• Who will go cold blond. Shades of blonde: natural, cold, ashy. How to choose colors before painting


    B eautyHack collected 15 photos of famous blondes (or girls who used to be blondes), and the head of the Schwarzkopf Professional technologists team Tanya Shark told whether they need to abandon the blond or just change the colorist.

    Tanya Shark London Colorist, Schwarzkopf Professional technologist team leader

    Angelina Jolie

    The colorist made a major mistake when choosing the color: this shade merges with her face. Hair should be lighter or darker than skin tone. In this case, the first option will make the image cheaper. Therefore, the choice is only dark shades.

    The actress has two main advantages: big green eyes and lips. Hair should emphasize them, be noble, “heavy”, well-groomed. The blonde looks different on her.

    Victoria Beckham

    Another mistake in choosing a shade: a very warm skin tone and a cold blond. But on the other hand, I'm not sure that a warm light shade would suit Victoria, because it shows a soft character. And this is not the case at all.

    Dakota Johnson

    Dakota's colorist matched the blonde color well to match her skin and eyes. But the gray regrown roots are confusing and make the hairstyle messy. You can correct the situation by making the “length” colder or protonating the gray roots.

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    To make the coloring look relevant, you need a slight shading of darker roots - the top seems pale. The master's mistake is in contrast: it is clear that he did a jeweler's work, making highlights from above, while the ends look careless, as if they were under-lightened after repeated staining.

    Jessica Alba

    Since this is a photo from Jessica's professional shoot, the blonde looks pretty good. But I would add light, burnt-out strands near the face - they will emphasize the angelic image and make the coloring more elegant.

    Jessica Biel

    There is a strong contrast between shades. In the upper part of the face, cold chocolate with even colder chocolate strands is combined with pink lipstick and even the color of the earrings. And the warm sand color along the length is another story that has nothing to do with the basal part.

    Zooey Deschanel

    Even though Zoey experimented with her hair early in her career and ended up going dark, her blonde was something to work with. Her cold eyes take on any shade. To make the image less casual, and more bright and starry, you need a deliberately warm golden (not poisonous yellow) color.

    Keira Knightley

    Kira has brown eyes, so there should be dark hair in the root zone that will frame her image. Her dark roots are not enough, they are more like natural regrown hair. If this is indeed her natural shade, there should be more of it. If this is a fictional color, then it should be bright, saturated. And shading - more neutral, cold. Otherwise, a dirty sandy hair color is obtained.

    Cameron Diaz

    The photo itself is not very good. Most likely, because of him, the face has a red undertone. On the skin of an adult, tanning should be played carefully. The combination of very light ends and gray roots does not work here. The tone must be either completely ashy (read how to make and maintain it), or platinum.

    Leighton Meester

    The section of hair from the lip line looks too warm. Need a more neutral cool shade to get a noble look. Although I like the color at the roots.

    Rachel McAdams

    The hair is well styled, but the scarlet dress sets its own rules for the image. Warm soft roots are lost against its background. Blue, malachite, even orange shades should be chosen for this color. Or make a lighter, cold coloring. Your hair will glow! At the same time, there is no need to go into a gray tint.

    Cynthia Nixon

    The main association with Cynthia is her role as Miranda in Sex and the City. Because of this, it is difficult to evaluate her real image. But here I do not like the shape of the hairstyle and the color of the hair. I want to see short red hair and graphic jackets and shirts on her. Otherwise, it turns out to be a grandmother's story.

    Hailey Baldwin

    I am confused by uneven highlighting from the root. The "rhombus" of the hair on the parietal zone turned out due to an unsuccessful staining scheme. The roots should be darker, and the shading should be neater. If you have a graphic haircut, then make the coloring clear. Otherwise, it turns out that the hairstyle was done in a salon around the corner, and the makeup and the image as a whole are the work of star makeup artists and stylists.

    Ann Hataway

    No, no and NO! Bright brown eyes - a bright rich shade of hair. The color should be either platinum or warm, but with dark roots. But Ann, after experimenting with blonde in 2013, chose a classic dark shade.

    Natalie Portman

    I like the image of Natalie. Thin platinum strands will make it ideal, they will give the hairstyle volume and splendor. Hair will look more expensive.

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    Men can argue about female attractiveness endlessly. After all, there has not yet been a way to decide who is better - blondes or brunettes? There is a woman for every man, and her hair color doesn't really matter. Or has? Let's figure it out.

    Women with which hair attract men more?

    Who is better - blondes or brunettes? This question has always been an edge for the strong half of humanity. Since ancient times, Greek girls, who were considered the standard of beauty, began to recolor their hair. For some reason, lovely ladies were not satisfied with the natural dark shade. Therefore, today there are so many legends in which the ancient Greek performed feats and even committed crimes for the heart of a golden-haired beauty. Why did the girls try with all their might to change the appearance given to them by nature? The answer lies on the surface. Men are drawn to everything new, unusual. And if the beloved is surrounded by brunettes, then you urgently need to become a blonde. Women have resorted to this simple method before and take it into service today. It is clear that men began to turn their attention to blondes, because they stood out so much from the mass of their competitors. And how is it now? Who do men value more? Let's turn to statistics. As before, and now men prefer blondes. But as who? As a mistress and an easily accessible girl. That's why a man in 70% of cases will approach a blonde in a cafe to get acquainted. As wives, the same 70% of the stronger sex want to see brunettes. It seems to them that these ladies are more suitable for the role of mother and guardian of the hearth.

    Girls' opinion

    If men are more or less constant in their views on life, then women are no different. Therefore, the vote "Who is better - blondes or brunettes?" can be considered relevant for six months, until the fashion changes. Today, dark hair color is relevant. And not because it reveals some deep feminine essence or emphasizes status. Hair color is the same trend as, say, fur vests or cropped jeans. For some girls, these fashionable attributes sink into the soul, and they do not part with them. Other ladies will throw out boring things at the moment when designers announce a list of trendy things.

    At the moment, based on the collected statistics, we can say that 80% of girls consider brunettes to be more attractive to men. In fairness, it is worth noting that all these women are owners of dark hair.

    Expert opinion

    Relationship and family life experts unanimously say that hair color does not greatly affect the taste preferences of men. But still, experienced people confirm the fact that many men prefer fashion trends. If only brunettes appear on the covers and in the main roles of films, the man, albeit subconsciously, notices this. The opinion that the most beautiful girls should have dark hair is imposed by marketers.

    Who is better: blondes or brunettes? Psychologists believe that if hair color does not have a big impact on a man, then he can change women's behavior. Some whimsical and eccentric ladies may justify their stupid antics by the fact that they are blondes. In this case, men will only be touched by them. But the brunette, getting up do not understand what, may not deserve the same indulgence. The world is ruled by stereotypes, and some women prefer to use it.

    Who is better in the photo

    It is difficult to answer this question. After all, not everything depends on the color of the hair. Photogenicity is formed from pleasant features of appearance, slim figure, leg length, etc. But still, answering the question of who is better - blondes or brunettes - are obtained in the photo, we can say this: in winter - brunettes, in summer - blondes. In the cold season, girls with golden hair practically merge with the snow-white surroundings, while dark-haired beauties contrast with the surrounding nature. But in the summer the situation changes. A wise woman will always carefully select the background for a photograph so that it does not merge with her.

    Men like to look at beautiful pictures, so a photo of a well-groomed girl involuntarily attracts their attention. What is better - a photo of a blonde or a brunette? Everyone decides for himself, and the color of the hair here plays far from the main role. A good figure and long legs are sometimes enough to conquer a man.

    Does hair color affect relationships?

    It should be understood that a man lives with a woman, and not with a doll. Therefore, hair color for a relationship does not matter. If a girl has a terrible temper, no one will tolerate her just because she has great curls. Justifying your actions with hair color is stupid. Blondes, brunettes and redheads - all women in our world can be wise, it's just that many don't want to. But then you should not be offended by your beloved because he found another. It is worth reproaching yourself for coldness, stupidity or obscene behavior. And the fact that a man found a girl with a different hair color should play the least role.

    Often in a cafe or on the street you can see how cute a blonde and a brunette communicate with each other. Best friends don't care about hair color. They see in each other only a set of positive qualities, hidden in an attractive shell.

    Blonde character

    When it comes to a girl with blond hair, many people remember a character from jokes. A sort of young lady with pumped up breasts and lips, who can hardly count up to 10. It is not entirely clear how this stereotype developed. Most likely, it arose because there are few natural blondes in the world. Therefore, if a woman has blond hair, then she dyes it. And if she paints them, then she wants to appear prettier, therefore, she is frivolous, as she pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Of course, this is not always the case. It's just that some girls really go with light hair color. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be beautiful. It is impossible to say exactly which ones are brunettes or blondes, but there is a scientifically proven fact that women with blond hair are softer, more groovy and naive than their dark-haired girlfriends.

    Brunette character

    Girls with dark hair are considered smart, assertive and successful. Men do not perceive them as a glossy picture. It is customary to idolize such girls and wear them in their arms. This is the opinion of the ASK website. Who is better - blondes or brunettes? The popular vote was equally divided.

    In fact, it cannot be said with certainty that women with dark hair are more successful than their fair-haired girlfriends, but it can be said that men take them seriously. And both in work and in personal life.

    Redhead character

    Girls whose hair color has a copper tint, according to the sayings, are sorceresses. Most likely, this belief has deep roots. Indeed, in our country, red-haired girls are a rarity, therefore, the attention of men was drawn to them in the first place.

    Red-haired girls are stubborn, purposeful and smart. Girls with sun-colored hair always attract attention to their person, so they are often selfish and arrogant. But these character traits attract rather than scare. There are no exact statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, or redheads, but we can say that few women in our country decide to dye their hair with henna. This is a bold act that will inevitably attract increased attention to them, and this is something many are embarrassed about. Often red-haired girls are creative personalities. They choose the profession of artists, sculptors, poetesses or writers.

    The character of girls with variegated hair

    We examined the main natural colors in which girls are painted. But today not only naturalness is in fashion, but also brightness. Blue, green and purple hair is no longer uncommon. What are the girls trying to convey to those around them who choose such flashy colors? Of course, most of them will say that in this way they express themselves. In fact, this girl is weak-willed and highly dependent on the opinions of others. She needs to be the center of attention all the time, I want to be admired. And if this cannot be achieved with bright hair, tomorrow it will not be difficult for her to become bald. This girl will do anything to get noticed.

    Is it possible to change fate by changing the hairstyle

    As you know, you can't run from yourself. Therefore, if a girl decided to radically change her fate with a new hairstyle, the idea, let's say right away, is frankly stupid. You can't dye your hair and become a different person. Collecting statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, scientists come to the conclusion that everyone is good in their own way. If there were no infantile ones, he would be boring, and if there were no prudent girls, then the balance in the world would be shaken. If a girl wants to change something in her life, then she must start with herself. By changing your character and views on this world, you can change your destiny. With a new hairstyle, a girl can become more interesting, but only for one evening. Then others will understand that behind the new attractive picture is an old personality, perhaps a gray mouse.

    We select hair color according to the color type of appearance

    Today, the girl has the opportunity to paint absolutely any color. She can do this by her own decision and even on a dare. After all, many crazy actions are the result of a dispute about who is cooler. So who is better - blonde or brunette? It is up to each woman and man to decide for themselves.

    If a girl decides to change her image, she should first of all focus not on fashion trends, but on her own appearance color type. If a woman has light skin, eyebrows and eyelashes, then she should not paint in a brunette. A burning beauty will not come out of her; rather, she will become like a dead heroine from a horror movie. Such girls should not go against nature and spend all their free time in the solarium so that the skin becomes at least a little darker. It is better to stop your choice of hair color on a blond or copper shade.

    If the girl is a mulatto or a mestizo, then she does not need to become a blonde. Dark eyebrows and eyelashes will create dissonance with her hairstyle, which together will not look attractive.

    But the owners of blond hair can conduct experiments at least every six months! Girls with a neutral skin tone and gray hair can experiment and become blondes, brunettes and redheads.

    Many celebrities experiment with their appearance. Natural blondes change their hair color to darker, and brunettes choose light shades. However, these changes are not for everyone. Today we will look at which stars are not going to be blonde. In the photo you can clearly see this.

    Angelina Jolie

    To participate in the filming of the film "Life or Something Like That" in 2001, Angelina Jolie changed her hair color from dark to light. As we can see in the photo, this option does not look advantageous. The actress did not repeat such an experiment with her appearance anymore.

    Kim Kardashian

    Kim Kardashian looks very harmonious with natural dark hair. The star repeatedly tried to change her hair color to light, but the results were not very successful. One would have thought that Kim Kardashian decided to stop at more natural tones, close to her natural hair color, but that was not the case. The famous socialite continues to shock the public. The last experiment is a platinum blonde. Do you think Kim's new hair color suits her?

    Ann Hataway

    The appearance of Anne Hathaway with a short haircut and blond hair attracted everyone's attention. The hair color doesn't suit her at all. Choosing a too light shade, the actress left her eyebrows dark. The result is a contrast between brown eyes, dark eyebrows and a light shade of hair. You need to take this into account if you decide to radically change your hairstyle.

    Jessica Biel

    Jessica Biel also did not fit the light shade of hair. She tried to become a blonde in 2008, but it was an unsuccessful move. Light hair color blends with skin tone. After some time, the actress returned to a richer dark shade.

    Zooey Deschanel

    Even though Zooey Deschanel has been a brunette most of the time, her natural hair color is blonde. Periodically, she becomes a blonde. However, after filming in the movie "Elf", the actress dyed her hair brunette. She looks chic, because the dark color emphasizes all the advantages of her face.

    Victoria Beckham

    Victoria Beckham rose to fame as a brunette. And after the breakup of the Spice Girls, she dyed her hair blonde. But she doesn't suit being a blonde either. Especially in combination with the use of a bronzer and a very short haircut.

    Katherine McPhee

    Katherine McPhee took second place in the American Idol pageant and won the hearts of her fans as a brunette. However, she also repeatedly tried to become a blonde, but could not find the perfect shade. Ashy light colors do not suit her at all. And even attempts to make the eyebrows thinner and repainted in a light color still failed.

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    After the birth of her daughter, Jennifer changed her hair color to blonde. It showed that she doesn't suit being a blonde. The actress made an ombre effect on her hair, but it turned out to be an orange tint. As you can see, it is often better for brunettes to refuse such experiments.

    Leighton Meester

    Too light shades of hair also did not fit Leighton Meester. They do not suit her type of face and figure. Therefore, the actress refused this option, opting for a brunette.

    Jessica Alba

    Jessica Alba went blonde to star in the Fantastic Four movie. However, light hair color is not the best solution for a dark-skinned actress. She could not find a shade that would suit her. Therefore, Jessica remained a brunette.

    As you can see from the photo, some stars should give preference to dark shades of hair. After all, they all do not go to be a blonde. Don't repeat the mistakes of celebrities. If you decide to change your hair color, consider the features of your appearance and carefully select the appropriate option.

    Erofeevskaya Natalya

    For men, girls and women of any age are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of well-known branded coloring agents are voluminous and diverse: blonds, chocolates, chestnuts, ashy, black and copper tones - their number is close to infinity, and the newly released collections are full of a variety of "tastes".

    The easiest way for a woman to change a habitual and even slightly annoying way that a woman knows is a haircut and / or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi hair length, but to change their color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

    Hair color during dyeing forms the individuality of the individual, but the procedure for choosing the right option is complex and responsible

    General classification of color types

    The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists who work with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: “cold” and “warm”. In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

    Warm appearance includes golden or peach undertones of the skin, eyes of amber, green or tea color. In the usually chestnut shades of hair, copper strands flash through. Let's call Penelope Cruz as bright media representatives of the warm color type. “Warm” girls and women are recommended any warm shades that enliven the natural hair color and harmonize perfectly with it - golden, red, hazel.

    It is strongly not recommended to bring cold tones into the warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for fairly dark skin, they will highlight each wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

    Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash and classic blond

    Cold beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes, combined with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. The natural color of the hair varies from ashen of varying degrees of saturation to the color of the raven wing. Spectacular, original and stylish on such women will look platinum or black, and for those with dark and black hair, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will do. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make the complexion unhealthy-greenish, unfavorably shading it with its sunshine.

    Cold color type - choose paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, bypassing golden-red and hazel tones

    Winter spring Summer Autumn

    More scrupulous stylists and masters of hairdressing approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very generalized color types, but four - two in each of the indicated ones: Spring and Autumn are warm, Winter and, oddly enough, Summer are cold. The principles remain the same, but the colors can be chosen more carefully:

    Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive, practically non-tanning skin; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel eyes; "Native hair" - light blond (necessarily with an ashy tint) or cold chestnut. The optimal tones for hair coloring are from a cool blond with a light brown undertone to hazelnut chocolate.
    Winter - pale, even bluish skin; necessarily dark hair - from dark chestnut to blue-black; eyes of saturated bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

    Spring - well-tanned ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheaten hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
    Autumn - native hair will certainly cast gold or copper, skin from easily burned, almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with luminous golden sparks. Optimum tones for hair coloring: from golden-copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

    Determining your own color type and orienting yourself in the choice of hair dye is the surest way not to get into trouble when changing your image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent her own color in it.

    Skin condition

    Few people who want to change their natural hair color think about the fact that the result obtained after seemingly such a careful selection is far from ideal, because the skin of the face has played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne, allergic rashes, skin irritations, liver and age spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice of hair dye, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial “charms” clearer and more visible.

    An unsuccessfully chosen hair color will make an unnecessary emphasis on problematic facial skin.

    Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blonds, ash, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all skin imperfections. With not very attractive skin, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from natural. Full coloring of the head is optional, but it will be somewhat more organic to perform color coloring in suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the main tone of the hairstyle will remain its own, native, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

    How to choose a new hair color?

    If the determination to change the image has grown stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Bring a subtle revival into the usual hairstyle with tones in harmony with the “native” color, perform coloring or radically transform from a brunette to a blonde or vice versa?

    If you prefer to color your hair at home, then, narrowing down the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the cosmetics store in the department for coloring and hair care, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a line of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a “color map” with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first digit in this number indicates the depth of the color, the second - its shade. In natural light conditions, determine whether the strand of the palette corresponds to your own “native” tone, and then (depending on whether you want to become darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that differs from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and proposed shades, choose the one that is closer to the soul.

    When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use a palette of colors that is developed by branded manufacturers

    Turning from a brunette into a blonde in one fell swoop will not work even with the help of a professional stylist: even healthy and strong hair cannot do such an execution - global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will joyfully block the light one at a time.

    The right choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes - expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will emphasize imperfections and shade the skin of the face with an unhealthy color.

    April 27, 2014, 12:51 pm
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