• Presentation on the topic "April 1 - April Fool's Day." Presentation on the topic “April 1st - April Fools’ Day Presentation on the topic April 1st


    history of the holiday

  • April 1 - this Day is not included in any calendars of significant dates and national holidays, but it can easily be classified as international, since it is celebrated with equal success in Russia, and in Germany, and in England, and in France, and in Scandinavia , and even in the East. In some countries, April 1 is called April Fool's Day, in others - April Fool's Day. On this day, everyone is not averse to making fun of others, no one is immune from practical jokes, and even the most serious ones involuntarily smile.
  • It's hard to say where this holiday came from. The custom of having fun, joking and deceiving each other on April 1st exists in many countries. There are many different hypotheses about the origin of the April Fools tradition, all converging on one thing: its roots go deep into the medieval European carnival culture. In fact, this is one of the most persistent elements of paganism that has settled in the Christian consciousness.
  • And many attribute the origin of this holiday to Ancient Rome, where the Feast of the Stupid was celebrated in mid-February (and not at all in early April). Apuleius believed that in ancient Rome, April Fool's Day was associated with a holiday in honor of the deity of Laughter. Others claim that this holiday originated in ancient India, where March 31 was celebrated as a holiday of jokes. There is also an assumption that on April 1st in the ancient world only the Irish joked, and only in honor of the New Year. Icelandic sagas say that the custom of cheating on April 1 was introduced by the gods in memory of Skadea, daughter of Thiass.
    • And many attribute the origin of this holiday to Ancient Rome, where the Feast of the Stupid was celebrated in mid-February (and not at all in early April). Apuleius believed that in ancient Rome, April Fool's Day was associated with a holiday in honor of the deity of Laughter. Others claim that this holiday originated in ancient India, where March 31 was celebrated as a holiday of jokes. There is also an assumption that on April 1st in the ancient world only the Irish joked, and only in honor of the New Year. Icelandic sagas say that the custom of cheating on April 1 was introduced by the gods in memory of Skadea, daughter of Thiass.
    • According to another version, the custom of joking on April 1 is associated with the postponement of the New Year. Until the second half of the 16th century, the European New Year began at the end of March. They prepared for this event, visited each other, and gave gifts. The New Year itself took place on April 1st. Later, by decree of the French king, the beginning of the year was officially celebrated on January 1, but many subjects continued to celebrate on April 1. To get rid of old traditions, they began to be called “April Fools,” and it became fashionable to play and ridicule them.
    In our country, April Fools' pranks became established after one day the residents of St. Petersburg were awakened from their beds early in the morning by an alarm bell, which usually announced a fire. It was April 1st, and the alarm was comic. It is also known that during the reign of Peter I, a troupe of German actors deceived both the public and the sovereign on this day by placing on the stage, instead of performing a play, a banner with the inscription “April First”. Peter did not get angry and only said, leaving the theater: “The freedom of the comedians.”
        • In our country, April Fools' pranks became established after one day the residents of St. Petersburg were awakened from their beds early in the morning by an alarm bell, which usually announced a fire. It was April 1st, and the alarm was comic. It is also known that during the reign of Peter I, a troupe of German actors deceived both the public and the sovereign on this day by placing on the stage, instead of performing a play, a banner with the inscription “April First”. Peter did not get angry and only said, leaving the theater: “The freedom of the comedians.”
    • The reason for this unique tradition was nature itself. People tried to appease the spring vagaries of weather with jokes and practical jokes.
    In Scotland this day is called Cuckoo Day.
    • In Scotland this day is called Cuckoo Day.
    On this day, it is customary to send funny cards and give gifts - small funny souvenirs. Usually jokes are played
    • On this day, it is customary to send funny cards and give gifts - small funny souvenirs. Usually jokes are played
    • with friends and acquaintances
    In the UK it is customary to prank each other only in the mornings
    • In the UK it is customary to prank each other only in the mornings
    • Historical reference
    • Ancient Rome - Feast of Fools
    • France – April fish
    • England - All Fools' Day
    • Russia - the first mass April Fools' Day prank took place in Moscow in 1703
    Make jokes that make it funny to the person you're joking about!
    • Make jokes that make it funny to the person you're joking about!
    • Spring has come! The streams started ringing! April Fool's Day is coming - the best day in April! Everyone can joke, prank friends and loved ones. On this day you cannot be sad, And walk sad, sour! Call, joke, Prank all your friends! Let them remember the first of April quickly!
    • Living with laughter is good, Living without laughter is harmful, If you joke, it’s for friends - It’s still fun! Hello to all comedians, Our congratulations, Because we need laughter, without a doubt! Whoever comes up with laughter - May you be healthy! Receive congratulations - Humor again!
    • Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.
    • Tell us about your purchases.
    • What about purchases?
    • About shopping, about shopping,
    • About my purchases.

    The history of the creation of the holiday - April Fool's Day. One of the versions about the origin of the holiday of laughter is associated with the fact that initially April 1 was celebrated in many countries as the day of the vernal equinox and the time of Easter. The festivities were accompanied by jokes, pranks and funny pranks. Another version of the origin of April Fools' Day is associated with the transition to the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory in 1582. The fact is that the New Year in the Middle Ages was celebrated not on January 1, but at the end of March. Therefore, the New Year's week began on March 25 and ended on April 1. In those days it was also customary to have fun on New Year's holidays. But, despite the changes in the calendar, people continued to celebrate New Year's week according to the old style. This is how the April Fool's Day holiday arose.

    In Germany and Austria, April 1 was considered an unlucky day. A person born on this day seemed to be unlucky in life. According to legend, on this day Judas, the traitor, was born, and it was on April 1 that Satan was cast out of heaven. They didn’t work in the villages. Adults and children deceived each other, sending each other to carry out impossible tasks (for example, to buy mosquito oil from a pharmacist or merchant).

    In England, it is customary to play pranks on each other only until 12 noon. Victims of deception are called “morons.” From midnight to 12 noon on April 1, everyone could make fun of their friends, acquaintances, and deceive them. Anyone who fell for the bait was greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts: “April Fool!”

    In France, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs (they are called “April fish”). The main thing is to be vigilant so as not to be fooled or, as the creators, the French, say, “not to remain a fish.”

    In ancient Indian manuscripts, references to a holiday on the day of the full moon (the last days of February and the first days of March) were found. On this day, all the residents threw lumps of multi-colored flour at each other. Moreover, this had to be done in such a way that the acquaintance would not even guess about the upcoming “trouble.”

    In Russia, fans of April 1 owe a lot to Peter the Great. His desire to make Russia a modern country, worthy of respect and veneration, led to copying the customs of other countries. One of these borrowings was the April Fool's holiday. Laughter, jokes, and fun certainly found their place in Russian society and spread among ordinary people. Peter the Great himself became a victim of the prank. His associates knew about the king's passion for acting. A rumor was spread that famous German actors allegedly came to Russia. Peter immediately wanted to go to the performance. When the curtain opened, instead of a performance there was a poster hanging on the stage: “It’s the 1st of April, and with that the whole thing is over and the curtain is lowered.” Since then, comic plays, poems, and practical jokes have been performed on this day. The following year, Peter was once again hooked: on the first of April, the bell rang to announce a fire. The king, like other residents, hastily went to the square, where everyone was congratulated on the holiday. The morning that day started off well!

    8 Entertaining quiz 1) The more you pick, the bigger it gets. What is this? 2)Who doesn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? 3) Why do lions eat raw meat? 4) How to double the amount of your money? 5)Can a rooster call himself a hen? 6) What kind of comb can you use to comb your head? 7) What is the first thing we do in the morning? 8)Which branch does the bird sit on after the rain? 9) How to write “mousetrap” in five letters? 10) What kind of shell cannot be found at the bottom of the sea? 11) How far can you go into the forest? 12) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? 13)Which fields should you not pass or drive through? 14) What belongs only to you, and you use it less often than others? 15) This animal has a head like a cat, a tail like a cat, it loves the same food as a cat. But this is not a cat. What kind of animal is this? 16)Who plunges headlong into work? 17) Who is grasping at straws? 18) What is a trivial matter?

    Game "Show us how to frolic." 1 -If the birds sing here and there, (two claps) -If the butterflies have settled in the bushes, (two claps) -Teach us to have fun, show us how to frolic, And we will do the same as you. (two claps of your hands.) __2___ -If you learned the lesson by heart, (two clicks of your fingers) And besides, you helped a friend, (two clicks of your fingers) Teach us to have fun, show us how to frolic, And we will do the same, just like you. (two clicks of fingers.) __________________ 3 -If you washed all the dishes for mom (two claps on the knees) -And didn’t break a cup or plate (two claps on the knees) Teach us to have fun, show us how to frolic, And we will do this same as you. (two claps on the knees) _________4_________________ - If you hurt yourself on a door frame, (Shake your head – ah, ah) If the bump on the top of your head is like a fist, (Shake your head – ah, ah) Teach us not to cry, teach us how not to cry gasp, And we will do the same as you. (Shake your head – ah, ah) ____________5___________________ -If you went into space in a dream, (jump twice) If you ran skipping on the Moon, (jump twice) Show how you frolicked, how you frolicked, had fun, And we will do same as you. (jump twice)

    If a friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him, turn on the stars for him - it's simple. You correct the mistake, turning it into a smile, All sadness and tears are simple. Sunday, Saturday. Friendship is not work, Friendship is not work! There are friends, and for them, friends have no days off! There are friends, and for them, friends have no days off! If happiness falls, divide it into parts and give it to all your friends - it's simple. And when necessary, all your friends will be there to turn on the sun or stars for you. chorus If each friend in a circle extends his hand to a friend, It will be visible through the porthole: Friendship is the equator. If every friend of the planet waves a daisy to a friend, It will become clear: friendship is the Planet of daisies. SONG "FRIENDSHIP"

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    April Fool's Day

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    April 1
    April Fool's Day is a world holiday celebrated on April 1st. The holiday is national in Bulgaria, but is celebrated in many other countries. During this holiday, it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances, or simply make fun of them. Traditionally, in countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia and South Africa, pranks are held only before midday, calling those who prank after this time "April fools". The main celebration of April Fool's Day (Humorina) in the CIS takes place in the city of Odessa on April 1.

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    In 1509, a French poet mentioned "Poisson d'Avril" (Russian: April fish), perhaps referring to the holiday. It is known that in 1539, one Flemish nobleman played a prank on his servants by giving them comic orders on the first of April. The first direct mention of the holiday dates back to 1686, when John Aubrey mentioned “Fools Holiday” (Russian: Holiday of Fools). Ten years later, several Londoners tried to prank people by inviting them to a “lion wash” in the Tower.

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    There are different opinions regarding the origin of the very widespread custom throughout almost all of Europe of deceiving your acquaintances on April 1st, sending them in different directions under various pretexts (French poisson d'avril, English april-fool, German Aprilnarr, Scottish gowk). Until now, it has usually been explained as a reproduction of the fate of the Savior, sent from Anna to Caiaphas, from Pilate to Herod. This explanation was based on the fact that in the Middle Ages during the Easter holiday, which often occurs in April, this scene was part of religious performances ( mysteries). Others saw in this only a hint of the variability of the April weather. In ancient Germany this custom was unknown and was brought there, as Grimm suggests, from France in recent centuries. Although its origin there has not yet been clarified, there is reason to assume that this is a remnant of a pagan, perhaps ancient Celtic, holiday celebrated in connection with the beginning of spring.

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    The first mass April Fool's draw took place in Moscow in 1703. Heralds walked the streets and invited everyone to come to the “unheard-of performance.” There was no end to the audience. And when the curtain opened at the appointed hour, everyone saw a banner on the stage with the inscription: “First of April - don’t trust anyone!” This is where the “unheard of performance” ended.

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    Since the end of the 18th century, lines about April Fools' pranks have appeared in the works of many writers and poets. For example, Pushkin wrote in a letter to A. A. Delvig (October - November 1825)
    “The king’s eyebrows furrowed, He said: “Yesterday a storm toppled the Monument of Peter.” He was frightened: “I didn’t know!.. Really?” - The king burst out laughing: “First, brother, April!”

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    A. N. Apukhtin in his poem “The First of April” (1857) wrote:
    “It’s a fun day! For a long time, We have a patriarchal custom: to lie and all kinds of nonsense. Today, you can flog everyone impudently. At least lies, however, have taken root in us so well, in fact, that every day of the year is partly the first April."

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    Famous pranks
    Decimal time is a common prank based on the fact that time is going to be officially changed to decimal. Apple is buying the Beatles: a rumor started by some music journalists that is still circulating in the music community. On April 1, 1915, at the height of the First World War, a French plane appeared over the German camp and dropped a huge bomb. The Germans scattered, but there was no explosion. The bomb bore the inscription “Happy April 1st!” 1950 - The West German newspaper Wiesbadener Tageblatt publishes a sensational photograph of a UFO pilot who crashed near the city. A meter-tall alien wearing an oxygen mask; Under the photo it is explained that he has one leg and moves by jumping. The photograph will be reprinted by almost all newspapers in the world. Only many years later did the newspaper's employees admit that it was an April Fool's joke; The daughter of one of them passed for an alien.

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    1957 - The BBC published a report about a bumper pasta harvest in Switzerland. The company received many response letters: someone was surprised that pasta grows vertically and not horizontally, someone asked to send seedlings, and only a few expressed slight confusion - after all, until now they were sure that pasta was made from flour. 1995 - the weekly Sobesednik, as an April Fool's joke, publishes material about obscene language, for which the Russian prosecutor's office opens a criminal case against the newspaper. Taco Liberty Bell - In 1996, Taco Bell announced that it had purchased the Liberty Bell to reduce the country's national debt and renamed it "Taco Liberty Bell." Left-Handed Whopper: In 1998, Burger King announced that it had come up with a "Left-Handed Whopper" designed specifically for left-handers. That same day, many people came into their establishments asking for the "old" Whopper for right-handers.

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    Let's laugh together! Read the joke and smile. Norwegian doctors believe that three minutes of laughter are equal to fifteen minutes of physical exercise. Dad. It's a beautiful day? Why do you ask this every morning? - You see, our teacher said that one fine day she will go crazy with me. Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Historical background Ancient Rome - the holiday of fools France - April fish England - All Fools' Day Russia - the first mass April Fool's Day prank took place in Moscow in 1703 Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Living with laughter is good, Living without laughter is harmful, If you joke, it’s for friends - It’s still fun! Hello to all comedians, Our congratulations, Because we need laughter, without a doubt! Whoever comes up with laughter - May you be healthy! Receive congratulations - Humor again! Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Spring has come! The streams started ringing! April Fool's Day is coming - the best day in April! Everyone can joke, prank friends and loved ones. On this day you cannot be sad, And walk sad, sour! Call, joke, Prank all your friends! Let them remember the first of April quickly! Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    April Fool's menu Let's laugh together! Recipes of dishes Tongue twister Riddle-joke Changelings Test Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Test “Do you have a sense of humor?” Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru 1. Do you like to laugh? 2. Do you know how to get out of unpleasant situations with humor? 3. Do you agree with the opinion that marriage is the funniest thing in the world? 4. Do you laugh to yourself when you read or watch something funny on TV? 5. If you notice that you are being deceived, can you not show it? 6. Do your family and friends tell jokes and funny stories? 7. If you are in a company, do you want to look the wittiest and be the center of attention? 8. When you are in a bad mood, does the laughter of others irritate you? 9. Of all the genres, do you prefer comedy? 10. Do you consider yourself a person with a sense of humor?

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    On an excursion to the zoo, a first-grader asks the teacher: “Will this monkey be released when it becomes a human?” Mom brought her daughter to the doctor: Doctor, my daughter’s eyes are bulging and the smile doesn’t leave her face. Doctor: -Have you tried to braid her braids looser? Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Recipes Create recipes for dishes with unusual names. Salad “Silent Ukrainian Night” Pickle “Through Thorns to the Stars” Teacher’s portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Cutlet "Aurora's Shot" Sandwich "Nobody Wanted to Die" Cocktail "Hedgehog in the Fog" Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

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    Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru Tell us about your purchases. What about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, About my shopping.

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    Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral.

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    A true story about a smart cat A tale about a stupid mouse Teacher's portal - http://www.uchportal.ru A true story about a silver hen A tale about a golden cockerel

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    Key to the test If you answered “yes” to 6 or more questions, then your sense of humor is fine. And it helps you even in the most difficult periods of life. If you have 5 or fewer “yes” answers, then your sense of humor is rather poor. But a smile and laughter are an indicator of health, stability, and success in life. It's easier to overcome troubles with them. Try to change yourself and look at life from a funny side, don’t take everything too seriously, take things easier - not everything in life is worth serious worries. Teacher portal - http://www.uchportal.ru

    First April- a very unusual holiday. But many people love him. Exactly at this day you can joke, prank friends and even parents.

    It is impossible to ignore this holiday. There will definitely be a joker.

    Therefore, be careful! After all, even the most serious adults in this day become children and get carried away by the game.

    The custom of having fun, joking and deceiving each other is exactly 1 April exists in many countries.

    Someone 1 calls April April Fool's Day, someone - April Fool's Day. Italians 1 April They call it Boobs Day, the Scots call it Cuckoo Day, and the Japanese call it Doll Day.

    In Ukraine and Russia Day the fool is extremely popular

    Today there are several generally accepted versions of the origin of the Day laughter. Until recently, it was believed that this holiday was first celebrated in the Middle Ages, but scientists were able to find out that its origin dates back to even more ancient times.

    Here are some common versions of the origin of World Day laughter:

    Jokes and practical jokes were already common to people living at that time. They really celebrated Day stupid and this happened, as a rule, in mid-February.

    But the Celts celebrated a peculiar April Fool's Day is the first of April. Their holiday was dedicated to God Ludu's laughter.

    The second version, as mentioned above, dates back to the Middle Ages.

    Scientists believe that this is the most reliable one. By the way, it all started very seriously.

    In 1583, Pope Gregory XIII adopted a reform according to which the celebration of the New Year was moved from 1 April to January 1. However, due to the fact that there were great problems with the transmission of information at that time, some ignorant people continued to celebrate it in the spring in the old fashion.

    The most popular joke among schoolchildren was always a piece of paper that was stuck on the back with the inscription "Waiting for a kick". And for some reason everyone likes it joke: “Your whole back is white!”

    The Germans have long had the custom of sending someone to fetch something that cannot be brought. How in fairy tale: “Go there, I don’t know where”. This joke is called "to send someone to April» . “You have to chase the fool, send him three miles away”- the Germans think.

    So they send: either for mosquito fat, or for the tongue of a donkey.

    The British this day they sew up the sleeves of their relatives’ sweaters, and send their friends parcels with rope for tying the wind. They may ask you to find striped paint or a straight hook in the store.

    Every country has its own traditions of playing pranks on people. In Finland for a long time April Fool's Day was very popular in the villages. In the morning, parents sent their children to their neighbors to buy something that doesn’t actually exist. For example, for "wooden scissors" or "Rooster tail comb". The children came to the neighbors. Those, in turn, "remembered", that it was as if they had already given this instrument to someone else. And the child went to the next yard. And in America from year to year 1 April A huge bowl of ice cream is brought out onto one of the streets of the capital. But for some reason this ice cream has an unusual taste - beans or corn.

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