• Larisa Rubalskaya: I don't want to be an old grandmother! I don't want to be an old grandmother! Larisa Rubalskaya - I don't want to grow old: Verse


    “Age becomes a barrier only if you think about it. There is a biological age, and there is another one that is determined by your state of mind.”
    Wang Deshun.

    At 24 I was a theater actor At 44 I started learning English At 49 I started my mime troupe and went to Beijing to become a Beijing tramp. My name meant nothing, I started everything from scratch. At 50, I entered the gym for the first time, began to work on myself. At 57, I returned to the stage and created a unique art form called living sculpture. At 70, I I really immersed myself in working on my body. At the age of 79, I made my first appearance on the podium. Now I am 80 years old and I still have gunpowder in the powder flasks. I still have dreams that I aspire to.

    Tired - march! Walk in the forest - march! Crossing arms and legs is the main exercise in brain gymnastics, known worldwide as Brain Gym®. Gymnastics for the brain is useful for everyone: both small, and adults, and the old. March when you're tired and don't feel like doing anything. The feeling of cheerfulness will come instantly. As a bonus, due to the synchronization of the right and left hemispheres, mental activity is activated and it will be faster to think, and thoughts will become easier!

    What is brain gymnastics? Gymnastics for the brain is designed to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The main differences in the work of the hemispheres of the human brain were first discovered by the American scientist, Nobel Prize winner R. Sperry. In his works, he showed that the right and left hemispheres of the brain share responsibilities: the left hemisphere solves logical problems, and the right hemisphere solves creative ones.

    The task of neuro-gymnastics, gymnastics for the brain, is to synchronize the work of the two hemispheres.

    25 years ago, I read glossy magazines, carefully studied the sections of fashion and beauty, learned the advice from the sections "Sex" and "How to Satisfy a Loved One in 125 Ways."

    Today, out of habit, I look through articles on the topic “How not to grow old” or “How to age properly” and other harmless and useless rubbish. And here's what I want to say to those who are now 25-30: do not waste time!

    getting old cool

    I have struggled with aging for half my life, and it has won. Why was I wasting so much time? Why didn't I immediately admit my defeat and try to just live? I don't know. All my life I pretended to be someone else: more outgoing, more sexually liberated, younger, more stylish. I spent tens of thousands of hours painting over my gray hair and weighing myself. Finally, I said to myself: enough is enough.

    A year ago I stopped coloring my hair. I abandoned diets and now I only make sure that my diet is complete - one, tasty - two. I gained 10 kilos and I don't care. I didn't renew my contract with...

    A well-prepared speech is nine-tenths done. — D. Carnegie. For everyone who wants to speak brightly and convincingly, here are the 10 best films, the characters of which are preparing for public performances and demonstrating the skill of oratory. We address the selection, first of all, to the participants of the pitch competition at the Startup 50+ festival

    1. The King's Speech, 2010 Tom Hooper's biopic written by David Seidler. 4 Oscars - Best Film, Director, Screenplay, Best Actor (Colin Firth). The viewer has the opportunity to attend classes speeches with the Duke of York, the future King King George VI, who had a stutter since childhood, the best speech therapists in the British Empire tried to help him. a successful speech therapist, and gave his first speech on September 3, 1939. With the help of a mentor, he was able to give a speech that went down in history as one of the best…

    “The crown of old age is an authority that can be won by those who have lived their lives perfectly morally. Satisfaction of all human aspirations leads to life satisfaction.
    Cicero (106-43 BC).
    Scientists of antiquity, philosophers about old age
    The main task of philosophers, "lovers of wisdom", of various historical eras was to find answers to the question, what is the meaning of human life in its various periods? The philosophers of antiquity devoted their works to the topic of old age, sometimes considering it in comparison with youth, as if at different polar levels. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (c. 540-480 BC) remarks:
    "One and the same for the One
    living and dead
    alert and sleeping
    young and old
    For then, turning over,
    it is,
    and this, turning over again, -

    Sauteed zucchini is a light dinner and a good end to a warm summer day. Can serve as a side dish for fried chicken (breast is better).

    BJU per 100 grams: 0.91 - 2.86 - 5.97 (cal. 53.4)


    Medium zucchini - 2 pcs. (400 g)
    Bulb - 2 pcs. (200 g)
    Carrots - 1 piece (100 g)
    Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. (50 g)
    Tomato - 1 pc. (75 g)
    Garlic - 3-4 cloves
    Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil)
    Salt, pepper, spices, a mixture of dry herbs.

    Saute zucchini: cooking method:
    Prepare vegetables: wash and cut onions, zucchini, peppers, carrots.

    The taste of sauteed zucchini depends on how the vegetables are cut.

    Onion. It is very important that the onion plates are large (no less than 1.5 x 1.5 cm). I usually take a medium onion, cut it in half, then cut each half into three pieces lengthwise and across. It is best to disassemble the chopped onion into plates. Fry the onion over high heat, so that a pronounced aroma and fried barrel appear. Then add zucchini and peppers to the onion.

    Zucchini. Preferably zucchini...

    Cheerful old women by the Finnish artist Inge Lyök are the best illustration of poems by Inna Bronshtein from Minsk from the collection Morning of a Cacker.

    “These are, rather, even stishats, bitter, ironic, but warming everyone to whom these lines somehow fall into the hands ... These are, rather, a kind of pills of optimism from the virus of loneliness and hopeless sadness. A medicine that can be useful to many in today's Russian reality ... "

    What bliss in the soul and in nature, When nothing happens to us. But in order to taste such bliss, You must somehow live to old age.

    “Everyone who stops learning gets old, whether at 20 or 80, and anyone else who continues to learn remains young. The most important thing in life is to keep the brain young.” Henry Ford, inventor (161 US patents), industrialist
    Why "academy"? The philosophical school, which was founded by Plato more than two thousand years ago, was called the first Academy. The Academy was located near Athens, in a sacred olive grove named after the mythical hero Academ (Ἀκάδημος).

    Unlike universities, where many different scientific fields coexist, where humanities and technical sciences coexist, where both physicists and lyricists are trained, academies train in one area of ​​science or art. We have to learn the art of wisdom so that age does not come alone.
    Wisdom doesn't always come with age. It happens that age comes alone.
    Mikhail Zhvanetsky Silver Academy. For what? "Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless they are learned" - count ...

    First of all, do no harm with Meryl Streep about the treatment of childhood epilepsy, based on the real events of the family of director Jim Abrahams and the medical history of his son Charlie.

    "First of all, do no harm", First do no harm (1997)

    The film is based on the true story of director Jim Abrahams' family. Director and producer Jim Abrahams made the film to draw attention to a problem he was facing. His son Charlie suffered from a severe form of childhood epilepsy, the attacks of which did not stop, despite drug therapy and surgical treatment. He called his son's cognitive impairment "a fate worse than death." Desperate to find help in orthodox medicine, Jim began to study the medical literature. He found a description of the ketogenic diet for epilepsy in a book on childhood epilepsy by neurologist John Freeman, director of the Center for Childhood Epilepsy at Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1994, Jim Abrahams came to Freeman's clinic. For Charlie, they developed an individual ketogenic diet and bouts of…

    It doesn't suit me very well!
    Walk around the market with a bag - a wheelbarrow, and push the sticky people apart!
    I don't want to wake up.
    With the dawn before the roosters!
    And constantly resent, not remembering half the words.
    And I don't want a downy hat.
    Walk around the clinic.
    Shuffling loudly down the corridor, carrying packs of recipes.

    I don't like false teeth, glasses, sometimes a beard.
    And lips as thin as threads that food does not hold in them.
    Wear a brown skirt, a headscarf and an old coat.
    Do not understand a simple joke by asking it a hundred times!
    Why do I need cracked heels, a sagging torso and gray hair, wrinkles, fading folds, an illness, and more than one?
    How to stop watching.
    Programs "Time" before going to bed?
    Get upset about something, and then not fall asleep for a long time.
    I do not want to be an old grandmother, I will be a woman in years.
    Healthy, stylish, elegant, in Louboutins and pants.

    I want to live to old age.
    Become a grandmother with "Outfit"!
    And bring a smile.
    With just one look!
    With fields in a red hat.
    And yellow shoes.
    And so that the stockings are openwork.
    Stayed on with rubber bands!
    I want earrings - butterflies, half-face glasses.
    With friends on the bench.
    Wander endlessly.
    To the theater for the premiere.
    Yes, to the front row!
    Then to the cafe. Well, you have to.
    Celebrate the outfit!
    I want to share with my grandchildren.
    What's in fashion these days!
    Not about flabby health.
    Chat. Not about the weather.
    Crossing your legs, watching a movie about sex.
    And so that no one thought that the grandmother did not care!
    I want to be a cool grandmother.
    Walk without a stick.
    Pills are multi-colored.
    Drink liquor!
    I'd like to dance with my grandchildren.
    To the envy of the old men, to dance the tap dance, giving free rein to the heels!
    And, blowing out the candles, sabantuy at birth, hear a voice from above - "Don't cheat with numbers! I want to live to old age and be in my mind! And I want a bunch of lilies of the valley. In the spring. Larisa Rubalskaya.

    Senior Citizens Day is celebrated in October
    because the autumn of the year is identified with the autumn of life.

    Peter Dranga - Life

    It doesn't suit me very well!
    Walk around the market with a wheelbarrow bag,
    And push the sticky people!
    I don't want to wake up
    with the dawn before the roosters!
    And constantly resent
    I don't remember half of the words.
    And I do not want in a downy hat
    walk around the clinic.
    Shuffling loudly down the hallway
    carry prescriptions in packs.
    I don't like false teeth
    glasses, sometimes a beard.
    And lips as thin as threads
    that they don't hold food.
    Wear a brown skirt
    scarf and old coat.
    Don't understand a simple joke
    asking her a hundred times!
    Why do I need cracked heels
    sagging torso and gray hair,
    Wrinkles, folds,
    Disease, not yet alone?
    How to stop watching
    program "Time" before bedtime?
    Get upset about something
    and don't sleep for a long time.
    I don't want to be an old lady
    I will be a woman in years.
    Healthy, stylish, elegant,
    On Louboutins and in pants ...

    Let the years fly like swallows.

    The age of a woman depends on the spirit.

    You can be young even at fifty.

    And you can live at twenty, like an old woman !!!

    Video I do not want to be an old grandmother!/Poems.

    Larisa Rubalskaya - I don't want to grow old: Verse

    I don’t want to grow old, I don’t want to! They say that I look great ... I’m still on the shoulder, That not every young woman can stand it! I can think of something like that, That others just ... envy me! besides modesty, have you seen it? In addition to complexes - to put on?? Well, what kind of dresses we had ... I don’t want to and I won’t grow old! That’s how I marked myself in fate! beauty-soul, Well, in the mirror ... eternal nonsense! Granddaughter - Honey is walking nearby ... Strangers think - mom - me! ... Time is inevitable! I will not grow old! I'm stubborn!

      On the bench to meet decrepitude.
      And on grandmothers - former girls,
      To let out clouds of smoke with shag.
      I don't want to wear knocked down boots,
      And tights sagging in the ass.
      I do not want, like a log in a mound,
      Showered with dust in the palisade.
      I don't want to stock up on pills
      To smell of valerian.
      And I want love with a neighbor,
      Engage in the most agility.
      And let my teeth in a cup
      And let me let the goldfinch in.
      But in my heart I will be a sunbeam,
      I want barbecue and booze.
      I don't want to be an old grandfather
      And I don't want to be a grandmother either.
      "Maserati" I do not want "Victory"
      And I want to see a nurse, not a doctor.
      I ride like Przewalski's horse
      Puzzled myself, I scream
      I'm like Laura Rubalskaya
      I want a sexy lady.
      Alexander Zhuravsky


      Yes, what is there to think?! Bravo to Alexander Zhuravsky!

      Good girl! Very cool answer!


    I don't want to be an old grandmother! It won't suit me very much!

    I don't want to wake up at dawn before the roosters! And constantly resent, not remembering half of the words.

    And I don’t want to walk around the clinic in a downy hat. Shuffle loudly along the corridor, carry packs of prescriptions.

    False teeth, glasses, sometimes a beard do not suit me. And lips thin as threads that food does not hold in them.

    Wear a brown skirt, a headscarf and an old coat. Do not understand a simple joke by asking it a hundred times!

    Why do I need cracked heels, a sagging torso and gray hair, Wrinkles, fading folds, A disease, and more than one?

    How to keep from watching the program "Time" before going to bed? Get upset about something, and not fall asleep for a long time afterwards.

    I do not want to be an old grandmother, I will be a woman in years. Healthy, stylish, elegant, In Louboutins and pants ...

    I want to live to an old age… To become a grandmother with a “dress”! And to make you smile With just your appearance!

    With fields in a red cap And yellow shoes ... And so that fishnet stockings

    Stayed on with rubber bands!

    I want butterfly earrings, half-face glasses... With my girlfriends on the bench, chatting endlessly...

    To the theater for the premiere ... Yes, to the front row! Then to the cafe ... - Well, we must celebrate the outfit !!!

    I want to share with my grandchildren About what is in fashion now! Not about flabby health Chatting ... Not about the weather ...

    Having crossed his legs, Watching a movie about sex ... And so that no one would think, That the grandmother does not care!!!

    I don’t want to grow old, I don’t want to! They say that I look great ... I can’t do that, That not every young woman can stand it!

    I can think of such a thing, That others just ... envy me! Faded youth in eternal debt - What did I see in her, besides modesty?

    In addition to complexes, to dress?? Well, what kind of dresses did we have ... I don’t want and I won’t grow old! So I marked myself in fate!

    I'll look at myself, it's good! Three wrinkles, think of difficulties! A young voice, a beauty-soul, Well, in the mirror ... eternal nonsense!

    Granddaughter - Honey is walking nearby ... Strangers think - mom - me! ... Time is inevitable! I will not grow old! I'm stubborn!

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