• Proper care for sensitive skin. Care for sensitive skin of different types


    Dry facial skin:

    Dry skin is usually very thin, dull in color, and prone to flaking and irritation.

    Dry skin is prone to premature aging and the formation of early wrinkles. With age, even normal skin can become dry, so even those who did not have any special skin problems in their youth begin to need special care.
    Dry facial skin reacts sharply to adverse environmental influences: a too hot or too dry climate makes it even drier, and the dryness of our apartments with central heating is also unfavorable for it.

    With dry skin, after 25 years, the first wrinkles around the eyes may appear. After being in the sun, in windy weather, when exposed to low temperatures, irritation appears on the skin, and after washing, a feeling of “tightness” appears. But acne practically does not appear on dry skin. For fresh-looking skin, you need to constantly moisturize your skin, otherwise it becomes dull and unattractive. The pH of dry skin ranges from 3 to 5.5.
    But dry and dehydrated skin are not the same thing. Any skin can be dehydrated, including oily skin. Dry skin lacks not only moisture, but also fat. Those with dry skin have insufficient function of the sebaceous glands; sebum usually forms a protective film on the skin and protects it from adverse external influences. You cannot force your skin to produce more sebum, but with proper care you can significantly improve its condition and appearance.
    If you don’t properly care for dry skin or don’t care for it at all, then you are guaranteed to get premature wrinkles. But dry skin does not tolerate excessive care; it is very delicate.

    The daily motto for caring for dry skin is less is more!

    Anything that can lead to even greater dehydration has an adverse effect on the condition of dry skin: alcohol, smoking, taking laxatives, rapid weight loss, chlorinated and sea water (before swimming in chlorinated pool water or sea water, you need to apply waterproof sunscreen). Hardening masks, scrubs and alcohol-containing products are contraindicated for dry skin. Intense peelings can ruin the skin, and intense tanning can age it prematurely. Intense physical activity associated with increased sweating, sauna, and hot weather also have an adverse effect on dry skin. The dry microclimate of our apartments causes dry skin to age faster, so a humidifier or having a large number of leafy plants and an aquarium in the house will not hurt. It is better not to walk in dry, windy weather. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to replenish moisture loss (but not strong tea and coffee, they contribute to moisture loss).
    Starting from 25 to 30 years of age, it is necessary to use creams to care for the skin around the eyes.

    Dry sensitive skin:

    Dry skin is usually very thin and has a dull tint. Very often, dry skin occurs in blondes and redheads with green eyes. They are also the owners of the first skin phototype, which is especially prone to frequent irritations. This skin is usually called dry sensitive skin and requires very careful care. Dry sensitive skin often reacts with redness, peeling, and tightness to many external irritants.
    Caring for dry sensitive skin should be regular and simple.

    Frequent changes of cosmetic products are not recommended.
    Preference should be given to low-component preparations and do not apply several products to the skin at once. Specialized care products for this skin usually say “for dry and sensitive skin.” It is desirable that these cosmetics contain: panthenol, calendula oil, bisabolol from chamomile, vegetable and essential oils (including aromatherapy for dry skin), vitamins A and E.
    When choosing a new product to care for dry sensitive skin, you must first test the product on the crook of your arm to avoid an unwanted reaction. It is advisable to select a series of products from one company and use the same products for at least two months. The best time to try out new cosmetics is in the spring or fall, when your skin is less prone to irritation.
    Early wrinkles are the main problem for those with dry sensitive skin. You need to know that the sun's rays age the skin the most, so the use of sunscreen is simply necessary, and if you spend a long time in the sun, you need products with UV 25+ and higher.
    Attention! Frequent and intense peeling is not recommended (causes additional intense dehydration of the skin); a course of facial massage can only be carried out in a good salon by an experienced specialist.
    Cleansing: It is advisable to use soft or mineral water for washing; the use of soap is excluded! To cleanse dry skin, special foams, gels or milks are suitable, which are then washed off. After washing, the skin is not wiped, but blotted with a napkin or left to dry on the face.
    When using fatty creams or moisturizing gels, excess should be removed after 20 minutes with a napkin; excess product interferes with normal skin breathing.
    The most beneficial for dry skin are ceramides (cerebrosides, sphingolipids), polyunsaturated fatty acids (primrose oil, evening primrose oil, Omega-3, black currant oil, flaxseed oil, etc.) substances such as nanosomes, nanospheres, thalaspheres are very effective.

    The modern cosmetics industry pays great attention to the production of products for the care of sensitive skin. This is what is in greatest demand among today's consumers. In the language of dermatologists and cosmetologists, this is the name for skin that is prone to various allergic reactions and susceptible to inflammatory processes. It is characterized by redness from any irritant, itching, rashes from contact with low-quality cosmetics or jewelry.

    For effective care and treatment of a person, it is necessary to establish the factors that cause unpleasant symptoms. These include:

    • uncomfortable weather conditions (gusty winds, scorching sun, severe frost, sudden temperature changes, etc.);
    • ultraviolet action;
    • use of hormonal drugs;
    • cosmetics;
    • salon procedures for skin cleansing and wrinkle removal (for example, chemical peeling);
    • poor nutrition;
    • health problems from the vegetative-vascular system.

    Under the influence of harmful factors, processes occur in the skin that lead to the development of allergenic and inflammatory reactions, which are immediately reflected on the face.

    The skin may be this way from birth or acquire this property for some (long or short) time. The first option is most common in people with blond or red hair. It is affected by any negative natural phenomena. Caring for problem skin involves the use of special protective care products. A competent consultation with a cosmetologist is advisable.

    In the second case, the skin becomes sensitive due to the harmful effects of the above factors. Low-quality cosmetics can destroy the upper protective layer, and infectious diseases can reduce the production of a special pigment.

    How to recognize excessive sensitivity?

    The main symptom is an immediate response to the irritant in the form of pinpoint rashes, red spots, peeling or unbearable itching. More than half of women and about a third of men worldwide have it. Main features:

    • a feeling of tightness and discomfort after water treatments and applying a cream or scrub;
    • the appearance of red spots for no particular reason and their subsequent disappearance without a trace;
    • periodically occurring irritations to external factors;
    • difficulties in choosing suitable cosmetics;
    • dryness and flaking;
    • intolerance to direct sunlight;
    • the reaction usually appears on the forehead, nose, chin and around the eyes.

    Skin sensitivity can be easily determined at home. To do this, run a non-sharp object along the outside of your cheek; if the red stripe does not go away for a long time, more than 2 minutes, then the test is positive. In severe cases, blisters may appear (at a serious stage, it is better not to use scrubs with a peeling effect).

    Features of proper care

    If you have delicate skin, then you probably know that it requires constant and careful care. Once you relax a little, your face becomes covered with ugly red spots, and then other signs of hypersensitivity appear. By following these simple rules, you can fully enjoy the beauty and forget about small troubles:

    1. Use only proven cosmetics from well-known brands with an impeccable reputation from the series “for sensitive skin.” Try to settle on a cream from one brand you like and use only that one. First, apply a small amount to the elbow area. Always check your body's reaction to new products.

    2. Do not use tap water to wash your face; it is very drying and causes unpleasant peeling of the skin. A decoction of medicinal herbs is best suited for this purpose.

    3. Soap and all kinds of scrubs also have a tightening effect, so you shouldn’t use them.

    4. For sensitive, irritated skin in the cold season, you definitely need a good moisturizer, and in hot weather - reliable protection from ultraviolet rays.

    5. Try to eat right and avoid eating foods that cause skin reactions.

    6. Give up bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes).

    7. Avoid places with sudden temperature changes (for example, baths).

    8. Get a hormonal examination from a gynecologist. If there are any violations, the doctor will prescribe you a course of treatment with drugs that can change the situation with your skin.

    9. Special after-shave care cosmetics have been developed for men to eliminate the problems of delicate skin.

    10. Treat salon procedures with caution, use only the most gentle ones.

    Skin can be both dry and oily. Each of them has its own signs and characteristics and requires individual care:

    • Fat.

    Owners of this skin type suffer from excessive redness and all kinds of inflammatory processes. In the struggle for facial beauty, they abuse cleansing products, which only worsen the situation. As a result of their use, the sebaceous glands begin to work even harder to avoid dehydration of the epidermis. To improve the condition, use moisturizing creams with a nourishing effect. The content of unsaturated acids in them should not exceed 10-12%.

    • Dry.

    The skin type is characterized by the premature appearance of facial wrinkles and a pronounced vascular network pattern on the face. To correct the picture, you need to be able to choose the right care cosmetics. A cream for dry and sensitive skin should have a high moisturizing effect and contain more than 12% unsaturated fatty acids.

    Professional treatment

    In advanced cases, cosmetics are powerless and you need to contact a specialist for salon procedures. He will create an individual program for you and recommend additional care products that will help overcome the symptoms of the disease.

    Treatment for women with sensitive, dehydrated skin usually begins with a couple of treatments, and then, based on the reaction to them, they decide whether to continue. Carefully try nourishing masks, and later add peeling (those with oily skin should not get carried away with it). The entire session is aimed at hydration and nutrition with beneficial microelements and vitamins.

    Folk remedies

    • Potato.

    It has a unique healing effect, reduces redness and blocks inflammatory processes. A puree is prepared from boiled vegetables and warm milk and applied to the face, kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with boiled water. To improve the result, you can add olive oil to the mixture.

    • Cucumber.

    The fortified mask carefully cares for the skin, deeply moisturizes and nourishes it, and also visibly refreshes the complexion. To prepare it you will need a fresh cucumber. Place the grated pulp on the skin and wait 10 minutes; after the procedure, rinse your face with water. It is also effective to place vegetable slices on your eyelids.

    • Cereals.

    The product is famous for its cleansing effect on the skin. The result from the mask is similar to the effect of peeling in a salon or from a good cosmetic scrub. Pour the flakes completely with warm boiled water and allow them to swell. Remove excess liquid and apply to face. After 15 minutes, rinse and use moisturizer.

    Care for thin, sensitive skin should be comprehensive: modern cosmetics, delicate salon procedures and daily care for the little things. It includes the following items:

    • wear clothes only made of soft natural fabrics to eliminate unnecessary possibility of skin irritation;
    • in hot weather, take a shower several times a day; excessive sweat can be an additional cause of redness and rashes;
    • use moisturizer at least in the morning and evening;
    • abandon hard washcloths in favor of soft sponges;
    • Wash your face several times a day with water and herbal infusions (chamomile, string);
    • purchase an air humidifier for your apartment;
    • stay near radiators and heating devices as little as possible.

    Properly caring for delicate facial skin, knowing the reasons for its excessive sensitivity, is not at all difficult. Give yourself just a few minutes a day and you will forget about such troubles as red spots, itching and peeling.

    Dry sensitive facial skin requires special care. In cosmetology, it is classified as a separate category and a special care system is created for it. It can cause a lot of problems and discomfort, but you can fight it. Even in a short period of time, many manage to significantly improve the condition and appearance of their face.

    Signs of sensitive facial skin

    Facial skin type can change with age, under the influence of external factors or due to internal changes in the body. Each skin type can create certain problems for its owners. Both oily and dry facial skin require special care. Too delicate and sensitive skin can bother a person all his life or begin to cause discomfort only at some stage.

    Those with dry sensitive skin face problems such as:

    • peeling;
    • burning sensation for no apparent reason;
    • frequent sunburn and difficulties with a full tan;
    • the appearance of a reaction to most types of cosmetics;
    • severe irritation;
    • feeling of tightness, especially after washing;
    • the appearance of pigment spots of unknown origin;
    • redness;
    • frequent occurrence of irritation;
    • pallor;
    • a thin layer of sebum;
    • thin skin.

    A special test will help you accurately determine whether a person has sensitive skin. Run the blunt end of a pencil or pen across your cheek and see how long the red line lasts. For those with sensitive skin, this reaction lasts 2 minutes or even longer.

    Most often, dry skin with high sensitivity is found in blondes and redheads. However, other people may also experience sensitivity. Correct and competent skin care will help you get rid of constant irritation and peeling that appears for any reason.

    Basic rules of care

    A sensitive, dry face requires special care because it regularly reacts to the slightest irritants. People who are familiar with this problem may experience peeling on their face due to heat, spots after applying cosmetics, and inflammation due to food allergies.

    To bring your face back to normal, it is advisable to determine which negative factor the skin reacted to. Its effects must be eliminated to restore a healthy appearance to the face. However, this cannot always be done. Following a special care system developed by cosmetologists will help you get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

    The following rules must be observed:

    1. Any aggressive impact must be eliminated or, if this is not possible, at least minimized. Aggressive factors include sun rays, steam, temperature changes, hard peeling, mechanical facial cleansing and similar cosmetic procedures.
    2. You should avoid cosmetics that contain alcohol, glycolic acid or retinoids. These components can be in soaps, tonics, lotions, scrubs and masks.
    3. Don't resort to aromatherapy.
    4. Any products that are applied to the skin must be of the highest quality. It is recommended to use a minimum of cosmetics (both decorative and skin care).
    5. You can use creams with SPF before every time you go outside. It is advisable to use products that contain physical filters: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, etc.
    6. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation should be avoided. You should completely avoid visiting solariums. You can sunbathe only during periods when the sun provides indirect rays.
    7. The diet must be structured so that foods harmful to the condition of the skin are excluded from it. Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, too hot, cold or spicy food, allergenic foods, which include eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc. are prohibited. The emphasis in nutrition should be on vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, grape, flaxseed). Be sure to consume enough fiber. It is also very important to drink clean water in sufficient quantities.
    8. Smoking should be avoided.
    9. After consulting with your doctor, you can take vasoconstrictor medications to eliminate redness.
    10. Get examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist to identify possible hormonal disorders and get rid of them.
    11. Use a nourishing cream, preferably after consultation with a cosmetologist.
    12. Taking complexes of vitamins and minerals, which improve the condition of the vascular system and the entire body as a whole, helps to cope with the problem.

    If you follow all the basic rules of care and revise your lifestyle, noticeable improvements in the condition of your facial skin can be achieved very quickly. Some salon procedures will help speed up the effect and significantly improve your appearance.

    What procedures can be performed in the salon?

    Dry and sensitive skin will regain its freshness and attractiveness after some procedures that are offered to their clients by numerous beauty salons.

    Not all procedures in the arsenal of cosmetologists can be performed on those with dry and sensitive skin. However, some of them are recommended for those problems that create excessive sensitivity and dryness.

    Treatments useful for dry and sensitive skin include:

    1. Microcurrent therapy. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen blood vessels, and increases local immunity.
    2. Phototherapy. Using a diode laser you can remove skin redness.
    3. Biorevitalization. Additional use of hyaluronic acid will provide a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, improve microcirculation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
    4. Mesotherapy. Eliminates wrinkles and flaking, therefore recommended for mature, dry skin with increased sensitivity.

    Some salon procedures are prohibited for such problem skin. Contraindicated procedures include:

    • chemical and glycolic peeling;
    • laser resurfacing;
    • almost all types of massages.

    An experienced cosmetologist will be able to select the optimal course of procedures that will have a positive effect on the condition of dry sensitive skin. The cosmetic effect will be supplemented by products that can be used independently at home.

    Home care products

    From products available to everyone at home, you can prepare effective and safe facial care products. Regular use of such products helps to significantly improve the condition of dry and sensitive facial skin.

    An excellent mask for sensitive skin can be made from cottage cheese. If you add a little warmed low-fat milk and cucumber pulp to low-fat cottage cheese, you will get an excellent product that should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the mask once a week.

    As a tonic, you can use a mixture of boiled birch sap and honey. You need to wipe your skin with this composition in the morning and evening. You can also wipe the skin with cosmetic oils. Burdock, lemon, rose, and sea buckthorn oils are good.

    Cream for daily use can also be made at home. To do this, you need to heat 30 g of base oil in a steam bath, add 2 ml of stearic acid, wait until the emulsifier dissolves, pour in 60 ml of green tea. All this time the mixture must be heated. You can remove the mixture from the heat when its consistency becomes creamy. The cream must be stirred constantly. When its temperature drops to 35° C, you need to add 7 ml of chamomile extract and 5 drops of essential verbena oil. All components for the cream can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use it 1 time per day.

    Thus, the problem of sensitive and dry skin can occur in a person at any age and for various reasons.

    You can get rid of unpleasant manifestations of sensitivity and excessive dryness of facial skin if you follow some general rules, use special products for home care and visit a cosmetologist for special procedures.

    Many of us know that oily skin ages much slower than dry skin, but everyone dreams of getting rid of this problem. A greasy sheen, the appearance of comedones and purulent pimples, enlarged pores, a grayish complexion, blurry makeup - these signs of this type are familiar to many and cause a lot of anxiety, worry and inconvenience. Not only girls and boys going through puberty, but also people of a more mature age can face this problem. And 10% of teenagers with oily skin remain oily even after 30 years.

    What can you do to ensure that your skin is healthy, beautiful, clean, matte and well-groomed? You will get the answer to this question, which is important for many people with oily skin, in this article. In it we will introduce you to the causes of oily skin, principles of skin care and treatment. Using our tips, you will be able to look at your reflection in the mirror with pleasure and forget about the oily sheen that bothers you and many other problems characteristic of this skin type.

    Why does skin become oily?

    Poor nutrition and frequent stress contribute to hormonal changes in the body and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

    The main cause of increased oily skin is excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Excessive production of sebum leads to the formation of an oily film on the face, clogging of the sebaceous glands with plugs (comedones), the appearance of a rash and deterioration of the complexion.

    Why do the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum? There are many reasons for their activation. Here are the main ones.

    1. Excess testosterone. This most common cause of oily skin is most typical during adolescence, when powerful hormonal changes begin in the body. In most cases, by the age of 25 the level returns to normal and the problem resolves on its own. Hormonal imbalance can occur in women during different phases of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
    2. Hereditary predisposition. This reason is due to the peculiarities of hormonal levels and the functioning of the nervous system, and it cannot be eliminated. In such cases, owners of oily skin have to master the features of daily care for this type of skin.
    3. Poor nutrition(fast food, fatty, sweet and salty dishes, excess preservatives, etc.). This cause of oily skin is due to dysfunction of many systems and organs, and you can only get rid of it by reviewing your diet.
    4. Frequent stress or depression. This cause of oily skin is due to a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. You can get rid of it by changing your attitude towards problems that arise, having a positive attitude towards life, or treating nervous disorders.
    5. Disturbance in the functioning of internal organs:, intestines, stomach, etc. Many of the diseases of the internal organs lead to hormonal imbalance, and the sebaceous glands begin to work in increased mode. To get rid of this cause, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease.
    6. Frequent use of cleansersalcohol-based products.Under the influence of alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, the epidermis is actively dehydrated, and in response to this, the sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum. To get rid of this reason, it is often enough to choose the right skin care products.
    7. Frequent peelings. Facial cleansing using mechanical or chemical peels always gives noticeable and tangible results, and “in the pursuit of perfection” many begin to abuse these procedures. Constant microtrauma and inflammation of the epidermis that accompany the process of skin resurfacing lead to excessive production of sebum. You can get rid of this reason only by changing your attitude towards the need for peelings and performing them in a more “gentle” mode.

    In some cases, excess oily skin can be caused by more than one reason.

    Signs of oily skin

    Oily skin type can be determined by the following signs:

    • an hour or two after washing, a greasy film appears on the skin;
    • oily shine (usually in the area of ​​the nose, forehead or chin);
    • frequent appearance of areas of inflammation or rashes;
    • enlarged pores (especially in the T-zone);
    • periodic peeling of the skin;
    • black and white comedones;
    • the presence of hyperpigmentation from rashes;
    • the appearance of scars and post-acne;
    • smudging makeup.

    How to properly care for oily skin?

    Oily skin needs special care, and its appearance will largely depend on its correctness and regularity. Caring procedures must be supplemented by compliance with the following recommendations:

    • diet: exclude spicy, sweet, fatty, spicy and too salty foods, alcoholic drinks, coffee and chocolate from the diet;
    • prevention of stress: excessive stimulation of the nervous system leads to more active work of the sebaceous glands; if necessary, it should be taken;
    • frequent replacement of the pillowcase: it is better to change this piece of bed linen daily, since bacteria accumulating on it can cause inflammation of the skin and the appearance of acne;
    • no touching your face with your hands during the day: touching your skin with dirty hands increases the likelihood of inflammation and acne;
    • respect for the skin: do not squeeze out pimples and comedones yourself; such procedures should only be performed by a specialist, since if performed incorrectly, they can lead to infection and more severe complications (including sepsis);
    • mandatory makeup removal before bed: a layer of decorative cosmetics interferes with the normal functioning of the skin, clogs pores and leads to the appearance of acne and areas of inflammation.


    If you have oily skin, you should cleanse your face 2-3 times a day. For this procedure, it is advisable to use slightly warm water and special cleansers: gels or foams for this skin type. It is not recommended to use antibacterial soap for cleansing, as it dries out the upper layers of the epidermis, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and can provoke the appearance of inflammatory reactions.

    If you have oily skin, you should completely avoid washing your face with hot or too warm water, as its high temperature will lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Constantly using only warm water is also not recommended, as this causes skin atony and constant enlargement of pores. To avoid such consequences, rinsing your face with cool water after washing with a cleanser will help.

    To wash with gel or foam, you can use a special brush or sponge for the face, which provides deeper cleansing of sebum from the pores. The cleanser is applied to damp skin, and gentle massaging movements are performed with a brush or sponge for 2-3 minutes. After this, the face is rinsed with water and blotted with a towel.

    Toning and antiseptics

    After cleansing the skin, apply a toner or lotion for oily skin containing oxide and salicylic acid on the face. For daily care, you should choose products that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol-containing products should be used only if there are inflammatory elements and pustules on the skin. To treat such problem areas, you can use tea tree oil, which has a strong antiseptic and wound-healing effect.


    For oily facial skin, it is recommended to exfoliate 1-2 times a week, which exfoliates dead skin cells and prevents clogging of pores. For this procedure, you can use ready-made cosmetics (scrubs and peels) for oily skin or products that were prepared at home.

    Application of creams and gels

    Oily skin, like any other, needs additional hydration and nutrition. This is why you should not refuse to use creams. They must be chosen taking into account the needs of this skin type: they should not contain a large amount of fat. To care for oily skin, you should use only light, non-greasy creams or special hydrogels. Their composition should include fatty acids, antiseptic and astringent extracts (birch, tea tree, witch hazel, eucalyptus, cedar, pine, etc.). Creams or hydrogels can be applied 1-2 times a day (morning and evening).

    When choosing cosmetics to care for this type of skin, you should pay attention to products labeled “non-comedogenic.” Various dyes, thickeners and moisturizers can be comedogenic, i.e., clog pores, for oily skin. In some cases, this tendency to block the lumen of the sebaceous glands may be individual, and you will have to choose care products using a selection method.

    Steam baths

    People with oily skin are recommended to take steam baths 2-3 times a month. For this procedure, you should use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow) or collections from them. Steam baths are best done before bed and only after thoroughly cleansing the skin. Such procedures improve blood circulation, cleanse pores and eliminate black and whiteheads (comedones).

    Face masks

    For more complete care for oily skin, it is recommended to make masks 2-3 times a week. Such procedures eliminate and prevent inflammation of the skin, dry it, deeply cleanse the pores, make them narrower and improve complexion. For masks, you can use ready-made cosmetics or healing compositions prepared at home.

    Any mask is applied only to well-cleaned skin and removed according to the instructions. With such procedures, the duration of applications must also be observed.


    Oily facial skin needs protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Sunscreens for this skin type should not contain comedogenic ingredients or fragrances. Preference should be given to those products that were created for sensitive skin. Such creams are softer and do not clog pores.

    For daily use, you need to choose products with SPF 15-30. When visiting the beach, pool or park - with an SPF of more than 30. The application of such products replaces the use of moisturizing creams or hydrogels. If necessary, sunscreens are reapplied to the skin (for example, after contact with water or at certain intervals).

    Anti-aging creams

    Many anti-aging creams are too heavy for oily skin because they contain comedogenic substances. For this skin type, it is better to use anti-aging gels or serums that have a lighter texture. Such anti-aging products should include anti-radicals and sunscreen components.

    What care products for oily skin can you prepare yourself?

    To solve many problems associated with oily facial skin, products that can be prepared at home help perfectly. For their production, medicinal herbs, food, essential and natural oils are used. When using such homemade cosmetics, be sure to ensure that there is no allergic reaction to the components.

    There are many recipes for preparing oily skin care products. In this article we will describe some of them.

    Soap based on white or blue clay

    Grind 100 g of baby soap and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup of herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil, 2.5 ml of grape seed oil and a heaped teaspoon of white or blue clay to the soap base. If desired, you can add juice from ¼ lemon to this recipe. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a mold (for example, a small glass jar). After cooling, use for washing.

    Oatmeal soap

    Grind 100 g of baby soap and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup of herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. To the soap base, add a tablespoon of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder, ½ teaspoon each of lemon juice and almond oil, 5 drops each of rosemary and mint essential oils. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and cool in the mold.

    Sea salt and lemon juice scrub

    Mix lemon juice and chopped sea salt in equal proportions. Rub the resulting mixture onto your cleansed face with massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

    Scrub made from honey, wheat bran and lemon juice

    Melt 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath and add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of wheat bran to it. Mix thoroughly, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to face. Massage the skin for several minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Toner with apple cider vinegar and essential oil

    Mix 2/3 cup of witch hazel or chamomile decoction with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and add 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or juniper) to the resulting solution. Pour the tonic into a sterilized glass container, close the lid and shake several times. Be sure to shake the tonic before applying to the skin.

    Tonic of mint, calendula and lemon juice

    Pour boiling water over a mint tea bag and let steep for about 10-15 minutes. Prepare a decoction of calendula. Pour mint infusion into a sterilized glass container, add 2 teaspoons of calendula decoction and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Close the container with a lid and mix thoroughly. Store tonic in the refrigerator.

    Cream jelly made from honey, glycerin and salicylic acid

    Soak 6 g of gelatin in ½ cup of warm water and add 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid and 80 g of glycerin to the resulting mass. Place the bowl with the future cream in a water bath and keep it, stirring constantly, until all the ingredients are completely dissolved. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil (cedar, rosemary or lemon) to the cream for fragrance. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

    Cream based on oils and beeswax

    To prepare the cream, you can take various base oils:

    • apricot kernel oil – for severe peeling of the skin;
    • olive oil – if there are areas of redness;
    • grape seed oil – in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
    • wheat germ oil – for wrinkled problem skin.

    Essential oils are also selected depending on the characteristics of the facial skin:

    • bergamot, lemon, cypress, geranium, eucalyptus, tea tree or juniper oils - in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
    • lavender, chamomile, neroli or lemon balm oils - for itching and flaking of the skin;
    • mala cedar, jasmine or sandalwood - for wrinkled skin.

    Melt 15 g of beeswax in a water bath and mix it with 50 ml of base oil. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add 5 drops of essential oil to it. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Shake before application.

    White clay and pineapple juice mask

    Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with a tablespoon of pineapple juice. Add another spoonful of juice and mix until smooth. Place the mask in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Make the mask 2-3 times a week. Pineapple juice can be replaced with lemon juice.

    Vitamin mask made from grapefruit juice and oatmeal

    Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix it with ¼ cup of fresh grapefruit juice. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then cool water. Make the mask 2-3 times a week.

    What salon treatments are good for oily skin?

    Salon treatments will help improve your skin condition.

    Many salon procedures help suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, remove age spots and acne scars, and improve skin color. They are selected individually for each client, and their choice depends on many indications, contraindications and skin characteristics.

    In the salon, those with oily skin may be offered the following procedures:

    1. Ultrasonic facial cleansing. This gentle procedure allows you to cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and even out the tone and texture of the skin.
    2. Vacuum peeling. This surface resurfacing procedure allows you to even out skin texture, remove comedones and excess sebum, eliminate fine wrinkles and improve blood circulation.
    3. Biocybernetic therapy. This procedure normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the removal of harmful substances, improves local metabolism in skin cells and accelerates its recovery processes.
    4. Darsonvalization. Exposure to pulsed alternating currents improves blood microcirculation, narrows pores, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and eliminates compactions and hyperpigmented spots on the face.
    5. Mesotherapy. This procedure allows you to deliver medicinal substances, vitamins and minerals into the deep layers of the skin. If necessary, can be used only on problem areas of the face.
    6. LPG facial massage. This procedure is performed to eliminate enlarged pores, swelling, infiltrates, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and improve skin tone.
    7. Laser resurfacing. This procedure allows you to get rid of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates areas of hyperpigmentation after acne, scars, post-acne and significantly improves complexion.
    8. Microcrystalline dermabrasion. This procedure opens the pores of the sebaceous glands, removes the top layer of dead skin, evens out the complexion and gets rid of scarring, hyperpigmentation from acne and post-acne.
    9. Superficial chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, non-toxic alpha hydroxy acids can be used: glycolic, tartaric, lactic, malic, trichloroacetic, mandelic and salicylic. Such peels can suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, tighten pores, prevent the appearance of acne and improve complexion.
    10. Medium chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, Pro Anthox methods are used (peeling using a composition of 5% TCA and 10% glycolic acid) or Yellow peel (peeling using a composition of retinoic, azelaic, phytic, ascorbic and kojic acids). Such procedures allow you to get rid of deeper skin defects: hyperpigmentation after acne, post-acne, scars and wrinkles.

    Salons can also offer complex individual care services for oily skin using professional lines of cosmetics. Such cosmetics not only allow you to achieve a temporary aesthetic result, but also have an effective therapeutic effect. Their prescription should only be carried out by dermatologists or cosmetologists.

    The most popular lines of professional cosmetics for oily skin care are the following brands:

    • Dermalogica;
    • Natura Bisse;
    • GIGI Cosmetic Labs;
    • Comodex;
    • Dermo Control;
    • A-NOX;
    • ONmacabim et al.

    In what cases is treatment necessary for oily skin?

    Proper and regular care for oily facial skin in many cases helps to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of this skin type, but for some diseases of the internal organs it gives only temporary results.

    To eliminate such problems, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic examinations that will identify the cause of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. To do this, you need to seek advice from the following specialists:

    • endocrinologist;
    • gynecologist;

    Sensitive skin – almost every third woman in Europe makes this diagnosis. Red spots and dots, a feeling of tightness of the skin, increased irritability of certain areas of the skin - all these are signs of special skin sensitivity. The main feature of such skin is its absolutely unpredictable reaction to substances that are part of skin care products. This especially applies to those products that are not intended for sensitive skin.

    Skin sensitivity usually develops over the years. From birth, this phenomenon is rare. A number of reasons can contribute to the occurrence of skin sensitivity, among which the leading place is occupied by improper daily skin care, or lack thereof, or too frequent experiments with cosmetics. Of no small importance are factors such as constant stress, increased irritability and nervousness, which can also cause skin sensitivity. Other reasons why the skin begins to react painfully to the slightest irritants include certain skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. An unhealthy and unhealthy diet, including excessive consumption of salty, spicy and spicy foods, consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee, as well as smoking can also lead to skin becoming dry and sensitive to external irritants. Another important factor that can also affect the occurrence of sensitivity is the poor quality of water that we use to wash our face. It is worth mentioning the negative influence of environmental factors and pollution, which also contribute to the occurrence of sensitivity. Quite often, skin sensitivity is influenced by hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as menopause.

    Sensitivity can occur in those with any skin type (oily, dry, combination). However, most often it is dry skin that becomes sensitive due to the lack of subcutaneous fat and pigmentation that protect it from the effects of negative external factors.

    Skin hypersensitivity should not be confused with allergies, because they are completely different things. Most often, an allergy can be triggered by a skin reaction to the use of one or more cosmetics or certain foods, appearing only after several hours. Sensitive skin manifests itself instantly in the form of irritation from almost any procedure.

    These days, the cosmetics industry offers a huge range of different products to care for sensitive skin, but even among this range it is very difficult to choose a product that will really suit such “capricious” skin. Therefore, when choosing such products, you should carefully study the composition and characteristics of a particular product. It would be good if the product label contains notes such as “for dry, sensitive skin”, “dermatologically tested”, “hypoallergenic”. If you have the opportunity to purchase a sample of this or that product, use it without hesitation.

    It should be noted that before solving the problem of skin sensitivity, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence, since each problem has its own solution.

    Sensitive skin, like any skin type, has general principles of care, the observance of which helps to significantly improve its external condition, eliminating irritation and redness, preserving youth and beauty. They include: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition.

    Cleansing and toning.
    When caring for sensitive skin, it is useful to wash your face with warm mineral or spring water every morning. Tap water is harmful to any skin, especially sensitive ones. In the evenings, you should use milk as a cleansing procedure to remove makeup and remove impurities. After morning washing and evening cleansing, the skin needs toning. For this purpose, an alcohol-free tonic is ideal, which can be purchased ready-made, or can be made at home, which in this case is preferable. This product will refresh and soften sensitive skin and eliminate inflammation. For example, lemon tonic: squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon and strain it, mix with a teaspoon of glycerin and a quarter glass of water. This tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for a month. Use a cotton pad, previously soaked in tonic, to wipe the skin, following the massage lines in a circular motion.

    When caring for such capricious skin, you need to be careful when using new cosmetics. According to experts, in caring for sensitive skin it is necessary to use the simplest products, and in small quantities. In the morning, be sure to use a light day cream. The composition of such a product must contain sun protection factors, as well as softening fats. It is especially good if the cream is based on thermal water and mineral components. It’s good if the day cream is based on thermal waters and with mineral components.

    It should also be said that natural cosmetics, contrary to the beliefs of many women about their effectiveness and gentle effects, can severely irritate the skin and cause allergies. These products include those that contain arnica, chamomile and calendula plants.

    Night care for sensitive skin includes applying a special night cream, which contains regenerating substances that promote wound healing, and special ingredients that protect the skin and accumulate moisture, and also activate oxygen metabolism in cells. Such complex products for the care of sensitive skin often include allantoin, panthenol, which have a calming effect and smooth the skin, as well as kavain, which inhibits the development of inflammatory processes that arise under the influence of the environment, vitamins A and E.

    Decorative cosmetics.
    The main rule in caring for sensitive skin is not to overload it with decorative makeup products. At the same time, all cosmetics you use must undergo dermatological control. The ideal decorative cosmetics for sensitive skin are those with medicinal properties.

    Face masks.
    For sensitive skin, only moisturizing and nourishing masks with a light base and easy to wash off are suitable. No film masks or hardening masks should be used, as they draw moisture from the skin, aggravating the skin condition. You should know that you should not apply the mask if you are allergic to any component contained in its composition.

    Since sensitive skin has a very thin stratum corneum and is naturally finely porous, the use of additional exfoliating products is not permissible, since they negatively affect the condition of the stratum corneum and further thin the skin. In addition, the abrasive particles included in peelings can severely damage the skin, causing serious eczema.

    More thorough cleansing can be used to care for sensitive skin, but the method should be gentle. For example, while washing your face, you can rub your skin with a terry mitten. This manipulation will act as a gentle peeling of the skin.

    Nervous stress is contraindicated for sensitive skin, so it is necessary to protect it from anything that could cause stress. To do this, you should limit the consumption of foods that increase nervous tension (coffee, black tea, cola, champagne...). Sun rays also negatively affect such skin, so in spring and summer it is imperative to use creams with a high level of protection (SPF at least 15). The same goes for swimming in the pool. In this case, you should use a waterproof cream with a high sun protection factor, which will protect the skin from the negative effects of chlorinated water.

    Salon treatments for sensitive skin are a salvation for it, keeping it in good shape and providing a radiant and healthy appearance. Only, let me make a reservation, all this is possible with the proper selection of procedures specifically for your skin by a qualified specialist. But since salon skin care simply cannot be carried out every day during the day, home care is the main thing, so it must be taken seriously. Recipes for nourishing and moisturizing masks for home preparation will help with this. After exposure, a self-prepared mask for sensitive skin should be washed off with warm boiled or mineral water. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the skin after such a procedure.

    Recipes for masks for sensitive skin.
    Mix the crushed yolk, hard-boiled egg with a tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese, adding a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of berry juice or lemon juice. Apply the resulting mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

    Mix the pre-beaten yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

    Mix a small amount of liquid honey (about 100 g) with one small lemon, previously crushed. Apply this mixture to your face every morning for fifteen minutes, after which you can wash your face. This mixture keeps well in the refrigerator.

    Mix three teaspoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of liquid honey until a homogeneous mass is formed, which should be applied to the face and left for fifteen minutes. There is no need to wash off this mask with water. Using a cotton pad previously soaked in cold milk, simply remove the remnants of the mask from the skin.

    Lubricate the skin of the face with any vegetable oil, then evenly distribute the raw yolk over it, as if rubbing it, while periodically wetting your hands in hot water. As a result of this manipulation, a white foamy mass is formed on the skin of the face. This mask should be left on for twenty minutes.

    Grate one medium-sized carrot on a fine grater. Pour a tablespoon of milk into the resulting mass and mix well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face and leave for twenty minutes.

    Add a few drops of lemon juice to one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the resulting composition to your face and wash off after fifteen minutes. In the case of very dry skin, such a mask should be applied to warm vegetable oil previously applied to the skin.

    Grate one small apple on a fine grater. Take a tablespoon of apple mass and mix with a teaspoon of honey, adding mashed butter (1 tablespoon) with one yolk. Apply the finished composition to the skin of the face for half an hour, then remove the excess with a paper napkin.

    Mix one large carrot, grated on a fine grater, with the yolk of one egg until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for twenty to twenty-five minutes. It is recommended to do this mask twice a week.

    Grind two teaspoons of cottage cheese with half a raw yolk, adding a teaspoon of apple juice and the same amount of camphor oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed, apply to the face and leave for twenty minutes. Rinse off the mask first with warm and then with cold water.

    Peel the cucumber. Place the resulting peel, cut to the skin, on the face, having previously wiped it with it. Or grind the cucumber together with the skin into a paste and apply it to the face for twenty minutes.

    Grate a medium-sized tomato and add two tablespoons of wheat flour to the resulting mass. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face for half an hour. This mask effectively relieves skin irritation and redness.

    Mash the pulp of apricot or peach into a paste and apply to the face. Instead of apricot or peach, you can use strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and blackberries.

    Vegetable oils, especially olive oil, are very useful for dry and sensitive skin. Before applying the white cabbage mask, they should wipe the skin. Grind the leaves of white cabbage into a pulp and apply to the skin of the face.

    Boil unpeeled potatoes (1 piece), mash and mix with a small amount of fresh milk and one yolk. Apply the resulting composition warm to the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

    Combine a teaspoon of milk and glycerin, adding rice starch so that a thin consistency is formed. This mask helps with inflammation and flaking of the skin. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged areas of the skin.

    Pour boiling water (half a glass) over two prunes, mash them into a paste and combine with a tablespoon of honey, adding oatmeal so that you get a kind of paste, which you apply to your face for twenty minutes. After this, remove the mask with a cotton pad previously soaked in herbal decoction or weak tea leaves.

    Prepare a decoction of chamomile. Take a tablespoon of the prepared decoction in a warm form and add two tablespoons of warm milk to it. Prepare gauze in advance, folded in several layers and make slits in it for the eyes, mouth and nose. After this, moisten the gauze in the resulting mixture, squeeze lightly and apply to the face for 10 minutes. After removing the mask, pat your skin dry with a napkin. This mask serves as an excellent skin tonic, eliminating inflammation.

    Pour a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of milk and leave the mixture to swell, then apply the mixture to your face and neck, and after twenty minutes, rinse off the mask.

    Combine 50 grams of fresh yeast with a tablespoon of vegetable oil until a homogeneous mixture appears. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face and neck for twenty minutes.

    In order to soothe the skin and relieve irritation, herbal infusions of sage, mint, plantain, chamomile, diluted with starch to the consistency of jelly, will help. Such masks are applied to the face and left for twenty minutes.

    Take 250 g of natural yogurt, 60 grams of oatmeal and two teaspoons of honey or beeswax. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mass for twenty minutes on the face, previously cleansed of makeup and impurities. In case of allergies to honey and its products, it can be replaced with banana puree.

    Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of milk and the same amount of chopped cucumber gruel. Apply the mixture to your face, and after twenty minutes, wash off the mask.

    Combine cottage cheese and carrot juice in equal quantities and apply the resulting mixture to your face. After fifteen minutes, wash off.

    Add two teaspoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of finely grated carrots to a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

    Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of finely grated carrots, a tablespoon of banana pulp, two tablespoons of milk until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting composition to the face for fifteen minutes.

    Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture and apply the mixture to your face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask. You can simply cut peeled potatoes into ovals and apply them to your face.

    Boil one potato in its jacket, crush it and add a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of olive oil (or other vegetable oil). Apply the mask for twenty minutes.

    If your skin is hypersensitive, then instead of water you can use a special solution, to prepare which you need to mix a teaspoon of potato starch with a tablespoon of cold water so that you get the consistency of thick sour cream. After this, add about a quarter cup of boiling water to the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly. Mix the mixture prepared in this way with a liter of boiled water and use it as water for washing your skin.

    Take a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and combine with a tablespoon of milk. Distribute the composition over damp facial skin, applying it with light circular movements along the massage lines. After this you can wash your face.

    Pour two tablespoons of chopped white cabbage leaves with enough boiling milk to make a paste. Apply the resulting mass warm to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

    Brew two tablespoons of oatmeal with boiling milk. As soon as the mixture cools and swells, take one tablespoon and mix it with the yolk, the same amount of cottage cheese, banana or melon pulp (1 tablespoon). The mask is also applied to the face for fifteen minutes and then washed off. For severe peeling of the skin, add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mask.

    Recipes for lotions for sensitive skin.
    Mix the following herbs, one tablespoon at a time: sage, mint, plantain, rose petals, chamomile, chopped parsley, aloe. Place the herbal mixture in a tightly sealed container. Take a tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, then strain. You should wipe your face with the resulting lotion immediately after washing. The effectiveness of the lotion will be significantly higher if you add a few drops of citric acid or a tablespoon of any fruit or berry juice (only sour) to it.

    Pour boiling water (400 ml) into a mixture of two tablespoons of dried rose petals and jasmine flowers, close the lid tightly and leave for the mixture to infuse. After six hours, strain the infusion and add two tablespoons of vodka and two ampoules of vitamin B1.

    Pour 50 grams of fresh cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boil for ten minutes. After this, cool the broth and strain. Use as a tonic.

    Pour boiling water (400 ml) into two tablespoons of crushed rose petals and leave for half an hour, after which cool the infusion and strain. Use it as a skin spray throughout the day, especially in summer. To do this, it is convenient to use a spray bottle.

    Cut the cucumber into several slices and put them in a bowl with milk for half an hour. After the specified time, remove the cucumbers and use the milk to wipe the skin of the face.

    Brew a tablespoon of finely chopped dry mint leaves (or 3 tablespoons of fresh) with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain the infusion and use as a tonic lotion.

    Pour 10 grams of chopped finely chopped elecampane root into half a glass of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for half an hour from the moment it boils. After this, cool the broth and strain. Use as a skin rinse after washing. Warm decoction can be used as compresses.

    Pour half a tablespoon of yarrow into a glass of boiling water, leave, and then strain. Recommended as a sedative.

    Pour boiling water (100 ml) over a teaspoon of herbal mixture of chamomile, plantain and linden, or any of these herbs separately. Leave for twenty minutes and then strain. Wipe your face with the resulting product every day. It perfectly tones the skin. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

    Crush a tablespoon of strawberries, dilute with a glass of cold water. Use the resulting solution as a tonic.

    Brew a tablespoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, leave for about twenty minutes, then strain the infusion. Recommended for use as an anti-inflammatory and firming lotion.

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