• In what month do you get married? What the signs say. Wedding calendar: signs and superstitions Is it possible to get married in January


    The patroness and mistress of the year will be the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar). The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will be a good time for marriage. Sincerely loving, faithful people who get married in 2019 will receive a happy family and find happiness. If the marriage is concluded with selfish motives, family life will bring disappointment to the spouses: the Pig does not tolerate hypocrisy and will punish for it. For couples who have known each other for more than 3 years, a wedding in the second half of the year is suitable. If your acquaintance lasts less than this period, it is better to get married in the first half.

    How to determine a favorable wedding date in 2019

    1. Signs, superstitions and folk beliefs. From time immemorial, people have been guided by superstitions, signs and beliefs, trying to predict what is in store for them in the future. This is everyday experience that was accumulated by previous generations and their ancestors. There are many similar predictions on the topic of weddings, which often come true. It is very important to interpret them correctly. An inexperienced person in this matter may draw the wrong conclusions.
    2. Chinese horoscope. In this case, a special role is played by the characteristics of the ruling animal, its main character traits, habits and habits. In 2019, the Pig (Boar) will sit on the throne of the ruler. Family for the ruler of this period is the most subtle matter. The animal calls for an understanding that the personal happiness of each person directly depends on the degree of strength of the rear, which is ensured by the care, love and respect of all family members.
    3. Astrological (zodiacal) forecast. Many criteria are taken into account here. This is the characteristic of certain lunar days, and the phase of the queen of the night - the moon, and its location relative to the planets, and its distance from each zodiac sign. The timing of moonrise and moonset also plays a role. The cyclic change in the location of this celestial body can predict to the minute how favorable a particular time is for marriage.
    4. Calendar of church holidays. In Christianity, there are dates of great celebrations on which it is strictly not recommended to celebrate a wedding or hold a wedding. Among these dates we can highlight the Great and Nativity fasts, the Annunciation, the Dormition, the Presentation, Easter, and the Beheading. The ban on marriage also applies to other fasts, as well as well-known church holidays.
    5. Numerology. A fascinating and precise science that is based on numbers and their various combinations. Experts in the field of numerology are sure that any life event, especially something as important as a wedding, is subject to numbers. Having accurate calculations, a person can understand when it is better to get married so that it is long-lasting and happy.

    Characteristics of favorable and unfavorable days for a wedding 2019 by month

    Attention! The numbers of the month that are not included in the list of lucky and unlucky days are considered neutral for celebrating a wedding.

    Wedding in January 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    28 29 30 31

    In general, the first month of 2019 is favorable for marriage, if you avoid critical dates - this is what astrologers think. However, their Chinese colleagues are confident that they need to select dates taking into account that the Dog continues to rule the year, and the Pig (Boar) will ascend the throne only at the beginning of the next month (according to the Chinese style, the year will begin on February 5). According to signs and astrological forecasts, the most dangerous for celebrating a wedding is the first half of the month, of which only two days (10 and 11) are suitable for organizing an event. A marriage concluded on favorable dates in January promises to be strong. It has been noticed that many couples who get married in the first month have many children.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in January 2019: 10, 11, 17, 20, 25, from 27 to 30.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in January 2019: from 1st to 9th, 12th, 13th, 18th, 19th, 21st to 23rd.

    Wedding in February 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3
    4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    25 26 27 28

    Some days in the second half of the month are favorable for celebrating a wedding. The young will live a long and happy life. But astrology and superstition warn that those who come to the wedding altar not out of love, but, for example, out of calculation or coercion, will face disappointment and trouble. Such a marriage is unlikely to last more than 3 years.

    If you have a wedding on February 5, the new mistress of the year may consider that you are disrespectful of the date of her entry into rights by being distracted by your holiday.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2019: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 21, from 24 to 28.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February 2019: 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, from 18 to 20, 22.

    Wedding in March 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3
    4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    25 26 27 28 29 30 31

    Any Orthodox clergyman will assure you that during most of the month of March it is impossible to celebrate a wedding, much less get married. The fact is that throughout the entire first month of spring, except for the first weeks, Lent continues. According to popular beliefs, those who marry during this period may face an unhappy fate. Moreover, this applies to both family life and other areas. Some priests say that if the wedding date is March, Falling during Lent cannot be rescheduled; it is important to take into account the strict restrictions regarding the holding of the ceremonial and unofficial parts of the event.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in March 2019: 1, 9.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in March 2019: 2, 6, from 11 to 31.

    Wedding in April 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30

    The whole of April is unfavorable for wedding celebrations and, accordingly, wedding ceremonies, since Lent has not yet ended. Relationships can only be registered three days after Easter.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in April 2019: are missing.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April 2019: The entire month.

    Wedding in May 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4 5
    6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    27 28 29 30 31

    Regarding holding a wedding on May days, the prohibitions in astrology concern unfavorable days of the lunar day and the new moon. The Orthodox Church does not prohibit celebrating weddings in May. Experts are sure that if you set the wedding day on an auspicious day, “May” couples will live a life filled with many joyful events. The spouses will be strongly attached to each other, and over time a strong connection will arise between them on a deep spiritual level.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in May 2019: 6, 9, 10, 13, from 15 to 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, from 26 to 29, 31.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May 2019: 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 23.

    Wedding in June 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    June 6 (Ascension of the Lord), June 16 (Trinity) and the last week are unsuccessful for choosing a wedding date, since the Apostolic Fast will begin on the 24th, which will also cover the first ten days of July. According to astrological forecasts, newlyweds who got married between June 17 and June 20 will never separate, and their mutual love will only grow stronger every year. According to the lunar calendar, during these days the moon will decline, which may make you wary. But astrologers reassure, saying that in this way the moon will take away all the negativity from the life of the spouses.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in June 2019: 2, 8, 9, 12, 15, from 17 to 20, 23.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June 2019: 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 21, 22, from 24 to 30.

    Wedding in July 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30 31

    The days of the month will be divided almost in half: 13 of them will be favorable for marriage, the remaining 14 will be unfavorable. Peter's Fast will last until the 12th, during which another major church holiday falls - Ivan Kupala. Astrologers, like the Orthodox Church, do not recommend getting married in the first half of July. Experts refer to the unfavorable location of the night celestial body in relation to the planets responsible for marriage and family. Late in the evening of July 2, the moon will be born, after which it will begin to grow, and then there will be more days favorable for a wedding.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in July 2019: 14, 15, 18, 19, from 21 to 26, 28, 29, 31.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in July 2019: from 1st to 12th, 17th, 20th.

    Wedding in August 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    26 27 28 29 30 31

    In August 2019, there are only 9 days when you can get married without fear of negative consequences and at the same time following church canons, superstitions, and astrological forecasts. Experts recommend formalizing relationships on the favorable days of August for couples who have tested their feelings for each other for at least a year. This month has super-powerful and rather contradictory energy, which can significantly affect the sphere of personal relationships. How exactly it will affect the relationship of a particular couple depends on how carefully the bride and groom comply with the stated restrictions.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in August 2019: 2, 3, 6, 7, from 10 to 13.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August 2019: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, from 14 to 28, 30.

    Wedding in September 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    23 24 25 26 27 28 29

    According to superstitions, astrological predictions, popular beliefs, the lunar calendar and signs, this month, along with February, is considered the most successful for formalizing relationships. Numerology also did not stand aside, expressing its point of view. So, experts calculated the main number of each September date in 2019 and found that the neutral numbers were 10, 12, 14, 19, and 26. The remaining dates are very favorable for marriage. In September, all the forecasts, which for many other months contradict each other, surprisingly coincided. September is ruled by the number “9”, which will endow the couple with wisdom and incredible luck.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2019: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September 2019: 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 17, 21, 27, 28.

    Wedding in October 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    28 29 30 31

    The marital union, created in October, will make the newlyweds a bright tandem based on love and mutual respect. Astrologers noticed that 50% of couples who subsequently acquired happy and large families got married in October. You can register a marriage almost throughout the entire month, except for the Orthodox celebration of the Intercession (14) and unfavorable astrological days. The forecast of specialists in the field of numerology is also favorable. The unit, which is the governing number of the month, will allow young people from the first days of married life to find the right guidelines that will contribute to the preservation of sincere love for many years.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in October 2019: 3, 4, 7, from 9 to 12, from 17 to 21, from 23 to 27, 29.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October 2019: 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 16, 28, 30, 31.

    Wedding in November 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    1 2 3
    4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    25 26 27 28 29 30

    A life devoid of serious problems, stable relationships, undying feelings and understanding - this is what awaits the young people who formalize their relationship in November. Seven days will be unlucky for a wedding this month, of which the last three days, which will mark the beginning of the Nativity Fast. On other days, astrologers, folk signs, and the Orthodox Church recommend getting married. If you choose a wedding date strictly according to the lunar calendar, you can select the most successful days - 9, 18 and 22. The number of the month will be two, which is formed from two ones (11) by adding them. The characteristics of this number make it possible to predict that the November marriage will be devoid of scandals and mutual accusations, and a warm, soft and friendly atmosphere will always reign in the family.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in November 2019: 1, 5, 6, from 8 to 13, 15, from 17 to 20, 22, 24, 25, 27.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November 2019: 3, 4, 14, 26, from 28 to 30.

    Wedding in December 2019

    Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    30 31

    The Church and astrology prohibit marriage in December. The Nativity Fast continues throughout December. On the 26th there will be a new moon and a solar eclipse. Popular beliefs and numerology also do not recommend celebrating a wedding this month. In December, serious frosts often occur, and bad weather rages, replete with hurricanes and snowfalls. And according to the sign, bad weather on the wedding day predicts a troubled life for the newlyweds, filled with conflict situations. So, it is better to refrain from getting married in December.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2019: are missing.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December 2019: The entire month.

    2020 will be a leap year, which means it is undesirable for a wedding.

    When choosing a wedding date, the bride and groom are guided by circumstances, their own beliefs and preferences. Of course, the key factors for a happy marriage are love, mutual respect and the ability to find compromises. Experts are confident that newlyweds who have a mutual desire to create a long-term and strong relationship are not afraid of any signs, superstitions or forecasts. But if there is an opportunity to increase the chances of a happy married life, why not take advantage of them by listening to the predictions?

    Vika Di

    When preparing for a wedding, planning begins with choosing a date for the celebration. Brides approach it very scrupulously, guided by numerology, astrology, beautiful dates or folk signs. Some pick up day in accordance with church regulations, someone focuses on the convenience of the date for registration at the registry office and a banquet in a restaurant.

    Registration at the Civil Registry Office

    So how to choose the right wedding date? There is no clear answer to this question. Every newlywed couple decides independently, on what day should they walk down the aisle?

    Favorable days for weddings according to the lunar calendar

    The lunar calendar is different from the usual one because it allows you to monitor the phases of the moon - new moon, waxing, full moon and waning.

    This calendar is compiled for every year and you can see favorable days for each month of the current year or calculate the lunar day yourself

    A wedding during an eclipse and full moon is considered unfavorable; the negative energy of the satellite has a destructive effect on the newlyweds. White night wedding too requires tracking the Moon's movement, because its influence is not going anywhere. Before setting a date for the celebration, you need to check with.

    Lucky day for marriage according to numerology

    Numerology is the magic of numbers, showing the connection between a person’s life and the date of his birth.

    Choice for marriage according to numerology

    Add: 1+9+1+1+9+8= 29=2+9=11.

    5+1+1+9+9=25=2+5=7. Add the resulting numbers – 11+7=18. This will be a favorable day according to numerological calculations.

    The 31st number, according to numerology, does not have any special properties, and if the newlyweds so desire, it is quite possible to get married on this day.

    Signs associated with wedding dates

    The number 7 for a wedding, according to popular belief, is considered lucky for marriage, like other odd numbers, except the 13th numbers due to the exceptional unluckiness of this date.

    Marriage on even days - for the birth of a boy, on odd days - for the birth of a girl

    It is also believed that a birthday on the wedding day is a bad omen, but at the same time if the spouses' birthdays coincide, then this is a very good sign. If the birthday of one of your relatives coincides with the planned date, then it is better to postpone it. For ethical reasons, it is not very pleasant when a wedding ceremony or wedding anniversary is celebrated on a birthday.

    Signs with wedding dates

    There are no special signs if the day and date of the wedding coincides with the wedding date of the parents, but in this case it is at the discretion of the newlyweds - not everyone will like to celebrate two anniversaries on one day. It is definitely bad luck to get married on a date that coincides with the date of death of one of your relatives. Such a family, according to signs, will be haunted by misfortunes.

    Is it possible, according to signs, to have two weddings in one year in one family? According to popular superstition, it is impossible.

    There is a sign that the bride needs pin a gold pin on the dress, for luck. You can combine beauty and superstition by purchasing an elegant brooch in the form of a pin.

    According to popular beliefs, there are favorable years for weddings. Current 2018 is considered a quiet year for marriage, as well as the next one - 2019. But in the question “when is it better to get married?” brides believe only in bad luck about a wedding ceremony in a leap year, known for difficulties and misfortunes.

    Why can't you get married on a leap year? In fact, earlier this year the girls themselves went to get married, and no one had the right to refuse them.

    So leap year used to be called the year of brides, and it was believed that it was successful in terms of marriage

    Days when you can't get married

    However, nowadays there are more significant prohibitions on marriage. In addition to the days when the registry office is not working, therefore, the marriage cannot be registered, there are restrictions imposed by religion for marriage.

    Get married in an Orthodox church

    According to the statutes of the Orthodox Church, the days when you cannot have a wedding are:

    • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On these days, the sacrament of marriage is not performed;
    • during fasting;
    • eves and days of Orthodox holidays;
    • on Maslenitsa, the week before Lent;
    • on Easter week.

    Wedding date agree with the priest, he will tell you when it is better to perform the sacrament.

    Beautiful dates for a wedding

    Sometimes brides, not paying attention to the signs and forecasts of astrologers, try to choose a beautiful date. The choice of a beautiful wedding date is determined by a combination of identical numbers. For example, in 2008 the most popular date was 08/08/08.

    This year such a complete coincidence will not happen, but a beautiful date could be the 18th of August - 08/18/18 with three eights

    You can also select a combination of day and month numbers, for example, 06/06/18. It is believed that lucky dates are those in which there are many zeros and eights, for example, 08/10/18 or 10/18/18. Dates in which one number is a multiple of another, for example, 09.18.18, also look good. Such round dates look nice and sound good, and they are also easy to remember. Whether a weekday or a weekend falls on the wedding date is not so important in this case.

    The question of what date to have a wedding torments many girls who want the celebration to be perfect. You can refer to the characteristics of the days of the week.

    What day of the week is best to have a wedding?

    Favorability of a particular day of the week determined by numerology, astrology, church charters and popular beliefs. So what day of the week is best to get married?

    Characteristics of each day of the week:

    • Monday. Despite the fact that in most cases this day is officially a day off in the registry offices, from an astrological point of view this day is moderately favorable for marriage, since the Moon patronizes the newlyweds on this day.
    • Tuesday. On this day you cannot get married according to Orthodox teaching. In astrology, Tuesday is considered very unfavorable for marriage.
    • Wednesday. Under the auspices of Mercury, he favors newlyweds - this promises compromise and harmony in marriage.
    • Thursday. There is no wedding on this day; popular beliefs also warn couples against getting married. But according to astrology, this is a rather successful day, promising material wealth in the house.
    • Friday. It is considered the most favorable day for marriage, since it is under the protection of Venus. Friday the 13th, according to signs, is considered an unlucky day, but this does not affect family life in any way. The church views Friday weddings favorably.
    • Saturday. The most popular day for official painting, the wedding sacrament is not held. According to astrology and folk signs, it is considered not a very favorable day for marriage. The marriage promises to be stable, but for happiness you will have to sacrifice a lot.
    • Sunday. It is considered a good day for marriage; this day is patronized by the Sun, which promises warm relations between spouses, but, in another opinion, emphasizes individuality, so the marriage will work out if one of the couple takes responsibility for family life.

    So what day of the week is it best to get married? Monday to Wednesday. The remaining days of the week are considered unfavorable for marriage.

    Choosing a wedding day is easy, based on the influence of the stars for family life.

    Choose your wedding day according to astrology

    Which month is the best month to get married?

    Each month has its own pros and cons, determined by weather conditions, signs and church customs. For each month, according to numerology and the lunar calendar, happy dates are compiled on which it is best to get married.

    Signs and meanings of the wedding by month:

    • January wedding - the wife becomes a widow early;
    • a marriage concluded in February will be full of love and tenderness;
    • getting married in March means living in a foreign land, far from home;
    • April wedding - to changeable happiness;
    • wedding in May - to betrayal;
    • June wedding - the couple will spend their whole lives as if on a honeymoon;
    • get married in July - the marriage will be sweet and sour;
    • getting married in August means a strong marriage, sealed not only by love, but also by friendship;
    • wedding in September - the marriage will be long, without quarrels and scandals;
    • a marriage entered into in October promises problems and difficulties;
    • November wedding - to a rich and happy life;
    • getting married in December means happiness in family life, which will only grow.

    What month is better to have a wedding? Each season has its own advantages– in winter there is no wedding rush, and you can calmly choose a wedding date at the registry office; in spring it is already warm enough to hold a ceremony outdoors; in summer, despite the heat, there are many celebration scenarios; in autumn, an abundance of vegetables and fruits will provide a rich feast.


    Getting married right after the New Year holidays may not seem like the best idea, but in reality January has many unobvious advantages.

    Huge space for outdoor festivities: snowball fights, building a snow fort and sledding

    Offers many entertainment options and competitions.

    Besides, you can continue New Year's theme and weave it into the design of the banquet hall.

    Get married in January


    This month can provide several ideas for a wedding celebration at once - the theme of Valentine's Day and Maslenitsa festivities. The wedding date can be coincided with one of these holidays.

    In addition, the advantages of a winter wedding also apply to this month: there are no queues for painting at the registry office, you can rent a banquet hall in a restaurant at a discount and fly away on a honeymoon to hot countries. You can combine it with a trip and hold a symbolic ceremony on the shores of the azure sea.


    Despite the fact that this March is the first month of spring, in terms of mood and weather in central Russia it differs little from winter. But this is an excellent opportunity for a budget holiday, and the vagaries of the weather can be compensated for by an exquisite buffet in a restaurant. – a reason for an interesting photo shoot against the backdrop of melting snow, spring drops and the warming sun.


    This month is considered truly spring - there are more and more warm days, the first flowers and leaves on the trees begin to bloom. The awakening of spring is an excellent theme for decorating a celebration. Moreover, in early spring The wedding rush hasn't started yet what you can use. You can already spend it outdoors, despite the unstable weather.

    Get married in April


    A May spring wedding is not only according to the calendar, but also according to the mood. Warm weather allows for off-site registration among trees and blooming flowers. This month you can save on floristry.

    You can choose an unusual wedding dress and weave flowers into your hair.


    June is a good month for a wedding, because the heat has not yet set in, and the berry season is already beginning. Despite the fact that summer is the time for weddings and the wedding rush is gaining momentum, young people can decorate the celebration in an original way, focusing on wildflowers and strawberries. - an excellent reason for a picnic with kebabs and grilled meat dishes.

    Get married in June


    A summer wedding in the hottest month is an excellent occasion for off-site registration in nature. Wedding tents will shelter guests from the scorching heat. Mid summer conducive to an abundance of berries and fruits on the festive table.

    You can make it themed by decorating the celebration in a rustic style or make it a Hawaiian party.


    According to popular beliefs, the strongest marriages take place in this month. August is a fruitful month when the markets are full of fresh vegetables and fruits. This will make the menu not only tasty, but also healthy. is considered favorable not only from the point of view of folk signs, but also, according to astrologers.


    An autumn wedding offers many options for decorating the celebration. The ceremony can be themed, for example, in a rustic or eco-chic style. Bright Autumn colors will serve as a great decoration interior and can be the leitmotif of the entire celebration. Despite the onset of cold weather, you can spend time in the park or at the dacha, enjoying the autumn landscape.


    The second month of autumn continues the theme of gold and crimson colors in the design. If the celebration is planned for the end of the month, then you can make a Halloween themed wedding– with pumpkins instead of lamps, carnival outfits and themed dishes on the festive table.

    Halloween themed wedding in October

    - an occasion not only for a gloomy, gothic celebration, but also for an autumn holiday in a rustic style.


    In late autumn, the excitement associated with marriage subsides, which allows you to plan your celebration in less haste and calmly choose a date. Despite the oncoming cold, November considered a favorable month for marriage. According to signs, it is associated with the end of field work and preparation for winter, so it was believed that it was better to have a wedding in this month.


    A winter wedding in December is an excellent opportunity for a themed celebration in the style of a winter fairy tale. Of course, it scares many people New Year's rush, in the bustle of which it will be difficult to prepare, but there will definitely be no queues at the registry office. In addition, this is a wonderful occasion for a symbolic ceremony on a tropical island.

    But you can also celebrate at home by renting a room in a restaurant or organizing a home party.

    What exactly is the best month to have a wedding and what is the best time of year for a wedding is up to the young to decide.

    Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages

    Months favorable for weddings, according to popular belief: February, March, August, September. But it is important to remember that in order to sign, You can choose any date you like in any month.

    Wedding in Lent

    Many couples planning to get married are wondering: is it possible to get married during Lent? According to church regulations, marriages and weddings are prohibited.

    Lenten dishes for a wedding during the church fast

    Why can't you have a wedding during Lent? Since fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing, restrictions on eating food animal origin, physical intimacy and entertainment.

    However, despite this, you can sign for fasting without having a wedding, since secular laws do not correspond to religious prohibitions.

    If young people are non-believers or consider themselves to belong to another religious denomination, then Orthodox ban should not stop their desire to have a wedding in Lent.

    April 28, 2018, 12:35

    There are many signs and superstitions associated with the date of marriage. So, based on the month, time of year, date or day of the week, one can guess how the family life of the newlyweds will turn out.

    Probably, each of these signs has its own, well-founded roots, it’s just that much has long been forgotten or has lost its relevance. But, for example, it is quite possible to understand why, according to popular belief, it is not recommended to have a wedding during church fasts - what kind of family life is there in wealth and prosperity if the wedding meal is very modest - without any meat delicacies.

    Everything about major religious holidays is also clear: it was not right for ordinary people to put themselves above the Church. Well, as for other superstitions, each of them has its own history, hidden somewhere in the mists of time.

    To believe or not to believe in omens? Here everyone decides for themselves. But if people sincerely love each other, then no superstitions can destroy their happiness. And folk wisdom says: “If you don’t know about the omen, then it won’t come true.”

    But in any case, when setting a wedding date, you need to be guided by common sense, convenience, and take into account the traditions that have developed in the families of the bride and groom and various family circumstances. Think for yourself: the more satisfied guests there are at your wedding, the more positivity, joy, fun and good wishes addressed to the newlyweds, and the less chance that someone will overshadow your celebration with their irritation and petty grievances. So let the atmosphere of your holiday be filled with warmth, joy and happiness!

    Well, now let’s get acquainted with some wedding signs, superstitions, customs and traditions associated with the time of marriage. Unless you change your mind, of course.

    Months, dates and times

    When choosing a wedding date, folk signs were often taken into account. A superstition has survived to this day: to get married in May - then toil for the rest of your life, but they have forgotten about the other months. And folk wisdom had its own advice for the entire calendar year.

    • Wedding in January can lead to rapid separation from your loved one.
    • February marriage promises a happy life in harmony with your spouse.
    • Wedding in March predicts a girl's life on a foreign side.
    • April marriage is like April weather: clear days with partly cloudy skies.
    • May the warnings are still alive today. To avoid trouble, the bride needs to kiss the groom three times in a row before the wedding ceremony.
    • June famous for long, happy marriages.
    • In July Getting married means keeping sweet and sour memories in your life.
    • Have a wedding in August- the husband will be not only a lover, but also a devoted friend.
    • September the wedding promises you a quiet and peaceful life.
    • If in October got married, get ready that you will have many difficulties in your marriage.
    • If you want your family to always have prosperity, then november- it's time for your wedding.
    • From December a marriage of wealth may not be worth waiting for, but love will become stronger every year. Such a forecast can be taken as a joke, or you can listen to the experience of folk wisdom.
    • Wedding in winter leads to overspending in the future family.
    • Spring a wedding means that the newlyweds will live a cheerful and happy life.
    • Wedding in summer- warmth and joy in family life.
    • Autumn marriage is considered the most durable and lasting.
    • If the wedding takes place on Ivan Kupala , then the family will have good wealth.
    • If the wedding has to on Maslenitsa, then both newlyweds will ride like butter all their lives, everything will be fine for them.
    • If on Yablonevy saved , then the husband will never go broke.
    • It is believed that if the wedding takes place on an even day , then a boy will be born first, and if on an odd number, then a girl.
    • Can't get married in a leap year .
    • Misfortune promises those couples who have announced their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year , and the wedding took place early next year.
    • Seventh and twelfth – happy dates for the wedding, the marriage will be successful.
    • On the thirteenth It’s better not to get married, although many now schedule a wedding for this day, considering it happy.
    • Good omen - full moon in a day or two until the wedding. The marriage will be long and happy.
    • The most successful marriages are considered to be marriages afternoon.
    • If before the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (August 28) If the girl doesn’t look after the groom, she will spend the whole winter as a girl.
    • At Annunciation Girls can’t braid their hair: they won’t have their own home. Let us remember the proverb that was widely used in Rus': “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.” Once upon a time, the cuckoo broke this rule, and since then the name of this bird has been given to a mother who abandoned her children. A girl of marriageable age (like any person) should not do any work on this one of the most significant Christian holidays, not even braid her hair.

    What day of the week to get married:

    • Monday- wealth.
    • Tuesday- health.
    • Wednesday- the best day.
    • Thursday- loss.
    • Friday- crosses.
    • Saturday- unlucky day.

    There is a popular song in America about which days you should get married and which days you should be careful:

    There will be happiness on Monday
    And on Tuesday - a lot of money,
    Well, the best day is Wednesday!
    Don't even try on Thursday
    On Friday - beware
    And never on Saturday!

    Happy days for weddings:

    • January — 2, 4, 11, 19, 21.
    • February — 1, 3, 10, 19, 21.
    • March — 3, 5, 13, 20, 23
    • April — 2, 4, 12, 20, 22.
    • May — — 2,4, 20, 23.
    • June — 1, 3, 11, 19, 1.
    • July — 1, 3, 12, 19, 21, 31.
    • August — 2, 11, 18, 20, 30.
    • September — 1, 9, 16, 18, 28.
    • October — 1, 8, 15, 17, 27, 29.
    • November — 5, 11, 13, 22, 25.
    • December — 1, 8, 10, 19, 23, 29.
    • Marry on the new moon- to a new happy life.
    • Get married at waxing moon - to rapid capital growth.
    • Marry on the full moon - life will be a full cup.
    • At waning moon get married - all sorrows and adversities will go away.

    Unfavorable time for weddings:

    • Your birthday .
    • Who got married on your angel's day - will be unhappy.
    • On the same day or in the same year, h so is your sister . There is an opinion that of two sisters who get married on the same day, one will certainly be unhappy.
    • Before big sister . In the old days, it was believed that the eldest daughter must marry first. If the youngest gets married first, she will be childless, and all sorts of bad luck will befall the parents.
    • According to the assurances of the ancestor, it is not recommended to play weddings during the Kalada periods (from January 6 to January 21) and during Maslenitsa week (just before the beginning of Lent).
    • Such things are strictly contraindicated for weddings. major Christian holidays , like Candlemas, Trinity, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Annunciation, Exaltation, Intercession and Nativity of John the Baptist.
    • Never had a wedding on memorial Saturdays (Grandfathers), this day was reserved exclusively for memories and visiting the graves of people who left this world in the cemetery.
    • One should not neglect traditions and celebrate a triumph if less than a year has passed since the death of a loved one a relative of the bride or groom, here we are talking about parents, grandparents, siblings and cousins.
    • After sunset It is not recommended to get married because it has long been believed that with the onset of darkness all kinds of evil spirits wake up and can harm the young.

    Posts- bad time for weddings. When wondering when is the best time to get married, you should immediately exclude the period of fasting; for many years the church refrained from marrying people at this time. Centuries-old popular observations indicate that young people will not have a prosperous family life if they violate the canons established by the church and their ancestors.

    You cannot get married during four fasts:

    • - Rozhdestvensky - from November 28 to January 6 (six weeks);
    • - Great - from Maslenitsa to Easter (seven weeks);
    • - Petrovsky - from the second Monday after Trinity until July 12 (Peter and Paul Day);
    • - Uspensky - from August 14 to 28.

    Good time for weddings

    The ideal time to get married is the period from the end of August to the end of November, when the Nativity Fast begins.

    Cover- wedding time. Brides wear a wedding dress - a snow-white veil. If snow falls on Pokrov on the wedding day, happiness is given to the newlyweds.

    Meat eater- from the second half of January until Maslenitsa week. Usually in the villages it was at this time that matchmaking began and cheerful weddings took place. Our ancestors answered the question better than any psychic in which month is it better to get married. True, we should not forget that even in these favorable months we should not forget about funeral Saturdays; they should definitely be excluded from the wedding calendar.

    Wedding before the full moon portends a prosperous marriage. Old people recommend scheduling a wedding on the days just before the full moon; they are considered the most successful.

    When choosing a day for a wedding, even this factor is important: like the phase of the moon. There is a popular belief that if you start a business on the rising Moon, it will definitely be successful. The same principle applies to a wedding.

    Best day of the week for a wedding - Friday. If you know the history and traditions of the Slavic peoples, then the obvious answer arises - on Sunday. However, the problem is that these days registry offices are open only six days a week.

    In past centuries, weddings in Rus' began on Sunday and lasted three days. Today the church has accommodated the newlyweds, giving them the opportunity to get married on Friday and then organize a big three-day celebration until the start of the work week.

    This is not a complete list of signs associated with the wedding date. Each locality or ethnic group has its own wedding signs, because our country is huge and multinational. But you can notice that often the signs do not coincide or simply contradict each other, because our life is also very contradictory.

    So, decide for yourself whether to take this seriously as folk wisdom, or throw it away as outdated superstitions of old times.

    Trust your feelings and love each other despite all the signs, superstitions and life difficulties - this is the most important thing in family life, allowing you to live a long, happy married life.

    Well, if you have already begun your journey through life together with your loved one, then it’s time to get acquainted with what Weddings (anniversaries) await you ahead and what gifts your family and friends will traditionally give you.

    Many people are interested in favorable days for a wedding in January 2018. Indeed, when is the best time to celebrate this event? What should you consider? You will receive answers to these and many other questions very soon, but for now we will explain why it is important to find out in advance which day is suitable for a wedding. It would seem that all this is prejudice. Perhaps this is so, but isn’t it easier to play it safe and not risk your family happiness? So sit back and check out the useful information.

    Favorable days for a wedding in January 2018

    Filippov's fast ends on January 6. It turns out that it is better not to have a wedding in the first week of the new year 2018. Then other church holidays follow. So, good days for a wedding in January 2018 fall in the second half of the month.

    There are fewer church holidays at this time, so you can celebrate with peace of mind. The best days for a wedding in January 2018 are 26 and 31.

    Lunar wedding calendar for January 2018

    If you believe the lunar wedding calendar for January 2018, the most suitable dates for marriage are:

    It is advisable to focus on it, since the alliances formed these days will be strong and united. People will be happy with each other throughout their lives. So, look to your wedding dates in January 2018 to make your marriage an example to follow.

    Unfavorable days: January 3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17. At this time there is a waning moon. What does it mean? That we must refrain from getting married. Otherwise, scandals, quarrels, and conflicts cannot be avoided in family life, which lead to the disintegration of even the strongest union. And if you still have a wedding on one of these days, it is unlikely to go well - an unpleasant situation will arise in any case.

    The waning moon is a time when it is better to plan a celebration, but not register a marriage. You can weigh the pros and cons. In a word, you need to think through every step. And the days of the week that fall on these dates are unfavorable for registration. If you neglect this and still seal the union, the newlyweds will not see happiness. The spouses' relationship will quickly end because they will lose interest in each other, and very quickly. This, of course, will lead to divorce.

    Signs for a wedding in January

    What's a wedding in January 2018 without frost? Most of the signs are associated with them. And, by the way, if you celebrate this day when it is cold outside, this will be a good sign.

    What should you think if it rains, which is rare in the frosty January time? It is important to take into account some nuances here. So, if the rain continues for a long time, it means that you need to be attentive to each other and maintain a home center of love. If it starts quickly and ends just as quickly, it means that trials will fall to your lot.

    But the signs for a wedding in January regarding rain do not end there. So, if he wets the bride’s shoulders, then the future husband must definitely warm her up. If he cannot do this, then the union will not be strong.

    But sudden snow at a wedding means joys and surprises. If it flows abundantly from the very morning, it means that the family life of the lovers promises to be happy and long. But if there is a snowstorm outside, it means that the lovers will go through serious tests. If the spouses do this successfully, their union will be long-term, strong and happy. They will prove that they are worthy of each other and can act together.

    In January the sun often shines brightly. If it is frosty at the same time, it means the marriage will be stable. But the sun may not shine - there are often cloudy days this month. That is why the night before the celebration the bride should look at the moon. If it is clearly visible, this will be a good sign. If the moon is covered by clouds, the future wife will need to trust her intuition. That is, there will be no need to focus on sacred signs - you will need to carefully observe your lover and draw conclusions. Fate seems to provide such an opportunity.

    As you understand, a lot depends on whether the wedding goes well or not. But it is not enough just to choose the right day for the wedding - you need to carefully think through every little detail, which cannot be done without the help of a professional. Here you need to develop a rough plan for the event and decide whether on-site registration is needed - in general, it’s impossible to list everything. And why waste time and effort on this when you can turn to an experienced specialist who will do it for you?

    This is precisely Oleg Berg, who is both a musician and a presenter rolled into one. Do you want your celebration to be held at a high level? Then contact him - the person who will take on all the troubles associated with your wedding. All worries will fall on his shoulders, and you will only have to resolve minor issues and have a good rest before one of the most important events in your life.

    Wedding in January. Signs This long-awaited day for the young couple is not so bad. Firstly, winter cools down too ardent impulses and makes those who decide to get married seriously think about it. Secondly, cold January nights force young people to press closer to each other, which only helps to strengthen family relationships.

    And if the guests are already planning to go to the registry office to attend the celebration, then it would not hurt to perform a small ritual. The bride is covered with a light transparent cape and flaxseed is sprinkled on her head. It is believed that it is this that brings prosperity to the house of the future wife. The seed is not removed from the floor until the ring is on the ring finger of the couple.

    Wedding in January. Signs of the cold season

    They say that wedding in January on signs rich. Everything is correct, because the first half of the month is occupied by Orthodox and pagan holidays and the Nativity Fast. It is not appropriate to rejoice at the birth of Christ and the birth of a new family on the same day. And the registry offices are closed on this day on the occasion of the holiday.

    If the newlyweds decide to get married, then no one will do this until the end of the Christmas holidays. The Church is against combining secular and Orthodox holidays, so the young people will have to be patient for a few weeks, and then have fun to the fullest.

    January 19 Epiphany. On this day, Christmas time ends, so starting from the 20th, you can have a wedding. The surprising thing is that on January 21 such a celebration can coincide with International Kissing Day. Although this holiday is unofficial, everyone will be pleased that the kiss at the registry office is not a symbolic congratulation on marriage.

    January – hit the frost!

    Wedding in January And signs it is akin to tradition. Those who decide to get married this month must definitely pass the frost test. Epiphany cold tempers the body. Likewise, a family created at this time also undergoes a hardening course, although it is believed that the relationships in it will not resemble a flame that constantly needs to be extinguished.

    The tradition of a January wedding is to hold it outside the city, where numerous spruce and pine trees seem to become an indestructible symbol of a strong family. If, nevertheless, it is decided to celebrate the celebration within the city limits, then you should definitely go to the park, where you can tie multi-colored ribbons on the branches of several trees. This tradition pays tribute to the wind, since it is he who should bring harmony on his wings to future family relationships.

    Be sure to bring seeds and nuts with you. How many squirrels visit your hands, the number of children there will be in the family. So wedding in January, signs which is tuned only to the happiness of the young, will succeed in glory!

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