• Favorable days for cutting hair. Fourteenth lunar day Haircut on 14-15 lunar day


    The fourteenth lunar day is an active time. Today you cannot succumb to laziness and apathy, otherwise it will negatively affect your destiny and can also provoke the emergence of various pathologies.

    On these days you need to confidently move forward towards achieving your goals. You cannot doubt or revise decisions that were made earlier. Only self-confidence today will be a guarantee of success.

    You can finish projects that were previously started. If the time before this day was not wasted, then today you can enjoy the results of your fruitful activities.

    General characteristics of 14 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: active day.
    • Symbol of the day: pipe.
    • Element of the day: Earth.
    • Stone of the day: .
    • Color of the day: white, purple and its shades.

    Characteristics of the 14th lunar day - the most energy-rich day of the lunar cycle. You can’t rest and behave passively today. This is a time of active action and moving forward. If you do everything correctly, you can achieve good results.

    The 14th day of the lunar cycle is often called the last chance. This is not surprising, since on this day you can make up for lost time if the energy of previous days was wasted or not used up. Today there is an opportunity to do what was not done yesterday. However, anything can be realized only until midnight. At this time, the Moon will become full, and nothing can be corrected.

    Esotericists need to take advantage of this day if they want to learn the secrets of the universe. Today they will have such an opportunity. To do this, you need to use information sources correctly. In addition, on these days you need to pay special attention to those esotericists who want to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

    The description of these days is not only an active, but also a dangerous time. If a person has a weakened emotional background, then today he may begin to think about suicide. The fact is that on these days an internal struggle begins. If there was a lot of stress and dark thoughts, then a person may not be able to withstand the psychological stress of this day. Then thoughts of suicide can become not only thoughts, but also a terrible reality. It is on this day that a large number of suicides are observed. To prevent this from happening, today you need to drive away bad thoughts from yourself and try to think positively. If you start thinking about your imperfections, you can reach a dead end. You shouldn’t “dig into yourself” these days. There is a better time for this.

    The 14th lunar day is the time when you should listen to your intuition. Today, a person’s subconscious will tell you how to act in a given situation.

    On the fourteenth days of the lunar cycle, you can strengthen family ties. Today, more than ever, there is mutual understanding between different generations.

    In addition, a person has an excellent opportunity to establish relationships with others.

    The most favorable time of the day is morning. It is for him that you need to plan all important things. In the afternoon, there is a chance of falling under someone else's addiction. Then other people's problems will come first, and you will begin to solve them.


    These days are suitable for love affairs. Today, much attention should be paid to signs and hints. Maybe someone has been trying to invite you to meet you for a long time, and today you will have the opportunity to get rid of loneliness.

    The day is favorable for men who have been caring for a woman for a long time. Today there is an opportunity to win her favor. However, if she refused even that day, then you can stop all courtship. There will be no more relations with her. It’s not for nothing that this day is called the day of last chance.

    The 14th lunar day is a favorable time for a wedding. On this day you can schedule a wedding, both for young people who are just beginning to build their relationships, and for those who have long tested their feelings. It is also recommended for couples who are in a civil marriage to formalize their relationship.


    The purpose of these days is global affairs, including domestic ones. You can arrange general cleaning, remodeling or rearranging furniture. On the 14th lunar day, you can start repairs or perform energy cleaning at home.


    The 14th lunar day is a favorable period for liberating the body from waste and toxins. Today it is recommended to refuse to eat any food, as well as any drinks. If you experience a loss of strength, you can drink some tea with honey. If for some reason it is not possible to refuse to eat food, then it is recommended to exclude bitter and sweet foods from the diet.

    In addition, you should limit your fluid intake. The fact is that today swelling may occur due to water. In addition, there is a possibility of intoxication of the body with any liquid and even plain water.

    On this day you can cleanse the intestines, as well as the epidermis. Any such procedures will be favorable.

    If you get sick on this day, the pathology will cause complications for the entire body. Therefore, today you need to pay special attention to your health. If your health worsens, you must immediately take appropriate measures and then recovery will come quickly.

    Weak points are the senses. This is especially true for the organs of vision. That is why today you should not overstrain your eyes and use perfume. Smoking should also be stopped. In addition, you should not drink alcohol on this day. This will provoke depression, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

    Work, money, business

    The 14th lunar day is one of the best periods for starting new projects, starting or developing a business. The main thing is not to be lazy, not to doubt and to act actively. All important activities should be carried out in the morning. This is the most favorable time of the day.

    On this day you can ask for a salary increase or promotion. If you do this in the morning, then there is every chance of success.

    The day is suitable for networking and making new acquaintances.

    On these days you can deal with financial matters. You can make deals and sign important documents. You can schedule an interview for this day. Most likely, it will be successful.

    Today you can improve your qualifications or acquire new knowledge and skills. It is recommended to schedule business trips and business meetings on this day.

    A haircut

    The day for cutting curls is not at all suitable. It is better to postpone this procedure to a more favorable time. The fact is that cutting your hair today will negatively affect the condition of your curls. They will become brittle, lose their shine and begin to fall out.

    In addition, cutting curls will negatively affect a person’s emotional background. Depression and depressed moods will occur. If you get a haircut today, then all the energy of the moon will go away with the cut curls, leaving nothing for the person.

    In addition, in order not to lose energy, you need not only not to cut your hair, but also not to wear your hair down. You need to do your hair to remove them.

    Characteristics of people born on the 14th lunar day

    People born on the 14th lunar day are unique. They are often called the darlings of fate.

    Birthdays, which fall on the 14th lunar day, endow people with various talents. If they understand their purpose, then a great future awaits them.

    People born on this day can become world famous.

    Dreams on the 14th lunar day

    Dreams on the 14th lunar day require decoding; for this you must use a dream book. At the same time, you need to look for the meaning of each individual symbol in your dreams. This is the only way to decipher the message.

    A dream can also indicate a person’s character, or more precisely, those traits that need adjustment. For example, if you dreamed that a person was afraid of something, it means that he lacks courage. This is exactly what you need to work on.

    A dream on this day can suggest the answer to a question of interest. Before you go to sleep, you need to think about your problem. Then the dream can tell you how to solve it.

    Today there are no empty dreams. Each of them means at least something. If dreams are not believed or ignored, then very important information can be missed.

    Each lunar day has its own meaning. Day 14 is a time of active action. If you do it incorrectly, then in the future you may encounter troubles that will be difficult to get rid of.

    The 14th lunar day is the most energetically powerful day of the month. During this period, any business is successful, the people around you are open to communication. It’s worth taking advantage of this and spending the day in maximum activity.

    Affairs. The day is suitable for starting new things and continuing existing ones. It is especially favorable during this period to take on large, large-scale projects and open your own business. The moon is favorable to any activity. The main thing is not to sit idle, otherwise depression may overtake you.

    Job. A favorable time for both independent work and collective work. During this period, it is worth listening to the advice of colleagues - they can be useful. The day is suitable for searching for investors, expanding your circle of business contacts, communicating with superiors and changing jobs.

    Housework. The 14th lunar day is a good time for any housework. You can start a grandiose renovation or cleaning. It is recommended to throw away unnecessary things - this will free up not only physical, but also energetic space in the house.

    Money. Favorable time for any transactions with money. Large investments will be returned with a high percentage. Small investments will also bring profit. You can safely lend. The day is suitable for large-scale purchases for home or work, and purchases of vacation packages. If you don't have enough money, you can get a loan. It will be easy to return it, because all financial transactions during this period are successful for both parties.

    Love, relationships. A good time to communicate with your loved one. There will be no quarrels or disagreements, so you can safely make a date. There may be moments of unbridled attraction to unfamiliar people of the opposite sex. This is a kind of test that must be passed. It is better to diversify intimacy on this day with new positions or an unusual place for sex.

    Communication. The day is suitable for any type of communication. Business negotiations or communication with family and friends will take place in a pleasant atmosphere. During this period, a lot of information is in the air. Listen to people - you may hear something new.

    Trips. Great time to travel. The moon welcomes any activity, including trips on vacation or for work matters. If traveling is not planned, it is recommended to arrange a mini-trip to the country or to nature with the whole family.

    Haircut and hair care. The 14th lunar day is an ambiguous day for a haircut. It can lead to material well-being or cause depression. During this period, it is allowed to dye your hair, preferably in a color close to natural. You can experiment with your hairstyle. Perm is not recommended.

    Beauty and health. On the 14th day of the lunar calendar, it is not recommended to carry out instrumental interventions: rejuvenation, plastic surgery. It is useful to cleanse the body. It is advisable to use a diet without drinking liquid for this. Moderate physical activity will have a beneficial effect on your health.

    The state of a person’s health is reflected in the condition of his hair: it begins to fall out due to stress, and due to illness it becomes dull and brittle.

    Hair has always been endowed magical properties- they transmit cosmic information to a person, which is why hair is so dependent on the Moon.

    In this article we will try to help you choose the best days to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar and all the signs.

    Haircut for the waxing and waning moon

    Scientists of ancient civilizations, who deified this mysterious planet, knew that the Moon affects the human body.

    Modern scientists explain this by the fact that the human body, which is 80% water, responds to lunar phases, like the World Ocean, ebbs and flows.

    The Moon also affects hair growth, causing blood to rush to the hair follicles in its growing phase:

    • haircut done in 1 or 2 quarter lunar growth, you will have to update it soon, because the hair will grow back quickly;
    • get a haircut on the waning moon necessary if you decide to correct the shortcomings that your hair has, for example, it is tangled or uncontrollable;
    • cut your hair when The moon is waning, you need your hair to stop falling out and your roots to strengthen;
    • if you like the haircut, then period of lunar damage- the best time to visit the salon, because hair will not grow back soon;
    • If you decide to experiment with a new haircut, but are not sure of the result, it is better to go to the salon on the waxing Moon, so that in case of failure, your hair will grow back quickly.

    Moon in a favorable zodiac sign

    When planning a visit to the hairdresser, look at the lunar calendar to find out the location of the Moon regarding zodiac signs:

    • if on the scheduled day the Moon will be in Taurus, Virgo, Leo or Libra, feel free to go get a haircut;
    • haircut done between October and March when the Moon is in Libra, it has a good effect on vision and memory;
    • Moon in Virgo will help the hairstyle remain beautiful for a long time and keep its shape;
    • Moon passing through Taurus sign, will add strength to hair. They will be lush and shiny;
    • haircut done while the moon was on in air signs, will be airy and your hair will be manageable.

    Postpone your haircut if:

    • Moon in signs Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Cancer;
    • If you don’t want dandruff, don’t get your hair cut while the moon is on in Ryba;
    • when is the moon in the sign of Cancer, hair sticks out after cutting and becomes unruly;
    • finding the moon in the sign of Aries increases the sensitivity of hair to any influence;
    • Capricorn slows down hair growth, so the Moon period in Capricorn- good haircut time for men.

    During the full moon, cut off split ends of your hair. This will give your hair shine and strength.

    Haircut on lunar days

    In the lunar calendar, pay attention to which lunar days you want to get your hair cut. Tibetans believe that you can change your destiny if you get a haircut correctly selected lunar days. For them, cutting a haircut is a ritual for which they prepare by carefully choosing lunar days for cutting their hair.

    Favorable days for haircuts

    Best for haircuts there will be 5, 8, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28 lunar days. A haircut these days will add health to your hair and help improve your life.

    By cutting your hair on a certain lunar day, you program yourself for good luck, increased prosperity, attractiveness, and health:

    • if you want to get rich, get a haircut on days 5, 14 and 22;
    • to become more beautiful and please others, get a haircut on days 13 and 28;
    • Do you dream of winning the favor of your superiors and becoming successful at work - at 14 lunar urgent day to the hairdresser;
    • good health and long life are guaranteed to those who have their hair cut on the 8th and 19th lunar day;
    • You will be happier and more joyful if you cut your hair on the 27th lunar day.

    Unfavorable days for haircuts

    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 30 lunar days are considered unfavorable;
    • days of lunar and solar eclipses are also considered unfavorable;
    • 9, 15, 23, 29 are called satanic lunar days. Judging by the name, a haircut on this day will not lead to anything good.

    Haircut by day of the week

    According to magicians and wizards, the day of the week on which you get your haircut can also change your life:

    • Monday. On this day, along with your hair, you will get rid of everything that interferes;
    • Tuesday. A haircut on Tuesday will add energy and help get rid of despondency;
    • Wednesday. Hair cut in the middle of the week will make life brighter and attract new friends to you;
    • Thursday. Trim the ends of your hair to add luck and popularity;
    • Friday. If you want to change your appearance, get your hair cut on Friday;
    • Saturday. A haircut on this day will free you from the sins that you inherited from your ancestors and improve your karma;
    • Sunday. But on Sunday it’s better not to get a haircut. You will cut your luck along with your hair. On this day, a haircut is desirable for those who are constantly unlucky in order to radically change the situation.

    The choice of day of the week for a haircut also depends on what day you were born.

    Knowing it, you can calmly choose a favorable day according to this scheme and the answer to the question “is it possible to get a haircut today?” it will be obvious to you:

    • if you were born in Monday, then choose Thursday, Friday, Saturday for your haircut;
    • born in Tuesday haircuts on Thursday and Saturday;
    • you were born in Wednesday- feel free to get your hair cut on Friday and avoid the hairdresser on Thursday;
    • your birthday - Thursday, get your hair cut on Monday and Tuesday;
    • Friday Thursday and Saturday are in harmony;
    • born in Saturday Friday is great;
    • born in Sunday It's better to get your hair cut on Tuesday and Thursday.

    Another universal haircut that has many variations is. She decorated many women's faces, read it, you might want to make the same one.

    Find out what contributes to rapid hair growth from ours, where we talk about products for this.

    Find out how often you can bleach your hair and dye it with various dyes here: - all about natural and chemical dyes and their effects on hair and scalp.

    How to choose the best days for a haircut?

    Choosing the perfect day for a haircut is not easy, but we will tell you how to do it:

    • Take a lunar calendar for the year, mark unfavorable lunar days, favorable ones that fall on Sunday, and do not go to the hairdresser on these days;
    • Pay attention to the days when the waxing moon will be in Virgo, Leo and Libra, mark the favorable ones among them, look at what day of the week they fall on, choose the one that suits your birthday.

    March 4, 5,6 (the waxing moon in Taurus) fall on Monday - Wednesday. These are 4, 5,6 lunar days. We don’t cut our hair on days 4 and 6: they are not favorable.

    Remains March 5th Tuesday. A haircut on this day will bring material wealth and add energy.

    You may or may not believe it, but it’s worth a try.

    If at hand there will be no lunar calendar hair cutting, just look at the moon:

    • its bend points in the same direction as the letter R- the moon is waxing, hair cut at this time will grow quickly;
    • the moon resembles a letter WITH- has taken a toll, which means that hair growth is slowing down.

    The moon will tell you the right time for a haircut. Try cutting your hair in consultation with the Moon, as did your ancestors who always trusted the companion of our planet.

    It has long been customary to cut hair only on certain days in order to improve your energy, as well as hair thickness and growth. Our ancestors believed that if you cut your hair on a bad day, it could negatively affect a person’s entire destiny.

    The position of the Moon is a guideline for this procedure. It was not chosen by chance for a haircut, because the lunar phases have a special effect on a person. The moon also affects the condition of hair. There are good days to get a haircut and bad days. For the procedure, you need to choose only favorable days and it doesn’t matter whether you do the haircut during the day or in the evening.

    The lunar month consists of 4 phases:

    • new moon;
    • full moon;
    • Waxing Crescent;
    • waning moon.

    These phases affect the condition of the body and hair. The effect of the Moon on humans is a fact that has been scientifically proven. Favorable days for creating a hairstyle are the days on which, thanks to the stylist’s manipulations with the hair, it begins to grow faster and its volume increases.

    Astrologers say that the condition of the hair is influenced not only by the Moon. They claim that hair is a kind of thread that connects a person with the Universe. Through them, cosmic energy is transmitted to a person, which affects his health and destiny.

    If a haircut is done on favorable days, it will improve a person’s biofield and this will have a positive effect on fate.

    Favorable period for haircut:

    • Full moon.
    • These are the most suitable lunar days for cutting hair. If you do your hair during the full moon, the strands will then quickly begin to gain length and the thickness of your hair will increase. These are favorable days not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring. These are the best days to carry out absolutely any hair treatment.

    • The period of the waxing moon.
    • If you do your hair at this time, the growth of the strands will accelerate, but the shine may disappear. The strands can also lose moisture. If your hair is already too dry, this will be detrimental to it.

    • 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21–23, 26–28 lunar days.
    • The period when The moon is in the constellation Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Virgo or Taurus.

    Unfavorable days for hairstyles

    Unfavorable days for haircuts are the times when manipulations with strands will negatively affect their structure. They will become fragile, grow slowly and may begin to fall out.

    Astrologers say that haircuts these days negatively affect a person’s biofield. It depletes energy and can cause illness and misfortune. Therefore, these days should be avoided.

    Bad time to manipulate strands:

    • Waning moon.
    • If you cut your hair during this phase, hair growth will slow down. At the same time, this time is favorable for depilation.

    • New moon.
    • By getting a haircut at this time, a person shortens his life. This procedure draws vitality out of him. Therefore, after visiting the salon, health problems appear. Under no circumstances should children cut their hair during the new moon. If boys get their hair done at this time, they will quickly become bald, and girls getting their hair cut during the new moon will cause their hair to become thin and begin to fall out a lot.

    • 9, 15, 29 lunar days.
    • They are not just unfavorable, but even dangerous for cutting hair. If you do your hair at this time, the strands will become thin, the volume of hair will disappear and hair loss will begin. A haircut these days will also affect a person’s fate. He will be haunted by misfortunes and health problems will arise.

    • Lunar and solar eclipse.
    • If you cut your hair these days, the hair structure, fate and health of the person will suffer.

    • Moon in the constellation Cancer or Pisces.
    • Haircut these days worsens hair structure and health.

    Never cut your hair yourself. A procedure carried out with your own hands will disrupt the biofield and after it is carried out, misfortunes will arise.

    It is better to have your hair cut by professionals and only during favorable periods.

    Haircut on a specific lunar day

    Now let’s take a closer look at which days you can get a haircut and which days you can’t:

    1st day. This day is unfavorable. A haircut performed at this time will shorten life expectancy, because the supply of energy to a person from the Universe will be cut off.

    3rd day. Unfavorable time for a haircut. A hairstyle done on the 3rd lunar day will lead to material problems. Manipulations with hair on the third day will lead to the appearance of troubles and illnesses.

    4th day. Bad time for a haircut. The procedure will cause phobias and depression. Due to haircuts at this time, health problems will also appear. The throat and respiratory organs will be affected first.

    5th day. At this time on the fifth day you can do your hair. A haircut done on the 5th lunar day will improve a person’s financial condition.

    6th day. The sixth day is an unfavorable period. Cutting your hair on the 6th lunar day will lead to the appearance of diseases of the respiratory system. Hairstyle on the 6th lunar day will generally worsen your health.

    7th day. The 7th lunar day is not suitable for cutting hair. The procedure done on the 7th day will lead to destabilization of relationships with loved ones and colleagues. Also, a haircut on the seventh day will cause a deterioration in the condition of the immune system.

    8th day. Great time to create a hairstyle. A haircut on the 8th lunar day will prolong a person’s life and strengthen his health. The eighth day hairstyle will also boost your self-esteem and help you gain respect from others.

    9th and 10th lunar day. Unfavorable time for a haircut. Manipulations with hair carried out on the 9th lunar day and on the 10th day will provoke the occurrence of illnesses. Hairstyle on the ninth day and on the tenth day shortens life.

    11th lunar day. At this time, you can manipulate your hair. A haircut on the 11th lunar day will improve the hair structure. Manipulating strands on the eleventh day can develop the gift of clairvoyance and intuition and improve brain function.

    12th day. Bad time for hair manipulation. Haircut on the 12th lunar day can cause accidents. A trip to the salon on the twelfth day can cause a sudden tragic interruption of life.

    13th day. The thirteenth day is the best time for women who want to increase their charm. A haircut done on the 13th lunar day will increase your charm and attractiveness.

    14th day. Favorable day for a haircut. Hair treatments performed today will improve a person’s well-being, help him sign lucrative contracts and gain respect in society.

    15th day. Unfavorable time. A haircut done today can worsen your psycho-emotional state. Phobias and depression will appear.

    16th day. Unfavorable day. A haircut done today will lead to fatal mistakes and bad addictions.

    17th day. Bad day for a haircut. A trip to the salon on the 17th lunar day can result in accidents, health problems and psycho-emotional disorder. Hairstyle on the seventeenth day can lead to the destruction of relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

    18th day. Unfavorable period. Manipulating your hair on this day can cause the loss of your property, the occurrence of illnesses and lead to problems for others. Pets can be especially hard hit.

    19th day. This is an auspicious time. A haircut on the 19th lunar day will bring longevity. The nineteenth day hairstyle will improve the hair structure.

    20th day. Bad timing. Cutting your hair on the 20th lunar day will result in health problems and psycho-emotional disorder. Manipulating hair on the 20th lunar day can also lead to a person having thoughts about parting with life. There is no need to choose the time of the twentieth day for a haircut.

    Day 21 Favorable period. Manipulating your hair will lead to well-being and increased charm.

    Day 22 Controversial period. On the one hand, you can improve your financial condition, on the other hand, problems with excess weight may appear.

    Day 23 This time is great for getting a haircut. After visiting the salon, a person will feel happy. His self-esteem and attractiveness will increase.

    Day 24 Bad day for a haircut. Manipulations with hair performed today will lead to the appearance of illnesses.

    Day 25 Unfavorable time. A haircut will cause vision impairment and eye diseases.

    Day 26 This period is good for haircuts. Hairstyles done today will bring happiness and improve the microclimate in the family.

    Day 27 Auspicious day. A haircut on the 27th lunar day will bring happiness. Your relationship with your loved one will improve.

    Day 28 Good period. A haircut on the 28th lunar day will increase a person’s charm, which will not go unnoticed by others. On this day there will not be a single flaw in your hairstyle.

    29th lunar day. Unfavorable day. Manipulation with hair on day 29 will lead to a decrease in a person’s energy and a deterioration in brain function.

    30th day. Bad period. A haircut will cause misfortunes and increased activity of enemies.

    By getting a haircut on favorable lunar days, a person has the opportunity to improve his financial condition, health and improve the structure of his hair.

    On the 14th lunar day, activity only increases, and does not decrease. Here it is, the slogan of this period - don’t stop!

    Like the previous two days, the 14th lunar day is active, and it is simply contraindicated to be lazy and do nothing. That is why every person, even the laziest by nature, on the fourteenth lunar day feels an internal urge to act, to run somewhere, to fight for something. You simply won't be able to sit still! And if you are lazy, you can even get sick.

    If you spent the previous two or three days of the Moon correctly, according to the calendar, and began to actively implement plans and projects, on the fourteenth lunar day you should under no circumstances doubt or revise these plans. Although the Universe may send you a test in the form of doubts, fatigue or laziness - fight them!

    No doubt, go to the end, the result is already close. This is the main aegis of this day. A brief description of it according to the Lunar calendar is as follows.

    • The symbol of the day is the calling trumpet.
    • Colors – snow-white, shades of purple.
    • The stones are hyacinth.
    • Lucky day is Sunday.
    • The number is five.
    • Direction – middle, center.
    • The shapes are square.
    • Angel - Gusfar.

    The slogans of this day are activity, action, swiftness. And also – self-confidence! Say these words early in the morning, like a mantra or affirmation, and act!

    You should live the 14th lunar day actively. But this is not the only thing you need to know. Because there is a risk of confusing active efficiency with fussiness and even aggressiveness. Listen carefully to the recommendations that the Lunar calendar gives, and then the 14th lunar day will bring excellent results for the future.

    1. If you are still planning something, start before it is too late. It is the fourteenth lunar day that is the last chance to give a successful start to a new project, idea, or even just take a bold step that you all have not dared to take. If you are passive and unsure of yourself today, the whole month will literally go down the drain. So take courage, it's time to act!

    2. Also during this day there is every chance to change, correct, correct something. It is good for correcting mistakes, and today it is possible to correct everything. If you have made mistakes, something has gone wrong, boldly and decisively, without doubt or hesitation, get to work - and you can put everything in perfect order.

    Now everything is in your hands. And then, if today you don’t take the current situation into your own hands, it will simply get out of control. And until the end of the lunar month, you will not be able to do anything; you will not influence the situation or the course of affairs in any way.

    3. Feel like the master of your own destiny today. Express your will. Only you create the present, and even more so the future. No circumstances or fate. You and no one else. It's time to take full responsibility.

    4. There is an excellent spiritual practice, especially for this day. Start in the morning. The practice is called “now or never.” Throughout the day, as soon as a certain desire, idea, intention comes into your head, immediately, without a second’s delay, carry it out. This applies to both large, complex matters and small things. Would you like some tea? Don’t sit, go straight to the kitchen and make yourself some tea. The thought crept in to call your ex, find out how he is doing? Do it immediately.

    Microscopic doubt will ruin everything, do it right away, at that very moment! You will doubt or regret later (which is unlikely). Wanted to come to your boss and ask for a raise? Run! And don't be afraid. You will see how this magical practice will change your life, and you will understand how much you really are not giving to yourself. Doubts take away so many precious opportunities from your life.

    5. If you are lazy on the 14th lunar day, then not only will it be wasted, but the next half of the month will not bring anything good either. The fact is that it is on the fourteenth lunar day that the planet Moon gives everyone a huge amount of energy. It is impossible to store it for later, to leave it.

    If you don’t spend it on active actions, it will be in vain. And then you will feel sluggish, sad, you will fall into the blues, you will not want anything. And if you spend it all, there will be even more!

    Now let's see what the Lunar calendar, a faithful adviser, says regarding daily, everyday affairs. What should you simply give up today, postpone until later, and what will bring good luck!

    1. Travel and travel will be very unpredictable. It’s not that they are unfavorable, but still, you won’t be able to control their outcome, so it’s better not to risk it and postpone the trip until later.

    2. The fourteenth lunar day is ideal for cleansing. An active “general” in the house, cleansing procedures for the body and skin, a sauna, a bath, scrubs, throwing trash out of the house and out of the head - these are excellent events for this day. Get rid of unnecessary things! You can fast, dry fasting is especially useful today, but only if you have experience. Be careful.

    3. Everything related to active actions at work is very good. If this is your everyday work, then plunge into work headlong. Don't be afraid to overwork, you'll have enough energy! Take important steps, enter into long-term contracts, start active actions, promotions, projects. Bold changes in work will go very successfully. If it's a day off, work on the land, in the garden, or do a thorough cleaning of the house.

    4. Hair cutting on the fourteenth lunar day is not recommended. Firstly, a haircut will slow down hair growth today, and in esoteric terms, a haircut will lead to melancholy and melancholy and will take a lot of energy. In fact, all the energy that the Moon gives today can go through cut hair. In general, today it is better to comb your hair smoothly and put it in a tight bun or ponytail to collect and retain lunar energy.

    5. Conception is just indicated. The child will be accompanied by good luck and the protection of higher powers, he will never be alone, and will not be an outcast. So conception on these days is highly recommended.

    6. People born during this period of the Moon are special. Fate protects them, but finding themselves is not easy for them. Those born on the 14th day of the moon are looking for their calling; from birth they understand their uniqueness. A great future and even fame is possible.

    7. It's a good day for weddings. The wedding will be like a decisive moment, a transition into a new era for the couple. The marriage will certainly be long, thorough, and harmonious.

    8. As for magic, this is not a suitable period for fortune-telling in principle, and it is better if you carry out any fortune-telling, then only about important, vital things. But it is advisable to postpone these processes to another time.

    A little about dreams

    What do dreams that come on the 14th lunar day tell us? Should we believe them, and what secret subtext can be found in them?

    1. Read the dream book. Today's dreams should be interpreted strictly according to dream books, and no other way, and an interpretation must be found for each individual symbol. For example, in your dreams you saw a bird sitting on a tree - look for an interpretation separately, separately - with all the details.

    2. Often dreams on the 14th day indicate which aspects of personality and character you need to correct or refine in yourself. If there was a symbol of pride or envy in the dream, this concerns you and no one else - you need to correct it. If it is a symbol of courage, you need to develop it in yourself.

    3. Do a little fortune-telling before going to bed this day. Ask higher powers to tell you in which spiritual direction to move, what to change in yourself in order to achieve happiness. And dreams will show you the answer.

    Spend this wonderful period as actively as possible, and you will even be surprised at the results it will bring. This day is designed to achieve goals, and you can achieve them! Author: Vasilina Serova

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