• A young man contemplating life. "Make life with whom"? Think before you marry


    Standing your ground is brave.
    Feel free to go your own way.
    Andrei Voznesensky

    Today, when texts related to the arrival of Father Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev appear in the diary for the last few days in a row, the subtitle of those notes looks symbolic and curious, inspired by the title of one of the books of the protodeacon ( ).
    But the film was remembered for a completely different, non-theological reason.
    It seems to me that the film should be shown to teenagers. And certainly with a light, not instructive (if possible) commentary on one fragment at the very beginning of the picture.
    When the protagonist talks about his childhood, he talks with humor (an adult can already laugh at what upset him in childhood) about a very exotic name given to him at birth. Not only is the name - in honor of the pool, but also - dissonant, provocative, which just asks to be remade into an offensive nickname.
    But what a curious thing! The reduction to Pi did not change anything: as peers teased, they tease.
    And the guy is ready. Did not regret the summer holidays.
    He studied books about Pi (a number without which it is difficult to imagine geometry).
    And he surprised his peers, and even more so - teachers.
    Of course, those classmates who do not know the feeling "the whole world is in the palm of your hand, you are happy with it" when the summit is conquered were not impressed. And they didn't stop teasing.
    But something happened that is obviously more than the simple respect of peers and teachers for a stubborn boy who demonstrated a brilliant memory and work. He himself became different in this his answer to "weak?"
    It seems to me that young Pi, after summer studies, has become immune to what hurt him. And it just didn't matter what words anyone says about him.
    Because he did it! He will no longer be able to return to blissful (for someone) ignorance. Blessed were new heights for him and the labor of taking these heights.
    He was not looking for a banal way to fight off annoying teasing guys, which - alas - children at his age mostly choose: to become embittered, hardened in response and try to oppose the same evil force. Just snapping, getting worse and worse every time, becoming a burden to yourself ...
    He chose the stairs leading up.
    I often have to deal with people who, regardless of their real age, in the sense described, are still the same teenagers who have only chosen the path down for "youthful protest". The path of insolence, the path of increasing evil power.
    They are sure that their protest against any imposed norms and rules is fair and noble.
    Would agree with them! Yes, you can protest. And in adolescence, perhaps, it is necessary - how else can you indicate that another adult and independent person is about to come into the world?
    And here I would suggest to the "young revolutionary": no question - protest! But not with insolence, but with new achievements. Turn what worries you, torments you, threatens you with complexes into an incentive to rise! Pi did it...
    ... Here is the impression of the arrival of A. Kuraev, including - about the same thing. Others, not out of teenage ambition, chose the path down. And how nice it would be if their critical attitude to the philosopher and theologian made them rummage through notes, books, and finally google it!
    ... So, to paraphrase V.V. Mayakovsky, “For a young man who thinks about life, decides to do life with whom, I will say without hesitation - do it” ... from the boy Pi. For example.

    To the one who decides to make life with whom, I will say without hesitation - do it with ... Hero of Russia, yes.

    Actually, this is how meanings are devalued, "words and objects lose their meaning."
    Heroism is a thing associated with self-sacrifice and contempt for death, with the setting of certain meanings and values ​​above one's own life. The willingness to give one's life is a key component to heroism. Well, I mean - for real heroism, real.

    But this farce is a mockery and mockery of the very idea of ​​heroism. Would you like to be rewarded? What was it for? I don't believe it, but I admit it - in the end, as a Christian, I'm supposed to believe that people are able to improve themselves and, in general, can strive for good and useful things. Even people like this character. Let us suppose. So give "For Merit to the Fatherland" - the very thing for such cases. Both the reward and the high one, and there is no such devaluation.

    But no.
    It was necessary to spit here.
    Well done cho.

    They do not understand that by doing this, in fact, the foundations of the state are being destroyed? Because the state, where meanings are devalued, never stands for long. Must understand, must. Therefore, the only version - apparently, this is the calculation.
    What other versions could there be?

    What you need to know before getting married

    08.12.2016 | 09:03

    What you need to know before you marry.

    Think before you marry!

    The author of this poem is not exactly known. Someone writes that it is more than a thousand years old, and Yusuf Khas Hajib Balasaguni wrote it in 1070. Someone writes that the author is Abai Kunanbaev and he is already over 100 years old .... But! Despite this, it has not become less relevant!

    Think before you marry

    What kind of wife should you look for.

    Look for one to be

    Smart, and domovita, and modest.

    So that the look of both the young man and the old man

    Captivated by her only from afar.

    So that for her death is imminent

    You were the only one, which means you are the best.

    Think about what a family is like

    Where was your chosen one born?

    A big name is not worth chasing,

    After all, you are not called by the name of your wife.

    Hear the word of the wise and do

    As he says, experienced and mature:

    “Look for a bride who has smooth

    Not so much sides and cheeks as habits,

    So that not facial features, soul features

    The betrothed were good.

    What can be a temptation for a man?

    Some are captivated by the beautiful appearance,

    Other nobles are chosen as wives,

    Still others tend to marry the rich.

    Fourth want the wife

    She was sincere and humble.

    You want to know who is right and who is wrong

    Listen, I'll give you advice:

    The one who found a rich wife

    Until his death, he will be held captive by his wife.

    Rich for a poor husband

    Watching all the time will be down.

    Will scold, reproach from evil,

    I feel sorry for the husbands who have to

    Bow before the name of the wife.

    A proud wife

    Always cold with a rootless husband.

    All his life he will be gloomy, his fate -

    Being with a wife is more humble than a slave.

    Unhappy husband of a beautiful wife -

    He is yellow in face, his years are black.

    Beauty connoisseur is not alone,

    After all, there are eyes and other men.

    He will be, poor, until the end of days

    Not the husband of his wife, but a guard with her.

    He will be happy with his wife

    Who will find honesty and kindness in her.

    Let her not be famous for her beauty -

    Your wife is beautiful at heart.

    You did not please your relatives, swaggering,

    He did not look for high birth in his wife.

    But her honor and virtue

    They will exalt your humble name.

    Not chasing a rich wife

    You did not bargain with her relatives,

    And yet wealth can be:

    Your wife will help you save up.

    And if you are rich with such a wife,

    Consider that you found four in one.

    Valeria Verkhorubova


    Dry theory, my friend,
    And the tree of life is lush green.

    I've been here recently and I'm glad
    Take a look at a person
    Recognized by all
    And who are the citizens proud of?

    Heartbroken and flattered.
    People like me are legion here.
    Did you take a look around here?

    Please take part in me.
    For knowledge, not sparing the soul,
    I came to you from the wilderness.
    My mother asked me
    Don't go so far
    But I dreamed about your school.

    Yes, here you will develop to your heart's content.

    I will say with all honesty:
    I want to go home already.
    From these cramped spaces
    The thought finds obscurity.
    Around no grass, no bush,
    Only darkness, noise and stuffiness.
    From the roar of the audience
    I'm deaf and at odds with myself.

    It's just a matter of being unaccustomed.
    The mother does not immediately have breasts
    A silly newborn takes
    And then do not take away from the bosom.
    So ever stronger
    You will cling to the sciences.

    But if from the very first step
    Have I been repulsed by this craving?

    Have you planned or not
    Vocation and faculty?

    I would like to become a great scientist
    And master all the hidden
    What is in heaven and earth.
    Natural sciences included.

    Well, the right direction.
    The whole thing will be in your zeal.

    I am happy in body and soul
    Work hard all year.
    But will there be a big sin
    Walk sometimes vacation?

    Make good use of your time
    You have to learn from the system.
    First I want to owe you
    Go to logic courses.
    Your mind, untouched to this day,
    They teach discipline
    So that he takes the direction of the axis,
    Not wandering off at random.
    What do you like to do at home
    In one fell swoop, at random,
    How people drink or eat
    You will be divided into three doses
    Both subject and predicate.
    In the brains, as in a manufactory,
    There are threads and knots.
    Sending the wrong figure
    It threatens to confuse the shuttles.
    For the darkness of the remaining questions
    The philosopher will follow
    And explain, infallible,
    As befits the docks grated,
    What was first and second
    And it became the third and fourth.
    But, even knowing the genesis
    Mysterious universe
    And substances living composition,
    Alive do not create tissue.
    Trying to eavesdrop on life in everything,
    Phenomena rush to desensitize,
    Forgetting that if they violate
    inspiring connection,
    There is nothing more to listen to.
    "Encheiresis naturae" - Here
    What the chemistry is calling.

    I didn't understand you in the slightest.

    Understand willy-nilly.
    For this, it will be necessary to
    Practice in reduction
    Classifying more.

    Hour by hour is not easier for me,
    And like a head on fire.

    Still not fed up with all this, -
    Take up metaphysics.
    Give depth to the seal
    For what cannot be understood.
    Beautiful symbols
    You will be taken out of trouble.
    But most of all the regime
    Adjusted is needed.
    Serving hours of training
    Get good reviews.
    good student
    You can't be late for the call.
    Learn at home
    Lecture text on leadership.
    The teacher, keeping the similarity,
    The entire course reads on it.
    And yet with greedy swiftness
    Write down thought links.
    As if these revelations
    The Holy Spirit dictated to you.

    I know it and very
    I appreciate the value of the letter.
    Pictured in a notebook
    You are like in a stone fence.

    What faculty to choose?

    I can't become a lawyer.

    Here is the field of all useless.
    Here the hookers are only lafa.
    The hoary code of the count,
    Like a load of hereditary disease.
    Another law from generation to generation
    From grandfather to grandson.
    He was a blessing, but in his turn
    Became flour from beneficence.
    It's all about natural rights.
    And they are trampled into dust.

    Yes, I can't be a lawyer.
    I treat them with dislike.
    I'd rather give myself up to theology.

    Oh no, go astray!
    This science is a dense forest.
    You can't see anything up close.
    The outcome is the only and best:
    Look the professor in the mouth
    And repeat that he is lying.
    Saving unfoundedness
    Will save you from all troubles,
    Helps to avoid unevenness
    And he will introduce indisputability into the temple.
    Hold on to words.

    Yes, but words
    After all, the understandings correspond.

    Why go deep into them?
    Completely unnecessary work.
    empty speech
    It's always easy to put into words.
    From naked words, furious and arguing,
    Erect buildings of theories.
    In words, faith is only alive.
    How can you deny words?

    I'm sorry, I'll distract you
    But I will move the question further:
    Won't you tell a newbie
    How should I look at medicine?
    Three years of study is a term,
    In conscience, of course, spitting.
    I could achieve a lot
    Have a solid foundation.

    Mephistopheles (to himself)
    I'm out of breath as an educator
    And turn into hell again.
    The meaning of medicine is very simple.
    Here is the general idea:
    Everything in the world having studied to the stars,
    Throw everything overboard later.
    Why work your brain in vain?
    Go straight ahead better.
    Who will seize a convenient moment,
    That one will work out great.
    You are slim and in all your glory,
    Your appearance is arrogant, your gaze is scattered.
    Everyone involuntarily believes in that,
    Who is the most arrogant.
    Go to the ladies in the boudoir.
    They are malleable goods.
    Their swoons, ahh, ohh
    Shortness of breath and turmoil
    Treat take not for fear -
    And they are all in your hands.
    You are so honorable in their assessment.
    Manage without shame
    So leaning towards the patient,
    How one longs for a year.
    Exploring the focus of the disease,
    Check with your hand, heartthrob.
    Is it too tight
    The sufferer is wearing her corset.

    This area is good.
    Now you are much closer to me.

    Theory, my friend, is dry,
    But the tree of life is green.

    From you I'm just in a daze.
    I will come again someday
    Listen to your reasoning.

    You would do me a favor.

    Is it okay to go home with nothing?
    In memory of the reception
    Leave your stroke in the album.

    I won't refuse. Here's my autograph.
    (Makes an inscription in the album and returns it to the student.)

    Student (reading)
    Eritis sicut Deus, scientes bonum et malum.

    “For a young man who is thinking about life, deciding who to make life with, I will say without hesitation - do it with comrade Dzerzhinsky.”

    V. Mayakovsky

    I am making a correction: today's radicals, who are striving to make coups in order to again try to bring socialism and communism to life, Dzerzhinsky is rarely remembered, although the Cheka, the shooting of objectionable and superfluous people beckon their imagination with the ease of management methods unattainable in free America. Therefore, they would have changed Mayakovsky's phrase, inserting their favorite hero there - the killer of tens and hundreds of thousands.

    They are more "infected" with Maoism than with Leninism or Stalinism, although sometimes both idols stand together. The fact is that all the radicals aged 40-50 were "infected" with Maoism in colleges and universities, where in the 60-70s Comrade Mao's ideas and red book were very popular. Obama himself is a follower of Saul Alinsky, a Stalinist and Maoist, and radical Stalinists and Maoists are especially popular in his administration.

    One has only to name "kings":

    * recently expelled Marxist and communist Van Jones;

    * Director of the Department of Science and Technology John Holdren, advocating the establishment of a "planetary" regime with forced abortions, sterilization and "allowed" number of children;

    * Head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA - Office of Regulation and Information at the White House) Cass Sunstein, Chicago law professor, former adviser and longtime friend of Obama, who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Human Rights are an obstacle to the seizure of power by the Democratic Party and establishment of totalitarianism. It calls for measures to limit free speech and regulate the Internet (including the courts) to control free thought;

    * Georgetown University public policy professor Mark Lloyd, appointed by Obama director of "Diversity" at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to stifle conservative radio and TV, as was Van Jones, who worked for Soros at the Center for American Progress (CAP ). Lloyd, an admirer of Paul Robeson, recently went to the dictator Chavez to take over the experience of the "revolution" and there he praised him, regretting that what Chavez is doing in Venezuela is impossible in America;

    * "Manufacturing czar", former consultant and spokesman for the SEIU mafia holding America by the throat, Ron Bloom, in a speech at the Investment Forum on February 28, 2008, said: "We generally agree with Mao: the power is only in the muzzle of a gun."

    Mao as a favorite philosopher

    Obama's upper echelon, more bloated than any US president, contains many very colorful figures. All this "fifth column" worked for radical organizations, Jimmy Carter and Soros. From time to time, one of these figures falls into the light of the ramp, and we see another troglodyte with precisely developed plans for the introduction of some kind of totalitarianism. Glen Beck, host of interesting programs on FOX News, has long been an eyesore to the radical brethren. The war against FOX News has been going on for years, but with the rise of Obama, it has taken on a new dimension. FOX News is the only major independent channel. On January 12, 2009, White House Director of Public Affairs and former Obama adviser Anita Dunn, speaking at a conference in the Dominican Republic, boasted that the Obama presidential candidate's campaign almost completely controlled everything that was printed about Obama: "We provided the media with videos Obama or Plouff (his manager) without an interview."

    And today the White House controls the media (with rare exceptions) against which the war is waged. Dunn, on behalf of Obama, leads the war against FOX News: "FOX News is not a channel, but a branch of the Republican Party, which disguises itself as a news station."

    Dunn, a longtime Democratic consultant who started out with Carter, worked for years for the disgraced health care reform lobbyist and former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Dashle, who swore his $1.9 million estate in Columbia was his primary residence, even though he voted and was elected in South Dakota. For years he did not pay taxes on an expensive car and a driver "loaned" to him by his friend L. Hindery. Anita's connection with the Soros SAR and with people who worked there before and work now for Obama: CIA director John Podesta, Mark Lloyd, Obama's press secretary R. Gibbs. She managed to work in a law office associated with labor unions, radicals and Rod Blagojevich, who was trying to sell Obama's seat in the Senate. Her husband, R. Bauer, was interrogated in connection with the Blagojevich case. Bauer, Obama's corporate attorney and general counsel, sought an investigation into the American Issues Project (AIP), an independent group that advertised Obama's connection to Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayres. Bauer intimidated TV that dared to publish these ads. Of course, the husband and wife, like all "progressive elements", campaigned for the release of bin Laden's chauffeur Hamdan.

    Speaking in June 2009 at the St. Andrews Episcopal School at the Washington National Cathedral, Dunn said: “The third lesson and advice comes from two of my favorite philosophers: Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa… You have to figure out how to do things you haven't done before. In 1947, members of Mao Zedong's party challenged his chances of conquering all of China. Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Nationalists held the cities and had an army, they had an air force, everything was on their side. And the people said to Mao, "How can you win when everyone is against you?" But Mao answered them: “You wage your war, and I will wage mine”… It is about your choice. You are forging your own path. You do what you think is right."

    Everyone has their own way! Mao, the biggest killer of the 20th century, who killed 70 million, emphasized the importance of killing for the "cause of the revolution." Torture, mass executions gave Mao sadistic pleasure. Mao's red quote book was misleading people. The same tactic was used in the fall 2008 presidential election described in Zig Ziegler's Secrets of Closing the Sale. The White House is also "selling" its ideology to the masses. True, unlike Mao, who imposed it at gunpoint, Obama uses soothing rhetoric and spectacle to mask his radical agenda.

    Of course, Mao's answer to such questions would be a bullet. But Dunn elevated him to a philosopher. What would Mao do in the place of Obama and Dunn if, for some reason, he could not destroy and send millions to correctional camps? That's exactly what Obama and Dunn are doing - he would take control of the media, stifle all independent radio and TV, use the media, Hollywood and government agencies to promote propaganda and organize a "cultural revolution." He would certainly rename September 11 as the Day of Service and Volunteers, as Obama did - after all, Mao was very fond of subbotniks! According to Dunn and Obama, the media should serve as the "transmission belt" of the revolution and simply, without any criticism, tell the people everything that the White House says. How dare FOX news control Obama? Would anyone dare to control Mao?

    When high-ranking White House officials closely associated with President Obama express radically Marxist views, when the director of the White House Public Affairs Service does not hesitate to advise children "who to make life with" and chooses a 20th-century killer to do this, it is clear that for the first time in American history, Marxists came to the White House.

    The question nobody asked Dunn: Mao is your favorite philosopher. Maybe he is also your favorite killer?

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