• Primer 1983. Greetings from the USSR: alphabet and primer. "Down with Illiteracy: A Primer for Adults"


    September 1st! It’s been so long since I went to school that I already miss it... Just imagine, I graduated from school 25 years ago!!! I completed 9 grades (in fact, 8, we skipped one grade there during the reforms), then there was a technical school, which was renamed a college... well, that’s a different story.

    But in this note we will not talk about me, but about the era of the school 80s. Surprisingly, since then I still have ABC And Primer.
    Primer- mine (albeit without the front cover), and ABC- brother (the book is very well preserved).

    I am very glad that I have preserved these copies; I am pleased to show them to today’s children and compare them with books of the present time. Well, in this report, I will show them to all of you and I think that it will be especially pleasant for those who studied in the 80s to look at them..., because not everyone has such books left.

    1. Let's get acquainted, " Primer" edition of 1982, with which I went to first grade, and " ABC"edition of 1987, my brother attended 1st grade with her.

    2. Let’s immediately look at the back of the books; surprisingly, if the Primer cost 45 kopecks, then the ABC costs only 30 kopecks. It turns out that there was not inflation, but noticeable deflation! Or is this saving on design, as a result of “perestroika”? :-)

    3. Open the book, here it is, ABC... are all the letters familiar? 😁

    5. His image in school books was unobtrusive and pleasant, a real comrade.

    6. Let's look through these books, as we studied then. First my Primer...

    7. Stresses, syllables, road signs and instructions.

    8. Working professions, and of course we don’t forget what a beautiful country we live in.

    9. At the end of the Primer - Leonid Ilyich.

    10. Now ABC: the books are similar in content, but slightly different in design.

    11. We look at the pictures and remember our childhood...

    12. With “X”, of course, bread!

    13. And of course about the dream..., as a teenager, I thought that humanity would very soon fly to other planets! This is where a worthy goal for Earthlings is ;-)

    14. This was not the case in my ABC book; in my brother’s ABC book, they taught the anthem at the end!
    Which country was destroyed... The current EU is a laughing stock.

    The primer said goodbye with this poem:

    Memorize these letters.
    There are more than three dozen of them,
    And for you they are the keys
    To all good books.

    Don't forget to take it on the road
    A bunch of magic keys.
    You will find a way into any story,
    You will enter any fairy tale.

    Will you read books about animals?
    Plants and machines.
    You will visit the seas
    And on gray peaks.

    You will find an example of courage
    In your favorite book.
    You will see the entire USSR,
    All the land from this tower.

    Wonderful lands for you
    Will open the path from “A” to “Z”!

    It is a pity that in the modern world, a number of Russian words are being replaced by slang and Anglicisms. And it’s good that some people continue to read not only chats on the Internet.

    For pilots in flight - For those in the sky At work!

    For those at the stoves - No hot work!

    To the tractor driver -

    Glory in the field

    And your job is at school.

    Your work is also visible.

    Honest work!

    Goats and wolf.

    Once upon a time there lived a goat. She had seven children. She made herself a hut in the forest. Every day the goat went into the forest for food. She leaves on her own, and tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not open the doors to anyone...

    When the dog approaches the swamp, the lapwing flies off the nest and lures the dog with it. He runs in front of the dog. The dog rushes after him, wants to catch him. And the lapwing takes the dog away from its nest.

    Friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

    Yura and Yulia play chess:

    And I know another game!

    Learned son.

    The son came from the city to his father in the village. The father said: “Today it’s mowing, take a rake and let’s go, help me.” But my son didn’t want to work, so he said: “I studied science, but forgot all the peasant words. What is a rake? As soon as he walked across the yard, he stepped on a rake. He grabbed his forehead and said: “And who threw the rake here?”

    Let's play echo.

    When you walked in the forest or to the river in the evening, you heard an echo. You screamed, but the echo answered you, and you only heard the end of the word.

    Let's try to play this game.

    The car is a tire.

    Laughter is meh.

    Scythe - wasp.

    Screen - faucet.

    Deer is lazy.

    Across the river here and there

    Someone is wandering through the bushes.

    Echo, echo, is that you?

    The echo answers: - You.

    Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

    Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

    At the zoo with the animals. I had lunch first

    Behind bars by a lion. Took some refreshment from the fox.

    I drank some water at the walrus's. I ate carrots from an elephant.

    I ate millet with the crane.

    Stayed with a rhinoceros

    I ate a little bran.

    I went to the feast

    In tailed kangaroos.

    I was at a festive dinner

    At the shaggy bear.

    A toothy crocodile

    Almost swallowed me.

    The old man was planting apple trees.

    He was told to:

    Why do you need these apple trees? It will take a long time to wait for fruit from these apple trees, and you will not eat an apple from them.

    The old man said:

    I won’t eat it, others will eat it and they’ll thank me.

    One is pouring, another is drinking, the third is growing.

    They grow in summer, fall in autumn.

    December ends the year, winter begins.

    Winter guests.

    Fields, forests, parks, gardens were empty. The first snow flutters like fluff. The finches left their native places.

    They are cold and hungry.

    Winter guests will appear soon - red-breasted bullfinches.

    The children went up the mountain, took a sled, and sat astride it. The mountain was very slippery. The sled went very fast, hit other sleds and knocked out all the guys.

    A. S. Pushkin.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian writer. The whole world knows the name of Pushkin and reads his works. A.S. Pushkin is the glory and pride of our Motherland.

    Do you know which Pushkin fairy tale these lines are from:

    The squirrel sings songs

    Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,

    And nuts are not simple,

    All the shells are golden...

    The wind blows on the sea

    And the boat speeds up;

    He runs in the waves

    With full sails...

    Publications in the Literature section

    Primer for educational purposes

    On October 10, 1918, the decree “On the introduction of a new spelling” was signed, which excluded the letters Ѣ, Ѳ, I from the alphabet, abolished the spelling of Ъ at the end of words - and in general brought Russian spelling to the form in which we know it today. "Kultura.RF" talks about the main post-revolutionary primers of different years.

    “ABC” by Vladimir Konashevich, 1918

    The ABC of Vladimir Konashevich (cover). St. Petersburg, publishing house of the Partnership of R. Golike and A. Vilborg. 1918

    ABC of Vladimir Konashevich. St. Petersburg, publishing house of the Partnership of R. Golike and A. Vilborg. 1918

    The illustrated “ABC” by Soviet artist Vladimir Konashevich became one of the first manuals of the new spelling (without the letter “yat”). The idea for the book was born during the artist’s correspondence with his family, who were stuck in the Urals, cut off from the Soviet Republic by Kolchak’s army. “Dad wrote letters to mom, and sent me pictures for each letter of the alphabet, recalled Konashevich’s daughter Olga Chaiko. - I was already four years old, and, obviously, he believed that it was time to know the letters.". Later, Konashevich, on the advice of friends, decided to publish these drawings - and in 1918, “ABC” was published. It included 36 pictures painted in watercolors. Objects and phenomena in “ABC” were very different, from animals and plants to vehicles and toys. They were depicted simply, without perspective distortions, since Vladimir Konashevich believed that “a child should understand the picture at first sight.”

    Vladimir Mayakovsky. Soviet alphabet (cover). Moscow, 1919

    Vladimir Mayakovsky. Soviet alphabet. Moscow, 1919

    “An intellectual does not like risk. / And moderately red, like a radish"- and so on from “A” to “Z”. This topical alphabet was first published in 1919, and Vladimir Mayakovsky was the author of not only its epigrams, but also cartoon illustrations for each of the letters of the alphabet.

    The main audience of this primer were Red Army soldiers, whom Mayakovsky wanted to accustom to poetic language with the help of such a satirical publication. “There were such jokes that were not very suitable for the salon, but which went very well in the trenches”, he recalled. Mayakovsky personally colored about five thousand copies of the alphabet, printed in the empty Stroganov printing house when Tsentropechat refused to publish the book for the poet. Later, Mayakovsky transferred many couplets from the “Soviet ABC” to the iconic “ROSTA Windows”.

    “Down with Illiteracy”, 1920

    Dora Elkina. Down with illiteracy! (A primer for adults). Moscow, Extracurricular department of MONO, 1920

    Dora Elkina. Down with illiteracy! (A primer for adults). Moscow, Extracurricular department of MONO, 1920

    Under this name, in 1919–1920, the first editions of the Soviet primer for adults, developed by Dora Elkina and a team of co-authors, were published. These manuals taught the basics of reading and writing based on political slogans: for example, students had to read syllable by syllable the phrases “Councils of the alarm of the people,” “We bring freedom to the world,” and the famous palindrome “We are not slaves, slaves are not us.” The first Soviet alphabets were illustrated by bright propaganda posters and scenes from the life of the proletariat.

    A few years later, the “Down with Illiteracy” society was created, the goal of which was to eliminate mass illiteracy. Its work was supervised by major government figures: Mikhail Kalinin, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Anatoly Lunacharsky. Under the leadership of the society, not only educational manuals were published, but also cultural and educational magazines, such as “Kultpohod” and “Let’s Increase Literacy.” According to historians, over the 13 years of its existence, the “Down with Illiteracy” society educated about 5 million Soviet citizens.

    Primer "Pioneer", 1925

    Ivan Sverchkov. Pioneer. Children's primer (cover and title page). Leningrad, GIZ, 1925

    Ivan Sverchkov. Pioneer. Children's ABC book. Leningrad, GIZ, 1925

    The purpose of this manual was to teach schoolchildren not only the basics of literacy, but also the structure of the world around them and Soviet life. “Pioneer” told young readers about life in cities and villages, about various proletarian professions, about domestic and wild animals, about measurements of length, weight and time with the help of illustrations in an engraving style. Of course, the book’s ideological component was also strong. One of the main images of the primer were the October Revolution and Vladimir Lenin: many poems in the primer were dedicated to them.

    And “Pioneer” inextricably linked childhood itself in the young Soviet country with the concept of “ours”: kindergartens, schools, camps and even the revolution were depicted as common.

    “Primer” by Nikolai Golovin, 1937

    Nikolai Golovin. Primer (cover). Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1937

    Nikolai Golovin. Primer. Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1937

    “The whole country taught children / According to Golovin’s ABC book”, they said in the Soviet Union, and not without exaggeration. Perhaps there was no school in the late 1930s - early 1940s where they did not read this textbook, compiled by Honored Teacher of the RSFSR Nikolai Golovin. The material in the book ranged from simple to complex: from reading syllables to copybooks, from short stories about ordinary children's activities to poems dedicated to Lenin and Stalin, with obvious political overtones.

    A distinctive feature of the Primer were its illustrations, for which the editorial board had special requirements. The images were bright, positive and simple, not overloaded with details, and also had a very clear didactic and educational tone, showing readers patterns of correct behavior.

    “Primer” by Alexandra Voskresenskaya, 1944

    Alexandra Voskresenskaya. Primer (cover). Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1956

    Alexandra Voskresenskaya. Primer. Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1956

    The Primer, authored by methodologist and Russian language teacher Alexandra Voskresenskaya, was one of the most successful textbooks for primary schools: it was reprinted twenty times. The secret to the success of the primer was a successful combination of tasks to develop memory, imagination and train writing and reading skills. The material in the manual became more complex smoothly and gradually: from combinations of sounds to syllables, from them to short words, small phrases, and so on. The main motif of the illustrations in the book was a measured and happy village life (initially, according to Voskresenskaya’s “Primer,” they studied in rural schools).

    Alexandra Voskresenskaya also paid special attention to preparing for teaching preschoolers and created the famous “ABC with a stork” for teaching children in the family.

    “Primer” by Sergei Redozubov, 1945

    Sergey Redozubov. Primer (cover). Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1946

    Sergey Redozubov. Primer (cover). Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1956

    Sergey Redozubov. Primer. Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1950

    The post-war primer was illustrated with scenes of peaceful work and leisure: young pioneers were depicted doing extracurricular reading, games, sports and cleaning. By describing these pictures and relying on auxiliary ones, schoolchildren learned to come up with short stories for each lesson. Toward the end of the Primer were poems and stories for reading, including revised Russian folk tales. True, the manual was difficult for children: it did not always follow the gradual complication of phrases and texts for analysis, and each page was overloaded with columns of words with the same or similar syllables.

    Vseslav Goretsky. Primer. Moscow, publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 1993

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Vseslav Goretsky built his primer not according to the alphabet, but according to the frequency of use of letters in speech and writing: they opened the book with “a” and “o”, and closed it with “b” and “b”. It was also the first primer that was published along with copybooks and didactic material.

    A special feature of the Primer was its game form. Popular characters shared the journey to the “land of knowledge” with the students: Pinocchio, Dunno and Murzilka, and the tasks were often funny riddles and puzzles. The book also contained many easy-to-memorize poems, including those by Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak.

    Goretsky’s “Primer Book” turned out to be so popular and beloved among children that it continued to be published and reprinted for 30 years, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    One user wrote:

    - Was the alphabet really printed abroad? I always thought that in the USSR everything was fine with the printing industry... Well done, the Germans - they succeeded everywhere. They tried for themselves and they helped us

    I also racked my brains - why are the letters in the alphabet and primer different in order?))

    It still remains a mystery to me where this alphabet was used - in school or kindergarten? I remember my blue primer, they gave it to us right away in first grade, I even have a photo of me with it at my desk. I also remember the alphabet, but when did we learn it? Both books teach reading in the same way, why was it necessary to duplicate?

    I think that this ABC was intended for children to study with their parents or in kindergarten.
    I looked at the Primer now - it is more complicated: it already contains vowels/consonants, hard/soft sounds, writing, charades, puzzles, and in general it was approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, unlike the ABC.
    And this ABC, by the way, contains, in addition to the letter section, also materials for teaching counting, as well as dedicated to children's creativity.

    For those who want to “look through” the ABC online -

    Primer, 1987

    Almost all Soviet children learned from this primer.









    Primer 1970.

    First-graders of the 70s were less fortunate - the cover of the 1970 Primer was simpler and more concise. I studied on it in first grade in 1984.








    8. Printed in the GDR. But why? And "Who is this? What is this?" in two volumes they were also once published in the GDR.

    When I was a child, my husband and I had a two-part textbook that taught us Russian.
    Designed for preparatory and first grades of national schools, as well as for foreigners starting to learn Russian.

    Russian language in pictures.

    Barannikov I.V., Varkovitskaya L.A. Old edition of the textbook. 1971

    I had one like this. The second part was not found.




    4.The pages of the textbook reflect Soviet life in the 60s.

    5. Please note - the stove is wood-burning.


    My husband and I had these publications. We loved leafing through them as children - looking at the pictures and trying to read the words.

    1982 First part













    13. For me this garden was like a living creature)

    14. The perfect family lunch. Again, grandma fries, mom cooks soup.

    Second part.









    9. Gas stove. Soviet life of the late 70s and early 80s.



    12. Soviet supermarket, and previously it was a department store selling a full range of food and drinks. Supermarket.

    13. And the small cake turned out to be a sign - this is “Fairy Tale”!

    14. To this day we remember this when we communicate on the Internet - on forums, in chats: some go to bed, while others are still at work.


    I've always liked illustrations in this style. Emotional. Animals are like people. Such pictures are in all textbooks and in manuals for extracurricular activities. For a long time I could not find the artist's name. By process of elimination, I assumed that it was E.V. Viktorov. I couldn't find anything about him on the Internet. Maybe some of the readers know about him?

    E.V. Viktorov also created covers for math notebooks.

    This is probably one of the artist's first works. Textbook "Native speech. 1st grade" 1975.

    What were the first Soviet alphabets?

    On December 26, 1919, a decree was issued to eliminate illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR. Among the points of the decree was the following:
    8. Those who evade the duties established by this decree and prevent illiterate people from attending schools will be held criminally liable.
    This means that all those who could read and write were obliged to teach the illiterate, and those who could go to school. Apparently, some families did not allow girls and women to go to school - they say it’s not a woman’s business.

    5. For students of literacy who are employed, with the exception of those employed in militarized enterprises, the working day is reduced by two hours for the entire duration of training while maintaining wages.

    Full text of the decree -






    6. Only under Soviet rule could women learn to read and write - after all, it was believed that a “woman” was incapable of learning.

    Primer for adults "Down with illiteracy" (1920), beginning with the slogan “We are not slaves. We are not slaves,”






    There were others - "Workers' and Peasants' Primer", the communist primer "The Competent Red Army Soldier" and "Anti-Religious ABC" (1933).

    ABC of the Revolution, 1921

    The series of posters “The ABC of Revolution”, made by Ukrainian artist Adolf Strakhov, was first published in 1921. The main theme of this set is the life of the young Soviet Republic in the first post-revolutionary years. "The ABC of the Revolution", despite the not entirely perfect literary form of its subtext poems, was a significant phenomenon in the propaganda art of the 1920s and was subsequently - in 1969 - republished by the Kiev publishing house "Mistetstvo".

    Continuation of the alphabet -

    Anti-religious alphabet. Hardly for first graders.

    Moscow 1933 Leningrad.
    Artist Mikhail Mikhailovich Cheremnykh.

    - Nowadays in Russia they are not able to create any sensible social advertising. No creativity, execution - so-so. And here is a whole alphabet with decent and expressive (I speak as an expert) illustrations!
    - “Nowadays in Russia they are not able to create any kind of sensible social advertising” - nowadays everyone has become much “wiser” and almost throws away their rights. That's why you won't see good social advertising.





    Well, who would have thought that we would live to see a time when such a picture would become relevant again.

    5.Why did Gandhi not please the Soviet Bolsheviks?

    - Well, apparently, during his political maneuvers, various criticisms arose against him.
    - These are communists, they always saw only enemies abroad, so they incited the people against India, as well as against other countries...
    - Read the story. The USSR always tried to maintain friendly relations with India, as a revolutionary country that rebelled against the yoke of the British colonial forces.
    - They shouldn’t talk so much about Gandhi.

    - As far as I remember, Ford supported the Nazis during the Third Reich, so he was assigned to this alphabet

    - They dragged it here only because the so-called Ford conveyor belt, in the understanding of the communists, is the most pronounced form of exploitation, where the personality of a person in the production of any object does not matter in the slightest.

    Continuation of the primer in

    There was the "Soviet Erotic Alphabet", created in 1931 by the future People's Artist of the USSR Sergei Dmitrievich Merkurov (1881-1952). It is interesting that the author of this alphabet was a sculptor-monumentalist, the author of numerous monuments to Joseph Stalin (including the three largest in the USSR) and Lenin, as well as tombstones near the Kremlin wall - F.E. Dzerzhinsky, A.A. Zhdanov, M.I. Kalinin, Ya.M. Sverdlov, M.V. Frunze.

    ABC of Vladmir Konashevich- this time for children. Without revolutionary slogans.

    As the artist’s daughter recalled, “ABC” was born from letters that Konashevich wrote to his wife: “Dad wrote letters to mom, and sent me pictures. For every letter of the alphabet. I was already four years old, and, obviously, he believed that it was time to know the letters. Later, these pictures were published under the title “The ABC in the drawings of Vl. Konashevich."

    Publisher: TV-vo R. Golike and A. Vilborg
    Place of publication: Petrograd
    Year of publication: 1918

    Interestingly, there is no hard sign at the end of words in the alphabet, but the letters Fita and Izhitsa have been preserved.





    5. Two spelling options - old and new.


    Completely alphabet -

    Primer 1937

    The time is such that we must praise our leaders and dear comrades almost on our knees...

    I.S. Belyaev. Primer. 1943.

    State Publishing House K-FSSR.

    A prominent figure in public education in Karelia. In teaching work from 1930 to 1940. from 1940 - Deputy People's Commissar, and from 1944. to 1951 - People's Commissar - Minister of Public Education of the K-FSSR. In 1944-1949. did a lot to restore the school network in Karelia. Honored Teacher of Karelia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, author of more than 20 textbooks. He prepared several textbooks during the war years.

    After the war.

    "ABC", 1970.

    Publishing house "Enlightenment", tenth edition. Authors: Voskresenskaya A.I., Redozubov S.P., Yankovskaya A.V.








    8.Mom works at home - by whom?



    And this is an ABC book for children with limited hearing. Children with degrees 2-4 hearing loss and complete hearing loss were called deaf-mute. At that time there was no special equipment (headphones and microphones) and powerful hearing aids that would help children with degrees 2-4. There were no modern methods of teaching children to speak. Therefore, they were taught to write correctly, read lips - if they can’t say it, then let them write it on a piece of paper. And reading books is a source of knowledge. There were dactylic alphabet and sign language at that time, but there weren’t very many sign language interpreters, mostly hearing children of deaf parents who had lost their hearing after illness (acquired non-hereditary deafness)

    Zykov S.A. Primer for deaf schools

    Publisher: State. educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR Year: 1952

    This primer is built using the sound (analytical-synthetic) method. Training on it is designed for one and a half years. In order to maintain the interest of students, the primer contains exercises and games, and the texts are accompanied by illustrations. To develop a sense of rhythm, short poems are included in the primer. When reading from a primer, children become familiar with grammar concepts such as the singular and plural of a noun, the present and past tense of a verb, the masculine and feminine gender of a verb, the formation of words by adding a prefix, etc.
    Teaching writing is carried out simultaneously with teaching reading, so the primer also contains exercises for writing.





    5. Life of Soviet citizens in the 50s. There is a TV, but there is no chandelier in sight.

    6. Articulation of the lips with the sound "a".




    10. Reminds me of a method of teaching a foreign language. This is understandable; for deaf children, their native language is just like a foreign language. Learn words that denote objects, actions, etc. The highlighted syllables indicate stress where you need to raise your voice.


    12.There were headphones in schools for deaf children. But there is no equipment or buttons. Apparently, there were almost none of them... In the classroom, the desks are arranged in a circle so that the children can look at the teacher, more precisely at her lips and at the gestures of the dactyl alphabet.



    Donskaya N.Yu., Linikova N.I. Primer for schools of the hearing impaired.

    Second edition. M.: Enlightenment, 1986. It was from it (first edition) that I studied in first grade, right after the primer in the blue cover.

    Cover artist E.V. Viktorov.




    4. There are few students in the class - not only because there are many fewer hearing impaired people than hearing people. But for a teacher, ten students are the same as 30 hearing students. Their speech needs to be monitored and their pronunciation corrected, and this takes a lot of time.

    The hardware for controlling headphones and microphones appears to be built into the desk. Just added. Today I spoke at work with a deaf person whose child goes to a school for children with hearing impairments. He said that in such schools there has been no equipment for a long time; now everyone wears hearing aids of varying power.

    5. This is the same equipment on the teacher’s desk, but it’s hard to see. The teacher does not sing into the microphone, she speaks. Desk for two students. The students have headphones, but they don’t stand out. Apparently, the walker did not emphasize them for aesthetic reasons. Usually these are black rubber headphones on a black flexible hoop.

    8. Emphasis on each word. A funny and educational story. The artist is still the same E.V. Viktorov.

    Well, that's it, I end the post here.)

    And what kind of primers are now for modern schoolchildren? ABCs?

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin gave his strength to the struggle for the happiness of the people. Lenin created the Communist Party. The party continues the work of Lenin. She leads our people to a bright, happy life.

    Lenin always cared about children. That’s why the October kids are called Lenin’s grandchildren.

    There is a portrait of our daughter.

    In the portrait, Lenin is reading late, sitting at the table.

    It's time for my daughter to go to bed. The night is coming.

    Mom, will Lenin go to bed soon? - asks the daughter.

    You will fall asleep, and Lenin will lie down, - my mother will answer her.

    You will get up,” Lenin reads again: he gets up at first light.

    Daughter sleeps. But the light does not go out in that portrait: Lenin reads and reads at the table.

    The snow is spinning

    the snow is falling.

    Snow! Snow! Snow!

    The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow,

    and, of course, a person!

    Snow fell - frost fell!

    The cat washes its nose with snow.

    The puppy has a black back

    White snowflakes are melting.

    The sidewalks were covered in snow.

    Everything around is white and white!


    Enough work for shovels,

    for shovels and scrapers,

    for large trucks.

    Shell fragment.

    Misha and dad were walking in the forest.

    Dad, look, it's a piece of iron.

    How old and rusty it is!

    No, Misha, this is not a piece of iron.

    This is a shell fragment.

    There was a war a long time ago.

    There was a battle in this forest.

    Many of our soldiers died here.

    I was wounded in the chest.

    With this very projectile?

    Maybe this is it. I don't know.

    Dad, will there be no more war?

    We don't want war, Misha.

    We will do everything to prevent it from happening.

    Now in all countries people are fighting for peace. There are a lot of peace fighters.

    No one can defeat them.

    Are you also a peace fighter, dad?

    Of course, Misha. In our country, all people are fighting for peace.

    Icebreaker "LENIN".

    In the north the sea is covered with thick ice. There are ice fields and ice mountains everywhere. How will the ships get through here?

    The ice won't let them in.

    But what is it? What is this mighty ship? On its side the golden letters glitter: LENIN. He goes first and breaks the ice! And ships follow him on clear water.

    What force drives this wonderful icebreaker?

    This is the power of the atom.

    Auom can be formidable.

    An atom can be kind and peaceful.

    Our country, our party are fighting for the atom to be a friend of people.

    The Tale of the Red Ball.

    Lena got up early. The window was open. And a red ball flew into the room.

    Sharik, whose are you? - Lena asked.

    “I’m nobody’s,” said the ball.

    And he sang a song to Lena:

    I'm flying, flying, flying,

    I want to fly around the world.

    And that’s right, the ball on the string has a white leaf. Lena took it and read:

    Hello children all over the world!

    My name is Kwesi. I live in hot Africa. Anyone who wants to be friends with me should write me a letter.

    Lena wrote the answer:

    Hello Kwesi!

    I also want to be friends with all the guys. I live in Moscow. It's winter here. It's snowing outside. We play snowballs. Waiting for an answer.

    Your new friend Lena.

    Lena tied the letter to the balloon.

    And the ball flew out the window.

    The red ball flew over fields, forests, mountains. And suddenly he got caught on the balcony of an old house. The sea was blue in the distance. This was the country of Italy. And the boy Gianni lived in the house.

    Where are you from, ball? And where are you flying? - he asked. And the ball sang a song to him:

    I'm flying, flying, flying, I want to fly around the whole world.

    I have letters and postcards on my thread.

    Gianni was upset and said:

    But I don't know how to write yet. Red ball, please tell the guys my words:

    World. Friendship. Gianni.

    These are very good words. “I will definitely pass them on,” the ball said and flew on.

    The red ball flew to hot Africa. He sat on a palm tree near the house where Kwesi lived. But Kwesi was at school.

    The tall giraffe took the ball from the palm tree. And the striped zebra took him straight to school.

    This is the answer to my letter! - Kwesi shouted. And all the guys began to read the letter. And then everyone wrote the answer together:

    Hello, Lena!

    We are very glad that we have a friend in the Soviet Union. Write to us how you are doing. And also write to us what snow is. We never have snow in Africa.

    Your new friends.

    Then they tied the letter to a thread. And the ball flew back. He flew, without getting tired, all the way to Moscow and sang:

    I'm flying, flying, flying,

    I want to fly around the world,

    so that all over the planet

    the children became friends.

    Space explorers.

    The rocket flies higher and higher.

    So she rushed through the clouds. Even higher, even faster. The blue sky turns dark.

    Rocket in space.

    Birds don't fly here.

    Airplanes cannot fly here.

    The sky here is completely black.

    And in the black sky, the astronaut sees the sun, the stars, and the moon at once. It's like a fairytale! The astronaut opens the rocket hatch.

    The astronaut wears a reliable spacesuit. For the first time a man goes into space.

    This is a Soviet man.

    Soviet people are space conquerors!

    A Russian guy took off in a rocket,

    I saw the whole earth from above.

    Gagarin was the first in space...

    What score will you be?

    Our rocket.

    The radio announced a new flight into space.

    Natasha screamed:

    Dad! Listen! Listen! And dad smiled and said:

    This is our rocket!

    Whose rocket? - Natasha was surprised.

    Mine and my comrades.

    But you're not an astronaut, dad. An astronaut flies in a rocket. And you are here in the room.

    Yes, I'm not an astronaut. I'm a steelworker.

    I welded the steel for this rocket.

    Engineers made drawings. Scientists have come up with wonderful devices. Many, many people did a good job.

    And so the rocket flew into space.

    And today each of these people can say:

    This is our rocket!

    At the parade.

    Dad took Volodya to the parade.

    Dad put Volodya on his shoulder. Volodya is glad. He is now taller than everyone else.

    He can see everything.

    The sun is shining brightly.

    Troops are marching along Red Square.

    The border guards are walking in an even formation. They are the ones who guard the borders of our Motherland.

    Here come the brave sailors. They protect the blue waves of our seas.

    Motorized infantry is coming. Yes, yes, the infantry is coming! This is the new infantry.

    Tanks are crawling across the square with a roar. They are led by fearless tank crews.

    When will there be rockets? - Volodya is worried.

    And now the rockets are coming to Red Square. First small, then bigger. And then the biggest rockets appeared.

    Wow! - Volodya shouts: - These missiles will probably fly wherever you want!

    Yes. Our army is strong and strong. She reliably protects our peaceful work.

    The best gift.

    It was Katya's birthday.

    Uncle Yura brought her a big ball. Mom gave me a doll. And my dad gave me the book “Russian Folk Tales.”

    Katya played with the ball and threw it.

    She played with the doll and put her to sleep.

    Katya, come and drink tea! - Mom calls.

    Wait, mommy! Let me finish reading the story. There's a little left!

    What was the best gift Katya received?

    ABC holiday.

    I take the ABC book,

    Last time,

    I'm carrying an ABC book

    into a spacious classroom.

    And dear

    I speak:

    Thank you

    There are many in the world

    there are books.

    All books

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