• Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's sensations. Seventh month of pregnancy: fetal development, examinations and other features What kind of child is 7 months pregnant


    A gestation period of 7 months is the beginning of the third trimester. The expectant mother already knows who she is wearing under her heart, a boy or a girl, and more and more often thinks about what she will call her child. Ahead is the most difficult stage, both physically and mentally. From the 30th week of pregnancy, mothers take maternity leave and get the opportunity to fully devote their time to preparing for childbirth. Despite all the difficulties, 7 months of pregnancy is the happiest period in a woman's life.

    Women 7 months pregnant

    In the seventh month of pregnancy, ailments characteristic of the late period appear. Most often these are indigestion, cramps and constipation. The activation of metabolism causes excessive sweating, the expectant mother is hot regardless of the season and weather. Another problem is anemia, which develops due to the consumption of foods saturated with iron. Elongated red spots appear on the abdomen, the chest at the 7th month of pregnancy becomes covered with a mesh of small vessels, and fat is deposited on the buttocks and thighs. There is an increased pressure on the bladder, sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium is disturbing.

    Discharge at 7 months of pregnancy

    7 months of pregnancy in weeks is considered a shift - it starts from the middle of the 29th week. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the discharge is of different consistency and depends on the menstrual cycle. By their nature, one can judge the health of the expectant mother. Normal discharge is odorless and colorless, sometimes abundant, sometimes not. Brownish discharge signals problems with the placenta, discharge that resembles water - about a partial exit of amniotic fluid. In either case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Ultrasound at 7 months of pregnancy

    Ultrasound for this period is prescribed only if there are special medical indications, you can undergo an examination on your own initiative. It will allow you to determine the degree of development of the child, the state of his organs, heartbeat, the amount of amniotic fluid and the thickness of the placenta. You can see on an ultrasound scan at 7 months of pregnancy - what happens to the uterus, how the fetus is located, determine its gender. Outwardly, this is an already formed child, but he is not yet ready for an independent life outside the mother's womb.

    Belly at 7 months pregnant

    The abdomen rises even higher, the uterus is located above the bosom at a height of 27-28 centimeters. With the growth of the baby, it will become even larger and will cause some discomfort. Stretch marks may appear, which can be treated with a moisturizing nourishing cream. The height, fullness and shape of the abdomen at this time depends on the anatomical features of the body. In fragile women it is more noticeable, in large and fat women it is almost invisible.

    Fetus 7 months pregnant

    A child 7 months pregnant already distinguishes the voices of the parents, reacts to external stimuli and the mood of the expectant mother.

    • Week 29 - the hearing organs are fully formed, the child loves to listen to the beating of the mother's heart.
    • 30 week - the baby is happy to move around in the amniotic fluid, constantly stretches his legs and arms.
    • 31 week - the child reminds of himself every hour and sleeps very little.
    • 32 week - the baby builds up muscle mass and is almost ready for birth.

    If childbirth occurs, the baby will weigh up to 1,500 grams.

    Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy

    Although childbirth in the seventh week is considered premature, the baby is almost ready for an independent life. With the appropriate equipment in the maternity hospital, it is easily nursed. He quickly catches up with his peers born on time. However, doctors to the last try to preserve the pregnancy and take delivery only if there is no other way out.

    The fundus of the uterus has reached 26-28 cm above the bosom, its pressure on the internal organs is increasing. Rapid breathing, an increase in heart rate from the usual 72 per minute to 80-90, a slight increase in blood pressure (by 5-15 mm), as well as increased heartburn - at this time these are quite natural phenomena. Fresh air, small meals, and physical activity can help reduce discomfort.

    During this period, the formation of all organs of your unborn baby practically ends. During the months remaining before birth, he will gain weight. Low-fat cottage cheese, meat and fish are especially useful for you.

    When performing gymnastic exercises, practice special complexes designed to train the muscles of the vagina and perineum. Do them (after consulting your doctor!) Daily. By doing this, you will not only make it easier for yourself during labor, but also significantly reduce the recovery time after your baby is born.

    Hegel's exercises

    This set of exercises was created in the middle of the 20th century. gynecologist Arnold Kegel.

    The fact is that these muscles are almost not used in humans and, over time, lose their elasticity and tone. But these muscles are called upon to perform an important task - to keep in a natural position: the uterus, bladder, intestine. That is why Kegel exercises are recommended for all women daily.

    Simple gymnastics for internal muscles helps to prepare qualitatively for childbirth, to learn the relaxation necessary in the process of delivery.

    Empty your bladder before exercising.


    Exercise should not cause back or abdominal pain!

    Moderate discharge? This is the norm

    Small vaginal discharge may have been observed throughout your pregnancy, or may appear only now. If they are whitish or transparent, do not include blood impurities and do not have an unpleasant odor, and all tests performed show that your health is normal, then you should not worry about this - this phenomenon is caused by the action of hormones on the mucous membranes. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics, change your panty liners regularly and do your regular genital toilet every day.

    Take care of your back

    The larger your belly gets, the more stress on your spine and back muscles increases. Exercising in the pool will become both relaxation and exercise: water will reduce your weight, which means it will also reduce the load on your back, and the movements performed during swimming will help to strengthen the necessary muscles. An experienced instructor will show you exercises to teach you proper breathing during contractions and pushing, and you can do them yourself, even at home in the bath.


    Infrequent attacks of dizziness in expectant mothers are possible due to the fact that their blood pressure changes. Keep this in mind and try not to change position abruptly, do not skip meals.

    However, if dizziness recurs, and even more so lead to loss of consciousness, consult a doctor immediately!

    Prevention of stretch marks

    Your belly is growing and stretch marks may appear on your skin. In order to prevent them from turning into scars after childbirth, use special cosmetics for pregnant women containing mineral and vegetable oils to which you are not allergic.

    Get ready for your vacation!

    Preparations for the registration of maternity leave begin. You will once again take tests and visit specialist doctors, and at 30 weeks, according to the doctor's calculations, that is, at the 29-30th week of your baby's life, you will take the issued sick leave to work.

    Fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy

    If the baby decides to be born within 7 months, the chances are high that he will survive. He has already significantly put on weight, and there is not much room left in the fetal bladder to move freely. From time to time, you feel how small legs or fists beat you from the inside.

    Less space inside

    The child has gained so much weight that he becomes cramped inside his mother's belly. Therefore, by the end of the 7th month, it will move significantly less.

    Just like a newborn, it will alternate between activity and sleep phases. The child is 40-42 cm long and weighs 1.5-2 kg. The skin is no longer so pink, filled with subcutaneous fat. Small wrinkles form on the neck, wrists, elbows and knees.

    The lungs are almost ripe

    Maturation of the lungs continues, and respiratory movements become more orderly. The development of the brain continues rapidly, the stomach and intestines function. The kidneys are almost ready for work, but they will begin to perform full-fledged work after birth. If the child is born now, most likely, he will survive and in the future will grow and develop along with other children. But in the initial stages, the baby will need special careful care and attention, both from the mother and from the doctors.

    From the end of the 6th month, the child hears sounds, can react to loud slamming of doors and music that parents listen to.

    He can also pick up on your emotions. Through the amniotic fluid that sometimes gets into his mouth, he already tastes.

    At the end of this month, it is time for the third ultrasound scan (30th week of pregnancy or 32nd week of amenorrhea).

    Low birth weight

    • A child who does not fit into the minimum weight range is considered premature. The reasons for underweight can vary.
    • In some cases, the baby's weight is small, because the mother herself was underweight, the placenta was not working well enough, or some kind of genetic defects developed. In this case, careful management of pregnancy and the correct diet are necessary.
    • 3a a premature baby needs especially careful care, and then he has a good chance of surviving and developing normally.
    • Often a baby is born prematurely as a result of premature birth. If he is born between the 26th and 37th weeks, his development is considered normal: his weight corresponds to this stage of development. However, if the baby is overweight during premature birth, the chances of survival will be greater.
    • The main reason for low weight is the mother's smoking, her alcohol and drug use, and unsatisfactory living conditions.


    The description of fetal development is given in accordance with the weeks from the date of pregnancy. To track the development of the child relative to the onset of amenorrhea, it is enough to add two weeks.

    Mother's well-being in the seventh month of pregnancy

    From a physical point of view, the last trimester is considered the most difficult due to the fact that the abdomen increases significantly in size (by the end of the term, the child will weigh more than 3 kg). Each woman carries this period in her own way. Some are doing great, others are not.

    Main complaints

    Some unpleasant sensations persist and even intensify, others appear for the first time. During routine medical 8 examinations, be sure to tell the doctor about your health, describing in detail what worries you.

    The belly continues to enlarge

    You may look dazzling in this finish line, but more often than not, some pain is bothering you. A large belly puts additional stress on your back, legs, and sometimes tests your mental state for strength. The size of the uterus is now about 32 cm, it puts a little pressure on the bladder, intestines 1 and the diaphragm, it makes you change your habits. The pelvic bones expand, preparing the mother's body for the advancement of the baby, walking headfirst along the birth canal.

    Danger of swelling of legs, feet and hands

    It especially increases in summer. There is little help here. Raise your legs when you are lying down and refresh them with a cool shower. Wear comfortable shoes and feel free to wear simple flip-flops if you're comfortable with them. The same can happen with your hands: remove the rings, later it will be more difficult for you to do this.

    Sometimes the swollen tissue can compress the nerves that run through the wrists, which can cause goose bumps, especially at night.

    Try to find a suitable posture, such as placing your hands on a pillow so that they are raised.

    Other discomfort

    When you lie on your back, the uterus presses on the vena cava, which can cause pain. Change the pose to the position on the left side. This will release the constricted bladder.

    Ugly spots

    In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples and abdomen (from the navel to the pubis), pigmentation increases. Stretch marks appear on the abdomen and thighs, as the enlargement of the abdomen stretches the skin.

    Pay close attention to your weight and follow the correct diet.

    Uterus size

    During routine medical examinations, the doctor measures the height of the bottom of the uterus with a centimeter.

    If you add 4 cm to its length, you can calculate the gestational age. For example, if your period is 32 weeks from the day of amenorrhea, the length of the uterus is approximately 28 cm (measured from the pubis to the fundus of the uterus).

    Childbirth is close, and it's time to start preparing for this event. Sign up for preparatory courses if you haven't already.

    I feel pain in my lower back. The pain radiates to the leg. What's the matter?


    This is another unpleasant situation that many women complain about. The large uterus presses on the spinal canal, which causes pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs, making it sometimes difficult to stand and walk.

    Warmth, rest, and sometimes swimming can make the situation easier.

    Minimize physical activity - it is especially important not to lift anything heavy. Choose a comfortable orthopedic mattress for sleeping. Sit correctly: Your knees and hips should form a right angle, and the weight should be on the pelvic bones (not on the tailbone).

    If the pain persists, lie in bed for a few days and do a few physical therapy sessions to strengthen the supporting muscles.

    Sometimes the doctor may recommend osteopathy and etiopathy sessions as an alternative to acupuncture.

    The inconveniences I faced in the first months are gone. I have never felt my body so harmonious!

    Restless sleep: dreams and nightmares in the seventh month of pregnancy

    During pregnancy, and especially at the end of the term, you become more receptive, often wake up at night, and after waking up, you realize that you had strange and sometimes frightening dreams.

    Interpretation of dreams? A very delicate question

    Strange dreams come to you at night ... Even if they reflect your fears and worries, you should not take them very seriously!

    These dreams reflect what your head is doing during the day, but they are not harbingers of future events. There are no universal symbols for the interpretation of these dreams. One and the same event or object can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on who is seeing these dreams. In other words, you alone are able to understand and explain your dreams.

    Understand what's going on

    So why do you have such vivid and vivid dreams? In your state, you become more emotional and sensitive to everything that happens to you in the physical and psychological sense of the word. When you dream, you imagine your future life with your baby.

    At the end of the term, waking up from his movements in the middle of sleep, the next morning you perfectly remember the content of the dream.

    Every expectant mother goes through a difficult psychological period, when she turns from someone's daughter into a mother. At this time, everything that was hidden somewhere on a subconscious level comes to the surface, and dreams are a reflection of these intense emotional experiences. They talk about things you don't want to talk about out loud.

    Why do you see nightmares?

    Some dreams can turn into nightmares. In them, you experience a feeling of fear and shame (you forgot your child in some unfamiliar place, he suffocated or drowned).

    Calm down, most pregnant women see such dreams. These dreams are an expression of your worries and fears: fears of losing your former freedom and not becoming a good mother, fear of the upcoming birth, fear of being separated from your child ...

    If these dreams really bother you, tell someone close to you about them. Often times, the anxiety goes away as soon as you tell your friend, mom, or spouse about your dreams. If that doesn't work for you, talk to your doctor or during your prenatal sessions.

    Exercise to help you fall asleep

    Relaxation is essential to sleep. It provides relaxation of the muscles, and therefore the whole body.

    Some of the exercises should be familiar to you from yoga courses, sophrology or classical methods of preparing for childbirth.

    You can also use the following technique.

    A very simple exercise

    You are lying on your back with your eyes closed.

    Concentrate on your breathing. Stretch your neck, bringing your chin closer to your chest and lowering your shoulders. Place your hands in your lower abdomen to feel the rhythm of your breathing.

    Breathe in very slowly until you exhale as slowly and freely as possible, and then inhale lightly and imperceptibly.

    Then lie on your side and bend your legs. Place one pillow under your head and the other between your legs. Focus on your breathing again and try to relax your body with each exhalation.

    Start by relaxing your feet, legs, and pelvic muscles. Then relax the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle. Finally, relax the muscles in your arms, neck, and face, feeling the weight of your eyelids fill up.

    Stay in this state of relaxation and rest for a while - 10-15 minutes.

    You can imagine that you are in your favorite place, for example, against the backdrop of a picturesque landscape.

    To find a dream

    • First of all, don't take insomnia too dramatically. Of course, it’s not pleasant to stay up all night long, but the more you think about it, the less likely you are to get normal sleep.
    • Relax after lunch. This will help you recharge throughout the day.
    • Skip overnight and limit your tea and coffee during the day.
    • Take a warm bath before bed.
    • Drink a glass of hot milk or herbal tea before bed.
    • If you wake up in the middle of the night, open a window and get some fresh air, walk a little or listen to calm music.
    • If all else fails, talk to your doctor and ask him to prescribe you a mild sedative.
    • Don't worry: your sleep problems do not negatively affect the child; he has his own sleep rhythm.

    During my pregnancy, I noticed that I began to better remember my dreams, and sometimes they cause me strong emotions.

    From the perspective of a child

    There are very pleasant moments when I feel that my mom is very calm. All sounds that I usually hear and that soothe and lull me, become quieter. I have more space in my stomach, and I feel that my mother is good and calm. I hear pleasant sounds around her that she likes. Gradually, I get used to these moments of peace, and they calm me down too.

    Easing back pain in the seventh month of pregnancy

    Back massage: wiggle

    The value of this exercise is that it allows for a real back massage, relieving pain in the lower back. This is a massage that you can do to yourself and as often as you like. When your belly gets too big, you can do this exercise with bent knees.

    • Lying on your back, lift your knees to your stomach and grab your legs below the knees. Keep your hands free; no need to pull your knees to your stomach.
    • Slowly, without much effort, roll onto your side, return to the starting position. The head, neck and back should always remain in the same plane.
    • Turn onto your right side. Listen to your movements and their rhythm.

    You can do these motion sickness movements as long as you want. As you swing from side to side, your breathing becomes more free and your back more and more relaxed.

    Relax your back: half bridge

    This exercise, which combines stretching the back and strengthening the pelvic muscles, should begin any exercise while lying down. Do it 5 times, observing the rhythm of your breathing.

    You should try to stretch your spine, so your glutes will be further from shoulder level than they were at first. The bend in this case will disappear or decrease.

    • Lie on your back, arms along your torso, legs bent. The back is arched: there is a depression in the lumbar region. Hold this position for a few seconds, watching for calm breathing.
    • As you exhale, slowly lift your buttocks and lower back. You can lean on your hands.

    Exhale again and slowly lower your back to its original position, vertebra by vertebra, starting with the cervical spine and ending with the lower spine. The entire spine lies on the floor, there is still a depression in the lower back, but it is smaller.

    • If, due to acute pain, you are unable to raise your legs as described above, you can stretch your spine by lifting your upper back, from your kidneys to your shoulders.

    Leaning on the back of your head and buttocks, lift your spine up. Move it little by little from the bottom up to the shoulders and back of the head. Your head will also go up.


    This exercise is performed from a standing position on all fours. It relieves stress on the muscles of the back and perineum. It can be performed from the first months until the end of the term in order to relieve back pain.

    • Get on all fours, arms extended, palms resting on the floor. As you inhale, arch your spine in the lumbar region while lifting your head.
    • Exhale and lower your head, squeezing your abdominal muscles and pulling your back up "like a cat." Exhale all the way, then inhale again and bend to the other side.

    Embryo pose

    The great thing about this pose is that it relieves pain by stretching the lumbar region. In addition, it relaxes the muscles of the perineum. Get down on your heels with your knees bent, your forehead resting on the floor, your stomach between your thighs.

    • Stretch your arms back, parallel to your hips, palms up. Breathe calmly.
    • Place your hands under your forehead in front of you, focus on your breathing. You can also rest your forehead on your raised hands.

    We train legs

    In order to improve blood circulation in the legs, we offer you this exercise, which you can do regularly (if possible, after a half-bridge). Do this exercise for each leg several times.

    • Lie on the floor with your legs extended, arms along your torso, breathing freely. Lift your right leg up and make circular movements of the feet, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
    • Then place your right foot on the floor and do the same with your left foot. If it hurts to pull your leg up, do not force yourself. Just place your foot on the knee of the other leg and make circular movements, then change the position of the legs.
    • To relieve heaviness in your legs, lift them on a chair or stool. For more comfort, you can put a pillow under them.

    Still pregnant, but already a mother

    The news of the birth of a child affects all your relatives, both close and distant. If the baby you are expecting is not the first, your firstborn will no longer be the only child in the family. An addition is expected in the family, and everyone must prepare for the appearance of a new person.

    Prepare a senior

    As a rule, mom and dad decide whether to have another child or not. In this case, the opinion of the firstborn is rarely taken into account. Therefore, it is undesirable to ask him, even in a joking manner: "Do you want you to have a little brother or sister?"

    You don't have a second child for the sake of the first, but this is the decision of your whole family. Therefore, it is wrong to decide this issue without the participation of your firstborn.

    Announce not too early, not too late

    Parents are often looking for the right moment to communicate important news.

    Trust your child's sixth sense. He perfectly senses that something is happening: the mother is more tired than usual, the atmosphere of mystery in the house, conversations in a whisper ... if you decide to inform your surroundings, start with the older child. Let him be the first.

    If the child guesses and asks you about this, do not deny. Say that you were waiting for the baby in the belly to grow up a little to inform him about it. The end of the 1st trimester is the best time to tell your child that he will have a brother or sister. By this time, the abdomen is visible and the risk of miscarriage is reduced. It is also important to consider the age of the older child.

    How to say

    Choose the right moment: in the morning when you wake up, when you caress the child; for lunch or while walking. The presence of dad at this moment is desirable so that the child understands that this event concerns all family members: him, mom, dad and the unborn child.

    Find simple words: "dad and mom decided to have a baby that grows in mom's belly, he will not appear soon."

    Try to put the date of birth in a way that makes it clear to him: before Christmas, after his birthday, during the summer holidays.

    Everyone has their own reaction

    What will be his reaction? Sometimes it is not at all what you imagined it to be. One thing is absolutely clear: this news will not leave him indifferent. Some children seem rather indifferent and continue to go about their business as if nothing had happened. Then you need to leave this conversation and return to it at another time. Others will take the news with joy, imagining how they will play together. Explain that the baby will not be born soon, and he will not be able to play with him right away, since he will be still small. There are children who take this news as a disaster: they think that you will no longer love them as much as before.

    Possible periods of regression

    The older baby will quickly understand that the baby growing in the mother's stomach is taking all her attention. Then there may be regression in his behavior. Its manifestation depends on age. At 2-3 years old, the child can again "go to bed" at night and talk like a baby. At the age of 7-8, he can begin to suck his thumb. All this is done in order to attract attention to yourself. Even if this behavior takes place, it still indicates that the child is growing up: a few steps back, then to make a big leap forward!

    What can you do to support him?

    First of all, he needs to be reassured

    Whatever the child's first reaction to this news, calm him down. Tell that the heart of mom and dad is designed so that it can simultaneously and equally love not only the first, but also the second and third child. He will say to himself: “So, in order for my parents to love me, I had to stay small. I was not enough for them. " Tell him that this is not at all the case. On the contrary, you want another child, because you can see how that can be by looking at him! If he starts to act like a little guy, don't grumble or punish him. Better tell us what he was like when he was born. Show him photos and videos showing how you were waiting for his birth. Take this moment to tell him that the baby will take a lot of time, attention and care, but this does not mean that the parents will not have time for him.

    Inevitable jealousy

    On the part of an older child, an aggressive, if not cruel, reaction is also possible. He can say: "I do not want him, when he is born, I will throw him out!" or "I don't want him to live in my house!" He may even try to punch you in the stomach, thereby showing his jealousy and confusion in front of a situation that he is not able to understand. You don't have to feel guilty about telling yourself, "We had to wait for him to grow up." It is all the more useless to tell him that he is evil. Let him stay with his emotions for the moment. Tell him, “If you don’t want to love him now, that’s your right. We'll talk about it when he's born. "

    Get involved in the preparation process

    Do you expect questions to be poured into you, but there are none at all? It's okay: talk to him about the baby from time to time, tell him something, but don't focus too much on it. And when the time comes for the real preparations, give him the opportunity to participate in this process. Are you renovating the nursery? Let him choose the color of the wallpaper. Looking to buy clothes for your baby? Offer him several options to choose from. And let him choose a few rattles for the "younger".

    Go to a meeting with a baby

    The older child can be shown the pictures taken during the ultrasound. He will get the impression that he, too, is participating in the process of first meeting his future brother or sister. Let him feel his movements. Build a pyramid of cubes on your stomach, it will crumble with jolts. If your senior is not more than 5 years old - success is guaranteed! But sometimes it is difficult for a child to realize that there is a living being in the mother's stomach. Find a book that describes in simple terms what's going on in your belly and let it read.

    Where will the oldest child be?

    It is important to think in advance with whom the older child will stay when you are in the hospital. Entrust him to someone he feels comfortable with. Tell him that he will visit you at the hospital and you will show him the baby. Maybe you will even consider a gift from him. If you need a large bed, buy it in advance.

    From the perspective of a child

    I feel the presence of someone else from the outside world.

    It has a different rhythm and changes all the time. I feel some kind of hot lump, lively and agile, sometimes sharp, sometimes tender, which often talks to me through my mother's belly. Sometimes he screams hard and presses on his stomach to say hello to me. Then my mom has a hard time. But I like this voice when it becomes calmer.

    Answers to frequently asked questions in the seventh month of pregnancy

    I have heard that some women in the last three months of pregnancy feel great. I'm tired all the time.

    Increasing fatigue

    Not many women tolerate pregnancy perfectly. Fatigue manifests itself especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. Indeed, some women experience less fatigue by the last trimester, but this cannot be said for most expectant mothers.

    It is quite clear that by the last period of pregnancy, women already have less energy. First, your belly has become much larger. Secondly, you cannot properly rest, because your sleep has become worse and you are constantly thinking about having a baby. And thirdly, if you already have children, if you continue to work, or both, then there are enough reasons for fatigue.

    Fatigue is a common part of pregnancy, but that doesn't mean giving up. As always, it is a signal that the body needs care. Have a siesta, rest whenever possible, and put aside non-essential matters. You will need a lot of strength for the most important, most important day.

    My legs are swollen, especially in hot weather and towards the end of the day. Is this a bad sign?

    Swelling of the ankles and feet

    Swollen ankles and feet that do not fit into shoes are a problem for all women in the last stage of pregnancy, especially in summer. But this is a completely common thing. You will have to put your heeled boats in the closet. Mild edema is a normal consequence of poor circulation. As a rule, the legs swell more in the evening, in hot weather, as well as after long sitting or standing. Such edema disappears at night and after a good rest in a supine position.

    To avoid swelling, try not to stand for a long time, raise your legs when sitting, do not forget about naps (on your left side), wear comfortable shoes, do not wear tight knee-highs and socks.

    You can wear stretch stockings or tights that are made especially for pregnant women (expanding towards the stomach). Check with your pharmacist. They should be worn in the morning in bed, before you get up.

    You don't need to give up salt, but you can't abuse it either.

    If you have swelling in your hands and / or face, or if the swelling causes significant weight gain in just a few days, tell your doctor. Maybe everything is going fine, but sometimes it is a sign of preeclampsia (arterial hypertension with the presence of protein in the urine).

    Is there anything you can do to prevent the baby from being born prematurely?

    Avoid premature birth

    Diagnostics allows you to identify the risk of having a premature baby, but there are cases when a baby is born before the time is unknown why. Your baby will most likely be born at the scheduled time. However, it is necessary to become familiar with the factors affecting preterm birth. These are mainly long trips in a car while on vacation, daily driving to work, too intense professional activity, recent pregnancy, the presence of small children, multiple pregnancies.

    In all cases, be attentive to your condition and rest when you feel tired. Only you can protect your child.

    Avoid infections. It is impossible to predict all infections, but you can reduce your risk. If you have a kidney infection, drink as much as possible and go to the bathroom at the first urge.
    pregnancy, when the uterus exerts very strong pressure on the pelvic area.

    Tell your doctor about this, he will advise on how to relieve pain (do not stand for a long time, wear special compression panties, take venotonic drugs, etc.). Do not worry, after childbirth, the troubles will gradually pass.

    After orgasm, the child often stops pushing, freezing for about half an hour. Maybe stop making love?

    Make love or not?

    Fetal responses to parental sex are varied. Some, like yours, are numbed by the rhythmic movements of their parents during sex. Others, on the contrary, make them more restless. Both cases are normal and give no reason to think that the child is suffering or is aware of what is happening.

    You can have sex and orgasm right up to childbirth, unless your doctor tells you to. Exercise while you can!

    It seems to me that my vulva is very swollen, it is quite painful. I do not know what's going on.

    Vulvar vein enlargement

    These are the same veins as in the legs or rectum. The enlargement of the veins of the vulva causes additional trouble for pregnant women. It is most often found in the last three months.

    Today I stumbled in the street and fell on my stomach on the sidewalk. Will my fall harm the baby?

    Fall consequences

    Falling can cause injury or abrasion, but the child is unlikely to be hurt. The child is really protected by the most complex shock-resistant system in the world: amniotic (amniotic) fluid, strong walls, an elastic muscular uterus and an abdominal cavity, which is also not devoid of muscles. To injure a child, the blow must be very strong - urgent hospitalization would be required.

    But even if you have more fear than pain, we advise you to see your doctor. The doctor will check the baby's heart rate and do an ultrasound of the placenta. You will feel more confident. You can also ask for additional control after a while.

    Rarely, when a fall harms pregnant women, premature placental abruption is more common. In case of bleeding, abdominal pain or cramping, if you do not feel that the baby is moving, go to the doctor immediately.

    The seventh month of pregnancy brings the expectant mother a lot of trouble - before going on maternity leave, you need to do a lot, including issuing documents for maternity leave. But the month ends with the first week on vacation, the woman gets the opportunity to rest, she does not need to get up early and run to work or school, especially since it is no longer possible to run - it becomes quite difficult to carry a child whose size already resembles the average cabbage forks.

    General information about the term

    The seventh month opens the final, third trimester of pregnancy for the expectant mother. Now she is entering the home stretch and many are beginning to count the time until birth. The month includes 4.5 calendar or 4 obstetric weeks. If you measure the period as doctors do - in obstetric weeks and months, then 7 months will correspond to 26, 27, 28 and 29 weeks. If you count in such months, then in pregnancy it turns out exactly 10 months, in each of which there are 4 weeks.

    In the calendar weeks that are more usual for a woman, pregnancy lasts 9 months. And the seventh is 27, 28, 29, 30 weeks and several days from 31 weeks.

    The seventh month has long been popularly called "nesting time". Right now, a woman gets more free time in connection with going on maternity leave, many at this stage begin to buy cute children's things, equip the house, nursery, cleanliness and order.

    Indicate the first day of your last period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019

    Baby development

    The baby in the womb is growing rapidly and gaining weight, now it is vital, because subcutaneous fat will help the baby to maintain body heat after birth, not to overcool. Mom, on the other hand, will rejoice at cute roundness - cheeks, chubby ass, hands... In the meantime, the child looks still thin, but already very similar to a newborn.

    The lungs are actively maturing - a substance accumulates in the alveoli that will allow the baby to breathe on its own after birth - a surfactant. So far, it is not enough for spontaneous breathing, but if childbirth occurs during this month, then the baby has every chance to survive and be healthy. The processes that take place in the development of the fetus at this time are very interesting, and it is worth considering them more closely.

    27 week

    The time when the child enjoyed free swimming in the amniotic fluid and coups is over. With the onset of the first week of the third trimester the baby grows heavier to almost a kilogram with an increase of 37 centimeters (on average)... There are already larger children, there are those whose weight has not yet reached 900 grams, but all of them, without exception, are getting cramped in the mother's womb. To save space. the child takes a flexion position, which is often called the fetal position - the arms are brought to the chest or crossed on it, the chin is bent down, the back is in an "arc", the legs are bent at the knee joints. In this position, the baby will have to spend all the time remaining before birth.

    From this time on, it becomes quite difficult to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound... The posture in which the baby stays makes the visualization of the external genital organs difficult and the accuracy of determining the sex of the child is noticeably reduced.

    At the current time, the child's visual function is improving. This is due to the end of the formation of nerve connections in the optic nerve. Now the fetus can not only distinguish between light and dark, as it did before, but also see color blurred spots. He has already learned to open his eyes. Focusing of vision will begin to appear only in the first months after the baby is born.

    If childbirth takes place right now, the forecasts are quite favorable - up to 75% of children successfully survive, however, the baby cannot do without resuscitation medical care.

    28 week

    Everything is happening in a child's body as in an adult's body, only the lungs are not working yet. And yet every day the baby's internal organs improve in their functional duties: the heart beats rhythmically and supplies blood to the entire child's body, the kidneys produce up to half a liter of urine per day, the bladder is regularly emptied, the pancreas produces insulin, the bone marrow produces blood cells, reproductive glands are sex hormones, and all this is wisely directed by the brain, which has already acquired grooves and convolutions.

    It is believed that the baby enters the perinatal period of its development, preceding childbirth. His height reaches 38 centimeters, weight varies from 1100 to one and a half kilograms. It is difficult to say how much the fetus should weigh - now everything is purely individual (there are large and large children, there are small, miniature ones). There has been a tendency for gender differences in weight - boys are becoming slightly heavier than girls.

    Eyelashes grow and cheeks are rounded. No chubby priests yet, but it's a matter of time. The color of the iris of the eyes changes from blue to the one provided by the baby's genome. One tenth of the thin, colorless lanugo hair covering the child's body has already fallen out, the rest are striving to do the same. The physiological need for lanugo and cheese-like lubricant is now almost absent - the skin has become more durable, four-layer. Lubrication is retained only in the folds under the knees, in the groin, in the elbow folds and in the cervical fold. If twins or triplets grow in the mother's womb, then right now the expectant mother goes on maternity leave due to her by law.

    If childbirth occurs now, 90% of children survive without significant health consequences.

    Week 29

    The child keeps getting heavy - now he can already weigh from one and a half kilograms with an increase of 39 centimeters... Subcutaneous fat now makes up about 5% of its total mass, and this is an impressive result for a crumb. His chances of survival in case of premature birth rose to 96-97%. The consequences of childbirth at this time, of course, can be very different, but for most children everything goes well.

    At this time, a very significant event takes place - the differentiation of the parts of the cerebral cortex is completed, and now the baby is more consciously interacting with the world around him. He can catch the umbilical cord, suck his finger, knows about 70 more of the most different reflex skills that will help him survive immediately after birth.

    30 week

    At this time, all pregnant women with one fetus go on maternity leave. A wonderful period begins when a woman can enjoy her position, engage in her favorite hobby, and prepare for the birth of a baby. Anxiety in the current period is the incorrect position of the baby in the uterus. The one that was established by the 30th week is usually already final, and if now the baby is sitting on the priest or lying across, then after a month and a half the doctor will raise the question of prescribing a cesarean section for a woman so as not to expose the child's life and health to an unreasonable risk of birth trauma.

    It becomes closer and closer inside the uterus. The movements are still active, but all children are already in the flexion position. The growth of an average baby at 30 weeks is about 40-41 centimeters, a child weighs from 1600 grams.

    31 weeks

    The beginning of this week ends with the seventh month. By this time the baby came with a height of 42 centimeters, he grew heavier up to 1800 grams, there are already children who weigh under 2 kilograms.

    There are no more multiple folds on the skin, almost all the hairs have fallen out - lanugo, the remnants will fall out in the last weeks of pregnancy, and if they do not fall out, then the child will get rid of lanugo after birth on its own, without the help of parents and medical workers.

    If before the stomach, cheeks, butt were getting better, then arms and legs are now beginning to recover... The ears, represented by a relatively soft cartilaginous tissue, by this time harden somewhat and cease to bristle to the sides, adjoin the head. If a child is born right now, neonatologists will assess the degree of prematurity by the degree of softness of the auricles. Those born at this time usually survive well without significant consequences for the body., but medical assistance from resuscitators will be required without fail, since the baby will still be considered premature, its lungs are not mature enough.

    Babies 7 months pregnant are very emotional... Observant mothers already know what the baby likes and what not, when he is active, and when he sleeps, what sounds scare him.

    The activity will soon decline, because there is not enough space in the womb, but while parents can enjoy unforgettable moments: the baby can pound his fist in the stomach in response to the palm laid by his father, he can react to the gentle voice of his mother.

    Well-being of the expectant mother

    At the very beginning of the seventh month, a woman will not feel any dramatic changes in her well-being beyond what was last month, but by the second half of this period, everything will begin to change, and you need to be prepared for this.

    Women often complain of increased sweating... Indeed, in the seventh month, sweating increases, especially if a woman is mobile, walks a lot, works, and it is summer outside. She may start to throw it into the heat, then into the cold - the expectant mother remembers these feelings in the first trimester, at the earliest stages of pregnancy. But then this was due to the action of the hormone progesterone, but now the reason is in a sharp increase in the amount of blood circulating in the female body and an increase in metabolism.

    Right now, the fluid can begin to linger in the tissues, and then the gynecologist will be sure to report on examination that the woman has edema and will offer her supportive treatment in a hospital or day hospital. Edema is not difficult to recognize - in the morning, the face looks like a mask of the Chinese emperor of the Ming dynasty, and a clear mark on the skin remains from the ring or bracelet on the hand. Shoes can feel tight if your feet are swollen.

    Edema cannot be considered the norm, and you should not even try to reassure yourself that "everyone has them." Edema is a sign of gestosis. This is the name of late toxicosis. It is more dangerous than the early one because the edema can still be internal. Gestosis can lead to complications during childbirth and even cause the death of a woman and a fetus.


    Due to the increased amount of blood in the body, vaginal discharge increases. This is normal, but only if the woman does not have lower abdominal pain, and there is no bloody or brown discharge. Healthy discharge - white or clear, odorless or with a slight kefir smell, no itching.

    If pink, beige, heterogeneous discharge with clots, blood discharge of any intensity appear, you need to call an ambulance - it is possible that a woman is threatened with premature birth.

    With timely hospitalization, pregnancy can be prolonged in all cases, except for the presence of an ongoing labor process with contractions and outpouring of water.

    The cause of green or gray foul-smelling discharge at this time is an infection... White discharge with itching and dryness - thrush. If something like this begins, you need to visit your doctor in order to get an appointment for treatment, since before delivery the genital tract must be clean, free of infections, otherwise the issue of performing a caesarean section may be considered in order to protect the child from infection.


    The belly cannot be hidden. He is big and even in loose clothes, anyone can easily determine that a woman is in a position. The uterus has risen above the level of the navel and compresses the diaphragm. Because of this, the woman has a constant feeling that she does not have enough air, that it is difficult to breathe. Your ribs may start to hurt.

    It seems to the expectant mother that her belly is already very big, in any case, in order to button up her boots or tie her laces, she already needs outside help. At the same time, there are women who complain of too small a belly. This makes them worry about the baby's development. There is no reason to think that the baby is bad in a small belly. It's just that a small belly may be because a woman has a wide pelvis, there are extra pounds, oligohydramnios is diagnosed, the fetus is not large. Just share your experiences with the doctor - he will definitely tell you if everything is in order with the baby.

    Many women experience so-called training or false contractions this month. (the abdomen becomes tight, the uterus is toned for a few seconds, and then relaxes again). Such contractions are completely normal, as is the absence of such contractions. False contractions have no effect on the term of childbirth or on the condition of the baby. It is believed that this is how the body of women prepares for childbirth.

    The belly needs to continue to be moisturized and nourished with a fat baby cream or special remedies for stretch marks - the skin stretches too quickly. The weight gain is now 200 to 400 grams per week, and most of that weight should be attributed to your child's overweight.


    The load on the spine increases. The center of gravity has changed. That is why the back hurts more and more often, especially if you stand or sit for a long time. In some women, the pubic bone begins to hurt. Be sure to inform your doctor about this. The divergence of the pelvic bones before childbirth is a natural mechanism for facilitating the labor process, but excessive divergence can lead to symphysitis.

    The rest of the sensations are quite individual: the breast grows, colostrum can be excreted. Some again begin to suffer from insomnia, but now not because of progesterone, but because they have to sleep only on their side, and rolling from side to side can be problematic. Many are tormented by episodic heartburn and diarrhea (the uterus presses on the intestines and stomach).

    Particular attention should be paid to your psychological and emotional state - with the development of depression, the likelihood of severe postpartum depression now significantly increases, and therefore it is better to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist for help right now, if there has been no mood for more than two weeks, if something that was interesting earlier, Has ceased to attract if you do not want anything or there is a strong fear of childbirth.

    What is allowed and what is prohibited?

    In the seventh month, it is important for a woman to pay special attention to the prevention of premature birth.


    • be nervous, be under prolonged stress;
    • lift weights and harass yourself with workouts in the gym;
    • experience strong vibrations;
    • jumping;
    • alcohol (even champagne, even in small quantities).

    Now about what is allowed, but with restrictions.

    • Sex is not prohibited if the woman has no pathologies of the current pregnancy, if the doctor does not object to the active intimate life of his patient. Sex life will require an attentive and tactful attitude on the part of the partner - the postures should be delicate, you cannot put pressure on your stomach. Orgasm helps to improve the emotional state of a woman, and also prepares the muscles of the uterus for childbirth. But everything should be in moderation. There are cases when orgasm led to premature birth.
    • Treatment... A woman can have her teeth treated, if necessary. Any treatment should be agreed with an obstetrician-gynecologist, since at this time, colds, tonsillitis, flu, chickenpox and herpes are no longer so dangerous for the baby as unauthorized treatment with medicines and folk remedies.
    • Travels... A flight at 7 months is allowed, but only if women do not have pathologies of pregnancy, hypertension. It is not recommended to fly to exotic countries, as acclimatization may require too much strength from the female body. From this time on, some airlines ask to show a certificate, certified by a doctor's seal, stating that the doctor does not object to the flight and does not consider it dangerous, before admitting a passenger "in position" on the plane. When purchasing a ticket, check with the representative of the carrier company.
    • You can dye your hair and extend your nails, but only with the use of the safest formulations.
    • It is necessary to call an ambulance at the 7th month of pregnancy in cases where bleeding has opened, watery discharge (water) has appeared, and regular contractions have developed (the stomach becomes dense at regular intervals, which are becoming shorter).
    • Try to avoid injuries and falls... If this happens, consult a doctor immediately to make sure that everything is fine with the child.

    You can clearly see the development of the baby in the seventh month of pregnancy in this video.

    With the onset of 7 months of pregnancy, great changes occur not only in the condition of the woman, but also in the development of the fetus. This is a difficult period. It can resist ...

    7 month of pregnancy: how many weeks, fetal development, do's and don'ts

    From Masterweb

    27.04.2018 22:00

    With the onset of 7 months of pregnancy, great changes occur not only in the condition of the woman, but also in the development of the fetus. This is a difficult period. It can be accompanied by ailments associated with both changes in the body and complications of the course of pregnancy. At 7 months, expectant mothers have a lot of questions. We will try to answer many of them in this article.

    7 months of pregnancy is how many weeks?

    During pregnancy, a woman's head is clogged with various serious issues related to the health of her and her baby, future childbirth, possible problems and consequences. In general, thinking is not directed towards mathematical calculations. But every pregnant woman wants to know exactly how many weeks it is - 7 months of pregnancy? Why exactly 7? It's simple, because it is during this period that the employer must let the expectant mother go on maternity leave!

    The weeks are counted according to the obstetric calendar, and the first day of the last menstruation is considered to be the beginning. As a rule, this is why the obstetric period often differs from the calculation of the pregnant woman herself, and the difference is upwards of at least 2 weeks.

    The obstetric month is not the same as in our usual view, and does not last 4.5 weeks, but exactly 4. A full pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks, that is, 10 months. Thus, it is possible to calculate how many weeks the seventh month begins: the beginning of the seventh month is 25 weeks (that is, not 6 months, but the seventh has gone), but exactly 7 months is 28 weeks. Seven months of pregnancy lasts until the 29th week. But the exact term is 25-28 weeks.

    Fetal changes

    The fetus at the 7th month of pregnancy already reaches a kilogram in weight, and its average height is 35 centimeters. A real kid! At this time, the child begins to recognize the parental voices and the voices of those who are often around. Also, the baby already reacts to sounds, so it is extremely important to create a calm environment, from the beginning of the 7th month, a woman is recommended to listen to measured music, and best of all to classics, because it has been proven that children begin to feel more relaxed. At the seventh month, the fetus already knows how to suck a thumb!

    At 7 months of pregnancy, all organs of the unborn baby are already formed, but they continue to improve further. From the 29th week, the child is preparing with might and main for a life separate from the mother's womb. The fat content in his body is already 4%, and plugs, consisting of mucus and protecting the respiratory system from water ingress, come out of the nose.

    With the onset of the 30th week, the fetus should already assume the position of the body in which it will be during childbirth. There are times when the baby has not yet turned around by this time, but you should not worry, because he may lie down differently until the 32nd week.

    By the 31st week, the baby curls up more tightly in the abdomen, as he is actively growing, and the space becomes less and less. During this period, the facial features of the future baby become clearer and more expressive, and the pupils of his eyes are already the same as those of the "ready" baby!

    The digestive organs begin to form at the 7th week, but by the 7th month of pregnancy they are almost ready for full-fledged independent work.

    At 32 weeks, folds and wrinkles on the face of the fetus are smoothed out, the weight can be from 1800 grams to 2 kilograms, and the height is from 42 to 45 centimeters on average.

    If premature birth occurs at 7 months of pregnancy, then the baby will already be able to breathe on its own, but he will need increased care of medical personnel. The child's chances of survival at this time are significant. But still, a pregnant woman needs to take care of herself in order to allow the baby to fully develop!

    Changes in a woman

    At 7 months of pregnancy, a woman becomes more anxious, because the due date is approaching. But you need to pull yourself together, calm down, because by her behavior a woman forms the future character of the child.

    Breathing from 7 months of pregnancy becomes more difficult as the uterus rises higher. To improve your well-being, you need to move more, walk in the park. If you feel tired, you cannot fight it, you need to lie down on your back or side, and put a soft pillow between your knees. During movement, contraction of the uterus can be felt, this is not scary. But if at 7 months of pregnancy the stomach pulls strongly, this sensation gives discomfort and even pain, then you need to urgently seek advice from the obstetrician leading the pregnancy.

    From the seventh month, a woman may be disturbed by false contractions, but this is even good, since nature in this way checks the readiness of the body for childbirth. Contractions should be irregular, painless, and not interfering with your daily activities, otherwise see your doctor immediately.

    Itching felt on the skin of the abdomen signals the need to soften the epidermis, purchase a remedy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Unpleasant sensations on the skin indicate that it is stretched to the limit, but it is worth remembering that the active growth of the tummy is in full swing, so take care of your comfort and beauty.

    Breasts at 7 months of pregnancy begin to prepare for the main mission in a woman's life - feeding a new person! Liquid may begin to be released from it - this is colostrum, the most useful product that mommy will feed the child in the first 2-3 days of life. The chest increases in size, becomes heavy, and discomfort may be present. Get a special supportive bra, specialized underwear for pregnant women has pads that will absorb the secreted colostrum, this is very convenient when you need to visit a public place and not feel discomfort.

    Other unpleasant moments during the active growth of the abdomen are possible constipation, heartburn, increased gas formation, pain in the hypochondrium, nausea. All these symptoms are caused by the enlarging uterus pressing on the organs. To reduce symptoms, to prevent their occurrence, you need to reduce blood pressure by eating small portions. At this time, it is advisable to consume more liquids and soups.

    In weight, a woman should gain an average of a pound every week, if there are strong discrepancies up or down, then you should talk to your doctor about the diet and diet. Pain in the lumbar region, back and legs can develop as bones and muscles are put under pressure from the increasing weight. Cramps in the calf muscles, dilation of the legs (edema) and hemorrhoidal veins are possible. A prenatal bandage and exercise therapy can help with these symptoms.

    When walking fast, shortness of breath occurs, this is again associated with the weight and pressure of the uterus on the organs. For this reason, pregnant women seem to be slow, thoughtful, their gait is peculiar, a little awkward. Movements become cautious and clumsy.

    Important points to be aware of

    1. In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman usually weighs 8-15 kilograms more than she was before pregnancy. Many are afraid that they are very fat, after giving birth they will not be able to lose those extra pounds. 90% of women manage to return to their previous figure, the secret is activity, physical exercise, rational nutrition. We do not say "proper nutrition", as many people mean a diet consisting of steamed vegetables. The food should be rational, it should contain meat, fish, vegetables, and cereals, but all in reasonable quantities! There is no need to stuff yourself with double portions, worrying about the fat content and the amount of breast milk, the child will not remain hungry, nature provides for the formation of milk in the right amount.
    2. Heartburn worsens, this may be due to a weakening of the esophagus due to pressure on the uterine organs. In this case, taking soda is not recommended if edema forms, this substance can intensify them. Take special pills, and which ones? Only a doctor will tell you!
    3. Vaginal discharge becomes more intense in the seventh month. If they are light yellow or white, it is normal. Cheesy discharge and itching indicate the development of thrush. Bloody or brownish - this is bad, as they signal the threat of premature birth or placental abruption.
    4. And again about nutrition: you need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, take multivitamin preparations prescribed by your doctor. All this will benefit not only the future baby, but also the mother. With a lack of vitamins, hair begins to fade and fall out, nails exfoliate, skin and teeth deteriorate.
    5. It is highly undesirable to dye your hair, because harmful components can enter the bloodstream through the skin.

    Belly size

    This parameter depends on the woman's physique, structural features of the internal organs, and it is unique for each pregnant woman. Some walk with a huge belly, and it seems that the time has come to give birth, or a woman is bearing more than one fetus. Others have a small tummy and invisible under loose clothing, and many do not even realize that a woman is going to become a mother!

    A small belly at 7 months of pregnancy may indicate infertility, a lack of amniotic fluid, a delay in the physical development of the baby, an incorrectly set period. To diagnose possible "problems", it is recommended to consult a doctor. You may have to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound scan.

    At the 7th month of pregnancy, the small size of the abdomen may not indicate any problems at all, so you should not panic ahead of time. The physique of each woman is individual. If there was a belly before pregnancy, then during pregnancy it will be large. If a woman has a flat tummy, thinness, then the belly can be very small, and the size and weight of the child will be normal.

    The doctor will notice the discrepancies, if any, and send them for a proper examination.

    Nausea at 7 months pregnant

    The eternal question: why does one feel sick during pregnancy? In the first trimester, this is called toxicosis and does not cause concern. But doctors begin to worry if in the third trimester a woman is tormented by nausea, and this phenomenon is given a different definition - gestosis.

    Not only women after 35 years old can suffer from gestosis, but also very young mothers, and this is already a pathological course of pregnancy.

    Gestosis is accompanied by such unpleasant moments as dizziness, fainting, increased blood pressure, headaches. This happens due to a strong vasoconstriction, which leads to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood and placenta, which is fraught not only for the mother, but also for the health and development of the baby. During gestosis, a woman's vision may deteriorate markedly, and in especially severe cases, a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, which can lead to the death of a woman in labor and a baby.

    If during pregnancy there was gestosis, then the consequences of its effect on the body pass within two whole years. During this period, all blood counts will be abnormal.

    What to do with gestosis?

    Nausea at 7 months of pregnancy should not remain a secret for the attending physician, since gestosis is not just toxicosis, but a dangerous pathology.

    Self-medication is prohibited! The obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe medications that will help overcome the disease, improve the woman's well-being.

    In addition to medicines, outdoor recreation, bed rest, and herbal decoctions will be prescribed.

    Pregnancy and colds

    It is easier to prevent a cold than to cure it, this saying is true for everyone, especially for pregnant women. In order not to get sick, use the following recommendations:

    • avoid public places in the midst of a cold and flu epidemic;
    • if there is a need to go to a store, clinic, visit an antenatal clinic, wear a gauze bandage on your face;
    • when you come home from the street, gargle with herbal infusions and water with salt and soda, rinse your nose;
    • take vitamins prescribed by your doctor.

    How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

    If, nevertheless, a woman caught a cold at the 7th month of pregnancy, what to do? With a cold in the seventh month, and for all other periods, you should strictly adhere to the rules:

    1. In no case should you choose the treatment yourself, because many drugs are contraindicated in such a position as pregnancy.
    2. Call the therapist at home, rather than go to the appointment in person. The rule "infection does not stick to infection" does not work! There is a huge number of viruses that can be taken with you in the vicinity of the existing ones.
    3. See your doctor at the first symptoms of the disease in order to prevent it from developing and harm the baby.
    4. Observe bed rest throughout the illness.
    5. Use not only prescribed medications, but also folk remedies recommended by your doctor.
    6. Stable ventilation of the room will help you recover faster.
    7. Drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxic substances from your body.

    Premature birth

    Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy occurs quite often, and modern technology and the knowledge of doctors allow in most cases to save the life of the baby. The causes of premature birth can be:

    1. Fall, getting various kinds of injuries.
    2. Diseases.
    3. Carrying heavy weights.
    4. Stress, anxiety, psychologically unfavorable environment in the family or at work.
    5. Heavy working conditions, standing work more than 6 hours a day.
    6. Bad habits.
    7. Long-distance travel, overvoltage, flights in airplanes, travel on long-distance trains.
    8. Premature detachment of the placenta.
    9. Damage to the fetus.
    10. Polyhydramnios.
    11. Multiple pregnancy.
    12. Infections.
    13. Disturbances in the structure of the uterus.

    Childbirth at 7 months is an abnormal phenomenon, and they give their own complications, which concern most of the baby. The consequences of premature birth can be:

    1. The child's lungs are still underdeveloped at this time, therefore, in 60% of cases, breathing complications and even pauses in breathing occur. Usually, babies born before 8 months of pregnancy are placed under a dome with a high oxygen content in an ICU (intensive care unit).
    2. Complications of a neurological type (hyperactivity, withdrawal, learning problems), disorders in brain development.

    But all these consequences and complications are detected at an early stage and are well eliminated by intensive therapy. In 99% of cases, after a couple of months, a premature baby cannot be distinguished from peers born on time!

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    Fetus in the thirtieth week of pregnancy photo: babycenter.com

    The month from which the last third trimester begins is also called the period of "nest whirling". A woman seriously thinks not only about children's purchases, but also about home improvement in general.
    From the 30th week it's time to go on maternity leave. Therefore, if you are officially employed, it is better to notify your superiors in two weeks.

    The third trimester will bring many surprises. The seventh month will still please with relative ease, good mood, and the baby with more confident jerks.

    7 month baby weight

    During this period, the baby will gain decent weight and height. Now it is located in the entire uterine cavity, the head and trunk are becoming more proportional to each other.

    How much does a baby weigh at 7 months? By the end of the term, its weight will reach 1.5 - 1.7 kg (that is, it will double in comparison with the previous one!), And its height - 36-40 cm (on average by 5 cm).

    What's happening

    Your condition at this stage will not change dramatically.

    • Increased sweating, throwing it into the heat, then into the cold - familiar feelings. They are associated with an accelerated metabolism and increased fluid volume in the body.
    • During this period, puffiness will be most pronounced. In the evenings, the legs may feel tingling and heavy. On the hands - traces of the usual jewelry. Do not try to drink a lot after 18-19 hours and eat salty, spicy foods, which will aggravate the situation.
    • It may seem to you that the discharge has increased. This is the norm. It is worth paying attention if they suddenly become of a different consistency, a pungent odor or itching appears. And if the discharge is bulky, colorless and visibly thin, see a doctor immediately. This can leak amniotic fluid, which at this time threatens premature birth.
    • In the seventh month, the uterus enlarged so much that it began to displace the upper internal organs, tightening the diaphragm. Therefore, there is shortness of breath, pain in the hypochondrium and a frequent feeling that there is not enough air.
    • A large load at this time falls on the spine. All also because of the growing uterus, there is pain in the lower back and abdomen. Muscles and ligaments are stretched. Pinkish streaks may appear on the skin - striae (stretch marks).
    • The first milk, colostrum, is possible in the breast. You will notice it in the form of drops released during the day. To avoid discomfort, use the bra pads.
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