• Transfer energy. Secrets of energy interaction between people Energy is transferred


    Energy exchange is essentially communication. The energy generated by a person is given to the outside. But, in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy, a person must receive energy from the outside. Hence the need to communicate

    Energy exchange is essentially communication. The energy generated by a person is given to the outside. But, in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy, a person must receive energy from the outside. Hence the need to communicate.

    In the Universe, in order to maintain spiritual and material energy balance, energy exchange constantly and continuously occurs. This circulation of energy takes place within the framework of the law on conservation of energy.

    People communicate for personal gain. During interaction between people, an energy exchange occurs - one gives, the other receives and vice versa. If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange occurs between them. At the same time, both enjoy communication.

    During communication between two people, channels are formed between their auras through which energy flows flow in both directions. Streams can be any color and take any shape. Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication.


    There are different types of energetic interactions between people. Let's call them conventionally:
    1. Equal exchange
    2. Contraction of energy (energy vampirism)
    3. Ability to be a source of energy
    4. Neutral position

    Let us now try to examine all four types in more detail.


    An equal exchange usually exists between close people with good mutual understanding and favorable relationships. Such an exchange occurs in cases where the hermetic principle of the correspondence of people to each other is observed.

    If it's at work, then people are great partners and don't need many words to explain things to each other. They do not quarrel over primacy or the amount of remuneration, since they exchange exactly those impulses that their partner needs, and therefore are able to agree on any issue.

    Equal energy exchange is easy to record. Two people don’t get tired of each other, don’t interfere with each other, they start and finish work at one moment, almost without saying a word.

    Married couples with equal energy exchange usually look like models of ideal well-being. Not so often, but even today there are such harmonious families, where goodwill and sensitive attitude of spouses towards each other reign. Of course, all sorts of ups and downs happen in them, but balance is still maintained in any adversity.

    But it sometimes happens that an equivalent exchange of spouses is invisible to others, and then they can make a strange impression. It seems that one of the spouses is literally following the lead of the other, but such an impression is almost always deceptive. Such families are like closed systems, well-functioning internal mechanisms that live regardless of external circumstances.

    At the same time, spouses may quarrel endlessly, or they may practically not notice each other. (So ​​it seems from the outside.) But if an issue that is important to them is being decided, one glance is enough for them to understand their partner’s agreement or disagreement. Spouses with equal energy exchange never make decisions without consulting their “half,” although this “advice” will be either incomprehensible or invisible to outsiders.

    Married couples with equal exchange are long-lived. Their energetic integrity is the key to good luck and prosperity.

    Equal energy exchange between friends and neighbors is characterized by absolute unobtrusiveness and reliable mutual assistance and support.


    We have already mentioned “vampire” people who tell you endlessly about their misfortunes and problems. Usually such people initially evoke sympathy in you, and then dull irritation appears, which later turns into a desperate state, which can be expressed in one word: “Run!” Preferably away, out of sight.

    If in friendly, neighborly and work relationships you can still somehow adapt to “vampires”, trying not to “feed” them and not lose energy, then in a marriage living together is almost unbearable for the “donor”. Moreover, a “vampire” can have an equal exchange with other people and only draw energy from one specific person.

    The “donor” spouse, who constantly “feeds” the “vampire” spouse, can himself gradually become a “vampire” in relation to other people: colleagues, friends or his own children. Or, irritated by the loss of strength, he begins to create scandals, which ultimately lead to divorce. But this is the best option. The worst is when the “donor” spouse, unable to resist the pressure of the “vampire,” begins to get sick, waste away, and may even die at a young age.

    Drawing energy onto oneself can also be positive. There are people for whom everyone wants to “cry on their vest.” Often such people become professional psychologists, teachers, and doctors. They have the ability to attract negative energy, process it and release it purified into space. Naturally, they are not “vampires”; their karma is their duty to cleanse the psychic space of the planet. Such people must understand that the ability to purify the souls of other people was given to them not for enrichment, but as a means of working off their solid karma. There's nothing much to be proud of here.

    Now there are much more such people than at all other times. This indicates that the planet needs urgent cleaning, so as not to die, suffocating in the negative energy of people.

    Sometimes a mother, passionately wanting to help her sick child, manages to take on his pain, his suffering. To pull on herself all the negative things that were due by fate to her beloved person. The intensity of her dedication is so high that everything bad instantly “burns out” in the flames of such energy. In this case, the mother not only helps her child, she helps him overcome his own karma.

    Mother and child have a special energetic relationship. A mother has the right and opportunity to help her child in absolutely everything (even in overcoming his own karma); it is important that there is a close connection of spiritual kinship and love between them.

    For a child, a mother is a conductor of cosmic energy, and a father is a conductor of earthly energy. Therefore, when there is no mother’s love, we lose heaven, when there is no father’s authority, we feel insecure in human society.


    For someone who strives to give gifts to others, does it selflessly and at the same time receives joy from seeing the joy of others, a source of energy from the Higher Powers opens up. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of being a “donor”.

    It is important that donation be conscious, corresponding to the level of development of the energy of your soul. Otherwise, you will burn out in other people's problems without solving your own.

    And of course, it is important that the “feeding” goes “as intended,” that is, benefits the soul of the so-called “vampire.” If you endlessly nourish someone, trying to help, and the person only happily “eats” your “tasty” energy and is not going to change anything in his life, then you are not bringing him any benefit. You aggravate his karma by putting someone else's burden on your shoulders. Your energy is going in the wrong direction. This means that your karma also suffers.

    Not all people have the ability to be a source of energy for others. The heavier a person’s karma, the more important it is for him to learn to give. By disinterestedly, without second thoughts, giving something to people, a person gains immeasurably more - the ability of the soul to absorb the energy of the Cosmos, the energy of high vibrations of space, so he becomes stronger and develops his spirit. But this does not mean being a source of energy.

    To do something and give away is the whole meaning of our life. If, by giving, we have grown the energy of the spirit for new journeys in the Universe, then our life has not been lived in vain.

    To accumulate, acquire, preserve, comprehend - this is the first half of our earthly task. This is precisely what we focus on due to our misunderstanding and childhood underdevelopment. And only those who, while accumulating, think about where they will give it, win. By giving, he solves the second, most important for the soul, half of the problem. By giving, the soul rejoices, expands, becomes larger. Leaving the earthly plane, she will be able to let into the vast cosmic space of unearthly happiness.


    The neutral energy position is associated with protection and conservation of energy. Every person has moments in life when he should not enter into energy exchange with the people around him.

    Here is an approximate list of such points:
    - when you feel the limit of your strength, the tension is on the verge of breakdown; you know that a break is needed;
    - when you feel the presence of a “vampire” and do not want to “feed” him;
    - when you don’t want to give any information about yourself;
    - when you are irritated or angry and do not want to throw out your negativity on others, - wanting to understand it and cope with it yourself;
    - when you feel mental pressure on yourself and want to maintain your energetic freedom.

    Every person has the right to enter or not to enter into energetic interaction with the world around him. We must respect this right in every person. Let us remember: I am free to the extent that I recognize the freedom of the people around me. Including the freedom to make mistakes!

    It is not at all difficult to believe that it is necessary to “close yourself” sometimes. But it is much more difficult to learn to “close up” and at the same time be neutral. Very often we think that we have “closed ourselves”, but instead we have released thorns and do not notice how we are showing aggression towards everyone who is nearby.

    How to enter a neutral energy position? How to hide without disturbing the harmony of the world, as well as the harmony of your inner space?

    In energy, this state is called the average mode of attention, in psychology - withdrawal into oneself, in esotericism it is close to the concept of “meditation”. This is an altered state of consciousness that is not characteristic of a person in everyday life. Being awake, but being in this state, our brain begins to work as if we are “disconnected” from the world around us. However, at the same time, we control all our actions, and our perception of information becomes even more acute, because we become able to highlight only what is important to us. We save energy, but at the same time we seem to see the world more clearly and clearly and understand ourselves. published

    There are several variations of energy exchange on which any relationship between people is built.

    Vampirism - a person receives the life energy of another, appropriating it for himself.

    There are 2 types of energy vampirism:

    The first and most common is destructive.

    Distinctive features:

    • Complaints.
    • Nagging
    • Controversy
    • Psychological pressure or coercion

    A generally negative outlook on life, the goal is to transfer it to another person. It’s no coincidence that when he finally speaks out, his energy will increase, but the interlocutor’s mood, on the contrary, will drop, and the feeling will be approximately as if he was unloading the cars. The interlocutor suffers.

    A family with this type of relationship will be quite unhappy; the one who acts as an energy victim and in the future will strive to compensate for what has been lost through a similar model of behavior, that is, by taking energy from the other.

    Second - healing.

    This is usually observed in the professional sphere. Such vampires deliberately take away the client’s negative energy in order to ease his psychological well-being. Social workers, medical personnel, psychotherapists are prime examples of such sponge people. Often, due to lack of experience, such vampires suffer from psychological burden.

    Sacrifice - a person losing his energy in favor of another

    Circulation - both sides give and receive the same amount of energy from each other.

    This can be briefly explained by the fact that in the process of interaction no one is left in the red. Typically this type of exchange occurs when there is good rapport and relative harmony between people. Communication is comfortable and not burdensome for everyone.

    If such relationships take place in marriage, then this is simply wonderful. The husband and wife in this case are mutually polite, caring, and friendly.

    Neutrality - there is no contact with energy exchange

    This type is characteristic of people who are closed from the world and who are focused on themselves for a certain period of time. Energy is not given or received; we can say that this is a break from interaction.

    How do chakras work?

    The beginning of the exchange of energies in a couple occurs even before its formation, at first sight, and intensifies as the relationship develops. Gradually, a man and a woman begin to work as a single system, and their biofields unite. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the diagram of the functioning of the chakras.

    The first chakra is Muladhara

    It provides vitality, security and stability. A man gives energy.

    Physiologically, the chakras are represented by the genitals, and not by chance. Men have everything on the outside, and women have everything on the inside. This is a clear indicator that the male energy here is in excess, while his partner’s energy is in short supply. This is explained by the fact that a representative of the stronger sex must provide a woman with comfortable living conditions and protection. And in return the woman receives reliability and confidence in procreation and creating a strong family.

    Interesting fact: If male energy is not enough or it is not fully realized, negative trends in relationships begin - jealousy, aggression, infidelity, weakening of male reproductive health.

    Second chakra - Svadhisthana

    Responsible for procreation and sexuality. The woman gives energy.

    Energy is transferred to the partner through sexual relations. The energy potential is in abundance.

    Interesting fact: In the case when a woman does not want to share excess energy, this can lead to nymphomania or a number of gynecological diseases, and the man will begin to look for her on the side.

    Advice: If a woman does not have a life partner, then her sexual energy is blocked and needs to be redirected to other chakras located higher. By correctly using this energy potential, you can succeed, for example, in society or at work. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this is only a temporary solution, since loneliness cannot be maintained for a long time.

    Why might there be no female sexual energy?

    “Psychological marriage” with your father or son, that is, giving attention to other significant men, forgetting about your husband.

    "Unfinished connection" with previous partners

    Third chakra - Manipura

    A man gives energy.

    A man can become a giver only by receiving the optimal amount of feminine energy. The characteristic results of the successful work of this chakra are: power, authority, career advancement, the family is enriched, and harmony comes to the home.

    Interesting fact: Otherwise, energy begins to have a destructive influence - vindictiveness, greed, cruelty, then diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come.

    Fourth chakra - Anahata

    Responsible for unconditional love and acceptance

    A woman gives energy.

    The heart is not only metaphorically the source of love. The principle here is: “The more you give, the more you receive.” Moreover, this energy of female tenderness and sensitivity should be transmitted to the world as a whole, and not just to a man. If we talk about a partner, the recipient will feel such an energetic message even at a distance, and the man will become much more romantic, pushing instincts into the background.

    Fifth chakra - Vishuddha

    As you might have guessed, a man gives energy.

    It is no coincidence that men have their Adam’s apple in this place; this is one of the indicators of the giver. Received through the fourth chakra, the energy manifests itself in easy, harmonious and unbreakable relationships. And the liberated energy flow of a woman can be productively directed towards creativity and self-development.

    In the fifth center, a man gives a woman the energy of admiration and compliments. No wonder they say that a woman loves with her ears. This can be an admiring look, gentle words, active actions, hugs, pinching, massage and other types of substantive attention. If this is not the case, the woman will “go outside” to make up for the lack of attention. If a man doesn’t like something about a woman, he needs to praise what he likes. Finding something to praise for is the most important creative task for a man. And praise sincerely! It's in his own interests!

    If all chakras are implemented successfully, then the last two come into play: ajna and sahasrara.

    As a result, the “energy of abundance” will come in the form of real joy, love, health, prosperity, success and happiness.

    Thus, a woman through the sixth chakra conveys to a man her sensitivity and foresight of events. She warns him against troubles and troubles.

    Through the seventh center, a man transmits to his beloved the energy of the cosmos, which comes through sahasrara. And svathisthana - the energy of the earth is transmitted by a woman.

    The energy of space is what a couple strives for, dreams, desires in the form of, for example, material values. And a woman helps turn this into reality.

    Energy exchange in relationships.

    The exchange of energies occurs in full with the onset of an intimate relationship, when the connection between a man and a woman becomes truly strong. At this moment, the biofields unite.

    Interesting fact: there is an opinion that a couple who engages in sexual activity with each other automatically becomes spouses on an energetic level for the rest of their lives.

    And before the exchange of energies, attraction occurs, and, oddly enough, it is more active with virgins. Because any sexual contact leaves an imprint on a person’s energy. And the more sexual partners there were, the weaker the chakras work, they are like holes in the energy field. It’s the same in families where betrayal occurs. The bond between the original husband and wife couple breaks down, betrayal is felt physically, emotionally and spiritually, and the energy circulating in the marriage is diverted.

    Advice: pay attention to clean energy! It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said: “No, no, until the wedding.” By and large, this was a warning about possible suffering due to the waste of energy flows.

    Please note that man and woman are different in nature. There are a lot of men, even if you think about the number of sperm during intercourse, therefore, they are often polygamous if the energy from one woman is not enough for them. But women are monogamous by nature, so in a month only one egg matures in the female body, and the choice falls in favor of one man, to whom the energy is given in full.

    How to restore lost energy?

    1. It is necessary to master relaxation and relaxation techniques.
    2. But you can work both with yourself and by interacting with the healing power of nature. For example, walk outside more often, if you can, then go to the countryside or to another country on vacation.
    3. Be creative: sing, play instruments, draw, dance. Look for inspiration!
    4. Have fun, look for new places, don’t be lazy to diversify your work with active recreation.
    5. Since the modern world is saturated with information, and redundant and useless information, turn off virtual reality at least for a while. The Internet, constant chats, communication, business takes an incredible amount of energy. You need to be able to abstract yourself and enjoy life. Otherwise, you can end up with emotional devastation.

    So, to summarize, we can summarize the main points. Energy is what a person lives with, creates, creates, so it needs to be treated with care. To do this, first of all, you need not to waste it, wisely choose your social circle that would meet the criteria of comfort and allow energy to recover, not forgetting to relax alone with yourself or nature.

    Generating plants convert the energy of rivers, wind, fuel combustion and even atomic bonds into electricity. They are distributed throughout the country, united into a single system by transformer substations. The transmission of electricity to the distance between them is carried out by power lines. Their length can range from two or three to hundreds of kilometers.

    Transport routes of electrical energy

    High-power electricity can be transmitted through power cables buried in the ground or buried in bodies of water. But the most common method of transportation is via overhead lines attached to special engineering structures - supports.

    This is how they look for a 330 kV overhead line (click on the photo to enlarge):

    And here is a photo of a separate 110 kV line.

    Electrical substations

    Overhead and cable power lines connect transformer substations with distribution devices of the same voltage to transfer energy from one power transformer to another.

    For example, a 330/110/10 kV autotransformer takes on the high side 330 power from several lines. Electricity is transmitted to consumers through the middle 110 and low 10 kV parts.

    However, the autotransformer can be fed from the medium or low voltage side. This depends on the state of the circuit and the dynamics of the processes occurring in it.

    Fragment of Autotransformer-330kV.

    View of the 110/10 transformer of a remote substation, which receives electricity on the 110 side, distributing it along 10 kV lines.

    Same thing, but from the opposite side.

    To connect lines to transformers, fenced areas of the area are used, on which the power elements of the circuit are mounted.

    An example of a fragment of the primary power circuit (one section) of electricity distribution in an open area for 7 overhead power lines (click on the picture to enlarge):

    Here it is possible to transfer power from inputs 110 AT No. 1 or AT No. 2. In the circuit, each AT input is connected to its own bus system using switches No. 10 and No. 15 with the busbars being divided into sections through switches No. 8 and No. 9 using a bypass bus system switched by switch No. 13. Buses 1СШ and 2 СШ can be combined with switch No. 18.

    Overhead power lines are powered by switches No. 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20. The circuit provides for the deactivation of each of them to power the overhead line through a bypass bus system.

    The 110 kV SF6 circuit breaker in this circuit is shown in the photo.

    From it, power is transmitted to an overhead power line to a remote 110/10 substation. The photo below shows its main power elements starting from the final input support of the power line (click on the picture to enlarge):

    Electricity is supplied to the power transformer through a disconnector, separator, and current and voltage measuring transformers.

    Each of them performs specific tasks:

      Measuring CTs and VTs evaluate the vectors of currents and voltages in the phases of the primary circuit with certain metrological errors, transmit them to secondary protection, automation, and measurement devices for subsequent processing;

      The disconnector is used to manually open/close the power circuit when there is no load on the power wires of the circuit;

      The separator automatically disconnects the substation's power transformer from the line during a dead-time pause, which is created during emergency conditions in the transformer.

    To compare the picture of transmitted powers and the complexity of structures, look at the view of the disconnector at the 330 kV outdoor switchgear. It is driven by powerful three-phase electric motors, controlled automatically with alarm circuits.

    In a 380/220 volt network, such a device is an ordinary switch. But let's return to the 110/10 kV substation diagram.

    Note! There is no high-voltage switch to eliminate accidents.

    However, this does not mean that issues of safe operation have been neglected. In a power transformer, complex electromagnetic transformations constantly occur with the release of thermal energy and the transfer of large electrical powers. All this is controlled by protective measuring bodies.

    They are located on separate panels.

    When critical situations arise, electricity is removed from the equipment from all sides: 110 and 10 kV. The supply voltage is switched off in this circuit by a gas-insulated switch located at the 330/110 kV substation.

    To make it work, a short circuit is used (click on the photo to enlarge):

    This is a special device that serves as an executive element of power transformer protection. It has a movable grounded blade with an electromechanical drive.

    During critical operating modes, protections that monitor the state of processes inside the transformer produce a powerful impulse to the electromagnet of the short-circuit coil. It acts on the latch of the spring drive, which is triggered and places the short-circuit knife on the high-voltage busbars (mousetrap principle).

    There is a short circuit to ground in the circuit. The current from it is felt by the protection of the SF6 circuit breaker at a remote supply substation. Their automation turns off the switch for a certain time interval of several seconds.

    During this time, a no-current pause is created at all substations connected to this power line. During its protection, the automation of the transformer in question issues a command to the separator drive, which automatically opens its knives, breaking the voltage supply circuit to the power transformer, thereby finally “extinguishing the substation.”

    All these operations take about 4 seconds. After they expire, the automation of the remote switch turns it on and supplies voltage to the line. But it will not reach the damaged power transformer due to the gap created by the separator. And all other consumers will continue to receive electricity.

    Reverse switching of the short circuiter and separator is carried out manually by operating personnel after analyzing the operation of the automation based on the results of the actions of the signaling circuits.

    In this way, the reliability of equipment is increased and losses during the transmission of electricity in electrical networks are reduced.

    10 kV circuit

    From the power transformer, the converted energy of 10 kV is supplied to the input of KRUN - a complete outdoor switchgear and is distributed through a bus system and switches with protection and automation along overhead or cable lines.

    10 kV overhead power lines extending from the KRUN are visible in the photo.

    Overhead power line 10 kV on the ground along the highway.

    10/0.4 kV substations are connected to such lines.

    Transformer 10/0.4 kV

    The design and dimensions of power transformers that convert electricity with a voltage of 10 kV into 380 volts depend on the tasks they perform and the power transmitted. Their external dimensions can be estimated from several photos.

    Wireless electricity has been known since 1831, when Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. He experimentally established that a changing magnetic field generated by an electric current can induce an electric current in another conductor. Numerous experiments were carried out, thanks to which the first electrical transformer appeared. However, only Nikola Tesla managed to fully translate the idea of ​​transmitting electricity over a distance into practical application.

    At the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, he demonstrated the wireless transmission of electricity by lighting phosphorus bulbs that were spaced apart. Tesla demonstrated many variations on the transmission of electricity without wires, dreaming that in the future this technology would allow people to transmit energy over long distances in the atmosphere. But at this time this invention of the scientist turned out to be unclaimed. Only a century later, Intel and Sony, and then other companies, became interested in Nikola Tesla’s technologies.

    How it works

    Wireless electricity literally refers to the transmission of electrical energy without wires. This technology is often compared to the transmission of information, such as Wi-Fi, cell phones and radios. Wireless electricity is a relatively new and dynamically developing technology. Today, methods are being developed to safely and efficiently transmit energy over a distance without interruption.

    The technology is based on magnetism and electromagnetism and is based on a number of simple operating principles. First of all, this concerns the presence of two coils in the system.

    • The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver, which together generate an alternating magnetic field of variable current.
    • This field creates voltage in the receiver coil, for example, to charge a battery or power a mobile device.
    • When electric current is sent through a wire, a circular magnetic field appears around the cable.
    • On a coil of wire that is not receiving electric current directly, electric current will begin to flow from the first coil through the magnetic field, including the second coil, providing inductive coupling.
    Transfer principles

    Until recently, the magnetic resonance system CMRS, created in 2007 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was considered the most advanced technology for transmitting electricity. This technology ensured current transmission over a distance of up to 2.1 meters. However, several limitations prevented its launch into mass production, for example, high transmission frequency, large dimensions, complex coil configuration, as well as high sensitivity to external interference, including human presence.

    However, scientists from South Korea have created a new electricity transmitter that will transmit energy up to 5 meters. And all devices in the room will be powered by a single hub. The resonant system of DCRS dipole coils is capable of operating up to 5 meters. The system does not have a number of disadvantages of CMRS, including the use of fairly compact coils measuring 10x20x300 cm, which can be discreetly installed in the walls of an apartment.

    The experiment made it possible to transmit at a frequency of 20 kHz:
    1. 209 W at 5 m;
    2. 471 W at 4 m;
    3. 1403 W at 3 m.

    Wireless electricity allows you to power modern large LCD TVs, which require 40 W, at a distance of 5 meters. The only thing that will be “pumped out” from the electrical network is 400 watts, but there will be no wires. Electromagnetic induction provides high efficiency, but over a short distance.

    There are other technologies that allow you to transmit electricity wirelessly. The most promising of them are:
    • Laser radiation . Provides network security as well as greater range. However, line of sight between the receiver and transmitter is required. Working installations using power from a laser beam have already been created. Lockheed Martin, an American manufacturer of military equipment and aircraft, tested the Stalker unmanned aerial vehicle, which is powered by a laser beam and remains in the air for 48 hours.
    • Microwave radiation . Provides a long range, but has a high equipment cost. A radio antenna is used as a transmitter of electricity, which creates microwave radiation. The receiver device has a rectenna, which converts the received microwave radiation into electric current.

    This technology makes it possible to significantly distance the receiver from the transmitter, and there is no direct need for line of sight. But with increasing range, the cost and size of the equipment increases proportionally. At the same time, high-power microwave radiation generated by the installation can be harmful to the environment.

    • The most realistic of the technologies is wireless electricity based on electromagnetic induction. But there are limitations. Work is underway to scale the technology, but health safety issues arise here.
    • Technologies for transmitting electricity using ultrasound, laser and microwave radiation will also develop and will also find their niches.
    • Orbiting satellites with huge solar panels require a different approach, requiring targeted transmission of electricity. Laser and microwave are appropriate here. There is currently no perfect solution, but there are many options with their pros and cons.
    • Currently, the largest manufacturers of telecommunications equipment have united in the Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Consortium to create a worldwide standard for wireless chargers that operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Of the major manufacturers, support for the QI standard on a number of their models is provided by Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola Mobility, LG Electronics, Huawei, and HTC. Soon QI will become a unified standard for any such devices. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create wireless charging zones for gadgets in cafes, transport hubs and other public places.


    • Microwave helicopter. The helicopter model had a rectenna and rose to a height of 15 m.
    • Wireless electricity is used to power electric toothbrushes. The toothbrush has a completely sealed body and has no connectors, which avoids electric shock.
    • Powering aircraft using lasers.
    • Wireless charging systems for mobile devices that can be used every day have become available on sale. They work on the basis of electromagnetic induction.
    • Universal charging pad. They allow you to power most popular smartphone models that are not equipped with a wireless charging module, including regular phones. In addition to the charging pad itself, you will need to buy a receiver case for the gadget. It connects to a smartphone via a USB port and is charged through it.
    • Currently, over 150 devices up to 5 Watts that support the QI standard are sold on the world market. In the future, equipment with average power up to 120 Watt will appear.

    Today, work is underway on large projects that will use wireless electricity. This is power supply for electric vehicles “over the air” and household electrical networks:

    • A dense network of car charging points will make it possible to reduce batteries and significantly reduce the cost of electric vehicles.
    • Power supplies will be installed in each room, which will transmit electricity to audio and video equipment, gadgets and household appliances equipped with appropriate adapters.
    Advantages and disadvantages
    Wireless electricity has the following advantages:
    • No power supplies required.
    • Complete absence of wires.
    • Eliminate the need for batteries.
    • Less maintenance required.
    • Huge prospects.
    Disadvantages also include:
    • Insufficient technology development.
    • Limited by distance.
    • Magnetic fields are not completely safe for humans.
    • High cost of equipment.

    The entire Universe surrounding us consists of a huge number of energy flows that influence people, objects, objects, and phenomena.

    Let's talk about how to save a loved one with the power of your energy, whether this is possible in principle, and what skills you need to have for this. We will look at energetic interactions between people, the healing effects of the power of thought, and practical methods used by healers.

    Energy interaction between people

    Energy exchange is constantly happening in the Universe. It operates according to the rule of the law of conservation of energy. Each person has his own energy, and during interaction with other people he is included in this energy exchange.

    During communication, each of us shares our own energy with others, and at the same time receives part of the energy from them. When people like each other, they actively exchange positive energy during interaction. When one person is indifferent to another, he does not give his energy, but at the same time receives it from a partner who is trying to get in touch with him.

    If the relationship between people is bad, then negative energy moves through an open energy channel between them, which also has its own power, but at the same time it does not bring the joy of communication, but negative emotions. Thus, we can say that any interaction opens a channel between people, but what kind of energy this channel will be filled with depends on the people themselves, their attitude towards each other and the energy message they carry.

    Energy channels and their connection with chakras

    Any energy channel connects the auras of two people through its impact on a specific chakra. The choice of chakra through which the channel opens is not accidental, because each of them corresponds to a specific type of communication. Some types of energy exchange require the opening of several channels at once.


    This is the basic chakra responsible for family ties. Through it, energy channels open between relatives, for example, mother-child, grandparents and grandchildren, cousins ​​and their aunts/uncles.

    Through Muladhara, communication also occurs with distant relatives.


    Another name is the sexual cup. It is she who is activated when energy exchange occurs between lovers, married couples, friends with whom we have fun.


    Manipura or the navel chakra is responsible for the energy exchange between employees and superiors, work colleagues, our subordinates, people with whom we communicate while playing sports and any persons between whom there is a spirit of rivalry and competition.


    This chakra is responsible for the strongest love affections. Through it we exchange energy with those we truly love. This could be our spouses, our best friends, our children. If we are talking about a couple, then it is important that at the same time as the Anahata channel, the Svadhiskhana channel is also open - then energetic interaction will simultaneously take place both at the level of the heart and at the level of physical affection.


    The throat chakra or Vishuddha is responsible for relationships between colleagues, like-minded people and people with whom we share common interests.


    Strong telepathic channels open through the frontal chakra, where one person can send their thoughts to another. This chakra is also associated with fanatical attachments, for example, adoration of one’s idol, spiritual teacher, leader of a sect or some movement.


    Another name is the crown chakra. It opens channels for energy exchange exclusively with egregors, i.e. groups of people, for example, with political parties, sports fan clubs, religious communities.

    Functioning of energy channels

    When relationships between people become closer and more trusting, channels between the remaining chakras gradually open, which means such a connection will become stronger and stronger. When all channels are connected, the relationship can no longer be broken either by distance or time.

    For example, when you meet a loved one whom you have not seen for many years, you may feel as if you had never been apart. The same strong connection is formed between a mother and her child when, even being at a far distance from each other, the mother feels the mood and state of her child.

    Strong energy channels can exist not only for years and decades, but even move from one incarnation to another. This can explain the meeting of “soul mates”, when one person is just getting acquainted with another, but feels as if he has known him all his life.

    Bioenergetics specialists can see a person’s aura and his channels. Thus, healthy channels through which positive energy flows look clean, bright and pulsating - they are formed when sincerity, intimacy and trust reign in a relationship.

    When there is addiction and difficulties of any kind in a relationship, the channel becomes dim, becomes heavy, and in some cases it also entangles the aura of the suffering person from all sides.

    If people gradually move away from each other and the relationship between them gradually fades away, the channel becomes thinner and thinner until it disappears completely. When one person stops communicating, and the second still continues to reach out to him, then the rupture of the channel is painful and it takes a certain time for the injured person to restore energy health.

    Channels that form during everyday communication with people usually gradually resolve and close on their own without injuring people. This, for example, happens when a person moves to work in a new team or leaves people with whom he studied together, but did not create friendly connections in this company. When a person simply does not want to communicate with someone, he turns on his energy defense and then the partner who wants to establish contact feels as if he is trying to break through a wall.

    The strongest channels are formed through family and sexual ties. Sometimes they persist even when people break up and can remain open for a very long time. Much also depends on the people themselves, on how much they want or do not want to maintain communication with former lovers or old friends.

    A person can become energetically attached not only to people, but also to a pet, a favorite toy, or the house where he spent his childhood. And every time during interaction with these objects, energy will also flow through such a channel, charging it with positivity.

    There is also the concept of energy “vampirism”, when one person deliberately “sucks” the energy from another, but we will not consider it within the scope of this article. We will talk about the opposite - about how to save a loved one with the power of your energy.

    If the person is your loved one, then this channel already exists and there is no need to open it, so any of your thoughts, turned into an energy message, will reach the recipient from you.

    How to send energy with the power of thought

    Our every thought is material, and all of you have probably come across a situation more than once when you think a lot about a person, and he immediately makes himself known - with a call, a message or a chance meeting. The power of thought is also used in the transfer of energy.

    In general, the transfer process itself follows a simple scheme: you mentally visualize the image of a loved one, tune in to the same wavelength as him, and then form a certain energy message in your mind, which you send to this person.

    You can convey to a person your love, support, sympathy - any positive emotion that will help him in a difficult moment.

    If you have been studying esotericism for a long time and know the location of the chakras on the human body, you can focus on the desired chakra, sending your feelings through it - then the energetic impact will be noticeably stronger, but even without this you can provide significant help.

    How to help a loved one get rid of addictions

    Many people want to help their loved ones get rid of various types of addictions: smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction. Only a strong bioenergy specialist can cope with these ailments. And remember that without the sincere desire of the person himself to overcome addiction, nothing will work.

    Bioenergetic help in getting rid of addictions takes place in several stages:

    1. Restoration of a person’s biofield, during which the channels for the outflow of his energy are blocked. Through them he loses his energy, so they need to be closed so that further work does not go down the drain.
    2. Cleansing a person’s aura from entities that cause addiction. At this stage, a bioenergy specialist creates special conditions unsuitable for the life and functioning of these entities.
    3. Turning off extraneous energy consumers who attach themselves to the dependent person and draw on his energy, further weakening his already weak aura.
    4. Energizing the addict with the energy he needs for recovery and recovery.
    5. Cleansing the physical body, during which the effects of bad habits are removed from the body.
    6. Eliminating entities that interfere with a person’s recovery.
    7. The final cleansing of a person’s aura with a violet flame, which will penetrate to the deepest levels and help the addict to cleanse, recover and start a new life.

    This practice should be carried out only by experienced bioenergetics specialists, since novice practitioners may not be able to cope with such a difficult task and, as a result, will attract the negativity from which they are freeing a loved one.

    How to recharge your energy after giving it away

    If you send your energy to another person, you will need to replenish its reserves. This will help you:

    • Communication with pleasant and loved people;
    • Communication with pets;
    • Breathing practices, meditation and yoga;
    • Walks in the open air;
    • Proper nutrition that restores energy balance;
    • Sex is another good way to recharge yourself with positive energy.

    So, we have learned how to save a loved one with the power of our energy. This is really possible, and you will definitely succeed - the main thing is to believe in yourself.

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