• Where do they start teaching kids for school? How to prepare your child for school: useful tips. Helpers: primers and albums for speech development


    Most school psychologists put forward four criteria for readiness to learn:

    • Personal – developed if the educational institution attracts not only the opportunity to see friends every day, new beautiful notebooks and pens, but also the desire to learn something new and become smarter.
    • Intellectual means competent, coherent speech, the ability to listen to the teacher, and the presence of certain knowledge and outlook.
    • Social-psychological – includes the ability to communicate, the ability to concentrate on a lesson.
    • Physiological – absence of developmental disabilities, physical health and psychological stability.

    Children who attend kindergarten experience the first period of school easier than those at home. This is due to the fact that from the age of three and a half, teachers begin to teach them basic things, and by the first grade, kindergarteners have a certain amount of knowledge.

    If parents work with their future student on their own, there is nothing to worry about. Gradual training of the skills necessary for learning at the initial stage will allow your son or daughter not only to feel confident among other children, but will also help develop an interest in learning.

    Reminders on how to prepare your child for school yourself

    The tasks that the school psychologist offers during consultation will help you understand what level of development the child is at. This is a mandatory stage, for the successful completion of which you need to work with the child for a long time.

    Educational activities

    Moms and dads should remember: your baby may not be able to do something. Don't put too much strain on your young head. The school is designed to tell the child about a huge number of things, broaden his horizons, and teach him how to live and work in a team.

    However, there is a set of basic knowledge that a first-grader must possess:

    • Full names, yours and your parents'.
    • Address. Country, city, street and house in which he lives.
    • Famous plants, animals and birds. The child must distinguish between popular plants and animals, distinguish a cactus from a chamomile, a fox from a tiger. A person who checks readiness for school may ask if there are any pets at home, ask to tell about a cat, a dog, a parrot. He can also find out which animal or plant the examinee likes most and ask why.
    • Time. It is advisable that the first grader knows how to handle a watch. The main thing is that he distinguishes day from night, evening from morning. One of the options for the task: “Arrange the pictures in the correct order.” Most often they depict the daily routine.
    • Geometric figures. Before entering school, most children know how to cut out a circle, triangle, or square. In addition, they are required to correlate objects by shape: the roof of the house looks like a triangle, and the house itself looks like a square.
    • Colors. Boys and girls in preschool age learn not only the basic shades, but the number of colors in the rainbow and the order of their arrangement. Parents need to teach their child to draw basic pictures, choose the right colors for the image: the sun is yellow, the grass is green, and the bunny is white.
    • Numbers. It is not necessary to teach the rules of subtraction and addition; the teacher will do this. Better teach how to count from 1 to 20 and back.
    • Seasons, months, days of the week. During preparation, children should not only name them, but also know the number and place them in the correct order.
    • Popular holidays. The psychologist may ask which one is your favorite. The kid must answer and tell why he chose this option.
    • The structure of the human body. Drawing a person is a common task when entering school.
    • Distinguish between living and nonliving.

    • Basic traffic rules: “You can’t cross the road when it’s red,” “You can’t cross railroad tracks.” In a game form, a school worker can test this knowledge. For example, clarifying who is right, the green bunny who is waiting or the squirrel who is running in front of a moving car.
    • Reading by syllables. If your child doesn’t know how to read, it’s not a big deal – they’ll teach you at school. However, this skill will greatly facilitate his learning in the future, and all other subjects will be easier.
    • Retelling. Developing speech skills is one of the main tasks when entering first grade. At the beginning of the school year, the child must understand the meaning of short stories and arrange sentences in a logical chain.
    • Memory. Several pictures are placed in front of the preschooler, he looks at them for a while, then they are turned over. The more details he remembers, the better. We need to reproduce the plot and tell what is depicted there.

    Often school psychologists give tasks to identify unnecessary things. There are a large number of entertaining tutorials on which you can practice this skill, but classes can also be carried out using improvised means.

    For example, ask your baby to choose what needs to be put away by offering him several fruits and one vegetable.

    Behavior in society

    Parents of a young schoolchild should think not only about academic performance, but also about how to help him join the class team. We offer recommendations that will help you understand how to quickly prepare your child for school over the summer.

    Develop in it:

    • Independence. Teach your child to dress and tie his own shoelaces, take care of his appearance and change into sportswear before physical education. You can show that he is an adult, an equal, but this status has not only privileges, but also responsibilities. There is no need to collect the briefcase for him; it is better to check when the job is already done. The same goes for homework: try to convey in a gentle manner that keeping a school diary is his business. But don't go too far on this issue. Remember that first of all, the baby should feel your love and support. Let him feel that he has a reliable rear where he can come with any problem, both life and academic.

    • Perseverance. It’s difficult for little ones to readjust after the unemployed years of childhood, and the time of a standard lesson seems like an eternity to them. When exercising with your son or daughter, help them get used to doing an activity for a while, gradually increasing the load. We recommend starting with 15 minutes, and by the beginning of the school year increase the time to half an hour.
    • Friendliness. Tell them why you shouldn’t fight with your classmates and call them names, but don’t forget to add that you need to be able to stand up for yourself. Explain that lying is bad. At the same time, try to convey that in some situations it is necessary to tell adults about what happened. For example, if someone tortures animals or offends the weak.
    • Politeness. Teach your son or daughter the formulas of etiquette communication. Remind that when meeting any person you need to say “hello”, and when saying goodbye “goodbye”, explain about “thank you” and “please”.

    A very important point that you should set your child up on is cultural behavior during recess. He must know that at school he cannot run through the corridors, shout, or climb on furniture with his feet.

    Practitioners working with preschoolers offer several recommendations for those who are growing a future first-grader:

    • Don't compromise the teacher. Even if you disagree with him on some issues, express your dissatisfaction in a personal conversation, and not to your son or daughter. If you feel that due to youth, inexperience or other factors, the teacher cannot cope with the responsibilities assigned to him, try to help him. For example, invite the parent committee to remove some of the social burden from the teachers’ shoulders. Psychologists say that primary and secondary school age is a time of searching for new authority, in addition to parental authority. The middle level looks for it in their peers, and the junior level looks for it in the teacher. Therefore, it is very important for moms and dads not to undermine this authority, but to support it in every possible way. Disappointment with a primary school teacher can greatly shake the personality structure.

    • Talk to your children. Be sure to ask how each school day was. Please note that the conversation should not be limited to listing the grades received and discussing the cafeteria menu. Ask what you liked in the lessons and what you didn’t, what you remembered and what interested you. If you don’t have time, it’s better to move the conversation to the evening or choose another free time, but don’t interrupt it mid-sentence. Children talk about what seems important to them, so the ability to listen and hear your baby is necessary for every adult. In adolescence, parents begin to repeat loudly: “He/she doesn’t tell us anything, brushes aside all questions.” Closedness and distrust of adults develop in schoolchildren in the first years of education if they feel that mom and dad do not have time for their problems and worries. To prevent this from happening in your family, remember that your child will trust you with secrets only if he sees an interest in them.
    • Do not evaluate learning activities. Leave it to the teachers. You should help and support the young student, and not take on the role of a supervisor. If a child cannot cope with some subject, start studying with him, and do not scold him for bad grades.
    • Let me rest. Even if academic performance leaves much to be desired, do not force the “failing student” to study all day long. Allocate time so that there is enough time to complete basic lessons, and for additional exercises, and for the boy to play football in the yard, and for the girl to jump in hopscotch or ride a bicycle. Focus on active, outdoor games that take place in the fresh air. They unload the consciousness, freeing it to accept new knowledge. But computer shooting games and watching cartoons can be reduced until the grades return to normal.
    • Don't read textbooks in advance. There is no need to go over a year's worth of material over the summer with your future first-grader. He will become bored in class and lose interest in learning. If the material is very easy for your child, consult with the class teacher. Schools have several programs of varying complexity: if necessary, the level can be increased.

    • Be mindful of temperament. When choosing a school, pay attention to the type of nervous system of the person who will study there. Choleric people are active and restless, they take criticism hard. For them and for sanguine people, programs of increased complexity are suitable. A wide variety of tasks will not only keep them focused on their studies, but will also help increase interest in school life. For phlegmatic and melancholic people, the fast pace of the lesson will be a difficult test. They get involved in their work gradually, thinking about one task for a long time. Choose a regular school for them, with standard requirements or a focus on one area.
    • Teach by playing. Determine the subject that your little student likes most and expand his horizons in this area, use game techniques. If he shows interest in the world around him, go to parks, zoos, aquariums together, and read more books about animals. If he likes math, count steps, people on the street, steps to the store or to school. If he is interested in stories about the events of the past, put together a family tree, ask your grandparents to tell you something, and the Genealogy House will help you get unique information about your family.

    When preparing your child for school, listen to psychologists and teachers, read methodological and popular scientific literature on this topic, ask for advice from friends who have already passed this stage, but do not try to blindly imitate all the recommendations.

    You know your child like no one else, you understand his strengths and weaknesses. Only you can find the right approach to his home training and understand how best to prepare him. Listen to your heart, but do not forget about the advice of experts.

    Your child is five or six years old and will start school very soon. You need to prepare your child in advance, and if you haven’t done this before, now is the time to do it. It’s good to send your child to courses, but you can prepare your child for school yourself.

    You don’t have to blame everything on the teachers at school, you don’t have to hope that the child will go to school and everything will work out on its own. It is very likely that the classes will be overcrowded, and the teacher simply physically will not be able to pay due attention to your (every) child.

    Look at your child and evaluate him in terms of readiness. So, if a child does not pronounce letters well, then it is necessary to contact a speech therapist before it is too late. If he is often sick, then you need to consult a pediatrician on how to boost his immunity. If the child gets tired quickly, then again, talk to the pediatrician about referral to specific specialists so that you can get the correct diagnosis; perhaps your child needs a gentle physical education regimen.

    So, you have decided to prepare your child for school on your own or in addition to preparation courses, then here are some tips for successful classes:

    • You need to start working with your child in a good mood, this will be passed on to your child;
    • with five-year-olds you need to study for about twenty minutes followed by a break, with six-year-olds for half an hour;
    • at the first stage, the duration of classes depends on the individuality of the child; some will work enthusiastically for a long time, while others will give up after five minutes;
    • do not tire your child with a long activity, even if he is passionate, he will become overtired, change his activity, play with him;
    • If the child gets distracted and starts talking about something else, don’t get annoyed and don’t try to immediately bring him back to the topic of class, keep the conversation going for a while, and then return to class. Some children get distracted often, be patient;
    • take breaks every ten minutes, especially if the child is writing, stretch his fingers and body;
    • Encourage your child’s every success, this will increase his self-confidence and positive attitude towards learning;
    • praise him in front of other family members and friends, the child will want to continue to be successful;
    • end your classes on an optimistic note and get them interested in further classes.

    After classes, the rest of the day, remember the material covered, play with him - how many words he knows that begin with the letter he has covered. Never work with your child under pressure; it will not bring good results, only negative associations.

    Try to interest him; if you can’t do it on your own, then you should send the child to a group. Children do things together that they don’t want to do alone. The main thing is that children need to be encouraged at the first stage. When they are already interested in learning, they will be interested in the process itself, but at the beginning they need to be motivated.

    When the child has his first successes, he must slowly begin to demand results, unobtrusively at first, but in the future the reasonable demands of an adult will only be beneficial.

    Reading training

    When learning to read, many adults make common mistakes that hinder children’s further learning:

    • We teach children not a letter, but a sound, so the letter should be named not as in the alphabet, but as the sound sounds, for example, the letter “N” should be called abruptly - N! And not like two sounds ‘e’ and ‘n’. Do not confuse the concepts of “Sound” and “Letter”.
    • Don't teach your child to read one letter at a time. We need to learn to read syllables at once, for example MA-MA, we read syllable by syllable, if necessary, draw out the first letter of a syllable until we understand which letter is next.

    Learn to write letters correctly

    How can you help a child if he writes letters incorrectly, forgets or confuses them? Check if your child distinguishes between the concepts “right” and “left”. If a child has difficulty writing a letter in the correct direction, most often this is a consequence of unformed concepts of “right” and “left”.

    Ask your child to show his left hand or right ear. Let him tell you what is to his right, and then to his left. If the child cannot cope with the task, explain to him. Work with him until he begins to complete tasks correctly.

    Can your child put together a six-pack? If he has problems of this kind, then it is necessary to develop the child’s visual-spatial analysis. Start with a picture of four cubes. Constructors and mosaics are also useful for this, as they also develop motor skills.

    To help your child remember letters, you can work with him as follows. Let your child color in the large letters that he or she is having trouble with.

    It is also good to sculpt these letters from plasticine or cut out a drawn letter from paper. Compare the letter with another letter similar to it or with something else, let the child come up with what.

    Practice with it until you get the expected result.

    Be patient and attentive and your efforts will definitely yield wonderful results. Good luck to you and your kids!

    If you want to receive information about new articles and video tutorials, subscribe to the “Yandex Feed” mailing list. Thank you!

    Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents! In this section I will publish my activities with children in preparation for school.

    Today, June 1, my “Home School” opened! Why homemade? I conduct classes at my home. I have a private house, in which the largest and most spacious room turns into a study room on the day of classes.

    I also have a fairly large yard for children’s games and a garden plot, which will also play a role in the learning and development of my little students. And most importantly, I have extensive experience in teaching with primary school students and the experience of simply being a mother of three children.

    Were you surprised that my school opened on June 1st, the first day of summer vacation? There is an explanation for this. Firstly, summer holidays are a vacation for school students, and my little students are still preschoolers. Secondly, summer is the time for teachers' vacations. It is at this time that caring parents turn to primary school teachers for help. And their request for help is simple: “Please prepare your child for school.”

    My little students are not going to school yet this year. Therefore, I intend to study with them until May 31, 2015, that is, exactly a year. There are 4 children in my small group so far. These are my two sons: six-year-old Pavlusha and four-year-old Andryusha and the daughters of my close friends, two five-year-old girls Ladushka and Sashenka. The team is small, but united by one spirit and a common goal. Most importantly, I have assistants, two wonderful mothers of girl students. One mother is an artist, and the other is a music school teacher.

    I don’t have my own personal methodology for preparing children for school. But I have 17 years of experience as a primary school teacher and the experience of being a mother of many children. With my eldest daughter, she is 24 years old, we went through preparation for school, primary school, the Unified State Exam in 11th grade, and 5 years of university.

    School preparation classes are based on 5 main goals, which we will all try to achieve together.

    1. Development of memory and attention.

    2. Replenishment of vocabulary, development of speech and general outlook.

    3. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

    4. Teaching counting within the first ten and the alphabet.

    5. Aesthetic development (music, drawing).

    And now I will describe in detail the course of lesson 1.

    Lesson No. 1

    On the day of the lesson, my preschoolers will be with me for 2 hours. Each lesson is complex and it is impossible to give such a large amount of information to preschoolers in one fell swoop. Each stage of the lesson should last no more than 15-20 minutes. Between each stage there will be outdoor games, indoor games on the carpet, musical breaks and, of course, work in the garden. I allocated a garden bed for each child - a small vegetable garden in which the children will plant various plants. During the summer we will care for the seedlings, observe their growth and development. Well, in the end, I hope, we will reap the harvest.

    Now let's go point by point:

    1. Development of memory and attention.

    You can choose the pictures for “photographing” yourself, but if you want, I will share with you my presentation with a selection of pictures.

    Download The presentation can be found on the website:

    2. Replenishment of vocabulary, development of speech and general outlook.

    In the first lesson, I limited myself to cards using the Glen Doman method (domestic and wild animals).

    3. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Here I use Olesya Zhukova’s copybook. Here are the copybook pages I chose for the first lesson. They can be downloaded from the website page (click on the picture and it will enlarge, then right-click and select “Save picture as...”)

    4. Teaching counting within the first ten and the ABC.

    Learning to count:

    The first thing I started with was a voiced presentation using the method of Glen Doman “Mathematics from the cradle”. The word “from the cradle” doesn’t bother me at all. I like this technique and it doesn’t matter to me that my little students have long crawled out of these same diapers.

    I made the numbers in Microsoft Word in A4 format, printed them out and cut them.

    For this stage of the lesson, I have in stock another presentation “Learning to count from 1 to 5. Collection for kids.” Here, first I visually introduce the concept of “number”, and only then “digit”. All pictures on the slides appear with a click. You can also click to move to the next slide. The presentation quality is excellent. You can pick up this presentation directly from the site.

    Download presentation:

    In the first lesson, I taught the “Counting from 1 to 5” block because my students were already familiar with numbers. Here, on the “Nachalochka” website, you can see additional materials on this topic in the “Mathematics” section.

    ABC. The sound [a] and the letter Aa.

    To work with the alphabet, I use tasks from the following sources:

    Workbook “Teaching literacy to children”

    Primer by N. S. Zhukova

    A page from Olesya Zhukova’s copybook with the letter A (see above on this page).

    I do not describe my lesson in detail, because this article is intended primarily for my colleagues - primary school teachers. But they know what to say and where to say it, what questions to ask, etc.

    5. Aesthetic education.

    In the first lesson I used my favorite “finger painting”. You can read more about this type of drawing on the same Taratorki website. In the side menu, select the “Drawing” section and then “finger painting”. On the website page you can download pictures for coloring. On this site I also have pictures for children to color, which are suitable for finger painting. Watch here: (download link under flash video).

    All stages of the lesson were successful. Moreover, the guys could not part. When their mothers came to pick up the children, they had to spend another couple of hours with me.

    I scheduled my next lesson for Wednesday, June 4th. The progress of lesson No. 2 and all subsequent ones will be published on the website. If you are interested in the topic “Preparing your child for school,” wait for my new article. Subscribe to the newsletter and stay up to date with the latest news on my site.

    Hello again ! Today we’ll talk about how to prepare your child for school at home. In fact, this process is a serious task, and can educational toys help with this, which games to choose in order to achieve the goal. Let's look at these questions:

    • when to start preparing your child for school;
    • what a child should know;
    • what needs to be developed;
    • what games can help with this?

    There are parents who believe that kindergarten and school are certain life stages that the child goes through independently under some guidance from teachers. But in order for your child to be at the same level and keep up with his peers, the attention of mom and dad to the issue of preparation for school and at all stages of education is extremely necessary.

    From the degree of readiness of the preschool child (physical, moral and intellectual) depends on how successfully and easily he will enter a new atmosphere for him and begin a completely new activity for him. Parents of future first-graders and educational games and toys can help with this in many ways.

    When to start preparing for school and where to start

    It's worth preparing early. From a very early age, it is necessary to choose the right games for the development of your baby. And here children can help games for development. At an early stage, study with your baby the names of various groups of objects. The game “Name everything in one word” will help you.

    With an older toddler (3-4 years old), you can already play games that are aimed at developing logic, and these are: “Find the odd one out,” sets of cubes for making pictures, puzzles (at first quite large, then smaller and smaller).

    Development of fine motor skills

    What matters is such an indicator as fine motor skills. She also needs to be trained from the cradle. All kinds of finger exercises for a baby will be useful and enjoyable; when the baby grows up, pencils and paints will help you. Drawing greatly contributes to the development of finger motor skills. Use the recipes to train your fingers. It's worth starting with shading, then those tasks are suitable where you need to circle various elements and continue writing a line with a given element. Later, use those copybooks where the arrows indicate the direction in which you should write certain signs (whether printed letters or numbers).

    Developmental toys such as:

    1. various lacings;
    2. sensory boxes and bags;
    3. educational mats;
    4. voluminous books.

    These very useful toys can be purchased in children's stores, or you can make on your own at home, even with your little one.

    Reading ability

    Today, the level of reading ability is extremely important for a child who is about to become a schoolchild. A student's academic performance largely depends on his ability to read. When your baby is still small, try to read to him more. Children really like it. This is nice pastime with your baby will play a good role in his school life in the future.

    Try to learn letters and syllables with him, let him learn to read and understand what he reads. At this stage, educational toys can also be useful, such as, for example, assemble words from syllables, find hidden letters. These games in the form of cards, bright, colorful and interesting to children, can be purchased on the shelves of almost any children's store.

    Listening skills

    Although even this is not the main thing. In school life, the ability to listen is very important, namely to hear an adult (teacher). Try in preschool age to develop in your child an understanding that he has already become an adult. Start consulting with him, tell your child how your day went, ask about the events of his day.

    Where to start preparing for school

    When planning to send their child to school, the surest step for parents should be to assess their son or daughter’s readiness for such changes in life. This will help determine whether your child should go to school now or whether it is better to wait another year. Also, assessing readiness will help organize the child’s preparation correctly, taking into account his weaknesses.

    The child’s attitude towards school largely depends on the parents’ mood and their stories about school.

    How to determine readiness?

    Previously, the main criterion for readiness for school was the mental development of a child. Now the main focus is on psychological readiness. She has several important criteria, including:

    1. Intellectual readiness. It determines the development of such mental functions of the child as perception, thinking, imagination and memory. For example, a 6-7 year old child should remember 3 to 5 words out of 10 words he hears, be able to find “treasures” using a room diagram, combine objects based on similar features, and so on.
    2. Social readiness. A child must be able to establish relationships with both peers and adults. To successfully adapt to a new team, it is important to be able to find a compromise, resolve conflicts, and be tolerant. Most children by the age of 6-7 already know how to control their behavior and are able to follow the rules, for example, not talking during class, listening to the teacher. If a child’s behavior in class is inadequate, it means that he is not socially ready for learning. In addition, the child must have adequate self-esteem. If preschoolers evaluate themselves biasedly highly, then 6-7 year olds should be able to admit mistakes and respond adequately to criticism.
    3. Personal readiness. A 7-year-old child has a need to acquire new knowledge and change his status - to become a schoolchild. Motivation can vary, such as being like an older brother, carrying a briefcase, or not sleeping in the afternoon, but it is best if the child associates school with acquiring knowledge. At the same time, it is very important to have a positive attitude towards school and an understanding of why studying is needed.

    To learn how to determine a child’s readiness for school, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

    How to prepare psychologically?

    A huge mistake parents make is intimidating a child, for example, telling him that because of homework there will be no more time for games, that he will get bad grades at school and the like. It is very important to ensure that the child is not afraid of school and treats it well.

    Emphasize that he will make new friends, learn a lot of new and interesting things, be able to attend different clubs, and find a hobby. Share stories about your education, telling what subjects you liked, what kind of teacher you were, what funny things happened to you during your school years.

    However, one should not overly idealize schooling, painting everything in too rosy tones. If a child does not know that difficulties and some problems are possible during learning, he will be greatly disappointed after the first bad grade or remark.

    A lot depends on the child’s mood

    A good idea is to play the game “School” with your preschooler. In such a game, you can simulate different situations using toys. It is also worth taking your child to school in advance and showing him the environment. It’s great if the chosen school has preparatory classes or open days.

    Don't forget about your own attitude. It will be easier for a child to adapt to school if parents have a positive attitude towards the learning process and show through their behavior that the child’s new status (school student) is important for the family.

    Possible difficulties

    Lack of discipline

    If a child is restless and does not follow the necessary rules, attending school can become a big problem. The child may not have the patience to complete things. In this case, he needs the help of his parents - let the mother complete tasks with the baby for a while.

    Also, many children find it difficult to work according to the rules, and games that have some restrictions will help to teach them discipline.

    Discipline must be instilled from an early age, the child must maintain attention for a long time

    Absent-mindedness and inattention

    Such qualities can have a significant impact on academic performance and can be frustrating for parents. The child is in no hurry to complete the task, is forgetful and is often distracted. Experts do not consider this condition a psychological problem, but associate it with the predominant development of the right hemisphere. As a rule, by the age of ten, the problem of absent-mindedness disappears on its own.

    To balance the work of the child’s brain hemispheres, finger games, finger painting, modeling, lacing games and similar activities are used.

    Activities for the left hemisphere of the brain are especially useful for inattentive children

    Reluctance to learn

    Preparatory classes

    Nowadays, many development centers and tutors offer classes in which the child is taught counting and reading. However, the attitude of teachers towards such classes is ambiguous. Some have a positive attitude towards them, others believe that a child should learn to both read and write at school.

    Many special centers prepare children for school

    An example of a program for psychological preparation of children for school

    Classes of this preparatory course are held 6 times a week for 40 minutes a day. You should take two five-minute breaks in the middle of each lesson. Duration of training – 16 weeks.

    In total, a child studies for 4 hours a week. Each week's classes include lessons for the development of voluntary attention, thinking (logical, figurative), memory (auditory, visual-figurative), perception and imagination. In addition, one lesson per week is aimed at developing strength, mobility and flexibility of the fingers (fine motor skills of the hands).

    A sample lesson plan could be like this:

    Lesson topic

    How to practice

    Differences and similarities

    The child is asked to compare pictures, look for objects, find differences, and read nonsense.

    Missing pieces

    The child will look for missing figures, as well as develop counting and memory. One of the lessons is devoted to the study of the square.

    Extra items

    The child is asked to complete pictures, draw shapes, and look for an extra object. To develop memory, they play “shop”.


    The child will look for oddities in pictures, classify objects, and memorize phrases.


    The child is asked to find the figures and memorize the drawings, complete the fragments and the fourth figure.

    Words, classification

    The child will remember words, letters and numbers, connect and classify shapes, and complete the shapes.

    Comparison of items

    The child is asked to find the so-called shapes, memorize words, compare objects, and also place icons.

    Space and unnecessary words

    The child will study geometric shapes, develop auditory memory, name the endings of words, and look for extra words.


    The child is asked to place dots, look for extra pictures, quickly answer questions, and define concepts.

    Imagination and attention

    The child must arrange icons, compose a fairy tale based on the picture, find missing objects, and speak backwards. They also play the “it happens or it doesn’t happen” game with the child.

    Numbers, Sequences and Patterns

    The child compares pictures and finds numbers, completes drawings of patterns, names the correct sequence of pictures and finds missing figures.

    Copying and patterns

    The child studies numbers and their fragments, copies the pattern. Classes are also conducted with pictures, during which the child determines their sequence, classifies them and finds a pattern.

    Funny pictures

    Paired pictures

    The child is offered an activity with identical pictures to memorize them. The child also plays with mazes, remembers and finds objects, reads words, and looks for patterns.

    Extra pieces

    The child examines semantic series, studies colors, finds unnecessary things in the picture, reads proverbs.


    The child is asked to compare pictures, find identical ones, and also compare shapes.

    Material for such activities can be found in various manuals for preschoolers.

    To learn what a child needs to know to make adaptation to school easier, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

    Summarizing material is a skill necessary for every child. Watch about this in the video of the Youtube channel “Child and family psychology online”.

    To develop your child’s ability to work according to a model, watch the video of the YouTube channel “Child and family psychology online.”

    Get busy development of phonemic awareness through the video channel on Youtube “Child and Family Psychology Online”, so that the child can easily analyze words by sounds.

    Games for training at home

    Considering the fact that preschoolers learn most easily through play, preparatory classes at home should be based on games.

    Fine motor activities:

    • Pencil shading.
    • Stringing beads or pasta.
    • Drawing with paints.
    • Tying shoelaces.
    • Paper cutting.
    • Modeling from clay or plasticine.
    • Creation of applications.
    • Games with mosaics and constructor.
    • Embroidery and knitting.
    • Tying knots on a rope.

    Classes can be done together with your child’s friends to make it more fun.

    Games for attention:

    • Find an object in the room whose name begins with a certain letter.
    • Read a poem to your child and have him clap his hands when the word begins with a certain letter.
    • Learn to do several things at once, for example, look at a picture and listen to a story.
    • Place 5 toys in front of the child, then swap them and invite the child to return them to their places.
    • Give the child a piece of paper with groups of numbers and ask them to cross out a certain number.

    Games for speech:

    • Give your child a word with which he can form word combinations, for example, you say “pie”, and the child answers “cherry pie”, “sweet pie”, “bake a pie”.
    • Invite your child to voice your actions like a journalist, for example, how you cook soup or sew on a button.
    • Tell the child the first syllable, and he will continue the word.
    • Retelling cartoons, books, events of yesterday.
    • Read with your child.

    The child should experience activities with joy; this is the key task of parents

    Thinking games:

    • Pronounce words backwards (words of 3-4 letters are selected for this game).
    • Find the object that mom named backwards.
    • Connect objects that mom currently uses, for example, what do a vacuum cleaner and a broom have in common.
    • Solving puzzles and riddles.
    • Make up a story based on the pictures.
    • Make a picture from different geometric shapes.
    • Make a sentence out of words.
    • Make a story out of pictures.
    • Draw a continuation of the comic.
    • Come up with a continuation of the fairy tale.

    Games for spatial representation:

    • Find an object in the room that mom calls. Tell your child how to act, for example, “take a step to the right, then a step forward, look up.”
    • Find the item using the “map” of the room, marking it with a cross on the plan.
    • Drawing numbers, letters and pictures.
    • Examination of maps and diagrams.
    • Play sea battle.

    Buy special aids to help you study

    Games for emotional development:

    • The mother names the action (for example, reading, dusting, or eating chocolate), and the child depicts an attitude towards it.
    • Imagine that the object came to life and tell what it might feel, as well as what mood it would be in.
    • Look at other people's faces and evaluate their emotions.
    • When reading a fairy tale, ask the child how the hero feels.
    • Talk to your child often about your feelings in different situations.

    Participation in theatrical performances will help a child's emotional development

    Games for imagination:

    • Invite your child to depict the hidden object with poses and gestures.
    • We look at vegetables and discuss what they look like.
    • Connecting parts of objects in the picture.
    • Imagine increasing and decreasing objects, and then draw or sculpt them. For example, it could be a tiny elephant or a huge cat.
    • Discuss how you can use a familiar object in an unusual way.

    To develop a child’s understanding of time, conduct the classes shown in the video of the YouTube channel “Child and Family Psychology Online.”

    Daily regime

    It is recommended to start adjusting your child’s daily routine about a month before the first classes at school. It is very important to develop a routine in which the child gets enough sleep, eats on time, has time to complete homework, as well as walks and plays.

    The child must understand that homework is a responsible job that is done first, and only after that you can go for a walk or pick up toys.

    If the child attended kindergarten, there should be no problems with creating a suitable regime. It is quite difficult for children who do not attend kindergarten to wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning, so they should be accustomed to waking up earlier in advance.

    Let the child be busy with some useful activities in the first half of the day, and leave all entertainment and relaxation for the afternoon. In addition, pay attention to going to bed on time, which is also important for early awakenings.

    Problems with early waking up need to be addressed before school starts.

    Child's health

    When preparing for school, the health of your son or daughter should be given special attention. This primarily relates to the state of immunity. In preschool institutions, to maintain it, they use hardening procedures, physical education lessons and timely vaccinations. If a child does not attend kindergarten, this all becomes the concern of the parents.

    The child must:

    • Walk outdoors every day.
    • Eat enough foods rich in vitamins.
    • Get examined by specialists.

    Hardening and high physical activity of the baby strengthens the immune system

    • You should start preparing for school early. Select the school, the desired educational profile, meet the teacher, take a closer look at the children who attend the institution. You need to decide whether your child will go to school near home or will travel to an educational institution in another part of the city. Consider possible difficulties, for example, whether you will be able to take your child, who will be with the child after school.
    • Vitamins
    • Hyperactivity
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