• Eyelash extensions - types, care and contraindications. Everything you need to know about eyelash extensions Methods of eyelash extensions forms


    Long hair, strong nails, thick eyelashes are an indispensable attribute of a healthy and beautiful girl. But nature is not always generous with its gifts. Fortunately, modern pharmaceuticals and cosmetology can work real miracles.

    Classic eyelash extensions are one of them. In this post we will talk about how this procedure occurs, what its advantages are, how to choose a specialist and who should try this method of transformation.

    One eyelash, two eyelashes...

    Mascara can embellish reality, and if you have naturally good eyelashes, then a couple of strokes of the brush are enough to create an expressive look. But all the mascara advertisements shown on TV and on the pages of magazines are either “Photoshop” or eyelash extensions. Because no even the most expensive and high-quality mascara can come close to the effect of eyelash extensions.

    Unlike artificial false eyelashes, which can be glued on for one evening, extensions are worn for 3-5 weeks, look quite organic and natural, and you can refuse cosmetics while wearing them.

    Types of eyelashes for extensions

    Modern lash makers (this is what eyelash extension specialists are called) most often use artificial synthetic fibers for their work. The thickness of eyelashes for classic extensions is 0.5 mm, length - from 7 to 15 mm. In addition, they also differ in the shape of the bend and are marked in the form of an English letter, reminiscent of a bend. The most popular is the “C” shape, and the most extravagant is the “L” shape..

    Synthetic material for extensions is most in demand. Firstly, this is determined by its low cost, and secondly, such eyelashes are hypoallergenic, unlike those made from natural material. The latter include fur eyelashes made from mink and sable, or silk.

    What is classic eyelash extensions?

    Reviews from those who often resort to eyelash extensions vary: some like modern 3D or 5D volumetric extensions, some appreciate “Hollywood volume,” and for others there is nothing better than the classics. In order not to get confused in all this diversity, let's figure out what is what.

    Firstly, any technique originates from classical extensions. Secondly, a lot of “D” in the name or other fancy words is, most often, a marketing ploy to raise the cost of the service offered.

    In any case, when applying extensions, the lash maker will work in the same way with the client’s eyelashes, namely, attaching artificial hairs to natural ones with special glue..

    Classic eyelash extension technique

    So, for a miracle to happen and your eyelashes to become longer, but not weighed down by mascara, and to look as natural as possible, you should choose classic eyelash extensions.

    The specialist cleans the eyelids of cosmetics, degreases them, and then uses a paper strip to separate the upper and lower eyelids. At this time, the client sits with his eyes closed on the couch; it is not forbidden to even take a nap. The procedure is painless and does not cause any inconvenience, except for the fact that you need to keep your eyes closed all the time.

    After this, an artificial hair is glued to each eyelash of the client using special tweezers and a separator. The procedure lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours depending on the initial thickness, and as a result, an artificial eyelash will be attached to each of the client’s own eyelashes. That is why this technique is called “classic eyelash extension”. This work is quite painstaking work.

    A bad technician may accidentally glue your eyelashes together or choose the wrong length of artificial material. It is important to turn to trusted lash makers so that the result is worth the money and makes you happy and not sad in the end.

    What length of eyelashes should I choose?

    The master works with several types of eyelashes along the length. He will identify shorter hairs (7-8 millimeters) in the inner corners of the eye, gradually increasing the length, moving to the outer ones.

    If you “stick” long eyelashes into the inner corners, they will look unnatural, quickly sag and break off. The maximum length of eyelashes is also determined by the master. If you have naturally short hair, then you shouldn’t go to extremes and ask for longer hair. The resulting result will look comical and, again, long eyelashes will quickly break off during wear.

    A few words about the color of the material

    The most common color for eyelash extensions is black. But if you are a bright blonde or have red hair, then the lash maker will advise you to choose brown hairs. You will not lose in brightness, but you will look organic.

    There is also a coloring technique. If you want a little originality, you can ask the specialist to alternate black eyelashes with colored ones, for example, green or blue. To maintain the natural effect, the combination of natural eyelashes and colored eyelashes should be 4 to 1.

    The second option in terms of playing with color is if the outer corners of the eyelashes are one color, and the inner corners are another. This type of extension is called “zoning”.

    What is the difference between classic eyelash extensions and 2D eyelash extensions?

    When the master attaches one artificial hair to each of your eyelashes, this is a classic extension procedure. If you want more volume, you can ask to attach 2 eyelashes (2D technique), 3 (3D) and so on. The more hairs, the thicker the eyelash extensions look. But thicker doesn't mean better.

    What to choose - classic or volume?

    What is good about classic eyelash extensions is, first of all, its naturalness. Just like with makeup, you lengthen each lash, but it doesn't stick together with the others.

    Volumetric extensions make the look heavier, visually making the eyes smaller, and create a doll-like effect. In addition, while your gentleman may not recognize classic eyelash extensions, volumetric eyelash extensions are immediately noticeable, as they make your appearance unnatural. Another downside to too much volume is that when you remove your lashes, your eyes will appear to go bald.

    How long do eyelash extensions last?

    Eyelash extensions are worn for an average of 3 weeks (if the skin of the eyelids is prone to oiliness), and more - if you wear them carefully, do not sleep with your face buried in a pillow, and do not visit baths and saunas.

    Eyelashes are removed using a special cream or paste, which is available in any beauty salon or professional cosmetics store. Don’t even think about pulling out your extensions - along with the artificial ones, you’ll also be pulling out your own eyelashes!

    Correction of eyelash extensions

    You don’t have to remove it, but prolong the effect by turning to correction techniques. This procedure usually costs half as much as a new extension and is faster.

    During correction, the master glues new eyelashes to your own, from which the artificial ones have fallen off. If you tinted your eyelash extensions with mascara, the correction will not work - you will have to remove all the material and do the procedure again.

    Are eyelash extensions harmful to your own eyelashes?

    Extensions are weighting your eyelashes with the weight of artificial ones. However, they will not suffer much if the length has been chosen correctly. But if the master wants to make eyelashes long when the original ones are short and thin, then their own hairs will break off.

    This once again suggests that you need to choose a specialist carefully. To heal damaged eyelashes after removing artificial eyelashes, rub burdock or almond oil into your eyelids for a month before going to bed. If you feel that the extensions do not harm your eyelashes in any way, then you can do the correction up to 5-6 times, after which be sure to take a month of rest.

    Do I need eyelash extensions? Reviews

    Is this procedure exactly what you need? Weigh the pros and cons. According to reviews, you can avoid wearing eye makeup for a month or even more, look luxurious at any time of the day or night, and your languid look will win the heart of any gentleman.

    On the other hand, girls write that there are inconveniences from extensions. It is not advisable to visit the sauna; you need to wash off makeup from your eyes very carefully and only with micellar water; eyelashes that are too long are not compatible with glasses.

    And besides, every fourth girl complains that her own eyelashes were damaged as a result of extensions.

    By combining the length, thickness and curvature of artificial hairs, the extension specialist can influence the effect obtained as a result of this procedure.

    Unfortunately, not all women are blessed by nature with thick and long eyelashes. To correct this annoying misunderstanding, many representatives of the fair sex resort to eyelash extensions - one of the fastest ways to add volume and length to eyelashes.

    Effects of eyelash extensions

    By combining the length, thickness and curvature of artificial hairs, the extension specialist can influence the effect obtained as a result of this procedure. Thus, an experienced specialist can create a personal effect for each client, depending on the anatomy of her eyes, eyelash growth and facial geometry.

    In this article we will consider only the main and most popular effects of eyelash extensions in order to understand their essence and purpose, as well as to help potential clients of beauty salons navigate the direction of extension when choosing an effect.

    Natural effect

    The natural effect of eyelash extensions is created by gluing artificial hairs from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. The extension scheme most often includes artificial eyelashes of two or three sizes to most accurately replicate the natural growth characteristics of natural eyelashes. The most popular hair size for this procedure is from 6 to 10 mm.

    Due to its naturalness, the natural effect is one of the most common procedures in beauty salons. The resulting result does not change the shape of the eyes, but only emphasizes the expressiveness of the look and creates the most natural makeup, which allows its owners to forget about the daily procedure of applying eyelashes.

    The procedure is perfect for girls with harmonious facial features, whose eye shape does not require correction.

    Fox effect

    The fox effect of eyelash extensions is especially popular among the fair sex, as in addition to adding expressiveness and depth, it makes the owner of the effect’s look intriguing and mysterious.

    The “chanterelle” extension scheme consists of a certain combination of artificial hairs of three or four different sizes. The peculiarity of the result is achieved by gluing eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye with a sharp transition from small hairs to long ones. For internal corners, materials with a length of 6 to 8 mm are most often used, for external corners - from 14 to 15 mm. As a result, attention shifts to the outer corners of the eyes, which visually stretches them.

    The “fox” look is perfect for girls with round, protruding eyes. The result will look no worse on those with close-spaced eyes.

    Puppet effect

    The doll-like effect of eyelash extensions cannot be considered one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. It is more of a decorative effect, the main purpose of which is to attract attention and create a playful, seductive look.

    The extension scheme has an important feature, which is the use of eyelashes of almost the same length along the entire eyelid line. When doing extensions, the specialist tries to use the longest possible size of artificial hairs, which is selected individually. Most often, cilia with a length of 12 to 15 mm are used.

    The doll-like look is perfect for those with elongated eyes who want to charm others and attract attention anywhere, be it a vacation, a celebration or a bright party.

    Squirrel effect

    The squirrel effect of eyelash extensions is no less popular than the fox effect and has much in common with it, with the exception of some important details. The main feature of the effect extension scheme is the ability to combine different hair lengths. The squirrel-like result is achieved by gluing eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye with a smooth transition from small hairs to longer ones. In this case, the shortest eyelashes are located closer to the inner corner of the eye with a gradual increase towards the middle. Having crossed the middle, the hairs decrease down to the outer corner of the eye. As a result, short hairs will be on the inner corners, and long hairs will be on the outer corners.

    The squirrel look is perfect for those with protruding, almond-shaped, and round eyes. In case of wide eye placement, it is recommended to give preference to a different approach.

    Sparse effect (aka “rays”)

    The main purpose of the “rays” is to create a volumetric effect of lush eyelashes without weighing them down. With this approach, the result will be natural and neat.

    The scheme for eyelash extensions with a sparse effect consists of gluing artificial hairs not on each natural eyelash, but at a certain interval. For this method, eyelashes of different lengths are selected and glued alternatingly.

    The resulting result will delight owners of naturally thick eyelashes, making their eyes expressive and attractive, while maintaining natural volume.

    For girls whose eyelashes need additional volume, it is better to choose a different extension effect.

    Multicolor effect (colored eyelashes)

    This method of extension serves to create a bright, attention-grabbing, effective and confident image. This is not to say that the method will be an excellent option for everyday wear; its main purpose is to create unforgettable images for bright parties and stylish photo shoots.

    The color eyelash extension scheme involves the use of hairs of two or more shades that complement each other. Adding color can be done both along the entire eyelash line, and, for example, only in the corners. There is a whole palette of colors that can be applied to eyelashes. An extension specialist will help you choose the optimal color individually and for a specific event.

    The effect is perfect for girls who love experiments and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

    Cat effect

    The cat effect of eyelash extensions got its name due to the fact that as a result of the procedure, the look acquires feline expressiveness and charm.

    The scheme for creating a cat effect involves gluing artificial eyelashes to the natural bristles of the upper eyelid along the entire length. The master uses medium-length artificial hairs for extensions from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid, and gradually increases their size from the middle to the outer eyelid. As a result of this procedure, the corners of the eyes are visually raised, and the gaze receives the desired visual effect.

    The cat look is perfect for those with large round eyes, making them longer, more expressive and playful.

    Kim Kardashian effect

    In 2016, popular star Kim Kardashian appears on screen with provocative eyelashes. This moment can be considered the beginning of the formation of a new popular extension effect. This method can be briefly described as a sparse effect of sticky eyelashes.

    The essence of the method is to combine different lengths, volumes and curls, alternating intervals and maintaining the rows of natural eyelashes in the complete absence of smooth transitions. The result is individually grown eyelashes.

    How does the extension procedure work?

    The extension procedure usually consists of the following steps:

    1. The leshmaker cleanses the eyes of cosmetics and wipes them with a special degreasing solution;
    2. To obtain the previously specified effect, the required length and material of artificial hairs are selected;
    3. To avoid hairs sticking together, the master separates the upper and lower eyelashes with special pads;
    4. The base of the eyelash is immersed in glue and glued to the natural hair in accordance with the extension pattern. Before gluing the next hair, the adhesive on the previous eyelash should be slightly fixed.
    5. Upon completion of the work, you must wait until the glue has completely dried.

    Depending on the type of extension and the desired effect, the procedure takes from 1.5 to 3 hours.

    Svetlana Markova

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


    Nowadays, the beauty industry offers many cosmetic procedures that make it much easier for women to take care of themselves. Classic eyelash extensions made from natural and artificial materials are very popular, which can significantly transform your appearance. If the procedure is performed correctly, the result will be simply amazing. Find out about all its features, varieties and secrets.

    What are classic eyelash extensions?

    Thanks to such additional hairs, the look becomes very expressive even without makeup, but remains natural. The procedure is performed in the salon. The master attaches artificial eyelashes to the client’s natural eyelashes using a special hypoallergenic glue. They can be made from silk, valuable animal fur, or synthetic fibers. One artificial eyelash is attached to each eyelash. Benefits of the procedure:

    1. Noticeable aesthetic natural effect. Eyelashes become much thicker and longer. They beautifully frame the eyes and highlight them, changing the look. The contours of the eyelid are well defined.
    2. You don't need to use mascara every day. If you tint your eyebrows, you don't have to wear makeup at all.
    3. Eyelash extensions help to correct the shape of the eyes, if necessary.
    4. There are very few contraindications to the procedure.
    5. Your own hairs are not weighed down.
    6. The procedure is completed quickly.
    7. Artificial hairs last a long time.

    Like any cosmetic procedure, classic eyelash extensions are also not without a fly in the ointment. It has a number of disadvantages, albeit minor ones:

    1. It is not recommended to touch your eyes unnecessarily.
    2. Eyelash growth may slow down.
    3. You need to wash your face very carefully.
    4. Do not use waterproof mascara.
    5. You need to control yourself while sleeping so as not to accidentally rest your face on the pillow.

    What is the difference between classic eyelash extensions and 2 d eyelash extensions?

    There are many options for the procedure, so it is very easy for women, especially those planning to perform it for the first time, to get confused. Classic eyelash extensions differ from 2 d eyelash extensions in that in the first case one artificial one is glued to each natural hair. In the second - two, that's all the difference. The thickness of eyelashes for volumetric extensions is less than for single ones. They are applied in the shape of a fan. At the same time, the gaze becomes more open and open.

    Types of eyelash extensions with photos

    There are several methods for performing the procedure. By choosing one or another of them, you will be able to achieve different effects. Some techniques are more suitable for everyday wear, while others are preferable to use if you have a holiday photo shoot or an evening out. There are the following types of eyelash extensions:

    • European;
    • fox effect;
    • squirrel tail;
    • underpressure;
    • doll look;
    • multicolor effect.

    European type of procedure

    Artificial hairs are used that are the same length and thickness as your own hairs. They are attached along the entire line of the eyelid. This results in a classic volume of eyelashes. The eyes look expressive, their natural beauty is emphasized. It will be difficult for others to guess that the extension has been completed. Outwardly, it will look more like your eyes are simply painted with a good lengthening and volumizing mascara.

    Fox effect

    Short fibers are glued to the inner corners of the eyes, then medium ones, and the longest ones on the outside. The look becomes deep and at the same time playful, with a slight slyness. The eyes turn out to be a little slanted because the cut on the outside is larger. The eyelid does not look weighted. Eyelashes of different lengths with a fox effect are suitable for girls whose outer corners of the eyes are slightly drooping, for gentle correction of the shape and modeling of the look.

    Squirrel tail

    Eyelashes of moderate length are glued along the entire growth line. Very long ones are attached 5 mm before the outer edge, creating a kind of “bun”. Externally, eyelashes with classic volume are very reminiscent of the tassels that squirrels have on their ears. It looks original, gives the look playfulness and flirtatiousness. Eyelashes with the classic “squirrel tail” effect are very good for correcting eyes of a certain shape.


    The hairs are glued at certain intervals. Their length gradually increases towards the outer corner. Eyelashes with a sparse effect look excellent and very natural, as if they were just painted over with a little mascara. The look is wide open, open. An ideal option for every day, in which you can do without eye makeup at all.

    Doll look

    An artificial eyelash of maximum length is glued to each natural eyelash. They are all the same. Doll extensions are not very suitable for everyday wear. It is better to do it before parties, holidays, performances, it will look very impressive and original. Fluffy doll eyelashes can be too heavy, especially if the girl has thick hairs.

    Multicolor effect

    In most cases, black hairs are used. However, there are others. To create a multicolor effect on the eyes, the artist glues eyelashes of two, three or even more different colors. They can be defiantly bright or muted. You can even create a graduated transition between several shades on your eyes. This is far from an everyday classic option, only for special occasions.

    How to beautifully extend eyelashes

    With the correct classic eye extension technique, your eyes will become much more expressive, even if you do not use decorative cosmetics. The look will be natural. Eyelashes will approximately double in volume and 2-3 mm in length. They look as natural as possible. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on what materials can be used by the master:

    1. Synthetics. The hairs are made from polished acrylic material. They are very durable and come in different curl shapes and thicknesses. They are the thickest, which is why they are not suitable for everyone. Long-term wearing of synthetic material contributes to the thinning of your own hair.
    2. Silk. Medium weight, thinner and more flexible than synthetic ones, last longer. Soft, with a porous structure. Silk hairs are suitable for girls who have thin eyelashes. This is the most suitable material for classic eyelash extensions.
    3. Mink. Soft, silky, holds curl well. Durable and shine beautifully.

    Eyelash length

    This is the first parameter that a girl should select before starting the procedure, listening to the recommendations of her master and taking into account the individual characteristics of her appearance. There are the following length options with varying degrees of bending:

    1. Short. 6-8 mm. These are attached to the inner corner of the eye.
    2. Average. 9-12 mm. Hair of this length is in most cases used for classic eyelash extensions.
    3. 13 mm and more. Such hairs are suitable exclusively for those girls who have very strong and long natural hairs. Their length should also be large.

    Thickness of eyelashes when extensions according to the 1:1 scheme

    This parameter affects whether artificial materials will make the eyelid heavier. Hair that is too heavy can contribute to natural hair loss. Thickness options for artificial materials: 0.07 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.12 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.18 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.23 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.3 mm. The last three options are now practically not used, because they are very heavy. For classic eyelash extensions, materials with thicknesses of 0.15 mm, 0.18 mm, 0.2 mm are used. The rest are used only for volumetric.

    Classic eyelash extension technology

    The procedure takes from one and a half to two hours and is carried out in several stages. Each of them requires a professional and responsible approach from the master. The quality of implementation of each of the stages, which will be listed below, has a significant impact on the final result. Check out the list of stages, and each of them will be described in more detail below:

    • face and eye make-up remover;
    • degreasing natural hairs;
    • classic eyelash extensions;
    • removing remaining glue.

    Removing makeup from face and eyes

    It is advisable to immediately go to the procedure without makeup. If you can't afford it, try to wear light makeup that is easy to remove. Residues of makeup on the face, especially in the eye area, can impair the adhesion of materials. To remove makeup, use a gentle but reliable product that does not leave a greasy film on the skin. Tonic and micellar water are suitable.

    Degreasing natural eyelashes

    This stage is necessary to ensure that artificial materials last better and longer. The master carefully treats the hairs and skin of the eyelids with a special degreasing composition. As a rule, the product is available in the form of a spray. A small amount of it is applied to a cotton swab. It is passed across the eye in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The tweezers that will be used to grab the material also need to be degreased.

    Extension procedure

    There are certain steps that every professional master must follow. Together you must choose the length and thickness of the hairs. How the procedure works:

    1. Special protective patches are applied to the lower eyelids.
    2. The hairs are carefully combed. It is determined what the permanent direction of the hairs will be. It must completely coincide with the natural growth line.
    3. The master dips each hair up to the middle into a special glue applied to a piece of glass or a special device and attaches it to the base of the natural eyelash at a distance of 0.5-1 mm from the skin of the eyelid. It is important to ensure that the artificial hairs are not attached to each other.
    4. The adhesive resin is replaced with fresh one every 15-20 minutes.
    5. Periodically, the eyelash row is combed with a special brush so that the hairs do not stick together.
    6. Each area is treated with a fan or pear. This improves grip.

    Removing glue residue with a sponge

    This procedure must be done several times during the extension process. While the adhesive is still soft, the master must carefully remove the excess with a soft, lint-free sponge. If the residue hardens on the eyelid, it can create an unpleasant tingling sensation and interfere in every possible way. It is important to remove the excess carefully, without excessive pressure, so as not to damage the newly attached hairs.

    How long do eyelash extensions last?

    The maximum period during which you will enjoy beautiful eyes is from two to three weeks. By the end of this period, the eyelashes will begin to crumple, lose their original shape and fall out along with their own. In the period between the second and third weeks of wear, it is advisable to sign up for a correction. The master will restore a beautiful appearance. By regularly correcting your eyelash extensions, you will be able to wear them for up to three months. If this is not done, after 4-6 weeks all the artificial material will come off.

    Care and correction

    It is important not only to find a good specialist who will perform the procedure at the highest level, but also not to damage your eyelashes on your own. You should cleanse your eyes with oil-free cosmetics several times a week. You should not use mascara. If you are not satisfied with the length, thickness or color, discuss this with the specialist during correction. He will understand what needs to be changed for the result to be perfect. Practical care recommendations:

    1. Don't touch your eyes for no reason.
    2. If you have oily skin, use a special lotion regularly.
    3. Wash your face very carefully, do not rub your eyes.
    4. Don't use waterproof mascara.
    5. Do not curl artificial material with a curling iron.
    6. Sleep on your back to avoid crushing artificial hairs on your pillow.

    Correction is performed approximately once every three weeks. It may take even longer than the initial classic extension. Correction stages:

    1. The eyelashes are carefully combed to get rid of loose and dead ones.
    2. Degreasing.
    3. Adding hairs to areas where they are missing.

    Are classic eyelash extensions harmful to your own eyelashes?

    The answer to this question depends on who you trust to perform the procedure. Professional extensions by an experienced hairdresser using modern technologies will not harm natural hair if properly cared for. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, your hair follicles will become clogged. This is fraught with infection by hair mites, baldness of the eyelids, blepharitis, and the spread of other eye infections.

    Contraindications for the procedure

    Although extensions are absolutely safe, not everyone is allowed to do it. The procedure is strictly prohibited when:

    • constantly wearing contact lenses;
    • manifestation of an allergic reaction to glue;
    • excessively dry facial skin (its condition may worsen due to the procedure);
    • chronic conjunctivitis (artificial material will cause aggravation);
    • oily skin of the eyelids (hairs will not hold);
    • weak native eyelashes susceptible to loss.

    Cost of eyelash extensions in the salon

    The price of the service depends on many parameters. What matters is the fame of the salon, the professionalism, experience and reputation of the artist, and the type of extensions you choose. It is important to understand that a quality service cannot be cheap. By choosing the minimum price, you risk getting a result that you are not at all happy with. For the approximate cost of classic eyelash extensions, see the table below:

    One flutter of eyelashes, one languid look... A woman of mystery, a femme fatale... How could it be otherwise? After all, men love with all their hearts those women whom they can never “unravel” completely. At all times, it was believed that the main weapon of a woman who wants to be attractive is a bright and open look. Eyelashes play an important role here - long, voluminous, chic... What should those whom nature has not endowed with such “wealth” do? Using mascara does not always allow you to achieve the desired result, and besides, the mascara runs and crumbles... You have to curl your eyelashes if they “look” straight and not up... In general, not an ideal option! But now you can get eyelash extensions!

    Description of the extension procedure

    This procedure is relatively simple and takes about two hours. First, the master finds out what length and thickness are needed; the choice of extension method will depend on this. First of all, the master separates the lower and upper eyelashes with tape and degreases them. This is followed by the build-up itself.

    Eyelash extension methods

    There are three methods of eyelash extensions: Hollywood, American and Japanese.

    Bundle extensions (Hollywood)

    It appeared much earlier than the second and was originally intended to create chic eyelashes for Hollywood divas. It consists of gluing artificial eyelashes to natural eyelashes in bunches.

    Piece extensions (Japanese)

    It appeared much later and is now more popular, although it costs more than its predecessor. The essence of the technique is to glue one artificial eyelash to each natural eyelash; silk, sable and mink can be used as materials for this technology.

    American build-up

    Technically, it is performed similarly to the Japanese one, only the material is silicone eyelashes.

    You can enjoy the effect obtained after the procedure from 20 to 40 days, because eyelash extensions “live” as long as natural ones, falling out along with them. But it can be done by gluing artificial hairs to new, growing eyelashes.

    Types of eyelash extensions

    There are many types of extensions and the choice depends solely on the wishes of the client. You can select five basic techniques:

    1. Extension of corners. In this case, eyelashes are extended only to the outer corners of the eyes. This method is not very good for light eyelashes, but if you really want, you can dye your eyelashes.
    2. Incomplete extension. It is used when natural eyelashes are quite long, but the client wants to add volume.
    3. Full extension. A universal look that creates the effect of painted eyelashes.
    4. Theatrical or two-row extensions. It is used if the client has very sparse eyelashes by nature, or needs a “special” option.
    5. Creative extension.

    If in the first four cases the extension effect will be natural or ordinary, then with creative extension you can get "fox", "squirrel", "puppet", rarefied and cocktail effects. This type of extension also includes colored eyelash extensions and eyelash decoration with stasis.

    Such options look very unusual. For example, these false eyelashes shock others. And Lady Gaga once appeared on stage with these.

    Eyelash extension video

    Prices for eyelash extensions

    Beauty saloon

    Cost of eyelash extensions in Moscow beauty salons in rubles.

    bunch (for 1 bunch)

    eyelash (mink, silk)

    ciliary (partial)

    ciliary 3D


    Princess Diamond
    Note: The information is not official or promotional. Beauty salon prices may not be current at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by randomly analyzing the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information on how much the service costs.

    Care for eyelash extensions

    Eyelash extensions do not require special care, except for one thing - you should not wash off the mascara with milk or other products that contain oils. The fact is that the glue that is used for extensions is dissolved by oil. There is also an additional restriction with beam extensions - you cannot rub your eyes.

    Wearing eyelash extensions for too long, periodically adjusting, is not recommended. It is necessary to take breaks of one and a half to two months, nourishing your eyelashes with oil during this period.

    Contraindications for eyelash extensions

    A contraindication for eyelash extensions may be high sensitivity of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Myopia and wearing contact lenses are not a serious obstacle in this case.
    Of course, in pursuit of cheapness, many try extension eyelashes at home.

    Eyelash extensions at home

    And this is quite possible once you acquire certain knowledge and skills. First you need to purchase the necessary materials. First of all, these are the eyelashes themselves. It's a matter of taste - some will prefer silicone, others silk, sable or mink. It should also be taken into account that eyelashes can be either single or bunched, in addition, there is a special shape in the form of the letter U.

    The next thing you need is glue based on natural resins, as well as a special tape to separate the lower and upper rows of eyelashes and a degreasing liquid.
    The extension technique is simple: an artificial eyelash is dipped in glue and glued to a natural one. Preparation consists of separating and degreasing the eyelashes.

    But is it worth doing this procedure at home? What if your hand shakes and glue gets into your eye? Or won't you be able to get eyelash extensions straight? Of course, in this case, you can use vegetable oil and remove what is stuck crookedly. But these eyelashes cannot be reused. Is it worth the risk, because the miser pays twice? It is much easier to go to a salon and see a specialist who will carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently.

    Myths about eyelash extensions

    Like any procedure that comes into fashion, eyelash extensions are overgrown with myths. They are worth examining in detail and debunking. So let's get started!
    1. Eyelash extensions can harm your eyes.
      All materials used in the extension process undergo strict dermatological and ophthalmological control. If there are any doubts about sensitivity to materials, then you first need to extend several eyelashes and walk around with them for several days; if there is no reaction, you can carry out the entire procedure.
    2. The effect of extensions in the salon and at home is the same.
      Firstly, things may not go as expected at home. And secondly, the salon uses professional materials, and not such cheap and low-quality material as in every stall.
    3. Eyelash extensions will last until the first wash.
      that myth was clearly invented by those who remove makeup with oil-based creams and rub their eyelids with cotton wool. With proper care, eyelash extensions last on average 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to several months.
    4. Eyelash extensions are available only to show business stars and actresses.
      Not at all. Most salons carry out this procedure, and the price is quite affordable for a person with average income.
    5. It is impossible to remove eyelashes at home.
      In order to remove eyelashes at home, it is enough to apply a little vegetable oil to the line of attachment of artificial eyelashes at night. In the morning, removing eyelashes will not be difficult.
      It should be noted that the fourth myth is supported by history. The fact is that the eyelash extension procedure takes its origin from false eyelashes, invented by the greatest makeup artist of all time, Max Factor. The first person the makeup artist tested his invention on was Phyllis Haver, who played the main role in the musical “Chicago.”

    Initially, false eyelashes were quite expensive, so not every actress could afford them. Sophia Loren was a big fan of false eyelashes. Later, when the extension technology itself was invented, Madonna was the first to experience it.

    It is noteworthy that among the stars, not only women get eyelash extensions. A big fan of this procedure is the lead singer of the Khim group, Willy Valo, and among domestic show business stars, Sergei Zverev is passionate about eyelashes.

    You can also complement your look with other services. , and will be an excellent addition to colored eyelash extensions. And if you need to emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes, then this is perfect for you.

    The modern beauty industry allows girls to be beautiful with a minimum of effort. You can make your look more expressive and open by adding eyelash extensions. Transformation of appearance is not the only advantage of the procedure. As a bonus, every morning you will get 10 minutes of free time that you would otherwise have to spend on makeup, and the same amount in the evening, because you won’t have to wash off your mascara. Before deciding on the procedure, it is worth learning about its disadvantages and which eyelashes are best for eyelash extensions. Reviews from girls who use the services of lash artists will help you learn all the intricacies of the beauty procedure.

    Variety of materials

    The beauty procedure allows you to increase the density of the curl and its length, make your eyes expressive and emphasize their beauty. Its essence lies in the fact that artificial hairs are glued to your natural eyelashes using special glue. They are made of synthetic material – micropolyester threads. Artificial hairs have different thicknesses and bends. To designate materials, lash artists use the terms “mink,” “silk,” and “sable”:

    • mink ones have minimal thickness, they are light, almost weightless, and the most comfortable to wear;

    • silk ones are a little thicker, but due to this they allow you to achieve a thicker, fluffy curl;

    • sables are the thickest and fluffiest, they create a spectacular frame for the eyes.

    Important! Lash artists use artificial materials in their work. Some girls may think that by choosing “mink” or “sable” they will be given real hairs from these animals. This is wrong. Natural materials can provoke allergies and unpleasant consequences such as itching, burning, and swelling of the eyelids.

    Variety of techniques

    There are several lash techniques:

    • eyelash - the most popular and safest, involves gluing one artificial eyelash to one natural eyelash, looks natural and neat;

    • beam - the beam is glued to several natural eyelashes at once, the disadvantage of this method is that when one of them falls out, the weight of the entire beam falls on the remaining ones, which speeds up the process of their loss;

    • tape - the hairs are connected to each other by a tape that is glued from one corner of the eye to the other; impractical technique, not suitable for constant wear, creates an unnatural appearance of false fans.

    Advice: If you want to enjoy the result of the procedure for a long time, and do not create makeup for one evening, give preference to the lash technique.

    During the lash procedure, the master glues artificial buns, thereby adding volume to the curl. Depending on how fluffy curls the client wants to get, the following types of eyelash extensions can be used:

    • half the volume - one artificial eyelash is glued to every second eyelash, suitable for those with thick but short eyelashes;
    • classic one artificial eyelash is glued to one natural eyelash;
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