• Burlesque dance, what is it, what movement, costumes, images, who is dancing? Posts tagged burlesque burlesque dance


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    First, it's important to remember that you can do two types of burlesque dance. The first of these is the traditional solo strip where you film as much as you want. The second general dance where you may take off your top and dance the rest in lingerie or a rustling little skirt and slip. Your choice of how far to go!

    Find the right music - not too fast, but not too slow. Traditional burlesque looks good paired with big band or 1940 show music, but you can actually dance to anything you want, as long as you keep the mood! If you speed up, make sure you can actually keep up!

    Wear high heels - they will automatically help your posture and give you a sexy look. But make sure you can actually dance in them! Spin around in them and if you trip, they're too high! Heel height of 7.62 cm is best for beginners.

    Buy accessories and costume. Make sure they can be taken off in the space and time allotted to you, and make sure they are not girly or uncomfortable to take off. The zippers fit great. Wear tightly laced corsets, etc., if you have experience wearing such. The basic costume includes: a matching bustier, a good bra and matching panties, a sash or wide garter/garter belt and stockings, and elbow-length opera or gloves. The accessories can be feather boas from a fancy dress store if you want to save money, or you can opt for a more glamorous prop.

    Choreography. Burlesque is all about playful seduction, so don't be afraid to smile, flirt, wink and breathe! Try to learn some of the following movements before moving on to the routine:

    • To remove gloves, put on both gloves. Now, using your right hand, remove a finger from your left hand, when all five are loosened, pull off the glove and languidly throw it to the side. Now do the same with the other hand.
  • Use your hands and fingers and make every movement exaggerated. Remember to arch your back, keep your legs straight and show off.

    • To perform successful and teasing vibrations, shake your chest while moving your shoulders back and forth alternately. Do it with your arms outstretched for a glamorous look, or place your hands on your knees or behind your back for a shy and gentle look. You can combine this with a side step as you walk to the left in front of your audience, cross your left foot over your right and bring your right foot back into normal position again. Try two steps to each side as you swing - best done without hands or with hands on hips.
    • A proper "booty dance" is easy to do once you take your heels off. Stand on tiptoe and then alternately bend each knee. Then, for an even score, add hip movements and you're good to go!
    • To teasingly step back to get away from the audience, place one foot behind the other and rotate your hip back in the same direction you stepped back. It doesn't sound great, but if done right, it's tempting!
  • Also, it's good to learn how to undress before choreographing. Make sure you can do it elegantly, which means no crackles or kinks! If you must bend or reach to take something off, use a chair to sit or balance forward/back. Try to be seductive and sexy, without being rushed or awkward.

    Improve the format. You must have a proud gait before undressing, introduce yourself to the audience! First impressions count. Try assuming a pose, and then it will be good to walk around a little in a circle. In the routine, it is important to equally distribute the dance and undressing, if, of course, you are undressing. The more filmed, the more appropriate the dance in-between seems to fit. The classic lunge and spin can be presented in many ways: leaning forward, leaning to the side, changing the rhythm... Experiment with it. Simply moving the hips forward is a lunge, while rocking the hips from front to back is a rotation. Feel free to wiggle and twist your hips all the time throughout the routine.

    One of the favorite accessories for every woman is, of course, a bag. A handbag is an essential attribute of almost every woman, because this accessory performs not only a decorative, but also a very important practical function, acting as a capacious storage for a thousand and one little things. There are never too many handbags, so every woman will always have at least a couple of them in stock - and often the number of bags of all types and sizes reaches even several dozen. Today we invite lovely ladies to watch a short lesson that tells how to replenish your wardrobe with another wonderful handbag for the spring-summer season.

    DIY bags master class

    The authors of the lesson called “Bright Spring Bag in 15 Minutes” talk about how to make a stylish handbag with your own hands with minimal time and money. Even a beginner needlewoman will cope with this task, so this video lesson will be of interest to all the fair sex, regardless of their level of artistic abilities and design skills. For work, you will need an old handbag, which, due to long-term use, has lost its original appearance, as well as unnecessary leather boots (for example, if they have become small or simply out of fashion). Do not rush to throw away these obsolete things - they can be given a new life! The authors of this lesson show how you can completely transform an old bag with a simple decor made with your own hands from everything that was at hand. One of the “highlights” of the handbag model shown in this master class is, of course, a stylish leather fringe, which has been considered one of the leading fashion trends for several seasons. As a result of the work of the craftswomen, an extremely fashionable and original women's bag in ethnic style has turned out, which has a universal purpose: you can take it for a walk, for work, and while shopping.

    Sewing a bag with your own hands from fabric

    We hope that this master class will help our viewers discover new resources for hand-made, have a good time doing needlework and, as a result, get a new thing in their wardrobe - a stylish handbag for spring

    Every resident of a big city knows firsthand what the lack of natural surroundings and fresh air is. The same applies to many food products: if rural residents have most of the vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits at hand, then it is more difficult for city dwellers in this matter - they have to buy everything, risking running into nitrates and other not very useful additives. Therefore, of course, everything that is possible to grow on your own is better - it is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and healthier. This is the subject of the short video presented on our website.

    DIY garden on the windowsill

    Video tutorial called "How to make a garden at home? Growing greens and seedlings. This video will be of interest to a very wide range of viewers, since the issues of growing healthy seedlings at home are of equal interest to the inhabitants of both large cities and small villages. The invited expert in this video talks about how, with minimal financial investment, to create a special design at home in which you can successfully grow high-quality seedlings for planting in the country, and any greens for everyday consumption. What are the advantages of the method of growing seedlings proposed in this video lesson? Firstly, this method is extremely economical, both from the financial side (does not require large cash costs), and from the point of view of the rational use of time and effort. The arrangement of such a kind of room "bed" will not take much time, caring for it is also not at all difficult, and will not interfere with other daily activities. In addition, especially important for residents of city apartments is such an advantage of the above method as a compact design, which is used for growing greens and seedlings. The mentioned design has small dimensions, is easy to fold and carry, so it will not be difficult at all to choose a suitable corner for it even in a small apartment or a small house.

    What can be grown on the windowsill in winter

    We are sure that all our viewers who are interested in horticulture and who want to provide their families with fresh organic greenery will definitely learn a lot of useful things from this video.

    All kinds of fraud and deception of gullible citizens flourished at all times, and usually scammers show enviable ingenuity, constantly coming up with more and more new ways to illegally take possession of other people's property. In full accordance with the latest trends in the development of society in the twenty-first century, virtual and mobile fraud has now become especially prosperous. It is about the latter that is described in this video lesson, which we recommend that everyone watch it without exception - regardless of gender and age.

    How to avoid becoming a victim of SMS scammers

    A small video called "How not to become a victim of scammers" is worth watching for all visitors to our website, because none of us is immune from the possibility of becoming a victim of SMS fraud sooner or later. In addition, the information heard in this video must be conveyed to your friends and relatives, especially to children and elderly family members, since it is they who most often fall for the bait of mobile scammers, sometimes transferring very large sums of money to them. The invited experts in this video lesson briefly, but very meaningfully and clearly talk about the most common methods of SMS fraud, about how to behave in such situations so as not to lose your savings. In addition, our viewers will certainly be interested in general recommendations on how to minimize the risk of falling into one of the fraudulent schemes. An extremely important nuance that experts focus on is maintaining composure and a sober look at things. Very often, scammers use the so-called "shock effect" - they try to stun the victim with unexpected information and demand immediate action (for example, urgent transfer of money) so that the person does not have time to recover and understand the situation. Therefore, in no case should you do hasty actions - it is better to think ten times before doing what your mobile interlocutor requires of you.

    How to avoid becoming a victim of online scammers

    We hope that this video tutorial will help reduce the crime rate and help our viewers to successfully resist SMS scammers in any circumstances.

    One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the prom at school. This event marks the end of an entire school era and is a kind of "bridge" to adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing an outfit and turn into a real princess for your family and classmates for at least one evening. And, of course, what prom is complete without a prom dress? It is to him that our lesson is dedicated.

    How to choose a dress for graduation 2017

    Thanks to this video lesson "How to choose a prom dress", future graduates, as well as their mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, will be able to get acquainted with the recommendations of leading stylists on what factors should be considered when choosing a prom dress and what rules should be followed. It's no secret that many young ladies start thinking about choosing a prom dress long before the event itself - sometimes even a year in advance. There is no single point of view about what a prom dress should be, because all girls are different, each has its own style, character and appearance features. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to blindly follow fashion trends, but to try to make the prom dress harmonize with the personality of the graduate, reflect her personality and emphasize her external advantages. Many girls prefer to follow the traditional rules in choosing a dress - they choose pastel colors, light fabrics, feminine silhouettes. Of course, this is already a classic, so these outfits will always be appropriate at the prom. However, if a girl wants to show off originality, then it is quite possible to get creative - choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black is considered undesirable - it may turn out to be too heavy and gloomy for a young girl during a prom.

    How to choose a dress according to your figure

    We hope that this video lesson will help each of our spectators make the right choice in favor of the most beautiful and stylish prom dress that will make the girl feel like a real lady.

    How to remove a girl's belly

    It is no secret that one of the most problematic areas for most women is the tummy and sides, because it is there that all those “sweets” with which we actively indulge ourselves begin to be deposited in the first place. Nevertheless, the situation is not critical, and you should not completely give up your favorite foods - just eat them in moderation and not neglect physical activity. The authors of this video dwell on the last question in detail, telling and showing what kind of physical exercises will be most effective for getting rid of fat folds on the stomach and sides. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully performed even at home, and this one does not take so much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a TV series - and thus, you can combine business with pleasure. The authors of the lesson offer the five most effective exercises that help to quickly and reliably make your waist thinner, and the figure as a whole - slimmer. Of course, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such exercises: firstly, you need to do each exercise correctly, strictly following all the recommendations of the trainer; secondly, you should do it regularly, best of all - daily, or at least every other day. Under the condition of constant training, after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable, a decrease in waist volume will begin.

    How to get rid of belly fat at home

    This video lesson will be useful and interesting for almost every woman who wants to have a good figure with minimal effort, time and money.

    It's no secret that human health is the most important thing, so taking care of your own health and your body should start from a very early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time than to treat later, when the disease has already begun to develop intensively.

    High-quality medical services are in demand everywhere and always: a thousand years ago, and at the present time. It is well known that the profession of an esculapius does not tolerate unprofessionalism and amateurism, therefore, one should seek medical help only from highly qualified specialists. Otherwise, poor-quality medical care may not only not bring the desired improvement, but, on the contrary, further aggravate the situation and harm health.

    Today, the services of large medical centers of a wide profile, the so-called family medical centers (or clinics), which will provide high-quality medical services to all family members: both adults and children, are extremely in demand.

    Among the numerous advantages of such medical centers, I would especially like to highlight the following:

    • Extremely high quality of the offered medical services. The entire staff of a large center - from the head physician to the nurse - is highly qualified, has rich practical experience and an impeccable reputation; therefore, specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with even the most difficult tasks;
    • Versatility. Clients of the above-mentioned family-type private clinics can safely come here with diseases of a wide variety of profiles - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is provided, his previous complaints and appeals are taken into account.
    • Comfort. One of the main shortcomings of public hospitals - the lack of necessary amenities for comfortable treatment - has been completely eliminated in private medical institutions. Both outpatients and inpatients can enjoy a pleasant environment and enjoy all the necessary amenities.
    • Availability of the most modern medical equipment;
    • A reasonable pricing policy, a fixed cost of services and the absence of any fees, additional payments and requirements for “thank you” in envelopes, which patients of the so-called “free” polyclinics constantly face.

    The well-known German-Ukrainian medical center Aurora fully possesses all of the above advantages, which offers everyone extra-class medical services, consultations and assistance from highly qualified world-class specialists.

    Each representative of the fair sex strives to be beautiful and attractive, while following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that not only clothes or a handbag can be fashionable - but also eyebrows! Over the past years, well-groomed natural eyebrows of sufficiently large density and width have remained in trend all over the world. Such eyebrows make the look more expressive, and the whole face - more vivid and memorable. However, what to do if nature has deprived you of thick eyebrows? Do not worry, there is a way out - and you can learn about it from this video lesson "How to grow thick eyebrows."

    How to grow eyebrows fast

    This short video is dedicated to such an interesting question for any woman as eyebrow care, in particular - how to become the owner of sable eyebrows without extension, in a natural way. This is quite possible if you use certain traditional medicine to care for your eyebrows, namely bodyagu. Many have already heard about its beneficial properties in cosmetology. Now it can be successfully used as an effective tool to improve the growth and appearance of eyebrows. Qualified experts will tell you about how to use bodyaga for the above purpose, how often it is necessary to carry out such procedures and what precautions to take while doing so, as part of this video. A very important nuance is the availability of this method of eyebrow care. Bodyaga is a completely inexpensive, publicly available drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Therefore, each representative of the fair sex gets a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful at minimal financial cost. Carefully following the beauty tips and recommendations voiced in this video, every woman can see positive changes in the condition of her eyebrows in a short period of time - they will become thicker, healthier, it will be possible to give them a new shape in accordance with the latest world trends in eyebrow styling.

    How to grow eyebrows fast at home

    We hope that this video lesson will be useful for our viewers and will help replenish the arsenal of beauty products with another very effective

    The violin is a wonderful musical instrument that has won millions of hearts thanks to its lyrical sound. However, violinists (beginners and professionals alike) are well aware that the violin is not only delicate and fragile. It is also in itself a rather whimsical instrument that requires a special approach and care.

    First of all, it is worth protecting the violin from direct sunlight in order to avoid drying out. In no case should you leave this musical instrument under the scorching sun. The same applies to severe frosts: the violin generally does not like significant temperature changes, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature regime in the place where the instrument is stored. Remember that you can not leave the violin near open heat sources: fireplaces, heaters, stoves, and so on.

    The second, no less important advice: the violinist must constantly monitor the level of humidity in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like either excessive moisture, because it makes the wood damp, perhaps even the appearance of mold, or too dry air, because in the latter case, cracks and other damage may appear on the wood - and the instrument will become completely unusable. Experts recommend maintaining the optimal level of humidity in the room at the level of 45-60 percent.

    It is also an extremely important duty of the violinist to clean the instrument regularly, which should preferably be cleaned and wiped down after each use. Do not neglect this duty in order to avoid the appearance of dirt, scuffs and other unpleasant traces of operation on the violin body. To avoid this, we suggest using online stores, for example,

    However, even if you fully comply with all the basic recommendations for caring for a violin, its owner is not immune from damage to the instrument. As a result of natural wear and tear (if the violin was used for a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (bumps, falls, other mechanical damage).

    If such troubles occur, you should not hesitate, but contact a qualified violin maker who can offer an extensive list of instrument repair services - from replacing strings to restoring the varnish coating.

    A long-legged, tall, tanned young girl wriggles around a shiny pole. True, her high growth is largely due to shoes with a large platform and giant heels. She dances in only thongs, on her body are sequins, her breasts are bare. There are some decorations on the body - but who pays attention to them? Extended hair, extended eyelashes, extended nails, extended legs .... Although they don't seem to grow. So, you know what they call it in Russia now? Burlesque.

    And such lies all the time. In Moscow and throughout Russia, many establishments began to open that position themselves as a moulin rouge, cabaret, an example of an expensive burlesque (but in fact, wine glasses are now in fashion ...). But what is the difference between these establishments and an ordinary or even an elite strip club? Let's look for similarities:

    - Girls in burlesque and strip clubs somehow suspiciously the same. The same figures, movements, hairstyles (is there really only one choreographer and stylist working in Moscow who manages to do it everywhere? If only he had a master class!)

    -The same "corsets" from crossings for a thousand rubles... It is strange that those clubs that consider themselves "elite" provide their dancers with corsets for a thousand rubles, when it is well known that a good corset costs at least 5 thousand, and the most luxurious - under 30 thousand or more. And this applies not only to corsets - all suits, shoes and cosmetics smell of cheapness in clubs. In fact, there would be nothing so terrible in a cheap suit (after all, the number of zeros does not indicate the overall quality) if the wearer of the suit had a bright personality. Well, or at least a sense of humor ... Imagine - she clings to the pole with extended nails and bam! The nails remain on the pole.

    Do you hear any difference between the music in a burlesque place and a strip club? I can't hear at all. Tynts-tynts here and there, but for some reason it is called by different words - a strip club, a cabaret ... Sometimes, of course, you can hear the unfortunate and hackneyed "Money" from the movie "Cabaret" or "Lady marmalade", but this happens occasionally between endless pounding on the ears and brain.

    - The show program in establishments that use the word "burlesque" in their PR campaign for some reason does not contain burlesque. Pole stripping is not burlesque. A pole striptease is a pole striptease. Pole dance is different. But calling it "burlesque" is like calling Lada Kalina a Mercedes. Personally, I would not want Lada Kalina to be sold to me under the guise of a Mercedes (and at the same price!) And if you, dear readers, regularly go to strip clubs with a "burlesque theme" - then every day you buy a Lada for the price of a Mercedes!

    Of course, if "people hawala" - then why not create an infinite number of strip clubs? Personally, I have nothing against this, but I am against when things are not called by their proper names and thus hundreds, thousands of people are deceived (Where the world is heading! Mavrodi is just resting ...). And for me, as a dancer, an artist of real burlesque, it is sometimes very difficult to explain to people what burlesque is. Because they look at me and think I'm spinning around a pole in a thong, spreading my extended legs and making obscene back and forth motions. At least with a sign explaining. The life of a burlesque artist is hard and unsightly!
    And the problem is not only in "burlesque" clubs. Today, many show ballets have appeared all over Russia, which claim that their program is in the burlesque genre. When I watched the performances of numerous "burlesque troupes" - then again I did not see ANY difference with the usual show ballet. Girls come out in elegant costumes (as in other ordinary show ballets), jump, dance - and all this is wonderful, professional, but has nothing to do with burlesque, and again ... And again I beat my forehead against the frame of the room.

    Let's start from the very beginning and take the accessible and good material from Wikipedia, which tells what burlesque is:

    “Burlesque is a kind of entertaining theatrical show close to the genres of musical, cabaret and vaudeville. The main elements of such a show are humorous dialogues and monologues with erotic overtones, as well as dance erotic numbers. Just like in burlesque poetry, the burlesque show uses a way of conveying the sublime - low, and the low - sublime style. At the same time, the visual side of the show is emphasized more than its content. As an entertainment show, burlesque gained popularity in the United States in the middle of the 19th century. The first famous burlesque show was "British Blondes" under the direction of Lydia Thompson (1868). At first, the ratio of comedy and erotica in burlesque was in favor of comedy, but by the 1920s, the role of women in burlesque was almost completely reduced to striptease. The girls moved coquettishly and feminine, paying great attention to the acting performance of the striptease. It gradually became acceptable to remove more and more of one's clothes, until the standard came down to remaining in small panties and nipple-covering jewelry, often with tassels attached to them that could be rotated. Burlesque and striptease have become synonymous words. Famous stars of that time - Tempest Storm, Bettie Page, Lily St. Cyr, Gypsy Rose Lee and others.

    Here is another description of burlesque that I wrote for my website:
    “Burlesque is a teasing number, dance or theatrical scene, full of sexuality, sometimes even humor. Burlesque sends us back to the times when femininity, real beauty was most valued in a woman, and when there were divas on the screens and on the stage, style icons, which, unfortunately, are almost non-existent now.
    It is unlikely that a burlesque performer will like being called a "stripper". Still, “stripper” is a cliché in our heads that is unlikely to flatter a decent woman. Burlesque is chaste, fun and sexy stripping. And only gloves can be removed and nothing else! Each burlesque performer decides for herself what she wants to shoot and what she wants to show. The most important thing is the ability to master the art of burlesque. You can take off one glove so that everyone in the hall freezes and the glasses in the spectator glasses and monocles burst! And modern striptease is fast food, when everything is filmed quickly, vulgarly and vulgarly. Therefore, burlesque is a genre for aesthetes.

    As for removing one glove - pure truth. If you don't believe me, watch the film "Gilda" with the unsurpassed Rita Hayworth in the title role. She performs a number in which she takes off only one glove! But the beauty, charm and charm of Rita are so exciting that this is definitely a real burlesque. Don't forget about humor! If you go on stage and take off one felt boot, having previously presented a beautiful performance - this is also burlesque!

    Nowadays, there are entire burlesque groups and troupes, but first of all, burlesque is a solo genre. If a woman knows how to fully master the art of burlesque, then it strikes on the spot. If you release a colorful modern show-ballet, consisting of long-legged girls, and then release one professional burlesque performer, then, believe me, she will outshine all the girls from the ballet. Because show ballet, dance troupes are a set of movements, professionalism, but NOT individuality! And no one there even stutters about femininity, everything is very mechanical and harmonious. No improvisations, liberties and surprises. Otherwise, you will be fired. And burlesque is one continuous surprise and extravaganza! Of course, now pointe shoes and jazz shoes will fly at me, and therefore we will assume that I have such an opinion about ballet because of my big fifth point, therefore they did not take me to ballet and put me on a lifelong diet.

    If you call burlesque striptease, then chaste. What is valued most in this chaste striptease?

    Of course, forms. A burlesque performer can't be skinny! That is, she can be her if she has amazing charm, charm and can create a sense of forms on the stage. Just remember Shakira - small and thin! But she moves in such a way that with her dances she creates the feeling that she is plump. But this is a great and rare talent. The hourglass figure is what all burlesque performers strive for! And they have no desire for thinness, moreover, burlesque women are against it. Successful and famous Immodesty Blaze, Dirty Martini, Dita Von Teese - they are all owners of the "hourglass" figure. And if you are in the shape of a heart or a Christmas tree, then it’s just a sin to hide such features!

    Feeling style. During the day, the girl walks in jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, and in the evening she changes clothes and goes on stage in a corset and a hat. No! Remember - this can not be! Burlesque is not just a genre, it is life style. This is when even slippers are not in the form of fluffy animals or flip flops - but in the form of stylish ballet flats or high-heeled shoes! Jeans can be stylish if they are carefully matched to the rest of the look and if they sit on the waist. Remember, women, jeans on your hips will ugly your figure, remove your waist and no hula hoop will help. Of course, you need knowledge about fashion, you need to understand clothes. And know how to paint well! Can't you? Go to a makeup artist, and do not wash off makeup at night. Sleep face down on a pillow. Well, then reprint from the pillow to the face.

    - Femininity in everything. The desire to create and create. The desire to bring your beauty into this world. The desire to make loved ones pleasant. This is a smile at the gesture of a gentleman who opens the door for you, gives you a hand, gives way. Feminism and burlesque are incompatible things. Real beautiful women respect gentlemen and will never scatter phrases like "All men are goats." If there are only “goats” around you, maybe you should change your job or environment? Or are you yourself unworthy of more? So do something! In the end, release the goats to graze on the lawn near the house, they will nibble the grass, the lawn ... will spoil it.

    Painstaking care for your body and health. To show the body on stage, it must be as pleasing to the eye as possible. Of course, you can’t please everyone - there are lovers of thin people, there are lovers of fat women, but still, when a girl of average build is on stage, there is a chance that the majority will like it! So dozens of extra pounds are not welcome, as well as underweight. Veins on the legs (and in places where they should not be visible) should be masked, acne on the body should not be, or they also need to be masked. Remember, if you exercise, get enough sleep, drink plenty of clean water, have regular sex, and follow a healthy diet, then you look as perfect as possible. Sport keeps you in good shape, healthy sleep makes you younger, water washes out the bumps and makes the skin clean and even, sex increases the level of attractiveness and removes aggression, a healthy diet gives a lot of energy, strength and inspiration. Only in this situation can you demonstrate burlesque in all its splendor!

    Self love harmony. If you are overwhelmed with feelings of envy, anger, you are hysterical and too prickly because of some complexes, the performance will not work. You need to love yourself from the tips of your fingers to the top of your head and not look at other people's successes with envy and not rejoice at other people's failures! Anger and malice are very unfeminine. And unglamorous!

    And, of course, fantasy! Thanks to which you can come up with numbers, costumes for yourself, and if your hands grow from the right place, you will save on tailoring in an atelier or with a designer and you can make your own costume yourself. In general, go out at least in a bag. A naked woman in a bag is very erotic!

    Do you think strippers think about all this? Well, except for nutrition and physical health. And body care for pole riders, as a rule, comes down to extensions. And extended hair, nails and eyelashes are bad manners and kitsch. It also went like silicone breasts or lips. By the way, one more point - everything is natural for burlesque performers and there are no tunings. Tuning to face only the car! Although personally, I don’t want to build nails for my car.

    Remember the film "Memoirs of a Geisha", namely the moment when a novice geisha was explained that she should be able to stop a man with her eyes. This skill is important not only for a geisha, but also for a burlesque performer. I would probably even draw some kind of parallel between a geisha and a burlesque artist. Both have the most valuable art for the female sex - the art of being a woman. Real woman. Which teases, entices, knows how to listen and hear, which loves. He loves men, attention, himself. Which can show this love for itself by taking off some details of clothing, bewitching. Which, even when left naked, retains self-esteem, is proud of her body and will say with her whole appearance “Admire, because you and I like it” - and all this without a touch of vulgarity and depravity. Now women are lost, lost among stock clothes, fast food, meaningless chatter on a chip stand, and another richer one is lost among branded clothes and expensive jewelry, but at the same time she does not feel like a woman who knows how to use and cope with all this wisely. Burlesque is the art that helps you find yourself, your destiny.

    Being engaged in burlesque or regularly attending burlesque performances, the idea of ​​​​beautiful and beautiful in correct side. If all women can understand burlesque and become real ladies, I am sure that men will start giving way to them in transport and will generally become better - after all, it is we, women, who give men goals and aspirations, we inspire them! So let's make the world more beautiful, more fun and brighter with burlesque!

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    Video description from Beautiful dances, Beautiful dances:

    Burlesque is a kind of entertaining erotic show close to the genres of musical, cabaret. Burlesque shows are dance, circus, comedy and conversational numbers. Just like in burlesque poetry, the burlesque show uses the way of conveying the sublime - low, and the low - sublime style.

    As an entertainment show, burlesque appeared in Europe in the middle of the 19th century. Over time, female nudity began to dominate the show. Due to the inability to dance, the girls began to create exquisite stage costumes, props and scenery for their numbers, which eventually became the most important characteristic of the genre.
    In 1935, burlesque was banned in New York State as the show became more explicit. Restrictions were put in place, with artistes now unable to appear on stage without a thin bra or "pestis" (decorated and often very expensive nipple stickers) and panties.
    By the mid-1970s, burlesque had become what is now called striptease, seemingly forever.

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