• Water polo for children CSK VMF: section, training. VC "Crimea" is the champion of the I Division, CSK Navy wins the second. Boys and girls - positive qualities of joint training


    (2 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Water polo was invented in the early 19th century. At first, the essence of the game was to throw the ball into the opponent’s goal and not miss your own. And already at the beginning of the 20th century, water polo was included in the Olympic Games.

    Water polo is a very beautiful and colorful game that athletes play on the water. It can be carried out both in a pool and in a natural body of water. To win, participants need to score as many goals as possible against their opponents. Water sex exercises are very beneficial for the body, both for young and adult.

    Water polo for children CSK VMF: section, training

    Water floor exercises develop all muscle groups, which is a big plus that not all sports have.


    If you are thinking of sending your child to , then this will be one of the best options for your child. If your child floats well, then you can send him to team training from the age of 7. To begin with, you can work with a child from 5 years old, but not on the water floor, but simply visit the pools, doing light exercises.


    By doing easy exercises, he will gradually develop physically, and by the age of 8 he will be ready for more difficult training. You also need to prepare your child psychologically, since water polo is a team game, and he will constantly need to communicate with his peers. Water polo section for children, They will teach your child everything he needs, he will become more self-confident and braver.

    Water polo for children, Moscow is one of the best cities. So if you live in this city, then you are in luck. Water polo for children, in St. Petersburg There are also many good schools and sections for water flooring. Most of the champions at the Olympic Games are residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    To practice water polo, your child must be healthy and have no medical contraindications. This includes if your child has any diseases related to the skin, lung disease, as well as ENT organs. So your child must first undergo a medical examination, and only after that sign up for the water polo section.


    After passing the medical examination, you will be given a certificate stating that your child is healthy; you will need to provide this certificate to your coach. Your child will need to undergo a medical examination every six months.


    This sport can be practiced by both boys and girls. Some parents do not want to send their girl to the water polo section. They think that with constant training, girls will have broad shoulders. The reason that the girl’s shoulders have developed greatly is genetics, or she is professionally involved in this sport.

    • There are many beautiful girls in our team with beautiful figures. So, there is no need to be afraid when sending your child to the water polo section.

    Classes are very useful for boys, as they properly develop your child’s body. Your child will become tall, broad-shouldered, fit, which more than one girl will like. Water polo video for children will give your child additional motivation, and his desire to study will be even greater.


    Water polo has many advantages, one of which is that your child will have excellent endurance. During training, the body connects all muscle groups, as well as the respiratory and cardiac systems. Thanks to this, the child becomes more stable, resilient and becomes physically stronger.


    Another benefit is that your baby's lung capacity will increase. This will make it much easier to saturate the child’s body with oxygen. Thanks to this, all organs will receive enough oxygen, and blood supply will be much better.

    • Also practicing water polo will strengthen your body. Your immunity will be much stronger and more resistant to most viruses.
    • Another important factor is that this is a team game, and this is very useful for a growing organism, since it constantly communicates, discusses, teases, and all this is in the interests of the team. And this will be useful to every person in life.

    • For water polo training, they take mainly children taller than 1m40cm, but they will also take other children, since children tend to fight, and in a year he will be much taller, which will allow him to participate in various competitions.

    But there are not only advantages in water polo, there are, of course, also disadvantages, like any other sport. One of them is that if you do not listen to your coach, you can get a serious injury, from which you will then have a long recovery. Bruises and abrasions are common, so you need to be prepared for this.


    Another downside is that your child may have a bad reaction to chlorinated water, which is why you need to stop playing water polo, or buy special skin care products.

    Of course, the downside is that girls develop shoulder girdles, and many don’t like it at all. But this is also not for everyone, since genetics can take its toll.


    For example, in water polo sections for children in Moscow There are sections where your child will study for free, and there are sections where you will need to pay a certain amount of money.

    Match for 3rd place

    Moskvich AZLK 6-11 Podvodnik (2:3, 0:0, 3:3, 1:5)

    M: Baklenev 2, Knyazev 2, Berdnikov 1, Pavlov 1
    P: Sergeev 4, Vasilevsky 2, Shepel 1, Tsarev 1, Kolodin 1, Suslov 1, Zavernyaev 1
    Best player of the match: Oleg Sergeev (Podvodnik) 2.0 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/6 shots, 2 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 2 losses)

    The final

    CSK Navy 9-4 SPARTA (3:0, 1:2, 1:1, 4:1)

    C: Zuev F 4, Zuev 2, Meshkov 1, Ryabushev 1, Shiryaev 1
    S: Sotov 1, Golubev 1, Loginov 1, Khasiev 1
    Best player of the match: Vladimir Zuev (CSK VMF) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 5 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I Division

    Match for 3rd place

    Barracuda 11-10 Russian Beavers (3:2, 4:1, 2:4, 2:3)

    B: Novoksenov 5, Maslyuk 4, Maslovsky G 1, Ivlev 1
    RB: Garbuzov 4, Yatsev 2, Glukhenky 1, Kostrenko 1, Semenov 1, Makarov 1
    Best player of the match: Vladislav Maslyuk (Barracuda) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/6 shots, 1 assist, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    The final

    Crimea 13-8 Sevastopol (2:1, 2:3, 6:2, 3:2)

    K: Nikultsov 4, Golubev 3, Utkin 2, Kharitonov 2, Zhitchenko 1, Shashin 1
    S: Ivanov 3, Shein 2, Shustov 2, Kolyadenko 1
    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 1.9 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/6 shots, 1 assist, 3 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 3 losses)

    I 1/4. Russian Beavers 12-9 Torpedo (6:2, 3:3, 0:1, 3:3)

    RB: Balashov 3, Garbuzov 3, Glukhenky 2, Makarov 2, Denisov 1, Beloyedov 1
    T: Sosinov 3, Yudin 2, Velizhinsky 2, Nikitin 1, Levko 1
    Best player of the match: Roman Balashov (Russian Beavers) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/9 shots, 2 passes, 4 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    I 1/4. Sevastopol 16-5 MGFSO (6:0, 6:2, 2:1, 2:2)

    S: Ivanov 5, Shein 5, Kebalo 2, Dyatchik 1, Kolyadenko 1, Shustov 1
    M: Zaitsev 2, Trofimov 1, Kovalev 1, Alyautdinov 1
    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 3.6 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/9 shots, 1 assist, 4 earned deletions, 6 tackles/blocks, 6 losses)

    II 1/2 Moskvich AZLK 3-4 CSK Navy (1:1, 0:0, 1:0, 1:3)

    M: Babintsev 1, Baklenev 1, Novoselov 1
    C: Meshkov 1, Syritsa 1, Zuev F 1, Ovcharenko 1
    Best player of the match: Alexey Meshkov (CSK VMF) 0.8 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/4 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    II 1/2 Submariner 4-7 Sparta (2:2, 2:2, 0:1, 0:2)

    P: Shepel 1, Tsarev 1, Lukashev 1, Anisimov 1
    S: Artemyev 3, Fedin 1, Sotov 1, Khasiev 1, Salnikov 1
    Best player of the match: Alexander Aryemiev (Sparta) 2.0 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/5 shots, 1 earned deletions, 4 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I. 1/2 Sevastopol 12-9 Russian Beavers (1:1, 4:1, 2:4, 5:3)

    S: Ivanov 4, Shein 4, Kolyadenko 2, Mitrofanov 1, Gudz 1
    RB: Balashov 3, Makarov 2, Yatsev 1, Glukhenky 1, Kostrenko 1, Garbuzov 1
    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 2.9 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 5 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 4 losses)

    I. 1/4 Crimea 11-8 MSU (1:2, 3:2, 1:4, 6:0)

    K: Kharitonov 4, Golubev 4, Tatarintsev 1, Utkin 1, Shashin 1
    M: Chekunov I 3, Pugachev 2, Chekunov P 1, Lyubchenko 1, Kolotov 1
    Best player of the match: Kharitonov (Crimea) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/7 shots, 1 assist, 1 tackle/block, 2 losses)

    Regular season

    19.00 Amigos 20:5 Pandora


    19.30 Corsairs 8:2 Onegin Club

    20.15 Mikavol 13:6 Pandora

    21.00 Skat 4:1 Sparta

    18:00 Pandora 6:12 Sparta
    18:30 Onegin 8:9 Corsairs
    19:00 Skat 8:4 Pandora
    19:30 Skat 4:5 Onegin

    First Division
    1/8 MSU 11-6 Yunost (1:1, 4:1, 4:3, 2:1)

    M: Zinnurov 3, Chekunov 3, Pugachev 3, Telizhenko Vl. 1, Letugin 1
    Yu: Gorovoy 4, Vorontsov 1, Kuzob 1
    Best player of the match: Alexey Pugachev (MSU) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/8 shots, 3 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block)

    1/8 VK Kazan 9-13 Olympus (2:3, 4:4, 1:2, 2:4)

    K: Tikhonov 3, Kushko 2, Valeev 1, Panin 1, Gavrikov 1, Galiakberov 1
    A: Semenov 5, Surnyaev 3, Pashlov 3, Kucherenko 2
    Best player of the match: Semenov (Olympus) 2.9 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/9 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletion, 4 tackles/blocks)
    Kr. card: Evgeny Kushko (VK Kazan)

    1/8.Pearl 7-7 MGFSO(3:0, 0:4, 1:2, 3:1) on pens. 1:3

    W: Semin 2, Tatarintsev 2, Nikitin 1, Movchan 1, Krivoshchekov 1
    M: Bolshakov 3, Alyautdinov 2, Zhidkov 1, Zaitsev 1
    Best player of the match: Alexander Bolshakov (MGFSO) 1.0 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/7 shots, 2 earned deletions, 4 losses)

    I. 1/4 Barracuda 14-12 Olympus (2:2, 4:5, 3:4, 5:1)

    B: Novoksenov 4, Ogorodnikov 2, Maslyuk 2, Maslovsky F 2, Ivlev 1, Maslovsky 1, Guyarev 1, Pashkanov 1
    A: Surnyaev 3, Semenov 2, Kucherenko 2, Pashlov 2, Zvanbaya 1, Mikheev 1, Gavrin 1
    Best player of the match: Kirill Novoksenov (Barracuda) Ruswaterpolo index 2.3 (4 goals/7 shots, 1 assist, 2 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block)

    I. 1/8. MIREA 3-9 Torpedo(0:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:2)

    M: Zagursky A 1, Prokhorov 1, Kopylov 1
    T: Antipov 2, Yudin 2, Sosinov 2, Velizhinsky 2, Vorobyov 1
    Best player of the match: Gleb Yudin (Torpedo) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/10 shots, 2 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Mini water polo championship

    20:00 Corsairs 11:7 Pandora
    20:30 Amigos 9:7 Skat
    21:00 Mikavol 11:5 Pandora
    21:30 Mikavol 12:8 Onegin

    II. Cascade 17-7 Red Star (3:1, 5:3, 2:2, 7:1)

    C: Borzilov 6, Abramov 4, Medvedev 2, Azarov 2, Berezkov 2, Chekov 1
    CB: Shkurko 3, Logunov 1, Yablonsky 1, Kuznetsov 1, Rizvanov 1
    Best player of the match: Vladimir Borzilov (Cascade) 2.7 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 2 losses)

    Mini water polo championship

    Amigos 8:4 Onegin
    Pandora 4:12 Corsairs
    Onegin 6:3 Pandora
    Corsairs 6:8 Skat
    Sparta 11:3 Pandora
    Sparta 7:7 Onegin

    I MSU 9-14 Barracuda (1:2, 4:2, 2:4, 2:6)

    M: Telizhenko Vl. 3, Chekunov I 2, Pugachev 2, Kolotov 1, Lyubchenko 1
    B: Novoksenov 4, Shchegolev 3, Maslyuk 2, Maslovsky G 2, Maslovsky F 2, Pashkanov 1
    Best player of the match: Kirill Novoksenov (Barracuda) 1.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 shots, 1 assist, 1 tackle/block, 3 losses)

    II 1/4 Podvodnik 12-7 University (4:3, 0:2, 4:2, 4:0)

    P: Larichev 5, Sergeev 2, Kolodin 1, Lukashev 1, Suslov 1, Vasilevsky 1, Anisimov 1
    U: Skorbatyuk 3, Vyazankin 2, Gabisonia 1, No. 11
    Best player of the match: Nikita Larichev (Podvodnik) 2.6 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/7 shots, 3 earned deletions, 1 loss)

    II 1/4 Moskvich AZLK 12-11 Kontur (3:2, 4:1, 2:3, 3:5)

    M: Baklenev 5, Berdnikov 2, Knyazev 2, Kuryatnikova 1, Aliev 1, Obernik 1
    K: Melnikov 3, Orlov 3, Kufner 2, Kobinov 1, Romanov 1, Treshchalin 1
    Best player of the match: Antun Kufner (Kontour) 1.9 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/7 shots, 4 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks)
    Kr. card - Nikita Melnikov (Contour)

    II 1/4 Baumanets 6-6 CSK Navy(2:3, 2:1, 0:1, 2:1 on pen. 1:3)

    B: Nikiforov 2, Chuley 1, Rykov 1, Shidlovsky 1, Kutuzov 1
    C: Zavadsky 2, Ovcharenko 1, Zuev F 1, Shiryaev 1, Meshkov 1
    Best player of the match: Anton Nikiforov (Baumanets) 1.8 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/3 hits, 1 assist, 1 deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    II 1/4 Cascade 9-15 Sparta (1:2, 3:2, 2:2, 3:8)

    K: Borzilov 2, Kvasov 2, Berezkov 2, Nikitin 1, Abramov 1, Azarov 1
    S: Artemyev 5, Safronov 3, Mozgunov 3, Kolkunov 1, Fedin 1, Loginov 1
    Best player of the match: Andrey Safronov (Sparta) 2.8 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/6 shots, 4 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block)
    Kr. card: Kirill Abramov, Leonid Medvedev, Vitaly Kvasov - all Cascade

    II Moskvich AZLK 5:4 CSK VMF (1:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:1)
    M: Baklenev 2, Knyazev 2, Kuryatnikova 1
    CV: Bukhvalov 2, Syritsa 1, Zuev V 1
    Best player of the match: Knyazev (Moskvich AZLK) 0.9 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/10 shots, 2 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I Russian Beavers 13:9 MSTU (4:2, 0:1, 4:3, 3:3)
    RB: Balashov 5, Makarov 4, Zotov 2, Glukhenky 1, Denisov 1
    M: Trubchenkov 5, Andreev 1, Tretyakov 1, Kurilin 1, Gorshkov 1
    Man of the match: Makarov (Russian Beavers) 2.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/7 shots, 2 assists, 5 tackles/blocks, 2 turnovers)

    I Torpedo 8:10 MGFSO (2:4, 3:1, 1:1, 2:4)
    T: Sosinov 4, Levko 2, Sharvadze 2
    M: Bolshakov 5, Apanasenko 4, Tumanov 1
    Best player of the match: Alexander Bolshakov (MGFSO) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/7 shots, 1 earned deduction, 4 losses)

    I Youth 12-17 Crimea (2:5, 6:4, 3:3, 1:5)
    Yu: Alexandrov 3, Zimarin 3, Stepanov 2, Maslennikov 1, Kuzob 1, Vorontsov 1, Kalatsky 1
    K: Kharitonov 5, Nikultsov 3, Golubev 3, Utkin 2, Nikolaev 2, No. 12 - 1
    Best player of the match: Kharitonov (Crimea) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/7 shots, 1 assist, 1 gain, 1 loss)

    II Youth 4-5 Circuit (1:2, 2:1, 0:1, 1:1)
    M: Dobryakova 1, Kovshova 1, Korolev 1, Kamneva 1
    K: Treshchalin 3, Romanov 1, Melnikov Nk 1
    Best player of the match: Sergey Treshchalin (Kontur) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/4 hits, 1 earned deletion, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    I World Class 10-3 Pearl (2:2, 3:0, 4:1, 1:0)
    WC: Kryukov 4, Ageev 3, Olonov 1, Norchenko 1, Sivets 1
    W: Tatarintsev 2, Karamnov 1
    Best player of the match: Egor Kryukov (World Class) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/7 hits, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    I Youth 6-12 Olympus (2:4, 1:2, 1:3, 2:3)

    Yu: Stepanov 3, Zimarin 1, Paltsev 1, Kuzob 1
    A: Surnyaev 5, Semenov 3, Sterlikov 2, Pashlov 1
    Best player of the match: Andrey Surnyaev (Olympus) 2.1 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/8 shots, 1 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    I Youth 7-16 MGFSO (0:5, 3:3, 1:5, 2:3)

    Yu: Vorontsov 3, Kalatsky 2, Zimarin 1, Paltsev 1
    M: Zaitsev 6, Bolshakov 5, Munteanu 2, Alyautdinov 2, Kovalev 1
    Best player of the match: Ivan Zaytsev (MGFSO) 2.8 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/7 shots, 1 earned, 1 tackle)

    II University 9-9 Molodezhka (2:1, 2:1, 2:2, 3:5)
    U: Skorbatyuk 3, Vyazankin 3, Gudnichev 2, Uzhakov 1
    M: Dobryakova V 4, Korolev 2, Zhukova 2, Kovshova 1
    Best player of the match: Alexandra Zhukova (Molodezhka) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/5 shots, 1 assist, 4 digs, 3 tackles/blocks)

    I Youth 9-30 Barracuda (1:3, 3:8, 2:12, 3:7)

    Yu: Vorontsov 2, Falinsky 1, Kalatsky 1, Zhigalev 1, Paltsev 1, Kuzob 1, Alexandrov 1, Avvakumov 1
    B: Novoksenov 10, Gubarev 7, Maslyuk 5, Maslovsky F 4, Maslovsky G 1, Ivlev 1, Pashkanov 1, Mishakov 1
    Best player of the match: Kirill Novoksenov (Barracuda) 4.4 Ruswaterpolo index (10 goals/13 shots, 2 assists, 1 earned deduction)

    II Submariner 5-3 Sparta (1:0, 0:3, 2:0, 2:0)

    P: Sergeev 2, Kolodin 1, Larichev 1, Vasilevsky 1
    S: Khasiev 1, Artemyev 1, Loginov 1
    Best player of the match: Vasilevsky (Podvodnik) 0.8 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/4 shots, 1 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    II Circuit 11-3 Red Star (1:0, 3:1, 4:0, 3:2)

    K: Melnikov Nk 3, Kufner 3, No. 11 2, Orlov 1, Melnikov Nk 1, Grinkov 1
    Best player of the match: Nikita Melnikov (Kontur) 1.4 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/7 shots, 3 tackles/blocks)

    I World Class 9-11 VK Kazan (1:3, 3:3, 2:3, 3:2)
    WC: Babushkin 5, Sorokin 1, Abdullin 1, Norchenko 1, Ageev 1
    K: Tikhonov 4, Valeev 3, Kushko 1, Panin 1, Myasnikov 1, Sorokin 1
    Best player of the match: Dmitry Babushkin (World Class) 2.7 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/9 shots, 3 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    II Sparta 5-1 Baumanets (1:1, 2:0, 1:0, 1:0)
    S: Khasiev 2, Kolkunov 1, Salnikov 1, Artemyev 1
    B: Tokarev D 1
    Best player of the match: Maxim Kolkunov (Sparta) 1.6 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/6 shots, 1 assist, 8 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I MIREA 5-6 MSTU(2:3, 0:1, 2:2, 1:0)
    MI: Prokhorov 2, Zagursky 1, Markin 1, Zagursky S 1
    MG: Tretyakov 2, Trubchenkov 2, Rogachev 1, Kabanov 1
    Best player of the match: Alexander Tretyakov (MSTU) 0.8 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 1 tackle/block)

    I MSU 12-13 VK Kazan (2:2, 5:3, 2:4, 3:4)
    M: Chekunov P 3, Chekunov I 2, Pugachev 2, Telizhenko Vl 1, Telizhenko Vch 1, Lyubchenko 1, Vasilenko 1, Letugin 1
    K: Tikhonov 6, Kushko 2, Valeev 1, Panin 1, Myasnikov 1, Varlamov 1, Akhatov 1

    Best player of the match: Kirill Tikhonov (VK Kazan) 2.1 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/10 shots, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    I Russian Beavers 16-6 VK Kazan (3:2, 4:0, 5:2, 4:2)
    RB: Balashov 8, Zotov 2, Garbuzov 2, Glukhenky 1, Aksenov 1, Mikhailov 1
    K: Kushko 3, Khairov 1, Myasnikov 1, Varlamov 1,
    Best player of the match: Roman Balashov (Russian Beavers) 4.1 Ruswaterpolo index (8 goals/11 shots, 1 earned deduction, 5 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I Torpedo 9-9 Olimp(2:1, 2:4, 2:2, 3:2)
    T: Yudin 2, Sharvadze 2, Sosinov 2, Nivin 1, Velizhinsky 1, Nikitin 1
    A: Semenov 6, Pashlov 3
    Best player of the match: Semenov (Olympus) 2.9 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/11 shots, 1 assist, 1 deletions, 4 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I VK Kazan 10-14 Crimea

    20:00 Amigos 13:3 Mikavol
    20:30 Sparta 7:8 Corsairs
    21:00 Amigos 5:5 Sparta
    21:30 Corsairs 8:7 Mikavol

    18:00 Yunost - Crimea
    19:00 Molodezhka - Kontur
    20:00 World Class - Pearl
    21:00 Youth - Olympus

    17:00 Youth - MGFSO
    18:00 University - Youth
    19:00 Yunost - Barracuda
    20:00 Submariner - Sparta
    21:00 Contour - Red Star

    18:00 Moskvich AZLK - CSK VMF
    19:00 Russian Beavers - MSTU
    20:00 MSU - Barracuda
    21:00 Torpedo - MGFSO

    II Moskvich AZLK 2-5 Baumanets(1:2, 0:1, 1:2, 0:0)
    M: Baklenev 1, Knyazev 1
    B: Nikiforov 3, Rykov 1, Zamogilny 1
    Best player of the match: Egor Rykov (Baumanets) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/4 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 4 tackles/blocks)

    II CSK Navy 4-5 Podvodnik(1:3, 2:1, 1:0, 0:1)
    C: Bukhvalov 2, Syritsa 1, Zuev F 1
    P: Suslov 2, Zavernyaev 1, Lukashev 1, Vasilevsky 1
    Best player of the match: Artem Suslov (Podvodnik) 1.0 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/5 shots, 5 tackles/blocks)

    I World Class 7-6 MIREA(3:2, 0:1, 2:2, 2:1)
    WC: Kryukov 4, Ganiev 1, Abdullin 1, Ageev 1
    M: Zagursky A 4, Prokhorov 1, Markin 1
    Best player of the match: Egor Kryukov (World Class) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/9 shots, 7 tackles/blocks)

    II University 13-6 Cascade (2:1, 3:0, 3:3, 5:2)
    U: Khafizov 4, Gudnichev 2, Skorbatyuk 2, Zyablov 2, Grachev 1, Vyazankin 1, Volfovich 1
    K: Kvasov 3, Azarov 2, Borzilov 1
    Best player of the match: Dmitry Zyablov (University) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/3 hits, 2 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I MGU 12-6 Torpedo (1:2, 6:2, 2:1, 3:1)
    M: Chekunov I 3, Chekunov P 2, Kolotov 2, Letugin 1, Lyubchenko 1, Vasilenko 1, Pugachev 1
    T: Velizhinsky 3, Yudin 1, Sharvadze 1, Sosinov 1
    Best player of the match: Igor Chekunov (MSU) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/5 shots, 4 passes, 4 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I MGFSO 13-7 Pearl (1:2, 3:3, 6:1, 3:1)
    M: Bolshakov 6, Alyautdinov 2, Bubnov 1, Stolyarov 1, Movsisyan 1
    W: Tatarintsev 4, Shevchuk 1, Karamnov 1, Laifurov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Bolshakov (MGFSO) 3.0 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/9 shots, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    II CSK VMF 11:5 Baumanets

    C: Meshkov 4, Bashkirov 2, Zuev F 2, Ryabushev 1, Zuev V 1, Zavadsky 1
    B: Nikiforov 1, Shidlovsky 1, Kriyukov 1, Kutuzov 1, Zamogilny 1

    Best player of the match: Alexey Meshkov (CSK VMF) 1.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 1 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    Mini water polo championship

    19:00 4cr Amigos 10:2 Onegin

    19:30 4cr Sparta 6:12 Skat

    20:00 3cr Corsairs 7:3 Onegin

    20:30 4cr Mikavol 11:12 Skat

    21:00 4cr Amigos 14:3 Corsairs

    21:30 4cr Sparta 6:7 Mikavol

    II Podvodnik 8-8 Moskvich AZLK (2:1, 1:3, 2:2, 3:2)
    P: Sergeev 2, Suslov 2, Larichev 1, Zavernyaev 1, Shepel 1, Ignatiev 1
    M: Baklenev 3, Knyazev 2, Babintsev 1, Kuryatnikova 1, Obernik 1

    Best player of the match: Semyon Ignatiev (Podvodnik) 1.9 Ruswaterpolo index (1 goal/2 shots, 1 assist, 5 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I Crimea 12-8 MIREA(3:1, 4:2, 4:3, 1:2)
    K: Nikultsov 6, Nikolaev 2, Morozov 1, Lavrentiev 1, Sorokin 1, Shashin 1
    M: Markin 4, Zakovenko 1, Prokhorov 1, Kopylov 1, Zagursky S

    Best player of the match: Alexander Nikultsov (Crimea) 2.1 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/11 shots, 1 tackle/block)

    I Barracuda 7-7 Russian Beavers (3:1, 1:3, 3:2, 0:1)
    B: Maslyuk 3, Ivlev 1, Olkhovnikov 1, Maslovsky G 1, Maslovsky F 1
    RB: Garbuzov 2, Aksenov 2, Makarov 1, Yatsev 1, Balashov 1

    Best player of the match: Vladislav Maslyuk (Barracuda) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/4 hits, 1 earned deduction, 2 losses)

    II Molodezhka 4-10 Cascade (0:2, 1:1, 1:2, 2:5)
    M: Kovshova 1, Korolev 1, Zhukova 1, Dobryakova 1
    K: Abramov 3, Krasnenkov 2, Azarov 2, Smolik 1, Kvasov 1, Berezkov 1

    I MSTU 5-12 Olympus (1:4, 2:5, 0:2, 2:1)
    M: Trubchenkov 2, Shashin 1, Kurilin 1, Savelov 1
    A: Surnyaev 4, Kovalchuk 2, Mikheev 2, Pashlov 2, Zvanbaya 1, Nuzhdov 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Surnyaev (Olympus) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 shots, 1 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    I Sevastopol 12-8 Torpedo (3:0, 1:3, 5:2, 3:3)

    S: Zareva 3, Ivanov 2, Kebalo 2, Shein 2, Gudz 2, Shustov 1
    T: Yudin 3, Velizhinsky 2, Nikitin 2, Nivin 1

    Best player of the match: Ilya Shein (Sevastopol) 2.3 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 1 assist, 3 digs, 3 tackles/blocks)

    Red card: Ilya Shein (Sevastopol)

    II University 7-5 Kontur (2:3, 1:0, 1:1, 3:1)

    U: Gudnichev 3, Skorbatyuk 2, Safronov 1, Sergeev 1
    K: Kufner 3, Melnikov 1, Perevedentsev 1

    Best player of the match: Dmitry Zyablov (University) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (2 hits, 1 pass, 3 digs, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I MSU 13-9 Russian Beavers (1:1, 4:3, 2:3, 6:2)

    M: Letugin 4, Pugachev 4, Chekunov I 2, Chekunov P 1, Kolotov 1, Telizhenko Vl 1
    RB: Yatsev 3, Makarov 2, Mikhailov 2, Beloyedov 1, Zotov 1

    I Sevastopol 19-9 VK Crimea (5:1, 6:3, 5:3, 3:2)

    S: Zareva 7, Pomazan 4, Ivanov 3, Kebalo 2, Shelomsky 1, Kolyadenko 1, Shustov 1
    K: Nikultsov 3, Utkin 1, Golubev 1, Kharitonov 1, Sorokin 1, Markoch 1, Zhitchenko 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Zareva (Sevastopol) 2.9 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/11 shots, 1 deleting, 1 tackle/block)

    Red cards: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol), Mikhail Utkin (VK Crimea), Artem Golubev (VK Crimea)

    II University 14-3 Red Star (2:0, 5:0, 1:1, 6:2)

    U: Gudnichev 6, Zyablov 3, Skorbatyuk 2, Vyazankin 1, Safronov 1, Sergeev 1
    KZ: Kozhelin 1, Shkurko 1, Timchenko 1

    Best player of the match: Maxim Gudnichev (University) 2.8 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/9 shots, 1 assist, 2 earned deletions, 1 loss)

    I Sevastopol 8-13 Barracuda (2:3, 2:2, 3:4, 1:4)

    S: Zareva 3, Shustov 2, Pomazan 1, Kebalo 1, Mitrofanov 1
    B: Novoksenov 4, Ivlev 2, Olkhovnikov 2, Maslovsky G 2, Maslovsky F 2, Gubarev 1

    Best player of the match: Kirill Novoksenov (Barracuda) 2.7 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 3 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks)

    Red card: Sergey Gubarev (Barracuda)

    I Olympus 7-11 Pearl (2:3, 1:3, 2:5, 2:2)

    A: Surnyaev 3, Semenov 1, Kovalchuk 1, Zvanbaya 1, Kuznetsov 1
    W: Movchan 5, Galenkov 2, Tatarintsev 2, Laifurov 1, Timofeev 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Surnyaev (Olympus) 2.0 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/5 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 6 tackles/blocks, 7 losses)

    I Sevastopol 13-5 MGFSO (3:1, 4:0, 1:3, 5:1)

    S: Ivanov 7, Kolyadenko 3, Mitrofanov 1, Dyatchik 1, Shustov 1
    M: Apanasenko 2, Trofimov 1, Kovalev 1, Movsisyan 1

    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 4.0 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/10 shots, 5 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    II Sparta 11-6 CSK Navy(4:1, 6:2, 1:2, 0:1)

    S: Khasiev 4, Fedin 2, Loginov 2, Petrova 1, Kolkunov 1, Sotov 1, Artemyev 1
    C: Zuev F 3, Bukhvalov 1, Bashkirov 1, Zavadsky 1

    Best player of the match: Ruslan Khasiev (Sparta) 2.4 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 2 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks)

    II. Circuit 8-8 Cascade(4:2, 2:3, 1:1, 1:2)

    Con: Melnikov Nl 3, Perevedentsev 2, Kufner 2, Melnikov Nl 1
    Cus: Nikitin 2, Kvasov 2, Borzilov 1, Krasnenkov 1, Chekov 1, Berezkov 1

    Best player of the match: Perevedentsev (Kontour) 1.9 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 2 earned deletions, 4 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    II. Baumanets 15-1 Podvodnik (4:0, 2:1, 5:1, 4:1)

    B: Zamogilny 3, Shidlovsky 3, Tokarev K 2, Kutuzov 2, Tokarev D 1, Kryukov 1, Monastyrsky 1, Zaitsev 1, Nikiforov 1
    P: Suslov 1

    Best player of the match: Kirill Zamogilny (Baumanets) 2.4 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/4 hits, 1 assist, 2 digs, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Mini water polo championship

    20:00 Sparta 5:7 Corsairs

    20:30 Amigos 5:4 Mikavol

    21:00 Skat 8:13 Corsairs

    21:30 Scat 9:13 Mikavol

    II Youth 16-2 Red Star(5:1, 2:0, 5:1, 4:0)

    M: Zhukova 5, Plokhushko 4, Kovshova 3, Dobryakova V 2, Kamneva 1, Cheltsov 1

    KZ: Ginzburg 1, Mikheev 1

    Best player of the match: Alexandra Zhukova (Youth team) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/9 shots, 2 assists, 2 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 3 losses)

    I Crimea 15-12 MGFSO(3:1, 5:3, 6:2, 1:6)

    K: Nikultsov 7, Utkin 3, Golubev 2, Nikolaev 1, Shashin 1, Zhitchenko 1

    M: Bolshakov 7, Kuryanov 2, Okhrimenko 1, Kovalev 1, Trofimov 1

    Best player of the match: Nikultsov (Crimea) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/14 shots, 2 tackles/blocks)

    I Barracuda 22-7 MSTU(5:2, 5:3, 6:0, 5:2)

    B: Olkhovnikov 5, Novoksenov 5, Gubarev 4, Maslovsky F 4, Maslovsky G 3, Gorodchanin 1

    M: Savelov 2, Rychkin 2, Rogachev 1, Kurilin 1, Gorsky 1

    Best player of the match: Kirill Novoksenov (Barracuda) 3.3 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/10 shots, 5 passes, 4 tackles/blocks)

    I MIREA 6-5 Pearl (1:4, 2:0, 3:1, 0:0)

    M: Konotop 3, Zagursky S 2, Rantyuk 1

    W: Galenkov 2, Laifurov 2, Tatarintsev 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Galenkov (Zhemchuzhina) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/8 shots, 2 assists, 2 digs, 4 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    II Moskvich AZLK 3-2 Sparta (0:0, 1:0, 1:1, 1:1)

    M: Kornyushin 1, Babintsev 1, Pavlov 1

    S: Artemyev 2

    Best player of the match: Artemyev (Sparta) 1.0 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 1 earned run, 2 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    Alexey Karateev (Moskvich AZLK): Victory is important and necessary from all sides! Sparta is a respected and strong opponent for us, and it’s doubly nice to win. The refereeing, it seemed to me, was unfavorable to us at the end of the match, emotions were off the charts, and there was a fly in the ointment: we had to catch a red card, because we wanted to win at all costs. We didn’t convert many scoring chances, the odd one out was limping, but in defense the guys, led by our goalkeeper, the team captain, fought back and this gives us strength for the future. Everyone's eyes sparkled, everyone played with great dedication, well done! It will be even more interesting further. Moskvich, go ahead!!!

    Youth 12:11 University (4:4, 3:4, 4:2, 1:1)

    M: Zhukova 4, Kovshova 3, Plokhushko 2, Cheltsov 2, Kamneva 1

    U: Skorbatyuk 4, Vyazankin 3, Gudnichev 3, Volfovich 1

    Best player of the match: Alexandra Zhukova (Youth team) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/4 hits, 2 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    Mini water polo championship

    19:00 Amigos 9:1 Corsairs
    19:30 Mikavol 13:4 ONEGIN
    20:00 Amigos 10:2 Scat
    20:30 ONEGIN 7:8 Sparta
    21:00 Corsairs 6:9 Mikavol
    21:30 Sparta 5:9 Skat

    l. Torpedo 8-14 Russian Beavers (2:3, 1:4, 3:4, 2:3)

    T: Yudin 3, Velizhinsky 2, Sharvadze 1, Nikitin 1, Korshikov 1
    RB: Balashov 7, Makarov 2, Mikhailov 2, Yatsev 1, Beloyedov 1, Goldobin 1

    Best player of the match: Roman Balashov (Russian Beavers) 3.1 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/13 shots, 1 earned deduction, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I. MSU 8-16 Crimea (1:3, 2:5, 1:2, 4:6)

    M: Lyubchenko 4, Letugin 2, Chekunov P 1, Chekunov I 1
    K: Nikultsov 6, Zhitchenko 3, Utkin 2, Shashin 2, Golubev 1, Lavrentiev 1, Morozov 1

    Best player of the match: Nikultsov (Crimea) 2.7 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/11 shots, 4 tackles/blocks)

    I. Barracuda 20-11 World Class (6:2, 4:1, 6:2, 4:6)

    B: Gubarev 5, Novoksenov 4, Olkhovnikov 4, Maslyuk 2, Maslovsky G 2, Shchegolev 1, Gorodchanin 1
    WC: Ganiev 4, Kryukov 2, Ageev 2, Abdullin 1, Bordyukov 1, Chernyshov 1

    Best player of the match: Sergey Gubarev (Barracuda) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/11 shots, 1 assist, 2 earned deletions)

    I. Olympus 7-12 MIREA (1:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:3)

    A: Surnyaev 3, Pashlov 2, Kuznetsov 1, Rastyapin 1
    M: Zagursky A 7, Zakovenko 1, Kofeynikov 1, Markin 1, Zagursky S 1, Gusenkov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Zagursky (MIREA) 3.5 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/9 shots, 2 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    II. CSK VMF 17-2 Red Star (5:0, 3:1, 5:0, 4:1)

    C: Bukhvalov 5, Syritsa 3, Zuev V 2, Bashkirov 1, Ryabushev 1, Burmistrov 1, Zuev F 1, Zavadsky 1, Ovcharenko 1, Sveshnikov 1
    K: Chernets 1, Eremenko 1

    VK Kazan 12:10 Yunost (5:1, 3:6, 3:2, 1:1)

    K: Valeev 5, Tikhonov 5, Panin 1, Galiakberov 1
    Yu: Paltsev 3, Vorontsov 2, Kuzob 2, Stepanov 1, Ostankovsky 1

    Best player of the match: Emil Valeev (VK Kazan) 2.1 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/8 shots, 4 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    Sevastopol 11-7 Russian Beavers (2:1, 3:3, 3:1, 3:2)

    S: Ivanov 4, Zareva 2, Dyatchik 2, Shelomsky 1, Gudz 1, Shustov 1
    RB: Makarov 2, Balashov 2, Kostrenko 1, Zotov 1, Kondratyuk 1

    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 2.3 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 shots, 3 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 3 losses)

    Yunost 14:9 World Class (5:2, 5:1, 3:3, 1:3)

    Yu: Ostankovsky 5, Vasiliev 3, Avvakumov 2, Paltsev 2, Kuzob 2
    WC: Kryukov 5, Babushkin 2, Sorokin 1, Abdullin 1

    Best player of the match: Roman Ostankowski (Yunost) 2.1 Ruswaterpolo index (5 goals/7 shots, 1 assist, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    VK Kazan 5-9 Zhemchuzhina (0:1, 3:4, 1:3, 1:1)

    K: Tikhonov 4, Valeev 1
    W: Movchan 3, Sychenko 1, Semin 1, Silacha 1, Tatarintsev 1, Laifurov 1, Timofeev 1

    Best player of the match: Movchan (Zhemchuzhina) 1.4 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/7 shots, 1 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Sevastopol 15-8 Yunost(4:0, 7:2, 2:2, 2:4)

    S: Ivanov 4, No. 4 3, Mitrofanov 2, Kebalo 2, Kolyadenko 2, Zareva 1, Stuklov 1
    Yu: Vorontsov 2, Avvakumov 2, Vasiliev 2, Stepanov 1, Ivanov 1

    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 3.7 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/4 hits, 1 assist, 4 earned deletions, 5 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    Circuit 8: 6 Cascade(2:1, 0:3, 6:2, 0:0)

    Kon: Kufner 2, Kobinov 2, Melnikov 1, Saltykov 1, Grinkov 1

    Cus: Borzilov 2, Azarov 2, Konovalov 1, Chekov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexey Kobinov (Kontur) 1.4 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/6 shots, 3 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    Sevastopol 16: 9 VK Kazan(3:2, 4:0, 5:3, 4:4)

    From: Zareva 6, Ivanov 4, Kolyadenko 2, Kebalo 2, Krasnov 1, Dyatchik 1

    K: Valeev 3, Tikhonov 2, Panin 1, Akhmatov 1, Kryukov 1, Galakberov 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Zareva (Sevastopol) 3.0 Ruswaterpolo index (6 goals/8 shots, 1 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Moskvich AZLK 9:4 University(2:0, 2:0, 2:3, 3:1)

    M: Baklenev 3, Knyazev 2, Berdnikov 2, Berg 1, Obernik 1

    U: Volfovich 2, Gudnichev 1, Skorbatyuk 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Baklenev (Moskvich) 1.3 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/6 shots, 1 deletions, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    Youth 4: 10 Baumanets(1:3, 1:2, 0:3, 2:2)

    M: Korolev 2, Zhukova 2

    B: Tokarev 4, Portnov 2, Kutuzov 1, Mizulin 1, Rykov 1, Monastyrsky 1

    Best player of the match: Dmitry Tokarev (Baumanets) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/4 shots, 1 loss)

    Mini water polo championship

    17:45 2K. Corsairs 14:7 Pandora
    18:15 3K. Sparta 7:8 Mikavol
    18:45 2K. Corsairs 11:5 Onegin
    19:15 3K. Amigos 9:2 Pandora
    19:45 2K. Onegin 4:8 Mikavol
    20:15 3K. Amigos 15:4 Sparta

    I. MSU 11-10 MSTU (2:5, 2:2, 6:2, 1:1)

    M: Chekunov I 3, Zinnurov 3, Telizhenko Vl 1, Kolotov 1, Chekunov P 1, Pugachev 1, Chuvilin 1
    M: Rogachev 3, Gorshkov 3, Andreev 2, Savelov 1, Kurilin 1

    Best player of the match: Igor Chekunov (MSU) 2.2 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/3 hits, 1 assist, 5 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    I. Torpedo 5-7 Pearl(0:0, 0:2, 3:3, 2:2)

    T: Sosinov 2, Velizhinsky 2, Konovalov 1
    W: Tatarintsev 2, Laifurov 2, Semin 1, Galenkov 1, Nikitin 1

    Best player of the match: Daniil Tatarintsev (Zhemchuzhina) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 4 tackles/blocks)

    II. CSK VMF 7-5 Sparta
    20:00 Submariner 11-2 Red Star

    Russian Beavers 12-9 Crimea (3:1, 2:4, 2:1, 5:3)

    RB: Makarov 5, Balashov 2, Kostrenko 2, Denisov 2, Garbuzov 1
    K: Nikultsov 7, Utkin 1, Kharitonov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Nikultsov (Crimea) 2.0 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/13 shots, 1 assist, 4 losses)

    World Class 5-11 Olympus (1:3, 0:3, 2:1, 2:4)

    WC: Surnyaev 3, Kucherenko 3, Kovalchuk 2, Zvanbaya 1, Kuznetsov 1, Pashlov 1
    A: Babushkin 2, Sorokin 1, Abdullin 1, Sivets 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Surnyaev (Olympus) 2.6 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/7 shots, 1 assist, 4 earned deletions, 3 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    Torpedo 11:8 MSTU (3:2, 4:2, 2:2, 2:2)

    T: Yudin 3, Sharvadze 2, Sosinov 2, Velizhinsky 2, Shumakov 2
    M: Gorsky 2, Andreev 1, Kurilin 1, Trubchenkov 1, Gorshkov 1, Lobeiko 1

    Best player of the match: Ilya Velizhinsky (Torpedo) 1.8 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/6 shots, 2 passes, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Youth 8:5 Cascade(2:3, 1:0, 4:1, 1:1)

    M: Kovshova 2, Smirnova 1, Simonov 1, Cheltsov 1, Zuev 1, Korolev 1, Dobryakova 1
    C: Chekov 2, Azarov 2, Borzilov 1

    Best player of the match: Boris Cheltsov (Youth team) 1.7 Ruswterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 2 earned deletions, 1 tackle/block)

    Sparta 31:1 Red Star(8:1, 8:0, 6:0, 9:0)

    S: Khasiev 8, Fedin 5, Artemyev 5, Kolkunov 3, Mozgunov 2, Golubev 1, Savin 1, Loginov 1, Abertasov 1
    KZ: Chernets 1

    Best player of the match: Ruslan Khasiev (Sparta) 5.2 Ruswaterpolo index (9 goals/10 shots, 6 passes, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Baumanets 7:6 Moskvich AZLK (1:2, 2:2, 2:2, 2:0)

    B: Tokarev K 2, Shidlovsky 1, Kutuzov 1, Zamogilny 1, Portnov 1, Tokarev D 1
    M: Baklenev 2, Knyazev 1, Kuryatnikova 1, Novoselov 1

    Best player of the match: Egor Rykov (Baumanets) 1.1 Ruswaterpolo index (0 goals/3 hits, 5 passes, 3 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    MSU 13:7 MIREA (1:1, 5:1, 4:3, 3:2)

    MSU: Pugachev 4, Chekunov I 2, Zinnurov 2, Vasilenko 2, Telizhenko Vl 1, Chekunov P 1, Chekunov V 1

    WORLD: Gusenkov 3, Zagursky A 1, Prokhorov 1, Khachaturov 1, Zagursky S 1

    Best player of the match: Irek Zinnurov (MSU) 1.8 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 3 passes, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Mini Championship

    20:00 Skat 10:6 Pandora
    20:30 Mikavol 3:6 Amigos
    21:00 Mikavol 9:6 Pandora
    21:30 Amigos 8:5 Skat

    17.45 I. Sevastopol 9-7 MIREA(2:1, 1:1, 4:2, 2:3)

    S: Ivanov 2, Kolyadenko 2, Shustov 2, Kebalo 2, Gradovsky 1
    M: Zagursky 3, Prokhorov 2, Zagursky S 1, Gusenkov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Zagursky (MIREA) 1.4 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    Mini water polo championship

    19:00 Amigos 11:1 Corsairs
    19:30 Sparta 9:10 Mikavol
    20:00 Amigos 12:7 Onegin
    20:30 Sparta 6:9 Skat
    21:00 Mikavol 10:3 Corsairs
    21:30 Scat 4:2 Onegin

    I. Sevastopol 12:8 World Class(4:2, 4:1, 3:2, 1:3)

    S: Ivanov 4, Mitrofanov 3, Gradovsky 2, Shustov 1
    WC: Ageev 3, Sivets 2, Norchenko 1, Petrov 1, Babushkin 1

    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 3.4 Ruswaterpolo index (4 hits/8 goals, 3 earned deletions, 7 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    II. Youth 5:7 Submariner (0:1, 2:2, 1:2, 2:2)

    M: Cheltsov 3, Plokhushko 1, Zuev 1
    P: Ignatiev 4, Shepel 1, Tsarev 1, Kolodin 1

    Best player of the match: Semyon Ignatiev (Podvodnik) 1.8 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 hits, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    I. Barracuda 21-12 MGFSO (5:2, 5:3, 6:5, 5:2)

    B: Gubarev 7, Maslovsky F 5, Maslyuk 3, Olkhovnikov 3, Maslovsky G 2, Novoksenov 1
    M: Bolshakov 5, Okhrimenkov 3, Zaitsev 2, Alyautdinov 1, Bubnov 1

    Best player of the match: Sergey Gubarev (Barracuda) 2.6 Ruswaterpolo index (7 goals/12 shots, 1 deleting, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    I. Sevastopol 13-4 Olimp (3:0, 3:2, 4:2, 3:0)

    S: Mitrofanov 4, Ivanov 2, Kebalo 2, Shustov 2, Kolyadenko 1, Gradovsky 1, Stuklov 1
    A: Surnyaev 3, Lyapkin 1

    Best player of the match: Vadim Ivanov (Sevastopol) 2.5 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/6 shots, 2 assists, 3 earned deletions, 6 tackles/blocks, 5 losses)

    I. Pearl 12-3 MSTU (2:0, 5:1, 2:2, 3:0)

    W: Movchan 4, Galenkov 3, Timofeev 2, Tatarintsev 2, Karamnov 1
    M: Andreev 1, Gorshkov 1, Savelov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Galenkov (Zhemchuzhina) 1.8 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/9 shots, 1 assist, 3 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    II. Moskvich AZLK 8-4 Kontur (3:1, 1:1, 1:1, 3:0)

    M: Baklenev 3, Knyazev 3, Akimtsev 1, Novoselov 1
    K: Perevedentsev 2, Kufner 1, Kobinov 1

    Best player of the match: Alexander Knyazev (Moskvich AZLK) 1.5 Ruswaterpolo index (3 goals/8 shots, 2 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 2 losses)

    I. Torpedo 10-7 World Class(1:2, 1:3, 4:1, 4:1)

    T: Velizhinsky 4, Nikitin 3, Sosinov 2, Konovalov 1
    WC: Norchenko 3, Ageev 2, Makarov 1, Bordyukov 1

    Best player of the match: Ilya Velizhinsky (Torpedo) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 2 earned deletions, 1 loss)

    II. CSK Navy 6-6 Podvodnik(1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 0:2)

    C: Bashkirov 2, Ryabushev 2, Bukhvalov 1, Ovcharenko 1
    P: Lukashev 2, Kolodin 1, Duplishchev 1, Larichev 1, Anisimov 1

    Best player of the match: Andrey Ryabushev (CSK VMF) 1.2 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/3 hits, 3 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    II. Baumanets 10-0 Red Star(3:0, 3:0, 1:0, 3:0)

    B: Shidlovsky 4, Kryukov 2, Portnov 2, Milienkov 1, Moiseev 1, Monastyrksky 1
    KZ: -

    Best player of the match: Alexander Shidlovsky (Baumanets) 1.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/6 shots, 1 assist)

    I. Russian Beavers 17-6 Pearl (6:1, 5:1, 2:2, 4:2)

    RB: Denisov 4, Balashov 4, Beloyedov 3, Makarov 2, Mikhailov 2, Kostrenko 1, Glukhenky 1
    W: Sychenko 1, Repnyakov 1, Galenkov 1, Movchan 1, Laifurov 1, Shiryaev 1

    Best player of the match: Denis Denisov (Russian Beavers) 2.8 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 shots, 3 assists, 2 digs, 1 tackle/block, 1 loss)

    I. MSU 12-6 Olympus (2:0, 2:2, 1:4, 7:0)

    M: Pugachev 4, Lyubchenko 2, Chekunov I 2, Telizhenko Vl. 1, Telizhenko Vch. 1, Chekunov V 1
    A: Kuznetsov 2, Zvanbaya 1, Surnyaev 1, Kovalchuk 1, Beshev 1

    Best player of the match: Igor Chekunov (MSU) 2.9 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/3 hits, 4 assists, 3 digs, 4 tackles/blocks, 3 losses)

    II. University 2-6 Sparta (0:3, 0:1, 2:1, 0:1)

    U: Skorbatyuk 1, Volfovich 1
    S: Kolkunov 2, Khasiev 2, Mozgunov 1, Sotov 1

    Best player of the match: Maxim Kolkunov (Sparta) 1.7 Ruswaterpolo index (2 goals/4 hits, 6 tackles, 1 loss)

    I. MSTU 11-14 Crimea (0:7, 5:2, 4:3, 2:2)

    M: Savelov 2, Rogachev 2, Tretyakov 1, Andreev 1, Kurilin 1, Gorshkov 1, Kabanov 1, Konev 1
    K: Utkin 5, Golubev 3, Kharitonov 1, Nikultsov 1

    Best player of the match: Mikhail Utkin (Crimea) 2.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/8 shots, 1 assist, 6 tackles/blocks)

    I. MIREA 9-7 MGFSO (2:1, 2:2, 1:2, 4:2)

    MI: Zagursky S 4, Zagursky A 2, Prokhorov 2, Gusenkov 1
    GM: Bolshakov 4, Alyautdinov 1, Trofimov 1

    Best player of the match: Sergei Zagursky (MIREA) 1.6 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/5 shots, 1 assist, 1 tackle/block, 3 losses)

    VK Kazan 11:12 "Torpedo"(5:2,2:5, 4:2, 0:3)

    K: Gavrikov 5, Shaidulin 1, Akhatov 1, Khairov 1, Sorokin 1, Kushko 1, Tikhonov 1
    T: Velizhinsky 4, Antipov 3, Sosinov 2, Sharvadze 1, Vorobyov 1, Nikitin 1

    Best player of the match: Ilya Velizhinsky (Torpedo) 1.9 Ruswaterpolo index (4 goals/9 shots, 1 assist, 1 earned deletions, 2 tackles/blocks, 1 loss)

    Ilya Velizhinsky (Torpedo): In a tense fight, the Torpedo team literally snatched victory from the Kazan team; it was truly a spectacular and exciting match that kept all the players and spectators in suspense until the last

    58 - Internal news page

    The President of the Water Polo Federation, Alexey Vlasenko, announced his desire to recreate the CSKA Navy water polo team. We are publishing an archived interview of Mikhail Shlaen with the long-time head of the Central Sports Club of the Navy, Boris Stolyarzh .

    8:18 02.02.2017

    I highlighted a paragraph in the report of Dmitry Volkov from the Expert Council of the Russian Water Polo Federation published in "" (to clarify, the name used to be CSK VMF) as the basis for the development of this sport in Moscow.

    I would add from myself - and in the country. And I began feverishly searching in my archive for the text of one of my many conversations with the long-term head of the Central Sports Club of the Navy, captain 1st rank Boris Lvovich Stolyarzh. Wherever, to a variety of addresses and authorities, he sent his letters, full of pain and indignation, after they had actually reduced the famous team with its rich, glorious traditions to a level below the belt.

    The joiner has not been with us for four years now, and I, speaking now about this wonderful man and excellent specialist, am going to refresh my memory of this interview with him (I finally found him), one of the last in the life of Boris Lvovich (he left us November 21, 2013).

    It can’t be true, aren’t you deceiving? Will justice really prevail? - Boris Lvovich exclaimed when I called him at the hospital where he was undergoing examination and informed him of a list of instructions signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, which, in particular, instructs the Ministry of Defense to form military sports units from candidates for national teams by the end of February 2013 in Olympic events subject to conscription for military service.

    - Well, Boris Lvovich, your mood has improved, will you get better faster?

    You ask. How many years and how many generations of physical training specialists created a coherent system of army sports for the benefit of all our sports - and at once, due to someone’s whim and short-sightedness, it was destroyed. What did you get in return? Half of the representatives of the Armed Forces, or almost two-thirds, made up the Olympic teams; they set the tone and won so many outstanding victories. If I start listing even the biggest names, it will take a lot of space and time, because the CSK Navy alone has trained more than a hundred Olympic champions in total!

    And what is also important: sports companies, our sports clubs, staffed with highly professional coaching staff, did not allow talented youth to become lost during the very difficult transition period from children's sports schools of the Olympic reserve to the adult category. It is at this junction, 18-20 years old, that many undiscovered talents, potential future champions, are lost. How could those who started it and insisted on implementing the ill-conceived reform with orders from above not understand this? Potential Olympians were classified as non-core assets that needed to be disposed of.

    Boris Lvovich, but that's not all. Based on an analysis of the performances of Russians at the 2012 Games in London, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ordered the development of a set of urgent measures in order to improve the results of our athletes in a number of strategically important disciplines in terms of the number of sets of medals played at the Olympics. Among them is rowing. This important task must be solved by creating by the summer of 2015 a sufficient number of federal training sports bases for Olympic and Paralympic sports. In short, so that Olympic candidates have all the conditions for quality preparation.

    You want to please me with the fact that we may be talking about restoring, perhaps in its previous form, the CSK Navy as a stronghold for the development of Olympic water sports in the country.

    - Why not? This even fits very well into the list of instructions of the Russian President.

    Of course, destroying is not building. But I think that until mid-summer 2015 there would be enough time for the Central Sports Club of the Navy to once again become the main training and methodological center for the development of aquatic Olympic sports both in the Navy and in the country as a whole. As it was from the moment of its creation by order of the USSR Minister of Defense of January 7, 1961. CSK Navy athletes formed the backbone of the national teams in sailing, water polo, rowing and kayaking. I would like to remind you that a total of about 40 sets of medals are played out in these disciplines at the Olympic Games!

    - And at the same time, increased attention was paid to applied types.

    This is true. Underwater, water-skiing (its founder was Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin), maritime all-around, underwater sports, yawl rowing and others. The methodology was developed by our club specialists, and then all this was promoted to the fleet, since these types directly contributed to the improvement of combat training of personnel. All this slowed down, or rather, stopped altogether, when steps were taken that, I believe, contradict the national policy of raising a healthy generation, deprived the Armed Forces of the opportunity to further develop these types, thereby causing damage not only to the navy, but to the entire Russian sports.

    - What, in the end, happened to the club?

    It pains me to talk about this. Am I the only one? To all veterans of the CSK Navy, our honored masters and coaches. Still, I’ll name a few: Vyacheslav Ivanov, Alexander Timoshinin, Vladimir Morozov, Oleg Ivanov, Alexander Martyshkin, Vyacheslav Sobchenko... Wherever we wrote, wherever we applied with a request to save the club, justifying the request with rich traditions and great merits, nothing helped. It seems to me that even the Navy command was not informed that almost all major structures were being transferred to the disposal of commercial structures. One of the companies leased an international-class swimming pool until 2024, where the CSK Navy water polo team, a multiple national champion and multiple winner of the European Champions Cup, trained for many years. The team was broke in every sense and was forced to cease to exist. It got to the point that, according to my information, the club’s 9-hectare territory was being prepared for sale to certain businessmen for the construction of a multifunctional music, entertainment and restaurant center. It’s good that they came to their senses in time and suspended the project, otherwise, to implement it, under such “massive plans,” it would probably have been necessary to demolish indoor rowing pools, berths for parking sports boats, gyms and game rooms, a rehabilitation center, and a number of other objects.

    If only the proceeds from the exploitation of land, buildings, structures, and berthing lines by commercial structures would be at least partially directed toward helping naval sports, qualitatively improving the sports facilities and the educational and training process. Whatever it is, the goal is different: banal profit-making by third-party tenants who have actually privatized the sports life of the CSK VMF, the largest and best part of the property complex in their own interests.

    But at least the work of the children's specialized sports school of the Olympic reserve, which has worked fruitfully at the club since 1976, where many famous champions grew up, continued?

    It was barely warm. Conditions have deteriorated sharply, and at the same time, by the way, the opportunity for organizing physical education and recreational activities for the families of military sailors and residents of nearby areas has narrowed. An annual subscription to the pool is expensive, the price is unaffordable for many.

    Is it really true that these data, which indicate that someone seemed to have set out to destroy a unique sports institution, such as the Navy CSK, close sections and the sports school, disperse qualified teachers and specialists, etc., ended up outside the field of view of the relevant regulatory organizations?

    From what. The facts of free disposal of state property, ineffective management of real estate and property were confirmed by the findings of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Main Military and Moscow City Military Prosecutor's Office, which conducted an inspection of the club. Relevant representations were made, and a number of concluded investment contracts were declared illegal.

    Boris Lvovich, you have served for decades in the army and navy sports system. What, in your opinion, has the so-called reorganization or optimization of sports activities in the Armed Forces led to?

    Using the example of the CSK Navy, I seem to have partially answered this question. And if in general, it will lead to the collapse of a system structure that has been developed over the years and has justified itself. A significant reduction in the composition of sports units, where almost the main backbone of the national teams in most Olympic sports was concentrated, did not benefit either the army or the entire domestic sport. It led to an outflow of highly qualified athletes and experienced specialists, coaches, and methodologists, the shortage of which is very noticeable today. Which, in turn, negatively affected the quality of training and results of our athletes in major international competitions. It is no coincidence that this issue became the subject of consideration at the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, after which the document with which you introduced me appeared. In London, I'm sure we could achieve much more. It’s good that now military sports units, on Putin’s instructions, will be restored. And, of course, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the closure or reduction of children’s and youth schools will ultimately affect the education of qualified reserves, future Olympians, and will also harm our entire sport.

    And if we expand the boundaries of the problems with the educational and training bases that we have lost, and the need for which is as acute as for professional personnel.

    I am very sorry that the yacht club of the Leningrad naval base, created by Peter the Great, has been liquidated. The CSKA sports base "Arkhangelskoye" now has a different owner. If I'm not mistaken, it was transferred to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense. Another glorious page in the history of national sports has been closed.

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