically transmitted the necessary thoughts and calmly continued on his way. The next day, when he visited the patient, he discovered that his remote suggestion had been successfully carried out. The patient woke up at the time the doctor prescribed for her. Subsequently, this experience was tested many times. It was found that the power of suggestion is practically independent of distance.

    You can do another experience yourself. Walk down the street after any person and look intently at the back of his head. After a while, he will definitely turn around or stumble. If this experience is complicated and suggested that a person should stop or turn in some direction, then this will happen. Thus, you can control any passerby for a long time, forcing him to make any necessary movements. If after some time you ask the test subject why he did this, he will find many “reasonable” explanations, but he will never believe that someone was “steering” him.

    If you walk down the street after any person and intently look at the back of his head, then after a while he will definitely turn around or stumble.

    While on public transport, you can practice on your fellow travelers. First you need to select a suitable object. For example, you can choose any adult who sits calmly in his place. By concentrating your thoughts on him, you need to suggest that he is very tired and his eyes are closing. We need to clearly present this picture. After a few minutes, the subject's eyes can be seen closing. After this, you can suggest any other action, for example, order to open your eyes. You can mentally order: “ You are worried about something. But you are sleeping. Without waking up, you will open your eyes, get up and come to me" After this, you can strengthen the suggestion and mentally repeat the short order several times: “ Get up and come to me!»

    Having achieved some success, you can complicate your experiments by choosing several people at once as objects of suggestion. Once you gain experience, you can hypnotize several fellow travelers at the same time. When concentrating your thoughts, there is no need to stare at the test subjects. You can look in the other direction or close your eyes altogether.

    When improving your skills, you need to make sure that the suggestion goes in the given direction, and not just anywhere. To check, you can exclude one or more passengers from the experience, convincing them that nothing affects them. In addition, when experimenting in public transport, you should remember that you cannot put the driver to sleep.

    Having gained experience, you can perform in the circus, fooling the respectable audience with the “magic” tricks of famous illusionists. For example, you can make money with very convincing “clairvoyance sessions.” Having chosen a highly suggestible person as your assistant, you need to announce that he is a famous medium who can do anything. In preparation for the upcoming performance, the assistant is put into a hypnotic state in advance. Then, placing the “clairvoyant” with his back to the audience (so as not to peep), they usually ask anyone who wants to write a word on paper and show what they have written to everyone present. Then the note is hidden in the pocket. After this, the “presenter” telepathically conveys to the “clairvoyant” what is written on the paper, who wrote it, and where the note is hidden. Obeying the commands of the hypnotist, he accurately answers all questions. In the same way, they “read” books blindfolded, describe things hidden in closed boxes, and do other impressive experiments.

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