• An open lesson in mathematics in the senior group “a journey to the land of mathematics”. Notes for a mathematics lesson in the senior group “Travel to the Land of Mathematics” Notes for a mathematics lesson in the senior group


    Target: Introduce children to the oval.

    Program content.

    Educational objectives:

    • Introduce children to an oval based on comparing it with a circle and a rectangle, by superimposing (elongated, flat, thin, unstable, without corners);
    • Learn to find an oval among other shapes;
    • Consolidate skills in ordinal counting within five;
    • Strengthen the ability to orient yourself relative to yourself (distinguish between left and right hands, left and right legs);
    • Practice determining the current time of year and day of the week.

    Developmental tasks:

    • Develop fine motor skills of hands;
    • Develop mental operations: comparison, attention.

    Educational tasks:

    • Cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen and hear the teacher;
    • Cultivate interest in mathematical activities.

    Vocabulary work: one, two, three, four, five, a total of five ovals, oval, rectangle, circle, elongated, oblong, no corners, flat, does not roll, not stable, thin.


    D: oval, rectangle, circle.
    R: tray, 5 ovals, 4 rectangles, card with two stripes.

    Progress of the lesson:

    V: Form a circle. Guys, do you know what time of year it is?
    D.: Autumn.
    Q: What day of the week?
    D.: Tuesday.
    V.: And our fingers go to the autumn forest. And what can they find there, you listen now and then tell me. Get all your right hand ready. We begin to perform exercises on the right hand and repeat the words:

    This little finger went into the forest,
    This finger found a mushroom,
    I cleaned this finger - a mushroom,
    This finger is a fried mushroom,
    And this finger ate a mushroom,
    That's why I got fat!

    Now get your left hand ready, let’s start doing the exercises and repeating the words. So what did our fingers find in the autumn forest?

    D.: Mushrooms.

    We visited the autumn forest, and now I suggest you go to the forest, but this forest is unusual, geometric shapes live there. But before I go there, I want to see if all our children are attentive. Now I’m stamping my foot and you can tell me how many times I stamped?

    D.: four.

    V.: That's right, I think now we can go to our magical forest, there are a lot of interesting things there. Let's go into the magical forest just quietly, quietly. Oh, our chairs have turned into stumps, let's sit on them. Keep your backs straight and put your feet together.

    Guys, listen, we need to solve one riddle:

    He looks like an egg
    Or on your face.
    This is the circle -
    Very strange appearance:
    The circle has become flattened
    Suddenly it turned out... (oval)

    V.: That's right, today we are visiting the oval. ( I hang an oval on the board)

    Look at the board - it's an oval. Let's repeat everything together - oval.

    We have already learned to talk about different geometric shapes, maybe one of you will want to talk about it, and the oval will listen to whether you are talking about it correctly.

    D.: This is an oval, an oval has no corners

    Q: Does everyone agree that the oval has no corners? Look, our oval is flat, if you put the oval on a stump, it’s almost invisible. Let’s check it all together (I put a flat figure on the board). Let's repeat it all together - flat. How about we try to put it on the table? (I'm trying to make an oval with an edge). Guys, he's not worth it. What properties of the oval does our experience indicate?

    D: He's unstable

    Look carefully at the oval and tell me what geometric figure the oval resembles?

    D.: Circle. (I hang a circle on the board)

    Q: How is it similar to a circle?

    D.: An oval, like a circle, has no corners; it is flat, thin, and unstable. Circle and oval have a rounded shape.

    Q: How then do they differ from each other?

    D.: Elongated oval.

    V.: Well done, you noticed the difference. Correctly, it is elongated, oblong. Let's repeat it together - elongated, oblong.

    Let's check by overlapping how much the oval will stretch? Take the circle and place it on the oval. Look how long the oval is stretched. What do you think, does an oval roll the same way as a circle? Let's check it out. What stops the oval from rolling?

    D.: It’s elongated, that’s why it doesn’t roll.

    Q: What other geometric figure does an oval resemble?

    D.: Rectangle . (I hang a rectangle on the board)

    V.: Why do you think so?

    D.: A rectangle, like an oval, is elongated.

    V.: Let's check by superimposition. How are they similar?

    D.: Rectangle and oval are elongated, flat figures, thin, unstable, do not roll

    Q: How are they different then?

    D: A rectangle has corners, but an oval does not.

    V.: Oval was glad that you named all its properties and were not mistaken. And the oval offers to figure out one more task, shall we help him?

    Everyone has cards on the table, 5 ovals, 4 rectangles.

    Guys, on the table in front of you are cards with two stripes and geometric shapes. Which? Name them.

    D.: Ovals and rectangles.

    Q: Count how many ovals there are? Kolya will now count out loud, and the rest will check it themselves.

    V.: That's right, now Dasha will count out loud how many rectangles, and check the rest herself.

    D: One, two, three, four. Just four rectangles

    V.: Guys, show me the top strip with your finger, look at each other to see if everything is shown correctly, then the bottom strip.

    Place ovals on the top strip. From left to right. Place the ovals in a vertical position, standing, look how I do. Post with your right hand.

    How many ovals did Vova post? Count it.

    D: One, two, three, four, five. There are five ovals in total.

    Q: How many ovals did Sonya lay out?

    D: One, two, three, four, five. There are five ovals in total.

    V.: Now put all the rectangles on the bottom strip, just as vertically, standing, like the ovals.

    How many rectangles? Let's count everything together.

    Q: Which geometric shapes are there more?

    D: There are more ovals than rectangles.

    Q: How did you guess that there are more ovals than rectangles?

    D.: We counted; one oval is missing a pair.

    Q: How many ovals?

    D: One, two, three, four, five ovals. There are five ovals in total.

    Q: What about rectangles?

    D: One, two, three, four rectangles. There are four rectangles in total.

    V.: What great fellows you are! Helped the oval figure out this difficult task. Collect all the geometric shapes on a tray and place them on the edge of the table. Look, the oval is tired, maybe we can play a game called “Funny Toys”

    Be careful:

    • Show everyone your right hand
    • Show everyone your left hand
    • Stomp your right foot, stomp your left foot 2 times
    • Touch your nose with your right hand
    • Touch your left ear with your left hand
    • Hold hands, walk to the right, walk to the left. Guys, the kindergarten is already waiting for us, it’s time for us to go back. After all, we still have a lot to do there. Let's say to the oval "Goodbye, we'll definitely be back next time!"

    V.: So we returned to our group. Who can tell who we were visiting just now?

    D.: Visiting the oval.

    Q: What properties of an oval did we learn today?

    Goals: Developing interest in mathematics based on cognitive activity and curiosity.
    - Improve mental counting skills within 10 in different areas;
    - Improve the ability to solve logical exercises on attentiveness;
    - Exercise the ability to recognize the shape of geometric figures in surrounding objects;
    - develop the ability to isolate the odd one from the presented series according to a characteristic feature;
    - develop attention and the ability to navigate in space;
    - develop fine motor skills, curiosity and self-esteem skills;
    - cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

    - Magic carpet; cards with numbers; 2 houses; ball; beads made of geometric shapes; geometric figures; Pictures; musical accompaniment; labyrinths and buttons; stars.
    Methods and techniques: verbal (explanation, story) and visually effective (demonstration, illustration).

    Progress of the lesson.

    Introductory part.
    - Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello!!
    Children and their teacher stand in a circle.
    In a wide circle, I see,
    All my friends stood up.
    We'll go right now
    Now let's go left
    Let's gather in the center of the circle,
    And we will all return to our place.
    Let's smile, wink,
    And let's start playing again.
    Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.
    Didactic game “Define your place”
    The child determines his place in the circle in relation to other children.
    - Masha, who is on your right?
    - Egor, who is to your left?
    - Dasha K, who is standing in front of you? And from behind?
    - Well done.
    Guys, let's take you on a journey to the kingdom of Mathematics. (Children's answers)
    - How can we go on a trip? (Children's answers)
    - I suggest you go on a trip to the kingdom of Mathematics on a magic carpet.
    A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in the kingdom.
    Our magic carpet rises higher and higher.
    The breeze caresses us, and clouds float past.
    - We have found ourselves in the kingdom of Mathematics. But who lives in this kingdom? let's get acquainted

    Main part.

    Here is the first house of the inhabitants of the mathematical kingdom. Numbers live in this house. They have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.
    Didactic game “Find a place in a row”
    Children take turns going to the house and completing the task. Then the children are asked to count to ten by counting forward and backward.
    -Guys, let's count to 10, and now in reverse order. Well done.

    Didactic game “Numbers-neighbors”
    - But the following residents have lost their neighbors, let's help them find them. You need to insert the numbers with the cards into the empty windows.
    Children insert cards with numbers into empty windows.
    - Now everyone stand in a circle, let’s play ball. I give you a word, and you tell me the opposite.
    Didactic games “Say the opposite”
    The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.
    Long short;
    Big small;
    High Low;
    Wide narrow;
    Fat slim;
    Far close;
    Above - below;
    Left - right;
    Back and forth;
    Light heavy;
    Strong - weak;
    Fast slow.
    - Here is the second house of mathematical residents. I just won’t tell you who lives in this house. I want you to guess for yourself. Learned??
    Masha, what geometric figure do you see?
    Dasha, what kind of figure do you see?
    Geometric figures are big mischief makers and love to play. And they want to play with you. Do you agree?
    Now we’ll see which of you can arrange the geometric beads correctly.

    Didactic game “Beads”
    Children come to the table and complete tasks. logical chain of geometric shapes.
    - Now match the objects with geometric shapes that are similar to them.
    - What geometric figure does the TV look like? (per square) Egor?
    - What geometric figure does a pyramid resemble? (on the triangle) Masha?
    - And the sun? (in a circle) Dasha K?
    - And the ball? (on the oval) Dasha Ch?
    - And the table (on a rectangle) Anya Ch?
    - And what kind of figure does the girl’s skirt look like? (on trapeze) Vika A?
    Well done, you did it!!!
    (come to me, short pause)
    Physical education minute
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (jumping)
    We can all count
    We know how to relax the same way:
    Let's put our hands behind our backs,
    Let's raise our heads higher
    And let’s breathe easily, easily. (breathing exercise)

    Guys, in this kingdom there is a street where they live. Logical exercises for attentiveness.
    Their tasks are the most difficult. They will now try to confuse you, be especially careful.

    Didactic game “Find the odd one out”
    Children must find an extra item from those offered.
    1. Winter, Spring, March, Summer? (Masha, what’s wrong here?)
    2. December, April, Autumn, July? (Dasha K. is there anything extra here?)
    3. Wednesday, Night, Thursday, Saturday? (Dasha Ch. Answer what is superfluous here?)
    4. Five, Eight, Morning, Seven? (Egor What is unnecessary here?)
    Well done!!

    Now let's play the game, answer quickly!
    1. How many months are there in a year? Anya?
    2. Tell me the winter months of Vika?
    3. On what day Dasha Ch. Do the days of the week begin?
    4. How many days in a week is Masha?
    What a great fellow you are!!

    It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. You can only go back by going through the labyrinth.
    Let's go to the tables. Let's sit down more comfortably, prepare our arms for warming up
    "Finger gymnastics"
    Let's count our fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    And name the figures
    Here is a square, and here is a circle
    Triangle and rhombus
    And also a rectangle
    And it's not hard to count
    There are exactly five of them.
    -You and I must go through the Labyrinth using buttons.
    Look for the right path and pave the way with buttons...
    Graphic exercise “Labyrinth”
    Children use buttons to create a “labyrinth” path.
    - All of you are great, you completed the tasks, now we can go home.
    Final part.
    I invite everyone onto the plane carpet to fly to our kindergarten. (1,2,3,4,5 you can open your eyes)
    A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in kindergarten.
    Today we made an exciting journey to the Kingdom of Mathematics. Which task was the most difficult? What task did you complete quickly? Did you enjoy the trip? I suggest telling your parents about our trip in the evening.
    And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has fully completed the tasks - let him take a red asterisk, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a blue asterisk.
    Children evaluate themselves!!

    Preschool educational institution

    combined type

    nursery school kindergarten №83 “Winnie the Pooh”


    Math lesson

    with older children

    TOPIC: Travel to a mathematical land.


    Senior group No. 6

    Trescheva Tatyana Valerievna



    1. Strengthen children’s ideas about geometric shapes: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (color, shape and size).

    2.Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week and seasons.

    3. Strengthen the ability to compare 2 adjacent numbers using the greater than, less than, and equal signs.

    4. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between the concepts long and short.

    5. Development of fine motor skills and hand coordination.

    6.Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.

    7. Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

    8. To develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

    Equipment and material: magnetic board; a letter decorated with numbers and geometric shapes; cards with tasks from the letter; geometric shapes of different colors and sizes; ball; picture “The numbers are hidden!”; number cards from 1 to 10 (2 sets); signs MORE, LESS, EQUAL; puzzles (7ya, 100g, 100lb, 2l, 100yu); pictures with tasks, two ribbons of different colors, 2 and 4 meters long; counting sticks for each child; medals.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you. Let's greet each other with a smile.

    Guys, look and tell me what I have in my hands? (Letter)

    Yes, right.

    Are you wondering who this letter is from?


    Now I will open it and read it.

    “Hello friends, there has been some confusion in our mathematical kingdom. All the numbers got mixed up in the number series, the geometric figures forgot their names, and the days of the week forgot what order they should be in. I watched you for a long time as you played interestingly in math classes and I want to ask you to help me. Queen of Math Country."

    Guys, why do you agree to help the Queen of Mathematical Country?


    Then we go on a journey to a mathematical land.

    Guys, I have 9 envelopes and each of them contains a task.

    So, task 1:

    Game task with counting sticks.

    Materials: counting sticks.

    Progress: the teacher gives the children the task:

    1. Construct a figure that has 3 angles and 3 sides (triangle).

    2. Construct a figure with all sides equal (square).

    3. Construct a figure with 2 long sides and 2 short sides (rectangle).

    4. Construct a figure that has 5 corners and 5 sides (pentagon).

    5. Build a figure from three sticks. What happened? (triangle).

    6. Place 2 sticks on it to make 2 triangles. What kind of figure did you get? (rhombus).

    2nd task:

    Guys, look at the board, all the numbers in the number line are mixed up. Let's put them in order.

    Great, now name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 7, 8,9.

    3rd task:

    Mathematical signs ask for help. Have they forgotten why they are needed? Tell me what these signs show? What are their names? (needed to compare numbers, and the signs are called greater than, less than, equal to). Excellent! Mathematical signs remembered their purpose - compare and show which number is greater, which is less and report equality.


    We go, we go, we never get tired!

    We can easily overcome all the obstacles on the way! (repeat 4 times)

    4th task:

    Puzzles from the Queen of Mathematics. 7th, 100lb, 100g, 2l.

    5th task

    Say the opposite. Ball game. Day Night.



    A lot of-…





    6th task:

    Guys, let's play. This is a true-false game.

    If you hear something that you think is correct, clap your hands; if you hear something that is not correct, shake your head

    In the morning the sun rises;

    You need to do exercises in the morning

    - you can’t wash your face in the morning

    - the moon shines brightly during the day


    - people have dinner at night


    There are 7 days in a week

    - Monday is followed by Wednesday

    After Saturday comes Sunday

    Thursday is before Friday

    - only 5 seasons

    Spring comes after summer.

    Physical exercise: Whichever number I show, so many times the task and do it: 5 steps to the left

    3 jumps back

    Clap 4 times

    Stomp 7 times.

    7th task:

    Now let’s solve some fun puzzles, are you ready? (children's answers)

    1.How many ears do three mice have?

    2. How many paws do two bear cubs have?

    3. The hedgehog put 3 yellow leaves and 2 red ones in a vase. How many leaves are in the vase?

    4. The bunny had 6 carrots, he gave 1 carrot to the bear. How many carrots are left?

    5. Near the bridge there are 5 birch trees and 2 linden trees. How many trees are there near the bridge?

    6. Three mice sat in a row,

    2 are still sitting nearby.

    How many mice will we ask?

    Of course, there are more of them…… (5).

    8th task:

    There are geometric shapes on the board (circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid.) Guys, what are these shapes called? Well done!

    9th task:

    “The numbers are hidden!” Guys, in the land of mathematics, all the numbers are hidden somewhere. Let's help find them! (children come out one by one and show the number they found.) Well done!

    So our lesson and journey through the mathematical country has come to an end. My friends, did you like it? (children's answers). Well, now let's go back to our kindergarten. Guys, we have two ways back - a straight path and a wavy one. Which path will we take to get home faster? Which way is shorter?

    And in gratitude from the Queen of Mathematics, I want to present you with medals (the most active, the most attentive, the most inquisitive, the fastest, the most courageous, etc.)

    "Letters from the Queen of Mathematics"

    Conducted by teacher of the senior group Nina Viktorovna Vishnyakova, Moscow

    GBOU kindergarten No. 797


    1. Continue to introduce the whole and parts, teach how to divide an object into two or four parts; clarify knowledge about forward and backward counting; knowledge about geometric shapes, continue to learn how to solve addition and subtraction examples.

    2. Stimulate the development of thinking abilities, curiosity, and cognition. Develop the ability to clearly and quickly answer questions posed. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

    3. Bring up friendly relationships between children, the desire to please elders with their achievements, and to cultivate interest in mathematics classes.

    Vocabulary work: whole, parts, half, quarter, forward and backward counting, science, postman, plan.

    Preliminary workta: solving examples of addition and subtraction; didactic games with numbers, numbers, geometric shapes, individual work.

    Material for the lesson:

    demonstration –drawings of geometric shapes, plan.

    dispensing – simple pencils, red pens, envelopes of five colors (red, yellow, white, blue, green)

    Progress of the lesson.

    Educator: Guys, come to me, stand in a circle. This morning the postman came to us and left a letter from the Queen of all sciences - Mathematics. She probably wants to invite us to her kingdom. But before I go there, I want to test your knowledge. I will ask questions, and you answer quickly.

    1 WARM-UP

    Educator :What time of year is it now?

    Children: Autumn

    Educator: List all the autumn months.

    Children : September October November.

    Educator: Is it morning or evening?

    Children: Morning

    Educator: How many fingers are on one hand?

    Children: Five

    Educator: How many angles does a triangle have?

    Children: Five

    Educator: How many times a year does a birthday happen?

    Children: One

    Educator : How many noses do three cats have?

    Educator: How many ears do two mice have?

    Educator: Well done, you are very attentive and answered all the questions correctly. Now sit down at the table and let’s look at the letters that the Queen of Mathematics sent.

    (Put envelopes in front of the children.)

    Educator: How many letters did the Queen of Mathematics bring?

    Children: 5

    Educator: Correct – 5.

    Educator: Let's open the first envelope. What colour is he?

    Children: red.

    Let's open it.

    Educator: Who do you see here?

    Children: Rectangle

    Educator: What do you think his mood is?

    Children: sad, sad

    Educator: Why was he sad?

    Children: because he is alone, there are no friends nearby

    Educator: And who is our rectangle friends with?

    Children: with circle, squares, oval, triangle

    Educator: Let us find his friends in the objects that surround us. I will name the object for you, and you must depict it as a geometric figure.


    We work on the strip with a red icon with a simple pencil.

    Educator: What shapes did you get? Name them.

    Children: triangle, square, rectangle, oval, circle

    Educator: How can they be called in one word?

    Children: Geometric figures.

    Educator: How many figures are there in total?

    Children: 5

    Educator: Well done, you completed this task without any problems.

    Gymnastics for the eyes. The children are sitting.

    Educator: They straightened their backs, lowered their arms, quickly blinked their eyes, closed their eyes, opened them, and looked into the distance. Extend your right hand forward, follow the slow movements of the index finger: right-left, up-down.

    Educator : And now I propose to move all the geometric figures into one house, then they will be neighbors and will never lose each other. A rectangle will live in the center of the sheet, a circle will live above the rectangle, an oval will live under the rectangle, a square will live to the right of the rectangle, and a triangle will live to the left. To make your home cozy, bright, and elegant, you need to decorate it. Place a sun in the upper left corner, a cloud in the upper right corner, decorate the lower left corner with a butterfly, and decorate the lower right corner with a flower. It seems to me that the rectangle's mood has changed. And I see you started smiling. Guys, I had an idea to call this house “House of Friendship”.

    Educator: Can your home, your kindergarten, be called a “house of friendship”? I'm very happy about this. We must be friends with each other, respect, love each other.

    Educator: Do you like to fantasize?

    Children: Yes

    Educator: Where do you think the rectangle lives?

    Where did he come from?

    What will he do in the future? (children's answers)

    Educator : Are you wondering what’s in the other envelopes?

    Children: Yes

    Educator: Then open the envelope located between the blue and white. What colour is he?

    Children: yellow.

    Educator: And here are the numbers. Do you know what numbers are? These are the signs we use to denote numbers. There are only 10 numbers, but there are a lot of numbers. Now let's play with these numbers.

    A game “Get in order.” Rules of the game: while the music is playing, children take one number at a time. At the command “get in order,” the children must line up in order.

    Educator: Number 3, name your neighbors.

    Children: 2.4…

    Educator: And now I offer you the game “On the contrary”. To do this, we need to repeat the countdown. You need to connect the numbers in the opposite direction from 10 to 1 and you will see something interesting.

    Children: Counting

    Educator: Well done, you did a very good job with the numbers.

    (Collect completed tasks and put them in an envelope).

    Educator: And now I suggest you rest.


    On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)

    And on Tuesday I painted. (pretend to be drawing)

    On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (“let’s wash”)

    And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)

    On Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping)

    I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)

    And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)

    I rested the whole day.

    (children squat down, hands under cheeks, fall asleep)

    Educator: How many envelopes do we have left?

    Children: 3

    Educator : Let's open neither a blue nor a green envelope. Which?

    Children: white

    Educator : If I split the cookies in half, how many children can I serve?

    Children: 2. –

    Educator: What are these parts called?

    Children: Halves.

    Educator: How many guests can I serve if I split 2 apples in half?

    Children: 4 (If the children have difficulty, I help)

    Educator: Now listen to the task and sketch the answer on a strip of paper. Sit down at table.


    Children: 4


    Children: Doli

    Educator: You need to draw as many circles as you can treat guests.

    (Children complete the task)

    Educator: How many envelopes are left?

    Children: 2

    Educator: Now let's open the white envelope. Yesterday I was visiting another kindergarten, there are also such good, wonderful kids there, they were doing the same thing as you, solving examples, and I ask you to help me check if they solved the examples correctly. Will you help me?

    Children: Yes

    (Hand out red pens to check examples).

    Educator: We have one letter left. How can you tell about it what it is like? (fifth, last). In this letter I hid a surprise for you.

    Educator: Now let's summarize our lesson. What did you and I do today? (talked about geometric shapes, numbers, solved examples, divided the whole into parts)

    Educator : Now everyone ask yourself: “Did I cope with the tasks today, or did I experience any difficulties? "(children's answers)

    Summary of a game lesson in mathematics in the senior group

    Conducted by N.V. Vishnyakova

    Back forward

    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, health, play.

    Types of children's activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative.

    1. Develop speech by including terms in the active vocabulary (left, right, less, more).
    2. Ability to decrease and increase numbers by one.
    3. Repeat the composition of number 5.
    4. Continue to navigate on a sheet of paper, fix the name of the figures.
    5. Consolidate knowledge about days of the week, seasons, months.
    6. Develop intelligence, attention, memory and logical thinking.
    7. Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to study.

    Planned results: count objects within 5; has a basic understanding of the composition of the number 5; knows how to decrease and increase a number by one; navigates on a sheet of paper, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (upper left and right corners, etc.); actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; develops thinking; When performing mathematical operations, the required condition and concentration lasts for 15-20 minutes.

    Materials and equipment:

    demonstration material: diagram-map with geometric figures, “house” of the number 5, number cards, planar image of the “castle”, cardboard numbers - stones;

    handouts: numbers, pieces of paper, colored pencils, a “house” of the number 5, a key cut into three parts.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Children enter the group to the music.

    Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let us say hello to you and give the guests a good mood (children blow away the good mood of the guests from their palms)

    2. Fairy tale.

    Educator: Children, do you like to listen to fairy tales? Wouldn’t you like to get into a fairy tale and help our heroes? Fine. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale, not a simple fairy tale, magical, with mathematical tasks. And in order to get into a fairy tale, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words “1, 2, 3 turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.” We open our eyes. We kids are standing near the palace. The fairy tale begins. Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. Once the king left on his royal business, but his daughter remained at home. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then the wind came, picked up the princess and carried her off to a distant kingdom. Ivan Tsarevich went to look for her. It takes a day, it takes two. He drives up to the hut on chicken legs. And Baba Yaga lives there. Ivan Tsarevich told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich answered her questions.

    Listen carefully to Baba Yaga's questions:

    • What day of the week is it today?
    • What day of the week was yesterday?
    • What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
    • What seasons do you know?
    • Name the autumn months.
    • Name the spring months.
    • Name the winter months.
    • Name the third shadow of the week.
    • Name the fifth day of the week.
    • Name the second day of the week.

    Educator: We completed Baba Yaga’s task.

    Baba Yaga gave a ball and sent the prince to her sister Kikimora. She has a map. The ball rolled, and the prince followed the ball. The ball rolled towards the swamp. And suddenly Kikimora appeared in front of the prince. She listened to the prince and decided to help. But in order to get the card, you need to complete the task.

    Educator: Let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task. In front of you are pencils and paper. Get ready to listen to the task and draw:

    • draw a red triangle in the upper left corner;
    • draw a green square in the lower right corner;
    • draw a black oval in the center;
    • draw a blue rectangle in the lower left corner;
    • Draw a yellow square in the upper right corner.

    Educator: Now let's check.

    What geometric figure did Dima draw in the lower right corner? Where did Tanya draw the yellow circle?

    In which corner did Stasya draw an oval?

    We completed the task, and Kikimora gave a map to Tsarevich Ivan, he can go further. The ball rolled further and brought Ivan Tsarevich into the fairy-tale forest.

    So Ivan Tsarevich and I found ourselves in a fairytale forest. Miracles happen in the forest. The forest dwellers have prepared a task.

    Exhibited house with number 5.

    Look at this house, what number lives in this house? We need to assign residents by floor so that two numbers together make the number 5. Let's start with the top floor. Number 4 already lives on this floor, but what number should live next to it? 1. Well done, you coped with this task too.

    The residents of the house advised me to gain strength to move on.

    Physical education minute

    Ivan Tsarevich once - bent over, straightened up,

    Two - bent over , straightened up, arms to the side, spread , and went ,

    went, followed the princess into the wilderness of the forest,

    Suddenly he saw a tree stump, sat down quietly and dozed off.

    Educator: Children, open your eyes, you see, there is a castle in front of us. Here is the entrance to the castle. The door to the castle, behind which the princess is hidden, is covered with stones. To enter the castle you need to dismantle the stones. Arthur will sort it out at the board, and we will help him at the tables. Open the boxes and lay out the number line from 1 to 10 from left to right. Everyone got ready and started working.

    • show a number greater than 5 by 1 (6);
    • small number (1):
    • a number that is less than 7 by 1 (6);
    • the number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2);
    • the number following the number 4(5).

    Educator: Well done, we cleared the door to the castle of stones. But we can’t enter, we need to complete one more task, if we do everything correctly, the door will open. Ivan Tsarevich dropped the crystal key to the ground, and it broke into pieces and was lost.

    Guys, in order to collect the key, we need to find all the pieces. (Collect the key)

    Educator: Well done. And now you and I will insert the key into the lock and free the princess.

    Children insert the key into the lock and open the gate. It turns out that the princess thanks the children for helping Ivan Tsarevich in the search and release and gives the children puzzles with a fairy tale. Fairy-tale characters say goodbye to children.


    And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and start counting from 1 to 5.

    (Children count in chorus)

    Here we are in kindergarten.
    We've been in a fairy tale
    We learned a lot
    We returned back
    The kindergarten is very happy for us.

    a) Where have we been today, guys?

    b) What did you like?

    c) What would you like to wish our guests?

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