• Where to start general cleaning and how often to do it? General cleaning of the house: rules, secrets, order of work General cleaning of the house by hand


    Apartments or houses are a periodic measure to bring residential and auxiliary premises into proper sanitary condition, including “hard-to-reach” places and household equipment. Proper organization of work will save time, effort and ensure maximum results.

    Organization of cleaning

    Daily maintenance of cleanliness in the premises involves spending time on making beds, washing dishes at the end of meals, collecting toys after the child plays, etc. Weekly cleaning, which includes wet care of the floor covering, accessible surfaces of furniture, equipment and cleaning of local contaminants, ensures a comfortable stay for people in a clean room. But only during general cleaning do they clean hard-to-reach places, move furniture (cabinets, sofas, washing machines and other property), thoroughly clean all elements of sanitary facilities, and dismantle things in the “temporary warehouse” of each apartment - the balcony.

    Every housewife decides where to start general cleaning for herself. But to reduce time and also obtain high-quality results, the following are recommended:

    1. Set a date for general cleaning for households in advance, and their participation in this event is mandatory. Adults and teenagers will help with rearranging furniture and collecting things, and children, following the example of their parents, will learn to do basic work. In addition, you can organize a competition or cleaning with game elements for them.
    2. Before the day of putting things in order, it is necessary to carry out a “defect inspection” of the premises, thereby determining the approximate amount of work, the need for detergents (cleaning agents), as well as special tools.
    3. If you have a balcony or loggia, you should start general cleaning from there. If they are not provided, start from living rooms and end with sanitary facilities.
    4. Use the general rule: from top to bottom, from the back of the rooms to the exit. Where to start cleaning the room - with an inventory of the internal contents of cabinets, niches, and work tables. Then clean the ceiling with lighting fixtures, wash the windows and continue, following the rule.

    The work should not be carried out hastily, much less carelessly - the essence of general cleaning is ideal, or close to it, cleanliness. It is for this purpose that they allocate time and expend their energy.

    Important! If children participate in the event, their presence should be limited in the room where chemical surface cleaning agents are used or furniture is rearranged.

    Living rooms

    In places where households are primarily located (living room, bedrooms), general cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

    • curtains and tulle from window openings are sent to be washed, blinds are dismantled for cleaning;
    • check the contents of the cabinets: items that have lost their user properties are sent for recycling, unnecessary seasonal items are packed for storage;
    • get rid of irrelevant papers (booklets, newspapers, etc.);
    • wipe the dust on the shelf, walls, paying special attention to the corners of the room - that’s where the dust accumulates the most;
    • wipe the lighting fixtures at the places where they are attached, if it is not possible to temporarily remove them;
    • they move the furniture one by one, providing access to its rear part and the plane of the walls, carry out the cleaning, and after drying, everything is returned to its place;
    • remove paintings and other interior items, which are carried out according to the manufacturers’ recommendations;
    • wash windows from the outside and inside;
    • carpets and upholstered furniture are vacuumed, and, if necessary, local contamination is removed with household chemicals;
    • carry out wet cleaning of the floor, including under floor coverings (rugs, carpets, etc.).

    Attention! General cleaning of the apartment using household chemicals should be carried out simultaneously with ventilation. Even “mild” drugs can be harmful to the health of allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems.

    Sanitary facilities and auxiliary premises

    General cleaning of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen area requires special attention. The latter contains electrical appliances (refrigerator, microwave oven, toaster); caring for them requires special safety measures. The toilet and bathroom are places of personal hygiene, as well as water supply and drainage - checking their condition will not be superfluous.


    When putting things in order in the bathroom, you should use the following recommendations:

    • rugs, slippers, bathrobes are machine washed;
    • they inspect the washing supplies, throw away the unusable ones, and treat the rest with special means, followed by rinsing with warm water;
    • the ceiling and walls, depending on the finish, are cleaned with household chemicals and wiped dry;
    • the sink and bathroom are cleaned of soap stains, as well as primary manifestations of rust, with a folk remedy - a solution of water with table vinegar or citric acid;
    • Almost all owners maintain the working surfaces of the toilet in proper sanitary condition with the available preventive means, and attention should be paid to the base attached to the floor, the junction of the flush barrel with the back of the toilet;
    • Plaque on taps is removed with household chemicals or regular tooth powder;
    • mirrors and glass panels of shower cabins are thoroughly wiped from stains with soft sponges and detergents;
    • carry out maintenance of roller sliding mechanisms, cabinet hinges and interior door canopies.

    The work is completed by wet wiping the floor surface. To avoid the appearance of new drip spots immediately after work, it is important to ensure good ventilation of the room.

    Kitchen area

    In the kitchen, areas of special attention are represented by the following:

    1. Fridge. Modern refrigerators do not require pre-defrosting, so you can start tidying up at any time. Turn off the electrical power. All items in the refrigerator are removed, and products that are expired or have lost their presentable appearance are thrown away. Glass shelves and side storage units are removed and washed in the bathroom. Internal surfaces are wiped with a damp sponge using a non-aggressive detergent composition.
    2. If the hob surface is heavily soiled, it should be coated with a special paste. After the recommended soaking time, wipe with a damp cloth. Many housewives cover the gaps between the burners with food foil. In this case, when cleaning it is enough to replace it.
    3. Microwave. The inner surface is cleaned with water with the addition of vinegar, citric acid or soda. To do this, prepare a solution, the container with which is placed in the oven. Turn on for 2.0-3.0 minutes with maximum heating mode, leave for another 5.0 minutes. Then wipe the surfaces with a damp sponge.

    The remaining activities are similar to putting things in order in living quarters and the bathroom.

    Important! Before you start cleaning any electrical appliances, they must be disconnected from the electrical network, and when servicing gas equipment, turn off the central valve for supplying “blue” fuel.

    How to thoroughly clean up the kitchen is presented in the following video:

    Compliance with the presented recommendations for organizing general house cleaning will allow you to keep the premises clean, without spending additional time on a daily basis. At the same time, facilities will be opened for planned routine repairs, and preventive maintenance of household equipment will serve as a guarantee of their long-term operation.

    It's so nice to come home and have a feeling of cleanliness. Even if the guest who enters will feel comfortable staying in your home, you, as a housewife, can feel if your home is not as clean as you would like. Such feelings are always justified, however, you can’t do without cleaning the house and every time you ask yourself the question of how to do general cleaning of the house, where to start?

    Cleaning the house is a task for the whole family

    Unfortunately, in our society it is generally accepted that cleaning the house is a purely female job. But if we take into account that a woman has the responsibility of preparing food for the whole family, taking care of children and very often also working in production, then it is fair that the whole family will be involved in general cleaning.

    Everyone should have their own responsibilities in the house. A man can keep his garage tidy without cluttering it. Who will make sure that the trash is taken out on time and that the desks are not “overgrown” with unnecessary papers? What will the children be responsible for? When starting cleaning, it is necessary to discuss these issues, then working together will be a joy. The bottom line is that spring cleaning your home starts with good planning and assignment of responsibilities.

    The main thing is to start

    You do some cleaning every day without thinking about where to start. Washing the dishes, the sink, wiping the kitchen floor, keeping the toilet and washbasin clean - this is the daily minimum that is necessary in every home. When doing spring cleaning, you don’t need to go to the point of fanaticism, trying to do everything in one day. You can start by saying:

    • Get rid of unnecessary things. Look through the drawers to see if there is anything in there that you no longer use or even forgot about their existence. Don't regret it, get rid of what you don't need. This saves time. You don't have to move objects from place to place, let there be more free space.
    • Of the remaining things, review those that have been lying around without proper attention. You won't throw away some blankets and bedspreads, but they can sit unwashed for a long time. Pillows can be dry cleaned. The blankets do not have a shabby appearance, because... They are used in duvet covers, but it is necessary to shake them free of dust. Bedspreads are also dust collectors and need to be washed at least once every six months and dumped weekly.
    • After you have vacated the apartment, remove all curtains and curtains. While they are being washed, wash the windows, baguettes, remove cobwebs from the ceiling and wash the chandeliers. If the house has blinds, you can also remove them and soak them in water and shampoo and wash them after some time after they have dried.
    • Have one of the family members vacuum the carpets and all upholstered furniture, wipe off the dust and polish the rest of the furniture. If old stains cannot be removed with polish, you can mix salt and vegetable oil. Leave this mixture for 2 hours, then wipe with a dry cloth. And burdock oil in combination with cologne will make your furniture shine. When the windows, baguettes, and cornices are already clean, we move slowly downwards.
    • Now you need to remove dust from the baseboards and corners. We should not forget about the batteries; they need to be washed with a cleaning agent, and hard-to-reach places can be reached with an old toothbrush.
    • Switches, sockets, door handles are small details that are easy to forget, but if left dirty, they will spoil the entire appearance. They are also often touched by hands, so they can be washed with bleach. The next step is to wash the floor with a cleaning product. And then again, but this time dry. This type of cleaning needs to be done in every room and hallway.
    • Wash all doors with soapy water.
    • During this time, the curtains have already been washed. Take them out of the car and hang them while they're still wet. This way they will smooth out on their own and you won’t have to waste time and effort ironing them.
    • If there are flowers at home, they also need to be put in order. Put them in the bathtub and give them a shower. Wash the leaves thoroughly; a lot of dust always collects on them. After the excess water has drained, place the flowers on the clean windowsill. Cleaning out living rooms is not the worst thing. The worst is yet to come.

    Cleaning the bathroom and kitchen

    • Clear all shelves of vials and bottles. If necessary, they need to be wiped. Wash the vacated shelves. Inspect the bottles with their contents to see if there is anything in there that should have been thrown in the trash long ago. Do the same with hopelessly expired cosmetics.
    • We rub the cleaning product on the tiles, sink, toilet and bathtub. Leave the product on for a while, according to the instructions, and only then rinse with water. The space between tiles is most often contaminated. It can also be washed with a used toothbrush.
    • Pay special attention to cleaning the toilet: thoroughly wash the circle both from the outside and from the inside. Use an unnecessary toothbrush to go through those places where your hand cannot reach. And by the way, don’t forget to wear rubber gloves so that the acid doesn’t corrode your skin. Remember that toilet and sink cleaner is not suitable for bathtubs and faucets. Therefore, read the instructions carefully.
    • Lastly, clean the mirrors. The bathroom is ready.

    We move on to the “female kingdom” - the kitchen. There is a lot of work here. You can spend a whole day cleaning just one kitchen. A whole kitchen story, hidden from prying eyes - shelves, drawers, dishes in them require perfect cleanliness. Without the help of her family, it will not be easy for the housewife. So:

    • First of all, we empty the drawers of kitchen utensils. In order not to waste time and energy on washing dishes, it would be good if the dishes were always clean. Then you won’t have to soak it all in water. All that remains is to wash the drawers, wipe them dry and put all the dishes back. Children can easily handle arranging the dishes.
    • And at the same time, check to see if there are any old and stale cereals in which midges have appeared.
    • Treat the stove, hood, and microwave in advance with an anti-grease agent, and wash them completely after cleaning the walls.
    • I wash the tiles using the same principle as in the bathroom. If it is washable wallpaper, it also needs to be refreshed with water and detergent, and then wiped dry.
    • The refrigerator also needs to be washed. Having previously defrosted it, wash all the shelves and drawers. Since this is a food storage area, don't take any chances with cleaning supplies. You can just dilute vinegar in water. This way you can be sure that the family will not be poisoned. You can also wipe the dining table with vinegar, not necessarily only on days of general cleaning, but also at the end of each day. By the way, vinegar diluted with salt does an excellent job of removing rust. When defrosting your refrigerator, make sure there are no frozen fruits and vegetables in the freezer for the winter. If there are winter preparations there, then you will thoroughly clean the refrigerator when there are no perishable foods. Activated carbon will help get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.
    • If medications are stored in the refrigerator, they also need to be reviewed and expired ones should be thrown away. Such an inspection of the first aid kit should be done frequently, no matter where the medications are located.
    • Finally, wash the floors, hang the curtains and, as a final touch, hang up clean kitchen towels.

    Your family has coped with the general cleaning of the house. Now with a feeling of accomplishment, you can relax a little and admire your perfectly decorated living space.

    General cleaning is a process that is not repeated so often, but affects all rooms, equipment, and furniture. Everyone living in the apartment will have to take part in such cleaning, otherwise putting things in order may take longer. For everything to go quickly and successfully, you need to follow a plan drawn up in advance and correctly distribute the responsibilities of the participants. General cleaning is carried out differently in different rooms, but always requires careful preparation. You will need special cleaning and detergents, rags, containers for water and some solutions, garbage bags and much more. It is easier to cope with such a complex task if all family members take part in the general cleaning.

    General house cleaning is not done spontaneously. Before you start cleaning and washing, you need to prepare rags and special products, containers for diluting soap solutions, brushes and glass scrapers. Everything will go quickly and smoothly if you draw up an action plan before starting work.

    General cleaning of all premises is carried out in a strictly defined order:

    Each housewife decides where to start general cleaning, but if you want to do it quickly, it is better to stick to the plan.

    What is spring cleaning? This is primarily cleaning and washing the most inaccessible places in an apartment or house. Such places include areas of the floor located under furniture structures and mezzanines. Before carrying out general cleaning in the apartment, you need to prepare products that guarantee complete removal of dirt and dust from any surfaces.

    These could be the simplest ones, accessible to everyone:
    • laundry soap;
    • baking soda;
    • vinegar;
    • mustard powder;
    • lemon acid.

    Using the listed substances, you can prepare simple and effective means for general cleaning, with which you can easily get rid of stains of grease, tea, coffee, eliminate unpleasant odors or old stains on the upholstery of upholstered furniture or on the surface of parquet and linoleum.

    Experienced housewives know how to do general cleaning quickly and without unnecessary physical and material costs. They recommend using not only improvised means, but also modern preparations designed specifically for cleaning and washing a variety of surfaces and materials. Where do professionals advise starting general cleaning in an apartment? From cleaning plumbing. To do this, you can use a saturated solution of citric acid or compositions such as Duden, Schumanit, Sif, Sanita.

    When working with potent substances, personal protective equipment must be used. Hands should always be protected with gloves.

    The detergents and cleaning gels sold in stores contain potent chemicals that allow you to quickly remove salt deposits, stains from soap, toothpaste or shaving foam from the surface of ceramic products without any extra effort.

    You can achieve the same effect without the risk of damaging the surface of the taps using regular toothpaste. Simply apply it to the stain and leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with hot water and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Instead of the usual waffle towel, it is better to use microfiber. This material will not only help remove any dirt from the surface, it can be used to polish all items being cleaned.

    How to properly do general cleaning in apartments, the instructions will tell you, according to which this activity should be carried out using various devices:
    • special scraper for washing glass;
    • mop with retractable handle;
    • dust removal broom;
    • soft rags;
    • microfiber;
    • vacuum cleaner;
    • broom or brush for sweeping.

    Of course, you will need several buckets or small basins that will need to be filled with clean warm water.

    The amount of water on the rag depends on the surface to be washed. If you can use a fairly large amount of water when washing floors covered with linoleum, then when cleaning a room where there is laminate on the floor, the cloth should be slightly damp.

    There are certain rules according to which all manipulations can be done quickly and efficiently. This is not only the sequence of cleaning the premises, it is also the order in which to collect and take out the garbage, what means to use, where to start and how to end the process. General cleaning of the apartment is a procedure that is carried out in stages. If we are talking about general cleaning of the room, then first of all you need to clean up the closets and mezzanines.

    You should clean the room by performing all actions in a strictly established order:
    1. After laying out things and selecting what is to be recycled or needs to be washed, all shelves are wiped with a damp cloth to get rid of dust. The use of special compounds will help protect closets and clothes stored in them from moths and harmful insects.
    2. The next stage is the analysis of cabinets with dishes, sets, and souvenirs. Everything that is placed on the shelves must be taken out, washed with warm water and detergent, and wiped dry. By wiping the shelves, you can return their contents to their place.
    3. Bookshelves or cabinets are organized with special care. We start by setting out all the books and vacuuming them up. Those who perform such actions for the first time may be surprised at how much dust accumulates between the pages of books. The technique of this treatment involves removing dust from open books by quickly flipping through the pages while holding the publication in front of the brush of the cleaning device.
    4. Before tidying up the glass on the windows, you need to remove the curtains and put them in the wash. Sharing their experience, housewives say: “While I’m cleaning, the washing will be completed, and after cleaning, the curtains can be immediately returned to their usual place.”
    5. Having removed the curtains, they begin sweeping, during which they collect large debris. Cleaning a room requires moving furniture and washing baseboards and floors under sofas, armchairs, and coffee tables.
    6. Now you can wash windows and glass cabinets. To do this, there is no need to use only specially created compounds. A solution made from warm water and vinegar or citric acid is quite suitable. After washing the glass, you need to carefully polish the surface, making sure there are no streaks. This can be done with microfiber or a soft rag, after which you should wipe the glass with paper (use newspaper).
    7. Next, wash the chandeliers, sconces, and lamps. And for this operation, warm water is useful, but you can add a small amount of mustard powder to it. All components and small details of a glass or crystal lampshade will sparkle in a new way.

    Quick and high-quality cleaning of the house with your own hands is the dream of any housewife. This procedure involves not only washing windows and floors, but also cleaning the upholstery of upholstered furniture, for which you may also need ready-made detergents, but it is quite simple to prepare the cleaning composition yourself.

    You need to foam up a little dishwashing detergent by adding vinegar to it. Apply foam to the surface of the sofa and carefully clean with a soft brush. The upholstery will look brighter, fresher, and unpleasant odors will be removed.

    You can quickly do general cleaning in any room if you think in advance about the sequence in which all manipulations will be performed. The main thing is to know exactly what you need to achieve.

    First of all, they clean up the dirtiest and most cluttered places and corners of the apartment.

    Professionals say that it is possible to do everything really quickly and efficiently.

    It is important to develop your own strategy for carrying out all manipulations:
    • room by room;
    • dividing the cleaning area into separate zones.

    In each room or area, you need to start by eliminating unnecessary things, then you should wash the most contaminated places, get rid of debris and dust. Clean upholstered furniture, vacuum and roll up carpets. Afterwards, tidy up the glass and frames, doors and baseboards. Now you can start cleaning the floors.

    When using warm water, do not fill all containers in advance. You can prepare one bucket of hot water and add it as needed. Dirty water is poured out and the container is immediately washed, preparing it for a new solution. To wash windows, glass in cabinets, chandeliers and lamps, use special containers and a specially prepared composition with the addition of detergents.

    If there are animals in the apartment, then to clean furniture from fur you will need special devices and a separately prepared cleaning composition. It will help get rid of unpleasant odors and remove hair from the surface of upholstered furniture or carpet.

    It is important to properly clean books and cupboard shelves from dust, but it is equally important to clean up the kitchen, where you will have to sort out all food supplies and dispose of everything that has already expired.

    It is important not to give up cleaning in one area and not to rush to work in all rooms at once. Having finished cleaning one room, close it and move the equipment to the next room. Garbage collected during the cleaning process is not taken out one bag at a time. It is better to collect everything that needs to be recycled in front of the front door, so that later you can remove all the packages at once.

    Still think that spring-cleaning akin to a natural disaster? You just don't know how to organize it correctly. But the process of putting order and cleanliness in the house can be simplified if you adhere to certain rules and consistency.

    General cleaning: rules of conduct

    How to quickly clean an apartment if you need to go through and wash literally everything? General cleaning of the house, like any labor-intensive process, should be thought out and rationally organized as much as possible.

    To clean up quickly and efficiently, make yourself an action plan and stock up on everything you need in advance: so that in the midst of the process you don’t have to run to the store for detergent or garbage bags, buy everything ahead of time.

    Experienced cleaning specialists advise dividing the apartment into zones and cleaning each of them one by one. Usually each zone is a separate room.

    There is one more “golden” rule: general cleaning is carried out from top to bottom. We start with the ceilings - sweep and vacuum to get rid of dust and cobwebs. We wash the chandelier and start cleaning the windows.

    Then we’ll take care of the closets - putting things in order, sorting things out. Next in line are sofas and beds, and only then thoroughly wash the floors and baseboards.

    Let's take a closer look at each of the rooms of the apartment or house.

    Apartment cleaning: living rooms

    In any of the living rooms, general cleaning should be carried out according to the same scheme. We have already found out that we will start with the ceiling, walls and windows. Don’t forget to wash the curtain rods, and while we are cleaning, the machine will wash the curtains and curtains.

    Everything that hangs on the walls - paintings, panels, lamps, carpets - also requires attention. It is better to remove the carpets and beat them (plus air them) outside. We carefully wipe all decorative items and lighting fixtures from the walls and hang them in place.

    Organize your closets

    A separate and very labor-intensive item in our general cleaning plan is dismantling cabinets and shelves with all their contents.

    We vacuum the bookshelves, wipe down all the figurines, vases, candlesticks and other small items.

    It is advisable to clean the drawers by wiping the inside with a damp cloth. And we carefully sort through the contents - most likely, there are unnecessary papers and other items lying around that are unlikely to be needed.

    Don’t forget to polish the mirror surfaces of the furniture and polish the cabinet doors.

    The wardrobe will require a meticulous inspection and revision: we take out all the things and start sorting. One hundred percent, there is a lot of stuff that would be worth throwing away or giving away; such stuff clutters up almost every wardrobe. And you don’t have to think that you’ll definitely wear that flowery blouse with something, and you’ll definitely fit into those tight jeans, as soon as you lose weight.

    The main principle when sorting through clothing debris is to ruthlessly get rid of unnecessary things. In the spring, we put away warm clothes for long-term storage, not forgetting to clean sheepskin coats and wash down jackets.

    We wash our closets and place our clothes so that what is worn regularly is easy to quickly take out. In fact, it is better to start sorting out the contents of cabinets and shelves in advance, so that general cleaning does not drag on indefinitely. It’s good to dedicate a separate day to sorting things so as not to do it in a hurry.

    Bedroom and children's room

    In the bedroom, don’t forget about the mattress on the bed - we clean it thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner. Since we are “general”, we cannot do without washing covers and bedspreads from upholstered furniture. We vacuum the sofas and armchairs themselves, and clean or wash the textiles (depending on the type of fabric).

    How is general cleaning carried out in the children's room? The same recommendations, plus an inspection of toys and books: we either repair broken or torn copies or throw them away. We put everything that “survived” in its place: shelves, cabinets and containers.

    In each room, do not forget to wash the doors, radiators, and wipe switches and sockets.

    It's good if you can move the furniture. Complete cleanliness in the house is when we managed to get to the farthest corners. And behind the sofa or closet there may be some long-lost things that you will only discover when you are doing a thorough cleaning of the house.

    Having cleaned hard-to-reach places, we finish putting things in order in the living room, bedroom or children's floors. You can clean a carpet at home not only with special products, but also with your grandmother’s methods (soda, salt, vinegar and other natural substances). Mopping the floors completes the cleaning of living rooms.


    General house cleaning is not complete until the kitchen is clean. This is perhaps the most labor-intensive area. But you can put things in order without using household chemicals, but only natural products (soda, mustard, vinegar).

    Let's be patient and get down to business:


    Our general cleaning of the house is nearing completion. But there remains one more important and time-consuming area - the bathroom:

    1. to make the task easier for ourselves, we pre-treat the bathtub, sink, and toilet with special products;
    2. we clean all plumbing fixtures, removing, if necessary, mold and scale (in this case it is difficult to do without household chemicals);
    3. we will wash the ceiling, walls, doors;
    4. We clean up the cabinets and shelves;
    5. wipe the mirror, polish the chrome parts until shiny;
    6. We put the rugs in the wash and wash the floors.


    The cleaning of the apartment is coming to an end - all that remains is to clean up the hallway:

    1. we act according to the “bottom-up” principle, already worked out in living rooms;
    2. wash the front door on both sides;
    3. we check the shoes - maybe something should already be put away for storage, after washing and cleaning;
    4. wash the shoe rack and thoroughly wash the floors, moving towards the front door, do not forget to vacuum and wash the doormat (perhaps it should be replaced with a new one).

    Secrets and tricks of spring cleaning

    How long it will take you to clean up your home depends on its size. It is quite possible to complete a one-room dwelling in a day. But how to quickly clean an apartment from several rooms - you have to calculate your strength yourself. You know the algorithm of actions, practice will show how many zones you will cover at one time.

    And one more thing - it’s clear that it’s obviously not possible to quickly clean an apartment where order is not regularly paid attention to. Keep your home clean all the time, don’t neglect your home, and then general cleaning won’t become something daunting and prohibitively difficult.

    Some housewives, during a comprehensive cleaning, change the image of the house: they hang lighter, summer curtains, cover the upholstered furniture with other bedspreads, and cover the table with a cheerful and bright tablecloth. Dry decorative compositions are replaced with willow branches and bouquets of fresh flowers.

    And here are a few more little tricks that make it easier for us to restore cleanliness and order:

    • we do it to the music, it’s more fun, and you can move to the rhythm;
    • we hire household helpers (it’s almost impossible to do general cleaning alone) - we entrust the husband with “high-altitude” and labor-intensive work (moving furniture), we give the children specific tasks - bring that brush over there, wash the toys in the basin, take the bag of garbage;
    • It would be nice to buy or sew a special apron that will have several large pockets - it’s good to put rags, sponges, and detergents there. When everything is at hand, the process goes faster;
    • do not forget about protective equipment - gloves and masks when working with harmful substances;
    • and also - we do cleaning with a positive attitude, because our goal is cleanliness in the house. And this is so nice!

    There can be many options for general cleaning; each housewife has her own view of this process. For an alternative system of putting things in order, watch this video:

    Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

    Read also on our website:

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    They say that an untidy toilet reveals a bad housewife, but even a toilet that looks clean on the outside can hide the horrors of a drain tank covered in plaque and rust. Can this be avoided? How to clean a toilet tank without outside help? We've got some great tips.

    To thoroughly clean your home without turning it upside down, you need to plan your actions in advance. Proper organization of work will save time and effort, while helping to achieve excellent results - the house will become clean, cozy, filled with fresh air.

    Planning Features

    Each housewife determines the procedure based on her own preferences and amount of work. If you haven’t cleaned out the closets in a large apartment or house for a long time, it’s better not to try to complete the entire amount of work at once - divide the entire area into several zones and clean in stages, one zone per day.

    Before you start cleaning a room or a specific area, make a list of actions. This will help you navigate the order of work.

    For example, when cleaning the kitchen, it is recommended to immediately defrost the refrigerator (if this is provided for in the plan) and treat the surfaces of the hob and oven with cleaning agents. While you are sorting out the contents of the cabinets, the freezer will be free of ice, and household chemicals will corrode the dirt.

    To do general cleaning in your apartment quickly, you should spend time in advance on the most “problematic” places. For example, it is not recommended to wash windows on a windy or rainy day, or in bright sunshine - otherwise rainbow stains will remain on the surface of the glass, which are difficult to remove.

    There is no guarantee that on the day of general cleaning the weather will be favorable for window cleaning, so it is better to do this type of work in advance, at the right time.

    In the same way, it’s worth worrying in advance about “decluttering” the most neglected places that your hands haven’t reached for a long time. If, a week before the planned general cleaning, you devote time every day to sorting out things in the closets, it is quite possible to complete the rest of the work within a matter of hours.

    Increasing efficiency

    In addition to planning the work at the preparation stage, you should take care of equipment for cleaning the apartment, the list of which may include:

    • vacuum cleaner (regular or washing) – preference should be given to a model with high suction power, then cleaning surfaces will take less time and the quality will be higher;
    • household steam generator (helps eliminate dirt, gets rid of dust mites, returns freshness to furniture upholstery, carpeting, textiles used for interior decoration);
    • mop, bucket, broom and dustpan;
    • rags (it is recommended to use special napkins made of microfiber and other materials that do not leave lint on the surface - rags and gauze are less functional in this regard);
    • sponges (foam rubber, including those with an abrasive layer for removing dried-on dirt on hard surfaces that are resistant to mechanical stress);
    • glass cleaning products (they are used to wash windows, mirrors, glazing of doors and cabinet doors, tiles, chandeliers, etc.);
    • brushes (help remove stubborn dirt);
    • soap or special products for washing surfaces made of polymeric materials;
    • means for washing and treating the floor (selected in accordance with the floor covering);
    • a product for cleaning and removing stains from upholstery and carpets (you can use regular shampoo);
    • special product for cleaning stoves and ovens;
    • a product for removing water deposits and rust (will help clean plumbing fixtures and taps);
    • polish;
    • garbage bags;
    • bags or boxes for items intended for distribution;
    • protective gloves.

    In order to carry out all the work as quickly as possible, it is advisable to involve all household members in it, outlining their own scope of work for each. Children are given tasks within their abilities - to take apart toys, put books and other things in their place in their room.

    Men are involved in moving furniture to provide access to far corners, in dismantling and reinstalling shades and chandeliers if it is difficult to wash them without removing them, in taking out garbage and other work.

    Most housewives know well how to do general cleaning in an apartment: they should act according to the “top to bottom” rule. This means that the process looks like this step by step:

    • the curtains are removed and sent to the wash;
    • remove cobwebs from the upper corners, sweep the surface of the ceiling (or wipe it if it is a tension film);
    • wash the chandelier;
    • wash the window;
    • remove dust from cabinets;
    • sort through the contents of the cabinets, throwing out unnecessary things and wiping the shelves;
    • clean all vertical and horizontal surfaces of cabinet furniture from dust;
    • vacuum upholstered furniture, clean the upholstery of dirt;
    • wash baseboards and floors, moving furniture away from the walls if possible.

    Please note: it is advisable to vacuum the carpet on the floor on both sides and roll it up so that dust and moisture do not settle on it during cleaning. After everything is done, the carpet is unrolled and treated with a cleaning agent to remove stains. The floor around it is wiped again, and the carpet itself is left to dry. At the last stage, the washed wet curtains are hung in place - the lightweight fabrics straighten out as they dry.

    Living room, office

    Perform the work step by step, adhering to the basic scheme. Don’t forget about the little things - wipe the dust from the curtains above the window, vacuum the panels, wipe all the decorative elements.

    If you spend a lot of time wiping down knickknacks placed on open shelves, nightstands and other horizontal surfaces, think about the wisdom of keeping all these cute little things in sight.

    It is recommended to take the plants and put them in the bath to rinse or wipe the leaves, wash the flower pots and their trays. Refreshed greenery will add coziness and better saturate the air with oxygen. Also, do not forget to thoroughly wash the wall and floor lamps from dust.

    Use glass cleaner and polish to get your cabinetry looking great. Shine mirrors if there are any in the interior. Don't forget about radiators, doors, wipe sockets and switches.

    Children bedroom

    If you properly clean such rooms, special attention should be paid to mattresses.

    The bed linen and (cover) are sent for washing, the mattress itself is placed in a vertical position for ventilation - with its edge facing the slightly open window, so that air flows around it on both sides. This will extend the life of the product and help keep the mattress fresh.

    In the children's room, go through the toys and books in order to throw away what is hopelessly broken and torn and put in a separate box what can be repaired.

    It is recommended to coincide with general cleaning by replacing the textiles used in the interior - by replacing bedspreads and curtains with products in a different color scheme, it is easy to update the appearance of the room. It lifts your spirits and adds coziness.


    It is more convenient to start work, as already mentioned, by defrosting the refrigerator and applying special products to surfaces with frozen droplets of fat - hob, oven, “apron”. While the “chemistry” eats away the dirt, start tidying up your cabinets.

    Look through the stocks of cereals and products in the refrigerator. Throw away anything that is expired, musty, moldy, or infested with bugs. Also get rid of dishes with cracks and chips, accumulated unnecessary cans and bottles. Wipe down all kitchen appliances.

    If the refrigerator or cabinet is located relatively close to the stove and droplets of fat reach its side wall, you can rub the surface with silicone for glass-ceramic hobs - then it will be easier to remove dirt. The same applies to a kitchen “apron” made of glass, tiles or mosaics.


    Avoid accumulations of outerwear and shoes - put out-of-season jackets, coats and raincoats off the hanger in the closet, wash your shoes, clean them, and also put away for storage anything that is not worn in the current season.


    Start by polishing plumbing fixtures, faucets, ceramic wall cladding, mirrors - a variety of special tools are used for this. Sort bottles of body, face and hair care products. Leave on open shelves only what you use regularly, put the rest in a cabinet.

    Hang fresh towels, put a new bar of soap in the washed soap dish instead of soap. Wash the fabric or polyester bath curtain, wipe the lamp shades.

    Having figured out where to start general cleaning in the apartment, it is no less important to understand how to finish it so that the home acquires an impeccable appearance. During the cleaning process, pay attention to the condition of the floor covering, cabinet and upholstered furniture, and interior items. It is recommended to immediately write down all the defects found.

    Correcting minor damage will make the room look neater and more attractive. Eg:

    • using special wax crayons, matched to match, mask minor damage and scratches on doors and cabinet furniture, chair legs, parquet floors, wooden baseboards, etc.;
    • adjust the hinges on the cabinet doors so that they close without distortion;
    • use a hook to remove protruding threads from the upholstery of upholstered furniture if it has been exposed to cat claws;
    • replace worn upholstery on upholstered chairs - this is easy to do with your own hands.

    You can do deep cleaning in a short time if you determine what needs to be done in advance and spend a little time on these tasks every day or every other day.

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