• Surebets – how to make money with them? Lipolitics: what is it and how do they help to lose weight Since with their help


    Let's figure it out what are runes and how you can change fate with their help for the better. The word rune in translation from the Scandinavian language means a secret, a secret. And despite the fact that the runes were used as an alphabet by the ancient Scandinavians, they also tried to predict the future and fate with their help. We can say that the runes are an ancient Scandinavian system of sacraments. Thanks to the power inherent in the voice, a person pronouncing the meaning of the runes causes changes in his life. Also, with the help of runes, you can answer any question more accurately than if you hold it. Among other things, it seems possible to change your destiny with the help of runes, to change various events and things in your life.

    Changing fate with runes is easy

    However, before proceeding with such actions, it is necessary to learn how to understand each rune, since a wrong understanding can lead to negative consequences. Each of the runes must be understood, knowing its meaning, felt, tuned in to its wave, one should enter into meditation. Only when you can distinguish runes as well as runes will you be ready to work with them.

    In addition, you can use runes as a talisman, I wrote more about this in the article -. In ancient times, runic symbols were applied to all household items, thereby the owner tried to either change the course of his life.

    But, what are runes and how to change fate with their help, and most importantly - can an unprepared person engage in runic magic? Of course, yes, I think you already know about it in practice, so I can only add and note that the outcome of manipulating runes depends on many factors. One of the main components of success is directly faith in success itself. This belief, as it were, helps to gain energy strength in real life. This process can be compared to how a car or any element of household appliances is started. A person makes efforts, and in magic one should make mental efforts to achieve his goal.

    Runic symbols

    With the help of runic symbols, it is possible to create a program that will help improve life, as if you can gain financial well-being, or you can destroy the life, for example, of an offender.

    One important thing to keep in mind when working with runes. It is necessary to have willpower in order to give runic magic real power. In other words, there must be some energy potential. According to the ancient beliefs of the Scandinavians, the runes love strong and courageous people who strive for something and are ready to achieve their goal. Therefore, the main thing in working with runes is will and perseverance. Without a clear intention and high human energy, they simply will not work.

    Runes are an energy flow that will help in the implementation of any goal. To make this flow work, it is necessary to launch energy into it and constantly maintain this energy. Rune magic is actually a strong path, with its help it is possible, and it will be far from being a simple love ritual - namely, which is distinguished by the strength of its influence and the timing in which it completely changes the consciousness of the object of influence.

    Written by readers of Gazeta.Ru. The editors do not always share their point of view.

    I’ll make a reservation right away: the figure of $ 1000 is taken almost from the ceiling, for someone it can be much more, although for the majority it is usually much less. But by my own calculations, thanks to the applications on smartphones and computers, I save about a thousand dollars a year. It is also worth adding that many useful "economical" applications are available not only for smartphones and tablets, but also for quite traditional computers. But the trouble with most users is that we usually limit ourselves to using Skype and Office, and are not interested in anything else.

    I'll start with one common truth. Firstly, the Internet and new technologies make it possible to forget forever what cable television is, and, accordingly, the cost of it. And the point here is not only in pirated content, which is in bulk in Runet. There are completely legal Russian-language services, a subscription to which will generally cost you several times cheaper than paying for a traditional zombie.

    My example here is not quite typical. I am seriously interested in learning English and read somewhere that a great way to learn a language is to watch movies in the language you are learning.

    So, for $8 a month, I signed up for the world's most advanced Internet service for legally watching movies, series and TV shows. Netflix does not work in Russia, so you have to use an American proxy.

    Why don't I use programs to watch pirated movies on VKontakte for free? The answer is simple - fundamental considerations))

    Do not forget, of course, about Skype. We install the application on a smartphone with Android or iOS and use it like a regular phone. Fortunately, 3G speeds are enough for this. For people working with clients or partners abroad, this is, of course, a mega-useful service.

    Here is the Vonage app. It does the same thing as Skype, but in my opinion it's better, faster, and cheaper.

    To whom this is not enough, they can try Voice. This program offers free SMS to US and Canadian mobile phones, cheap international calls, voice mail, call forwarding and a bunch of other services.

    Textfree is the ideal program for those who write a lot of SMS and can't get rid of the feeling that they are being robbed by mobile operators.

    The free program gives you a new real mobile phone number and uses it to send free SMS to all over the world. Textfree allows you to send unlimited SMS up to 320 characters worldwide. An excellent solution for those who have many friends or relatives abroad. Well, or just for a couple in love.

    Those who travel a lot can turn to the GasBuddy program for help.

    It shows you where the cheapest gas stations are nearby. After all, you often happen: you drive along the highway and don’t know whether to refuel at the nearest gas station or try to find one where fuel is cheaper. By the way, last year GasBuddy really became a hit.

    For overseas travel, I use Airbnb. The application works all over the world and connects travelers with apartment owners who rent them out by the day.

    This is usually cheaper than traditional hotels. Reviews near each owner will make sure that the owner is adequate, and the apartment corresponds to the declared level.

    In order to save a lot on traffic, you can use the hotspot service. This is a locator that finds and remembers free Wi-Fi Internet access points.

    Those who do not know how to limit themselves in terms of using free minutes can use the Happy Minutes program.

    In it, you simply set a daily limit on the number of minutes you are ready to talk on a mobile phone (ideally, it should match the number of free minutes provided by the tariff plan), and the program simply will not let you “forget” about the limit and talk longer. After installing the utility, you will be able to independently specify the exact amount for the current day and after you pronounce the set amount of time, you will receive a notification that further calls will be made with payment according to the tariff rates of your mobile operator. The interface is simple and clear, and therefore suitable even for people who are completely unorganized.

    These are all the apps that I and a few of my friends use. Perhaps some of the readers of Gazeta.Ru have something else useful in mind. Write about them in the comments, I think it will be useful to many.

    Smartphones have left us with almost no personal space. And some even voluntarily refuse it, talking about the details of their lives on social networks. However, this is only part of the problem, according to psychologists. Other unpleasant ones include decreased productivity, increased anxiety, and decreased concentration. No wonder, because according to scientists from the University of Bonn (Germany), every second smartphone user looks into it more than 80 times a day! In fact, we are always waiting for new notifications from applications, social networks, email, SMS, etc.

    Slowly but surely, smartphones are also changing how our hormonal system works. “Each phone call or email signal stimulates the production of a small amount of cortisol or dopamine in our brain, which makes the nervous system more excited, and the body becomes addicted to them,” says Larry Rosen, professor of psychology, American researcher and author of The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World (which can be literally translated as "Inattentive mind: ancient brains in a high-tech world"). “Thus, the circle closes: new alerts stimulate the production of disturbing hormones, a decrease in their concentration in the blood pushes us to look at the smartphone screen again.” However, there are other symptoms of "smartphone addiction". This is for example:

    "Low battery" anxiety

    This term was coined by American researchers who studied the relationship with smartphones in two thousand people. Observations have shown that in 90% of the subjects, a discharged phone battery (containing less than a quarter of the battery charge) causes persistent anxiety, almost panic. “You don’t know when you can charge your phone, and you worry about how you will stay connected as a result,” comments Larry Rosen. “Perhaps the most striking symptom of such a disorder is when you ask strangers for exercise.”

    Syndrome of "phantom vibration"

    This disease, we are sure, can be diagnosed by everyone. You feel a vibration in your pocket, you check your smartphone and realize that it was just a figment of your imagination. “Ten years ago, if you felt some rustle in your pocket, you would simply regard it as an itch or tissue discomfort,” says Larry Rosen. “Now, even knowing that we don’t have a phone in our pocket, we still don’t think that it’s just an itch.”

    And the more often you get this syndrome, the more you worry about staying in touch all the time, Michigan researchers have proven.


    This new term is called the fear of being left without a mobile phone (nomophobia is the English abbreviation for "no-mobile-phone phobia"). How does it manifest itself? In a feeling of anxiety and discomfort when for some reason you find yourself away from your smartphone. To identify nomophobes, these researchers even came up with a special questionnaire (you can, by the way, test yourself).

    And according to other scientists, nomophobia significantly impairs our cognitive abilities and reduces concentration.

    Fear of "missing everything"

    This symptom most affects social media users: it is he who pushes them to endlessly update the feed and track every “like” and comment under their posts. “They are afraid to miss something new, not to respond in time. Therefore, separation from a smartphone is so difficult for some: a person begins to think how much has happened in his absence, that he is literally "turned off" from life. This fear is similar to the feeling of being worthless,” says Larry Rosen.

    How to treat gadget addiction?

    To begin with, it is worth realizing what harm it does to almost all areas of life - relationships, work, self-realization and, of course, health (posture, vision, sleep worsen). But there is good news: you don’t have to throw away your smartphone to get rid of this addiction, a small change in habits will be enough. Larry Rosen proposes the following series of measures:

    * Set the mode to "15/2". If you notice that you look at your smartphone too often (more often than 4 times per hour), then try to lengthen the intervals between turning on the gadget again. “Set a timer for 15 minutes and put your smartphone away for this time, do not pick it up and do not track alerts until the alarm sounds. After the timer rings, you can check the most important things within two minutes or extend the "digital celibacy" for another timer period, ”comments Larry Rosen. Practice this daily, and when you feel your anxiety subsiding, try increasing your time away from your phone by 5, 10, or another 15 minutes.

    * Explain to colleagues that you only answer calls and emails twice an hour . This is worth doing when your interval without a smartphone doubles to half an hour. So you will have fewer objective reasons to grab the phone.

    * Leave your phone at home often. For example, do not take it with you for a walk or when you go to the store: in an hour without a gadget, nothing terrible will happen to you (and to someone else), and you can regain the right to privacy and loneliness.

    * Do not use phones an hour before bedtime. “It’s better to leave gadgets in another room when you go to bed, after all, their radiation cannot be called useful,” says Larry Rosen. Plus, blue light from screens makes it harder to sleep, so checking social media at night, you risk waking up unrested.

    Do you have a smartphone addiction?

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    Every day we follow a certain algorithm of actions: getting up, having breakfast, driving to work, etc. But, for example, have you ever thought about how the process of making this butter goes while having breakfast with peanut butter toast? Or, while taking a shower, have you thought about what your shampoo is made of?

    We are in website asked similar questions and found something, to put it mildly, shocked us. And we warn that it will be impossible to unsee it. But still we advise you to take a chance!

    1 Insect Excrement Is Used To Make Dragee Glaze And Jelly Beans

    Perhaps there is a lucky one somewhere who has never come across some strange hair or other foreign body in a donut or bagel. So, if you are not the lucky one, know that all this is only because there is a allowable measure of ingress of foreign matter.

    For example, 10 insects in 225 g of processed raisins is an acceptable amount. An unacceptable amount is considered to be when there are 20 insects per 225 g. The list of so-called impurities includes small animals (rodents), feathers and hair, and insects.

    3. Gelatin is made from pig skins and cattle skins.

    Many women use lipstick every day, but few know that some of them contain lead. Once upon a time, such information received the status of a hoax, but today it is already confirmed data thanks to many analyzes.

    Some cosmetic companies lower the price of certain lipsticks because they contain lead. And lead, judging by many studies, contributes to the development of cancer cells. Lead is banned in Canadian cosmetics, which means that for those who are not ready to give up the use of lipstick, there is an alternative.

    6. Meat Products Infect With Viruses To Kill Bacteria

    Today, in order to stay in shape, always be slim and fit, it is not at all necessary to starve, limit yourself in nutrition or torture yourself with physical exercises. Everything is much simpler, more efficient and effective, because modern aesthetic cosmetology offers a huge number of ways to take care of yourself and lose weight. One such method of losing weight is called injectable lipolysis.

    Lipolitics: what is it

    Age, errors in the diet, lack of physical activity are the main causes of lipid metabolism disorders. As a result, lipid synthesis predominates over their breakdown. Excess subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate in the so-called problem areas, fat traps appear - local deposits in the abdomen, waist, hips, upper arms, lower third of the face. It is almost impossible to get rid of them with the help of diets or sports.

    To remedy the situation, use special drugs, whose tasks include burning fat. They also solve other problems. For example, you suddenly found that you can’t fit into your favorite dress because you suddenly gained weight. The procedure guarantees almost instant weight loss: volumes will become 5-7 cm smaller. Injections effectively reduce subcutaneous fat.

    - Another problem that the drug effectively solves. Subcutaneous tubercles will become much smaller.

    How do they work

    The principle is based on the fact that the drugs are injected subcutaneously directly into the adipose tissue, using the finest needles. How lipolytics work: they activate the breakdown of fats and turn them into acids. To speed up the process, the composition contains substances that stimulate blood microcirculation, as well as components that promote the removal of fatty acids from the body through the lymphatic system.

    The best results are given in the area of ​​the second chin, neck, cheeks, buttocks, abdomen, waist, shoulders, inner thighs, upper arms. The active ingredient in most drugs is lecithin. It is produced by the human liver and is involved in lipid metabolism, helping the body break down fat.

    Licithin from injections is synthesized artificially, however, its functions remain the same. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. After that, the patient needs a short rest for half an hour and 500 ml of water so that fatty acids are better excreted from the body. To enhance the effect, you can combine the procedure with manual or hardware massage, wraps, thermal and radio frequency effects on the problem area.


    They are used both independently and as part of mesotherapy cocktails. is an injectable cometological procedure that helps to solve a huge number of problems, including those associated with local fat deposits in the face area.

    The specialist selects the composition of such cocktails individually based on the patient's history, indications and contraindications. Therefore, it contains vitamin supplements, substances responsible for skin tightening, moisturizing and other important components. If lipolytic solves only the problem with subcutaneous fat, then cocktails approach the issue in a complex way and can work with several tasks at the same time.

    Which lipolytic is the most effective

    There are several types of drugs, between which there is a fairly large difference.

    • "Aqualix" - gives a fairly quick effect (2-3 injections are enough to get a result), so it is often used to combat a second chin. It is also used in cases where you need to quickly lose weight for some important event.
    • "Dermastabilon" - suitable for single injections, which are safe to do once every 10 days. Applies to both face and body.
    • "Revital" - is done as independent injections and as part of mesotherapeutic cocktails. It has proven itself as an anti-cellulite drug: it is recommended to do a course of 6-8 procedures twice a year.

    Knowing what lipolytics are is not enough. It is better to entrust the choice of a suitable drug to a specialist. It is important to choose a good cosmetologist - it should be a doctor with a diploma of higher medical education, which should include "dermatologist-cosmetologist", appropriate certificates allowing him to carry out injection procedures.

    In no case do not trust your face and body to an esthetician from the nearest beauty salon or to someone who will come to your house at a reasonable price to make an injection. These procedures should be carried out in a medical institution in which the conditions of sterility are met, there are necessary tools. This is very important, because a competent specialist, before starting the procedure, collects the patient's history, identifies contraindications, and allergic reactions.

    The procedure is simple, but not as safe as it seems at first glance. Firstly, injections are painful and require local anesthesia, the use of special creams and ointments with an anesthetic after. Secondly, in inept hands, an injection made, for example, into the muscle, and not into the subcutaneous adipose tissue, can lead to fibrosis, various injuries, tissue necrosis, thrombosis and ulcers. Thirdly, the drug has side effects: allergic reactions, soreness at the injection site, redness, itching, inflammation, nausea - you should be warned about this in advance so that you know how to act.

    For face

    They solve several problems, and not all of them are associated with local fat deposits in order to remove the double chin or correct the oval of the face in the cheek area. How facial lipolytics work: with their help, you can get rid of bags under the eyes and lift the skin around the eyes - they give a good lifting effect in this area, as they can not only smooth the skin, but also make it more dense. Unlike fillers based on hyaluronic acid, they do not lead to swelling under the eyes and do not “freeze” the skin, as Botox does.

    They are even used to correct the shape of the nose: for example, Dermaheal helps to get rid of asymmetry, birth defects and wrinkles in this area - the benefits are obvious.

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