• Haircut and coloring 12 lunar day. Twelfth lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Ideal Love. Esoterics on the twelfth lunar day


    The 12th lunar day is one of the most significant days of the lunar cycle. This is a day of inner contemplation and unity with higher powers. This is a time for prayer, caring for people, spiritual transformation and accumulation of wisdom.

    Description of the twelfth lunar day

    Brief description of the 12th lunar day - love, connection with God, peace. The day does not like fuss and haste. Open your soul to the world, feel the global connection of all things on earth. The destinies of people are intertwined, everything in this world obeys the general divine laws and laws of the universe.

    Features and properties of the 12th lunar day

    Talismans and symbols:

    • symbols of this day are the Holy Grail, heart and skull;
    • pink pearls, mother-of-pearl, and yellow corals are considered talisman stones;
    • - tree;
    • The main colors are sky blue, sea green, and turquoise.

    The energy of these lunar days is permeated with kindness and compassion. This is a good time to spend in solitude, tranquility, and repentance. Go to church and turn your thoughts to God. Ask him for mercy and forgiveness. Pray for the health and well-being of your loved ones. On this day the heavens open and the Lord will hear your prayers.

    The spiritual experience of this day is given to everyone. It is necessary to use it, direct it towards creation and enlightenment. A revelation may descend and you will understand what was previously hidden from your eyes.

    When analyzing your actions, do not try to go to extremes. On this day, it is unacceptable to feel sorry and reproach yourself, indulge in despondency and shout “Everything is lost!” The mood of this day will haunt you until the end of the lunar cycle. Therefore, it is better to “switch” to all-consuming love and quiet positive joy.

    If you want to feel truly happy today, give gifts, do good. It doesn't matter to whom all this will be intended. You can direct your generosity to complete strangers. Show your mercy at the entrance to the temple or send a certain amount to the account of the orphanage. Move grandma across the road, after all. However, you don’t have to do all this by order. Love for others must come from the heart.

    Since the element of this day is wood, communication with nature will bring peace of mind. If possible, take a walk in the park, go to the forest or to the country house. If you plant a tree today, you can count on improved health and success in business.

    Lunar relationships on the 12th day

    The twelfth lunar day is perfect for manifestation, love and spiritual generosity. Please your loved ones with gifts and attention. It is not necessary to give expensive things. The best gift for your dear and close people will be communication with them. Call your parents, distant relatives, or send them a funny photo over the phone. Even a little thing will help lift their spirits and make them smile.

    Marriages concluded on the twelfth day of the lunar cycle will be happy and strong. Heaven itself will bless the newlyweds. Of course, if this is not a marriage of convenience. Family life will proceed in peace and harmony.

    People who are prone to frequent changes of “life scenery”, who do not tolerate routine and the measured flow of life, will not be happy in marriage. To enter into a marriage, they must choose a different lunar day.

    This day is perfect for a church wedding. The angels will guard this union and help in all the endeavors of the young couple. All the trials that befall a young family will be passed with dignity and mental fortitude. This is exactly the case when young people will go through life hand in hand, as they say, “in sorrow and in joy.”

    It is better not to have sex on this day. Give your soulmate spiritual communication, love and attention. Tenderness, mutual understanding and care are what you need today and will have a great impact on your relationship in the future.

    Conceiving a child

    Not a very good day to conceive. Children conceived on the 12th lunar day are destined for a thorny and painful life path. They will drink the thicket of suffering to the dregs. The child will be deeply unhappy all his life, perhaps even born with disabilities.

    Some children will receive the gift of healing others or foreseeing the future. But these qualities still cannot change the sad fate. At best, monasticism awaits them.

    Work on this lunar day

    The 12th lunar day is not suitable for active and vigorous activity. Today you can't:

    • conclude important deals;
    • sign long-term contracts;
    • buy or sell real estate;
    • carry out trade and financial transactions.

    Businessmen and business people should devote themselves to routine and quiet work. If you cannot transfer a financial or commercial transaction, donate part of the profits to charity. You can deduct a percentage of the amount received for the construction of a temple or hospital, or provide assistance to a boarding school for children or a nursing home.

    Creative people, researchers, schoolchildren and students will also have a hard time. Everything will fall out of hand, ideas will disappear somewhere, memory will fail, and accumulated knowledge will lie like a dead weight without use.

    Bosses should be avoided today. Don’t even think about going to your superiors with any requests or suggestions. And although the day is filled with love and compassion, it may not have the same effect on your boss.

    The twelfth lunar day is absolutely not suitable for quitting or changing jobs. Any undertakings and changes are contraindicated today. If you decide to get a new job, call and arrange an interview or paperwork for another day.

    How to spend your first day at a new job today

    Those who cannot change their plans should spend the first working day measuredly and calmly. Do not take any action to introduce your ideas and “homemade” preparations into the work process. Save all your knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for another lunar day.

    After finishing your work day, go to church, make a donation and set aside a few paper bills for those begging on the steps of the temple.

    Health on a lunar day

    On the twelfth lunar day, the lungs, heart and bronchi are very vulnerable. Try not to overexert yourself, monitor your blood pressure and pulse, and don’t get upset over trifles.

    Take care of your respiratory health. This could be inhalation, breathing exercises, or a decision to quit smoking. The 12th day is good for starting treatment.

    If you have long decided to sign up for the pool, then be sure to start today. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the lungs, bronchi, heart, and thoracic spine. Today is also a good time to go to a cosmetologist and undergo cleansing procedures for the face and body.

    It would be a good idea to have a fasting day today. You can either refuse food altogether, or eat on a mono diet all day. What one-day diets will be the most productive today:

    • dairy - eat one of the following products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt;
    • vegetable – apples, baked potatoes;
    • salad - you can prepare either salads from vegetables or fruits;
    • first courses - cook a pot of lean borscht or soup and eat it all day.

    Anything you do today for your health will be of great benefit.

    Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

    The 12th lunar day is not suitable for cutting hair. Reschedule your trip to the hairdresser to a more favorable day. Cutting your hair will bring misfortune, loss and illness into your life.

    Today is a bad lunar day not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring, perming or working as a stylist. All the hairstyles you get today can affect how you feel. There is also a possibility of injury or bruising. You can read the continuation in the article >>>> Lunar calendar of haircuts for October 2018

    Characteristics of people born on the 12th lunar day

    People born on the 12th lunar day are merciful, kind and a little naive. They see the world around them through their soul and heart, which is why they often fall into the hands of scammers and criminals.

    Those born on the twelfth day of the lunar calendar must learn to defend the interests of not only others, but also their own. As a rule, these people always care about the comforts of their neighbors, but never about their own. They must learn to value themselves and respect their interests.

    Being born on the twelfth day, which is literally saturated with love and kindness, gives the “twelve” high demands on the people around them and on themselves. They need to understand that the world cannot consist only of kindness, compassion and patience. It is not packaged in a pink wrapper, but consists of many colors.

    For children born on the 12th day, parents should help them from childhood to live in the real world, and not in a fictional one. Teach them self-love. But everything should be in moderation. It is impossible to raise a “terry” egoist, although “twelves” are almost immune from this.

    Important aspects in the life of people born on the twelfth day

    Health – “twelfth people” usually do not complain about their health. However, if their physical condition does not cause concern, then the nervous system malfunctions. Such people cannot take everything “to heart”; they need to fence themselves off from the problems of others and not allow them to get on their necks. They constantly want to help the whole world. They need to be “hammered” into their subconscious from childhood - they cannot grasp the immensity.

    Family life - marriage can be long and happy if they choose the same compassionate and kind person as their companion. Life with a pragmatic and selfish person can turn into torment and tyranny.

    Career - they will achieve success in a profession related to charity and helping other people. They can be doctors, teachers, social workers, missionaries and priests. You should give up your career as a politician, financier, or military man.

    What do dreams mean on the 12th lunar day

    On the twelfth day of the lunar cycle, dreams can be prophetic and come true in the near future. Try to remember your dream and analyze it.

    Dreams on the 12th lunar day reflect your inner spiritual world. If you dream of a church or a priest, you are too cut off from the material world and are soaring in the heavens. In this case, pay attention to the fact that life is beautiful in all its manifestations and on all planes. Learn to appreciate every moment, look at the world around you carefully. There are so many interesting and new things in it. You cannot be a happy and fulfilling person without feeling unity with this world, without accepting all its joys.

    It may also happen that your dreams indicate your excessive attachment to material values. If you dream about money, jewelry, expensive and status items, it’s time to think about your spiritual development.

    Rituals of the 12th lunar day

    Rituals today should be aimed at contemplating your inner world and communicating with higher powers. Their main direction is love and love again.

    Self love

    You cannot know love for others without learning to love yourself. Every person is God’s creation, a part of him. Finally, learn to appreciate the fact that you were born. Be grateful to the creator and your parents that you have been given life.

    On this day, all spiritual practices and meditations that are aimed at knowing yourself, feeling your unity with the world around you, and accepting with gratitude the priceless gift of life are suitable.

    Love for others

    The aura of this day is endless love, kindness, mercy. You can perform rituals that allow you to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts, envy, anger and jealousy.

    Reconsider your attitude towards people with whom you have difficult relationships. Forgive them. There are special practices that help you learn forgiveness. Today is the time to study them.

    What should be the haircut on the 12th lunar day?

    The period of time is considered suitable for contacting a beauty salon specialist. An exception is cutting hair on the 12th lunar day. After all, there is a high probability of ruining them. Ultimately, the image will become sloppy, and the person will seem unkempt to others.

    Accordingly, priority is given to procedures such as coloring and perm. Various chemical compositions will not negatively affect the hair and will saturate it with color and shine. The body will accept masks and balms well.

    If there is no need for cosmetic procedures on your hair, you can decide to change your image: ask the hairdresser to create a new hairstyle. The result will be successful and will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

    When planning to visit a beauty salon, you should not forget about the vulnerability of hair on the 12th lunar day. Even the actions of a specialist can lead to negative consequences.

    • Coloring and curling procedures will be successful;
    • Favorable period of time for restorative and healing procedures;
    • The right time for styling.
    • Unfavorable time period for haircuts.

    Since ancient times, people have noticed that cutting hair is not just a hair care procedure.

    To improve your energy after haircuts, as well as increase hair growth and thickness, you need to follow some hair cutting rules, and also pay attention to the lunar hair cutting calendar.

    Hair cutting calendar

    With the help of a haircut, you can improve a person’s well-being, free him from negative energy, or, conversely, provoke illness. The ritual of cutting hair has been carried out for several centuries both in church rituals and in witchcraft.

    If you believe church traditions, before the fall of man, a spherical halo shone above his head, which connected the human biofield with the cosmos, and instead of hair there was only soft fluff, like that of babies. After a person became a sinner, the energy rays on the head were replaced by hair. Now our hair is the connecting thread between man and the cosmos, with the help of which we receive vital energy.

    Perhaps not many of us believe in legends, but in real life, everyone has probably noticed that after cutting their hair, their favorite hairdresser’s mood immediately changes, lightness appears, as if a stone had been lifted from their shoulders. And sometimes it happens the other way around: after a haircut, the hair begins to get tangled, fall out, the mood drops, and fatigue appears. The whole secret is that when cutting your hair, your biofield changes.

    According to the advice of the ancient sages, if you are feeling unwell, try trimming your hair a little. Together with the ends of your hair, you will cut off the negative energy of the disease from yourself and your body will recover faster.

    1. How to choose the right hairdresser. The hairdresser influences your biofield when cutting your hair. If you get to a hairdresser who is always friendly and in high spirits, then your business will go uphill after your haircut. If the hairdresser is nervous and complains about the terrible condition of your hair, after cutting your hair will become dull and lifeless.

    The age and life experience of the hairdresser can also influence your fate. To avoid feeling interrupted when making important decisions, choose a hairdresser younger than you or one of the same age.

    If you consider yourself a chronic loser, getting a haircut from an old, experienced, well-known hairdresser can put your life on a winning streak. The hairdresser will have the most positive influence on you on favorable days for cutting your hair.

    The next secret to a successful haircut is to choose a hairdresser of the same gender as you. Remember that when manipulating your hair, you are easily influenced by your master. And if a hairdresser of the opposite sex develops a liking for you, you may have troubles in your personal life. Remember the story from the Bible when Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair.

    2. Don't cut your own hair. The meaning of this sign lies in the fact that a person cannot correct his biofield himself, that is, it is impossible to heal himself. If your biofield is disturbed and you have problems in some area of ​​your life, then you will only make the situation worse.

    Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

    Haircut on the waxing moon. Cut your hair during the waxing moon if you want to speed up its growth.

    Haircut on the waning moon. During the waning moon, it is useful to get a haircut for those who want to keep their hairstyle longer, as the hair will grow more slowly. Also, the waning moon will help change the properties of the hair to prevent tangling, smooth out the wavy structure, reduce hair loss, and strengthen the roots.

    Dangerous days for cutting hair. 9, 15, 23, 29 days according to the lunar calendar are popularly considered satanic. The days of solar and lunar eclipses can be added to the undesirable days for hair cutting. After a visit to the hairdresser on such days, you risk getting sick or disrupting the flow of positive cosmic energy to your body. Also, you should not touch your hair on days when the Moon is in the constellation Cancer and Pisces.

    Favorable lunar days for hair cutting

    The most successful lunar days for haircuts are: 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13-14th, 19th, 21-23rd, 27-28th lunar days.

    A haircut will also be successful on the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn.

    Successful days for cutting hair by day of the week

    Monday – a favorable day for any hair manipulation. You can safely change your haircut or hair color. Thanks to such changes, you can throw off all the negativity, leaving unresolved problems behind.

    Haircut in Tuesday will give you fresh strength in making important decisions and relieve monotony in life.

    Change your hairstyle in Wednesday, if you want to experience something new and interesting in life, make new friends or remember old ones, go on a trip.

    IN Thursday You can get a haircut if you want to become a popular person, change your relationships with friends and acquaintances, and also increase your chance of luck and prosperity.

    Friday– neutral day for haircuts. To get a positive result from a visit to the hairdresser, you need to look at the lunar calendar.

    Saturday- a great day for cutting hair. If you believe ancient legends, on this day, along with cutting your hair, you cleanse yourself of the negative influence of certain sins, your biofield is restored, your hair becomes stronger and healthier.

    Sunday – not the best day for cutting hair. Along with your hair, you can cut off your luck and prosperity. For Christian believers, cutting hair on Sunday is considered a sin.

    The twelfth lunar day allows a person to know himself, his inner world and his essence. These days cannot be wasted; they must be used for self-improvement and spiritual development.

    Information can be obtained from various sources. Reading a book, going to a gallery, communicating with older people or higher powers - this is not a complete list of what you can do today. Any event that increases intelligence and contributes to spiritual development will be beneficial.

    The 12th lunar day is not a good time for active actions. It is also not suitable for fighting and moving forward. This is the time to improve your own inner self. Self-development needs to be done, regardless of current affairs, plans, and so on.

    The patron angel of this day is Lombador. He is the angel of the coming hour. Lombador patronizes seekers and innovators. You can contact him with a request for an extension of time if it is not enough. It may even prolong life. The angel preserves youth and develops in a person such character traits as punctuality and responsibility.

    General characteristics of 12 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: passive.
    • Symbol of the day: heart, skull, grail, magic cup.
    • Element of the day: tree.
    • Stone of the day: , .
    • Color of the day: all shades of blue.

    Description 12 lunar days are a time of self-improvement. It is recommended to devote the whole day to spiritual development.

    On the 12th lunar day you need to think more about yourself and your soul. On these days you need to communicate with God. Visiting church and talking with a priest will be beneficial. This will help you understand the meaning of life. Prayers addressed to God today will be heard, and everything that a person asks for will be fulfilled under one condition - requests should not carry negativity.

    The 12th lunar day is a day of light and goodness. People have a desire to do good deeds. The day is suitable for charity. A person will be credited by higher powers for any donations made to children's funds, orphanages, churches, and so on. Today it is imperative to give alms to those who ask for it. You can't refuse to help people. This will have a bad effect on a person’s karma.

    Today you cannot quarrel and create conflicts. If this happens, it will be difficult to make peace later. On this day, any quarrel can turn sworn friends into the worst enemies. You can't feel sorry for yourself. Frustration and tears will lead to depression. It will be difficult to get out of this state.

    Today you can’t feel sorry for yourself, but you need to thank God for everything that exists. Your health and that of your loved ones, well-being, good work – there are many reasons to give thanks to the Lord. Sincerity of words will help a person transform and strengthen the positive aspects of his character.

    Esotericists consider the 12th lunar day to be the day when all desires come true. If you ask for something today, it will come true if it does not harm anyone.

    If today a person breaks dishes or spills liquid, this indicates that in life he is not doing everything quite right. His actions need to be adjusted.

    On these days you can end the old enmity. You need to ask for forgiveness and look for ways to reconcile with those you once offended. If reconciliation takes place, the person will feel relief and this will be counted by higher powers as a good deed.


    Today you can make dates. During these times, lovers need to spend more time together. Quarrels and showdowns should be avoided. You can give each other gifts and pay attention. How one of the lovers treats the other today, this is the attitude he will receive in return.

    The 12th lunar day is suitable for marriage. Today, people whose relationships are built on spiritual intimacy need to sign. Couples who are united by faith in God and such aspects of character as compassion, mercy, kindness and others should also schedule a wedding on this day. They not only need to sign on official documents, but also get married in a church. Such a union will not end in divorce.


    Today is a day of spiritual growth and prayer, not household chores.


    Today, plants can be harvested for immediate consumption, rather than for storage for the winter. On this day you can also ferment or pickle plants collected earlier. This applies only to those plants whose edible part is the aerial part.

    The day can be used for sowing or planting various crops, as well as for thinning plants.


    Today you can plan to start a course of treatment, carry out cleansing and cosmetic procedures. The time is unfavorable for sports, especially running. Even professional athletes are advised to rest on this day.

    The nervous system, thoracic spine and heart become vulnerable places on this day.

    People who have problems with the cardiovascular system should not be nervous on this day.

    The pain that will arise in the heart today is not a disease, but a sign that a person has made a mistake or made a serious mistake.

    Today you need to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Drinks such as tea and coffee are also prohibited. People who pay attention not only to their health, but also to their appearance, can have a fasting day with fruit or vegetable juices, herbal infusions or decoctions, or just clean water.

    Work, money, business

    The day is not suitable for serious and hard work, as well as for starting new things. This is a day of spiritual development, not growth of material well-being.

    The day will be favorable for those organizations involved in charity. Creative people today are encouraged to organize charity exhibitions, concerts, evenings, and so on.

    A haircut

    The 12th lunar day is favorable for cutting hair. Such manipulation of the strands will significantly accelerate their growth. A haircut done on the 12th lunar day will also affect human health. The immune system will become stronger and the functioning of all organs will improve.

    A haircut done today will bring wealth and prosperity. Hair manipulations such as dyeing will also help increase your income if you use natural dyes for them. Dyeing your hair with dyes containing chemical components is not recommended.

    Characteristics of people born on the 12th lunar day

    People born on the 12th lunar day have good character traits - kindness and mercy. Betrayal and lies are alien to him. If a person’s birthday falls on the 12th lunar day, then he can be trusted unconditionally. He will never deceive or set you up.

    People born on the 12th lunar day are true friends. They value family ties and will never leave their family. People born on this day will always be under the protection of higher powers. Everything in life will work out well for them.

    Dreams on the 12th lunar day

    Dreams on the 12th lunar day show a person what is the main value of his life. To interpret them you need to use a dream book. All the images that the dream demonstrated must be remembered and carefully analyzed. They will show whether a person is missing something important from his life. Perhaps he became too fixated on money, forgetting about spiritual development.

    If you don’t remember the dream you had on the twelfth night of the lunar cycle, you need to listen to your feelings. Do you have anxiety, incomprehensible melancholy or worries? This means that something is going wrong in life and something needs to be changed. Did you feel joyful, did you feel joy and warmth in your chest? This means that everything is going as it should and there is no need to change anything.

    If you remember a dream, then it must be interpreted. Today there are no insignificant dreams. You need to interpret not the images individually, but the whole picture as a whole.

    Today, higher powers give a person the opportunity to remember that in life there are not only material values. Using this time for spiritual growth, you improve your karma, which leads to a change in destiny and happiness.

    A haircut: getting a haircut means attracting financial flows and improving the health of the body. It still ensures rapid growth of hair that will be cut.

    Color: coloring on this day is the best way to attract wealth.

    What to do with your hair: the more unusual the hairstyle on the 12th day of the moon, the better. Originality is the surest way to achieve success in business and personal life. The time has come to improve yourself spiritually. Mercantile interests will recede into the background; it is good to engage in charity, even on a small scale.
    Business tasks, the solution of which was previously a priority, no longer seem such an important phenomenon in life. It's not the best time to plan for financial gains. This situation occurs for most people, because the flows of energy from space on this day are spiritual in nature. At the same time, if you make every effort to capture the energy flows associated with the establishment of business activities, communications, love and health, you can get a significant head start in all these areas. In any case, the competition here will be negligible, which means that all doors will be open.

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