• Nikolay Danikov. Healing soda. “Healing soda” Nikolay Danikov Healing soda


    Healing soda Nikolay Danikov

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    Name: Healing soda

    About the book “Healing Soda” Nikolay Danikov

    In this book, the famous herbalist Nikolai Danikov described in detail the healing properties of baking soda. Here he tells how to use it to get rid of many diseases, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, restore immunity, strengthen teeth and gums, and much more.

    Trust your health to the baking soda you have known since childhood and its healing qualities!

    The book was also published under the title “Treatment with Soda.”

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    Quotes from the book “Healing Soda” Nikolai Danikov

    You can quickly extinguish heartburn using regular baking soda and a glass of warm boiled water. Dissolve a pinch of baking soda and drink the mixture slowly, taking 2-3 small sips per minute. Try to drink everything before the water gets cold.

    To increase the rejuvenating effect of facial skin, it is useful to use magnetized alkaline water. It penetrates more deeply into the pores of facial skin tissue and is more fully absorbed by the skin.

    Place several three-liter jars of purified water in the kitchen or balcony. Drop a few pieces of silicon into the bottom of each jar. After a few days, start using this water. Move the used first can to the last place and continue like this. Rinse the silicon stones removed from the water with cold water and use again.

    Melt water is a powerful biostimulant. There is no price for this water, especially in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and endocrine system.

    You may ask, how does silicon-activated water differ from melt water? Yes, only because it is easier to prepare. Prepare silicon-activated water for yourself. There is nothing easier than throwing flint into water, keeping it in natural conditions for several days and getting the “elixir of life” for yourself and your loved ones.

    It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves liver, kidney and metabolism, and helps the separation of bile. Regular consumption of silicon-activated water as a drink relieves gastritis, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the functions of the adrenal glands, suppressed as a result of long-term use of hormonal drugs, helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, normalizes not only sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes, but also reduces the weight of people predisposed to obesity, strengthens blood vessels, cartilage and tendons, prevents osteoporosis, helps treat fractures, and bones heal faster and without complications.

    Alkaline water itself does not become magnetic after being treated with magnets. Only the physicochemical properties change in it. The memory of alkaline water treated with magnets is not very long. Magnetized alkaline water retains its modified properties for the first 4–6 hours.

    You should know: water is magnetized only when it actively moves in magnetic fields.

    During the period of cleansing with radish juice, the diet should be vegetarian. Due to the fact that a total cleansing of the body occurs, pain may occur. This is normal during the cleaning process. Drink all the juice from 10 kg of black radish.
    After such cleaning, many cruel and difficult-to-treat (according to official medicine) diseases disappear without a trace. The salts come out unnoticed, but the cleansing effect is enormous.

    Baking soda, tea (sodium bicarbonate), sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate is a substance available to everyone, non-toxic, and has a number of surprisingly useful and even healing properties. It is always widely used in everyday life, and recently there has been a lot of talk about the healing properties of tea soda.

    Chemical formula of baking soda

    Baking soda, tea- bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate. Chemical formula NaHCO3– an acid salt of carbonic acid, widely used in the light industry, food industry and everyday life.

    The unique bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of natural soda have been known since ancient times and were used in the treatment of various diseases and ailments not only in humans, but also in animals.

    There is an opinion that even the slightly salty taste of our blood is explained by the presence in it not of table salt, but of sodium bicarbonate. Soda, along with and has always been present in the life of living organisms and even in their composition!

    Baking soda has long been used for treatment in the East. Yu.N. Roerich in his work “On the Paths of Central Asia” describes how camels were treated with soda solution after they were severely poisoned by an unknown herb. Soda saved animals from certain death.

    Unique properties of baking soda

    There is an opinion among ordinary people that long-term ingestion of soda harms the gastric mucosa. And this opinion is supported by many doctors. Particularly serious passions have recently flared up around baking soda. Let's try to understand the facts about the benefits of soda and at the same time about scientific experiments on it.

    In the laboratory of one of the medical universities in Belarus, back in Soviet times, experiments were carried out and it was scientifically proven that soda does not affect the acid-excretory function of the stomach, and its use is possible both with low and high acidity of gastric juice.

    Healing properties soda, its availability, unlimited shelf life still allow its use today baking soda in the treatment of almost all diseases! Soda copes even where other medicines are powerless. Such a powerful effect on the body is explained by the ability of baking soda to alkalize the body. An acidic environment in the body is an excellent environment for microorganisms that cause diseases and inflammatory processes.

    Let us dwell in a little more detail on the issue of acid-base balance in the body.

    Acid-alkaline environment of the body. What should the indicator be?

    The human body consists of alkalis and acids, while in a healthy body there should be 3-4 times more alkalis. This ratio is determined by the pH level. By this indicator we can judge the state of our health.

    At birth, the pH of human blood is 7.5-7.3. With age, this indicator decreases due to non-compliance with the correct lifestyle, excess nutrition, and harmful influences of the external environment. In a healthy adult body, the blood pH should be in the range of 7.35 - 7.45, which is extremely rare, in most cases it does not exceed 7.15 - 7.20, and if the value is lower than 6.8 ( very acidic blood) a person’s death occurs, so-called acidosis (TSB, vol. 12, p. 200).

    Causes of acidification in the human body

    Causes of imbalance of acid-base levels in the body, leading to diseases:

    • unhealthy diet, which contains a lot of protein foods and little plant foods;
    • fast food, products high in preservatives, food additives, flavor enhancers, starch, sugar;
    • polluted air, bad water, uncontrolled use of medications;
    • negative emotions, anger, anxiety, resentment, hatred;
    • loss of mental energy leads to illness. Therefore, in the ancient teachings of Agni Yoga, it is recommended to take baking soda daily to restore energy centers and the psyche, and to prevent many diseases.

    We conclude: In an acidic body, all diseases easily coexist; in an alkaline body, on the contrary, the body recovers! So we should strive to alkalize our body, which is what ordinary tea soda successfully helps us with.

    Important! However, to start treatment with soda, you should consult a doctor and remember that each body is individual. Therefore, we begin taking it carefully, observing the body’s reaction!

    Baking soda treatment and oral administration

    Temperature soda solutions for internal use it should be slightly hot, and under no circumstances cold! We extinguish the soda with hot water at a temperature of +60º C.

    At this temperature sodium bicarbonate(the same baking soda from the pack) breaks down into sodium carbonate (soda ash), carbon dioxide and water:


    Do not confuse here soda ash, obtained in the reaction (molecular form) from technical soda ash , sold in stores!

    It is even better to use soda in hot milk at + 60º, which promotes better absorption into the blood.

    Just as cold milk does not connect with tissues, so hot milk does not connect with soda and penetrates into the centers of cells. Helena Roerich

    Concentration soda in solution is strictly individual for each organism. You can start with 1/5 tsp, or even 1-2 grams, dissolving them in hot liquid at a temperature of 60 degrees and gradually increase the dose to 1 tsp. Although some sources indicate a dose of up to 2 tsp.

    An excess of soda in cold water is not absorbed and causes diarrhea. This property is used as a laxative. Another important feature of soda is that its excess is always excreted from the body through urine.

    ! The only limitation: you should refrain from using soda during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. !

    • Softens cough and facilitates sputum discharge. Even for children, it is useful to take hot milk slightly higher than fresh (about 40 0) when coughing, with the addition of ½ teaspoon of soda per glass of milk. You can add half a spoonful of honey and a piece of butter to this;

    • It heals due to its effect on the vestibular apparatus;
    • Baking soda has a positive effect on heart function, improves heartbeat and eliminates arrhythmia;
    • Leaches, dissolves all types of harmful deposits in joints, curing osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, gout;
    • Sodium bicarbonate relieves urolithiasis, stones in the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and intestines.
    • Soda is used in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse;
    • Cures cancer subject to diet (you need to exclude dairy products from the diet, which clog the lymph flow and sugar, which feeds cancer cells). Back in the 60s of the last century, at a closed conference, the causes of an increasingly growing disease - cancer - were indicated: acidification of the body. And ways to combat oncology were indicated - alkalization of the body, which is easily carried out with the help of baking soda. But doctors are in no hurry to share this discovery with their patients, prescribing expensive drugs and recommending unbearable procedures, including radiation. And it is clear that even after overcoming cancer, after such treatment a person is doomed to other ailments.
    • Soda relieves heartburn(although doctors strongly recommend not to abuse soda, since in response to the action of soda, even more acid is formed in the stomach). This is true if you use soda during digestion, and if drink soda on an empty stomach, then the mechanism of action is completely different: soda, being an antacid (anti-acid drug), entering the neutral environment of the stomach (this is the acidity of gastric juice when the stomach is empty) neutralizes excess acid and brings acidity to a normal state.
    • Medicine widely uses injections of soda solution in the treatment of various pulmonary diseases and respiratory systems complicated by myocardial infarction.
    • When the body is weakened, when there is a loss of strength, or fatigue, soda gives a charge to red blood cells, thereby increasing vitality.

    What is the difference between baking soda (tea soda) and industrially produced soda ash?

    Let's be clear on this issue. According to the above reaction formula, it is clear that sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) baking soda under the influence of temperature breaks down into sodium carbonate (soda ash molecular form!) Na2CO3 water H2O and carbon dioxide CO2.

    Soda ash, the one sold in stores, is a dry substance made industrially, with a higher concentration of sodium (no water and carbon dioxide). Besides

    • Industrial ash has a higher pH-11 - this is a strong alkali, while baking soda has a higher ph-11 - it is 8.
    • It has other additives in its composition to enhance the cleansing effect and influence on items that are unacceptable in the diet (for example E-550).
    • The non-food compound is recommended for use for other household needs; there is an excellent product for use in food - baking tea soda.
    • Of course, soda ash does not have such harmful effects on the body as caustic soda, which is even more concentrated, but it is still important to be careful and protect your mucous membranes when working with it.

    Treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin. How to take soda

    Professor Ivan Neumyvakin gives a whole range of consultations about the beneficial effects of soda on the body, the process of alkalization and the fight against acidosis. Videos featuring him are available on Yoy Tube.

    Briefly stated, the soda solution is prepared as follows:

    We start taking it gradually, getting used to soda, with 1/4 teaspoon and gradually increase it over the course of a week to a full spoon. I will add here that the concentration of soda depends on what you are treating or taking to prevent diseases. And yet, we are all individual, so a full spoon of soda may still be too much. Let's look at our feelings.

    Dissolve soda in hot water or, better yet, in hot milk 60º in a small volume. Then dilute the cold liquid to the required volume. Half a glass or a glass is enough, take a warm solution 20 minutes before meals.

    External use of baking soda

    • Whitens teeth by rinsing your mouth daily with a hot soda solution. The effect is enhanced if a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to the solution;
    • Lubricate the bite area with soda slurry.
    • Treats fungal skin diseases. A simple, accessible recipe: 1/2 teaspoon of soda, a drop of table vinegar and a drop of iodine, mix everything and apply it to the affected nail using a cotton swab. Do the procedure 2 times a day: morning and evening. Check to see if your nail is really healthy?
    • For minor burns, you should immediately sprinkle baking soda on the sore spot;
    • Douching with soda for thrush will help eliminate itching and cheesy discharge. Twice a day you need to carry out the procedure of washing and douching with a solution at the rate of 1 tsp. soda per 1 liter of boiled warm water. We perform the procedure daily, 14 days in a row. Thrush is treated by both partners; it is better to refrain from intimacy during the treatment period. from proximity.
    • Soda will help you conceive! On days favorable for conception, prepare a solution: 1 tsp. powder in half a liter of warm water, completely dissolve the soda and syringe carefully. Soda has a beneficial effect on your mucous membranes and promotes fertilization. The main thing: carry out the procedure half an hour before sexual intercourse.
    • If you don't want pregnancy, douche immediately after intercourse. The soda solution will help wash out sperm and neutralize the environment.
    • The effect of baking soda is noticeable when quitting smoking. If you rinse your mouth with a strong soda solution (4 tsp per glass) and smoke, you will develop an aversion to the cigarette.
    • Intravenous soda injections They even allow you to bring a person out of a diabetic coma!
    • Moreover, soda has a beneficial effect on the general neutralization of the body, increases its alkaline reserves and improves health.

    Soda baths

    Taking soda baths is very beneficial. They contribute to improvements such as:

    • improving a person's mental state,
    • help relieve stress,
    • increase male potency,
    • relieve skin rashes,
    • remove radionuclides from the body.
    • Proven impact soda for weight loss body. To do this you need to take soda baths with concentration up to 1 pack. And the excess fat, albeit not immediately, slowly, will go away from your sides! But don't expect a miracle from 2-3 baths. The process of losing weight should be accompanied by dietary restrictions, physical activity, and gradually you will notice the result.

    The concentration of such baths is as follows. We start with a dose of 7 tablespoons, increasing to a pack (500 grams) per bath of water. The exposure time is 20-40 minutes to prevent these disorders.

    Using baking soda for injection

    Since the last century, doctors began to use soda in injections for certain diseases.

    Sodium bicarbonate can be purchased at the pharmacy in the following dosage forms:

    4% - 5% solution in ampoules of 20 ml for injection;

    Suppositories of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 g;

    Tablets of 0.3 and 0.5 g.

    Intravenous injections of sodium bicarbonate are carried out with a 3% or 5% solution of 50-100 ml.

    More and more people are trying treatment and prevention with baking soda. And more and more of them are positive results.

    Healing soda

    Soda was known to man approximately one and a half to two thousand years BC, and perhaps even earlier. It was extracted from soda lakes.

    The first information about the production of soda by evaporating water from soda lakes is given in the work of the Roman physician Dioscorides.

    Avicenna wrote: “Human urine mixed with natural soda should be poured over the place bitten by a dog, and every bite and injection.

    Fenugreek in the form of a medicinal dressing with soda is useful for hardening of the spleen.

    Frankincense powder is mixed with baking soda. This mixture clears dandruff and dries out scalp ulcers.

    Wash the body against itching with sulfur powder, vinegar and soda.

    Rue and soda are used against warts.

    Black pepper and soda cause weight loss.

    If you boil pumpkin juice with honey and put soda in it, it softens the stomach.

    Nigella sativa is useful for “standing breathing” if you drink it with soda.”

    The outstanding physician of the Middle Ages A. Amasiatsi wrote: “The best type is white soda. Has cleansing properties. It removes freckles as well as rashes from the face. If you wash your body with an aqueous solution, it will destroy lice. It also helps with eyesores. Liquefies thick moisture. If you apply a poultice, the swelling of the spleen will resolve. And if you do an enema mixed with fig juice, it will help with colic. If you lubricate the penis in a mixture with oil or honey, it will induce sexual desire. Soda removes wind from the hernial sac. If you lubricate the hernia in a mixture with azhgon and cabbage juice, it will remove water from it. And its substitute is borax.”

    In the old “Herbalism” we read: “Soda, mixed half and half with cream and poured into the eyes in the evenings, is a sure remedy for driving away the eyesore.

    For scrofula, wash the sore spot with soda and soap, adding a little milk.

    For thrush, mix soda in half with juice squeezed from some sour berries or sour garden fruits, and in their absence with the most sour kvass, boil it until, with the addition of rosehip flowers, until half boils away, after which, strain and sweeten a little honey, keep it in your mouth often.

    For a baby with an abscess, apply grated carrots mixed with soda and cream five times a day.

    With hourly vomiting, pain under the spoon, that is, in the stomach, dry mouth, lips and legs turn blue from poisoning with poisons: white mercury, sublimate, lead salt, red lead, arsenic, etc.: take 2 pounds of soda, pour 2 pounds on it damask water and cook quickly, then drain the clean soda water and give it a large glass every half a quarter of an hour, wash it down with a glass of fresh milk and continue this until the poison in the stomach disappears.

    In persistent circumstances, when urine stops, the patient should be placed waist-deep in a lukewarm bath for 4 hours, which will be more beneficial if a lot of chamomile flowers and a sufficient amount of soda are added to it.

    For ulcers on the legs, it is useful to wash the ulcers 3 times a day with soda water, and then cover the wound with clean dry lint.”

    They learned to make artificial soda only in the 18th century. The first industrial method of producing soda originated in Russia. In 1764, the Russian chemist, Swedish-born academician Erik Gustav Laxman reported that soda can be obtained by sintering natural sodium sulfate with charcoal.

    In 1791, the French physician and chemist-technologist Nicolas Leblanc, knowing nothing about Laxman’s method, received a patent for the “Method of converting Glauber’s salt into soda.” Leblanc proposed fusing a mixture of sodium sulfate, chalk (calcium carbonate) and charcoal to produce soda. Leblanc soda production technology began to be used in many European countries. The first soda plant of this type in Russia was founded by the industrialist M. Prang and appeared in Barnaul in 1864. But a few years later, in the area of ​​the present city of Berezniki, a large soda plant of the Lyubimov, Solve and Co. company was built, where 20 thousand were produced. tons of soda per year. This plant used a new technology for the production of soda - the ammonia method, invented by the Belgian chemical engineer Ernesto Solvay. The advantages of the ammonia method over the LeBlanc method were the production of cleaner soda, less pollution and fuel economy (since the temperature is lower).

    Now the world produces several million tons of soda per year.

    Sodium carbonate is used in glassmaking (this is a component of the charge - a mixture of starting materials from which glass is melted), for the production of soap and other detergents, in the pulp and paper industry (for pulping). A lot of soda is consumed in the technological process of producing aluminum; it is soda that is used to process the raw material of the aluminum industry - bauxite. Sodium carbonate neutralizes acids in industrial wastewater, including during the purification of petroleum products, and precipitates insoluble carbonates and hydroxides from salt solutions, which after calcination are used as pigments.

    Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) also has its uses - it serves as a source of carbon dioxide when baking bread and confectionery, carbonated drinks, and also in fire extinguishers. In addition, baking soda still takes its rightful place in the home medicine cabinet as one of the simplest and cheapest, but very necessary medicines.

    There is evidence that E.I. Roerich highly valued the healing properties of soda.

    In a letter dated January 1, 1935, E.I. Roerich wrote: “In general, the Lord strongly advises everyone to get into the habit of taking soda twice a day. This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer” (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 3, p. 74).

    January 4, 1935: “I take it daily, sometimes under severe stress, up to eight times a day, a coffee spoon. And I just pour it on my tongue and wash it down with water. Hot, but not boiled milk with soda also works remarkably well for all colds and central tensions” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 75).

    “It’s good to give soda in hot milk to children” (P6, 20, 1).

    July 18, 1935: “Then I advise you to take bicarbonate of soda twice a day. For pain in the epigastric region (tension in the solar plexus), baking soda is indispensable. And in general, soda is the most beneficial remedy, it protects against all sorts of diseases, starting from cancer, but you need to accustom yourself to take it every day without skipping... Also, for an aching and burning throat, hot milk, but not boiled, is indispensable, as well as with soda. The usual proportion is a coffee spoon per glass. I highly recommend soda to everyone. Also, make sure that the stomach is not burdened and the intestines are clean” (P, 06/18/35).

    The Great Teacher advises the daily intake of soda twice a day to all people: “It is right that you do not forget the meaning of soda. It was not without reason that it was called the ashes of the Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given medicines sent for the needs of all mankind. You should remember about soda not only in illness, but also in prosperity. As a connection with fiery actions, she is a shield from the darkness of destruction. But the body should be accustomed to it for a long time. Every day you need to take it with water or milk; When accepting it, you need to direct it, as it were, to the nerve centers. This way immunity can be gradually introduced.” (Fiery World, 2, 461).

    “To ease diabetes, take soda... milk with soda is always good...” (Fiery World, 3, 536).

    “The phenomenon of overflowing with psychic energy causes many symptoms both in the limbs and in the throat and stomach. Soda is useful to cause discharge, as well as hot milk...” (Heart, 88).

    “For irritation and anxiety, I recommend milk in all forms, as a common antidote. Soda strengthens the effect of milk” (P. 534). “When there is anxiety, first of all, malnutrition and valerian, and, of course, milk and soda” (Heart, 548).

    (Cure for cough) “...Musk and hot milk will be a good preservative. Just as cold milk does not unite with the tissues, just as hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers...” (Fiery World, 1, 58).

    “Soda is useful and its meaning is so close to fire. The soda fields themselves were called the ashes of the Great Fire. So in ancient times people already knew the characteristics of soda. The surface of the Earth is covered with soda for widespread use” (Fiery World, 3, 595).

    “Constipation is treated in various ways, overlooking the simplest and most natural one, namely: simple baking soda with hot milk. In this case, the metal sodium acts. Soda is given for widespread use by people. But they don’t know about this and often use harmful and irritating drugs” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 327).

    “Fiery tension is reflected in some functions of the body. So, in this case, for the proper functioning of the intestines, soda taken in hot milk is necessary... Soda is good because it does not cause intestinal irritation” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 515).

    “To the usual cleansing of the intestines, you can add regular intake of baking soda, which has the ability to neutralize many poisons...” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 12, 147. M.A.Y.).

    On June 1, 1936, Helena Roerich wrote: “But soda has received universal recognition, and now it is popular especially in America, where it is used against almost all diseases... We are instructed to take soda twice a day, just like valerian, not missing a single day. Soda prevents many diseases, including even cancer” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 147).

    Thus, the fact that cancer can be fought with ordinary baking soda was known at the beginning of the last century.

    June 8, 1936: “In general, soda is useful for almost all diseases and is a preservative against many diseases, so do not be afraid to take it, just like valerian” (Letters, vol. 2, p. 215).

    “This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer. I heard about a case of healing an old external cancer by covering it with soda. When we remember that soda is included as the main ingredient in the composition of our blood, its beneficial effect becomes clear. During fiery phenomena, soda is indispensable” (Letters 3, 19, 1).

    About the doses of E.I. Roerich wrote: “The dose of soda for a boy (diabetic at 11 years old) is a quarter of a teaspoon four times a day” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 74).

    “One English doctor... used simple soda for all sorts of inflammatory and cold diseases, including pneumonia. Moreover, he gave it in fairly large doses, almost a teaspoon up to four times a day per glass of milk or water. Of course, an English teaspoon is smaller than our Russian one. My family uses hot milk with soda for all colds, especially laryngitis and croupous cough. Put a teaspoon of soda on a cup of milk” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 116). “If you haven’t taken soda yet, then start in small doses, half a coffee spoon twice a day. Gradually it will be possible to increase this dose. Personally, I take two to three full coffee spoons daily. For pain in the solar plexus and heaviness in the stomach, I take much more. But you should always start with small doses” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 309).

    The benefits of soda for plants are stated: “In the morning, you can water the plants by adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset you need to water it with a solution of valerian” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 387).

    Human food “does not require acid from artificial preparations” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 442), i.e. The dangers of artificial acids are clearly stated, but artificial alkalis (soda and potassium bicarbonate) are much healthier than potassium chloride and orotate.

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    Danikov N. I

    Healing soda

    I dedicate this to my son Dmitry, who helps me in my work.

    Among various nutritional and therapeutic agents useful to humans, baking soda occupies a special place. Healing preparations with soda have long been used for the treatment and prevention of numerous human diseases, ranging from a simple runny nose to such widespread and quite dangerous as cardiovascular disorders, nervous, skin, gastrointestinal and other diseases, even malignant neoplasms. It's safe to say that soda potentially contains more healing powers than many synthetic drugs.

    Soda and the drugs obtained with it have significant advantages - they have a much gentler effect on the human body than synthetic drugs, are better tolerated, cause adverse allergic reactions much less often and, as a rule, do not have cumulative properties (do not accumulate in the body).

    Without any doubt, soda is Nature's greatest Gift.

    Availability, ease of preparation, ease of use, and the absence of undesirable effects give a person the opportunity to widely use the medicinal properties of soda in everyday life and include it in their home pharmacy.

    I hope that the presented work will provide a good service at the right time.

    Healing soda

    Soda was known to man approximately one and a half to two thousand years BC, and perhaps even earlier. It was extracted from soda lakes.

    The first information about the production of soda by evaporating water from soda lakes is given in the work of the Roman physician Dioscorides.

    Avicenna wrote: “Human urine mixed with natural soda should be poured over the place bitten by a dog, and every bite and injection.

    Fenugreek in the form of a medicinal dressing with soda is useful for hardening of the spleen.

    Frankincense powder is mixed with baking soda. This mixture clears dandruff and dries out scalp ulcers.

    Wash the body against itching with sulfur powder, vinegar and soda.

    Rue and soda are used against warts.

    Black pepper and soda cause weight loss.

    If you boil pumpkin juice with honey and put soda in it, it softens the stomach.

    Nigella sativa is useful for “standing breathing” if you drink it with soda.”

    The outstanding physician of the Middle Ages A. Amasiatsi wrote: “The best type is white soda. Has cleansing properties. It removes freckles as well as rashes from the face. If you wash your body with an aqueous solution, it will destroy lice. It also helps with eyesores. Liquefies thick moisture. If you apply a poultice, the swelling of the spleen will resolve. And if you do an enema mixed with fig juice, it will help with colic. If you lubricate the penis in a mixture with oil or honey, it will induce sexual desire. Soda removes wind from the hernial sac. If you lubricate the hernia in a mixture with azhgon and cabbage juice, it will remove water from it. And its substitute is borax.”

    In the old “Herbalism” we read: “Soda, mixed half and half with cream and poured into the eyes in the evenings, is a sure remedy for driving away the eyesore.

    For scrofula, wash the sore spot with soda and soap, adding a little milk.

    For thrush, mix soda in half with juice squeezed from some sour berries or sour garden fruits, and in their absence with the most sour kvass, boil it until, with the addition of rosehip flowers, until half boils away, after which, strain and sweeten a little honey, keep it in your mouth often.

    For a baby with an abscess, apply grated carrots mixed with soda and cream five times a day.

    With hourly vomiting, pain under the spoon, that is, in the stomach, dry mouth, lips and legs turn blue from poisoning with poisons: white mercury, sublimate, lead salt, red lead, arsenic, etc.: take 2 pounds of soda, pour 2 pounds on it damask water and cook quickly, then drain the clean soda water and give it a large glass every half a quarter of an hour, wash it down with a glass of fresh milk and continue this until the poison in the stomach disappears.

    In persistent circumstances, when urine stops, the patient should be placed waist-deep in a lukewarm bath for 4 hours, which will be more beneficial if a lot of chamomile flowers and a sufficient amount of soda are added to it.

    For ulcers on the legs, it is useful to wash the ulcers 3 times a day with soda water, and then cover the wound with clean dry lint.”

    They learned to make artificial soda only in the 18th century. The first industrial method of producing soda originated in Russia. In 1764, the Russian chemist, Swedish-born academician Erik Gustav Laxman reported that soda can be obtained by sintering natural sodium sulfate with charcoal.

    In 1791, the French physician and chemist-technologist Nicolas Leblanc, knowing nothing about Laxman’s method, received a patent for the “Method of converting Glauber’s salt into soda.” Leblanc proposed fusing a mixture of sodium sulfate, chalk (calcium carbonate) and charcoal to produce soda. Leblanc soda production technology began to be used in many European countries. The first soda plant of this type in Russia was founded by the industrialist M. Prang and appeared in Barnaul in 1864. But a few years later, in the area of ​​the present city of Berezniki, a large soda plant of the Lyubimov, Solve and Co. company was built, where 20 thousand were produced. tons of soda per year. This plant used a new technology for the production of soda - the ammonia method, invented by the Belgian chemical engineer Ernesto Solvay. The advantages of the ammonia method over the LeBlanc method were the production of cleaner soda, less pollution and fuel economy (since the temperature is lower).

    Now the world produces several million tons of soda per year.

    Sodium carbonate is used in glassmaking (this is a component of the charge - a mixture of starting materials from which glass is melted), for the production of soap and other detergents, in the pulp and paper industry (for pulping). A lot of soda is consumed in the technological process of producing aluminum; it is soda that is used to process the raw material of the aluminum industry - bauxite. Sodium carbonate neutralizes acids in industrial wastewater, including during the purification of petroleum products, and precipitates insoluble carbonates and hydroxides from salt solutions, which after calcination are used as pigments.

    Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) also has its uses - it serves as a source of carbon dioxide when baking bread and confectionery, carbonated drinks, and also in fire extinguishers. In addition, baking soda still takes its rightful place in the home medicine cabinet as one of the simplest and cheapest, but very necessary medicines.

    There is evidence that E.I. Roerich highly valued the healing properties of soda.

    In a letter dated January 1, 1935, E.I. Roerich wrote: “In general, the Lord strongly advises everyone to get into the habit of taking soda twice a day. This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer” (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 3, p. 74).

    January 4, 1935: “I take it daily, sometimes under severe stress, up to eight times a day, a coffee spoon. And I just pour it on my tongue and wash it down with water. Hot, but not boiled milk with soda also works remarkably well for all colds and central tensions” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 75).

    “It’s good to give soda in hot milk to children” (P6, 20, 1).

    July 18, 1935: “Then I advise you to take bicarbonate of soda twice a day. For pain in the epigastric region (tension in the solar plexus), baking soda is indispensable. And in general, soda is the most beneficial remedy, it protects against all sorts of diseases, starting from cancer, but you need to accustom yourself to take it every day without skipping... Also, for an aching and burning throat, hot milk, but not boiled, is indispensable, as well as with soda. The usual proportion is a coffee spoon per glass. I highly recommend soda to everyone. Also, make sure that the stomach is not burdened and the intestines are clean” (P, 06/18/35).

    The Great Teacher advises the daily intake of soda twice a day to all people: “It is right that you do not forget the meaning of soda. It was not without reason that it was called the ashes of the Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given medicines sent for the needs of all mankind. You should remember about soda not only in illness, but also in prosperity. As a connection with fiery actions, she is a shield from the darkness of destruction. But the body should be accustomed to it for a long time. Every day you need to take it with water or milk; When accepting it, you need to direct it, as it were, to the nerve centers. This way immunity can be gradually introduced.” (Fiery World, 2, 461).

    “To ease diabetes, take soda... milk with soda is always good...” (Fiery World, 3, 536).

    “The phenomenon of overflowing with psychic energy causes many symptoms both in the limbs and in the throat and stomach. Soda is useful to cause discharge, as well as hot milk...” (Heart, 88).

    “For irritation and anxiety, I recommend milk in all forms, as a common antidote. Soda strengthens the effect of milk” (P. 534). “When there is anxiety, first of all, malnutrition and valerian, and, of course, milk and soda” (Heart, 548).

    (Cure for cough) “...Musk and hot milk will be a good preservative. Just as cold milk does not unite with the tissues, just as hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers...” (Fiery World, 1, 58).

    “Soda is useful and its meaning is so close to fire. The soda fields themselves were called the ashes of the Great Fire. So in ancient times people already knew the characteristics of soda. The surface of the Earth is covered with soda for widespread use” (Fiery World, 3, 595).

    “Constipation is treated in various ways, overlooking the simplest and most natural one, namely: simple baking soda with hot milk. In this case, the metal sodium acts. Soda is given for widespread use by people. But they don’t know about this and often use harmful and irritating drugs” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 327).

    “Fiery tension is reflected in some functions of the body. So, in this case, for the proper functioning of the intestines, soda taken in hot milk is necessary... Soda is good because it does not cause intestinal irritation” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 515).

    “To the usual cleansing of the intestines, you can add regular intake of baking soda, which has the ability to neutralize many poisons...” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 12, 147. M.A.Y.).

    On June 1, 1936, Helena Roerich wrote: “But soda has received universal recognition, and now it is popular especially in America, where it is used against almost all diseases... We are instructed to take soda twice a day, just like valerian, not missing a single day. Soda prevents many diseases, including even cancer” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 147).

    Thus, the fact that cancer can be fought with ordinary baking soda was known at the beginning of the last century.

    June 8, 1936: “In general, soda is useful for almost all diseases and is a preservative against many diseases, so do not be afraid to take it, just like valerian” (Letters, vol. 2, p. 215).

    “This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer. I heard about a case of healing an old external cancer by covering it with soda. When we remember that soda is included as the main ingredient in the composition of our blood, its beneficial effect becomes clear. During fiery phenomena, soda is indispensable” (Letters 3, 19, 1).

    About the doses of E.I. Roerich wrote: “The dose of soda for a boy (diabetic at 11 years old) is a quarter of a teaspoon four times a day” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 74).

    “One English doctor... used simple soda for all sorts of inflammatory and cold diseases, including pneumonia. Moreover, he gave it in fairly large doses, almost a teaspoon up to four times a day per glass of milk or water. Of course, an English teaspoon is smaller than our Russian one. My family uses hot milk with soda for all colds, especially laryngitis and croupous cough. Put a teaspoon of soda on a cup of milk” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 116). “If you haven’t taken soda yet, then start in small doses, half a coffee spoon twice a day. Gradually it will be possible to increase this dose. Personally, I take two to three full coffee spoons daily. For pain in the solar plexus and heaviness in the stomach, I take much more. But you should always start with small doses” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 309).

    The benefits of soda for plants are stated: “In the morning, you can water the plants by adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset you need to water it with a solution of valerian” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 387).

    Human food “does not require acid from artificial preparations” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 442), i.e. The dangers of artificial acids are clearly stated, but artificial alkalis (soda and potassium bicarbonate) are much healthier than potassium chloride and orotate.

    What is pH?

    Constantly in the process of metabolism, a huge amount of acids and alkalis are formed in the body. A certain ratio is maintained between acids and alkalis - the so-called acid-base balance. It is currently believed that in more than 80% of humanity this balance of acids and alkalis in the body is disturbed, and disturbed in the acidic direction, that is, more than 80% of the world's population suffers in our time from oxidation syndrome.

    All the drinks we drink (including water), all the foods we eat, they are all acidic or alkaline. The acidity or alkalinity of any product is characterized by the pH indicator. Both doctors and scientists talk about pH as a factor in determining human health or illness.

    When we talk about pH, we mean the hydrogen content of a liquid. Hydrogen is H, and its degree is the number of hydrogen ions that are in a given liquid. The number of hydrogen ions determines whether a liquid is acidic, alkaline or neutral.

    If pH< 7 (от 6,9 до 0), то это кислота. Чем меньше значение pH, тем сильнее кислота.

    If the pH is > 7 (7.1 to 14), then it is alkaline.

    If the pH of a liquid substance is 7, then it is a neutral substance.

    Why pH? Water has the formula H 2 O. Water can only be partially considered stable, since in pure water at each moment of time some H 2 O molecules dissociate into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) and at the same time some neighboring H+ and OH– ions combine to form water molecules. Thus, hydrogen ions (positive) and hydroxyl ions (negative) are always present in water. In this case, hydrogen ions H+ are carriers of acidic properties, and OH– ions are carriers of alkaline properties. Therefore, you can determine the acidity or alkalinity of water by calculating how many positive hydrogen ions are in the water, or only hydroxide ions (OH-), or both together. The result will not change. The chemists decided: we will count only hydrogen ions and use them to determine whether the solution is acidic or alkaline.

    Now why 7? There is such a law as Avogadro. It says: there are not many ions in pure water - only 107 moles per liter. This means that only one molecule of H2O out of every 10 million is in the form of ions. This is, of course, a miniscule figure. Therefore, chemists decided: we won’t repeat 10 to the 7th power of mole every time, we’ll better take the logarithm and consider the indicator of hydrogen ions in pure water to be equal to 7 and call it pH.

    In the literature, pH is most often presented as a color scale, where each parameter has its own color:

    Sour parameters – all shades of red and orange;

    Neutral pH – yellow-green;

    Alkaline pH – blue and purple.

    Research on the effect of soda on the human body

    The results of a study of the effect of soda on the human body exceeded all expectations. It turned out that soda is able to equalize the acid-base balance in the body, restore metabolism in cells, improve the absorption of oxygen by tissues, and also prevent the loss of vital potassium. Truly soda is a first aid medicine.

    All human organs have their own pH parameters and can work well only with these parameters. Changing these parameters leads to illness or even death of a person.

    If the urine pH level fluctuates between 6.0–6.4 in the morning and 6.4–7.0 in the evening, then the body is functioning normally. The most optimal level is slightly sour, in the range of 6.4–6.5. A urine pH value below 5.0 indicates that it is strongly acidified, and above 7.5 indicates that it is strongly alkaline.

    The reaction of urine determines the possibility of stone formation: urate - in an acidic environment, oxalate - in a neutral-acidic environment, phosphate - in a more alkaline environment. For example, uric acid stones virtually never occur when the urine pH is greater than 5.5, and phosphate stones never form unless the urine is alkaline. The best time to determine the pH level is 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.

    Check pH levels twice a week, 2-3 times a day.

    Using indicator litmus paper pH test, you can easily, quickly and accurately monitor the response of urine to changes in the type of diet, the use of medications or dietary supplements. Positive pH dynamics can serve as a criterion for the correctness of the chosen diet or treatment.

    The acidity of urine varies greatly depending on the food taken, for example, taking baking soda or plant foods increases the alkaline reaction of urine. The acidity of urine increases if a person’s diet is dominated by meat foods rich in proteins.

    Heavy physical work increases the acidity of urine.

    Increased acidity of urine is observed with increased acidity of the stomach. Reduced acidity of gastric juice does not affect the acidity of urine.

    The acidity of urine changes in many diseases or conditions of the body, so determining its acidity is an important diagnostic factor.

    The acidity of saliva depends on the rate of salivation. Typically, the acidity of mixed human saliva is 6.8–7.4 pH, but with high salivation rates it reaches 7.8 pH. The acidity of the saliva of the parotid glands is 5.81 pH, and that of the submandibular glands is 6.39 pH. In children, the average acidity of mixed saliva is 7.32 pH.

    The optimal measurement is from 10 to 12 hours. It is better to measure it on an empty stomach, two hours before or two hours after a meal. Salivation decreases in the evening and at night.

    To increase salivation, in order to increase the pH of saliva, it is good if there is a piece of lemon on the plate; it even with visual perception increases salivation. Food should look appetizing, served on beautiful dishes, appetizingly decorated with herbs and/or vegetables, it should, as they say, please the eye! Not only the saliva flows, but also the juices in the body, preparing for the process of digesting food. This is the mental phase of digestive secretion.

    Acid gastroesophageal and pharyngolaryngeal refluxes reaching the oral cavity play a leading role in the occurrence of oral pathology. As a result of the ingress of hydrochloric acid, the acidity of mixed saliva decreases below 7.0 pH. Saliva, which normally has alkaline properties, at low pH, especially at values ​​of 6.2–6.0, leads to focal demineralization of tooth enamel with the appearance of erosions of hard dental tissues and the formation of cavities in them - caries. The amount of mucus on the mucous membrane increases, the gums become swollen and inflamed.

    When the acidity in the oral cavity decreases, the acidity of dental plaque decreases, which causes the development of caries.

    Bacteria in the mouth thrive in the absence of air. Saliva, rich in oxygen, actively prevents their reproduction. Bad breath occurs when the flow of saliva slows down, for example during sleep. Excitement, hunger, pronouncing a long monologue, breathing through the mouth (for example, with a runny nose), stress dry out the oral cavity, leading to a decrease in the pH of saliva. A decrease in saliva flow inevitably occurs with age.

    You can add a slightly alkaline mouth rinse with water with the addition of soda and also take it orally between meals - the pH of the solution is 7.4–8. Rinsing the mouth with soda water occurs for various inflammatory diseases of the gums and teeth and for general acidification of the body.

    You can set the desired pH of water for rinsing or ingestion using litmus indicator paper. There cannot be recipes with the required proportions, since each region has its own water, which has its own pH. Therefore, it is necessary to have indicator paper on hand.

    Vaginal pH

    The normal acidity of a woman's vagina ranges from 3.8 to 4.4 pH and averages 4.0 to 4.2 pH.

    Vaginal pH in various diseases:

    Cytolytic vaginosis: acidity less than 4.0 pH

    Normal microflora: acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH

    Candidal vaginitis: acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH

    Trichomonas colpitis: acidity from 5.0 to 6.0 pH

    Bacterial vaginosis: acidity greater than 4.5 pH

    Atrophic vaginitis: acidity greater than 6.0 pH

    Aerobic vaginitis: acidity greater than 6.5 pH

    Lactobacilli (lactobacillus) and, to a lesser extent, other representatives of normal microflora are responsible for maintaining an acidic environment and suppressing the growth of opportunistic microorganisms in the vagina. In the treatment of many gynecological diseases, restoration of the lactobacilli population and normal acidity comes to the fore.

    Sperm pH

    The normal pH level of sperm is between 7.2 and 8.0 pH. Deviations from these values ​​are not in themselves considered pathology. At the same time, in combination with other deviations, it may indicate the presence of a disease.

    An increase in the pH level of sperm occurs during an infectious process. A sharply alkaline reaction of sperm (pH approximately 9.0–10.0) indicates prostate pathology.

    When the excretory ducts of both seminal vesicles are blocked, an acidic reaction of the sperm is observed (pH 6.0–6.8).

    The fertilizing ability of such sperm is reduced. In an acidic environment, sperm lose motility and die. If the pH of the seminal fluid becomes less than 6.0 pH, the sperm completely lose their motility and die.

    The normal pH of tears is between 7.3 and 7.5 pH.

    pH in the stomach

    Increased and decreased acidity.

    The minimum theoretically possible pH in the stomach is 0.86 pH.

    The maximum theoretically possible pH in the stomach is 8.3 pH.

    The normal pH in the lumen of the body of the stomach on an empty stomach is 1.5–2.0 pH.

    The pH on the surface of the epithelial layer facing the lumen of the stomach is 1.5–2.0 pH.

    The pH in the depths of the epithelial layer of the stomach is about 7.0 pH. The normal pH in the antrum of the stomach is 1.3–7.4 pH.

    The cause of many diseases is an imbalance in the processes of acid production and acid neutralization. Long-term hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or lack of acid neutralization, and, as a consequence, increased acidity in the body causes so-called acid-dependent diseases. Currently, these include: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum while taking aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastritis and gastroduodenitis with high acidity and others.

    Low acidity is observed with anacid or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as with stomach cancer. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called anacid or gastritis (gastroduodenitis) with low acidity if the acidity in the body of the stomach is approximately 5 or more pH units. The cause of low acidity is often atrophy of parietal cells in the mucous membrane or disturbances in their functions.

    pH in the intestines

    The normal pH in the duodenal bulb is 5.6–7.9 pH.

    The acidity in the jejunum and ileum is neutral or slightly alkaline and ranges from 7 to 8 pH.

    The acidity of small intestine juice is 7.2–7.5 pH. With increased secretion it reaches 8.6 pH.

    The acidity of the secretion of the duodenal glands is from 7 to 8 pH.

    The pH of pancreatic juice is from 7.5 to 9 pH.

    The pH of colon juice is 8.5–9.0 pH.

    In the lower parts of the colon, pH values ​​gradually increase, reaching a maximum pH value in the region of the rectosigmoid junction.

    The normal stool pH ranges from 6.0 to 8.0 pH.

    The pH of meconium (original feces of newborns) is about 6 pH.

    The pH of human breast milk is 6.9–7.5 pH. The child’s body, receiving food only with a neutral pH in the first months of its life, has an acid shock when it begins to consume drinks and food that, as a rule, have an acidic pH, so mothers must necessarily measure the pH of juices and foods that they begin to give to their children. Oxidation of the body is very dangerous for children - it creates the preconditions for numerous diseases.

    The acidity of human arterial blood plasma ranges from 7.37 to 7.43 pH, averaging 7.4 pH.

    The acid-base balance in human blood is one of the most stable parameters, maintaining acidic and alkaline components in a certain balance within very narrow limits. Even a small shift from these limits can lead to severe pathology. When shifting to the acidic side, a condition called acidosis occurs, and to the alkaline side, alkolosis occurs.

    A change in blood acidity above 7.8 pH or below 6.8 pH is incompatible with life.

    The pH of red blood cells is 7.28–7.29 pH.

    Normal blood revitalizes lymph cells that can destroy tumor cells. There are many lymphatic cells (eg NK cells, LAK cells) in the human body. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are able to distinguish normal cells from diseased and damaged ones and destroy the latter. This is the function of the human body's immunity. The greatest activity of lymphatic cells in destroying diseased cells occurs at pH 7.4. However, there is usually a more acidic environment around the affected cells, which interferes with the activity of lymphocytes, which work better at a slightly alkaline pH. By consuming foods that have an alkalizing effect, you can adjust the pH balance within 0.5 units, creating a favorable environment for the action of lymphocytes and the destruction of affected or abnormally constructed cells.

    A cancerous tumor is highly acidic, unlike normal tissue, and the body protects it with a fibrous membrane, which has an alkaline pH. If you continue to follow the acidic diet, the membrane dissolves and the cancer cells are released.

    When the body is acidified, it is advisable to arrange treatment days for yourself once a week, eating only vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables, divided throughout the day), boiled and sometimes raw in the summer, only heat-treated in the autumn-winter) and always clean hot melt water.

    A person’s mood is also important for maintaining a normal pH level in the body - a good, cheerful mood normalizes the acid-base balance. Laugh more!

    The pH of bile is alkaline and ranges from 8.0 to 8.5.

    Indicator paper - litmus paper that measures pH

    Litmus indicator paper provides a quick and economical way to measure the pH (hydrogen value) of any necessary liquid and mixtures of liquids (urine, saliva, feces, semen, vaginal acidity, breast milk, solutions, water, drinks, etc.).

    Litmus paper is necessary both in the family and in the hands of a specialist conducting a patient examination; it is applicable in chemical laboratories and used for research activities.

    In chemistry, there are substances that have the ability to change their color in the presence of acids and alkalis. These substances are called indicators and are used to determine the reaction medium. The environment can be acidic, alkaline and neutral. Filter paper is impregnated with these substances.

    Litmus is a coloring substance extracted from certain types of lichen. Its composition is complex. Litmus is a weak acid that is used to soak paper.

    How to use indicator paper

    On a roll, you can tear off any amount of paper you need by pulling its tip located in the plastic dispenser. It is necessary to dip a narrow strip of paper into the required solution for two to three seconds. Compare with the supplied color chart and calculate the values.

    Acid and alkali - the eternal struggle of opposites

    Few people know, but the predominance of acid or alkali in the human body will determine what diseases a person will be predisposed to. The pH of the blood of a healthy person, according to the latest medical research, is 7.8, which indicates the predominance of alkali in the body. Such a person will avoid colds. Why? Yes, because colds and inflammatory processes are always an acidic environment. Bacteria that cause colds can multiply exclusively in an acidic environment, and when they get into an alkaline environment, they die safely. For example, laundry soap has been the number one enemy for all types of bacteria for many years and is used to “alkalize” the surface of the hands before eating. Or during a cold we drink hot milk with honey - milk and honey are alkaline products; when they enter the body, they increase alkalinity and promote recovery. Lemon tea is also an alkaline solution (especially if not sweetened), which is also used during colds.

    But then what about acid? Maybe we don’t need it at all? We need acid for healthy digestion. If a person does not have an acidic environment in his stomach, then the process of digesting food will turn into flour. Intestinal dysbiosis is the result of a violation of acidity in the stomach, which entails serious digestive problems and is fraught with the development of chronic intestinal diseases.

    So, we have found out that for health a person needs not only alkali, but also acid. Now let's look at the results of the predominance of acid and alkali in the body and methods for eliminating such deviations. The main factor in the formation of a person’s internal environment is diet. There are “sour” foods, that is, those whose consumption increases the acidity of the body, and “alkaline” foods, which increase the alkalinity of the internal environment of the body. Sour foods include: meat and meat products, fermented milk products, fish, sugar, eggs, baked goods, beer. A human diet constantly consisting of the above products will ultimately lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as bronchitis, pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, prostatitis, sinusitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other diseases associated with inflammatory processes. Such a person often catches a cold, “all the drafts are his.” The body does not have time to cope with the huge amount of incoming lactic and other types of acids; it accumulates in the organs, and chronic inflammatory diseases begin to develop there. In men, the predominance of acid leads to infertility and impotence, since sperm can only survive in an alkaline environment. Increased acidity of the body reduces the activity of living creatures, which leads to male infertility, and subsequently to impotence. In women, increased acidity of the body also threatens the development of inflammatory processes, excess weight and leads to infertility. In this case, the acidity of the vagina increases (in the normal state it is slightly acidic), and sperm entering the woman die before reaching the uterus. And if sperm motility is reduced by the increased acidity of a man’s body, then conception is out of the question. Of course, the described reason is not the only reason why reproductive function in men and women is currently declining. The demographic problems of modern Russia and the world as a whole need to be considered holistically, but close attention should be paid to the issue of healthy nutrition for the nation.

    However, if a person eats exclusively alkaline foods, and these include vegetables (fresh and in salads seasoned with vegetable oils), fruits, cereals, whole milk, honey, red and white dry wine, canned vegetables, then this leads to excess calcium in the body and the development of joint diseases, salt deposition, which, in turn, can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, urolithiasis, the appearance of stones in the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. As we see, a balanced diet is necessary for human health.

    To summarize: for human health, the diet must contain both animal products of “sour” origin and plant products. Throughout the year, it is necessary to change the diet so that excess acid or alkali does not accumulate in the body. A person’s daily menu must change constantly; constancy and maximalism in the diet must be avoided. Constantly eating the same foods leads to the development of chronic diseases.

    In conclusion, I would like to draw special attention to men who consider meat and meat products to be real “male” food. Excess lactic acid, which meat is rich in, in a man’s body leads to infertility and impotence. Therefore, next time, before telling your wife: “What am I, a rabbit, or something, to eat your carrot salad! Meat is the food of a real man!” – remember the fertility of the latter and the fact that an exclusively meat diet is a direct path to infertility and impotence. If you want to be healthy, maintain your acid-base balance.

    If the acid-base balance is disturbed

    Acid-base balance is a person’s primary task on the path to health. Scientists have made the discovery that each product has another important indicator that can have a beneficial or, conversely, detrimental effect on human health. We are talking about the acid load of food. The acid-base balance depends on the ratio of components in the product that form acid or alkali during the metabolic process. It is useful to know which foods have an oxidizing effect on the body, and which foods have an alkalizing effect.

    Acid-forming products: peanuts, lamb, ham, beef, dried peas, goose, green onions, turkey, cocoa, sour cabbage (attention: all other types of cabbage have an alkaline pH), instant semolina porridge, chestnuts, cashews, gluten (starches), candies, grape seeds (note: all other parts of the grapes have an alkaline pH), coffee, crab, crackers, rabbit meat, cereals, corn (cereals, quick breakfast, starch), chicken, lobster, salmon, pasta, peanut butter, shellfish, milk, flour (wholemeal), oat flour, rye flour, perch, lobster, pecans, walnuts, halibut, buttermilk, millet, crayfish, cabbage pickle, Canadian rice (water tsitsaniya), brown rice, polished rice, rye, unrefined sugar, sugar - refined sugar, pork, herring, syrups, spaghetti, pike perch, crackers, Roquefort cheese, tapioca, pressed cottage cheese, veal, eel, vinegar, oysters, duck, white beans (attention: all other types of beans are alkaline), lima beans , trout, bread, turtle, lentils, chocolate, pike, lamb (young lamb), eggs, barley.

    Alkali-forming products: apricots, avocados, pineapples, vegetable broth, grapes, cherries, blueberries, peas, grapefruits, mushrooms (saffron milk caps), pears, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, blackberries, gelatin (vegetable), coffee substitutes, meat substitutes (soy), tea substitutes , herbal teas, strawberries, figs, white cabbage, broccoli, green cabbage, kohlrabi, red cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries, salsify, coconuts, watercress, lime, kelp, lecithin , lemons, beet leaves, loganberry (a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries), onions, leeks, alfalfa (a leguminous plant, the most common source of chlorophyll), raspberries, chard (leaf beets), olive oil, soybean oil, honey, almonds , goat milk, soy milk, carrots, peppermint (leaves), cucumbers, dandelions, olives (ripe), papaya, parsnips, peaches, parsley, tomatoes, rhubarb, radishes, turnip tops, wheat sprouts, head lettuce , endive salad, lettuce, satura, celery, plums, currants, vegetable juices, fruit juices, soy malt, soybeans, pumpkin, ulva (algae), beans (sprouts), common beans, green beans, dates, persimmons, chicory , candied fruits, zucchini, blueberries, prunes, garlic, spinach, sorrel, apples.

    In order for effective reactions to take place in the body, it is necessary to have in sufficient quantities not only alkalis (reducing agents), but also acids (oxidizing agents). That is why not a single competent “raw foodist” or vegetarian eats foods strictly from one list (foods that give an acidic pH). A “raw foodist” can eat as many greens, vegetables and fruits as he wants, but if he does not consume enough nuts or dairy products (which is observed in practice), his health will be worse than poor. Those “raw foodists” who for a long time did not have a single product from the list in their diet products that give an acidic pH,- sick people.

    Please note - alkalizing foods (for example, fruits) consumed with sugar (a strong acidifier) ​​acidify the body (blood).

    Products that acidify and alkalize the body, the degree of their effect will be noted by the number of advantages:

    Some foods that acidify the body: sugar! (+++), game (++++), oysters (++++), crayfish (++++), veal (+++), eggs (+++), chickens (+++) , fish (++), mussels (+++), coffee (+++), jam (+++), baked beans (+++), beef liver (+++), lean pork (++) , skinny bacon (++), ham (++), pickled plums (++), green bananas (++), dried peas (++), white flour (++), barley (++), hominy and corn flakes (++), starch (++), peanuts (++), hard cheese (++), white bread (++), boiled lamb (++), stewed lamb (+), black bread ( +), dried beans (+), soft cheese (+), cream (+), beef (+), full-fat bacon (+).

    Some foods that alkalize the body: figs (++++), fresh beets (++++), celery (++++), berries (++++), grapefruit (++++), lettuce (++++), champignons (++++), fresh tomatoes (++++), dried apricots (++++), fresh apricots (+++), pears (+++), sea buckthorn (+++), lemon ( if it is consumed without sugar) (+++), orange (+++), watermelon (+++), melon (+++), prunes (+++), pepper (+++), fresh beans ( +++), currants (+++), cabbage (all types) (+++), pistachios (+++), cucumbers (+++), dandelion (leaves) (+++), parsnips (+ ++), plums (+++), peaches (+++), whole milk (+++), kumiss (+++), whey (+++), ripe bananas (++), apples ( ++), grapes (++), cherries (++), raisins (++), dates (++), onions (++), green peas (++), radishes (++), almonds (+ +), carrots (++), potatoes with skin (++), cranberries (+), asparagus (+), lard (+).

    ? Whey (up to 5 hours of freshness)– the most unique alkaline product in the world. It contains everything that was healthy in milk, but there is nothing allergenic (casein, lactose, etc.). The product is 100% dietary. Very useful for women of any age. Whey can be obtained by preparing homemade cottage cheese, which also belongs to the list of alkaline food products. One of the simple recipes for making homemade cottage cheese: heat 1–2 liters of fermented milk (over low heat) in a water bath, after pouring it into a wide saucepan (you can also leave it in a glass jar of the required size, placing a cotton rag on the bottom of the saucepan with water). Heat until the whey (yellowish liquid) and the curd of the desired consistency separates (it’s not for everyone). This process takes 1–2 hours. Separate the curds from the whey and you are ready to eat. Let me remind you that up to 5 hours of freshness they have an alkaline reaction. The whey should be drunk without added sugar. It can also be used to make bread, pancakes, pancakes and any other baked goods.

    In terms of pH, almost all freshly squeezed juices are slightly acidic, that is, they have a pH between 7 and 5. The most acidic in pH are cherry, kiwi and apple juices. Currant and orange are slightly less sour. The pH of carrot, tomato and banana juices is close to neutral. Apricot, grapefruit, fig juices, and white cabbage juice are almost alkaline. Beetroot juice has a true alkaline pH.

    In order for fresh juice to be beneficial, you must adhere to several rules for preparing and drinking freshly squeezed juices.

    You need to prepare the juice immediately before taking it, since after just a few minutes the biologically active substances contained in it begin to break down; The exception is beet juice; it must first be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, then it will destroy substances that have a harmful effect on the body.

    You need to drink the juice 30–40 minutes before meals, then it will be most useful, since it will be absorbed very quickly in an empty stomach and will immediately enter into biochemical processes; After eating, it is better not to drink juice (especially fruit juice), since, when mixed with food, it will cause the release of a large amount of gases in the intestines.

    It is better to drink the juice through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water - juices contain a lot of organic acids that soften and destroy hard dental tissues.

    Vegetable juices (with the exception of tomato) should not be drunk in large quantities; it is better to add them to fruit juices, such as apple juice; It is better to get used to beet juice gradually, starting with small amounts diluted with water.

    Juices of fruits containing seeds (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) are not recommended to be mixed with any other juices. Juices of fruits and berries, which contain seeds (apples, grapes, currants), mix well with other juices; for example, apple juice goes well with vegetable juices such as carrot, beet and cabbage.

    ? “Natural” or “100 percent” or “real” juice are juices that have been reconstituted from concentrates. To prepare the concentrate, juice is first produced - it is squeezed from fresh vegetables, berries or fruits. This is first-press juice. Then this juice is evaporated to a concentrate, reducing the volume several times to make transportation more economical. When evaporated in juice, vitamin C is destroyed, some amino acids and carbohydrates disappear, and essential oils and enzymes beneficial to the body evaporate. The concentrate is then diluted with water to the initial volume. This produces “natural” or “100 percent” juice.

    ? Nectar is a drink made from reconstituted juice. That is, they take reconstituted juice - its content must be at least 25%. Then water, sugar, citric or ascorbic acid, and natural flavors are added to the reconstituted juice - nectar is obtained.

    Juice drinks are one step further from juices: they contain less juice and more water. Juice-containing fruit drinks must contain at least 10% juice. The remaining 90% consists of water, sugar, colors and flavors. For the production of juice drinks it is allowed to use artificial flavors, colors and preservatives (for the production of juices and nectars it is not allowed). Juice drinks add a lot of sugar and acid to create flavor.

    If a juice, nectar, or juice drink package says “no sugar added” or “low sugar,” it means the sugar has been replaced with artificial sweeteners. Sugar, dyes, preservatives - all this lowers the pH of any product.

    Juices with an acidic pH have a particularly unfavorable effect on young children: they cause diathesis, neurodermatitis, and numerous allergic reactions. If a small child receives more acids than bases with food, his body will either strive to remove them through the skin (hence allergic manifestations: diathesis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.), or will try to neutralize the incoming acids, “removing” bases (minerals) from their own reserves (which are mainly bones and teeth) . When the body oxidizes in children, the immune system suffers greatly - The child often catches colds and catches almost any infection, so try to give your child fresh juice. Be sure to give your child alkaline mineral water after drinking juice. If you give your child bottled juice, be sure to measure its pH(!). Do not give children prone to immunoallergic diseases food and drinks with a pH below 5...

    Measure the pH of not only juices, but also other products and buy for yourself and your child those products whose pH is more alkaline. These rules are a reliable prevention of many diseases: diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, allergies.

    It is necessary to very competently help the body in the treatment and prevention of various diseases with medicinal plants. What is good for one person can be bad for another. This is the answer to the question of why this herbal collection helps one person and harms another. When compiling medicinal recipes, alkaline and acidic groups of herbs are confusedly mixed, resulting in the neutralization of the medicinal properties of both individual herbs and the entire composition.

    1. Alkalinize the body: immortelle, valerian, oregano, elecampane, St. John's wort, centaury, calendula, nettle, burnet, linden, raspberry, coltsfoot, mint, dandelion, plantain, birch and pine buds, leaves; motherwort, chamomile, cudweed, cumin, yarrow, thyme, string, celandine, sage, eucalyptus, chicory, licorice, etc.

    2. Acidifies the body: calamus, actinidia, aralia, lingonberry leaf, hawthorn, heather, ginseng, ginseng, wild strawberry, clover, gooseberry, leuzea, lemongrass, burdock-roots, mistletoe, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhodiola, dill, horsetail, rose hips, eleutherococcus, sweet clover , chaga, pine needles, aloe, garlic.

    In order to neutralize acid, the body is forced to resort to its alkaline reserves - minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium). However, when the iron in the blood hemoglobin is used to neutralize acid, a person feels tired. If calcium is consumed for these needs, insomnia and irritability appear. Due to a decrease in the alkaline reserve of nervous tissue, mental activity is impaired. It is also possible that there is a connection between a decrease in alkaline reserve and a depressive state - a disease that is especially progressive in the country today.

    The removal of alkaline mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility, and the leaching of calcium salts from the bones to neutralize acidity is one of the main causes of osteoporosis.

    Cells in acidosis also sacrifice their own mineral reserves. The internal environment of the cell itself also becomes more acidic. In such an environment, the activity of most enzymes decreases sharply. As a result, intercellular interactions are disrupted. In an acidic environment, cancer cells thrive and multiply well.

    Acidosis is a constant companion of diabetes. The use of proteins in the form of energy fuel in diabetes leads to increased formation of nitrogenous substances and, as a consequence, to oxidation - acidosis. When fats are used as an energy source, acetoacetic and hydroxybutyric acid accumulate in the blood plasma. For humans, this is a poison that causes a sharp shift in blood pH to the acidic side, an acidotic coma occurs, and death occurs within a few hours. Of course, a diabetic’s acid-base balance cannot be leveled by drinking alkaline water alone. It is also useful to take unique collections of medicinal plants “ARFAZETIN” and “GALEGAMIN”, developed at VILR. The preparations contribute to a complex effect not only on the level of glycemia in the patient, but also have a therapeutic effect on the main links in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, normalize the glycogen-forming function of the liver, have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, improve the membrane conductivity of blood vessels, and help to increase the processes of regeneration of the endocrine parenchyma of the pancreas, leading to improving functional activity in general.

    In men, acidosis leads to infertility and impotence, since sperm can only survive in an alkaline environment. Increased acidity of the body reduces the activity of living creatures, which leads to male infertility, and subsequently to impotence. In women, increased acidity of the body also threatens the development of inflammatory processes, excess weight and leads to infertility. In this case, the acidity of the vagina increases (in the normal state it is slightly acidic), and sperm entering the woman die before reaching the uterus. And if sperm motility is reduced by the increased acidity of a man’s body, then conception is out of the question. Of course, the described reason is not the only reason why reproductive function in men and women is currently declining.

    Most people are familiar with the symptoms of acidosis, but tend to underestimate them. First of all, these are emotional signs: criticality, cynicism, inability to achieve success, indecision, inability to distinguish truth from lies and physical signs: fatigue, irritability, tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, arthritis, stomach pain, nausea, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, rapid physical and mental fatigue, bitterness in the mouth, gray coating on the tongue, flushing of the face, dark circles under the eyes.

    With severe acidosis, bile becomes acidic - pH 6.6–6.9 (normal pH 7.5–8.5). This impairs digestion, which leads to poisoning of the body with decomposition products, the formation of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys. Opistarchosis worms, pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, etc. live quietly in an acidic environment. They die in an alkaline environment.

    In an acidic body, saliva is acidic – pH 5.7–6.7, which leads to the slow destruction of tooth enamel. In an alkaline body, saliva is alkaline - pH 7.2-7.9, and teeth are not destroyed. To treat tooth decay, you need to take baking soda twice a day to make your saliva alkaline.

    If the acidosis is of “dietary” (food) etiology, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of consumption of acidic foods and exclude them from main meals. Studies have shown that the degree of erosion of tooth tissue is directly related to the time of contact of teeth with acid, so acidic drinks, such as juices and sodas, should be drunk quickly, rather than sipped slowly or through a straw. Vitamins should be taken orally in capsule form.

    If the internal environment is excessively acidic, the prescription of any pharmaceuticals that do not take this circumstance into account will not be effective, because the body will spend a large amount of energy not on preventing symptomatic manifestations of the disease, but primarily on restoring the acid-base balance.

    Signs of body acidification

    General condition: lack of energy, weakness, chronic fatigue, low body temperature, chills and a feeling of cold inside the body, weak immunity...

    Emotional state: sadness, black thoughts and depression, lack of joy, irritability and nervousness, etc.

    Head: pale face, headaches, sore eyes...

    Reproductive system: discharge, inflammation of the genitourinary tract...

    Stomach: increased stomach acidity, sour belching, cramps and pain, hyperacid gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers...

    Intestines: abdominal cramps and pain, anal fissures, intestinal inflammation.

    Kidneys and bladder: acidic urine, burning sensation in the bladder and urinary system, kidney stones, inflammation of the genitourinary tract...

    Respiratory tract: frequent bronchitis and runny nose, tonsillitis, laryngitis, adenoids, tendency to allergies and the desire to cough...

    Skin: sour sweat, dry skin, redness of the skin, irritation in areas of increased sweating, acne, all kinds of eczema, most often dry...

    Nails: thin, peeling, breaking, grooves on the nails and white spots.

    Muscles: cramps and spasms in the legs, lumbago, rheumatic pain, aches…

    Bones and joints – demineralization of the skeleton: osteoporosis, rickets, softening of bones, tendency to fractures, cracking in the joints, pain in the joints, gout, pain in the ligaments and back...

    Circulatory system: low blood pressure, chilliness, tendency to anemia, tachycardia...

    Endocrine system: depletion of glands, except the thyroid, which, on the contrary, tends to enlarge...

    Oral cavity: acidic saliva, exposed tooth roots, sensitive gums and enamel, inflammation of the tonsils and nasopharynx. Caries, crumbling teeth, teeth on edge when eating sour or cold foods...

    How to determine whether you have deviations and in what direction, in the simplest ways?

    The first sign of increased acidity in the body is the appearance of shadows under the eyes.

    Strong “acidification” of the body is determined by touching any grounded object, for example, a water pipe or a heating radiator. If your body is too acidic, you will get an electric shock. When you shift to the alkaline side, you will feel a burning sensation on your tongue, there will be a salt coating in your mouth, as well as pain in the joints and throughout the body.

    One of the early signs of oxidation in the body is soreness of the trapezius muscle. It occupies a superficial position in the back of the neck and upper back. If pain occurs in the neck area when you take it with your fingers, this is a sign of oxidation in the body.

    The state of acid-base balance can be easily determined by the color of the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids in both eyes). The bright pink color of the conjunctiva indicates that the pH is normal. Pale pink color of the conjunctiva indicates acidosis, and dark pink indicates alkalosis.

    Even in ancient times, yogis diagnosed the acid-base balance in the body by breathing. A simple way to compare and find out which nostril breathes easier. The cooling lunar breath is in the left nostril and the warming, solar breath is in the right nostril. Close your right nostril with your finger, inhale slowly and exhale with your left; then close your left nostril, inhale and exhale with your right. If the left one breathes easier, the acidic reaction predominates in the body, and if the right one, then the alkaline reaction. The principle is simple: when overcooled, the body forms an alkaline environment, and when overheated, an acidic environment. Approximately the same breathing in the nostrils indicates that the acid-base ratio in the blood is normal.

    By the condition of the sclera, that is, the white membrane of the eye, one can judge a person’s health. Physically, cellular structures are semiconductors, the excitation of which is accompanied by luminescence. This is why a healthy person has brighter and whiter sclera. If the sclera acquires a darkish tint, it means that an inflammatory process is occurring in the human body; a yellowish or bluish tint reflects functional disorders.

    Soda in modern medicine

    Alkaline properties of soda. Unpleasant odors are perfectly removed with baking soda. If there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth, armpits or feet, a soda solution helps. This can be explained by the fact that bacteria that multiply in an acidic environment cause an unpleasant odor. The soda solution, which neutralizes the acid, ultimately prevents the appearance of odor. By the way, this effect explains the fact that soda is used for high acidity of the stomach. It immediately normalizes acidity, while eliminating unpleasant sensations. And although it does not fight the cause, it helps the stomach well and quickly.

    Abrasive properties of soda. Baking soda is not only suitable for cleaning pots, but is also great for the oral cavity. After moistening the toothbrush with water and dipping it in the baking soda solution, brush your teeth with this mixture. Using this method, you can polish them a little, remove yellowness and even bleach them. You will kill pathogenic bacteria, which will have a positive effect on your gums. And by rinsing your mouth with a baking soda solution every day, you can prevent the occurrence of caries.

    Antihistamine effect of soda. Baking soda is great for treating midge and mosquito bites. Itching caused by a bite is an allergic reaction of the body to substances injected into the skin by insects. By making a paste of soda and applying it to the bitten area, you will relieve the itching, and then the redness on the skin will disappear.

    Anti-inflammatory effect of soda. Gargling a sore throat with a soda solution (approximately 0.5 tsp per glass of water) eliminates pain and disinfects the surface of the mucous membrane. This procedure speeds up recovery. Soda solutions also help with rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and laryngitis. Baking soda acts as a pain reliever and prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria. When diaper rash occurs in newborns, lotions are prepared from soda, which help eliminate unpleasant itching and redness.

    Areas of application of soda

    Soda is a universal remedy due to its availability for use both in the diet and in medicine. But its amazing protective and healing properties are not yet sufficiently understood and are not so widely used. But sodium bicarbonate (or soda) is included as the main ingredient in the composition of blood plasma, as well as lymphoplasma, in which lymphocytes are located. Perhaps soda energetically nourishes lymphocytes - the cells responsible for the body's immune response. Soda, neutralizing excess acids, increases the body's alkaline reserves, makes urine alkaline, which facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and thereby saves mental energy, preserves the glutamic amino acid, and prevents the deposition of kidney stones. A remarkable property of soda is that excess is easily excreted by the kidneys, giving an alkaline urine reaction.

    In the acidic environment of a poisoned body, even the best plant vitamins cannot reveal their best qualities.

    Soda is useful for:

    Prevention and treatment of cancer.

    Treatment of alcoholism.

    Quitting smoking.

    Treatment of all types of drug addictions and substance abuse.

    Removing lead, cadmium, mercury, thallium, barium, bismuth and other heavy metals from the body.

    Removing radioactive isotopes from the body, preventing radioactive contamination of the body.

    Leaching, dissolving all harmful deposits in the joints and spine; stones in the liver and kidneys, i.e. treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis; dissolving stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys.

    Cleansing the body to enhance attention, concentration, balance and academic performance of unbalanced children.

    Cough softening: baking soda helps thin mucus.

    Gargling for sore throat as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent.

    In case of a sudden attack of arrhythmia (a weak solution of soda will help calm the heartbeat).

    For hypertension (removes fluid from the body, thereby helping to reduce blood pressure).

    Replenishing fluid loss by the body: for diarrhea and vomiting, prepare a soda-salt solution.

    Relieving itching from insect bites.

    Colon cleansing (enemas with soda solution).

    For colds (inhalation with soda solution).

    For conjunctivitis (wash the eyes with a weak soda solution).

    In the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet (lotions made from a weak soda solution).

    Cleaning and whitening teeth.

    To soften dead skin on the elbows and soles of the feet (warm baths with soda).

    There is a misconception among people, sometimes supported by doctors, that long-term and frequent intake of soda has a negative effect on the functioning of the gastric mucosa, and its use is contraindicated for people with reduced acid-forming function of the stomach or an anacid state. This is not entirely true. This was proven by laboratory studies at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology at Gomel State University in 1982 “On the effect of soda on acid formation and on the functioning of the gastric mucosa (on dogs with gastric fistulas).” It has been experimentally confirmed that baking soda, having an acid-neutralizing effect, has neither a stimulating nor an inhibitory effect on the acid-secreting function of the stomach. Therefore, taking soda can be recommended for any condition of stomach acidity, including gastritis with low acidity.

    From a chemical point of view, soda is a compound of sodium cation and bicarbonate anion, which, when introduced into the body, is actively involved in the correction of acid-base balance. Thanks to the introduction of carbonic acid anions (HCO), the alkaline reserve of the body increases: the carbonic acid anion removes excess chlorine and sodium anions through the kidneys, which leads to a decrease in edema, a decrease in high blood pressure, resulting in an increase in the valence of tissue buffer systems, which creates a condition for the entry of the cation potassium into cells, and thus explains the potassium-sparing effect of soda. As a result, biochemical and energy processes in the cells are restored and increased, hemodynamics and oxygen uptake by tissues increase, which leads to improved well-being and ability to work. These conclusions were reached by physicians at the Department of Therapy of the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Moscow, who studied the use of sodium bicarbonate intravenously and rectally for chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure, which caused a change in the health status of patients, an increase in the acid-excreting function of the kidneys, an increase in glomerular filtration , lowering blood pressure, reducing residual nitrogen in the blood, reducing edema. In cases of severe shock, good results have been obtained from treatment with intra-arterial administration of soda solution. In practice, there was a case of rapid and effective relief of pulmonary edema with severe myocardial infarction after intravenous administration of a 4% solution of soda 200.0.

    However, when using soda, you need to know that this substance can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Soda in powder form has stronger alkaline properties than in solutions. If it comes into contact with the skin for a long time, it can cause irritation, and if dry soda gets into your eyes or inhales the powder, it can cause a burn. Therefore, when working with large quantities of soda powder, you should use a respirator, and if it gets into your eyes, immediately rinse them thoroughly with water.

    Melt water

    For preparing alkaline drinks, melt water should be considered very, very useful. Melt water is formed as a result of the melting of ordinary water and, therefore, must first be frozen. At the moment of transition to the solid state, a qualitative transformation of the crystalline structure of water occurs. Almost 100% of its molecules are converted into a single type. Melt water can be obtained at home. Place water of the highest purity category in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. After some time, let the water thaw. If you intervene in this process while freezing water, you can rid the water of heavy water, which is very harmful to humans - deuterium. Since heavy water freezes first when artificially frozen, it is necessary to seize this moment (ice is deposited on the walls of the vessel and on the surface of the water and forms thin openwork plates of deuterium ice) and pour the not yet completely frozen water into another container. Then put this container back in the freezer for subsequent freezing. It is useful to do such freezing of water several times, each time throwing out “heavy deuterium” water along with the ice. What remains is healing melt water. It is this melt water that can be usefully used in the future to produce alkaline water.

    Truly melt water is water blessed by heaven. When our countless chemistry turns out to be powerless in medicine, add melt water to the treatment. You can't go wrong...

    Melt water is a powerful biostimulant. There is no price for this water, especially in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and endocrine system. It is extremely useful in the treatment and prevention of malignant neoplasms of almost any location. Melt water is an excellent vascular remedy, helps reduce heart pain and resolve coronary blood clots. In people with cardiovascular diseases, the amount of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced and metabolism improves. Melt water stops severe hemorrhoidal bleeding and pain, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities and eases the course of the disease with varicose veins. Melt water can serve as a very effective remedy against morbid obesity.

    Melt water has another excellent quality - it has significant internal energy. And when you drink melt water, you simultaneously receive tangible energy support.

    Silicon activated water

    Preparation of silicon-activated water: pour highly purified water into a glass container and drop a piece of silicon weighing 10–15 g (dark or light gray in color, yellow and brown are not suitable), cover the neck with gauze (from dust) and place in a bright place ( but not in direct sunlight) for a period of at least three days, maintaining the temperature above + 4 °C heat. If water is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is advisable to infuse it for 6–7 days. The validity period of silicon is not limited.

    Silicon can be used repeatedly. You need to rinse it before filling it with fresh water. If layers appear on the surface of the silicon, the stone must be placed in a 2% solution of acetic acid for two hours. Then take it out, rinse with water, dip it in a baking soda solution for two hours and rinse again. Boiling flint is strictly prohibited!

    You can drink silicon-activated water without restrictions.

    Treat your water with silicon before you use it to make tea, and you will be surprised at its new taste.

    You may ask, how does silicon-activated water differ from melt water? Yes, only because it is easier to prepare. Prepare silicon-activated water for yourself. There is nothing easier than throwing flint into water, keeping it in natural conditions for several days and getting the “elixir of life” for yourself and your loved ones.

    How to find flint? Look near construction sites or along river banks. It’s easy to “recognize” him. Remember the principle of operation of flintlock guns? Use the same principle - sparks will fly from the impact of steel on stone. Once you find flint, break it into small pieces. The smaller the pieces of flint, the larger the area of ​​contact with water and the more intense the process of saturation of water with silicon will occur.

    If you want an elixir of health to appear right in your apartment, do this. Place several three-liter jars of purified water in the kitchen or balcony. Drop a few pieces of silicon into the bottom of each jar. After a few days, start using this water. Move the used first can to the last place and continue like this. Rinse the silicon stones removed from the water with cold water and use again. This way you will always have five or seven days of silicon activated water.

    It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves liver, kidney and metabolism, and helps the separation of bile. Regular consumption of silicon-activated water as a drink relieves gastritis, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the functions of the adrenal glands, suppressed as a result of long-term use of hormonal drugs, helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, normalizes not only sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes, but also reduces the weight of people predisposed to obesity, strengthens blood vessels, cartilage and tendons, prevents osteoporosis, helps treat fractures, and bones heal faster and without complications. This water is useful for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems, anemia, alcohol addiction, and food poisoning.

    Silicon-activated water is useful to use in the form of lotions, compresses, tampons, and washes in the treatment of trophic ulcers, frostbite, and boils.

    Silicon-activated water is useful for treating tissues affected by thermal, chemical, mechanical, and radiation burns. Wounds heal faster.

    Gum inflammation – rinsing your mouth with silica-activated water after brushing your teeth reduces inflammation.

    Periodontal disease - reduces bleeding gums: take silicon-activated water into your mouth, wait until it warms up, then swallow. Do this procedure several times during the day and especially at night.

    Flu, sore throat, runny nose - silicon-activated water kills viruses, as it has bactericidal properties. As a preventive measure during epidemics of influenza and other respiratory diseases caused by viruses, it is useful to take water orally, bury it in the nostrils.

    Malignant neoplasms - regular intake of silicon-activated water is useful for preventing the appearance of malignant neoplasms, restores and stimulates the immune system, and improves blood composition.

    Rinsing your head with this water strengthens your scalp and promotes rapid hair growth.

    Drink silicon activated water regularly as an alkaline drink and believe that it will bring you benefits, health and healing from numerous diseases!

    Magnetized alkaline water

    Alkaline water treated with a magnetic field acquires a finer and more uniform structure. Properties of magnetized alkaline water, such as increased biological activity, fluidity and dissolving ability, are the basis for positive changes in the healing properties of alkaline water.

    Oxygen content increases in magnetized alkaline water. Magnetized alkaline water increases its bactericidal properties.

    To increase the rejuvenating effect of facial skin, it is useful to use magnetized alkaline water. It penetrates more deeply into the pores of facial skin tissue and is more fully absorbed by the skin.

    Washing hair in magnetized alkaline water with individually selected herbal remedies significantly increases cosmetic and therapeutic effects due to the increase in biological activity and penetrating abilities of magnetized alkaline water. This prevents hair fragility and hair loss, restores natural color, and prevents the appearance of early gray hair.

    When drinking magnetized alkaline water inside the body, the permeability of biological membranes increases, which increases the activity of metabolic processes in the body as a whole. This includes facilitating the process of supplying oxygen and nutrients, removing waste products from the body’s cells, and reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Magnetized alkaline water helps cleanse the blood and lymph from foreign bacteria and viruses.

    Magnetized alkaline water has increased penetrating ability, which helps normalize blood pressure by thinning the blood. Taking magnetized alkaline water can significantly speed up the rehabilitation process for patients who have suffered such serious diseases as stroke and heart attack.

    Taking magnetized alkaline water allows you to restore the functions of hematopoietic organs that have been subjected to postoperative radiation therapy. This is achieved due to a deeper and faster cleansing of organs and the body as a whole from affected cells and by reducing the process of “sticking together” of individual red blood cells. The treatment process in such cases is completed without the use of donor blood.

    The use of magnetized alkaline water has a positive effect in relieving stressful situations, in the case of severe pathologies such as burns, injuries from ionizing radiation, etc.

    Magnetized alkaline water helps create a state of functional comfort for the body in the prevention and treatment of oncological and gastroenterological diseases, stabilizes the functioning of the psychophysical and cardiovascular systems, normalizes metabolic, immunological and adaptation processes.

    Taking magnetized alkaline water for medicinal purposes can reduce the negative consequences for the body from radiation damage to the hematopoietic system; in cancer patients, it can prevent possible complications in the treatment of malignant tumors. Drinking magnetized alkaline water is an effective preventive measure for those working and living in areas of ionized (radiation) radiation.

    The use of magnetized alkaline water in cases of human meteodependence and cardiovascular disorders is an effective method of drug-free prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

    Magnetized alkaline water helps the human body actively and without complications cleanse the walls of blood vessels from foreign compounds in the form of deposits of salts and cholesterol. These deposits, accumulating on the walls of blood vessels, reduce their elasticity, that is, lead to fragility of the vessels. And local narrowing of the diameters of blood vessels due to the presence of cholesterol and salt deposits on the walls provokes the occurrence of hypertensive crises. The above makes magnetized alkaline water an invaluable assistant in the prevention and treatment of serious diseases.

    Drinking magnetized alkaline water by patients suffering from kidney stones helps dissolve stones and excrete sand and small stones in the urine.

    For those who want to lose excess weight or want to help their friends do this, it is useful to know that drinking magnetized alkaline water promotes the absorption and accumulation of proteins, not fats, in the human body! By drinking magnetized alkaline water, you will gradually lose weight! Try to remember this and not chase after countless tips and recommendations on how to lose weight. I offer you a unique method on how to get rid of obesity without following diets and other recommendations that are traumatic to the psyche and health. Try it! And don’t forget to thank the healing Mother Nature and our scientists later!

    The high efficiency of magnetized alkaline water is also useful for external therapeutic effects on human skin.

    Alkaline water itself does not become magnetic after being treated with magnets. Only the physicochemical properties change in it. The memory of alkaline water treated with magnets is not very long. Magnetized alkaline water retains its modified properties for the first 4–6 hours. Then they begin to weaken significantly. After a day, the altered properties of magnetized alkaline water decrease. After three days, the physicochemical properties of magnetized alkaline water return to their original state.

    You should know: water is magnetized only when it actively moves in magnetic fields. When magnetizing water, artificially induced movement of water should be used by vigorously stirring it relative to magnetic fields. For these purposes, a magnet with a field strength of 150 to 200 mT is placed in a container of water. Next, the water is brought into intense motion for 2–3 minutes, for example, using a mixer. We should not forget that water is not magnetized at rest, but only when it actively moves in a magnetic field.

    Baking soda in the treatment of various diseases

    Methods for normalizing acid-base balance during acidosis

    Every person always wants to feel good and have good health. At the same time, the issue of subjective well-being comes first. Often this is hampered by discomfort or pain in one single organ or part of the body. In most cases, the targeted restoration of the body's acid-base balance helps to overcome pain, symptoms or the trouble hidden behind them. Not every person who is affected by the problem of restoring the acid-base balance can find enough time to slowly and organically restore the acid-base balance of the body. If you suffer from gout or blackening of the feet (a problem for diabetics), which threatens amputation, or you suffer from nicotine gangrene (smoker's gangrene), or from fungal infection of the toenails, then in these cases it is necessary to immediately carry out a course of targeted restoration of the acid-base balance.

    It is necessary to start drinking plenty of alkaline table mineral waters; drink 1–2 liters of melt water daily; Take alkaline foot baths 3–4 times a day for 30–60 minutes or longer; take a general alkaline bath for 1–2 hours every day or every other day; Apply alkaline compresses to your knees at night and, if possible, wear alkaline socks. To prepare such socks, you need to take 1-2 liters of warm water, add 1-2 tbsp. l. soda, stir until dissolved and dip thick woolen or cotton socks into the resulting milky solution. After they are saturated with liquid, they need to be squeezed out well and put on. On top, put on another pair of warm, dry socks one size larger. Wet socks should also not be tight on your feet so as not to interfere with normal blood circulation! Now, putting on alkaline socks and putting compresses on your knees, take a heating pad (if your feet are cold) and go to bed.

    Targeted restoration of the body's acid-base balance is very effective in many diseases caused by a violation of the body's acid-base balance. Such diseases are primarily oncological diseases, gout, muscle fatigue, rheumatism; This also includes suppuration of the sinuses of the head. In the latter case, it is necessary to rinse the nasopharynx with an alkaline solution for several days or even weeks (the solution should flow down the nasopharynx).

    For rhinitis and sinusitis, alkaline rinses are recommended. You can wipe the nasal mucosa with your little finger dipped in an alkaline solution or in alkaline water prepared for a bath, preferably as deep as possible. To prepare such a solution, take 1/4 tsp. baking soda, pour into a cup or glass, fill with warm water. Suck in the resulting solution through your nose.

    Alkaline solutions based on soda are used for gargling for sore throats, purulent sore throats and bad breath.

    It is useful to use baking soda for oral care. Take a little soda on a wet index finger, brush your teeth with it and massage your gums. To clean between your teeth, it is wiser to use good toothpicks rather than toothbrushes. An even better effect is achieved if you add hydrogen peroxide here and brush your teeth with a mixture of peroxide and soda.

    Restoring the acid-base balance of the body is very effective for headaches and migraines.

    For certain dramatic acid attacks, first aid can even be administered, purposefully creating a powerful alkaline counterbalance to the resulting acid outbreak. First of all, we are talking about heart attacks, gout attacks and apoplexy, which, in fact, are dramatic acid attacks.

    As for fungal infections, many of them go away on their own when, in the process of consistent alkaline treatment, the acidic environment necessary for their existence changes, i.e., the pH level of 4–6 changes to the normal 7–8. To do this, it is necessary to carry out alkaline vaginal douching, sitz baths or regular and long foot baths, which will help defeat genital fungi and fungi of the feet and nails. “Alkaline socks” are very effective in the fight against foot fungus. During the alkaline treatment period, shoes must be disinfected. To do this, the inside of the shoes is treated with tea tree essential oil, spraying it with a spray bottle.

    For migraines, muscle fatigue, muscle cramps and sciatica, in addition to alkaline baths and alkaline drinking, wet alkaline compresses are recommended. When choosing the optimal temperature for baths and compresses, the following fact must be taken into account. Some women experience migraines as their period approaches. In this case, ice compresses on the back of the head often help. This fact is very meaningful from a biochemical and bioenergetic point of view, because acid corresponds to heat, and alkali to cold. Accordingly, we respond to acid attacks with compresses at a temperature lower than body temperature.

    Along with the above procedures, massage oil mixed with a small amount of soda can be rubbed into sore muscles, i.e., a so-called alkaline massage can be performed. After it, an alkaline film remains on the skin, where the body will willingly push out the remaining acids - the world law of osmosis in relation to the small.

    Targeted restoration of the body's acid-base balance is especially important and necessary in cases where there is a threat of amputation of the toes or the legs themselves. Every year several thousand such operations are carried out in Russia. Most often, people who have suffered from diabetes for many years fall under the surgeon’s scalpel, and often the entire leg, and often both legs, have to be amputated.

    Sometimes the legs turn black due to insufficient blood supply. At the last stage, tissue decomposition begins, since blood, oxygen and nutrients practically cease to flow into the limbs. In such cases, a potent and highly effective remedy is the targeted restoration of the acid-base balance of the body. This procedure should be carried out with great care. Every day you should drink at least 1.5 liters of herbal tea (1 teaspoon of dry crushed early spring birch leaves, meadowsweet flowers, calendula, linden, chamomile, peppermint herb, St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm leaves (collect before lemon balm blooms ), fireweed, take in equal parts by volume, leave in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain) and the same amount of melt water. At the same time, it is necessary to abundantly saturate the body with minerals and microelements from food supplements in order to neutralize the flow of acids released from the body, convert them into neutral salts and remove them with urine. It is possible that they cannot be eliminated completely due to the renal barrier with a pH level of 4.4-4. Then during the day you need to take up to 6 foot baths (at least 30 minutes each) and one general bath lasting about 1-2 hours! We wear alkaline socks at night. It is important to remember that they should not squeeze your legs. Only wear socks that have been thoroughly wrung out. During the course of restoring the acid-base balance of the body, try to ensure that the “black” legs do not experience any unnecessary mechanical stress. For example, you should refuse massage. The body will help itself.

    It is not necessary to remove dissolved acids in a metabolic process that is already overloaded. Acids and toxins will be removed through the skin using foot baths, compresses and alkaline socks!

    Duration of shared baths: 1/2 hour – minimum; 1 hour is better; 2 hours – good; 3 hours – optimal; 5 or more hours is excellent.

    Already 3-6 weeks after the start of this course, blood circulation in the extremities is restored, and the legs acquire their natural color. The sooner you start the procedures, the easier and faster you can restore the acid-base balance of the body. You can also recommend an alkaline solution enema once a week.

    Unlike the kidneys, which excrete predominantly neutral salts from the body in urine, the skin is capable of removing the acids themselves.

    For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has known the principle: “What is not excreted through the kidneys and bladder must be excreted through the intestines. What is not excreted through the intestines must be excreted through the lungs. If all these organs cannot remove enough poisons, then the skin removes them. And what the skin cannot remove leads to death.” Thus, the skin is an organ that is extremely important for the process of restoring the acid-base balance of the body, and we must definitely use its abilities and functions! Therefore, we need to remember the advice of our grandmothers and start using alkaline foot baths, alkaline compresses, alkaline stockings and, for example, alkaline baths for the hands (hands), which are so helpful for diseases of the body oversaturated with acids!

    Why shouldn't a person suffering from gout today sit for an hour or two in front of the TV, dipping his swollen and swollen hands into a basin of alkaline solution?

    Sweaty palms indicate that they, like the feet, are actively removing acids.

    It's time to start maintaining your health, and if you take, for example, 3-4 alkaline foot baths a day and wear alkaline stockings at night, you will finally get rid of the foot and nail fungus that has been tormenting you for many years!

    Don't forget about dental care. After all, waste is deposited here too, which we call tartar. It is formed by dental plaques, which are continuously released from the gum pockets all day long and represent acidic waste from the body. Together with acetic acid from confectionery products, dental plaque is neutralized by calcium from the teeth or from food gruel and, layer by layer, creates increasingly stronger tartar. It is safe to say that the composition of tartar is different for each person, since each of us eats differently and leads a different lifestyle from others. But they all have one thing in common - they are chemically acidic. This means that tartar was formed by acids of different origins with the involvement of alkaline microelements and minerals. Only alkaline oral care can help here. For example, Indians chew betel leaves after sprinkling them with lime. Of all the people, this people have the strongest and healthiest teeth on earth, which is definitely facilitated by their vegetarian food. Some Russians practice something similar: in the summer they chew dandelion leaves or brush their teeth with a mixture of alkaline salts, rinse their mouth and throat generously with a solution of this mixture. You can even swallow this solution to feel good.

    These days, children often swallow toothpaste, which is usually made with artificial fruit flavors. Typically, such pastes contain a lot of foaming substances, which to a certain extent injure the digestive tract.

    The best oral care is provided by alkaline salt applied to a toothbrush or, better yet, to a wet finger. You can see for yourself that any tartar will be eliminated within just a few weeks. Tartar with a pH level of 4–5 cannot withstand the difference in stress with alkaline salt, which has a pH level of 8.5. It breaks off and crumbles in the full sense of the word. And the dentist can only be surprised and ask “how did you do it.” Yes, it’s very simple - thanks to targeted, local, soda-based removal of toxins.

    So, now we know many effective means of purposefully restoring the acid-base balance of the body: soda baths for hands and feet, soda compresses, rinses and soda stockings.

    So why shouldn’t, say, some Russian milkmaid suffering from gout wear soda gloves at night?! They can be prepared in the same way as soda stockings.

    Soda washing is very useful for the genitals, especially in the hot summer. At this time, we sweat a lot, which can even lead to the appearance of wounds and abrasions. But why endure unpleasant sensations if you can easily end them!

    Soda hand baths, used over a long period of time, will help many older people get rid of unsightly age spots. In this case, as a rule, the spots first turn red, then turn pink, and then finally disappear. The process will go faster if you consistently restore the acid-base balance of the body from the inside and carry out remineralization.

    Restoring the acid-base balance of the body consists of three important stages, but always begins with herbal tea prepared from medicinal plants that alkalize the body: early spring birch leaves, peppermint leaves, lemon balm (collected before lemon balm blooms), fireweed leaves, strawberries, raspberries, currants blackberry, blackberry, calendula flowers, linden, chamomile, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, yarrow, rosehip, sloe, chicory, red viburnum, bedstraw grass, thyme, oregano, taken in equal parts by volume. Dry these plants carefully. It's difficult to get everything at once. But don't worry. Each of these plants is a storehouse of healing, biologically active substances beneficial to the body. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed collection into a glass of boiling melt water, leave, wrapped, for 30–60 minutes, strain, add honey to taste. You should drink from one to three liters of this tea per day. One mug will be of little use. With enhanced restoration of the body's acid-base balance, it is recommended to drink 2 liters per day. In severe forms of the disease, it is useful to drink 3-4 liters of tea daily, accompanied by the consumption of energy-rich minerals and taking soda baths. Herbal tea is also useful for enemas. To do this, add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of tea. l. soda The temperature of the solution should be slightly lower than body temperature, i.e. approximately 36 °C. Within a few minutes, the tea is poured into the anus. A pleasant warmth immediately spreads across the lower abdomen. When all the tea is inside, tighten your rectal muscles and do a stand on your shoulder blades, like in school during physical education lessons. Of course, now it is much more difficult for us to complete this exercise than in our school years, but we still need to try to take a vertical position. The tea will immediately flow to the umbilical area. The longer you stand on your shoulder blades, the better. Then take a horizontal position and lie on your right side. We do this because, first of all, the structure of the intestines requires such movements. Again we do a stand on the shoulder blades, return to a horizontal position and turn on the left side, again stand and right side, etc. for 5–10 minutes. After this, we lie on our back and lightly press on the stomach and massage it. Before the enema, you can rub your stomach with olive oil. If you have problems with bloating, add a few drops of essential cumin oil. We do not stop the abdominal massage until the intestines are completely emptied. Taking the maximum possible amount of toxins from the intestines, tea removes them from the body. This is facilitated by standing on the shoulder blades, massage, pressure and rolling. You will immediately feel that your previously hard belly has become soft, like a baby’s. And if you previously thought that an elastic stomach means good muscle abs, then you were deeply mistaken! This is hard stool that has remained in the body for a long time!

    Another means of quickly and efficiently restoring the acid-base balance of the body is an alkaline shirt. To prepare an alkaline solution, take 1 liter of water at body temperature and add 1 tbsp. l. soda Place a cotton shirt into the resulting milky solution and let it soak thoroughly. Then we carefully squeeze it out and put it on before going to bed. To avoid freezing and catching a cold, we put on one or two dry sweaters over a wet shirt. In this way, you can achieve impressive success in the treatment of skin allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, boils and other skin diseases. Of course, such a shirt can be worn for diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and heart. It is difficult to imagine a more effective means of removing toxins through the torso.

    Targeted restoration of the body's acid-base balance

    From the first to the third month: 1 liter of herbal tea during the day.

    Alkaline foot baths (100 g baking soda per foot bath).

    Alkaline compresses.

    Alkaline shirt.

    Alkaline socks, alkaline gloves.

    1–2 alkaline baths (500 g baking soda per full bath) per week, 60–180 min. Minerals – 5 tsp. in a day.

    from the 4th to the 6th month: 1–1.5 liters of herbal tea per day.

    Every evening

    1–2 general alkaline baths per week, 60–180 min.

    Minerals – 5 tsp. during the day.

    1.5 liters of melt water during the day.

    Alkaline drink: for 1 glass – 0.5 tsp. soda

    It is extremely useful to “cleanse” the body when restoring the acid-base balance of the body. “Cleansing” procedures should begin with cleansing the intestines using enemas.

    Colon cleansing with enemas

    The basis is 1–2 liters of chilled boiled water, which mechanically flushes out the contents of the colon. Add baking soda to the water (20–30 g per 1 liter of water), an infusion of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, and yarrow flowers.

    The procedure is performed using an Esmarch mug or an ordinary rubber heating pad. Pour the cleansing composition into a mug (warmer) and hang it at a height of no more than 1.5 m above the floor. Remove the plastic tip from the rubber hose. Carefully cut the end of the hose into a cone with a razor and lubricate it with oil or Vaseline. Mark the rubber hose 1 cm at a time. In this way, you will gradually (over 6–10 days of bowel cleansing procedures) insert a 10–20 cm hose into the large intestine. Only with such enemas, and not with a child’s plastic tip, will you remove the most dangerous toxins from the body and toxins that form in the large intestine, thereby aggravating the patient’s condition.

    Pinch the hose to prevent fluid from leaking out. Take a knee-elbow position (your pelvis should be higher than your shoulders), carefully insert the hose into the anus to a depth of 5 cm. Then release the clamp and gradually let the liquid into the large intestine. Increase the insertion of the hose by 1 cm every day. At first, the entire hose may not go in due to intestinal blockage. Don't let this bother you. As the foul-smelling stool is washed away, the hose will gradually enter further and further into the large intestine. It is especially important to rinse the most distant (ascending) part of the large intestine, where hard feces have most accumulated. This will require time and patience on your part. Soon you will feel an improvement in your condition, both spiritual and physical.

    Warning. If the large intestine has pathological constrictions or is heavily clogged with fecal stones, then the fluid, when quickly entering, can pour back out or burst the small cavity that exists before the blockage, causing pain. To prevent this from happening, control the infusion by squeezing the tube with your fingers in time. As the liquid flows through the mash, increase the liquid flow. At the same time, breathe slowly, smoothly, but deeply with your stomach, sticking it out as you inhale and pulling it up as you exhale. When the large intestine is cleansed, 1-2 liters of liquid are poured into it over 30-40 seconds easily and freely.

    After the liquid has entered, lie on your stomach, then on your back and lift your pelvis or put your legs behind your head. Stay in this position for 30–60 seconds. You can additionally tighten your stomach. Due to this, the fluid will penetrate through the descending colon into the transverse colon. Then slowly lie on your back and roll over onto your right side. Fluid from the transverse section of the large intestine will enter the difficult-to-reach ascending section. It is this technique that allows you to rinse the entire large intestine equally. Observe these nuances - they have been verified by practice. Otherwise, you will wash and heal only part of the large intestine, leaving pathology - a breeding ground for many diseases at its very beginning.

    It is advisable to carry out the procedure after emptying the colon at any convenient time, but it is useful to perform it at sunset.

    How long to keep the enema? Lie on your back or right side for 5–15 minutes, unless there is a strong urge. Then you can get up and walk around. After waiting for the urge, go to the toilet. The advantage of enemas is that they themselves stay inside the body exactly as long as needed. At first, the urge from them is quick and strong, and then, the cleaner the large intestine becomes, the longer it lasts. Therefore, do not worry, the body itself knows when to release the enema, because everything is carried out under its greatest control.

    Frequency of enemas:

    1st week - an enema is done daily with baking soda.

    2nd week - every other day with an infusion of chamomile flowers.

    3rd week - two days later with an infusion of St. John's wort herb.

    4th week – in three days; with infusion of yarrow flowers.

    Week 5 – once a week with baking soda.

    Medicinal plants used for preparing enemas - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow - have an alkaline effect on the human body, thereby promoting the removal of acids from the body.

    Infusion of chamomile flowers: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed chamomile flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 30 minutes, strain, mix with water for an enema. Do not boil the infusion under any circumstances!

    Infusion of St. John's wort herb: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, mix with water for an enema.

    Infusion of yarrow flowers: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, mix with water for an enema.

    1st day of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas.

    Drink 100–200 ml of alkaline water (1/4 tsp baking soda per 200 ml of water) 5–10 times during the day.

    In the morning and

    Walk before bed for at least 20–30 minutes.

    Throughout the day, a person does not have periods of abundant saturation of the blood with substances for the final breakdown of toxic substances. The liver improves its function and becomes a blood purifier. The loading of the stomach and intestines with food stops, and favorable conditions are created for the removal of oxidizing substances from the body. Washing the lower intestines (rectum, sigmoid and colon) improves their condition, stops the absorption of intestinal toxins that enter directly into the blood, bypassing the liver, which improves the condition of the blood.

    The walk is calm, not businesslike, without a specific goal. Only such a walk can truly relax, relieve spasms of smooth muscles in blood vessels and organs, and improve intracranial and main pressure.

    2nd day of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas.

    Drink alkaline water three times a day. Diet: whey (up to 5 hours of freshness) is the most unique alkaline product in the world. It contains everything that was healthy in milk, but there is nothing allergenic (casein, lactose, etc.). The product is 100% dietary. Whey can be obtained by preparing homemade cottage cheese, which also belongs to the list of alkaline food products. One of the simple recipes for making homemade cottage cheese: heat 1–2 liters of fermented milk (over low heat) in a water bath, after pouring it into a wide saucepan (you can also leave it in a glass jar of the required size, placing a cotton rag on the bottom of the saucepan with water). Heat until the whey (yellowish liquid) and the curd of the desired consistency separates (it’s not for everyone). This process takes 1–2 hours. Separate the curds from the whey and you are ready to eat. Let me remind you that up to 5 hours of freshness they have an alkaline reaction. The whey should be drunk without added sugar. Fresh whey 100–200 ml. When appetite appears, in unlimited quantities.

    In the evening, a cleansing therapeutic enema using soda water.


    During the second day, the empty intestines are loaded with fermented milk products, containing mainly various strains of live lactic acid bacillus. By introducing large quantities of live lactic acid bacillus into the intestines, we suppress the growth of pathogenic pyogenic flora. This has a normalizing effect on the percentage of colonies of different species in the intestinal microflora. This normalization is also necessary because every person has dysbiosis to one degree or another and always needs to improve their intestinal microflora.

    Day 3 of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas.

    Drink alkaline water three times a day. Diet: fresh whey, fresh homemade cottage cheese.

    In the evening, a cleansing therapeutic enema using soda water.


    To improve the liver health, fresh cottage cheese is introduced into the diet.

    4th day of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas.

    Drink alkaline water three times a day. Diet: fresh whey, cottage cheese, vegetable broths, soups, vegetable and fruit purees, salads.

    In the evening, a cleansing therapeutic enema using soda water.


    To improve the health of the body, vegetable broths, soups, vegetable and fruit purees, and salads are introduced into the diet.

    5th day of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas.

    Drink alkaline water three times a day. Diet: fresh whey, cottage cheese, vegetable broths, soups, vegetable and fruit purees, salads, fish.

    In the evening, a cleansing therapeutic enema using soda water.


    To improve the health of the body, fish is introduced into the diet.

    Days 6 and 7 of the first week of bowel cleansing with enemas

    Do not drink alkaline water. You can eat all the products you want.

    Walk a lot in the fresh air.

    In the evening, a cleansing therapeutic enema using soda water.

    From the second Monday– the second week of bowel cleansing with enemas using an infusion of chamomile flowers. But cleansing enemas are carried out every other day, and all dietary treatments are repeated.

    From the third Monday - third week of bowel cleansing with enemas using an infusion of St. John's wort. But cleansing enemas are carried out after two days, and all dietary treatments are repeated.

    From the fourth Monday– the fourth week of bowel cleansing using enemas with an infusion of yarrow flowers. But cleansing enemas are carried out after three days, and all dietary treatments are repeated.

    From the fifth Monday– fifth week of colon cleansing with soda water enemas. But cleansing enemas are carried out once a week, and all dietary treatments are repeated.

    This method of intestinal cleansing performs many important tasks: to relieve and regulate the flora of the digestive tract, to improve the health of the digestive organs, to improve the condition of the blood and endocrine system, that is, to restore the acid-base balance of the body. After all, we must not forget that every meal, especially fatty, high-calorie food, is a biochemical poisoning of the body, to overcome which it devotes a lot of strength and energy.

    Colon cleansers

    Fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. They are useful to use as a medicinal base for seeding the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Regular consumption of fermented milk products is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract due to its ability to stop inflammation of the mucous membrane, stop numerous digestive disorders, and increase appetite. Fermented milk products help normalize beneficial intestinal microflora after treatment with antibiotics, especially in combination with bacterial drugs.

    Spinach is a real “vitamin champion”, “stomach broom”. In terms of protein content, spinach is not inferior to legumes, which are considered a pantry of protein. Spinach is a recognized remedy for revitalizing the entire digestive tract. 100 ml of spinach juice mixed with an equal amount of alkaline water and drunk twice a day is extremely beneficial for a person.

    All types of zucchini are the most excellent vegetable for people suffering from various diseases. Zucchini is easily digested, helps remove excess fluid, absorbs toxic substances, excess cholesterol and removes them from the body. Delicate fiber and a small amount of organic acids in the pulp of zucchini provide a gradual increase in the motor function of the intestines, bile ducts and gallbladder, increased secretion of juices by the liver, pancreas and glands of the stomach and intestines, and have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. Zucchini has an amazing choleretic effect and empties the gallbladder and removes excess cholesterol. For patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially in the acute stage, it is better to take steamed or boiled zucchini. After taking the drug, the patient’s symptoms of an “irritable” stomach and intestines disappear (nausea, pain and bloating, belching, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth), appetite and food digestibility improve. Freshly prepared zucchini juice is drunk with alkaline water to taste, starting with 1 tbsp. l. 1–2 times a day and gradually increasing its volume to 1.5–2 glasses per day, taken in equal parts 3–4 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5–2 months. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after 10–15 days.

    Liver cleansing

    Having freed the intestines from toxic “deposits” and rid the blood of intestinal intoxication, you can begin to cleanse the liver. It is useful to carry it out after the intestines have been cleansed. Otherwise, there is a danger of repeated blood intoxication due to the absorption of stagnant waste from the cleansing liver.

    Liver functions

    It is very important to have breakfast before 7 am, because there is a “flap” called the sphincter of Oddi, which is ready to open and release the toxic bile of the night even if a small amount of liquid enters the digestive system. This process occurs from 5 to 7 am. This first breakfast can be anything that is easy to prepare, but it is better if it is 1/2 - 2/3 cup of melted alkaline water (1/5 tsp of baking soda per 200 ml of melted water). It can also be a cup of fireweed tea with honey to taste. We should not forget that the process of morning bile elimination is extremely important, because in its absence, the bile that absorbs toxins at night remains in us and poisons the body throughout the day. By developing the habit of “having breakfast” for the first time before 7 am, we protect the liver, and the entire body, from various diseases.

    The second most important condition for normal liver function is split (multiple) meals. This is again due to the biological rhythm of the body. He needs a discharge of bile every 2 hours, which occurs during the digestion process. To do this, it is enough to eat a small cracker or several slices of dried soaked apples, raisins, etc.

    Eating 7–8 meals a day also has a positive effect on the normalization of the acid-base balance of the body.

    Preparing for a Liver Cleanse

    Before performing a liver cleansing procedure, it is necessary to do an ultrasound (ultrasound) to make sure that there are no very large stones that could block the bile ducts. After the ultrasound, you need to prepare the liver for cleansing. If 3-4 days before cleansing you eat mainly plant foods, drink a large amount of freshly squeezed juices from equal parts by volume of red beets, carrots, cucumbers, spinach - your preliminary preparation will be ideal.

    Cleansing technique

    3 tbsp. Rinse unseasoned oats with skins well with warm running water, pour into a five-liter enamel pan, add 3 tbsp. l. birch buds and 1/2 tbsp. l. leaves of large plantain, chicory, motherwort, lingonberry, pour 4 liters of cold melt water and leave in a cool place for one day, shaking the contents periodically. In another enamel pan, boil 1 liter of melt water. Wash in cold water and mash 1 tbsp. dry black currant berries, pour them into boiling water. Boil for no more than 10 minutes, remove from heat and let steep for 1 day in a cool place.

    Place the infusion of oats with birch buds and a collection of alkalizing medicinal plants on the fire, close the lid and boil for 15 minutes over moderate heat. Then, stirring, add 3 tbsp. l. knotweed herb (its other name is bird knotweed) and 2 tbsp. l. corn silk, 1 tbsp. l. flowering herb St. John's wort, early spring birch leaves, peppermint leaves, calendula flowers, meadowsweet. Boil all this for another 15 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for 45 minutes. Without shaking, filter both infusions separately through cheesecloth in one layer in a colander. Then connect them. You should end up with 3–3.5 liters of broth, since some of the liquid will be absorbed by oats, herbs, and black currants.

    The finished decoction must be poured into dark glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days. It should be taken immediately after preparation. Be sure to warm each subsequent portion of the infusion taken from the refrigerator to a warm state before use, add honey to taste.

    You have a portion to “wash” the liver of an adult. Take 150 ml of the infusion (purchase a special beaker at the pharmacy) 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The last appointment should be no later than 19:00 local time. For children under 3 years old, give 1 tsp. l., from 3 to 5 years - 1 tbsp. l., from 5 to 10 years - 25 ml, over 10 years - 50 ml. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    Then you need to take a break for two weeks, during which you will continue treatment, taking vegetable juices and herbal infusions.

    Then proceed to the next liver cleansing remedy.

    Grind in a meat grinder and mix:

    1. Carrots that have lain for at least 1 month after being removed from the ground - 1 kg.

    2. Seedless raisins – 1 kg.

    The mass is poured 10 tbsp. boiled melt water, make a mark, add another 10 tbsp. Over low heat (or if you have the patience, it’s better in a “water bath”), evaporate to the mark, filter. Store in the refrigerator. The taste and aroma are amazing. Take one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, instead of breakfast, with honey to taste. The next meal is the usual one, only at lunch.

    Kidney and bladder cleansing

    1 tbsp. boil beans in 1 liter of water over low heat with the lid closed for 2 hours. Then drain the water, crush the beans and eat throughout the day, washing down with the drained water. This is the only food for the day. No salt is added. Boiled melt water is not limited. You need to maintain this diet for 7 days.

    In a large black radish, previously washed, cut off the top and cut a large hole. Pour honey there. Cover the top of the hole with the remaining top. You need to “infuse” such a radish overnight, and drink the juice that has been released the next morning. 2-3 tbsp is enough. l. 2 times a day.

    Peel, wash and cook several beets. You need to cook the beets until they turn into syrup. Drink 3/4 tbsp. of this syrup 4 times a day.

    Joint cleansing

    Treatment with black radish juice is extremely beneficial. This remedy will cleanse all corners of your body: salt deposits in the joints, sand and stones in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, lymphs, bronchi, everything will be removed from cells and organs - both healthy and sick.

    Rinse 10 kg of black radish. Remove the affected areas without peeling. Make juice. Store it tightly closed in a glass jar only in the refrigerator! It should be taken 3 times a day, 30 ml before meals, slowly, in small sips, retaining the juice in the mouth as much as possible.

    During the period of cleansing with radish juice, the diet should be vegetarian. Due to the fact that a total cleansing of the body occurs, pain may occur. This is normal during the cleaning process. Drink all the juice from 10 kg of black radish.

    After such cleaning, many cruel and difficult-to-treat (according to official medicine) diseases disappear without a trace. The salts come out unnoticed, but the cleansing effect is enormous. Procedures should be carried out 1–2 times a year.

    Careful restoration of the body's acid-base balance

    1st month – mineral water without gas such as “Narzan”, etc., 1 l.

    2-3 general alkaline baths per week, 30-60 minutes (500 g baking soda per full bath).

    From time to time, alkaline socks at night (dissolve 50 g of baking soda in a glass of hot water, soak socks in this water, squeeze).

    2-3 alkaline foot baths during the day, 30 minutes (100 g baking soda per foot bath).

    Minerals 3 tsp. during the day.

    1–1.5 liters of melt water during the day. The pH of melt water is almost the same as the pH of human blood. Drinking melt water with a pH above 6.5–7 increases life expectancy by 20–30%.

    From the second to the sixth months. 0.5–1 liter of herbal tea daily during the day (1 tsp of dry crushed early spring birch leaves, meadowsweet flowers, calendula, linden, chamomile, peppermint herb, St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm leaves (collect before lemon balm blooms ), fireweed, take in equal parts by volume, leave in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain).

    2 general alkaline baths per week, 30–60 min.

    Occasionally alkaline socks at night.

    Minerals 2 tsp. in a day.

    1 liter of melt water during the day.

    For a long time. 1–1.5 liters of herbal tea during the day.

    1 alkaline foot bath, 30 min.

    1–2 general alkaline baths per week, 30–60 min.

    Alkaline socks 1-2 times a week.

    Minerals 1–3 tsp. daily.

    1 liter of melt water during the day.

    Minerals: royal jelly, pollen, spirulina, algae, etc.

    Enhanced restoration of the body's acid-base balance

    From the first to the third months. 1–1.5 liters of herbal tea (1 teaspoon of dry crushed early spring birch leaves, meadowsweet flowers, calendula, linden, chamomile, peppermint herb, St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm leaves (collect before lemon balm blooms), fireweed, take in equal parts by volume, leave in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain) during the day.

    General alkaline bath for 30–60 minutes daily.

    2–3 alkaline foot baths, 30 min.

    Minerals 3–5 tsp. in a day.

    1.5 liters of melt water during the day.

    From the fourth to the sixth months. 1–1.5 liters of herbal tea during the day.

    2 general alkaline baths per week, 30–60 minutes every night.

    1 alkaline foot bath, 30 min.

    Minerals 3 tsp. in a day.

    1.5–2 liters of melt water during the day.

    Minerals: royal jelly, pollen, spirulina, algae, etc.

    Diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas

    How to treat hepatitis C with lemon juice and baking soda. Add 1 tsp to a glass of juice from one lemon. baking soda. Mix thoroughly and drink after 5 minutes. It is best to do this in the morning, about 1 hour before breakfast. The course of treatment is 3 days. After a 4-day break it should be repeated.

    To protect the liver from barbiturates, mix equal parts of the herb wormwood (chernobyl) and the flowering tops of heather; 1 tbsp. l. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling alkaline water (1/4 tsp baking soda per 200 ml of water). Drink before bed.


    2 tbsp. l. leaves or 1 tbsp. l. birch buds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, add a little baking soda to dissolve the resinous substances, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Drink 1/2 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. Improves bile secretion.

    For jaundice and gallstones, you need to prepare a mixture of 4 parts by weight of soda, 1 part table salt and 1 part Glauber's salt, 1/2 tsp. Dissolve the mixture in 1/2 tbsp. water and take in this proportion in the morning on an empty stomach and before lunch for jaundice and gallstones.

    Treatment with mineral waters

    For cholelithiasis, it is recommended to drink mineral waters “Essentuki” No. 4, No. 17, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanskaya”, “Goryacheklyuchevskaya” and similar waters from other resorts.

    Drink them as prescribed by the doctor, 3/4 tbsp. 3 times a day for 1–1.5 months per course. Take two courses a year in between herbal treatments. For high acidity, 40 minutes before meals, for low acidity, 15–30 minutes, warm.

    The best for the treatment of urolithiasis and gallstone diseases is the mineral water of the Ukrainian resort “Truskavets” called “Naftusya” and similar mineral waters, for example “Krasnodarskaya”.

    Gentle dissolution of gallstones

    Antispasmodic tea: a drop of rose oil in a glass of hot mineral water “Naftusya” or similar mineral water, for example “Krasnodarskaya”;

    Or the following infusion: field lavender, rose (flower petals), lemon balm (herb). Mix in equal parts - 1 tsp. – and brew a glass of hot alkaline mineral water. Infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours. On the day of treatment, do not eat anything. Take a glass of the above tea or infusion 3 times a day until 20 hours.

    At 20 o'clock, drink 10 g of sorbitol dissolved in 1/2 tbsp. hot water. Place a heating pad with hot water on the right hypochondrium, after 45 minutes drink 1/2 tbsp. hot weak mineral water (Narzan, Essentuki No. 20, Goryacheklyuchevskaya), diluting 40 g of Epsom salt in it. Lie down with a heating pad for another 30 minutes. After this, drink 1/3 cup of a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 1:3. Drink a raw egg with 1/3 glass of antispasmodic tea. Lie down with a heating pad for another 2 hours and go to bed. In the morning the stones come off.

    For large stones, such cleanings should be done 2-3 times a month, this will contribute to the gradual dissolution of the stones.

    Take 20 g of alder bark, pour in 0.5 liters of alkaline water (1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per 200 ml of water), boil for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day. Take 4 days.

    Take 50 g of sloe root (without the top layer), pour in 0.75 liters of alkaline water, cook until 0.5 liters remain. Drink a glass before meals. The course of treatment is 5 days, then again drink a decoction of alder bark.

    Take 4 tbsp. l. leaves and young shoots of barberry, boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of alkaline water. Drink throughout the day instead of water.

    Take 4 tbsp. l. carrot leaves, cook for 10 minutes in 1 liter of alkaline water. Drink instead of water if you have jaundice.

    For jaundice in children, take 3–5 pcs. red juniper fruits, chop, pour in 0.25 liters of alkaline water, bring to a boil. Drink 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

    Take equal parts of the leaves of the hoofweed and the inflorescences of the immortelle. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling alkaline water into the mixture. Drink 2–3 tbsp. infusion per day.

    Mix the juice from 2 lemons with the juice from 2 heads of garlic, add 1 tsp. baking soda. Take 1 tsp. 2 hours after eating.

    Take 15 g of flowering tops of toadflax and immortelle inflorescences, 10 g of corn silks, 1 tsp. baking soda, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew. Drink a little throughout the day.

    Hepatalgia, pain in the liver area

    Take 100 pcs. Noble laurel leaves, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 liters of alkaline water (1/4 tsp baking soda per 200 ml of water), 50 ml of raspberry juice. Boil until reduced by 1/3. Drink a warm coffee cup before bed.

    Take 25 g of barley straw, 3 g of wormwood herb, 1 tbsp. l. honey; pour 1 liter of alkaline water and leave until morning. In the morning, cook for 5 minutes. Drink 2 tbsp. l. in the evenings.

    Take 2 g of St. John's wort and yarrow herbs, sage leaves and thorn roots, pour 1 liter of alkaline water, boil for 5 minutes. Drink a warm cup in the morning.

    Liver and gallbladder diseases

    Take 15 g of mint leaves and 5 g of European euonymus leaves. 2 tsp. mixture and 1/4 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over baking soda and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 tbsp before meals. in a day.

    Other indications: dyspepsia.

    Hepatomegaly, enlarged liver

    For 100–150 pcs. bay leaf take 5 tbsp. l. honey, pour 0.5 liters of alkaline water (1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per 200 ml of water) and cook until reduced by more than half. Strain, drink 1 warm coffee cup before bed and immediately go to bed.


    Milk (not boiled) should be drunk hot when treating diabetes, and take 1/4 tsp per glass of milk. soda, take 4 times a day.

    There are many food and medicinal plants known to lower blood sugar levels. But, in terms of stability of impact, none of these plants compares with cinnamon. This spice contains a substance that lowers sugar levels in diabetes of any type.

    The cinnamon infusion is made as follows: 1 tsp. soda (baking) and 3 tbsp. l. cinnamon - pour 1 liter of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 20 minutes, remove and strain. Store the infusion in the refrigerator. You need to take it several times a day, little by little. So, to drink about 1 liter per day.

    In the complex treatment of children with diabetes, the use of various mineral waters is of great importance. Carbonated hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium mineral waters of the resorts Borjomi, Java, Jermuk, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Mirgorod, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets, etc. are recommended. Mineral waters of different compositions have a positive effect on the patient’s carbohydrate metabolism, help increase alkaline blood reserves, eliminating accumulation under-oxidized metabolic products. Positive changes occur in the metabolism of lipids and microelements.

    Mineral water is prescribed at a rate of 3–5 ml/kg 2–3 times a day. If the secretion and acidity of gastric juice is reduced, then water is taken 10–30 minutes before meals. With normal secretory function of the stomach, mineral water is drunk 45 minutes before meals, and with increased secretion - 1.5 hours before meals. The course of drinking treatment begins on the 2-3rd day of stay in the sanatorium. In the first days, 0.5–0.75 single doses are given; in the next 3–4 days, the dose is adjusted to the optimal dose. Children are prescribed from 100 to 150–180 ml of mineral water per appointment. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    Other methods of internal use of mineral waters are also possible: duodenal tubage, microenemas. Duodenal drainage (tubage) is prescribed for concomitant diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The patient on an empty stomach drinks an age-appropriate dose of mineral water (temperature 40–45 °C) with the addition of 5–10 g of magnesium sulfate, depending on the age of the child, lies on the right side, placing a warm heating pad under the liver area. The child remains in this position for up to an hour.

    Rectal administration of alkaline mineral water is recommended for children during the period of ketoacidosis, usually through microenemas and intestinal irrigation.

    After a cleansing enema, mineral water at a temperature of 38–40 °C is injected in an amount of 3 ml/kg using a special syringe and rubber tube. The procedures are carried out every 1–2 days, the course is 5–8 procedures.

    The collection of plants is very effective: alder leaf (0.5 tbsp), stinging nettle flowers (1 tbsp), quinoa leaves (2 tbsp) per 1 tbsp. water, mix everything and let it brew for 4-5 days in the light, add a pinch of soda. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals, in the evening before bed.

    A glass of freshly squeezed beet juice, slightly warmed, mixed with 1 tsp. soda Leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

    1 tbsp. l. dry blueberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 30–40 minutes. Strain, add soda at the tip of a knife, and stir. Drink 1/2 cup of the mixture 4-5 times a day.

    Pour 5 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. walnut partitions, leave in a water bath for 1 hour. Strain the broth, dissolve 1/2 tsp in it. soda Use 1 tsp. before meals 3-4 times a day.

    Take 20 g of eleutherococcus roots and boil for 10 minutes in a glass of alkaline water (1/4 tsp baking soda per 200 ml of water). Take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks, then take a week break and repeat the course. Store the decoction in a dark glass bottle.

    Take 30 g of rosehip seeds, fry and grind into powder, pour in 1 liter of alkaline water and cook until 0.5 liter remains, strain, add 2 tbsp. l. honey and juice of one lemon. Drink a little throughout the day.

    Take 4 tbsp. l. nettle roots and cook for half an hour in 1 liter of alkaline water. Drink instead of water.

    Take 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds, pour 100 ml of boiling alkaline water; when it cools down, add 100 ml of boiled alkaline water. Drink three such doses per day.

    Take mulberry root bark and grind into powder; 2 tbsp. l. Boil the powder for 1.5–2 hours in 0.25 liters of alkaline water, adding hot alkaline water from time to time so that the amount of liquid is at least a glass. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3–4 times a day.

    Take 1 tbsp. l. corn silks, grind them into a very fine powder, pour in 1 liter of boiling alkaline water, let it brew. Drink throughout the day instead of water. You can take other medications at the same time.

    Take 250 g of oat seeds and 30 g of barley straw, pour 2 liters of cold alkaline water, leave overnight. In the morning, cook for 30 minutes, strain. Drink throughout the day instead of water, adding a few drops of lemon juice.

    To relieve diabetes, take 1 tbsp. l. Stinging nettle roots and great plantain leaves, boil for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of alkaline water. Drink 150 ml 2 hours after meals, adding 1 tsp to each serving of decoction. crushed millet.

    Take 90 g of wholemeal, add 0.9 liters of alkaline water and cook for 1 hour, remove from heat, add 2 tbsp. l. cherry or raspberry syrup, 3 tbsp. l. ground nuts, 1 tbsp. l. mulberry leaf powder, salt. Eat 300 g of the mixture 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. Take medicinal teas at the same time.


    It is recommended to eliminate pain in the gallbladder area caused by lifting weights by taking freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon, dissolving 1/2 tsp in it. baking soda.

    One of the most effective plants used in the treatment of liver diseases is birch. An infusion of its leaves and buds is used to improve bile secretion. It is necessary to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. chopped leaves or 1 tbsp. l. kidneys, add a little baking soda to dissolve the resinous substances, and leave for 1 hour. After this, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. 4 times a day 20–30 minutes before meals.

    Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, increased thyroid function

    Collect fresh black elderberry leaves, steam them, squeeze them, make a compress in the evening on the thyroid gland area, arrange the leaves in five layers, sprinkle with baking soda, cover with newspaper, and flannel on top.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice

    Prepare a mixture of peppermint leaves (15 g), three-leaf leaves (2 g), yarrow inflorescences (15 g), dill seeds (15 g), St. John's wort (30 g). Pour 2 tbsp. l. prepared mixture and 1/4 tsp. baking soda 2 tbsp. boiling water and evaporate for 2 hours, then strain well. Drink the decoction during the day if there is increased acidity of gastric juice, accompanied by constipation and belching. The course of treatment should last 2 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after a month.

    Licorice normalizes acidity. 10 g crushed licorice root and 1/5 tsp. baking soda is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes, filtered, squeezed and adjusted to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day for hyperacid gastritis.

    Prepare a mixture of celandine herb (1 part), chamomile flowers (2 parts), yarrow herb and St. John's wort (2 parts each). 1 tbsp. l. mixture and 1/5 tsp. Pour baking soda into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 tbsp. 3 times a day 20–30 minutes before meals.

    Mix in the indicated proportions crushed flax seeds - 10 g, yarrow herb, chamomile inflorescences - 20 g each. Four tbsp. l. mixture and 1/5 tsp. baking soda pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1/2 tbsp. infusion 4-5 times a day.

    End of free trial.

    I dedicate this to my son Dmitry, who helps me in my work.

    From the author

    Among various nutritional and therapeutic agents useful to humans, baking soda occupies a special place. Healing preparations with soda have long been used for the treatment and prevention of numerous human diseases, ranging from a simple runny nose to such widespread and quite dangerous as cardiovascular disorders, nervous, skin, gastrointestinal and other diseases, even malignant neoplasms. It's safe to say that soda potentially contains more healing powers than many synthetic drugs.

    Soda and the drugs obtained with it have significant advantages - they have a much gentler effect on the human body than synthetic drugs, are better tolerated, cause adverse allergic reactions much less often and, as a rule, do not have cumulative properties (do not accumulate in the body).

    Without any doubt, soda is Nature's greatest Gift.

    Availability, ease of preparation, ease of use, and the absence of undesirable effects give a person the opportunity to widely use the medicinal properties of soda in everyday life and include it in their home pharmacy.

    I hope that the presented work will provide a good service at the right time.

    Healing soda

    Soda was known to man approximately one and a half to two thousand years BC, and perhaps even earlier. It was extracted from soda lakes.

    The first information about the production of soda by evaporating water from soda lakes is given in the work of the Roman physician Dioscorides.

    Avicenna wrote: “Human urine mixed with natural soda should be poured over the place bitten by a dog, and every bite and injection.

    Fenugreek in the form of a medicinal dressing with soda is useful for hardening of the spleen.

    Frankincense powder is mixed with baking soda. This mixture clears dandruff and dries out scalp ulcers.

    Wash the body against itching with sulfur powder, vinegar and soda.

    Rue and soda are used against warts.

    Black pepper and soda cause weight loss.

    If you boil pumpkin juice with honey and put soda in it, it softens the stomach.

    Nigella sativa is useful for “standing breathing” if you drink it with soda.”

    The outstanding physician of the Middle Ages A. Amasiatsi wrote: “The best type is white soda. Has cleansing properties. It removes freckles as well as rashes from the face. If you wash your body with an aqueous solution, it will destroy lice. It also helps with eyesores. Liquefies thick moisture. If you apply a poultice, the swelling of the spleen will resolve. And if you do an enema mixed with fig juice, it will help with colic. If you lubricate the penis in a mixture with oil or honey, it will induce sexual desire. Soda removes wind from the hernial sac. If you lubricate the hernia in a mixture with azhgon and cabbage juice, it will remove water from it. And its substitute is borax.”

    In the old “Herbalism” we read: “Soda, mixed half and half with cream and poured into the eyes in the evenings, is a sure remedy for driving away the eyesore.

    For scrofula, wash the sore spot with soda and soap, adding a little milk.

    For thrush, mix soda in half with juice squeezed from some sour berries or sour garden fruits, and in their absence with the most sour kvass, boil it until, with the addition of rosehip flowers, until half boils away, after which, strain and sweeten a little honey, keep it in your mouth often.

    For a baby with an abscess, apply grated carrots mixed with soda and cream five times a day.

    With hourly vomiting, pain under the spoon, that is, in the stomach, dry mouth, lips and legs turn blue from poisoning with poisons: white mercury, sublimate, lead salt, red lead, arsenic, etc.: take 2 pounds of soda, pour 2 pounds on it damask water and cook quickly, then drain the clean soda water and give it a large glass every half a quarter of an hour, wash it down with a glass of fresh milk and continue this until the poison in the stomach disappears.

    In persistent circumstances, when urine stops, the patient should be placed waist-deep in a lukewarm bath for 4 hours, which will be more beneficial if a lot of chamomile flowers and a sufficient amount of soda are added to it.

    For ulcers on the legs, it is useful to wash the ulcers 3 times a day with soda water, and then cover the wound with clean dry lint.”

    They learned to make artificial soda only in the 18th century. The first industrial method of producing soda originated in Russia. In 1764, the Russian chemist, Swedish-born academician Erik Gustav Laxman reported that soda can be obtained by sintering natural sodium sulfate with charcoal.

    In 1791, the French physician and chemist-technologist Nicolas Leblanc, knowing nothing about Laxman’s method, received a patent for the “Method of converting Glauber’s salt into soda.” Leblanc proposed fusing a mixture of sodium sulfate, chalk (calcium carbonate) and charcoal to produce soda. Leblanc soda production technology began to be used in many European countries. The first soda plant of this type in Russia was founded by the industrialist M. Prang and appeared in Barnaul in 1864. But a few years later, in the area of ​​the present city of Berezniki, a large soda plant of the Lyubimov, Solve and Co. company was built, where 20 thousand were produced. tons of soda per year. This plant used a new technology for the production of soda - the ammonia method, invented by the Belgian chemical engineer Ernesto Solvay. The advantages of the ammonia method over the LeBlanc method were the production of cleaner soda, less pollution and fuel economy (since the temperature is lower).

    Now the world produces several million tons of soda per year.

    Sodium carbonate is used in glassmaking (this is a component of the charge - a mixture of starting materials from which glass is melted), for the production of soap and other detergents, in the pulp and paper industry (for pulping). A lot of soda is consumed in the technological process of producing aluminum; it is soda that is used to process the raw material of the aluminum industry - bauxite. Sodium carbonate neutralizes acids in industrial wastewater, including during the purification of petroleum products, and precipitates insoluble carbonates and hydroxides from salt solutions, which after calcination are used as pigments.

    Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) also has its uses - it serves as a source of carbon dioxide when baking bread and confectionery, carbonated drinks, and also in fire extinguishers. In addition, baking soda still takes its rightful place in the home medicine cabinet as one of the simplest and cheapest, but very necessary medicines.

    There is evidence that E.I. Roerich highly valued the healing properties of soda.

    In a letter dated January 1, 1935, E.I. Roerich wrote: “In general, the Lord strongly advises everyone to get into the habit of taking soda twice a day. This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer” (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 3, p. 74).

    January 4, 1935: “I take it daily, sometimes under severe stress, up to eight times a day, a coffee spoon. And I just pour it on my tongue and wash it down with water. Hot, but not boiled milk with soda also works remarkably well for all colds and central tensions” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 75).

    “It’s good to give soda in hot milk to children” (P6, 20, 1).

    July 18, 1935: “Then I advise you to take bicarbonate of soda twice a day. For pain in the epigastric region (tension in the solar plexus), baking soda is indispensable. And in general, soda is the most beneficial remedy, it protects against all sorts of diseases, starting from cancer, but you need to accustom yourself to take it every day without skipping... Also, for an aching and burning throat, hot milk, but not boiled, is indispensable, as well as with soda. The usual proportion is a coffee spoon per glass. I highly recommend soda to everyone. Also, make sure that the stomach is not burdened and the intestines are clean” (P, 06/18/35).

    The Great Teacher advises the daily intake of soda twice a day to all people: “It is right that you do not forget the meaning of soda. It was not without reason that it was called the ashes of the Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given medicines sent for the needs of all mankind. You should remember about soda not only in illness, but also in prosperity. As a connection with fiery actions, she is a shield from the darkness of destruction. But the body should be accustomed to it for a long time. Every day you need to take it with water or milk; When accepting it, you need to direct it, as it were, to the nerve centers. This way immunity can be gradually introduced.” (Fiery World, 2, 461).

    “To ease diabetes, take soda... milk with soda is always good...” (Fiery World, 3, 536).

    “The phenomenon of overflowing with psychic energy causes many symptoms both in the limbs and in the throat and stomach. Soda is useful to cause discharge, as well as hot milk...” (Heart, 88).

    “For irritation and anxiety, I recommend milk in all forms, as a common antidote. Soda strengthens the effect of milk” (P. 534). “When there is anxiety, first of all, malnutrition and valerian, and, of course, milk and soda” (Heart, 548).

    (Cure for cough) “...Musk and hot milk will be a good preservative. Just as cold milk does not unite with the tissues, just as hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers...” (Fiery World, 1, 58).

    “Soda is useful and its meaning is so close to fire. The soda fields themselves were called the ashes of the Great Fire. So in ancient times people already knew the characteristics of soda. The surface of the Earth is covered with soda for widespread use” (Fiery World, 3, 595).

    “Constipation is treated in various ways, overlooking the simplest and most natural one, namely: simple baking soda with hot milk. In this case, the metal sodium acts. Soda is given for widespread use by people. But they don’t know about this and often use harmful and irritating drugs” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 327).

    “Fiery tension is reflected in some functions of the body. So, in this case, for the proper functioning of the intestines, soda taken in hot milk is necessary... Soda is good because it does not cause intestinal irritation” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 11, 515).

    “To the usual cleansing of the intestines, you can add regular intake of baking soda, which has the ability to neutralize many poisons...” (Faces of Agni Yoga, 12, 147. M.A.Y.).

    On June 1, 1936, Helena Roerich wrote: “But soda has received universal recognition, and now it is popular especially in America, where it is used against almost all diseases... We are instructed to take soda twice a day, just like valerian, not missing a single day. Soda prevents many diseases, including even cancer” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 147).

    Thus, the fact that cancer can be fought with ordinary baking soda was known at the beginning of the last century.

    June 8, 1936: “In general, soda is useful for almost all diseases and is a preservative against many diseases, so do not be afraid to take it, just like valerian” (Letters, vol. 2, p. 215).

    “This is an amazing protective remedy against many serious diseases, in particular cancer. I heard about a case of healing an old external cancer by covering it with soda. When we remember that soda is included as the main ingredient in the composition of our blood, its beneficial effect becomes clear. During fiery phenomena, soda is indispensable” (Letters 3, 19, 1).

    About the doses of E.I. Roerich wrote: “The dose of soda for a boy (diabetic at 11 years old) is a quarter of a teaspoon four times a day” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 74).

    “One English doctor... used simple soda for all sorts of inflammatory and cold diseases, including pneumonia. Moreover, he gave it in fairly large doses, almost a teaspoon up to four times a day per glass of milk or water. Of course, an English teaspoon is smaller than our Russian one. My family uses hot milk with soda for all colds, especially laryngitis and croupous cough. Put a teaspoon of soda on a cup of milk” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 116). “If you haven’t taken soda yet, then start in small doses, half a coffee spoon twice a day. Gradually it will be possible to increase this dose. Personally, I take two to three full coffee spoons daily. For pain in the solar plexus and heaviness in the stomach, I take much more. But you should always start with small doses” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 309).

    The benefits of soda for plants are stated: “In the morning, you can water the plants by adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset you need to water it with a solution of valerian” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 387).

    Human food “does not require acid from artificial preparations” (Agni Yoga, paragraph 442), i.e. The dangers of artificial acids are clearly stated, but artificial alkalis (soda and potassium bicarbonate) are much healthier than potassium chloride and orotate.

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