• How it works: Personal stylist. Stylists Stylist what does he do


    We look at the stars of show business and admire their appearance, stylish clothing combinations, harmoniously matched accessories, perfect makeup and styling. And not everyone is wondering if they themselves created their image or someone helped. Often, stylists work on the image of famous personalities, who form the image taking into account the type of skin, hair color, eyes and other subtleties that determine the color of the wardrobe elements. It is difficult to pick up all the details of your appearance on your own; this requires talent and certain knowledge.

    The profession of a stylist-image maker is in high demand. But to become a good specialist, you need to have a specialized education and a capacious set of data, among which a sense of style is in the first place. In the article, we will consider professional secrets and rules, we will help novice stylists decide on the direction and understand what this profession is like.

    What is an image stylist

    The word is well known, but not everyone knows what the duties of this specialist are and what he should be able to do. If you want to become a real professional - keep in mind that the profile you have chosen is very capacious.

    What an image maker should be able to do:

    • Be part psychologist. The task of a specialist is to understand a person, to feel his inner “I” and to find his organic reflection in his external appearance. A professional seems to guess what his client is dreaming of. Clothing, hairstyle, shoes, accessories - as a result, every detail should seem to merge with the image, become its harmonious element.
    • Consider the characteristics of the client's profession. His hobbies, lifestyle, habits. The image that the stylist builds should be not only spectacular and relevant, but also comfortable. The client spends a lot of time in the office - we focus on business style, but complete with comfortable and breathable things.

    For public people who take part in various events every day, the image maker must choose presentable clothes, offer hairstyle options that will look decent from morning until late evening.

    • Be flexible in dealing with clients and have the gift of persuasion. Working with objections is the most difficult, requiring experience and certain skills. Often, specialists are faced with situations where it is necessary to give a lot of reasons and arguments in order to convince a person to change their mind and idea of ​​the image. In such cases, the most faithful assistant is experience.
    • A professional with many beauty projects and satisfied stellar clients behind him will cope with the task with a bang. Beginners will have to work hard.
    • Instill a sense of style. One of the missions is to teach how to form your own image. Of course, it doesn't come right away. The image maker lays the foundation, builds it up with various variations, combines options for occasions and situations, reveals a person’s attitude through his wardrobe. Having a whole army of style-tools behind the walls of cabinets and chests of drawers, the client must learn to independently select things according to color, texture, purpose.

    • Form a complex look. Image maker is a very capacious profession. In order to qualitatively work out a specific image, it is necessary to cover all its elements: make-up, hairstyle, clothes, shoes, accessories. This requires knowledge of all components. No, this is not about the fact that the stylist is obliged to independently do makeup and styling to the client. The task of a professional is to choose a hairstyle according to the type of hair and face shape, to recommend the make-up artist to adhere to a certain color scheme in the make-up. In this case, the image maker acts as a consultant, whose opinion is the basis of the image.
    • Stay up to date with the latest and greatest trends in the beauty industry. A lot depends on the quality of cosmetics. A good stylist understands brands and knows the features of a particular manufacturer. A progressive image maker attends fashion shows and is aware of the latest fashion trends. Only in this way can you become an indispensable assistant in working with the image.
    • Work with the image for various situations. The specialist thinks over options for occasions that require a specific dress code: themed parties, dinner parties, special occasions, business meetings. The client's wardrobe should have sets of clothes both for every day and for any of the above cases.
    • Be a marketer in image building. A stylist is a specialist who helps clients achieve their goals. Show business stars - to attract attention and get into the headlines of glossy magazines, politicians - to strengthen the level of confidence in their person, public figures - to reflect civic positions in their appearance, look dignified and respectable.

    Color, combinations of shades, the shape of the neckline on the sweater, the depth of the neckline - each of these details is very important in shaping the image. The image maker must know all these subtleties and nuances and skillfully use them.

    All these skills are acquired with experience, which in turn is built on the basis of theory and constant practice. Now let's talk about what an image maker should know in order to become successful and in demand.

    5 basics a stylist should know

    Laws about the types of appearance and the ability to correctly determine them

    It's no secret that stylists are based on four main color types: winter, summer, spring, autumn. But there are cases when it is difficult to dwell on a specific option, types are combined, include other people's characteristics.

    Color knowledge

    • Working with color is one of the main in the formation of the image.

    Tastelessly and illiterately set tonality in clothes, shoes, hair color and make-up can disfigure the client's appearance, moreover, visually distort facial features, figure reliefs. Shades should be friends with each other, organically complementing in specific color combinations.

    Human physiology, body types and their features

    Choosing the elements of the wardrobe, the stylist, first of all, focuses on a specific silhouette. Style, print, texture and density of the fabric - these moments should become assistants in the successful formation of the image.

    Professionals are able to visually stretch the silhouette, make the figure slimmer, visually lengthen the legs, narrow the waistline, and effectively emphasize the décolleté.

    Rules for combining accessories

    Bags, beads, watches, hairpins, bracelets, rings love a sense of proportion. One of the most common mistakes many women make is too much jewelry. Ladies are justified by the desire to look brighter, more noticeable. Stylists are unanimous in their opinion: accessories should only complement the image, and not become its accent.

    Clothing styles and their characteristics

    An image maker must be fluent in the basics of his profession. The most important stage is the formation of a wardrobe in accordance with a single stylistic accessory. The specialist determines the type and then delves into its beauty study. Casual, business, classic, sports, ethnic, military - the appearance of each client is individual and requires a sensitive approach.

    And that's not all. If you want to become a versatile image stylist capable of creating dizzying looks for demanding show business stars, you need to:

    1. Learn the basics of composition, be able to build symmetry of lines in the silhouette, set interesting geometry through a combination of different styles.
    2. Browse new designer collections, know the lineups of famous brands, understand the hottest fashion trends.
    3. Possess the skill of compiling a dimensional image. To be able to design all the details of the silhouette as harmoniously as possible and at the same time visually correct the lines of the figure, lead to an organic balance.
    4. Know the basics of psychology. These skills will be needed in the process of getting to know the inner “I” of the client, studying his psychotype, on which the priority color scheme, and the shape of the hairstyle, hair color, and clothing style depend.
    5. Understand the skill of a hairdresser and makeup artist. An image stylist should be able to choose a hairstyle, make-up, become an authoritative adviser in beauty procedures.
      Create completely different images, do not get hung up on a particular style.

    What a stylist-image maker should be able to and know, we examined in detail. Let's move on to practical tips that will help you achieve high results.

    Modern customers believe their eyes, not words

    Therefore, you will need to back up your presentation with a professional portfolio or, as it is called among stylists, a LookBook. A beautiful, diverse, capacious and spectacular photo collection will be your guide to success. Try to include works in various styles and fashion-characters there. The opinion of the client should be complex and as beneficial as possible for you.

    Follow fashion trends

    • An image stylist is a specialist who creates an image in accordance with the hottest trends.

    Professionals carefully study the collections of eminent couturiers, get acquainted with the work of new, progressive designers. In order to offer your customers something that has not even appeared on store shelves en masse, you need to keep your finger on the pulse.

    Practice your knowledge and skills...

    At fashion shows, beauty contests, beauty festivals. So you will gain experience in interacting with people of various types of appearance, you will be in sight and by ear. The more you become familiar, the faster they will know about you.

    Strive to get close to celebrities

    • One promising opportunity is to become a celebrity's assistant stylist.

    Celebrities tend to carefully select specialists who deal with their appearance and do not trust people from the street. After working for a certain time, as they say, “at your side”, and having shown yourself properly, you may have a chance to improve your professional status.

    Improve your knowledge and skills

    Improve your skills, delve into new trends, take part in specialized seminars, forums and conferences. Professional Reboot will be a solid platform to level up.

    Work on your own image

    The stylist must look impressive. Your clothes, hairstyle, accessories, shoes will become a calling card, an important point in choosing. This is especially true for demanding stellar clients who want to see in their environment not only capable, but also beautiful people.

    Be sensitive to the desires of customers, but be able to convince

    Often, image makers are faced with situations where the client is reluctant to agree to a change in appearance, considering his former image to be impeccable. In this case, the stylist's task is to change the person's mind as tactfully as possible: give examples of the future image and compare it with the available options, draw an analogy with the image of a famous person, reveal all the advantages of the upcoming transformation.

    In other words, you need to become a psychologist who will open your eyes to new possibilities in working with the image.

    Make your site

    This investment will soon pay off. The Internet platform will become an effective tool for your promotion. Here you can post your work, news, information about new projects and achievements.

    Act like an expert

    You should be associated not only as a stylist providing services, but also as a specialist whose opinion is authoritative and valuable.

    Try yourself in different stylistic directions

    Among your clients there can be completely different people: businessmen, politicians, artists, representatives of show business. For each of them, your style arsenal should contain relevant and worthy options for images.

    Whatever specifics you choose, strive to become a professional, to know your business perfectly and put your soul into it. Success and demand will then be guaranteed.

    To make people beautiful, to select those things that hide the flaws and emphasize the merits, and to help make the image of a person more solid - this is what the stylist will have to do.

    Average salary: 35,000 rubles per month




    entry barrier


    A stylist is a specialist in the field of creating a style and image of a person. He does this with the help of all available methods: hairstyle, makeup, clothes, etc. The profession of a stylist is to create an image. Despite the seemingly modern trend of creating images, this work has its roots far into the past. The profession appeared along with fashion. Its very first legislators were queens in Ancient Greece. They changed their hairstyles, and all the subjects imitated their style. The striking representatives of the stylistic difference were the Indian tribes, in which the leader stood out among his compatriots with a special headdress. Style and stylistics have long evolved as a matter of course. They were part of fashion and were considered integral parts of it. They began to separate with the advent of the art of cinema. Public people always had to look good, but not everyone succeeded, and personal assistants appeared, and later stylists. In modern times, the concept of a stylist already has a clear outline. This is a personal assistant that creates the client's image from the tips of the hair to the tips of the fingers.


    Nowadays, the profession of a stylist is very highly developed. It includes a wide range of responsibilities. There are so many of them that a division of image makers by spheres of influence has appeared:

    • Top stylist or hair stylist. This is a hairstylist. He knows how to choose the length of the hair, give it a shape and choose your individual shade. This is a master of style who knows exactly what will suit you and decorate your appearance. With the help of a hairstyle, he can transform any person. The top stylist makes a choice based on your external data: face shape, eye color and skin, height and body type. All this plays an important role, because the hairstyle should complement, not spoil.
    • Makeup stylist. This specialist knows exactly how a girl should paint. He will teach you how to create suitable images. Choose skin care. This is a real guru in the field of makeup. He knows how to pick up everything, from the color of the gloss to the shadows on the eyes. What type of make-up should be used and in what cases, and which one should be avoided? The stylist-makeup artist will teach you how to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws.
    • Image stylist. This is a fashion specialist. He knows exactly what cut suits this or that type of figure. Knowing the shape of the body is not enough. It is important to navigate in color and the latest fashion trends. The whole range of knowledge and information about the trends of the new season is known to such an image maker. With it, clothes will only be painted, and the wardrobe will become perfect. You will always have something to wear.
    • Photographer-stylist. This is a specialist for temporary reincarnation. He creates an image for photo shoots. Thanks to this master, you will get a whole series of bright and extraordinary photos.

    Most often, all these areas are combined in one specialist - a universal stylist. It is he who creates an image that will be fashionable and individual.

    What specialties to study

    In order to obtain a diploma or certificate of a stylist, you should choose one of the following specialties:

    • Hairdressing art.
    • Design.
    • Makeup artist-stylist.
    • Hair stylist.
    • Makeup style.
    • Stylist in advertising and show business.
    • Stylistics and the art of makeup.

    All these specialties include a course in stylistics. This is exactly what is needed in order to start successfully working in this area.

    Where to study

    Almost every major regional center has educational institutions where you can learn such a profession as a stylist. You can select from them:

    • Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management named after K.V. Rossinsky.
    • GAOUSPOTK No. 24 Moscow.
    • Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after A.I. HM. Berbekov.
    • Penza State Technological University.

    These universities provide an excellent level of knowledge in the field of stylistics. In addition to higher educational institutions, you can also give preference to courses in stylistics. But it is better to finish the courses after receiving the main diploma. This will significantly increase the chances of getting a good and well-paid job.

    What you have to do at work and specialization

    The work of each stylist includes a full range of responsibilities related to fashion and personal care. The stylist will easily turn a gray mouse into a beauty queen. To do this, he will carry out the following activities:

    • Getting to know the client. You talk, get to know each other. The stylist understands clothing preferences and finds out if they correspond to the type of figure.
    • Joint shopping. The image maker shows which outfits are more suitable. Completely or partially updated wardrobe. This is a rather pleasant aspect, because shopping is a pleasant part of the job.
    • Color discussion. The stylist gives advice on which colors to avoid when buying things, and which must-haves in the wardrobe.
    • Hairstyle change. The stylist can easily determine what color and shape of hair to decorate. This is done based on your external data.
    • An experienced image maker will teach at least two types of makeup: day and evening. Shows how to highlight and emphasize dignity. It will also teach you how to hide flaws.
    • Selection of accessories. It's not enough just to buy a dress. The stylist picks up a handbag and shoes for him. In the image, everything should be harmonious.

    The work of a stylist covers a fairly wide range of image components. The stylist must know all the canons and standards. Such a specialist knows how to visually hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

    Who is suitable for this profession

    The main quality of every stylist is creativity. He must constantly pour ideas and create. Thus, the client will always be satisfied, because he has plenty to choose from. In addition to creativity, organizational skills are also important for an image maker. The client must clearly understand that it is necessary to listen to the stylist. Communication always helps to find mutual understanding.

    Another important aspect is the appearance of the image maker. He belongs to those specialists who are met by clothes and general image. Therefore, accuracy and the ability to take care of oneself play a special role.


    Despite the fact that the profession of stylist has existed for many centuries, it has only just begun to gain popularity. Appearance has long been a calling card for most professions, so more and more people are hiring stylists on a temporary or permanent basis. Stylists work on television, stage, film industry. In almost every beauty salon you can find a stylist. Personal stylists and shopping consultants are rapidly gaining popularity.

    How much do people working in this profession earn?

    The income level of a stylist depends on the number of clients. In most cases, earnings range between 20 and 60 thousand rubles a month.

    These are quite substantial amounts, which directly depend on the number of clients and their feedback on the level of work. After all, mostly stylists get a percentage, not a rate.

    Is it easy to get a job

    In order to get a job as a stylist, you must pass an interview. The easiest way to get into a beauty salon. You will receive an average level of income and the opportunity to gain experience. Very often, stylists get a job as a hairdresser or makeup artist, because these arts are included in the range of their duties. Having gained experience and created a portfolio, you can try to get on television. Particularly well paid are private stylists who are attached to wealthy or famous members of society.

    How is a career usually built?

    Career is dynamic. She usually starts as a hair stylist or makeup artist. You gain experience and build a portfolio. Then you should try your luck in competitions - this gives you the opportunity to grow up and get a job as a stylist in popular television shows and projects. You can also make great money by working as a personal stylist.

    Prospects for the profession

    There are two main perspectives for stylists:

    • The opportunity to receive solid fees on television, cinema or stage.
    • Opening your own salon or style school.

    Stylist is a promising and dynamically developing industry, in which everyone can achieve success.

    I have been a personal stylist for about four years. I have an art education, the first is design, the second is art history (fashion historian). Then I just did something all the time, agreed to any shooting, invented them myself, helped friends, and collected a portfolio. Over time, clients began to find me themselves.

    The profession is generally quite young, and few people in Russia take it seriously. If you really want to become a stylist, you have money and you have nothing to do - you can go to study at some school, they will definitely teach you something there. For example, to distinguish the color of deer antlers from the color of pig intestines. The best thing, of course, is to get a job as an assistant to a professional stylist, gain experience and connections from him, and go ahead. But this is history for Moscow or even another country. Petersburg and Moscow are like heaven and earth in this sphere. There is only one glossy magazine in St. Petersburg, and it is high time to rename it to “Are you serious?”.

    Client psychology

    The stylist must be a good psychologist and create a veil of success around him. This is what his clients need. That's why there are so many gay stylists - they know how to talk, to praise, to be such cute suckers. What else do women need? Attention and compliments - and they agree to any rubbish in roses and rhinestones. But this is a matter of professional ethics - I always say what I think, but of course I try not to be too harsh. This is why my clients love me. At first they are frightened and offended, but when they see the result, when they are complimented and promoted at work, they run to me again.


    Classical services on any site of personal stylists are "Consulting on individual style and image", "Revision and formation of the wardrobe", "Shopping support". I don’t have many clients, but they all “sit” very tightly on me, so the first point turns into the work of a personal psychologist. That is, 24 hours a day, at any time, they can call me, write on social networks, send SMS with some photos of themselves and questions: “What to wear with this cardigan and what with these shoes?”, “Do I look fat in that?" etc. And you have to be as nice to them as possible and always answer their questions. But in the classic version and for ordinary people, a stylist is a one-time story. You tell a person what type of figure he has, what colors suit him, how to adjust the figure with the help of clothes, what is possible and what is not. Usually this happens in parallel with the second point - the revision of the wardrobe.

    Revision is a very laborious process. You need to shake up the whole closet and decide what to throw away and what to keep. But wardrobes are different: someone has one hanger, and someone has a room of several tens of square meters. In such cases, it begins to seem to me that I work as a cleaning lady "with taste." Then he still needs to be convinced to throw away or simply stop wearing certain things. This is always a separate story, because "this thing is very dear to me, I bought it in Milan, Paris, New York, TSUM for such a lot of money." Here I have to explain that the thing looks like from Aprashka and fits all the fat folds. The audit can take up to six hours a day. The back hurts terribly.

    The next stage is the formation of the wardrobe. People who hire personal stylists are usually very busy and don't have time to dress up. But they need to look good every day. I do the following: I come to their house (usually when no one is there), climb into the closet, choose their sets for every day and take pictures of them. A complete look: from shoes and tights to accessories. Then the client, drinking coffee in the morning, chooses the photo he likes, finds these things in the closet and the fashionable one goes to work. In 4-6 hours I make 20-40 bows. An hour of my work at home costs 2,000 rubles.

    Joint shopping

    After parsing the wardrobe, we go to the shops - to buy the missing things. I try to save clients time: I usually go in advance, choose everything, hang it in the VIP fitting room, if there is one. The client comes, measures, pays and goes home. If I come across a client with a lower income, then I go to the mass market, remember, save, but choose no more than three stores. As a rule, this is enough. Such a trip costs from three to ten thousand rubles. There are also kickbacks that stylists receive from stores. Not everyone works this way, but many who have rich clients. In addition to your fee, you can receive 5-10% of the purchase amount from the store. Usually stylists offer themselves to shops, but if the client looks very respectable, then they themselves can offer cooperation.


    Even in my small practice there were very different clients. There are ordinary young girls who need to be corrected quite a bit - a couple of meetings are enough for us. There are whole families. First, as a rule, wives apply. Then they cease to be satisfied with how their husbands look. There are aunts who have everything in order with style, but really do not have time to deal with the wardrobe. There are fifas, with them the most difficult. It is almost impossible to help them, because for them a personal stylist is a manifestation of status. As a personal driver, cook or servant. That is, I simply should not change anything in her rhinestone-leopard world, just say that everything suits her wildly and she is the coolest, thinnest and most beautiful. But I do my best, drop by drop reasonableness in their style.

    Men also apply. For them, quality is very important: whatever their level of wealth, they are directly shaking over these labels with compositions. Celebrities of local scale contact, often before filming. This is hard work, but here you work in the name and are ready to wait and forgive a lot. Celebrities are important and dissatisfied, filming is always on their knees, everyone is late, nothing works, they forgot, it doesn’t exist. The promised three hours turn into seven. And you need to return the clothes to the store as new. And this is not always possible. But when you see the result of shooting, you can evaluate your mistakes and grow further. And often after shooting in one magazine, other publications begin to contact.

    Relations with the majority of clients are close, it is difficult in a different way. As one client says: “Sorry, but it’s not customary to share stylists. I won't give you to anyone." She needs to call someone at one in the morning with idiotic questions about her appearance.

    Illustrations: Sasha Pokhvalin

    To make people beautiful, to select those things that hide the flaws and emphasize the merits, and to help make the image of a person more solid - this is what the stylist will have to do.

    Average salary: 35,000 rubles per month




    entry barrier


    A stylist is a specialist in the field of creating a style and image of a person. He does this with the help of all available methods: hairstyle, makeup, clothes, etc. The profession of a stylist is to create an image. Despite the seemingly modern trend of creating images, this work has its roots far into the past. The profession appeared along with fashion. Its very first legislators were queens in Ancient Greece. They changed their hairstyles, and all the subjects imitated their style. The striking representatives of the stylistic difference were the Indian tribes, in which the leader stood out among his compatriots with a special headdress. Style and stylistics have long evolved as a matter of course. They were part of fashion and were considered integral parts of it. They began to separate with the advent of the art of cinema. Public people always had to look good, but not everyone succeeded, and personal assistants appeared, and later stylists. In modern times, the concept of a stylist already has a clear outline. This is a personal assistant that creates the client's image from the tips of the hair to the tips of the fingers.


    Nowadays, the profession of a stylist is very highly developed. It includes a wide range of responsibilities. There are so many of them that a division of image makers by spheres of influence has appeared:

    • Top stylist or hair stylist. This is a hairstylist. He knows how to choose the length of the hair, give it a shape and choose your individual shade. This is a master of style who knows exactly what will suit you and decorate your appearance. With the help of a hairstyle, he can transform any person. The top stylist makes a choice based on your external data: face shape, eye color and skin, height and body type. All this plays an important role, because the hairstyle should complement, not spoil.
    • Makeup stylist. This specialist knows exactly how a girl should paint. He will teach you how to create suitable images. Choose skin care. This is a real guru in the field of makeup. He knows how to pick up everything, from the color of the gloss to the shadows on the eyes. What type of make-up should be used and in what cases, and which one should be avoided? The stylist-makeup artist will teach you how to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws.
    • Image stylist. This is a fashion specialist. He knows exactly what cut suits this or that type of figure. Knowing the shape of the body is not enough. It is important to navigate in color and the latest fashion trends. The whole range of knowledge and information about the trends of the new season is known to such an image maker. With it, clothes will only be painted, and the wardrobe will become perfect. You will always have something to wear.
    • Photographer-stylist. This is a specialist for temporary reincarnation. He creates an image for photo shoots. Thanks to this master, you will get a whole series of bright and extraordinary photos.

    Most often, all these areas are combined in one specialist - a universal stylist. It is he who creates an image that will be fashionable and individual.

    What specialties to study

    In order to obtain a diploma or certificate of a stylist, you should choose one of the following specialties:

    • Hairdressing art.
    • Design.
    • Makeup artist-stylist.
    • Hair stylist.
    • Makeup style.
    • Stylist in advertising and show business.
    • Stylistics and the art of makeup.

    All these specialties include a course in stylistics. This is exactly what is needed in order to start successfully working in this area.

    Where to study

    Almost every major regional center has educational institutions where you can learn such a profession as a stylist. You can select from them:

    • Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management named after K.V. Rossinsky.
    • GAOUSPOTK No. 24 Moscow.
    • Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after A.I. HM. Berbekov.
    • Penza State Technological University.

    These universities provide an excellent level of knowledge in the field of stylistics. In addition to higher educational institutions, you can also give preference to courses in stylistics. But it is better to finish the courses after receiving the main diploma. This will significantly increase the chances of getting a good and well-paid job.

    What you have to do at work and specialization

    The work of each stylist includes a full range of responsibilities related to fashion and personal care. The stylist will easily turn a gray mouse into a beauty queen. To do this, he will carry out the following activities:

    • Getting to know the client. You talk, get to know each other. The stylist understands clothing preferences and finds out if they correspond to the type of figure.
    • Joint shopping. The image maker shows which outfits are more suitable. Completely or partially updated wardrobe. This is a rather pleasant aspect, because shopping is a pleasant part of the job.
    • Color discussion. The stylist gives advice on which colors to avoid when buying things, and which must-haves in the wardrobe.
    • Hairstyle change. The stylist can easily determine what color and shape of hair to decorate. This is done based on your external data.
    • An experienced image maker will teach at least two types of makeup: day and evening. Shows how to highlight and emphasize dignity. It will also teach you how to hide flaws.
    • Selection of accessories. It's not enough just to buy a dress. The stylist picks up a handbag and shoes for him. In the image, everything should be harmonious.

    The work of a stylist covers a fairly wide range of image components. The stylist must know all the canons and standards. Such a specialist knows how to visually hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

    Who is suitable for this profession

    The main quality of every stylist is creativity. He must constantly pour ideas and create. Thus, the client will always be satisfied, because he has plenty to choose from. In addition to creativity, organizational skills are also important for an image maker. The client must clearly understand that it is necessary to listen to the stylist. Communication always helps to find mutual understanding.

    Another important aspect is the appearance of the image maker. He belongs to those specialists who are met by clothes and general image. Therefore, accuracy and the ability to take care of oneself play a special role.


    Despite the fact that the profession of stylist has existed for many centuries, it has only just begun to gain popularity. Appearance has long been a calling card for most professions, so more and more people are hiring stylists on a temporary or permanent basis. Stylists work on television, stage, film industry. In almost every beauty salon you can find a stylist. Personal stylists and shopping consultants are rapidly gaining popularity.

    How much do people working in this profession earn?

    The income level of a stylist depends on the number of clients. In most cases, earnings range between 20 and 60 thousand rubles a month.

    These are quite substantial amounts, which directly depend on the number of clients and their feedback on the level of work. After all, mostly stylists get a percentage, not a rate.

    Is it easy to get a job

    In order to get a job as a stylist, you must pass an interview. The easiest way to get into a beauty salon. You will receive an average level of income and the opportunity to gain experience. Very often, stylists get a job as a hairdresser or makeup artist, because these arts are included in the range of their duties. Having gained experience and created a portfolio, you can try to get on television. Particularly well paid are private stylists who are attached to wealthy or famous members of society.

    How is a career usually built?

    Career is dynamic. She usually starts as a hair stylist or makeup artist. You gain experience and build a portfolio. Then you should try your luck in competitions - this gives you the opportunity to grow up and get a job as a stylist in popular television shows and projects. You can also make great money by working as a personal stylist.

    Prospects for the profession

    There are two main perspectives for stylists:

    • The opportunity to receive solid fees on television, cinema or stage.
    • Opening your own salon or style school.

    Stylist is a promising and dynamically developing industry, in which everyone can achieve success.

    A stylist is a specialist in the field of creating a style (image) of a person.

    A stylist can create an image using various means. Depending on this, the following types of stylists are distinguished:

    Hair stylist or top stylist (with the help of a hairstyle)

    Make-up stylist (make-up)

    Stylist-image maker (with the help of clothes)

    Photographer-stylist (with the help of a photo image)

    Today, being a stylist is very prestigious. This is one of the most in-demand jobs in the fashion industry. It is the stylist who will select you an individual style that will emphasize your strengths, hide your flaws, and give you a special charm.

    Despite the apparent mass character and popularity, the profession of a stylist is unique in nature. Creating an image is equivalent to writing a masterpiece of pictorial art, when the artist's talent takes on visible forms and outlines, fading in the triumph of creative harmony and beauty.


    Creation of the external image of the client (modeling of hairstyles, make-up, clothes, etc.);

    Development of a style that most fully emphasizes the advantages and hides the shortcomings of the client;

    Application in practice of theoretical developments (hairstyles, make-up, selection and production of clothes) in accordance with the individual characteristics of the client and fashion trends;

    Selection of colors and shades of cosmetics, clothing, taking into account the individual characteristics and desires of the client;

    Creation of professional clothes, image of the company, organization, taking into account the request of the client;

    Comparative analysis and study of best practices of domestic and Western experts.

    Personal qualities:



    Flexibility of thinking

    Organizational skills

    A responsibility

    Developed intuition and analytical skills


    Universities and colleges still do not have a universal specialty for a stylist. Therefore, you will have to build a career strategy on your own. There are several options to choose from: college (“Hairdressing”), university (“Design”), courses (“Hairdresser-stylist”, “Make-up artist-stylist”, “Make-up style”, “Imageology”, “Stylist in advertising and show- business”, etc.).

    Places of work:

    Basically, stylists are required by beauty salons, hairdressers, photo studios, image agencies, SPA clubs. Often they are also required for various projects, shows, exhibitions with the participation of models.

    The social significance of the profession of a stylist is especially great in the circles of show business, modeling business, film industry, art and, oddly enough, politics. Before getting into the lens of television cameras, famous people carefully think over their appearance, surrendering headlong into the hands of professionals who are able, with the help of their exquisite taste and creative talent, to create exactly the image that most favorably reflects the essence of the personality of famous clients.

    The salary of a stylist largely depends on his specialization. The salary of a novice makeup artist-stylist on television is average. A stylist-fashion designer in image agencies can find a job with a higher salary. A hairdresser-stylist who creates exclusive hairstyles that meet the latest fashion trends, with experience and a client base, earns a lot.

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