• How to make children's cards more durable. How to make children's cards more durable Download tasks for children 3 4 years old


    The games, tasks and exercises presented in this material are a great way to help a child develop memory, attention, logical thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, solve a number of speech problems, such as enriching and activating the vocabulary, working on the lexical meaning of a word, forming grammatical structure of speech, education of speech culture.

    A variety of tasks will make classes interesting, educational and entertaining. 4-5 tasks are enough to conduct one short lesson with a child 3-5 years old. Look at the pictures with your child, draw his attention to the details, read the questions and give him the opportunity to think about the answer himself. It is enough to offer a three-year-old child 2 tasks. If your baby has just turned 3 years old, then do not insist that the child complete everything completely, help him with coloring. You can return to the pages of this book many times. Repetition is the mother of learning. Do not force your child to study forcibly, because at this age it is not so much specific knowledge that is important, but rather the cultivation of a sustainable interest in the learning process. If something isn’t working out for your child right now, don’t be upset, give your child time.

    To reinforce the material, you can play with your baby and perform similar tasks using real objects. Help your child take a closer look at the phenomena that he constantly encounters in everyday life. When walking with your baby, draw his attention to the objects that he saw on the pages of the book. It will be good if you let him touch them so that he recognizes them by touch.

    Try to teach your child to give answers in complete sentences. Speaking out your thoughts develops the child’s speech and memory. At the same time, by coloring the answer picture, the baby remembers the visual image of the object and, in addition, by developing fine motor skills, prepares his hand for writing.

    Remember that the better your child learns to think, compare, think logically and clearly express his opinion, the easier it will be for him to study at school. The development of a preschool child largely depends on what conditions are created for him by adults. Take on the main role in this process - and such an activity will bring great benefits to the child and bring you joy.

    These materials will be useful to caring parents, kindergarten teachers, tutors and all those who work with children 3-5 years old.

    We wish you success!

    Developmental tasks for preschool children aged 3-5 years

    1. What is the name of this group of objects? What else can be attributed to it? (Transport)

    2. Complete the picture so that the fox is behind the fence, and the bunny is in front of the fence.

    3. Name what we do in the yard, in the cinema, in the cafe, in the garden, in the park, in the forest. Name as many actions as possible.

    4. Circle wooden objects with a green circle, rubber ones with a blue circle, glass ones with a red circle, and metal ones with a black circle.

    5. Color the cubes from top to bottom in order: green, blue and red.

    Answer the questions.

    Which cube is taller than the others?

    Is it true that the red cube is lower than the green one?

    Is it true that the blue cube is higher than the red one?

    6. Find a suitable box for each ball and paint each pair the same color.

    7. Find the odd one in each row and color it. Explain your choice.

    8. Trace the mouse’s path without lifting the pencil from the paper.

    9. Name what could be:

    Cold (snow, icicle, ice cream, wind);

    Hot (“tea, battery, porridge);

    Warm (sun, water, day, milk);

    Sweet (sugar, honey, jam);

    Bitter (medicine, pepper, onion);

    Light (feather, blanket);

    Heavy (weight, bag, log);

    Long (road, ribbon, river);

    Short (answer, thread).

    10. Trace the objects along the dotted line and color only the vegetables.

    11. Draw the other halves of the vegetables.

    12. Find and color the extra ones. Explain your

    13. Find and color a picture in which a ball is on a bench and a cube is under the bench.

    14. Find pairs of identical fish and color them. Draw a pair for a lonely fish.

    15. Vova brought the leaves home and showed them to his mother. First, he put an aspen leaf on the table, a birch leaf on it, and an oak leaf on top. Color the leaves in the order in which your mother sees them (oak - brown, aspen - red, birch - yellow).

    16. Name the objects in one word and color them. (Toys)

    17. Continue the sentences.

    If a hare has longer ears than a bear, then a bear... .

    If a bear is bigger than a wolf, then the wolf...

    If a fox is heavier than a hare, then the hare...

    If the hare sits to the right of the wolf, then the wolf....

    18. Circle what can be grown in the country. Where did they bring us the fruits that you didn’t circle? Compare fruits by shape and match them with geometric shapes.

    19. Color only what is baked from flour.

    20. Connect objects together according to meaning.

    There are a huge number of developmental methods for children; Glen Doman's theory is the most famous of them. You can find out about the essence of the technique, its advantages and disadvantages, and also download Doman’s cards (conveniently divided into categories) on this page.

    The essence of Glen Doman's technique

    From birth, the human brain is tuned to understand the world around us by all possible means. Using this feature, you can carry out successful previous training (note that we are talking about training, not development!). It is recommended to start exercises from 3-6 months of age. Doman's method allows you to lay the foundations for the development of a high level of intelligence, form a strong thirst for knowledge, teach incredibly early reading in your native and foreign languages, and mathematics. This is what the author of the method says.

    Training cards were specially developed for the technique. They contain an image of an object and an inscription-word denoting it. Presented in the form of sets united by a common theme. For example: “Flowers”, “Fruits”, etc. You can download such Doman cards by going through the sections of this page.

    During their development, numerous nuances of perception and attention of young children were taken into account, which directly affects the efficiency of work. In this section, cards made strictly in accordance with Doman principles are available for free download. Each of them shows only one object on a pure white background, they are large in size, without frames or colored borders, all the important details are clearly visible in the picture. All items have their own name. It is written under their image in large, bright red font.

    Just download Doman cards, print them and give them to your child? No, parents will need serious organization and, over time, a huge imagination on how to catch, arrange and eventually show these cards to the child. The problem with the interest of an ordinary, healthy child in the process is the complexity of the technique. In addition, there are certain rules. It is necessary to start the exercise when both the baby and the adult are in a good mood. It’s definitely worth saying: “Now I’ll show you...(birds, trees, etc.” After this, start showing. It is recommended to demonstrate each card for 1-2 seconds. At the same time, the adult pronounces loudly and clearly, in a calm voice, the word written under with a picture. The number of cards can be from 10 to 120, depending on the child’s interest. Important points:

    1. You cannot look into the card when demonstrating it, so as not to interfere with the child’s viewing of the image.
    2. Classes are initially held once a day, then their number is increased.
    3. One card should not be shown more than 3 times per day.
    4. There is no need to require the child to repeat names unless he wants to do it himself.
    5. It's better to stop playing before your baby loses interest.
    6. Gradually, you need to add new sets, and remove well-studied ones.
    7. Displays must be systematic; only in this case can results be achieved.

    How to make Doman Cards yourself?

    We invite you to download Doman cards and print them for your child. It is better to do this on matte (to avoid glare) paper with a density of 250-300 g/m2 or glue it to cardboard. It is advisable to laminate the finished cards, then they will last longer and can be used in other educational games.

    This didactic material can also be successfully used in Makato Shichida’s methodology, aimed at developing photographic memory, creativity, and intuition. To do this, you only need to cut off the names of the items along the dotted line.

    A funny and exciting, and also educational game for children - “Make an identikit”. And with the right approach, it is also a good didactic game for studying human emotions. First you need to print on a color printer a template with a face and its parts - different eyes, noses, eyebrows and mouths. Cut it all out. Now you can play by laying out an identikit on a flat horizontal surface. Can i

  • Take from me everything I have.
    But leave me my SPEECH.
    And soon I will gain everything I had.
    D. Webster

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  • Simple and interesting tasks that develop logical thinking, aimed at children aged 3-4 years. You can download and print the assignments and offer them to your child as a game. If a child cannot cope with some task, you must definitely repeat this topic; maybe you missed something in your child’s education, you need to catch up.

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  • First of all, tune in to the fact that you PLAY with your baby, and DO NOT ACTIVATE with him, and DO NOT TEACH him. And which child would refuse to play with their mother? In the first years of life, the baby remembers only what is interesting to him and evokes various emotions. Growing up, the child is faced with the need for conscious

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  • Developmental tasks for children aged 4-5 years

    Tasks for children 4-5 years old should contain elements of play. The baby cannot sit in one place for more than 20 minutes, so you should allocate a little time to do the exercises, make them varied and exciting.

    Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old

    1. "Domestic and wild animals". Prepare cards with various animals: wolf, hare, mouse, fox, cow, elk, mole, cat, raccoon, deer, dog and others. Invite the child to divide the animals into two groups: domestic and wild. It’s good to play such games after a trip to the zoo. Such tasks develop horizons and understanding of the world around us, as well as speech (if you ask questions correctly and talk about animals, for this you can use the speech therapy cards below).

    Topic: Pets

    2. "Professions". Print pictures depicting people of various professions: cook, ship captain, driver, salesman, teacher, gardener, doctor, judge, fireman and others. In order for the baby to look for generalizing properties and name them, it is necessary to prepare separate objects (or pictures): a ladle, a pointer, a steering wheel, a mantle, a hose and others. The child chooses a picture with a person’s profession and looks for a suitable item for him.

    3. "Spring". At 4 years old, the baby already knows the basic colors and shapes, so to continue the development of this topic, you can organize a game with “Fruto-nanny” baby food lids. The caps fit together perfectly and come in a variety of colors. Connecting them together is quite simple to create interesting objects. On a landscape sheet you can draw a circle, square, flower, cloud. From the lids, collect shapes of the same shape so that you can attach them to a sheet of paper.

    Games to develop attention in children 4-5 years old

    At the age of 4-5, logical thinking is actively formed; it is required to be able to focus on a specific task. In the future, this helps to develop perseverance.

    1. Draw various objects on a landscape sheet: a flower, a balloon, a car, the sun. Ask your child to trace only the balloons with a pencil.

    2. Cross out the letter “N”. On a landscape sheet, print out the letters of the alphabet randomly and ask the baby to cross out the letter “H” with a red pencil, all the letters “A” with a green pencil, and so on.

    3. "Leaf fall." On a sheet of paper you need to find identical leaves. Ask your child to connect identical leaves with a pencil and color them. The game teaches you to determine the similarity of objects and develops spatial thinking.

    Math cycle tasks

    1. Buy magnets of different colors at any stationery store. With their help, it is convenient for the baby to understand numbers and concepts - more and less. Assignment: how many kittens does the cat have, and how many puppies does the dog have? Who has more children?

    2. On a piece of paper, draw 5 stars in the sky. Invite your child to count and draw the same number of stars. How much should it be?

    3. Draw snails and flowers in the picture. Give the task to circle the flowers with a green pencil, count the snails and draw a line to the flower (which snail likes which flower, do you think?). How many extra flowers are left?

    4. Print a fly agaric on a landscape sheet. Give your child the task of counting the spots on the hat. Draw as many dots nearby as there are spots on the fly agaric. How many circles did you get?

    5. Connect points from 1 to 15 in order. You should get a picture. Children really like such tasks and develop fine motor skills and teach counting rules.

    6. Connect a group of three flowers with lines. Flowers are drawn on the leaf in a chaotic order.
    You need to be careful and distribute all the flowers into groups.

    Educational tasks with words

    1. On the sheet in the center are written words in block letters: sea, flower, sun, snail. Match the word and the picture, draw a line.

    2. Different words are written on the sheet: mom, cat, dog, dad, summer, spring, tree, flower. You need to cross out the letter A in the words. The baby learns perseverance and attentiveness.

    3. Circles and triangles are drawn on a landscape sheet. The child is given the task to draw the letter M in each circle, and the letter C in each triangle.

    4. “On the contrary.” An adult names any word, and the child must find the opposite meaning. For example: an adult says “hot”, a child answers “cold”, etc.

    5. “A kind word.” Name the object, and the baby chooses an affectionate word to designate it. For example: ball - ball, house - house, leg - leg.

    6. "Fruits and vegetables." Place various pictures of fruits and vegetables in front of the child. There are many options for games: ask the young student to put fruits in a basket. Ask to choose the vegetables from which mom makes a salad for lunch.

    7. “Find the odd one out.” Tell your child a set of words in which the words belong to the same group, but one word is superfluous. The child must identify the odd one by ear. For example: tree, grass, flower, snail. The extra word is snail. The child must give an explanation of why this particular word is superfluous.

    Tasks for the development of creative thinking

    1. Create your own magazine or book. To complete this task you will need colored paper, clippings from various glossy magazines, colored cardboard, glue, and tape. Words for the book can also be cut out from magazines. It turns out to be a joint work.

    2. Theater. Offer to perform a real puppet show. Make costumes, select props, prepare invitations for household members. You can choose any Russian folk tale and involve older brothers and sisters.

    3. “An interesting continuation.” The task is useful for children 5 years old, as it teaches them to construct sentences, think logically and develop thinking. You should come up with a story on a specific topic. The adult says the first sentence, the child continues the next sentence. Then the adult comes up with a sentence again. The text should be coherent. In conclusion, we ask the child to retell.

    Tasks for children 4-5 years old should be comprehensive and develop logic, thinking, speech, and fine motor skills. Thematic lessons can be adapted to the age characteristics of children, diversified with games and taught to compare, analyze, and think in a fun way. If you work with your child daily, he will enjoy learning the basics of math, reading, and other subjects.

    Video educational tasks for children 4-5 years old

    It's been a long time since we published something like this for younger children. Our girls are growing up before our eyes, give them books, kumons, board games, construction sets, and so on. In short, they grew out of different cards and simple tasks for kids. And cards are beautiful and interesting, so sometimes I will make and post new materials for kids :) Download cards with monster numbers | pdf More cards for kids: “Opposites” “Counting pets” Flower alphabet…

    When Seraphim was born into our family, I was very actively interested in the Montessori method. I learned about low sleeping places and other principles of creating a developmental environment for a baby, and I also learned about Montessori mobiles and black and white cards. Then I found a lot of contrasting pictures, printed them out and hung them like a garland near the place where Sima spent time when she was not sleeping. Now many of my friends have newborn children and I remembered that it would be nice...

    How to teach a child not to confuse opposite concepts (antonyms): cold-hot, high-low, sweet-salty, fluffy-prickly, smooth-rough and others? 1. You need to show a lot of concepts in comparison. For example, the classic game: “Look, this ball is big, and this one is small.” 2. Allow the child to explore opposing concepts by touch: “Touch, this glass is cold, but there is hot tea in this cup.” 3. Tell fairy tales in which there are comparisons, for example: “Three Bears”, “Thumbelina”, “Mitten”, etc. 4. Complete comparison tasks that require something...

    A new theme, “Flowers,” begins in “Baby School.” To teach the alphabet with little ones, we made a set of cards with letters covered in flowers. You can play words with them, show your baby letters by letter, hide and find them, give your child several letters to choose from and ask them to show the one you named. Flower alphabet for children | pdf format

    To teach numbers and counting with your child, it is worth using different aids. Then he will not associate the score only with a specific game. It’s great if you jump over bumps with numbers, look at them in pictures, count different objects (both real and in pictures), build towers with numbers, etc. The child’s brain is initially configured to memorize quantities by eye. By developing this skill, you will help your child learn to count more easily, and in the future...

    Children from 2.5 years old can play memory. This game develops visual memory. To play memory, print out the sheet in 2 copies. To make the cards more dense, glue the printed sheets onto cardboard, laminate them, or cover them with wide tape. Then cut out all the cards. After that, start the game. These cards can be used with children of all ages. Rules of the memory game: Lay out 18 cards face down. Each player turns over 2...

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