• 1000 ideas psychological training center in classmates. Psychological cards "1000 ideas". What business problems can be solved with 1000 Ideas cards


    Psychological cards "1000 ideas" is at the same time a set for creating business ideas, a tool for training, brainstorming and coaching sessions and a business board game.

    The set consists of 78 cards, each of which contains a set of creative techniques, strategies, tips, tricks and trends. A random combination of cards gives an unlimited number of combinations, at the intersection of which ingenious solutions are born. Just pick up a set and draw a random card or combination of cards. Try applying the card's advice to your situation.

    1000 Ideas cards can help you make decisions about work and business, creativity and self-development. At the same time, they allow you to reach any idea quickly and effortlessly.

    It is precisely because of their versatility and ease of use that 1000 Ideas cards have become a desktop tool not only for entrepreneurs and sales and marketing specialists, but also for ordinary people interested in a qualitative change in their standard of living. 1000 Ideas develops an entrepreneurial mindset by helping you find multiple sources of income. Not surprisingly, coaches prefer this particular deck, and according to the results of the professional MAK-specialists competition "1000 Ideas", it was recognized as the "Best Coaching Deck".

    The variety of situations in which “1000 ideas” can be used allows you to work with the same set, both at home (with relatives and friends) and at work (with colleagues and partners).

    With 1000 Ideas, you can brainstorm on your own as often as needed without resorting to expensive training sessions.

    The history of the creation of cards "1000 ideas"

    It all started back in 2009, when a creative and friendly team of business portals openbusiness.ru (guidelines for opening all possible types of business) and 1000ideas.ru (a collection of original ideas for business, advertising and promotion) thought about interesting questions:

      How are brilliant ideas born that instantly win a lot of fans, and their authors (more precisely, those who implemented the idea) are turned into very rich people?

      Is it possible to put the process of generating such ideas “on stream”, so that they are born at any moment when you need it?

      What is required to implement such an amazingly convenient algorithm?

    And here's what happened.

    At that time, our team was quite “motley”: an entrepreneur-marketer, an advertiser, a professional psychologist with a solid teaching experience, a business coach, a copywriter with a cultural studies education, and a couple of other creative individuals who are not indifferent to self-development issues.

    During the brainstorming session, it was decided to assemble a mega-collection of creativity development techniques. And along the way, check how it all works on "Russian soil."

    And such a collection was created! But it turned out to be only an impetus to the birth of a truly unique solution - the emergence of a tool that would turn these "techniques" into Concrete Ideas, and also show how exactly to implement them.

    Effects of working with cards “1000 ideas”

    The 1000 Ideas cards were created purposefully to work out a certain range of problems, primarily in the business sphere. Their feature is a large amount of diverse information on each card.

    This is a Call to Action, and a recommendation, and an advertising technique and a reference to a certain trend and creativity technique. Considering that a separate article is devoted to both the trend and the description of the technique (all of them are available on our website 1000ideas.ru), then there are more than enough incentives that can start an associative chain.

    At the same time, unlike other psychological cards (and even more so from metaphorical cards), the cards are quite specific, and the messages are clear. That is why these cards are especially effective in working with men and are ideal for working out business problems, brainstorming and developing promotion strategies.

    This set was created as a designer of business ideas. With this set, you will develop new products and services, expand your target audience, hire effective employees and increase their results, easily develop any advertising campaign and come up with an original business strategy, always being at least one step ahead of your competitors.

    In addition, the regular use of these incentive materials will help you increase your value as a professional and leader - by developing creativity skills, mastering the art of choosing the right motivation and the ability to quickly generate new and, most importantly, effective ideas.

    "1000 Ideas" helps the entrepreneur to "think in a million", to find lines of business that you did not know about. And, of course, create new sources of income.

    Down with the routine!

    A set of "1000 ideas" will make even routine work creative, and a creative atmosphere is a great way to unite the team. With it, your brainstorming sessions will become much more efficient, and you will be able to generate ideas as often as necessary.

    This is a personal advisor who will never let you down and will always be "on your side". Do not like to talk about your problems out loud and discuss them with others? 1000 Ideas cards allow you to brainstorm individually, which can be much more effective than group brainstorming.

    If you need optimal, non-standard solutions - the cards are ready to suggest them at any time. At the same time, our business idea constructor will not only offer an original and interesting idea for a business, but also indicate specific ways to implement it.

    And most importantly... The 1000 Ideas deck will help not only develop your own creative potential, but also change your life for the better, as they are focused on achieving a specific result.

    The deck consists of 78 cards. Unlike the subsequent ones ("1000 lives" and "1000 roads"), each card here has two meanings: upright and inverted.

    In addition to the main creative technique, each card contains the maximum number of additional incentives. Each card contains:

      The title is the general meaning of the card, it is also an incentive to action, advice, a slogan, the most concise specific solution;

      Image - miniature retro postcards corresponding to the theme of the card;

      Text-comment to the map, it "expands" the essence of the title;

      A possible trend, a current trend in modern business that you could follow;

      A reference to one of the creativity techniques that will be useful in the process of generating ideas (for a detailed description, see the book "Creativity Techniques" attached to the set);

      Correspondence of the card to the Tarot system.

    You (your staff or your training participants) don't have to think about how to "understand" the map. The answer to your question is written right on it.

    How 1000 Ideas cards work

    The 1000 Ideas deck makes both hemispheres of the brain work at once, significantly increasing the efficiency of working on a problem. Each of the cards contains stimulus material - in other words, those hooks that your imagination clings to. At the same time, incentives are not abstract words and concepts, but quite specific techniques and business moves.

    But that doesn't mean the map tells you what to do. It only tells you from which side you can look at a pressing problem. Even such a familiar and boring technique as brainstorming can be made extremely effective or it can be done alone. For more information, see the Creativity Techniques guide that comes with the kit.

    The book contains not one or even a dozen, but as many as 120 of the most effective techniques and mini-trainings for finding creative solutions. And this is not a thoughtless borrowing of foreign experience, but something that we have tested in practice and adapted to modern Russian realities. And you will see: they really work.

    How to use the 1000 Idea cards

    Although hundreds of exercises have been developed with the 1000 Idea cards, they can be used without instructions. How? Look at the map and draw associations from there. Look at the illustrations, collect words and titles from capital letters. You can even refer to the meanings of traditional Tarot - after all, we took them as a basis. We promise - there will be much more ideas than you could imagine in your wildest expectations!

    Recall: the set of cards is accompanied by an electronic version of the book "Techniques of Creativity", which contains 120 diverse techniques for solving creative problems. However, it is not necessary to limit yourself to them - you not only can, you must come up with something of your own.

    Where to apply the cards "1000 ideas"

    Each card contains a large number of elements - a variety of "stimuli", on the basis of which an incredible number of associations are born. And this is a direct way to generate original ideas and develop a strategy for their implementation.

    On the one hand, this stimulus material is convenient for independent work (as an adviser when looking for ideas for a new business, making certain decisions, including personal ones, when developing an advertising campaign, promotion strategy, etc.).

    On the other hand, it is often used as an innovative tool for conducting intracorporate trainings intended for managers, marketers and advertisers, sales managers, recruitment managers.

    What business problems can be solved with 1000 Ideas cards

    1000 Ideas cards will become indispensable assistants in solving current and strategic business problems. The mechanism of its work is based on the search for random associations that arise when reading tips and creative techniques contained in the cards.

    Business tasks that help solve the cards "1000 ideas":

      search for ideas, techniques and solutions for current business problems;

      development of new goods and services, as well as ways to bring them to the market and promotion strategies;

      search for new markets;

      development of a strategy for the development of key areas of the company and business in general;

      increase the effectiveness of brainstorming, meetings and teamwork

      creating a creative atmosphere and team building.

    Trainings that can be done with 1000 Idea cards:

    This is just a small "general" list, any of the elements of which can be adapted to your tasks or those of your clients if you are a business coach or business coach:

      increasing personal efficiency and productivity of employees of marketing, sales and advertising departments;

      regular trainings in the sales department, including "adjustment to the client" and "search for arguments";

      stimulation of creativity among marketers and advertisers;

      development and adjustment of marketing strategies;

      developing skills of spontaneous argumentation for negotiations with clients and partners;

      any regular and specialized mini-trainings for the tasks of the company.

    You can buy psychological cards "1000 ideas" in our official online store

    80 000 ₽

    initial investment

    2 months



    additional payments

    Description of the psychological salon 1000 ideas

    Get complete information about the company

    Financial terms of cooperation

    The partner package includes

    1. A ready-made algorithm for consulting a client in relation to the main requests that are addressed to a specialist. 2. Ideas about the features of the consultant's work and the skill of recognizing "problem" clients. 3. Techniques and exercises for counseling clients (both classical and fairy tale therapy). 4. Powerful therapeutic effect from working with psychological maps.

    Live 7-day intensive

    At the 7-day intensive, we will answer the questions that you had in the process of studying the method, show trainings and advanced features of working with psychological maps.

    All sets of psychological maps

    All three decks of psychological cards: "1000 roads", "1000 lives" and "1000 ideas", as well as books and manuals for cards (over 2000 pages in pdf format)

    30+ ready-made training programs

    The package includes 30 programs of unique author's trainings and master classes on the most relevant client requests

    Access to online counseling service

    The online consulting service allows you to consult remotely using psychological cards, working with clients throughout Russia and abroad

    Business plan for a psychological training center

    Two standard business plans with the ability to edit data for the realities of your city and region Recommendations for the promotion of a consultant and trainer (more than 10 hours of recording). Ready-made texts and photos for advertising


    Guaranteed information support for your consulting and training activities. Prompt communication with trainers after training on all issues arising in practical work

    Video presentation

    Contact information

    Reviews about "1000 ideas"

    Elena Kozhina (Cheboksary)

    How did I get acquainted with 1000 idea cards? I found out about them by accident on the Macomania website, where these cards won many prizes. I was after a plentiful decree (three children), could not work for hire and was looking for options for myself. I went to training in strategic coaching and when I was studying, I saw wonderful metaphorical cards from the coach who taught us. But I was looking for a universal deck, because I saw different games and understood that a person would come to such games once or twice. And then you have to come up with something new. I wanted to find transforming cards that could affect different areas, and with which we could constantly come up with something. When I saw the psychological cards, I was just delighted - this is exactly what I was looking for. Having learned what the conditions are, I immediately decided that I was buying an affiliate course. Because these are not just cards, and not just methods - this is a kind of family business that can be transferred further, this is an opportunity to both earn money and conduct programs. Since I originally took the affiliate course online, I can tell from both sides what it all looks like. I went through everything, everything is laid out on the shelves, everything is written down and I did everything as it should, but what you get here (note: at the full-time Intensive), unfortunately, you will not get at home. That is, you do the exercises as you see. There is also an opportunity to communicate with different people, with professionals, to learn from more experienced specialists their system of work, their views, I did not catch some moments or simply did not think about them. And then you see that even beginners are doing great and you are already becoming more confident. Here I decided that I needed to sell not individual consultations, as before, but I needed to sell courses. I have put together a course for 10 people, which I will launch upon arrival. I will lead them for three months. It gives peace of mind. I set aside two days a week for this and do not worry. I already have a basic payment that will come. Yes, I will hold some other events that will generate additional income, but the foundation is already there. And it is intensive that makes it possible to understand what courses need to be conducted. I am delighted with the Commedia dell'arte - this is generally a masterpiece, I understand that I can already launch it for at least two months, or even more. I understand that I already have three more months of enrollment for one training. I understand what I can do with The Hero's Journey. I understand that I can conduct additional programs and there is such a large selection here! Another such moment: if you start to conduct programs, you still don’t understand what you like and what you don’t. Now I know exactly what I like and what I don't like. And I felt it here, at the intensive. I am delighted with what the company provides. All the tools have been given so that we not only enjoy what we do, not only bring benefits to people, but also really make good money using ready-made materials. And this is probably the most important thing. And intensive gives you this understanding. And now I’ll tell you a little about myself based on the results of the intensive. When I arrived, I set myself a specific goal - to understand my career. And literally during the first two or three classes I figured out this issue, and later much deeper things began to come out, moreover, the actions that I had already taken here began to be embodied. The space begins to change already in my reality, in my life. That is, we touch upon such deep things, change ourselves, and our universe around really changes. You find yourself in a kind of fairy-tale country where you can do everything. Intensive gives this opportunity. I am more than sure that you will come a second time to the same thing, go through a comedy or a game - you will discover new layers in yourself and work through new layers. So I'm just sure that everyone should visit here. There is not even a doubt about this - you need to take an affiliate course and just go and do it. Even if you take it just for yourself, then this is a colossal study, a colossal resource that will always be with you. This is the best investment you can ever make. So just take it and come!

    Julia Uss (Serov)

    Initially, I was looking for a business that would require little investment and would be accessible to almost everyone. Which will be for the soul, for its self-realization. And on the Openbusiness website, I found the business that interested me. Of course, I first figured it all out, read everything, all the reviews and that's it. And I realized that all this is interesting to me, I need it. There is a lot of information that allows you to start this business, deal with it and carry it to the masses. For this, too, many thanks, the fact that it is packed, everything is ready. But you need to come to the intensive in order to feel all these trainings for yourself, get additional emotions, load yourself, discard interfering factors, and get some additional information, tools that will help to promote and implement this business even more and even cooler, and realize yourself much more. It's great, it's just an upgrade, it's a complete reboot, you already feel so confident, so understanding ... It seems that I'm not a psychologist, but I understand everything, it's necessary and it captures people and in the future they will be ours. Highly recommend to everyone!

    Anastasia Sutula (Surgut)

    I especially liked the fact that all these days at the Intensive we were in a state of creative flow. But despite the fact that we were creative, we were solving very important issues. It is vital questions, ranging from the simplest to the most complex, such as “who am I”, “why am I” and “what can I give to the world”. It was important for me that next to me were colleagues, partners, consultants who helped to pull out these pearls from the inside and show how I can benefit the world, how you can heal the souls of other people. They helped develop life strategies that were new to me. I am pleased that, for example, all my ideas that I had are now ready for implementation. I am ready to come to my city and offer these intellectual products as vitamins for intellectuals. It's nice that there are no such products in the city and you can't buy them in a pharmacy. This is the product that you want to offer to the client, it is pleasant to work with him and I want many people to know about it. Therefore, if you doubt whether this is your business and whether it is worth coming to the intensive, then I say definitely yes! Because this is the path to yourself and the opportunity to start a new business. An opportunity to rediscover yourself.

    Lyudmila Dmitrieva (Syktyvkar)

    I have been familiar with these cards since 2010, I saw that the potential is huge, the possibilities are fantastic, but earlier I realized that I did not know how to use them in full. That is why I came to the training. From the very first day, I realized that I had come for a “treasure”, this is an amazing discovery. The course is very capacious for understanding what will be useful for my work.

    Katerina Sidorova (Moscow)

    I did not watch the online course, because I was in the first intensive. We took this entire online course offline at that time, and I can say that, of course, taking it offline cannot be compared with online. I had the opportunity to go to the affiliate section, look at everything again, but only to consolidate some material that was misunderstood. I sincerely urge everyone - come to participate in person, this is a completely different experience. First, the experience is that here you work through everything. There are many excuses at home: “I won’t do it here”, “I’ll do it here later”, or “I’ll just listen, but I won’t do anything”. When you work directly with the members of the group, it's a completely different job. You are included in every exercise. As a client, as a consultant, you work in a completely different mode. Firstly, last time (2 years ago) we had a superficial look at the Commedia dell'arte, and I really wanted to come and do it again. And I did it the best! Because at my request, we also made a theatrical drama, which was generally amazing. Therefore, no online at all will give the opportunity to watch it. Very serious and deep training - "The way of the hero". There is a very serious study of the choice, assessment of opportunities. When you see the whole path in the process of work, its difficulties and gifts, then at some point you understand that you may not want this at all. When a person thinks that he wants something, but, harnessing himself to this work, realizes that he does not need it, this is terrible. Therefore, in such a game format, it is very useful to go through different versions of your “wish list”. Plus, of course, it’s better to go through it again in a team. Because here they will prompt and direct you ... At home, with yourself, you won’t go that far. Yes, and just lazy. There will be no time, someone will distract endlessly. And here is a very intensive work. We sat until eight in the evening, and after that you still sit with those colleagues with whom contact has been established, even until three in the morning. This is an absolutely amazing program, amazing teachers, whom I have seen for the second time, and with whom I continued to communicate after our first intensive. I am extremely happy and glad that you exist, and I wish you prosperity and new programs, and I think that this is not the last time I came to you.

    Irina Rasskazova (Omsk)

    I work with specific difficult "situations" in which people find themselves. And it is important for me that a person understands what he will do in this situation, where he will take strength, gain confidence, not hang in his fears. I see how these cards really help in solving such issues (in my regular practice). If a person is “fixated” on one (straightforward) decision, the cards will clearly show other options that are not obvious to him - and he will be able to consciously choose which “road” to take.

    Irina Obrezanova (Moscow)

    I am under an avalanche of impressions and emotions at the end of the course. Why is it better to participate live? When you're here in live training, you try, you see your mistakes... And it's safer. When you are in live training, you have several teachers at once. In addition, any of the partners with whom you are working at this moment is part of this space and the action that is taking place. And you take a lot more. This is a very large amount of information, unrealistically large, very deep and strong. And you carry this layer through yourself. This is, in fact, a huge bonus when professionals have worked with you and your own questions. You not only lived through it, you not only received an instrument, a huge gift given to you ... You also did a huge deed for yourself and you leave here a different person. Just because you went through your “Journey of the Hero”, worked through your “12 Labors of Hercules”, because you played this comedy and looked at your own life from the outside. When you start interacting in a group, there is no way for you to "jump off". You cannot say that everything is clear or incomprehensible to me, but here it is somehow difficult for me. Your “difficult” is disassembled into components, and turns into a large number of small steps, puzzles that are sure to add up. Therefore, a live intensive is, of course, completely different. This is a different depth, a different volume. This is really a bonus and a gift for yourself and what you will do.

    Tatyana Kim (Khabarovsk)

    I already had a set of cards, and one day my husband drew attention to a franchise in my specialty. It turned out that this is exactly what I already bought. I am glad that I came to this training, because it is simply unrealistic to figure everything out on your own. I return to my city in triumph, knowing for sure that I am the only one there. I am also very grateful to the coaches for personal transformation, and to the group for their support.

    Olga Polyakova (Krasnodar)

    I went with a very specific purpose. I went for an instrument that would be interesting to different people, and first of all, to those who have not dug into psychology recently, they are interested in something about themselves or in general something is interesting. For those who are interested, creative action. And for me, psychological maps provide these conditions, because in ordinary life people come to me who, as a rule, are deeply motivated in therapy, know something and have already tried something, and I speak the same language with them quite professionally . It's like a mix for me, a bunch of ingredients that I can mix and match, that I can make the salad I want. And not only in the sense that I can rearrange something, but also mix it to work with different levels of clients, which for me personally is a very great value, since in the work of a psychologist we are always interested in clients coming. There are clients who already understand that they want to change something, but what they want is not clear. In which direction to move - it is not clear. And the material that we received here will definitely show the way. Where to start and where it started my journey. This is a very convenient material for different customers. I will definitely use this. Because there are already ideas, there is already where to attach it all. And I want to cooperate further, and share ideas that were born along the way, and there were many of them. And to interact with those wonderful people who created it. Low bow to them, because this is a huge material. Obviously, there is a huge amount of work behind what we have received. You can probably shovel it all yourself, but you can spend half your life on it, and it’s not clear when to work and enjoy helping people. At Intnesiva, you get all this in a well-packed form, where everything is recycled. I am very pleased with what I came and received.

    Elena Kreizel (Yekaterinburg)

    For me, there were a lot of discoveries at this intensive, there was a lot of magic, there was a lot of magic. I got acquainted with the maps on the site. I was also fascinated by these fabulous pictures, these myths. And to understand this, I came here. I want to say that I questioned whether it really works. But I have experienced it myself, and yes, it does work. You can either read in absentia, as it should be, ready-made schemes and what happens as a result, or you carry it all through yourself, immerse yourself in this atmosphere. I am very grateful to our organizers, because they do everything to ensure that you immerse yourself in this environment, in these scenery. Atmosphere, light, amazing. Everything, even the clothes of our presenters, everything is professionally made. So much so that there is a real immersion. Naturally, you live these things. It can't compare to just sitting at home and getting stuff. This is heaven and earth. Here is an opportunity to test yourself as a consultant. It was also a new experience for me. Because I am not a professional psychologist. And I also had doubts about whether I would succeed or not. But I realized that the more you do it, the better it turns out, and it is quite possible to master and use it. I would like to note such a moment: when you immerse yourself here and deal with yourself, then in the future no situations or people will confuse you, because you know exactly what to rely on. And having felt it all for myself, I realized that I have a foundation on which I will rely, move it further and further, and I believe that people really need all this. I will try to promote all this where I bring it. And I invite everyone to the intensive, because it is really a great experience.

    Teresa Gulko (Moscow)

    My name is Teresa, I'm from Moscow. I want to appeal to women of mature age who, having raised their children, understand that the children have grown up and now they have nothing to do. And they begin to look for something to do in the affairs of their children. Because they have nothing to occupy the space that has been vacated. Maybe they have reached some professional heights, but the age is such that you already want to think about the eternal. I say this in particular about myself. My internal processes began: I delved into philosophy, began to look for the meaning of life, why I came here, into this world, which I have not done yet. It seemed to me that I had little education and little knowledge, although, having already come to this age, we think that we are already smart, and someone generally threatens wisdom and tries to give advice. I can't say that I accidentally found something on the Internet. I purposefully looked for an occupation, a ready-made business for women. Which is not very costly at the first stage, from which you can enjoy and earn money. But since I am a person who has been working for myself for a long time, naturally, at this age it is difficult psychologically to work under someone. First I looked at how much it costs. Then I got on the phone with one of the leaders, she brought me up to date, and I realized that I was simply born for this. At the same time, I definitely knew that I would come to the intensive, because it is difficult for me to work online. Live communication is more convenient. When I came here, I was very satisfied. First of all, yourself. I took this step - I arrived. What I thought I would find here, I found. Found even more. First of all, you understand yourself. I answered myself a lot of questions that had tormented me for many years, that is, I knew that I should find out, but I did not know where to go. Here you can become your own psychologist. Not just to yourself, but you understand how you can clarify these same questions to others later.

    Illona Gulko (Moscow)

    I got to the intensive purely by accident, although there are never accidents. And my motto is that everything that does not happen, happens for something. I got with my mother, she called me here. But I don't regret coming. In fact, at first I was wary of this. Well, there are such cards. And I'm such a person, one might say, cautious. I'm always looking for the catch in everything. What is it - it is necessary to understand. You have to sit down, think and think. In the end, we all looked, thought and decided to go to the intensive. Why exactly go? Because I am one of those people who do not perceive information online. It's not that I don't perceive it, but practice is very important for me. I can read a lot of theories, but if I don't see how it all happens in practice, then everything I read will be useless. When you come here, you think, God, there is so much information on how to put it in your head, but there is no big experience in psychology. You think that I will probably slow down somewhere, somewhere it will not work. But our wonderful speaker Elena presented it in such a way that you sit with your mouth open. Of course, some exercises, if you read them yourself, you will not understand. I was not shy, I got all our presenters with questions, so explain to me how this and how. They explained, they had enough patience for everything. And when it comes to you, you understand that you would never have succeeded online, as it is here. And when you look at some of your situation in some scenario, you don’t see it, others see more. Even you yourself, when you look at the exercise of a stranger, you see a lot, what he does not see. Therefore, when colleagues and consultants tell you, it helps a lot. You start to get a lot out of the unconscious. You can't pull it out on your own. And I'm grateful to be here. That everything is not in vain. I have already built a business plan for myself, how and where I will apply it. Thanks to all creators. Therefore, if you have any doubts, thoughts, or maybe you don’t need to go, then just pack up and go.

    Evgeny Zolin (Vladivostok)

    You gave us a lot, to be honest, I did not expect to receive so much. I have already worked with your cards, but it turns out that I did not even imagine their real potential. An incredible amount of information can be gleaned from them. Huge thanks to you!

    Elena Dulkina (Saratov)

    I came to this intensive as a faithful companion of my child, who is already a practicing psychologist at the moment. It so happened that I had a piece of vacation, I had to finish it and I decided that for the benefit of the business I would come to the intensive. You know, I am so grateful to the creator of this project. Because in my life I love to travel, I love reading books, going to the theater and here I got everything. So much information that I have never received on any vacation. And this is such a state of mind, the feeling that you are getting younger. You receive this information, you sort of digest it, and you must somehow get tired, but nothing like that! When you receive this information, you know for sure that you will apply it, even if you do not become a practitioner. I don’t have a psychological education, but this intensive will definitely be used in my life, because there is an environment that asks the same questions. Which does not know how to solve these issues, and these trainings and games are very helpful. As a participant, the Commedia dell'arte helped me a lot. Having understood who I am, I realized that there are many things I should not even worry about. There, in my place, I do that function and it's great. I also really liked the Golden Pot training, fairy tales are closer to me. This is such magic, miracles, it's great and I know for sure that I will start training with it. Therefore, I am very grateful to the creators and highly recommend coming to the intensive, because well, this is rest, work, knowledge, and all this is applicable.

    Elizaveta Dulkina (Saratov)

    I want to go a little “from under Vorkuta” in order to explain why I need to go and why I came here, because, of course, all this is interconnected. I want to appeal to those who want to come here and think about it “is it worth it or not”. And I'll tell you about my experience. I have a psychological education, but I received it with a break of three years. As a child, I wanted to be an artist, decorator, designer, I liked books, I wanted to be a writer, I was good at chemistry, and I almost went to the Faculty of Chemistry. In general, I was carried away from psychology as soon as possible, because I thought that I did not have the resources, that I needed to be some kind of perfection in order to help others ... Moreover, you listen to teachers, and then you get into some kind of situation, where you are told to “forget everything you have been taught”. I finished my studies and asked myself: what should I do now? I have a theoretical base, and then? To whom should I offer myself? What should I do? Naturally, we each choose our own direction. For young people who have just completed or are completing their studies and want to practice, there are many directions. And I want to say that here, at a live intensive, I personally, a person who was in therapy, group therapy, it is here, oddly enough, that I shut down all the things that I discovered in other places. It is here, due to psychological maps and people who give you feedback that is absolutely unexpected for you. They show you a huge number of alternative options that expand your view of the world, remove the blinders that you acquire during your life. And this is incomparable to anything. Moreover, I can honestly say that when working with metaphorical cards, there is a huge temptation to buy a bunch of decks. Because they are all so beautiful, everything looks so great. And here you understand that these three decks are enough for you and that's it. And you understand what a huge resource it is. It's about not having and spending a lot, sometimes you can use what you have. And for me, this is probably the most important inner discovery that if this is yours, then you will find everything you need there. Because during these days I found here both the theater and the opportunity to be an artist, and the opportunity to be a writer and reader of stories, and the opportunity to be an alchemist, so I want to say that all the paths converged for me here. And, knowing myself, I am now in such anticipation that I will start a new one, and what kind of scale it will be, so going to the intensive, I think, is a must. Because here, on the one hand, such magical things happen, and on the other hand, logical things in terms of life philosophy. I can just say that the younger you are to some extent, the more you need it here, because you can really see different options. Here you will discover a huge amount of resources and chat with like-minded people. Another plus is that not all people, when we read a book and we like it, have the opportunity to communicate with its author and clarify what he meant. And here we can do it by talking to the real creators of the method. Therefore, thank you very much.

    Yakov Blokhin (Vyazniki)

    A special plus is that we started with a simple one, and then went into a complex one. Everything was very interesting, all techniques really work with the subconscious and are much stronger than ordinary metaphorical cards. Thank you for the tool that helps to do quality work with the client and work with yourself! A very large volume that still needs to be comprehended. I leave with a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

    Anna Zatulina (Novorossiysk)

    Unique! The technique allows an ordinary person, a clinical psychologist, psychologists of other specialties, and even me, a physician, to work successfully with cards.

    Aelita Yarygina (Moscow)

    As a person from the side of non-psychologists and non-professionals, I first got to the training with wonderful psychological maps in Moscow. I came there with problems, with some of my troubles and realized that the cards work. My work with maps helped me deal with situations. And I immediately saw opportunities in this and realized that, at a minimum, I need such a deck. I bought it for myself. I saw your website on the cover of the deck. I think let me take a look. Before that, I had not heard information about the organizers. I went to the site and my eyes lit up. I saw that there is a partnership offer, that you can get training, and that even if you do not have a psychology degree, you can still be a consultant and still conduct useful trainings. And I realized what I want. I got on fire. I was very worried that I would not have time to complete the online course before the intensive. Because for me, practice is the foundation of the basics. I understood that the people who created this tool in any way can teach me something. And when I found out that I could study remotely, and then also go, I was in seventh heaven and I was looking forward to it. But I thought, what if I don’t like it, what if all the psychologists are there, everyone is so smart, and I came here and don’t know anything at all ... In short, it’s super! I am really inspired, I understood what opportunities I have in working with these tools, I saw the program, I “unpacked” my requests in such a way that I am simply shocked. The study is so global that it seems to me that it will continue throughout the year. And I realized that I can share what I received. Those people who want to deal with their troubles must definitely go, study and come. This is such a lively and life-giving tool, and you will definitely help people.

    The 1000 Ideas franchise is a training business that does not require investment in real estate or hiring staff. This is a way to quickly become a professional coach, independent consultant or personal growth coach, having mastered a new trending consulting technique, and receive a net profit of about 100-125 thousand rubles. per month, relying solely on their own strength.

    The cost of the franchise is 60 thousand rubles and includes payment for an 8-day training course in the methodology under the guidance of its authors - practicing psychologists, as well as applied specialists and marketers. The course includes not only training in the consulting technique itself, but also step-by-step instructions for beginners on the first steps in business, methods of promoting it and attracting customers.


    Over the years of practice in consulting in various fields of activity, the authors of the methodology came to a paradoxical conclusion - the role of a consultant or coach today is not only overestimated, but also secondary. As a rule, the client finds the right answers to his problems and requests not in the advice of coaches and psychologists, but in himself and in his own experience. The task of the consultant often comes down only to skillfully directing his thoughts, reasoning and conclusions in the right direction.

    Solving the question of how to increase the efficiency of this process of “search for answers within oneself”, the “1000 ideas” team developed a methodology for psychological prompt sets for various requests - family problems, self-development and self-knowledge, professional growth, opening and building a business, money and motivation, interpersonal relationships, building relationships in a team, promoting goods and services, developing creativity and many other topics. These universal sets were called psychological cards (not to be confused with divination, tarot, etc.).

    Psychological cards

    Since 2010, the 1000 Ideas Center was one of the first in Russia to develop the use of associative maps in counseling. The result of practical research work was the development of unique psychological maps that allow you to bypass the resistance of the client through the use of verbal and visual stimuli.

    Moreover, each set of cards has its own specifics.

    Psychological maps of 1000 roads:


    The cards you see in front of you are unique. This is not just a set of pictures, the task of which is to evoke a stream of associations in you. This is the Metaphor of the World. A world full of unknown, untrodden paths and unexpected encounters. The world, each time new and amazing. A world full of magical Helpers, fabulous Resources and, of course, Mysteries. As in a kaleidoscope, the cards are mixed up to create Alternative Fairy Universes, opening up incredible opportunities and paths for the Hero.

    Each map is a mosaic element, but at the same time, each map is also a whole world, with its own traditions, laws and customs. Will the Hero be able to use the Gifts that this world brings him, pass the Tests, learn the Lesson and gain Allies? Will he be able to see and go through the metaphorical path of the Hero and endure the Knowledge and Resources that are so necessary to go through such a path in the real world?


    The deck that we want to present to you is probably the most unusual among all the projective cards of the world. Inconspicuous at first glance, it conceals amazing possibilities of transformation, acquiring its own unique image in the hands of the owner. Like a chameleon, it adapts to the state of its owner, blooming with colors and images, turning into a mini masterpiece - a picture of the owner's inner world. But even in its original, undeveloped form, the effect of working with it is amazing. Like a mirror, these cards reflect the inner state, beliefs, stereotypes and expectations of the person working with them...


    The deck gives the owner himself a universal tool for working on himself, for self-knowledge and, as a result, internal transformation and self-development. Already in the process of working out the deck, selecting images and prototypes, a person plunges into introspection, listens to himself, his feelings, looks for an internal response to a particular image, perhaps analyzes the reasons for choosing one or another type. With his own hands, he creates a picture of himself, his values ​​and prejudices, fears and dreams, his ideas about the world and expectations from it.

    And this is just the beginning! The main work starts later.

    Now that you have your own magic tool, created in tandem between the Consciousness and the Unconscious, work on yourself moves to a qualitatively different level. You visually begin to see your leading attitudes, to be aware of the prejudices that prevent you from moving on, stereotypes and ineffective strategies for interacting with the world.

    To work with a glued deck, the authors of the methodology (medical psychologists) have developed dozens of effective exercises that allow you to independently conduct psychological study and adjust your life strategies even without the help of a psychologist or coach (of course, with the support of a specialist, work efficiency increases significantly).

    It is not surprising that such an impressive potential of the 1000 Lives cards for psychological diagnostics (and self-diagnosis) made this deck so popular among professional psychologists and psychotherapists.


    The 1000 Ideas deck is used to search for ideas and solve actual business problems. It is intended for entrepreneurs, marketers and advertisers, as well as coaches and business trainers. The mechanism of the business idea constructor is based on the search for random associations that arise when reading tips and creative tricks contained in the cards. At the same time, it is not abstract words and concepts that act as incentives, but rather specific methods of creative thinking and business moves. Forget about abstract fantasizing and copying market leaders! You just need to change the perspective by looking at your task from the positions offered by the map.

    This stimulus material can be used independently (as an adviser when looking for ideas for a new business, making certain decisions, when developing an advertising campaign, promotion strategy, etc.) and as a tool for conducting trainings intended for entrepreneurs, marketers and advertisers , sales managers, recruitment managers.

    Our books and guides


    The book "1000 projections: a complete training course on working with psychological maps"

    This book is the first complete, thorough and detailed guide to the use of psychological and metaphorical associative maps in the work of a practicing psychologist and coach.

    If you are interested in self-knowledge and self-development, the book "1000 Projections" will open the door to the fascinating world of the author's psychological maps "1000 Ideas", "1000 Lives", "1000 Roads", developed by "1000 Ideas" company by medical psychologists.

    Unlike other literature on this topic, this manual contains about a hundred simple and at the same time effective exercises, ready-made programs for trainings and seminars, psychological games and layouts. The second part of the book contains a transcript of a unique author's training course on working with Tarot for psychologists, which has no analogues either in our country or abroad.

    This is a unique book that should be in the library of a modern practicing psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer, as well as anyone interested in practical psychology and self-knowledge:

    • classic paper format (like most serious books you are used to);
    • hardcover and high-quality white paper (pleasing to the eye and inspiring respect in your customers);
    • 510 pages of practical advice and interesting exercises that teach you how to work with all types of projective maps.

    The first guide in Russia on all types of psychological maps - universal, complete and detailed. A detailed description of all the features of this tool.

    More than 100 exercises and psychological games - simple and effective methods for independent and professional work, development of creative potential, psychodiagnostics, search for resource states, solving business problems.

    Ready-made programs for seminars and trainings will expand the range of your services if you are a practicing psychologist, owner of a psychological or training center.

    Our applications:

    Mobile applications based on author's associative maps

    Psychological mobile applications, perhaps, can be called one of the most promising areas. However, most of the developments that can be found on the App Store and Google Play Market, as a rule, are adaptations of common psychological (and often pseudo-psychological) tests. Moreover, when adapting to the format of a mobile application, the diagnostic reliability of the methods used, as a rule, turns out to be equal to zero. Therefore, such tests can serve rather for entertainment, and not for self-knowledge and self-diagnosis.

    Against the background of other developments on this topic, one can distinguish a new project of the domestic company "1000 Ideas", which recently presented original psychological applications for mobile devices based on the author's methodology. These iOS and Android apps are based on the "1000 Ideas", "1000 Lives" and "1000 Roads" metaphorical association cards used by many practical psychologists to work with their clients. Associative maps, which relate to projective interpretive techniques, are test material organized in a certain way and used to study the personality as a whole or its individual aspects. Their main advantage is the absence of any assessment and the inability of the respondent to interpret his choice as “right” or “wrong”. This makes it possible to exclude the factor of "social desirability" and obtain objective results even when the respondent undergoes diagnostics without the help of a specialist.

    Psychological mobile applications from the 1000 Ideas company have a simple and intuitive interface, do not require special knowledge in the field of psychology or socionics, and (which is no less important) are completely free. New applications will be released soon, including for fairy tale therapy

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