• The secret of the magic berry is revealed. Citrus Vitamins and other useful substances


    It is the fruit of an evergreen tree plant representing the genus Citrus, family rue. Among the whole variety of citrus fruits, lemon is, if not the most popular, then, undoubtedly, one of the most useful and significant fruits in terms of medicinal properties, second only to orange in the vitamin rating. Word " lemon"according to one of the existing versions, borrowed from Italian (" lime”), and the Italian name of the fruit, in turn, is the result of the assimilation of the Persian “limun” (which meant any citrus fruit among the Persians).


    It is difficult to reliably determine the homeland of lemons. There are suggestions that in ancient times they were grown in northeastern India, northern Burma and China. Studies of the lemon's genetic code indicate that it is a hybrid of earlier citrus fruits from a historical point of view: citron and bitter orange. Lemons first came to Europe (south of modern Italy) as early as the 2nd century AD. (although they became widespread much later) thanks to the external trading activities of Ancient Rome. In parallel with these events, the lemon was distributed in Persia, Iraq, and Egypt. In a 10th century Arabic treatise on agriculture, there is information about the lemon, which was cultivated not only as a food product, but also as an ornamental plant. In the 9th century, as a result of the conquests and the aggressive policy of the Moors, lemons began to be grown in southern Spain, Sicily. Thus, the lemon conquered the Mediterranean and Arab regions. The production of lemons on a large scale began in Genoa in the middle of the 15th century. Lemon came to America thanks to Columbus, where, centuries later, it took root perfectly due to the optimal climatic conditions in Florida and California.

    Lemon arrived in Russia along with Dutch suppliers and merchants: in the second half of the 17th century, seedlings of lemon trees were delivered to the royal court. The citrus crop was recognized as so valuable and rare that even a special position was introduced at the court - the “caretaker of lemons”. The second wave of popularity of lemons swept the empire two centuries later, during the delivery of Georgian lemons to Russia. ,


    The varietal variety of lemons is extremely large, the most popular and demanded varieties on the world market are:

    • Novogruzinsky is a remontant variety (the tree blooms and bears fruit all year round). A popular variety characterized by high yield, almost complete absence of seeds in the fruit.
    • "Pavlovsky" lemon - the variety is perfectly adapted to growing at home. Trees of this variety tolerate shading. The fruits are thin-skinned.
    • 'Eureka', also known as 'Four Seasons'. Lemons of this variety grow almost all year round and are champions in the market in terms of popularity and quantity.
    • Variety "Meyer" refers to thin-skinned varieties. More frost-resistant than other varieties, but also more demanding on transport conditions. It is not a common variety in a commercial sense. The cultivar was named after Frank Meyer (1908).
    • 'Yen Ben' and 'Bush' are Australian varieties. Variety "Bush" grows wild in the subtropical zone of the mainland. 'Bush' is a thick-skinned variety popular in cooking.
    • Sorrento is an Italian variety whose zest is traditionally used to make limoncello.

    Other famous varieties: "Lisbon", "Maikop", "Verna".

    Lemons are also conditionally divided into sour varieties(real) sweet varieties(the pulp of which is sweet and juicy) and lemons " ponderosa» (thick-skinned, with many seeds). Lemons with a thick rind are used to make candied fruits.

    According to the type of plant, lemons are divided into bushy(bushes up to 4 m high, fruits are formed at the ends of branches) and treelike(trees up to 6 m tall, with a dense crown, in the depths of which fruits are formed. ,

    Growing Features

    The site for planting lemon seedlings should be a place well lit and protected from the winds. It is recommended to plant trees of standard size with an interval of 3.5 to 7.5 m (dwarf trees are planted with a smaller interval - up to 2 m). The best soil option is loamy soil.

    To grow a lemon from a stone, it is necessary to remove all seed-seeds from the fruit, soak them in water overnight, then plant them in moist soil in a pot to a depth of 1.2 cm. Wrap the pot with a plastic bag and leave in a warm sunny place for seeds to germinate.

    A few weeks after planting the seedlings, you can start top dressing with a mixture of citrus fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out further for several years. The watering schedule is systematic and slightly more than moderate. When growing citrus fruits, mulching is not recommended.

    How to grow lemon at home? Meyer and Pavlovsky lemons are best suited for this. A lemon tree needs to be provided with enough lighting, heat and good drainage. You should also protect the plant from drafts, moisten the air in the room where the lemon grows, in the summer - put the pot with the tree in fresh air. In the cold season, you need to extend the daylight hours for the plant with the help of additional lighting. In favorable conditions, the lemon tree is able to bloom and bear fruit throughout the year.

    How to choose and how to store

    Quality fruits are dense, with a smooth skin, there are no dents or dark spots on them. When warmed for a short time in warm hands, a lemon exudes an intense aroma inherent only in this citrus.

    Lemons keep well in the refrigerator. Additional storage time is added by wrapping each fruit in clean paper and placing lemons wrapped in a plastic bag in a separate fruit and vegetable compartment.

    Long-term storage reduces the acidity of fruits, since a significant amount of citric acid is transformed into sugars over time.

    Prolongs the "life" of lemons by immersing them for seconds in moderately hot melted paraffin: this creates a protective layer covering the fruit. Lemons are well stored in boxes with sand, which is pre-calcined for the purpose of disinfection.

    Useful properties of lemon

    Composition and calories

    Main substances (mg/100 g): Fresh without peel in peel Fresh Juice
    Water 88,98 81,6 93,21
    Carbohydrates 9,32 16 6,9
    Alimentary fiber 2,8 10,6 0,3
    Squirrels 1,1 1,5 0,35
    Fats 0,3 0,3 0,24
    Calories (Kcal) 29 47 22
    Potassium 138 160 103
    Calcium 26 134 6
    Phosphorus 16 12 8
    Magnesium 8 15 6
    Sodium 2 6 1
    Iron 0,6 0,8 0,08
    Zinc 0,06 0,25 0,05
    Vitamin C 53 129 38,7
    Vitamin E 0,15 0,25 0,15
    Vitamin PP 0,1 0,4 0,091
    Vitamin B6 0,08 0,172 0,046
    Vitamin B1 0,04 0,06 0,024
    Vitamin B2 0,02 0,08 0,015
    Vitamin B9 0,011 0,013 0,02
    Vitamin A 0,001 0,003 0,002

    The pulp of lemon fruits contains citric and ascorbic acids, sugars, vitamins A, B1 and B2, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, sesquiterpenes, pectins, potassium and copper salts. Lemon peel contains essential oil and flavonoids. The main constituents of the essential oil are the terpene limonene and the aldehyde citral.

    Lemons contain 7.1% carbohydrates in the form of sugars. The latter are dominated by fructose and glucose, which are easily digested. The amount of pectins in the peel is 16% of dry matter, and in the pulp - 11%. The predominant fruit acid is citric acid. The acidity of fruits harvested in late autumn increases to 8%, the acidity of fruits picked in spring (April) ranges from 4% to 5%. Essential oils contained in the peel have a powerful bactericidal effect. The content of mineral salts (especially potassium) is high in lemons. Vitamin C is found in lemon fruits in a stable form, i.e. Lemon juice, which is heated for 5 minutes to boiling point, practically does not lose the initial amount of vitamin C (therefore, the benefits of lemon, even in combination with very hot tea, do not decrease).

    Use in medicine

    The increased content of vitamins in fruits determines the medicinal properties of lemon. Lemons (in its natural form, with tea, in the form of juice diluted with water) are prescribed for a lack of vitamins A and B, fever, mineral metabolism disorders, kidney stones, gout and rheumatism. Externally, lemon juice, diluted with water, is used for rinsing in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx. With nausea and vomiting accompanying toxicosis of pregnant women, a freshly cut lemon is applied to the cavity between the mammary glands, using it as a retractor. With comedones, wipe the face with a slice of fresh lemon (before that, make a steam bath for the face). Lemon essential oil is used to improve the taste and smell of many medicines. ,

    The use of lemons in traditional medicine

    • With seborrhea, a face mask is used: one egg white is beaten with a teaspoon of lemon juice and applied evenly to the skin. Wash off with warm water after half an hour. The frequency of use of this remedy is once or twice a week.
    • With hypoacid gastritis (which is characterized by low acidity), a recipe is useful: 250 g of yogurt is mixed with one grated lemon and egg yolk. Take 3 tablespoons three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.
    • For constipation, combine the juice of one lemon with 400 ml of water and add honey to taste. Drink the drug daily on an empty stomach, about an hour before the first meal.
    • To improve intestinal motility and eliminate constipation, a decoction is also advised: boil 300 g of figs in 4 liters of water until the amount of water decreases to 3 liters. Add the slightly boiled and mashed zest of one lemon to the boiled composition. Take the composition in an amount of approximately 200 ml several times a day, with a break of 3-4 hours.
    • With an exacerbation of gallstone disease, a “cocktail” helps: dilute the juice of one lemon with 200 ml of water and add half a teaspoon of soda. Drink it all in one go after meals.

    • With cholecystitis, the following course of treatment is recommended. Melt 0.3 kg of honey in a water bath and mix with two crushed lemons, from which the "pits" were previously removed. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 days. Take the composition on an empty stomach for 10 days, 3 tablespoons, diluting them in a glass of cold water.
    • For gout, grind 3 large lemons, peeled from seeds, in a meat grinder and mix with finely chopped garlic (2 small heads) and pour all 1.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes and then insist for 3 days. Strain and take a tablespoon twice a day, after meals. The course of treatment is from one to two months.
    • For hypertension, the composition is used: half a lemon and an orange (along with the peel and seeds) are crushed with a meat grinder and mixed with a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Store in the refrigerator and take 0.5 teaspoon four times a day after meals.
    • For arthritis, a course of treatment is prescribed for a month: peel the shells of 7 boiled eggs from the films and boil for 5 minutes, then crush. Combine the eggshell with the juice of 7 lemons and soak the infusion for a week. Strain and add 400 mg of honey and chopped garlic (5 heads) to the mixture. Infuse the composition in a dark place for 7 days. Take once a day, in the middle of the day, after meals, dividing one dose of 4 teaspoons into 4 stages, each with a break of 10 minutes.
    • A proven folk remedy helps with tuberculosis: 4 whole raw eggs are placed in a glass jar and poured with the juice of one large lemon. The jar is closed, wrapped in paper and kept for a week until the eggshell is completely dissolved. Then the egg-lemon mixture is poured with vodka (the jar is filled to the top). Take the infusion for a month, a tablespoon three times a day after each meal.
    • For bronchitis, the following recipe is used as an expectorant: bake 4 lemons in the oven at medium temperature until softened, let cool. Mash the lemons with a spoon, squeeze out the juice and mix the juice with the pulp with 400 ml of boiling water, 3 tablespoons of red wine and 4 tablespoons of honey. Drink the composition in one go.
    • With hoarseness, a debilitating cough and loss of voice, a decoction is useful: mix the juice of 0.5 kg of carrots with a tablespoon of sugar and the zest of one lemon, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for an hour, boiling until the volume is reduced by half. Take 0.5 tablespoon every 2 hours throughout the day.
    • Angina is treated with a drink: 250 ml of hot milk is mixed with the juice of one lemon and 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink hot, in small sips.
    • General tonic based on lemons, especially useful after suffering a debilitating flu: Grate 10 large lemons along with the zest on a coarse grater, lightly knead the grated lemon mass with a spoon, add 5 cups of liquid honey and 10 small heads of chopped garlic. Mix all the ingredients, insist in a warm place for 7 days. Take 4 teaspoons daily.


    • When sweating hands, the composition is used: glycerin, lemon juice and vodka are mixed in a ratio of 0.5: 0.25: 0.25. This mixture is generously lubricated hands after each wash. Lemon juice is also recommended to wipe the feet with excessive sweating.
    • Brittle nails are strengthened by systematic rubbing using a slice of lemon.
    • Rough skin on the heels is treated with compresses from the peel of a squeezed lemon.
    • To the calluses on the legs (previously steamed in hot water), apply the top of a lemon, cut off with a small amount of pulp. The lemon top is pressed tightly against the corn, fixed with a bandage and left overnight. ,

    Use in oriental medicine

    Avicenna used freshly squeezed lemon juice in the treatment of patients with heart disease. The healer also practiced the use of lemon for jaundice, toxicosis in pregnant women.

    In ancient Chinese medicine, lemons were used to heal wounds, pneumonia, and scurvy.

    In the countries of Asia Minor and the Middle East, lemon was an indispensable ingredient in many dishes: in this way, cholera was prevented.

    In scientific research

    The healing properties of lemon were described in his scientific works by the Armenian scientist, naturalist and physician Amirdovlat Amasiatsi (15th century).

    At the beginning of the 20th century, two major studies on the treatment of lemon juice were simultaneously published by L. Gdansky and K. Drexler. The books were published in 1910 in Pskov and St. Petersburg, respectively.

    In modern science, interest in the medical potential of the famous citrus remains. The effect of daily consumption of lemons (in the direction of improving performance) on blood pressure is highlighted in the work of Japanese researchers Y. Kato, T. Domoto, M. Hiramitsu and others.

    Indian researchers have proposed data on the substance hesperidin (extracted from lemons), which restores liver function (2005). ,

    The use of lemons in nutrition

    How to use lemon for weight loss? Nutritionists offer a lot of recipes aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and accelerating metabolism: the systematic use of water with lemon juice, the honey-lemon diet, the aromatic effect of essential lemon oil (according to the Alan Hirsch system). Back in the 19th century, Johann Schroth proposed a scheme for detoxifying the body with lemons (using fresh lemon juice).

    Use in cooking

    The pronounced taste and aroma of lemons are appreciated by chefs and gourmets. Lemon zest is added to pastries, puddings, pastry cream; marmalade, jam, ice cream, candied fruits are prepared from lemons. Lemon juice is used as a marinade in the preparation of meat and fish; add juice to dressings for vegetable and fruit salads. Sauces are prepared on the basis of lemons; salted lemons are one of the traditional national dishes of Moroccan cuisine. Fresh sliced ​​lemon is served as an appetizer to a range of alcoholic drinks.

    The use of lemons in cosmetology

    For the preparation of lemon-based cosmetics, use the peel, zest, lemon pulp, lemon juice or lemon essential oil.

    Lemon for the face

    • Skin prone to comedones is helped by rubbing with lemon juice. First you need to steam your face over a steam bath.
    • For oily skin with enlarged pores, rubbing with the composition is useful: combine beaten egg white, 100 ml of vodka and juice of one lemon.
    • Mask for oily skin prone to acne: dilute 2 tablespoons of white clay (in powder) in 2 tablespoons of alcohol, add 15 drops of lemon juice. Keep the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cold water.
    • For normal or sensitive skin, a homemade lotion is prepared: the juice of half a lemon is mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin and a quarter cup of water.
    • Mask for whitening freckles with dry skin: mix lemon juice, cream and hydrogen peroxide (5%) in equal proportions. Apply to face with a cotton swab and rinse with warm water after half an hour.
    • Nourishing milk for dry skin: mix 200 ml of fresh cream, 1 beaten egg, 100 ml of vodka, juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of glycerin. Rub everything thoroughly and wipe the face and décolleté area with the composition before going to bed.

    • Nourishing mask for dry skin: prepare flour from dried lemon peel by grinding the peel in a coffee grinder. Mix a teaspoon of this lemon flour, egg yolk and sour cream. Hold the mask for 20 minutes, applying to the face and neck.
    • Mask "Madame Pompadour" for dry skin: grate one lemon on a plastic grater, pour 100 ml of alcohol, let stand, then strain and combine with a glass of sour cream or cream, one beaten egg white and a teaspoon of glycerin. Apply to the face for a quarter of an hour, and then gently remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad.
    • Tonic for any skin type: mix 2 tablespoons of boiled water, a teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Wash your face before going to bed.
    • Tonic face mask: mix a tablespoon of oatmeal or wheat flour with a little milk (bring to a mushy state) and add the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and neck and wash off after half an hour with warm water.

    Lemon for hair

    • For oily skin and increased greasiness of the hair, it is useful to rub a composition of 2 parts of lemon and one part of carrot juice into the scalp before washing. Wrap your head with a towel, keep the composition on your hair for at least an hour. Rinse your hair after washing with water with lemon juice (a tablespoon of juice per 1.5 liters of water).
    • For dandruff, rinse your hair after washing with a prepared decoction: boil the peel of 4 lemons for a quarter of an hour in a liter of water.
    • Mask for dry and split ends: mix an egg yolk with a little warm water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and vegetable oil.

    Combination with other products

    The sourness of the lemon favorably sets off the taste of vegetable and fruit salads, in which lemon juice is used as a dressing. Lemon goes well with fish and seafood: mussels, oysters, shrimp.

    Lemon drinks

    Lemon juice is used to make lemonade, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, liquors, the traditional limoncello drink. Kissel is boiled from lemon zest and juice; in drinks, lemon juice works great paired with honey, cinnamon, mint, and sweet fruit juices.

    How to make lemonade at home? Remove peel and seeds from lemons and squeeze out 600 ml of juice. Pour 300 g of powdered sugar into lemon juice and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Fill glasses three-quarters full with crushed ice, pour over sweet lemon juice and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

    Other Uses for Lemons

    • Lemon is a natural stain remover. With a mixture of lemon juice and salt, rub and wash the stains on white linen before the main wash (after allowing the composition to dry). A slice of lemon, generously flavored with salt, perfectly cleans copper and makes it shine. Lemon juice cleans hands from dirt and stains left after working in the kitchen.
    • From lemons, pieces of copper wire and galvanized nails, you can assemble a lemon battery, the “power” of which is quite enough to run a standard watch. The principle of operation of such a battery is a chemical reaction resulting from the contact of the acid contained in lemon juice, copper and zinc.
    • Lemon can be used to quickly and easily clean your microwave. The zest of one lemon is poured into 500 ml of water and left in the microwave for 2 minutes, turning it on at full power. After that, it remains only to thoroughly wipe the microwave from the inside with a damp sponge: lemon essential oil, as it were, “dissolves” even the most inveterate contaminants.
    • You can get rid of yellowness on the teeth, which arose as a result of prolonged smoking, using lemon juice. On a damp toothbrush, apply a small amount of baking soda and 3 drops of lemon juice and massage your teeth with this composition.
    • A good protection against mosquito bites is the following method: exposed areas of the body should be wiped with lemon juice. This will reduce the irritation from the bites and prevent the appearance of new ones.
    • Essential oil of lemon is an effective tool in aromatherapy, characterized by tonic, antiseptic and other properties.

    Every year on the French coast, in Menton, a colorful and unique lemon festival is held. By tradition, the time of the holiday is the end of winter or the beginning of March. During this period, the city, whose neighborhood has long been famous for its lemon and other citrus plantations, attracts tens of thousands of tourists. The first official lemon festival was held in 1934. The theme of the festival changes every year: music, Broadway, China, the fairy-tale world of Charles Perrault, Italian cinema, etc. According to the chosen theme of the holiday, huge expositions and installations are made, the material for which are the fruits of lemons and oranges.

    "Through Lemon Tree Groves to the Nobel Prize": The 1975 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the Italian poet Eugenio Montale. A kind of manifesto for Montale, representing the so-called hermetic poetry, was the poem "Lemons (lemon trees)".

    Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits among artists: the fruit was incredibly "in demand" in classical Dutch still life painting. The bitterness and sour taste of lemons symbolized the deceptive appeal of earthly beauty. Later, Edouard Manet (“Lemon”, 1880), Vincent Van Gogh (“Still Life with a Decanter and Lemons on a Plate”, 1887), Henri Matisse (“Lemons and Peltiphyllum”, 1943) turned to the “lemon theme”.

    Monuments to the lemon

    1. 1 One of the most massive lemon monuments is a monumental sculpture installed in the San Diego suburb of Lemon Grove, California, in 1928. The author of the construction is Alberto Treganza. The weight of the giant lemon, located on a concrete base, reaches 1 ton and 300 kilograms, length - 3 m, width - 1.8 m.
    2. 2 The monument to the Pavlovsk lemon in the city of Pavlovo (Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia) is an elegant and picturesque sculptural composition erected in 2005. Its authorship belongs to a team of teachers and students of the Pavlovsk Art College. Citrus culture is one of the official symbols of the city, where lemons were grown both on a domestic and industrial scale (the famous Pavlovsk lemon garden functioned in the first half of the 20th century). ,
    3. 3 Monument to the legendary lemon seller Johanna Henriette Maria Müller, who lived in Hamburg in the 19th century. The sculpture, depicting a middle-aged woman with a basket of lemons in her hands, was created by H. J. Wagner and installed in 1986 near the church of St.. Michael.

    Dangerous properties of lemon and contraindications

    Given the significant amount of citric acid contained in fruits, lemons should be limited or completely excluded from the diet for diseases of the stomach, liver, intestinal tract, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas (acute or chronic pancreatitis), with gastroesophageal reflux.

    Lemon applications during cosmetic procedures outdoors in direct sunlight can cause a painful burn (to a greater extent this applies to people with fair and sensitive skin). In some cases, after using lemon-based products, an acute allergic reaction may occur. ,

    It must be remembered that irrational or excessive use of lemons can harm even an absolutely healthy person.

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    The administration is not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, and also does not guarantee that the information provided will help and will not harm you personally. Be prudent and always consult the appropriate doctor!

    Interesting and informative quiz for junior and middle school students. Quizzes about berries. All quiz questions with answers.

    Quiz "Berries"

    ■ How are berries harvested for the winter? Freeze, dry, make jam, make juice.

    ■ What berry bush has adapted to protect the fruit - armed with sharp thorns? Gooseberry.

    ■ Juicy bunches of this berry serve as an excellent dessert, and climbing vines decorate arbors and walls of houses. What berry are you talking about? Grape.

    ■ Which berry got its name because of its dark blue, almost black color, and also because of the fact that everyone who eats it has their teeth and tongue become inky blue for a while. H yernik.

    ■ What berry is most often found in forests and ravines, grows well along the banks of streams and lakes, as it loves moisture, bears often feast on it? Raspberries.

    ■ Which berry, growing in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra and taiga, is especially useful for vision and growth? Blueberry.

    ■ Which bunches of berries delight us in parks and forests in the midst of a snowy winter, and many birds are saved from starvation? Red rowan brushes.

    ■ The fruits of all varieties of mountain ash contain a lot of vitamin C. But they cook healing jam and make compotes from the varieties of this mountain ash. Which? Chokeberry.

    ■ What tropical berry leaves are used to make ropes for sailboats? From banana leaves.

    ■ What berry will replace lemon? Cranberries have citric acid in them.

    ■ How long does lingonberry live? Up to 300 years.

    Blitz "Fruits and berries"

    ■ The most common fruit. Apple.

    ■ The most prickly berry bush. Gooseberry.

    ■ The most useful berry for vision and growth. Blueberry.

    ■ Bears' favorite treat. Raspberries.

    ■ The most sour fruit. Lemon.

    ■ The most acidic berry. Cranberry.

    ■ We know this dried berry as a raisin. Grape.

    ■ The most delicate fruit. Peach.

    ■ The most desired fruits on the New Year's holiday. Tangerines and oranges.

    ■ The largest berry. Watermelon.

    ■ A berry that looks like a cone. A pineapple.

    ■ A fruit called the "royal fruit". Pear.

    ■ The most famous sour fruit with a small stone inside. Cherry.

    ■ The most delicate sweetish fruit with a small stone inside. Cherries.

    ■ A fruit similar to an orange, but smaller. Mandarin.

    ■ Berry, named because of the dark blue, almost black color. Blueberry.

    ■ In the garden there is red, and black, and white. Currant.

    Quiz "What kind of berry

    ■ This berry got its name because of its dark blue, almost black color, and also because of the fact that everyone who eats it turns their teeth and tongue into inky blue for a while. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra and taiga, sometimes found in the mountains. In the north, not only people, but even deer and birds eat a delicious berry. It is very useful, especially for vision and growth. Blueberry.

    ■ This is an unusual berry. It tastes impossibly sour at first, but after a while it is very sweet. In addition, the bushes of this berry have adapted to protect the fruits - they armed themselves with sharp thorns. But if you are not afraid of thorns or put on strong gloves, you can pick berries for delicious compote, jam or jam. Gardeners know and grow over 500 varieties of this berry. Gooseberry.

    ■ This berry is one of the very first cultivated plants that man began to grow. Delicious and healing, regenerating, berries have been known for five thousand years ago. Curly creepers adorn pavilions and walls of houses, and juicy bunches serve as an excellent dessert. These berries are processed into juice and wine. Dried berries we know as raisins. Grape.

    ■ This sweet and healthy berry has been known since ancient times. It is found in forests and ravines, grows well along the banks of streams and lakes, as it loves moisture. Bears often eat it there. It has been cultivated as a cultivated plant since the fourth century. In the summer it is eaten fresh, and for the winter they store delicious jam for colds and just for delicious tea. Raspberries.

    ■ Bushes of this berry grow all over the globe and are found in forests, on the banks of rivers and swamps, in the mountains. Every self-respecting summer resident must plant several varieties of these berries, and housewives are in a hurry to stock up on healthy and tasty jam or jam. Black currant.

    ■ Flaming brushes of these beautiful and useful berries delight us in parks and forests in the middle of a snowy winter, and save many birds from hunger. They contain a lot of vitamin C. Rowan.

    ■ These berries were first discovered in India in the 4th century. BC e. For residents of tropical countries, this is the most important, and sometimes the main food product. Most often they are eaten fresh or dried (dried), but sometimes they are boiled, fried, added to cereals and other dishes. Ropes for sailboats are made from the leaves of plants. Banana.

    ■ This berry is an amazing creation of nature, originally from Brazil. She looks like a thick bump with a green tuft on top. Many people think that it is a fruit. In fact, this is a huge berry that can reach more than 1 kg in weight. It appears from a flower on a short thick stem and pleases with fragrant, delicious pulp. A pineapple.

    Food and drink

    Lemon - fruit or berry?

    February 25, 2016

    The bright yellow fruits of a lemon cause different associations in people. Someone will remember its sour taste, and someone - about the extraordinary benefits. The question of its use during the cold season and the peak of respiratory diseases becomes especially relevant. But do we know everything about this plant and its fruits? For many, the question remains open: "Is a lemon a fruit or a berry?" Some do not know about its properties and contraindications. Consider the qualities of a lemon in more detail.

    What are berries?

    In the language of botanists, a berry is a fruit that develops from one ovary. This is a fleshy fruit, which, as it ripens, forms into an edible pericarp. But there are many erroneous opinions about the belonging of some plants to one group or another. In everyday life, it is customary to call all small fruits berries. Usually they have a round shape, a specific taste, juicy pulp and seeds. In nature, edible and inedible berries are distinguished. Botanists refer bananas, watermelons, grapes, gooseberries, persimmons, tomatoes, pumpkins and many other fruits to berries.

    Lemon - what is it?

    Is a lemon a fruit or a berry? Traditionally, it is considered a fruit, but this is an erroneous opinion. It belongs to the category of modified berries. All the fruits of citrus plants, orange, lemon, kumquat, in botany, it is customary to call "oranges". They have their own distinctive features, thick skin, juicy flesh inside, but still considered berries. They develop from the upper ovary, which is typical for this category. All berries are characterized by a bright color in relation to the surrounding background. This attracts animals to them, which help the distribution of plant seeds. The bright color of many berries is due to the presence of pigments in them, the most common of which are polyphenols. These are excellent antioxidants that are beneficial to the human body. That is why many berries have been identified by botanists as a separate category of "superfruits". Lemon, a fruit, as it is popularly called, has many useful properties.

    The benefits of lemon

    Lemon (fruit or berry, it doesn’t matter in this case), although it has a specific and very sour taste, it has a lot of useful properties. Everyone knows about this and consume this product in large quantities during a period of high risk of catching a cold. Is lemon really useful and can it replace medicines? It is not worth using it as an alternative to pills, especially when the disease has already made itself felt. But as an aid in the fight against disease and a source of vitamins, it fits perfectly.
    Its beneficial properties have been known since antiquity. Many hundreds of years ago in Greece, lemon was used as an antidote. Ancient doctors endowed it with healing properties. They used lemon to treat lung diseases and against scurvy. Many more healing properties were attributed to the fruits, which speaks of their exceptional properties.

    Composition of lemon

    Any citrus fruit, lemon and orange, contains a record amount of vitamin C. Almost everyone knows this. But besides this, lemon fruits contain many more useful substances. First of all, they contain a lot of citric acid, vitamins and mineral salts. These components are very important for the full functioning of the body. But this is in general terms. In more detail, lemon, a very popular fruit, contains vitamins D, B, A, P. You can also find elements such as iron, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, manganese and other minerals in it.
    Pectins and fiber, which are part of the lemon, have a very beneficial effect on bowel function. But the most important, useful element is citric acid. It helps to cleanse the body, improve vision, blood circulation and increase immunity. But we must remember that most of the nutrients are concentrated not in the pulp, but in the peel of the fruit.


    Lemon is a fruit that also has some contraindications for eating it. Since its fruits contain many potent acids, in large quantities they can also lead to disruption of the body. Firstly, these are allergic reactions. A high content of citric acid can cause a negative reaction. Even for cosmetic purposes, lemon can only be used after an allergy test. With peptic ulcer, you must also be careful about the use of these fruits. These contraindications are isolated. In general, lemon can be called one of the most useful fruits.

    Fruit or vegetable?

    For some people who are not experts in botany, the question may arise: "Is a lemon a fruit or a vegetable?" The word "fruit" from Latin is translated as a fruit. According to the information given in the dictionaries, a fruit is a juicy sweet fruit that grows on trees and shrubs. Vegetables are also the fruits of plants, but not sweet, suitable for eating even raw. According to the description, the lemon can be attributed to both groups.
    But as mentioned above, this is still a separate category. Lemon is a berry, which in everyday life is usually referred to as a fruit. Such a complex and confusing classification does not make the fruits less useful. Regardless of belonging to one category or another, lemon remains a favorite delicacy and a good helper in the fight against various diseases.

    Lemon or lime?

    There is another lemon flavored fruit. This is lime. Their fruits are often confused, which is not surprising, because these two plants are close relatives. They belong to the citrus family, are successfully used in cooking, contain a large amount of ascorbic acid and even have consonant names. But lemon and lime are very different from each other. Lemon is an evergreen tree that can reach 6-8 meters in height. It grows in a subtropical climate and produces egg-shaped fruits.
    Lime is a shrub up to two meters tall. Its fruits have the same shape as the fruits of a lemon. Even their color may be similar. But lime bushes grow mainly in the tropics. Its fruits are more tender, juicy and have a flesh with a greenish tinge. They are smaller than lemon fruits. Lime has a more sour taste with slightly bitter undertones and a bright aroma.


    Thanks to the work of breeders, a lot of new varieties have recently been bred, among which hybrids occupy a special place. The result is an unusual fruit. Mandarin with lemon was also successfully crossed and received rangpur. This hybrid has small orange fruits. Their flesh also has a similar color. The second name of this hybrid is "limandarin". The fruits are small, about 5 centimeters in diameter.
    Their peel is easily separated from the pulp, which has a very sour taste. Outwardly, rangpur is similar to tangerine, but its taste is closer to lemon and lime. These fruits can be called miracles of selection. In cooking, they are commonly used to make marmalade. Rangpur is also added to sauces, which gives them an unusual taste and aroma. But the most important advantage of this plant is its endurance. It easily tolerates heat and is often used as a rootstock by breeders.


    Berry or fruit? Lemon is a tree, the most important advantages of which are taste and useful properties. From a scientific point of view, it is a berry, but it can be considered a fruit, since such a classification has already firmly entered our lives. Let's leave the arguments on this subject to pundits, and we will simply love the lemon for its excellent qualities. Vitamins donated by nature are the best that we can give to our body. Lemon can be grown at home. By following simple agricultural practices, you can get a sufficient amount of ripe, fragrant, and most importantly healthy fruits. A lemon tree, and especially a lime tree, with proper formation does not take up much space and even decorates the room.

    All citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, as well as other beneficial trace elements and nutrients. The culinary use of citrus fruits is very diverse: juice, zest, pulp - everything goes into business. Aromatic oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit, a variety of dishes are seasoned with zest and juice, and the pulp of some citrus fruits is eaten as an independent dessert.

    From the citrus encyclopedia prepared by us, you will learn about some representatives of this unique family. It's quite large, and over time we hope to tell you about all of them.

    Bergamot or bergamot orange ( bergamot = bergamot orange) - a small sour orange, for culinary purposes, only the zest is used, for the most part. Do not confuse this citrus fruit with the herb of the same name. Lime can be used as a substitute for bergamot.

    Blood or pigment orange ( blood orange = pigmented orange) - these oranges with red flesh are most popular in Europe, they are less known in other countries. They go on sale in winter and spring. You can replace the blood orange with regular oranges or tangerines.

    Buddha Fingers or Finger Citron ( Buddha"shandcitron=Buddha"sfingerscitron=fingeredcitron) - a very fragrant fruit of the original form, resembling fingers, has practically no flesh, but consists only of the skin, from which candied fruits are prepared. In cooking, it is often replaced with citron or lemon.

    grapefruit) is a large, slightly pungent species of the citrus family. The peel is usually yellow with a green or red tint. The flesh of grapefruits can be red, pink or white (more precisely, creamy). The color of the pulp does not affect the aroma and taste of grapefruit. When buying a grapefruit, choose not the largest and rather heavy fruits for their size. Some varieties of grapefruit are seedless. The best grapefruits can be bought in winter and spring. Grapefruit can be replaced with ugli fruit, which is more fragrant, pomelo, which is less acidic and pungent, or tangelo, a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit.

    Kaffirlime =jerukpurut =leechlime =limaupurut =magrood=makroot=Makrut) - Thai chefs use this fruit to give dishes a special and strong flavor. Kaffir lime contains very little juice, so for the most part only the zest is used. Replaced with citron, lime, or kaffir lime leaves (1 tablespoon of kaffir lime peel is equivalent to 6 kaffir lime leaves). Used in Thai, Indonesian and Cambodian cuisine.

    Musk lime

    Calamansi or Musk Lime ( kalamansi = kalamansi lime = calamansi = calamansi lime = musk lime = musklime) - a very sour citrus, shaped like a small round lime, and the taste is something between a lemon and a tangerine. Very popular in the Philippines. Replaced with calamondin, lemon or mandarin.

    keylime =Floridakeylime =Mexicanlime) is much smaller and much more sour in taste than a regular Persian lime. Juicy fruit with many seeds. Many chefs even prefer bottled Mexican lime juice to fresh Persian lime juice for cooking. An adequate replacement is lime.

    kumquat) - resemble oranges the size of grapes. Unlike most citrus fruits, kumquats are eaten whole, including the skin. Slightly sour in taste, but very aromatic. Originally from China, where they are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Replaced with limequats, calamondins and Seville oranges (for marmalade).

    Lemon is a highly acidic citrus fruit rarely eaten on its own, but its juice, zest and peel are widely used. From one lemon, on average, you can squeeze 2-3 tablespoons of juice. There are many varieties of lemon: eureka, which is most often found on sale, Lisbon lemon ( lisbon lemon), which is smaller than the Eureka and smoother, the Meyer lemon ( meyer lemon), which is becoming increasingly popular for its more palatable taste. What to replace: in pies - with grapefruit, in soups and marinades - with lemon grass (lemongrass), in the rest - with lime or citron, if only peel and zest are required.

    These pungent green fruits are similar to lemons, but are more acidic and have a distinct, unique flavor. Many varieties of lime include the Persian lime ( Persian lime) and Mexican lime ( Mexican lime). When buying limes, look for dark green small limes that are heavy for their size. 1 lime makes about 2 tablespoons of juice. You can substitute lemon (but then you should use more lemon juice or zest, because lemon is less acidic than lime) or calamansi.

    limequat) is a hybrid of lime and kumquat. Similar in shape and size to the kumquat, but with a green or yellow-green skin. Has a strong lime flavor. Depending on your culinary goals, the limequat can be substituted for kumquat or lime.

    tangerine orange) - has a very pleasant aroma, but their biggest plus is that they are very easy to clean. Variety of cultivars includes mandarin ( tangerine), juicy honey tangerine ( honey tangerine = Murcott), satsuma ( satsuma orange), sweet and tiny clementines ( clementine orange), tangerines with orange flavor ( temple orange). Replaced by: oranges.

    meyer lemon) - tastes more pleasant than ordinary lemon, therefore it is highly valued by gourmet chefs. It can be quite difficult to find in stores. You can substitute a simple lemon.

    Lemon contains a storehouse of various substances, which makes this fruit indispensable in everyday life, cooking and medicine. Its use can be beneficial, but it can also bring trouble. Therefore, it is very important to properly use the valuable qualities that lemon is endowed with.

    What is it - a fruit or a berry?

    Most often you can hear that lemon is a fruit. Everyone is used to this, and among people who do not have knowledge in botany, there is no question - is it a berry, fruit or vegetable. From a formal point of view, a lemon is a berry, like all citrus fruits. However, botanists turn a blind eye to the habit of people calling lemons fruits - and the point here is not in the definition, but in the benefits for humans.

    The lemon plant itself is a fruit tree that can grow up to eight meters in height. The place of its "habitat" are regions with a tropical and subtropical climate. It can be found in China, India, the Mediterranean, America and the Caucasus.

    They also grow indoor lemon trees. Their reproduction is possible by seeds, cuttings and air layering.

    Today, even orange lemons can be found in apartments. This is a hybrid of lemon and orange, bred by a specialist named Meyer. As for the characteristics of this curiosity, the outside of the hybrid looks more like an orange, and inside it is orange, not yellow. But it tastes like lemon, although sweeter than the real one. It has less acid than usual, but fructose is 10% more.

    The Meyer fruit weighs approximately 100 grams. Like a regular lemon, this hybrid contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

    As for real lemon, it is very rich in its chemical composition.

    Among the main components, the following elements can be distinguished:

    • vitamins;
    • macro- and microelements;
    • organic acids;
    • carbohydrates;
    • proteins;
    • fats.

    Lemon belongs to low-calorie foods and contains only 29 kilocalories per 100 grams. At the same time, one fruit contains a third of the daily requirement of vitamin C. The amount of sugar per 100 grams is about 3 grams (it all depends on the variety and size of the fruit). The taste of this sugar is almost not felt. Therefore, according to the “data” of human receptors, lemon is so sour.

    The paradox is that despite the high content of acid, this product helps to reduce the level of acidity in the human body, caused by certain factors, and normalize blood ph. A balanced acid-base balance is a sign of good health.

    How much can you eat?

    Lemon is one of the products, the consumption of which requires careful attention. The high acid content makes it dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract, especially if you eat such food in unlimited quantities every day, and even more so on an empty stomach.

    Considering that the acidity of each person is individual, it cannot be said that such and such a quantity of lemon per day is a lot, and such and such is not enough. Although the juice of three fruits is an acid in concentrated form. If it is used at a time, the burn of the mucous membrane will be provided, and with it the ulcer.

    In any case, lemon should be eaten only after the main dishes in small slices. If any of them suddenly becomes "extra", it is better to limit the amount in accordance with the sensations.

    One person a day can eat 2-3 slices without getting unpleasant feelings, another is enough and just one.

    Many perceive lemon as a remedy. For others, its use is taboo. It all depends on the disease. Some of them can be cured with these fruits, others can be aggravated, since the same properties of fruits can be both harmful and beneficial.


    The list of diseases that are treated with lemon is long:

    • stress;
    • constipation;
    • skin and fungal diseases;
    • kidney and liver diseases;
    • tuberculosis;
    • gastritis (with low acidity);
    • rheumatism;
    • swelling;
    • female diseases;
    • malaria;
    • gout.

    So, with gout, characterized by an excess amount of uric acid and salts in the body, lemon counteracts the formation of salt deposits and neutralizes the acid.

    Lemon can be saved if there is no time to sleep. Eating one fruit a day (or its juice) significantly reduces the need for sleep. Also included in the diet, citrus improves mood, relieves the need for food. Thanks to this, it is easier to reach dinner or lunch with him without the desire to have something to eat.

    Harm and contraindications

    There are specific situations in which the use of lemon is unacceptable:

    • allergy;
    • inflammation in the throat - in such a situation, taking citrus can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane;
    • excess acidity;
    • gastritis in a chronic form;
    • ulcer;
    • pancreatitis.

    When buying lemons, focus not so much on the rich yellow color, but on the gloss and uniformity of the peel. If there are brown spots on the fruit, then most likely the fruit was frozen. When squeezed, the lemon should be firm and firm enough to indicate that it is ripe and juicy.

    A soft, pliable lemon speaks of its overripeness, even if it turns out to be not rotten inside, then all the same, most of its useful properties will no longer be of the best quality. A hard, hard and greenish fruit is unripe. It is better not to eat it immediately, but put it in a warm place for ripening.

    How to store?

    1. the fruits must be removed from the container in which they were packed during the sale, otherwise the fruits will begin to deteriorate in a couple of days;
    2. on the kitchen table, an uncut lemon can lie for a couple of weeks, and a cut one - only a week; if they are not used during this time, they will dry out or begin to become moldy;
    3. slices are successfully stored in the refrigerator for two weeks if their pulp is in sugar or salt.

    Traditional ways

    Options for storing lemons and for a longer time at home are varied. The fruits can be washed, dried and "locked in storage containers". That, in turn, put in a drawer of the refrigerator.

    Some keep lemons in water (in the refrigerator). This way the fruit stays juicy. But this is only useful when they are used daily. The fluid will also have to be updated systematically.

    Some lemons are kept in the sand and taken out as needed. You can also put them in sawdust, but at the same time, each one also has to be wrapped in paper.

    You can save sliced ​​lemons. To do this, they are turned into slices and sprinkled with sugar. The thickness of the slices should not be more than five millimeters. The same amount of sugar is taken per kilogram of fruit.

    You can also make a blank from citrus for further use. Then the fruits, along with the crusts, are scrolled in a meat grinder and mixed with granulated sugar in a ratio of one to one.

    In the case of both slices and a homogeneous mass, lemons are placed in a jar.

    You need to have time to put such blanks into action in two months.


    Lemons should be washed, cut into slices or circles and placed on a cutting board (or some other convenient kitchen utensil) covered with baking paper. The individual slices must not touch. Then put them in the freezer for three hours, after that, already solid, put them in a convenient container. And already in the "permanent packaging" they are saved for twelve months, taking out as needed. The taste of such a product is no worse than that of fresh fruits.

    Some housewives prefer to immediately divide the lemon into separate components. Sometimes it is more convenient and speeds up the cooking process. The zest is removed from the fruit so as not to affect the white layer. All cut can be frozen immediately, and then used for baking, making sauces and other things.

    Liquid is squeezed out of the “naked” lemons, distributed into molds and frozen. A standard ice box holds a tablespoon of juice. It is used to make medicinal products, supplement tea with it, season salads, and so on.

    If you do not use a refrigerator to store citrus fruits, then you can take wax and rub the fruit on all sides with it so that oxygen access to the fruit crust is limited. So they won't spoil.


    Lemons can also be pickled. Such salty blanks are useful for fish and meat dishes. To prepare citrus fruits for storage in this form, they take a liter jar and sterilize it.

    6-8 lemons are washed well, cut off from above and below, deep cuts are made on the pulp, half a tablespoon of salt is poured into them and placed in a prepared container. Pour another tablespoon of salt on top of the jar.

    In it, the lemons should be tightly to each other so that the juice is squeezed out of them. When it completely covers the fruits, the jar can be rolled up, put away in a cold place for a week, shaking every day to achieve an even distribution of salt. After that, lemons can be stored for six months.


    Lemons are also stored dried. Dry it with an electric dryer. Washed fruits with dried peel are cut into wide circles (thin ones can dry out so that there is no juice left in them). Along the way, seeds are removed from the lemon. The resulting pieces are placed on the grid of the electric dryer in one layer without mutual contact. They can be sprinkled with sugar. Then, when dried, they will acquire a sweet taste. Dry them for fifteen minutes. After that, put in a convenient container. You can use the product as needed.

    How to use?

    The areas of application of lemon are very extensive.

    In cooking

    Modern cuisine is simply impossible to imagine without a lemon. Chicken meat, for example, acquires a special taste with it. You can take a kilogram and a half chicken thighs or wings, one lemon and rosemary (can be dried), a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, salt and ground black pepper.

    Cut the lemon into narrow strips. Bring the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper.

    Pour oil into a deep frying pan and place over medium heat. When the oil is hot, put the chicken parts in a bowl and fry until golden brown (usually ten minutes is enough to fry on both sides). Then send lemon slices to the pan, pour rosemary and keep the pan on the fire for another two minutes, turning the pieces over.

    After that, transfer the fried chicken parts to a baking sheet and bake for about twenty minutes.

    When serving, the dish can be garnished with lemon slices and olives.

    With lemon, you can also prepare a delicious salad of fresh cucumbers. Have to take:

    • cucumbers - 2 pieces;
    • cherry tomatoes - 1 bowl;
    • Bulgarian yellow pepper - ½ fruit;
    • chopped parsley - 3 tablespoons;
    • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
    • lemon zest - 1 tablespoon;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • salt and pepper;
    • white wine vinegar - a teaspoon.

    Cut the cucumber into rings, tomatoes - according to the size that is most preferable. Pepper - small squares. Mix everything, add parsley. Separately mix lemon juice and zest, vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. Pour this mixture over the vegetables and mix everything together. The dish is ready.

    In the heat, you can make kvass using this citrus fruit. The drink is similar to carbonated lemonade. Only the gas in it does not appear from mineral water, but from yeast.

    To make homemade kvass, you need to take:

    • 2 lemons;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • 15 grams of raw yeast;
    • a tablespoon of raisins;
    • 4 bushes of mint;
    • 2.8 liters of water.

    Wash mint with lemons. Cut the lemon into slices and put in a three-liter jar, send washed raisins and broken mint sprigs there. Sprinkle with sugar. Pour boiling water, not reaching the neck of the jar in such a way that during fermentation the contents do not climb out. Throw yeast into the liquid that has cooled to 50 degrees. They must dissolve completely. It remains to wait 24 hours.

    Now kvass needs to be filtered. It can be bottled or sent to another jar. The finished product is placed in the refrigerator. It can be stored for five days.

    With the use of lemon, it is good to make drinks "for a beautiful figure." You can make tea with cinnamon, honey and lemon. Take a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey, half a yellow fruit, a glass of boiling water. To begin with, pour cinnamon with hot water, wait and add the rest of the ingredients. Honey is sent there last, so that it does not lose its valuable qualities.

    In folk medicine

    People have found use for the familiar yellow fruit for the treatment of a variety of ailments.

    If you systematically drink water with lemon juice, you can lower blood pressure, help fight for kidney health, and remove toxins from the body. Proper use of such a remedy on an empty stomach helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. When honey is added to acidic water, a drink with a high content of trace elements and vitamins is obtained.

    This is an effective remedy for the prevention of colds.

    One lemon will be enough to get rid of worms. It is cut into pieces and crushed. What happened, pour a glass of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled slightly, add a teaspoon of honey and leave for two hours. After that, they filter. The liquid is drunk before going to bed.

    For the treatment of rheumatism, four citrus fruits with garlic (3 heads) are crushed into one mass. Pour all this with a liter of boiled water (about a hundred degrees) and leave for a day. Filter and drink 50 grams three times a day before meals.

    To cure a cold, a whole citrus should be doused with boiling water, driven through a meat grinder. Combine this mass with soft butter (one hundred grams) and honey (a tablespoon). Such “food”, spread on bread, serves to prevent seasonal diseases. It should be taken at least six times a day.

    A good helper for sores in the cold season will be tea with lemon and ginger. Both are cut into pieces, poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for five minutes. Taken hot.

    To overcome a sore throat, you will need to squeeze out the liquid contents of a lemon (one quarter of the fruit is enough), add two-thirds of a glass of water and gargle after an hour. Such procedures are carried out within two days.

    If it came to bronchitis, the liquid squeezed out of three yellow fruits should be mixed with horseradish, chopped on a grater (50 grams). What happened is a teaspoon three times a day. No other food or drink should be taken along with this.

    To make it easier for angina pectoris, slurry squeezed from aloe leaves (two leaves will be enough) and half a kilogram of honey are added to the juice of one citrus fruit. The product is placed in a jar and put in a refrigerator. Withstand a week. Take a tablespoon three times a day (one hour before meals).

    Hypertensive symptoms are relieved by a remedy made from three lemons and five heads of garlic. They are placed in a jar, filled to the top with water. After a couple of days, when the components rise up and then fall again, you can take half a glass of funds in the morning.

    If you have a headache, it makes sense to dilute lemon juice in water, make a compress with this liquid and apply it to your forehead.

    You can simply cut a lemon and attach its pieces to the temples.

    As a sedative, an infusion of lemon peel soaked in vodka is used. For one part of a lemon you need to take ten vodka. Take a few drops at night.

    With tachycardia caused by emotional causes, such a medicine will come in handy. Grind 0.5 kg of lemons, mix this mass with the same amount of honey and crushed apricot kernels (20 pieces). Take on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, a tablespoon.

    At home

    Lemon solves a wide variety of everyday problems. It is, for example, an excellent detergent booster, removing stubborn stains.

    If the house is attacked by ants, a little bit of lemon juice can be applied to the threshold and other possible entry routes for insects. You can also wash the floors by squeezing a little of the contents of the fetus into the water. This will scare off small uninvited guests.

    To make chrome or brass furniture and other things in the house sparkle, you should create a mixture based on salt and sour juice. Apply this paste on problem areas and rinse with water.

    Ordinary lemon can replace expensive bleach for clothes. Before washing, things with stains should be held in water with the addition of soda and lemon juice. The clothes after the washing machine will be as good as new.

    You can also arm yourself with a lemon to make an air freshener. Three or four teaspoons of juice squeezed out of it and poured into water will fill the air with a fresh aroma. At the same time, dubious synthetic products will not be useful.

    If there is a strange smell in the refrigerator, you can moisten a cotton pad with lemon juice and put it in the corner of the refrigerator. In a few hours the problem will be solved.

    The citrus fruit is useful if there is no dish detergent. An oily surface can be treated with a slice of lemon that has been in salt. Then rinse the dishes and repeat the treatment. After that, wipe with a paper towel.

    Alcohol in combination with lemon juice becomes a get rid of green spots. Soak a cotton pad with this solution and rub the green spot on the skin.

    After that, wash it thoroughly with soap.

    If a holiday or some other event with a meal is planned in the house, and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples are on the table waiting for the guests so that they do not darken and lose their elegant appearance, they should be smeared with a small amount of fresh lemon juice in the places of cuts.

    If scale has formed in the kettle, the citrus must be cut into slices, placed inside, pour water and turn it on. After boiling, leave for an hour. Then pour out the acidic water and rinse the vessel. This method of dealing with scale is suitable for any kettles.

    Lemon-based acidic water is good at removing dirt inside the microwave. To achieve the effect, the liquid from the lemon must be squeezed into a deep plate suitable for such an oven, pour a glass of water into this container and turn on the device for five minutes at high power. After that, the condensate formed on the walls will remain to be wiped off with a wet cloth along with the remaining dirt.

    Half a citrus will get rid of the pungent odor of a cutting board on which fish, garlic, onions, or other foods with a pungent aroma were cut. After treatment with lemon, the board should be left for five minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly.

    Helps lemon with cloves from mosquitoes. It is a natural remedy for flying bloodsuckers. In the spice shop you need to buy dried cloves. According to the recipe, the citrus fruit must be divided in half, and dry cloves should be stuck into the pulp and skin. The essential oils of the lemon will come out of the punctures, and the combination with the smell of the spice will create an unbearable atmosphere for small annoying squeakers. Such a repellent can be put on the nightstand near the bed and not worry that mosquitoes will bite during sleep.

    According to those who have used this method in the fight for peace, it is not necessary to use too many carnations. Just like you don’t need to take half a citrus fruit for this business. A slice will suffice.

    At the same time, experience shows that such a mosquito repellent is effective only in the house. On the street, the smell dissipates and the effect disappears.

    In cosmetology

    Most people treat lemon not as a food, but as a medicine. It is used during illness or vitamin deficiency. Also, this healing citrus fruit can be successfully used in cosmetology. There is no better natural remedy for maintaining beauty. Our great-grandmothers also used lemon for cosmetic purposes.

    Below are some tips for using it for the skin of the face:

    • In the summer heat, you can wipe your face with a slice of lemon, it has deodorizing properties, refreshes the skin of the face, makes it more elastic and helps to get rid of inflammation.
    • There is no more effective means to lighten freckles and age spots on the face of the face, than the juice of sour yellow citrus. It is necessary to squeeze half a lemon into a plate and moisten gauze in the resulting liquid. Put it on the skin of the face and hold for 15 minutes. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. After that, wash your skin with warm running water. You need to do this procedure 2 times a week.
    • To keep the skin young and toned, every morning you need to wipe your face with an ice cube, which will contain a decoction of chamomile with the addition of lemon juice. Make a herbal infusion, pour into molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the resulting ice cubes on the face, neck and décolleté.

    Lemon can help in the care of any part of the body.

    • After using sulfate-free shampoos, hair needs a conditioner. The best option for give hair a healthy shine and make combing easier- Rinse your hair with lemon water. Pour a liter of clean water into a jar and add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, and if it is not at hand, you can use citric acid. Pour your hair with the resulting solution and see how they come to life.
    • To strengthen exfoliating brittle nails on the hands, You need to cut a whole lemon into two equal halves. Put the fingers of the right hand into one half, along the first phalanx, so that the nails are completely immersed in the pulp of the lemon, and the fingers of the left hand into the second half. You need to keep it for at least 15 minutes. After, wash your hands with warm water and grease with a nourishing cream. It is worth carrying out this procedure once every 3 days, for a month, this will strengthen the nails, fill them with strength. A slight whitening effect of the nail plate is possible.
    • You can also do it yourself strengthening wax for brittle nails and dry cuticles. You will need a small storage container, apricot kernel oil, shea butter, candelilla wax and rice bran, and Spanish lemon essential oil. You can buy all these ingredients at a pharmacy or order online. You will get a thick homogeneous paste that needs to be rubbed into the nail plate, a visible result will appear after the first application.
    • Lemon is known for its effective whitening properties. For teeth whitening you can brush your teeth with a slice of lemon or squeeze a couple of drops of juice onto toothpaste. Gently and delicately brush your teeth for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water, as lemon juice residue can injure tooth enamel.
    • Lemon essential oil accelerates healing of cracked skin on the palms and feet, has a deodorizing effect on sweaty feet.
    • helps to get rid of depression and anxiety;
    • helps with viral diseases and during the cold season.

    Pour a couple of tablespoons of clean water into the aroma lamp, and, depending on the size of the living space, drip from 3 to 7 drops of lemon essential oil. Without water, the oil in the lamp cannot be set on fire, otherwise it will light up. Light the candle in the lamp. Close the windows, take a comfortable position, relax and breathe the resulting mixture. Therapy with essential oils should be no more than 20 minutes.

    Also, essential oil can be used in the bath, for general strengthening of the body and cleansing of the upper respiratory tract. Put 3 to 5 drops of lemon essential oil into a 500 ml dipper and pour the resulting liquid over hot stones.

    Lemon essential oil blends beautifully with other citrus oils:

    • orange;
    • tangerine;
    • grapefruit
    • bergamot;
    • litsea cubeba.

    Also a good combination of lemon oil with coniferous oils:

    • fir;
    • pines;
    • juniper;
    • Himalayan cedar.

    And with oils derived from mint plants:

    • curly mint;
    • peppermint;
    • eucalyptus;
    • menthol.

    Combine these oils in the proportions you like and carry out healthy wellness procedures for the benefit of your body.

    We have seen how lemon is a valuable healthy fruit that helps people look great and feel better. It is worth including it in your diet more often, then beauty, strong iron health and strong immunity will not take long.

    For more information about the benefits and harms of lemons, as well as how to choose them correctly, see the following video.

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