• Day of the winter sun standing. Winter solstice. What is the difference between the days of the solstice and the days of the equinox


    Time winter solstice occurs when the axis about which our planet rotates, in the direction from the Sun, takes the maximum mark. The greatest value of the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis in relation to the Sun is 23 ° 26 ′. Depending on the shift of calendar days, the period of the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs either on December 21 or 22, and in the Southern Hemisphere on June 20 or 21.

    Different cultures interpreted this event in different ways, but most peoples perceived the winter solstice as a rebirth that sets the beginning of a new one. At this time, they organized festivals, holidays, meetings, carried out appropriate rituals, organized mass celebrations with songs and dances.

    The Solstice was a special moment in the annual cycle even during the New Stone Age (Neolithic). Thanks to astronomical events, from ancient times, managing crops of grain crops, procurement of food until the next harvest, periods of mating of animals, it is possible to trace how various traditions and myths arose. The layout of the oldest monuments of the Late New Stone and Bronze Age can be considered as evidence of this. Such as Stonehenge (Great Britain) and Newgrange (Ireland), the main axes of which were carefully aligned and indicated the sunrise in Newgrange and the sunset in Stonehenge on the winter solstice. It is noteworthy that the Great Trilith (construction "with the letter P" of the three most big stones) at Stonehenge are turned outward relative to the center of the monument in such a way that its front flat part turns out to be facing the Sun by the middle of winter.

    Some of the most significant holidays revered by our ancestors were the days of the Solstice and Equinox. Brace, solstice, solstice, equinox - they personify the four hypostases of the ancient Slavic god of the Sun Dazhdbog, the giver of light and warmth. His name sounds in a short prayer that has survived to our time: "God grant!" According to legends, Dazhdbog unlocks the summer and closes the fierce winter.

    The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it of all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time conducive to both good material changes and spiritual ones. The night that precedes the day of the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that a young solar baby is born to the Goddess - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

    During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, who was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the celebration was a large bonfire, calling and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights. They also baked ritual New Year's pies of a rounded shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body.

    These days, in Europe, pagan festivals will mark the beginning of a 12-day cycle of lavish festivities that marked the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

    In Scotland, there was a tradition to launch a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was abundantly coated with resin, set on fire and launched from a hill, resembling a fiery luminary in rotating movements.

    In China, before all other seasons (and in chinese calendar 24), the winter solstice was determined. The Chinese believed that it was from the beginning of this period that the male power of nature grew stronger and gave rise to a new cycle. The winter solstice was a worthy celebration as it was considered a happy, fortunate day. Everyone, from a commoner to an emperor, rested and had fun that day, showered each other with gifts, went to visit, laid large tables filled with various dishes. An important role on this special day was assigned to sacrifices to the ancestors and the God of Heaven, the corresponding ceremonies and rituals were carried out. in order to protect yourself from diseases and evil spirits. The winter solstice is still one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

    The Hindus call the winter solstice Sankranti. The holiday was celebrated in both Sikh and Hindu communities, where at night, on the eve of the festival, bonfires were lit, the flame of which resembled the rays of the Sun, which warm the earth after a cold winter.

    In 2017, the winter solstice begins on December 21 at 19:28 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0 ° of the Capricorn zodiac sign. In Bishkek it will be 22:28.

    According to signs, what the weather will be today will be the same on December 31st. , then it is quite possible that New year's night Kyrgyzstanis will have snow.

    Daylight hours will last 6 hours 51 minutes, the night of December 22 - 17 hours 9 minutes. After that, an astronomical spring will come in the Northern Hemisphere - daylight hours will begin to grow.

    The solstice occurs twice a year - in summer and winter. This is an astronomical event - the Sun on this day is at the greatest angular distance from the equator, and, accordingly, the height of its location is minimal for one hemisphere of the Earth and maximum for the other. This leads to phenomena such as the longest and shortest daylight hours of the year.

    The phenomenon got its name because of the location of the Sun in the sky - for several days at noon the luminary is at the same constant height - it stands, hence the solstice. The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere usually falls on December 20, 21 or 22, which is the shortest day of the year.

    Celebration traditions

    For many peoples of the world, the day of the winter solstice was associated with the coming revival, it was believed that the longest night was before dawn. On this occasion, holidays, rituals and other celebrations were held, for which special structures were often built - Stonehenge in Britain and Newgrange in Ireland are oriented along the visual line indicating the sunrise on the winter solstice.

    The ancient Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year on this day, better known as Kolyada, among the Germanic peoples - Yule, among the Romans until the 3rd century - Sol Invictus. From oak or pine, people kindled a ritual fire, which symbolized the revival of the Sun. Main decoration festive table there was a loaf in the shape of the sun.

    In Scotland, there was a custom to launch the sun wheel - "sun swirl": the barrel was coated with burning resin and let it go down the street. The wheel symbolized the sun, its spokes resembled rays, and the rotation of the spokes while moving made the wheel look like a luminary.

    In Christian churches that have switched to the Gregorian calendar, the Nativity of Christ is celebrated on these days. Orthodoxy uses the Julian calendar, according to which the date of Christmas coincided with the winter solstice two thousand years ago, but has now shifted later by half a month.


    The winter solstice, also called the holiday of the winter solstice, is a very important and revered day for many cultures. There are many signs associated with this day.

    1. Some nature watchers claim that the winter solstice is the coldest day of the entire winter.
    2. People say that what the weather is on the day of the winter solstice, the same will be on December 31st.
    3. If frost appeared on the trees on this day, then next year there will be a good grain harvest.
    4. There is a saying at the winter solstice: the sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost.
    5. According to the weather that day, they judged the coming harvest. For example, frost on trees on the day of the winter solstice - for a rich grain harvest.

    Winter solstice magic rituals

    This is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you are thinking about something new, take some time on this day, because meditations on the winter solstice are especially powerful.

    The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires to open spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

    The day is suitable for rituals to fulfill desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the revival of the Sun.

    They carry out rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom.

    Fortune-telling of the winter solstice gives accurate results, divination of the Tarot Three Cards, fortune-telling on the Tarot for love and the Oracle are well suited.

    As treats for the festive table on the winter solstice, you can offer pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.

    Minimum or maximum above the horizon at noon. There are two solstices in a year - winter and summer. On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon.

    In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21st or 22nd, with the shortest day and longest night. The solstice is shifted annually, as the duration solar year does not match calendar time.

    In 2017, the winter solstice begins on December 21 at 19:28 Moscow time. On this day, at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of less than 11 degrees.

    On these December days beyond the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north latitude), the polar night sets in, which does not necessarily mean complete darkness throughout the day. Its main feature is that the Sun does not rise above the horizon.

    At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also the twilight, and the location of the star can only be recognized by the constellations. A completely different picture in the region of the South Pole of the Earth - in Antarctica at this time the day lasts around the clock.

    For thousands of years, the day of the winter solstice has been of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. From the earliest times, people have venerated the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and warmth. For them, the day of the winter solstice personified the victory of light over darkness.

    So, in Russian folklore a proverb is dedicated to this day: the sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost. Now the day will gradually increase and the night will decrease.

    The ancient Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year - Kolyada on the day of the winter solstice.

    Kolyada is a baby sun, in Slavic mythology - the embodiment of the New Year's cycle.

    Once Kolyada was not perceived as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called Kolyada, called. New Year's days were dedicated to Kolyada, games were organized in her honor, which were later perpetrated on Christmastide. The last patriarchal ban on the worship of Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as a deity of fun, which is why they called him, merry gangs of youth called him on New Year's festivities.

    A. Strizhev "National Calendar"

    The main attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's cake - a loaf - also resembled the sun in shape.

    In Europe, these days began a 12-day cycle of pagan festivals dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature.

    In India, the day of the winter solstice - Sankranti - is celebrated in Hindu and Sikh communities, where bonfires are lit on the night before the celebration, the heat of which symbolizes the warmth of the sun, which begins to warm the earth after the winter cold.

    On the day of the winter solstice, it was customary in Scotland to launch the sun wheel - the "solar swirl". The barrel was coated with burning resin and let down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and similar to a luminary.

    In ancient China, it was believed that from this time the male power of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worth celebrating. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was put in a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trade shops were closed, people went to visit each other, gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the God of Heaven and their ancestors, and also ate porridge made from beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Until now, the day of the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

    Cosmic, or in other words, natural cycles associated with the sun - this is the basis on which almost all religious cults have been imposed. For example, the cult of the son of God is not an invention of Christianity. This is one of the modifications of the cult of Osiris, which was formed in Ancient Egypt.

    This cult in Asia Minor was called the cult of Attis, in Syria - the cult of Adonis, in the lands of Romea - the cult of Dionysius, etc. With Dionysus in different time Mitra, Amon, Serapis, Liber were also identified.

    In all these cults, the God-man was born on the same day - December 25. Then he died and was subsequently resurrected.

    December 25 - the date tied to the winter solstice, the day becomes longer than the night - a new sun is born. For example, for the inhabitants of the village of Polyarnye Zori, which is located on the Kola Peninsula at a latitude of 67.2 degrees north latitude, in December the Sun seems to die for three days, and then it seems to rise again.

    God Mithra was called the Invincible Sun. And in Ossetia they still celebrate their New Year on December 25, ArtHuron which means Fire Solntsevich.

    The Christian religion is a parody of sun worship. They replaced the sun with a man named Christ and worship him as they used to worship the sun.

    Thomas Paine, writer, philosopher (1737-1809)

    The meaning of the days of the solstice and equinox in the ancestors of the Slavs. Traditions, rituals, conspiracies for these days.

    Children are similar to their parents not only in appearance, but also in lifestyle. So we, the descendants of the Slavs, even unconsciously feel the importance of certain dates, perform mini-rituals, utter conspiracy words.

    No matter how technical progress takes us away from nature and its processes, genetic memory works on the days of the solstices and equinoxes.

    We feel the need to communicate with trees, plants, birds and animals, reservoirs, mountains.

    The ceremonies of the ancestors and the meaning of these holidays have not reached our times in 100% pure form. History has been rewritten so many times, artificial traditions have been layered, epochs have changed each other.

    And yet we collect grains of knowledge from the traditions of the peoples of the world, noticing their commonality and rationality.

    Continuing the equinoxes and solstices, today we will delve into their ritual component.

    How are the days of the solstice different from the days of the equinox?

    three-dimensional picture of the sun and the month - the personification of the change of day and night at the equinoxes and solstices

    There are several differences:

    • time of the year. We observe the solstices under diametrically opposite natural conditions - in winter and summer. While the equinoxes in milder climates - in spring and autumn,
    • the duration of the day and night. During the equinoxes, they are the same. At the solstices - they differ significantly,
    • the position of the sun over the horizon. At the solstices, it occupies either the highest or the lowest point. At the equinoxes, the sun is in the middle between them,
    • thermal activity of the sun's rays. During equinox periods, a hot planet scatters them evenly for the hemisphere to which it moves. At the solstices, we fix either the maximum or the minimum of solar heat,
    • the position of the sun at its zenith. At the solstices, we see it in the tropics, 23.5 ° north or south latitude. At the equinoxes, the sun is strictly head-on observed by the inhabitants of the equatorial region of our planet.

    What are the summer and winter solstices?

    photo collage about solar solstices and their celebration

    Depending on the year, the solstice dates shift slightly.

    Also consider your geographic location. The generally accepted dates and times are Greenwich Mean Time. Therefore, for your area, consider the correct date yourself. If the coordinates of your city are east of Greenwich, subtract the clock. If to the west - add.

    Consider the hemisphere of the planet before determining the date of a particular solstice:

    • in the north - summer in June, winter in December
    • in the south - vice versa

    For the northern hemisphere, the solstice is:

    • summer falls on 20/21 June
    • winter - December 21/22

    What are the dates of the spring and autumn equinox?

    collage of drawings and photos, dedicated to the days equinoxes and their celebrations

    All the nuances listed in the section above are also relevant for determining the date of the equinoxes in a particular year.

    Therefore, in the northern hemisphere of the planet, they are noted:

    • spring - March 20/21
    • autumn - September 22/23

    Days of solstice and equinox: what do they mean in the opinion of our ancestors of the Slavs?

    Slavnik in national dress meets the sunrise during summer solstice

    Our ancestors had deep and harmonious knowledge, knew how to live in harmony with nature, living beings, space. It is interesting that modern scientists, astronomers, forecasters are aware of only a tiny fraction of 1% of that knowledge.

    • The days of solstices and equinoxes are not only the cosmic relationship of two planets. These phenomena have a deeper sacred meaning.
    • The spring equinox marked the arrival of a new fruitful year for the Slavs and the time of going into the field. Winter receded before the warmth of the spring sun.

    On the days of the equinox, the Slavs especially revered the ancestors who went to the world of Navi. It was believed that these days they fly to descendants in the bodies of birds. Therefore, the latter had to be fed their fill.

    • There was another belief with birds. On the day of the vernal equinox, they flew in from the south, but larks were especially revered. They are the messengers of spring. Each housewife attracted them by baking sweet bird-shaped cookies. And the children climbed trees, other high places, sang songs and ate these cookies.
    • They ate the whole baked lark, except for the head. She was given to her mother or crumbled to birds.

    The vernal equinox was valuable for programming your destiny for good. Especially people of the fire signs of the zodiac.

    The vernal equinox consisted of 2 days:

    • Feast of Vesta, goddess of spring
    • Shrovetide

    The hostesses attracted the heat of the sun through the baking of pancakes, cookies with the corresponding signs of a hot luminary.

    In the evening, everyone should have sacrificed a straw doll on the sacrificial fire, which was sure to speak to the health and well-being of the whole family. Then they jumped over a special fire to cleanse the body and soul from accumulated diseases.

    Slavs gather in the morning to celebrate the summer solstice, drawing

    The summer solstice is still celebrated in a number of countries. Our ancestors celebrated the birthday of Perun, one of the most formidable gods. He personified the summer sun as a mature man.

    Prior to this date, it was imperative to sow and plant all field / garden crops in order for them to grow as much as possible. After the summer solstice, their growth stopped. Plants developed from those reserves of valuable substances that they managed to accumulate.

    Slavs on the summer solstice:

    • looking for a blooming fern
    • made wreaths for fortune-telling about marriage
    • collected herbs for medicinal purposes
    • revered the sun with round dances, songs, launching a burning wheel from the mountain

    a branch of mountain ash before picking for home decoration on the autumn equinox

    The autumn equinox was especially revered by the Slavs, mainly as a harvest festival and gratitude to nature and the gods for it. Our ancestors knew that the life force of plants passes into seeds and fruits.

    On this day:

    • celebrated the end of agricultural work,
    • they threshed grain, especially from the first sheaf. From it they baked a loaf, which they ate on the same day,
    • Gathered mushrooms,
    • burned dry grass,
    • unmarried girls wondered about the betrothed,
    • played weddings. It was believed that a young family would live happily if a guy and a girl unite their fates on the day of the autumn equinox,
    • baked a loaf of human height, which the whole village ate during the holiday,
    • jumped over the fire to cleanse the soul from the dark and evil,
    • decorated houses with rowan branches. They protected all family members from the forces of evil and darkness until spring,
    • sacrificed to the gods a straw bird. She personified the departure of them and their ancestors to Iriy until spring.

    bright sun on the winter solstice

    The winter solstice has a controversial fame. On the one hand - the joy of the start of adding the length of the day after it, fortune-telling and fun festivities, on the other, superstition and fear associated with the longest night of the year.

    Our ancestors referred to the winter solstice as a time when everything in nature slows down and stops for a moment before starting a new cycle. And in order not to get stuck at the moment of stopping, they burned fires all night and stayed awake until dawn. So the Slavs helped the young sun gain strength and defeat the darkness.

    According to legend, the glorious god Perun on this day freed all the ancestors of the Slavs from the hell, when he defeated the beast of the Scepter in a fair fight. Therefore, the veneration of ancestors is an obligatory action on the day of the winter solstice.

    3 days before and 12 after the winter solstice were considered by our ancestors a blessed time for:

    • physical healing
    • spiritual development
    • harmonization of life in all spheres
    • building intentions on next year for yourself, family and people

    They celebrated the onset of the New Year, linking it with the beginning of the awakening processes of nature and all the best in man.

    What national holidays are celebrated at this time?

    girls put wreaths on Kupala - on the summer solstice

    On the days of solstices and equinoxes, the Slavs celebrated a lot of holidays. The latter lasted not one day, but a whole week, had their own names, for example, Rusalia, Carols.

    The following holidays fell on the autumn equinox:

    • harvest, or Radogoshch, or Oat
    • Fyokla-Zarevnitsa
    • Ryabinka name days
    • Svetovita, or the sun-old man

    At the winter solstice:

    • Karachun
    • Kolyada's birthday, Kolyaden
    • Solstice
    • Christmastide

    During the vernal equinox:

    • Magpies
    • Krasnogor, or Maslenitsa
    • day of Vesta, goddess of spring
    • Great day

    And on the summer solstice:

    • Kupala
    • birth of god Khors / Perun
    • Rusalia

    Processes and phenomena on the day of the autumnal equinox and winter solstice: how to use it to harmonize your life?

    change of seasons - winter to spring, drawing

    A person does not close on himself and his family, he is a particle of the planet and space. Therefore, it is especially sensitive to any of their changes.

    The winter solstice is characterized by a number of phenomena:

    • the sun takes place at the equator of the galaxy and is transmitted to our planet by powerful streams of energy from there,
    • it reaches the constellation Aquarius. This sign is especially revered by both ancestors and contemporaries. He personifies the desire for knowledge, progress and development,
    • periodically a parade of planets. Depending on its composition, their energies rush at us, combined together in a powerful stream.

    Harmonize your life during the winter solstice with:

    • physical and mental cleansing practices and procedures
    • meditations, pronunciation of special mantras and prayers
    • writing down wishes and intentions for the next year
    • making amulets for yourself, relatives, at home
    • participation in mass festivities in a circle of like-minded people in the open air
    • getting rid of everything unnecessary - things, objects, emotions, words and habits

    The autumnal equinox awakens in a person:

    • gratitude to the land and nature for a bountiful harvest
    • processes leading to a balance of inner and outer life
    • preparation for the cold season
    • the need to make preparations for the winter, to tune in to the period of spiritual development

    Therefore, the following activities are beneficial on the day of the autumnal equinox:

    • say thanksgiving prayers, mantras to gods, nature and ancestors,
    • cleanse the physical space of the house and body, your subtle shells,
    • light the candles,
    • guess at marriage, if you are not there yet,
    • take part in mass festivities of like-minded people in nature. For women, it is especially beneficial to stay near a reservoir,
    • place natural amulets in and around the house.

    12 days after the solstice: what wishes can you make?

    girl makes wishes after solstice day

    People cannot live without desires. And it is better to make them at the right time, which are the days of the solstices, especially the winter ones. It is closer to the New Year we are used to, which means it contributes to summing up the results of the past months and building new intentions for the next. That is, 12 days after the winter solstice symbolize the 12 months of the year.

    You should know that in addition to recording your dreams, watch yourself:

    • thoughts and experiences
    • in words
    • actions and behavior
    • events in your own life and in the life of family / friends

    Be sure to cleanse your homes and the rubble of your soul from everything obsolete, unnecessary, before the winter solstice. Thank all people, events for the lessons and leave them in the past. After that, start forming desires.

    All of the above will make the pattern, dynamics, fullness of your next year month by month. Interestingly, the 10th day of planning falls on January 1st. Therefore, think about whether you need October, which will fall out of life next year after a merry New Year's feast.

    beautiful bouquet handmade with candles - home decoration on the winter solstice

    Note the series important points making wishes and dreams after the winter solstice.

    • Concentrate on your true desires, and not imposed by society. Eliminate material "Wishlist".
    • Formulate your dreams correctly. Not just in the “I want” style, but for what purpose, what the realization of this will give me for the development of my personality / soul.

    A few examples:

    • get a car in order to spend more and more time with family / parents / grandparents,
    • visit specific holy places in India / Russia, pray there for your relatives / friends,
    • visit Bali, walk barefoot around a specific sacred place,
    • read such and such scriptures in order to understand something,
    • harmonize your life, saying goodbye to such and such bad habits,
    • develop femininity through classes in oriental dances, needlework,
    • write a book about such and such that will be useful to such and such people.

    If you have not done this before, read books by renowned authors who understand the topic. Their practical advice help launch your imagination and mind.

    Equinox and solstice rituals and conspiracies

    the girl conducts a ritual to attract love and pronounces the desired conspiracy on the night of the winter solstice

    The period of the winter solstice is perhaps the most mystical in terms of making wishes and saying goodbye to obsolete things / situations. We offer several rituals.

    Ritual with a sheet of paper:

    • split it in half,
    • in one part, write everything you want to part with, in the second - what to attract into your life,
    • go outside, tear off the part of the sheet where you indicated the parting list. Tear it into small pieces and blow it in the wind,
    • attach the second part of the sheet to the mirror, in which you look every morning,
    • over the next 12 days, in the morning and in the evening, read aloud such a conspiracy:
      “A rainbow day blooms, in happiness it opens the door for me. What I wish - I get everything, I let my love into my life. "

    Pray for the welfare of the entire planet and every living being. Below is the text:

    the text of a prayer for humanity and the planet on the winter solstice

    Also, perform a ritual for well-being, attracting monetary energy:

    • place 9 coins on the tray
    • light the candles
    • say the words
      “From this day on, the day arrives, pouring rain on my money. Let wealth come with sunshine! "
    • decorate the tree with red toys and golden tinsel
    • while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, a pink candle should burn

    Create amulets from weaving threads. The more knots made in a creative mood, the more goodness and well-being will enter your life.

    the autumnal equinox is a cornucopia for those who are harmonizing their lives

    Although the autumnal equinox is the starting point for increasing the length of the night, our ancestors performed a number of rituals to harmonize life, uttered conspiracies. For example:

    • for marriage. The girl had to wash herself before dawn on the day following the autumnal equinox. Then she will be betrothed until next autumn,
    • for the house they wove amulets from ears of wheat, kalina, mountain ash, pine branches. They were connected with a red thread and hung over front door until the next autumnal equinox,
    • cleaning the space of home and life. It was carried out by burning obsolete things / objects.

    And pronounce conspiracies like this:

    texts of conspiracies on the day of the autumnal equinox

    The spring equinox carries the power of rebirth and faith in light forces. Therefore, rituals for:

    • welfare attraction
    • farewell to the past - emotions, events, people
    • cherished desire

    Below in the picture is a description of the execution of some:

    rituals and conspiracies to perform on the vernal equinox

    On the day of the summer solstice, the sun has maximum healing power. Therefore, rituals are beneficial for:

    • health promotion associated with the collection of herbs
    • protecting yourself with self-made amulets and charms
    • attracting and strengthening love if you are already married
    • receiving clues about future events in life, for example, using rune fortune telling
    • purification of all subtle bodies. Do it in the evening by jumping over the fire

    Below in the pictures are some examples of rituals and conspiracies during the summer solstice.

    some rituals and conspiracies on the summer solstice

    Our ancestors were extremely careful in words and thoughts. They weighed what they were going to say for the benefit of the addressee. Therefore, be careful when performing rituals with conspiracies. Follow the "do no harm" principle.

    So, we got to know more closely each of the days of the equinox and solstice, their meaning, strength and content. We learned how to make wishes, correctly perform rituals.

    Open up your hearts. Feel the importance and significance of events in these important days a year. Learn to love nature and people!

    Video: the power of life. Summer solstice practices

    Solstice is one of two days of the year when the sun's height above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in a year - winter and summer.

    On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon.

    In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21st or 22nd, with the shortest day and longest night. The moment of the solstice is shifted annually, since the length of the solar year does not coincide with the calendar time.

    In 2017, the winter solstice will occur on December 21 at 19.28 Moscow time.

    The sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach the farthest position from the celestial equator towards the South Pole of the world. Astronomical winter will come in the northern hemisphere of the planet, and summer in the southern hemisphere.

    On this day, at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of less than 11 degrees.

    On these December days beyond the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north latitude), the polar night sets in, which does not necessarily mean complete darkness throughout the day. Its main feature is that the Sun does not rise above the horizon.

    At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also the twilight, and the location of the star can only be recognized by the constellations. A completely different picture in the region of the South Pole of the Earth - in Antarctica at this time the day lasts around the clock.

    On December 21, the Sun crosses the 18 o'clock meridian and begins to climb up the ecliptic, starting the path towards the vernal equinox, when it crosses the celestial equator.

    For thousands of years, the day of the winter solstice has been of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. From the earliest times, people have venerated the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and warmth. For them, the day of the winter solstice personified the victory of light over darkness.

    So, in Russian folklore a proverb is dedicated to this day: the sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost. Now the day will gradually increase and the night will decrease. The winter solstice was used to judge the future harvest. In the old days, on this day, they noticed: frost on the trees - to a rich grain harvest.

    In the 16th century in Russia, an interesting rite was associated with the winter solstice. The bell-ringing headman of the Moscow cathedral, who was responsible for the striking of the clock, came to bow to the tsar. He reported that from now on the sun had turned for summer, the day was increasing, and the night was shortening. For this good news, the tsar gave the elder money.

    The ancient Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year on the winter solstice, they associated with the deity Kolyada. The main attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's cake - a loaf - also resembled the sun in shape.

    In Europe, these days began a 12-day cycle of pagan festivals dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature.

    On the day of the winter solstice, it was customary in Scotland to launch the sun wheel - the "solar swirl". The barrel was coated with burning resin and let down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and similar to a luminary.

    The winter solstice was determined earlier than all other seasons in China (there are 24 seasons in the Chinese calendar). In ancient China, it was believed that from this time the male power of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worth celebrating. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was put in a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trade shops were closed, people went to visit each other, gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the God of Heaven and their ancestors, and also ate porridge made from beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Until now, the day of the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

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