• Short carols for children 4-5 years old. Christmas carols for children. How to carol with children nowadays


    Have you ever tried caroling with your children? But this is a great way to make the holiday season bright and memorable. What are carols, how to carol with children nowadays, how to make costumes and props - read about all this in our article. We have also prepared a selection of simple and funny Christmas carols that are easy to learn with your child.

    You've probably heard about carols and maybe even took part in this action. If not, then it's time to start. It is the year of the Goat that greatly contributes to this; the Goat is an indispensable attribute of carols. But first things first.

    To begin with, let us remind you that according to Teplyakova’s method, we build games around a plot that is familiar and interesting to the child. Caroling can just become such a vivid impression and a theme for your games for more than one day. Get inspired and carol with your kids!

    What is Kolyada and what is it eaten with?

    Kolyada (koleda) was among the ancient Slavs the holiday of the born sun, the birthday of the solar year. Over time, caroling became closely associated with the glorification of Christ. At Christmas we went with our children and carried a “nativity scene” with us, showing performances of gospel stories. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that pagan motifs are so closely intertwined with Christian ones in carols. And today, dressed-up adults and children walk around the courtyards and, with the help of short songs - carols - wish the owners happiness and prosperity in the new year.

    How to carol with children nowadays

    They sing carols in the evening, January 6th. And on the morning of January 7th they celebrate, sing Christmas songs and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.

    It’s great if you can gather a group of adults and children living with you in the same entrance, house or yard, and sing carols in a cheerful crowd. According to a long-standing tradition, caroling requires at least 3 people.

    The head of the carolers is the star. This is the person who goes first and carries the star. The role of star was always chosen by a person who had a loud, beautiful voice and knew carols better than others. The star for caroling is eight-pointed. It can easily be cut out of thick cardboard and decorated with sparkles or broken Christmas tree decorations. There is a more complicated option: a star made of wire, which is then wrapped with colored ribbons.

    The next most senior person is the bell ringer. This person is also an integral part of the caroling “team”. His duty is to carry a large bell and ring it to notify people that carolers are coming.

    The third important caroler is the mekhonosh. He had to carry everything that the owners of the houses would throw at the carolers: candy, cookies, money, etc. They will throw it, since carolers should not take anything from their hands - the owners should put all gifts directly into the bag. The bag can be made from thick, bright fabric and decorated. Decorations can be either embroidered or painted. It could be the sun, stars, month, since in the old days this holiday symbolized the transition from night to day and from winter to summer.

    Costumes for carols

    The entire caroling “team” must be dressed appropriately. For Christmas they dress up in the brightest clothes - colorful skirts, grandmother's scarves, ribbons, beads, earrings, rings. You can paint your cheeks with blush and paint your lips. If there are carnival masks left after the New Year, they will also be used. Masks can be varied: animals, brownies, Baba Yaga and fairy-tale characters in general. Put on an old sheepskin coat with the fur facing out, decorate yourself with small horns and multi-colored ribbons. Stock up on confetti and streamers to create a festive mood.

    And most importantly, learn carols and Christmas songs with your children.

    Carols and Christmas songs for children

    Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
    Sons and daughters have come to you!
    You meet carolers,
    Greet us with a smile!

    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    And sometimes Kolyada
    On the eve of Christmas.
    Kolyada has arrived
    Christmas brought.

    Christmas Eve
    Even a ruble, even a nickel -
    We won't just leave!

    Today an Angel came down to us
    And he sang: “Christ is born!”
    We came to glorify Christ
    And congratulate you on the holiday!

    Here we go, shepherds,
    All our sins are forgiven,
    We bring you good news,
    We won’t leave without gifts!

    Carols, carols, carols,
    Pancakes are good with honey,
    And without honey it’s not the same,
    Give me some pies, aunt (or uncle)!

    Merry Christmas to you, people!
    May you have peace and harmony,
    So that you don't know grief
    And they were rich!

    Kolyada - molyada
    I entered a new gate!
    And behind it comes the frost
    It has grown over the tyn!
    He brought cold
    So, grandfather Arkhip
    Became young!
    The frost is small
    Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
    The frost does not tell me to stand,
    It's time for us to carol.

    Hurry up and give me a carol!
    Feet are chilly
    I'll run home.
    Who will give
    He is the prince
    Who won't give -
    Togo in the dirt!

    Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad,
    My dad sent me
    So that I can get bread.
    I don’t want bread, give me some sausage,
    If you don't give me the sausage, I'll destroy the whole house.

    Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
    I'm alone with my mother,
    Knee-deep casing,
    Give me some pie, uncle!
    Open the chest
    Give me a penny!
    What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

    Here comes mother - winter has come,
    Open the gate!
    Christmas time has arrived!
    The carols have arrived!

    Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
    God bless whoever is in this house.
    We wish good things to all people:
    Gold, silver,
    Lush pies,
    Soft pancakes
    Good health,
    Cow butter.

    How many aspens,
    So many pigs for you;
    How many Christmas trees
    So many cows;
    How many candles
    So many sheep.
    Good luck to you,
    The owner and the hostess
    Great health,
    Happy New Year,
    With all the family!
    Kolyada, Kolyada!

    A carol came
    On the eve of Christmas.
    Who will give me some pie?
    So the barn is full of cattle,
    Ovin with oats,
    A stallion with a tail.
    You will give us -
    We will praise
    And you won’t give -
    We will reproach!
    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    Serve the pie!

    The little boy sat down on the sofa,
    The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

    A star is shining in the sky,
    At the hour of Holy Christmas
    Kolyada came,
    I went around all the houses,
    I knocked on doors and windows,
    She walked and laughed and played...
    And behind the noisy Kolyada,
    carolers in a crowd...
    Everyone rejoices and laughs,
    they sing a loud song:
    “Kolyada was born,
    on the eve of Christmas..."

    The carol has arrived
    On the eve of Christmas,
    Give me the cow
    Oil head.
    And God forbid that
    Who is in this house?
    The rye is thick for him,
    Rye is tough.
    He's like an ear of octopus,
    From the grain he has a carpet,
    Half-grain pie.
    The Lord would grant you
    And living and being,
    And wealth.
    And create for you, Lord,
    Even better than that!

    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    Open the gate!
    Give me some pie
    A piece of bread
    A pot of sour cream!
    Won't you serve any pies?
    We let in bedbugs,
    Mustached cockroaches
    And striped animals!
    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    Give us some pie
    Or a loaf of bread,
    Or half a buck,
    Or a chicken with a crest,
    Cockerel with a comb!

    Kolyada, Kolyada
    Open the gates
    Get out the chests
    Serve the snouts.
    Even if you chop
    Even a nickel
    Let's not leave home like that!
    Give us some candy
    Or maybe a coin
    Don't regret anything
    It's Christmas Eve!
    The sparrow flies
    Twirls his tail,
    And you people know
    Cover the tables
    Receive guests
    Happy Christmas!
    Hello, treats
    Please accept congratulations!
    You will live together for up to two hundred years!
    I wish you happiness and good health!
    Merry Christmas,
    Happy New Year!

    She arrived young.
    We found a carol
    In Ivan's yard!
    Hey, Uncle Ivan,
    Take the good stuff out into the yard!
    How cold it is outside
    Freezes nose
    Doesn't tell me to stand for long
    He orders it to be served soon,
    Or a warm pie
    Or money with a spear,
    Or a silver ruble!

    After caroling, don’t rush to return home: have a snow fight outside, roll up a snowman (if the weather permits), and come up with some fun. The main thing is that all the carolers are involved in the entertainment, and no one is left bored on the sidelines. Eat everything you can carol together with the carol participants. Have a tea party at a common table. Especially for children, continue the celebration at home. Come up with several scenes featuring various animals and fairy-tale characters and act them out with the children.

    Few people know how fun and fervently you can celebrate carols with children in our time. But it is up to you to start a glorious tradition in your home. Try celebrating carols every year and involving your friends and neighbors in this old Slavic holiday.

    Olga Chuparina

    Did you like our selection of carols? Jackdaws-Igralki to get free materials on early development and a selection of educational games for all seasons!

    They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.

    Christmas is a bright, cozy and family holiday. In the Christian tradition, it symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, who was destined to give his life to atone for human sins. Christmas brings hope for the best and faith in goodness, therefore, regardless of our attitude towards religion, many try to adhere to beautiful Christmas traditions and customs.

    On the eve of Christmas, on Christmas Eve (Holy Evening) - January 6, all households gather at a generous table, which should have 12 dishes. This is the last day of a 40-day fast, so food should be lean and consist of vegetables and fruits. The number 12 itself also has a symbolic meaning: these are the 12 apostles of Christ in the Last Supper, and the 12 months of the year. Kutya and uzvar are the main dishes on the Christmas table.

    As soon as the first star appears, the festive dinner begins, which could last from 2 to 4 hours. After the meal they began to sing carols. The ritual of caroling came to us from the ancient Slavs and was associated with the winter solstice and the birth of the god Kolyada. Carolers dressed up in costumes and walked around the courtyards, announcing the birth of the new Sun with carol songs. With the adoption of Christianity, caroling was preserved, but it glorified the birth of Christ.

    They went caroling in groups, among which was a star who carried a star, a bell ringer with bells to notify everyone that the carolers were coming, and a bell bearer who carried a bag for gifts. The carolers glorified Christmas and wished the owners of the house well-being and prosperity. No one dared to drive away the carolers, as this was considered a great sin.

    Today you can support the good tradition of caroling with your children. They can make a cardboard star, take a bell and a gift bag, learn a few carols and sing them to relatives and neighbors. Remind them that they must first ask the hosts for permission and wish them well.

    11 of the best carols you can learn with your children

    We'll call you by phone
    With wishes and bow.
    We came to carol
    Merry Christmas to you!

    Merry Christmas
    We came here with goodness
    Give us some,
    Pie for the path,
    So that happiness comes to you,
    May you be lucky in everything,
    May the Lord give you health,
    We sing carols out of sadness!

    I'm caroling, I'm caroling
    I will go into any hut.
    I'll ask the hostess:
    Let's have some sweets.
    And cookies and sweets,
    And sorbet with nuts,
    And halva and chocolate,
    Pastille and marmalade,
    Yummy ice-cream,
    Sweet cake.
    We will eat ourselves
    And treat each other
    And the mistress, oh the mistress
    Good words to remember!

    Kolyada, Kolyada,
    Give me some pie
    Or a loaf of bread,
    Or half a buck,
    Or a chicken with a crest,
    Cockerel with a comb!
    Open the chests, owners,
    Take out your heels!
    Give a penny to the carolers!

    The sparrow flies
    Twirls his tail,
    And you people know
    Cover the tables
    Receive guests
    Happy Christmas!

    For carols, for carols,
    We'll collect chocolates
    Tangerines, buns,
    Eat, my darlings!

    Good evening to good people!
    May the holiday be merry.
    Merry Christmas to you.
    We wish you happiness and joy!
    Generous evening, good evening!
    Good health to good people!

    Carols, carols, carols -
    Pancakes are good with honey!
    And without honey - it’s not like that, Give me some pies, aunt!

    We are carol-carolers
    We'll sing it right into your ears.
    Give me some sweet candies
    May the Lord send you children.
    Give me some crisp money,
    So that there is happiness in the house.
    Give me a handful of coins, master.
    Merry Christmas!

    A carol came to us,
    On the eve of Christmas,
    Give us goodness in our hand,
    And in return, get
    Wealth, happiness and warmth,
    The Lord will send it to you
    So be generous
    Don't be offended by us for anything!

    Kolyada, Kolyada, invite me from the yard!
    We'll come to your house now
    And we will dance and sing.
    We glorify the owners,
    We wish them happiness!
    Kolyada, Kolyada, fun for you, food for us.
    Don’t be stingy, share, here’s a bag, a pie – here!

    Short children's carols for Christmas, well, who doesn't remember them. After all, our childhood was fun, with Christmas games, songs and carols. Some tried to learn funny carols, some short ones, and some even wanted to sing Ukrainian carols. You will find all this with me

    I always taught long carols, because they are much more interesting, and the owners of houses prefer not short carols. As times go by, young people are no longer so mischievous and cheerful as to go from house to house and sing carols in Ukrainian or funny Russian ones.

    Carols have their origins in paganism, and with the advent of Christianity, they simply changed a little. Now there are a huge number of carols, for every taste and color, as many say. Today I will share with you several types of carols, such as: children's short carols for Christmas, children's Russian carols for Christmas, children's carols for Christmas in Ukrainian.

    And so, everything in order, first I’ll tell you a few ideas for short children’s carols for Christmas.

    Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!

    Sons and daughters have come to you!

    You meet carolers,

    Greet us with a smile!

    Merry Christmas to you, people!

    May you have peace and harmony,

    So that you don't know grief

    And they were rich!

    An angel came down to us from heaven,

    And said Jesus was born.

    We came to glorify him

    And congratulate you on the holiday.

    Kolyada, Kolyada!

    A carol came

    On the eve of Christmas.

    Who will give me some pie?

    So the barn is full of cattle,

    Ovin with oats,

    A stallion with a tail.

    We sow, we blow, we flutter,

    Merry Christmas!

    You glorify Christ,

    Give us some treats!

    We'll call you by phone

    With wishes and bow.

    We came to carol

    Merry Christmas to you!

    May you live well

    Everything you want is given

    To inspire your thoughts,

    And dreams always came true.

    These are such nice and short children's carols for Christmas.

    Children's Russian carols for Christmas

    Of course, previous short Christmas carols for children were in Russian, but they are short, and there are also long ones. And no wonder, we live in Russia, which means Russian carols are sung.

    Here are some Russian children's carols for Christmas

    Good evening to good people!

    May the holiday be merry.

    Merry Christmas to you.

    We wish you happiness and joy!

    Generous evening, good evening!

    Good health to good people!

    Kolyada, Kolyada,

    We open all the houses,

    All the windows, chests,

    We give sweets and pies,

    So that it would be good for you,

    Say thank you to heaven

    God will give us all health,

    After all, he is good at this!

    The carol has arrived

    On the eve of Christmas,

    Give me the cow

    Oil head.

    And God forbid that

    Who is in this house?

    The rye is thick for him,

    Rye is tough.

    He's like an ear of octopus,

    From the grain he has a carpet,

    Half-grain pie.

    The Lord would grant you

    And living and being,

    And wealth.

    And create for you, Lord,

    Even better than that!

    Kolyada, they say poison,

    The carol was born!

    Who will serve the pie -

    That's the yard of the belly,

    More small cattle -

    You wouldn't know the numbers!

    And who won't give a penny -

    Let's close up the loopholes

    Who won't give you some cakes -

    Let's block up the windows

    Who won't give pie -

    Let's take the cow by the horns,

    Who will not give bread -

    Let's take grandfather away

    Who won't give ham -

    Then we will split the cast iron!

    We already have a collection of carols, which includes short children's carols for Christmas, Russian children's carols for Christmas, and now also funny children's carols.

    Children's funny carols for Christmas

    Caroling, caroling

    From family to family we wander

    We will tell you poems,

    Give us some pies

    Well, it would be better if there were coins

    We'll buy the candy ourselves

    And also a handful of nuts,

    And let's take a thimble of wine!

    Kolyada, Kolyada...

    And the woman has a beard.

    And my grandfather grew a tail.

    Runs to the girls, the scoundrel.

    Kolyada, Kolyada...

    We dance all the years.

    And also on all fours

    We boldly climb the steps.

    Without playing hide and seek with you

    And without spoiling the celebration,

    We'll sing carols for you

    And let's glorify Christmas.

    The owner and the hostess

    Get off the stove

    Light the candles!

    Open the chests

    Get your heels out!

    For your amusement,

    We're screwed!

    How do you like these funny children's Christmas carols? I think the kids should like it.

    Short songs for carols are also sent to the piggy bank. At Christmas it is customary to sing carols rather than recite them in verse. That’s why it’s customary to sing even short children’s carols at Christmas.

    Children's short songs carols for Christmas

    Music by A. Shidlovskaya. Folk words.

    How cold it is outside

    Freezes nose

    Doesn't tell me to stand for long

    Orders to serve soon!

    Or a warm pie

    Or butter, cottage cheese,

    Or money with a spear,

    Or a ruble in silver.


    Russian folk song.


    She arrived young.

    We were looking for a carol

    In Ivan's yard.

    How cold it is outside

    Freezes nose

    Doesn't tell me to stand for long

    Orders to serve soon:

    Or a warm pie

    Or butter-cottage cheese,

    Or money with a spear,

    Or a ruble in silver.

    Calendar song “The carol has gone”

    Russian folk song.

    The carol went from end to end,

    A carol came into Marya's yard,

    Ay, carol, carol, my carol!

    And Maryushka, our sweetheart,

    Ay, carol, carol, my carol!

    The carol has arrived, open the gates,

    Ay, carol, carol, my carol!

    These three short Christmas carol songs for children can be learned and sung by family and friends.
    Dear friends, how do you like this selection: Children's short carols for Christmas, children's funny carols for Christmas, children's Russian carols for Christmas , children's short songs carols for Christmas? It would seem that that’s enough, but no. Despite the fact that relations between Russia and Ukraine are now so tense, children still sing carols in Ukrainian at Christmas.

    I present to your attention children's Christmas carols in Ukrainian.

    Children's carols for Christmas in Ukrainian

    Kolyadin, Kolyadin, Kolyadin,

    And I’m the only one with my dad.

    If you give me some guts,

    Then we’ll take it easy.

    How about you give it to the cowbass,

    I'll bring it to my mother.

    Bring your income

    We'll put the house on the ice,

    And from the ice to the water,

    Bring him here.

    Good evening!

    Little Jesus doesn’t sleep, doesn’t sleep,

    He embraces the whole world with his arms.

    And your hut, and your homeland,

    І all Ukraine – Christ be with you is giving birth!

    Kolyada, Kolyada

    Look at the police.

    The cowbass lie there,

    It stinks to run away.

    Give it, baby, to the cowbass -

    In the summer I will graze the horses.

    If you don’t give me a cowbashi -

    Then feed it yourself.

    I'm a little shepherdess

    Burnt into a casing

    I play the violin,

    I'm dying for you.

    And you people, feel it,

    Prepare carols -

    Apple, peas

    For children to have fun.

    Good evening to you, sir!

    Bring us a couple of cowbass,

    Oh, go around the stove,

    Look for some gossip for us.

    Vinesi sala, don’t be stingy,

    So that your barley is born,

    Just press one hundred kip of life,

    So that the whole sieve was filled!

    There were so many cattle,

    So the wheat was born,

    The house needs everything -

    The carolers were treated to a treat.

    Children's carols for Christmas in Ukrainian sound exactly as they sound and are written. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas.

    Nina Kuzmenko and “Children's short carols for Christmas” were with you

    "Children's funny carols for Christmas"

    "Children's Russian carols for Christmas"

    "Children's short songs, carols for Christmas"

    "Children's carols for Christmas in Ukrainian"

    On New Year's and Christmas days, young people and children go caroling. Christmas carols for children- these are ritual songs in which carolers glorify the owners of the house, wishing them happiness and goodness. I have collected different texts of carols for children that are understandable to children and modern adults. I deliberately did not include outdated ritual songs in this article. They are difficult to understand for children and some adults.

    In addition, I would like to say a few words about the caroling process itself. For modern youth, caroling has become something of a “extortion” in the form of sweets and money. The true meaning of carol songs comes down to good wishes to the owners of health, a good year, good luck and profit in the family. For such wishes, skits and costumes, the children were given candy.

    Carols for children

    Kolyad for gathering young people for the joyful process of caroling.

    I entered a new gate!
    And behind her is Frost
    It has grown over the tyn!
    He brought cold
    So that grandfather Arkhip became young!
    The frost is not great
    He doesn't tell us to stand!
    The frost does not tell me to stand,
    It's time for us to carol.

    Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
    Sons and daughters have come to you!
    You meet carolers,
    Greet us with a smile!

    Mother - winter has come,
    Open the gate!
    Christmas time has arrived!
    Carols have arrived!
    Kolyada - molyada

    Carol songs with wishes:

    How many aspens,
    So many pigs for you;
    How many Christmas trees
    So many cows;
    How many candles
    So many sheep.
    Good luck to you,
    The owner and the hostess
    Great health,
    Happy New Year
    With all the family!

    Merry Christmas to you, people!
    May you have peace and harmony,
    So that you don't know grief
    And they were rich!

    An angel came down to us from heaven,
    And said Jesus was born.
    We came to glorify him
    And congratulate you on the holiday.

    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    A carol came
    On the eve of Christmas.
    Who will give me some pie?
    So the barn is full of cattle,
    Ovin with oats,
    A stallion with a tail.

    A carol came
    On the eve of Christmas.
    Who will give me some pie?
    So the barn is full of cattle,
    Ovin with oats,
    A stallion with a tail.

    Oh, carol-carol,
    The hostess is young
    And the owner is strict
    Meet me at the door
    Costumed artists.
    Treat yourself to something delicious.
    Sprinkle money, sweets,
    Don't scare away happiness.
    Let everything go wrong for you
    And it will be rewarded a hundredfold!

    A star is shining in the sky,
    At the hour of Holy Christmas...
    Kolyada came,
    I went around all the houses,
    I knocked on doors and windows,
    She walked and laughed and played...
    And behind the noisy Kolyada,
    Carolers in a crowd...
    Everyone rejoices and laughs,
    They sing a loud song:
    “Kolyada was born on the eve of Christmas...”

    And God forbid that
    Who is in this house?
    The rye is thick for him,
    Rye is tough.
    He's like an ear of octopus,
    From the grain he has a carpet,
    Half-grain pie.
    The Lord would grant you
    And living and being,
    And wealth.
    And create for you
    Lord, even better than that!

    The sparrow flies
    Twirls his tail,
    And you people know
    Cover the tables
    Receive guests
    Happy Christmas!
    Hello, treats
    Please accept congratulations!
    You will live together for up to two hundred years!
    I wish you happiness and good health!
    Merry Christmas,
    Happy New Year!

    Kolyada has arrived
    On the eve of Christmas.
    God bless whoever is in this house.
    We wish good things to all people:
    Gold, silver,
    Lush pies,
    Soft pancakes
    Good health,
    Cow butter.

    Kolyada, Kolyada
    Open the gates
    Get out the chests
    Serve the snouts.
    Even a ruble
    Even a nickel
    Let's not leave home like that!
    Give us some candy
    Or maybe a coin
    Don't regret anything
    It's Christmas Eve!

    We sow, we blow, we flutter,
    Merry Christmas!
    You glorify Christ,
    Give us some treats!

    Open the gate!
    We came to carol
    Merry Christmas to you!
    Friendly hosts
    May the year be fruitful.
    Give the mummers some sweets,
    Happiness will send you greetings.
    Give me rubles, coins,
    You will live a hundred years.
    Pour everything into the bag until it piles up.
    It's bitterly cold outside,
    We were cold, but warm
    Warmed up your good home!

    Kolyada, Kolyada!
    Open the gate!
    We are little carolers
    We have come to glorify you
    And dignify the owners.
    You live a hundred years,
    And a full table for lunch!

    Today an Angel has descended upon us
    And he sang: “Christ is born!”
    We came to glorify Christ,
    And congratulate you on the holiday.
    Here we go, shepherds,
    All our sins are forgiven.
    We make our way to home,
    We glorify Christ God.

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