• What is a heart stone for in Skyrim? "Skyrim: Heart Stone." Application. Location. Manager under duress


    One quiet night I dreamed of a story about an ordinary stone. And my dream began with a beautiful and clear day. I dreamed of a blue sea, where a small child was playing on the shore. A boy of about 5 years old was sorting through sea pebbles, he smiled and constantly glanced at his mother, who was sitting nearby. And so, having dug a small hole, he came across a lonely pebble, which was very similar to a heart, and there was a small through hole on top. Then the child took a rusty nail and began to scratch an inscription on it. Having suffered a little, he engraved the word “mother” in crooked and childish handwriting. The boy ran to his mother and gave it to her. Seeing him, she burst into a smile, kissed her son, and removed the silver chain from her neck, which she inserted into a small hole on the pebble. After all that was done, she put it back on. Then the young mother took a camera out of her bag and gave it to her son. The boy took a picture of his mother, and then, taking all the things, they went home together.

    However, when they passed one of the railway crossings, the thin chain could not withstand the weight of the pebble and broke. Not noticing anything, the child and mother moved on. And the lonely pebble remained lying on the sharp, yellow stones. Days passed and no one noticed the white stone. Many people trampled it deeper into other stones, the engraved inscription was almost completely covered with dirt. That’s how the story would have ended, but another boy saw this stone, who then played with it on the tracks, where he was hit by a train. Later, the stone was picked up by an old raven, who flew to his nest, not as usual, but through a neighboring field, where he was attacked by crows and pecked at him. As it fell, the stone rolled into a hole, into which a tree was later planted, but due to the fact that the stone prevented the young tree from growing properly, it grew at a large slope. And then on one of the stormy days, lightning struck a leaning tree, splitting it, the tree fell with a roar and a stone flew out of the roots, which later fell from the cliff. It ended up in a pile of construction waste, and soon a house was built in that place, and the same stone was accidentally walled into the walls. Several years passed and there was a big fire in the house, the plaster crumbled and the heart stone fell out of the charred building stones. Before the grass had time to grow, the stone was picked up by a seagull and carried far into the open sea. In the place where the seagull was flying, a whaling ship was sailing. And the sailors, out of boredom, shot the bird, which dropped a pebble into the abyss of the water. Sinking lower and lower, the stone flashed, and a whale swam towards its light. He managed to swallow it before the whaling ship itself killed him. Having caught the whale, the sailors took it to the nearest port, ripping open its belly, the old sailor found a stone there, which over time had almost lost its heart shape. Having thrown away the unnecessary item, the stone was overgrown with grass and almost found its peace, but it was found again by one boy who was in a hurry with his family to catch a plane to another country. He took it as a souvenir and when he arrived at his new home, the guy put it in his aquarium. A few more years later, the leg of the table on which the aquarium stood broke and it broke. So the stone ended up in one of the city landfills. There he was found by an elderly man of no fixed abode, who loved to relax, sitting on a hill and looking at the city, and right under this mountain there was a sand making plant. And then one day the old man died and a stone fell out of his hands, it rolled down the mountain and soon fell straight into the sand, which was later loaded into bags and taken to one of the rural playgrounds. On this site, a little girl found this pebble; she was able to read the almost indistinguishable inscription “mother”. She took it to her mother, who later showed it to her father. He recognized this stone as it was the one he gave to his mother as a child. Arriving at the cemetery, he hung a pebble on the cross of his deceased mother, having previously put it on a small silver chain.

    And then I saw what would have happened if his mother had not lost this stone:

    The boy who died on the railway would have walked further and at that time would have been playing football with his friends.

    The raven would have flown its old route, where the crows were waiting for him in the nest.

    The tree would grow straight, and lightning would strike nearby without killing it.

    The house would not have burned down, but would have delighted everyone with its elegant architecture.

    The seagull would have lived a few more happy years.

    The whale would not have swum to the glare of the stone and swam in the opposite direction from the whaling ship.

    The aquarium would not break and would be pleasing to the child's eyes.

    An old man would not have died alone on the mountain, but would have met his old childhood love, who always supported him until the end of his life.

    When I woke up, I realized that everything in our world can influence our lives. Attachments: Picture 1 · Picture 2 · Picture 3 · Picture 4 · Picture 5 · Picture 6 · Picture 7 · Picture 8

    General information

    Ore veins can be found in various areas of Skyrim. On the surface, or underground, in places where they are developed - in mines. They are usually found singly on the surface, and several in mines. An ore vein can produce ores of various substances, metals and non-metals, which are used to make weapons, armor and jewelry, with the exception of Dwemer metal. From each ore vein, three pieces of the corresponding ore can be mined. Sometimes, along with ore, various precious stones can be found in ore veins.
    Used veins in the game are restored in various locations at various intervals of game time (from 10 to 30 days).
    Ore veins can be found in various parts of Skyrim. On the surface or underground, in places of their development - in the mines. Usually found singly on the surface, in the mines - a few. In the vein of ore can be extracted ore of various substances, metals and non-metals, which are used for the manufacture of weapons, armor and jewelry, with the exception of Dwemer metal. Of each lode can get three pieces of relevant ore. Sometimes together with the ore ore veins can be found in different gemstones.
    Cores used in the game are recovered in different locations at different intervals of playing time (10 to 30 days).

    Iron vein/Iron ore

    Location/ Location

    • 20 lived in a narrow passage when you go to Fort Dawnguard.
      20 veins in the narrow passage leading to Fort Dawnguard.
    • 16 lived in the Pure Springs Camp (6 pieces are on the table).
      16 veins in Halted Stream Camp (6 pieces are on the table).
    • 10 lived at Fellhammer's Fort southeast of Dawnstar.
      10 veins in Fort Fellhammer Mine, south-southeast of Dawnstar.
    • 8 lived in the Torch Mine southwest of Riverwood.
      8 veins in Embershard Mine, southwest of Riverwood.
    • 6 lived in the Iron Ore Mine southeast of Dawnstar, not far from the smelter.
      6 veins in Iron Breaker Mine, southeast in Dawnstar, near the Smelter.
    • 5 lived in the Left Hand Mine southeast of Markath.
      5 veins in Left Hand Mine, just southeast of Markarth.
    • 5 lived in the Shadow Mine southeast of Windhelm.
      5 veins in Gloombound Mine, southeast of Windhelm.
    • 5 veins in the Knife Hole (3 veins are blocked by a door, adept level).
      5 veins in Knifepoint Mine at Knifepoint Ridge (Note that three veins are locked behind an adept level lock door)
    • 4 veins in Nchuand-Zel.
      4 veins in Nchuand-Zel Excavation Site.
    • 4 veins in the Rocking Stone Mine east of Morthal.
      4 veins in Rockwallow Mine, East of Morthal.
    • 3 veins in Lost Knife Vault.
      3 veins in Lost Knife Cave.
    • 3 veins in the North Wind Mine.
      3 veins in Northwind Mine.
    • 3 veins in the Red Mine (Shor's Stone).
      3 veins in Redbelly Mine(Shor's Stone mine).
    • 3 ores in a basket in Stone Shore.
      3 ores on a cart by the smelter in Shor's Stone.
    • 2 veins in the Whistling Mine southeast of Windhelm.
      2 veins in Whistling Mine, southeast of Winterhold.
    • 2 veins southwest of Sarethi Farm.
      2 veins southwest of Sarethi Farm.
    • 2 veins in the vicinity of Vetreny Peak.
      2 veins in Bleak Falls Barrow.
    • 2 veins near Riverwood Tower.
      2 veins below the tower of the Riverwood Folly.
    • There are a couple more places, but there is only 1 vein there and there is no point in going there and farming.
      There are a couple of places, but there is 1 core and there is no sense to go there and farm.

    Gold mine/Gold ore

    Location/ Location

    • 17 lived in the Kolskeggr Mine south of the Lover's Stone near Markarth. Also 3 ores and 4 ingots.
      17 veins in Kolskeggr Mine, South of the Lover Stone near Markarth. Also 3 ore pieces and 4 ingots.
    • 3 veins in Deep Shadow, two inside and one outside.
      3 veins at Darkshade, two inside and one just outside the entrance.
    • 3 veins in the Lost Chance Mine east of Riften. The veins are located behind the waterfall.
      3 veins in Lost Prospect Mine, East of Riften. Veins are located behind the waterfall.
    • 2 veins in the Black Reach.
      2 veins in Blackreach.
    • 2 veins near Fort Neugrad.
      2 veins just outside Fort Neugrad.
    • 2 veins in the mountains southeast of Windhelm, west of the Statue of Boethiah.
      2 veins in the mountains southeast of Windhelm, just west of Sacellum of Boethiah.
    • 4 cores in Btardamze, 2 outside and 2 inside.
      4 veins in Btardamze, 2 outside and 2 inside.
    • 2 veins near the Post of Septimius Segonius, on a large rocky outcrop, near Horkera.
      2 veins northeast of Septimus Sigmus" Outpost, at the top of a large, rocky outcropping on a large island covered in Horkers, just before you reach the glaciers.
    • 2 veins north of Narzulbur. You need to climb the hill to the left of the entrance to Narzulbur, the veins will be on the ridge, there will be a Snow Bear nearby.
      2 veins directly North of Narzulbur. Head up the hill to the left of the entrance, the veins will be on the ridge to the left of the Snow Bear's den.

    Corundum Vein/Corundum Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 18 lived in Knife's Edge Ridge, can be found in the bandit camp northwest of Cracked Tusk Fortress (the camp can be found on the quest "Call of Boethiah").
      18 (only for the quest Boethiah's Calling) veins are in Knifepoint Mine, which can be found at the Knifepoint Ridge bandit camp north-west of Cracked Tusk Keep.
    • Around 14 he lived in the vicinity of the Black Reach.
      Blackreach - has at least 14 veins throughout the area, some are labeled "geode vein".
    • 4 veins near the Black Ford and the Golden Rock Mine west of the Foggy Outpost.
      4 in Goldenrock Mine at Darkwater Crossing, west of Mistwatch.
    • 3 veins east of Lakeside Manor and south of the Guardian Stone near the Temple of Talos in the south (there is a possibility that there will be an iron vein there).
      3 east of Lakeview Manor and South of the Guardian Stones near the Shrine of Talos to the south (these may spawn as iron veins instead).
    • 3 veins to the west of the cave that leads to Helgen, in a small depression.
      3 west of the cave exit/entrance that leads into Helgen, in a small depression.
    • 2 veins near the Iron Shelter.
      2 in Ironback Hideout.
    • 2 veins near Valtheim Tower, on the north side of the river.
      2 in Valtheim Towers, north side of the river.
    • 2 veins near Shimmering Mist Cave south of the cave entrance.
      2 ore around Shimmering Mist Caves south of the entrance to the cave.

    Orichalcum Ore/Orichalcum Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 9 lived in the Bile Mine southwest of Fort Sungard.
      9 veins in Bilegulch Mine, Southwest of Fort Sungard.
    • 8 lived in the Dushnika Mine southeast of Markarth.
      8 veins in Dushnikh Mine, Southeast of Markarth.
    • 7 lived in the Mor Kazgur Mine. Also on the table there is 1 piece of ore and 2 ingots that can be stolen.
      7 veins in Mor Khazgur Mine. Also 1 ore piece on a table can be next stolen to 2 ingots which can also be stolen.
    • 4 veins in the Grove of Giants, next to the Sanctuary of Malacath.
      4 veins in Giant's Grove, around the Shrine of Malacath.
    • 3 veins in the Black Reach.
      3 veins in Blackreach.
    • 3 veins on the peak of the Altar of the Sky Born.
      3 veins on the peak overlooking Skyborn Altar.
    • 2 veins in the west of Alftand southeast of Dawnstar, on top of a large hill.
      2 veins due West of Alftand, Southeast of Dawnstar, on top of a large hill.
    • 2 veins approximately halfway between the Night Gate Tavern and Irkntanda. East of the road, behind the trees and low rocks.
      2 veins about halfway between Nightgate Inn and Irkngthand. Shortly east of the road, behind some tree trunks and tall rocks.
    • 2 veins on the top of the hill behind the entrance to the High Gate Ruins.
      2 veins on top of the hill behind the entrance to High Gate Ruins

    Quicksilver Ore/Quicksilver Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 5 veins and 2 ores in the Mercury mine near the Dawnstar docks.
      5 veins and 2 ores in Quicksilver Mine near the docks of Dawnstar.
    • 3 veins west of the Ice Runner crash site, on two large islands.
      3 veins West of Wreckage of the Brinehammer, on the two larger islands.
    • 3 veins in Sheer Cliff Cave northeast of Markarth.
      3 veins in Blind Cliff Bastion,northeast of Markarth.
    • 3 veins, maybe even more in the Black Reach.
      3 veins, possibly more, in Blackreach.
    • 2 veins on the top of the glacier on the way to the Guardian Stone.
      2 veins on the top of the glacier en route to the The Tower Stone.
    • 2 or more lived in Mzinchaleft southwest of Dawnstar.
      2 or more veins in Mzinchaleft, South-west of Dawnstar.
    • 2 veins in the cave of the Druadach Stronghold, behind the potato crops.
      2 veins in Druadach Redoubt Cave, behind the potato crops.

    Silver Ore/Silver Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 7 lived in the Sanuarach Mine, near Kartwasten.
      7 veins in Sanuarach Mine, inside of Karthwasten.
    • 5 lived in the Sidna Mine, you can only get there during the quest “No one can escape from Sidna.”
      5 veins in Cidhna Mine during the quest No One Escapes Cidhna Mine.
    • 4 veins in Divided Gorge spawn close to each other.
      4 veins grouped relatively close together inside Sunderstone Gorge.
    • 2 veins in the Yellow Stone Cave, at the very end.
      2 veins located in the final broad cavern of Fallowstone Cave.
    • 2 ores can be found on the shelves on the last deck of the Ice Runner.
      2 ore can be found on shelves below deck in the Wreck of the Brinehammer.

    Ebony Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 16 lived in the Shadow Mine.
      16 veins in Gloombound Mine
    • 9 lived in Raven Rock - Mine, in Solstheim.
      9 veins in Raven Rock Mine, in Solstheim.
    • 6 lived in the Black Reach.
      6 veins in Blackreach.
    • 3-7 pieces of ore can be found in the locked shack near the alchemist's table and around the entrance to the Shadow Mine.
      3-7 ore chunks can be found in the locked shack near the Alchemy table and around the outside of Gloombound Mine.
    • 3 veins in the Red Mine.
      3 veins in Redbelly Mine.

    Dwarven Metal

    Unlike other metals and materials obtained from the corresponding ore, these ingots are obtained by smelting in a regular smelter various Dwemer items that can be found in Dwemer ruins.
    Unlike other metals and materials derived from the corresponding ore, these ingots are produced by melting in a conventional foundry Dwemer different products that can be found in Dwemer ruins.
    Manufacturing/ Manufacturer:
    Not all metal trash found in ruins is suitable for smelting. Dwemer dishes, Dwemer gears, levers and mechanisms found on defeated or broken Dwemer mechanisms are completely useless in this regard.
    Not all of the metal trash falls in ruins, suitable for remelting. Completely useless in this regard dvemerskiy dishes, Dwemer gears, levers and mechanisms found on fallen or broken Dwemer mechanisms.
    Suitable for remelting/ Suitable for remelting:
    Small Dwemer Metal Plate/ Small Dwemer Plate Metal.
    Large decorative Dwemer beam/ Large Decorative Dwemer Strut.
    Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal/ Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal.
    Large Dwarven metal plate/ Large Dwemer Plate Metal.
    Dwemer metal casting/ Solid Dwemer Metal.
    Large Dwemer beam/ Large Dwemer Strut.
    And other utensils, levers, gears/ And other items ware, levers, gears.
    Everything can be found in Dwemer ruins/ All can be found in Dwemer ruins.

    Mineral Output/Geode Vein

    Location/ Location

    The mineral output is an azure vein in which you can find: corundum ore, soul stones (of different types) and various gems. Found only in the Black Reach.
    Mineral output is azure vein in which you can find: corundum ore, stone shower (different types) and various gems. Found only in the Black Reach.

    • He lived in the Black Reach for more than 10 years.
      More than 10 lived in the Blackreach.

    Moonstone Ore

    Location/ Location

    • 7 lived in Mzulfta.
      7 lived in Mzulfte.
    • 4 veins in Soljund's Lair. Eastern shore, also 3 pieces of ore lie on the table in the mine.
      4 cores in Soljund's Sinkhole. Eastern shore, also 3 pieces of ore lying on the table in the mine.
    • 2 veins in the Stone Brook Cave, next to the lake.
      2 cores in the Stony Creek Cave, near the lake.
    • 2 veins in the Black Reach.
      2 cores in the Blackreach.
    • 30 pieces in the Source of Stalhrim (30 pieces in 10 sarcophagi. Until the quest “New Source of Stalhrim” is completed, the location is not marked on the map).
      30 pieces in the Source stalgrima (30 pcs. 10 sarcophagi. Prior quest "New source stalgrima" location is not marked on the map).
    • 2 springs on an island north of the North Pier.
      2 source on an island north of the North Pier.
    • 2 springs in Raven Rock - Mine. 3 in a sarcophagus in the ruins at the bottom of the mine. One of the springs is in the room behind the waterfall.
      2 source in the Raven Rock Mine.3 piece in a sarcophagus in the ruins at the bottom of the mine. One source in the room behind the waterfall.
    • 2 springs in Kolbjorn's Mound.
      2 source in Kolbjorn Barrow.
    • 2 springs in Kildenhulu Mound.
      2 source in Gyldenhull Barrow.

    Heart Stone

    Location/ Location

    • 3 deposits in Brodir Grove.
      3 deposits in the Brodir Grove.
    • 3 deposits between Frostmoth Fort and Tel Mithryn. Two to the west of Silt Strider and one to the south, near the beach.
      3 deposits between Fort Frostmoth and Tel Mithryn.Dva west of Silt Strider and one to the south, near the beach.
    • 3 deposits in Cold Coal Cave.
      3 deposits in the Coldcinder Cave.
    • 2 deposits in Tel Mithryn. In the southwest, on a cliff. Guarded by two ashen spawn.
      2 fields in Tel Mithryn.Na southwest, on a rock. Protected by two ash spawn.
    • 2 deposits in the Broken Fang Mine.
      2 fields in Mine Broken Fang.
    • 2 deposits in the House of Hrodulf.
      2 fields in the Hrodulf's House.
    • 2 deposits in Kurgan White Ridge.
      2 fields in White Ridge Barrow.
    • 2 deposits in Fort Frostmoth. On the territory of the fort.
      2 fields in Fort the territory fort.
    • 2 deposits in the Ash Fortress. Not far from the citadel.
      2 fields in Ashfallow Citadel.Near the citadel.

    There is an easier way to get ores - buying from sellers or blacksmiths. But if you like to climb caves, this guide will suit YOU.
    There is an easier way to get ore - is to buy from sellers kuznetsov.No if you are fond of climbing through the caves, you will accept this guide.

    The Heart Stone in Skyrim appeared thanks to the Dragonborn story add-on. To get it, you will need to start playing the game and explore the island. This ore is scattered throughout Solstheim, and can be mined using a regular pickaxe.

    The appearance of the main character on the island

    As soon as the player begins to go through the storyline concerning the legend of Dovahkiin, he reaches a quest when the Greybeards publicly proclaim the appearance of a man with the soul of a dragon. After this, the main character will be met by Miraak's followers, who claim that the protagonist is an impostor and deserves only death.

    Then the player will have to travel to the island of Solstheim, where he will have to deal with Miraak himself and complete several side quests. Some of these missions will involve finding and obtaining the Heart Stone.

    History of the appearance of ore

    The Heart Stone in Skyrim, on the island of Solstheim, appeared as a result of the volcanic eruption of Red Mountain, which occurred two hundred years before the plot events of the add-on. Local residents called this period the Red Year.

    They believe that this breed was near the Heart of Lorkhan. It is for this reason that heart stones, even after two centuries, are still able to glow with the heat of the Red Mountain.

    Additional information about the disaster on the mountain can be read in the books that are on the shelves of the island's residents.

    Practical use

    Master Neloth, who lives in the Telvanni house, was sure that with the help of the heart stone in Skyrim one can acquire unprecedented powers if it is implanted into the body. At first he wanted to conduct an experiment on himself, replacing his own heart with this ore, but his protégé Ildari insisted on her candidacy.

    During the operation, the girl died, but despite the coincidence of circumstances, Nelot still continued the experiment and placed a heart stone in the girl’s chest. Thanks to this, Ildari returned to the world of the living and made one of the most important discoveries in this area. The fact is that in Skyrim, the heart stone prevents the effect of necromancy, which allows you to revive the dead without desecrating his body.

    The player will be able to use the Heart Stone to summon the Ash Guardian. Although the spell can be cast without ore, its presence will help the ashen guard identify the enemy and the ally. If the player has a stone in his inventory, the ash guard will not attack him, but if it is missing, the guard will attack everyone he sees. This is why you need a heart stone in Skyrim.

    Heart stones can be useful in crafting and enchanting unique staves that are crafted in Tel Mithryn. This settlement is located on the outskirts and looks like several giant mushrooms.

    As for sale, the price of these stones is very high, so if you do not want to use the ore for its intended purpose, you can sell it for a substantial amount.

    Quests related to stone

    The quest “Heart Stones” given by Neloth involves obtaining one of them for the master of the Telvanni house. You can get such stones by traveling around the island. In order not to pass by the ore vein, it is worth paying attention to its appearance - small scarlet craters that shimmer in red.

    To start mining ore, it is enough to have a pickaxe with you. You need to approach the ore vein and activate production. The maximum number of heart stones mined is three. Over time, the vein will be restored, so there is no need to worry about a limited amount of ore.

    You will need another heart stone when completing the quest “Old Friends”. However, in this case, a certain heart stone in Skyrim is required, the code of which is XX019A9. Where “XX”, the serial number under which the addition is installed must be written.

    Heart stone(orig. Heart Stone) - quest item, miscellaneous, ore in addition The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.

    When Red Mountain erupted almost two hundred years ago, ash and rocks littered the area for hundreds of miles. Among the debris were heart stones. Even two centuries later, they still glow with the heat of the mountain. These are molten pieces of rock that have lain near the Heart of Lorkhan for millennia. Apparently, some part of his power was transferred to them. I know that sometimes heart stones create ash spawns from bone fragments buried in the ash nearby.
    - Neloth


    Heart stone- an unusual type of ore mined from deposits that appeared on Solstheim in the Fourth Era.

    Presumably, deposits of these stones were formed during the cataclysms that occurred in the Red Year. Master Neloth of House Telvanni believes that the heartstones are molten pieces of rock from the depths of Red Mountain, thrown out along with the stones and ash during the eruption. Even 200 years later, they still glow with the heat of the mountain. These are molten pieces of rock that have lain near the Heart of Lorkhan for millennia and, apparently, some of its power was transferred to them. Heartstones sometimes create ash spawns from bone fragments buried in the ash nearby.

    During the dissection of the Spriggans, Neloth came to the conclusion that the heart stone implanted in the chest was capable of imparting enormous powers. He wanted to replace his own heart with a heart stone, but Ildari Sarotril, his student, suggested that he operate on her first. Ildari died during the experiment, but was brought back to life thanks to the action of the heart stone implanted in her. Ildari discovered that the heart stone could be used to prevent the effects of necromancy spells.

    Through trial and error, one of Neloth's students found out that the heart stone is necessary for the spell “Summon Ash Guardian", Without which the summoned creature will attack everyone it sees, including the caster. In addition, heart stones are used to enchant staves.


    Heart stones are needed for:

    • summoning an ash guardian (if the heart stone is missing during the summoning, the guardian will attack everyone indiscriminately);
    • enchanting staves in the tower of Tel Mithryn;
    • tasks given by Neloth.


    Every time Red Mountain erupts, a few of them fall somewhere around here. Look for small craters, rocks sticking out of the ground, things like that. It may not be easy to remove the heart stone, but you seem... strong enough. Good luck
    - Neloth

    Heart Stone can be obtained by mining from deposits located in Solstheim. Deposits can be mined using a regular pickaxe, just like ore veins. There are 28 deposits, each of which can yield three heart stones. Like ore veins, heartstone deposits regenerate over time.


    • “Heart stones” - bring one heart stone to Neloth.
    • “Old Friends” - one of the stones appears during this quest. This is a special stone with a unique ID - 0195A9.


    Basic schools Recovery Alteration Illusion Sorcery Mysticism Destruction Thaumaturgy
    Magical organizations Mages Guild Battlespire (Shadow Legion) College of Winterhold College of Whispers Psijic Order Synod Academy of Shad Astul Stargazers Covens of Witches Schools of Julianos
    Related Articles Alchemy Enchantment (Soul Stones Welkynd Stones Varla Stones Sigil Stones Heart stones) Artifacts Necromancy Shadow Magic Dark Magic Soul Magic Direnni Clan House Telvanni Tu "um (Path of the Voice Greybeards College Voices) Shehai Snake magic CHIM Ingenium

    Once you arrive at Tel Mithryn, you will see Neloth's apprentice Talvas Fathrion attempting to summon the Ash Guardian. After some magical manipulation, Talvas will run up to you in horror and ask for help. He summoned a monster, but he was not at all uncontrollable. You need to destroy Talvas's creation, then he will distract Neloth with conversations. After dealing with the monster, you can hand over the unsuccessful Talvas to the teacher, or you can report that the novice magician has successfully completed the task. In any case, you will receive a staff and the ability to buy spell books from Talvas. However, if you hide Talvas's failure, he will be happy to become your companion.

    Note: When using the summon ash guard spell, you must have heart stones so that the ash guard does not show aggression towards you and your companions.

    Home restoration

    Tel Mithryn's pharmacist Elenya will tell you that part of Neloth's mushroom house has begun to collapse and she needs help in restoring it, otherwise Neloth will fire her. To do this, it needs three taproots. Such ingredients can be bought from alchemists or obtained independently; taproots are the remains of sprigans that are found in Brodir Grove. After you get the ingredients, Elenya will advise you to wash them in the sources of the Harstrad River, which flows in the northern part of the island. After this, Elenya will take two roots from you, and advise you to plant the third in a damaged place in Neloth’s house. Head to Neloth's tower and plant the root in the damaged area. Return to Elenya, as a token of gratitude she will give you several jars of elixirs.

    Telvani Exploration

    The magician Neloth will ask you to collect the remains of the ash guards, who live in large numbers in the vicinity of Raven Rock and Tel Mithryn. Having encountered the ash monster, destroy it and collect what is left of it. After completing the task, return to Neloth, in two days Talvas will have a new spell for sale.

    Manager under duress

    Nelot will complain to you that his tea was not brought to him on time and will ask you to figure out why. It turns out that his manager, Verona Nilis, has mysteriously disappeared. You have to find her. First, ask the pharmacist Elenya, who will say that Verona went to Raven Rock a few hours ago. Follow the path towards Raven Rock. You will soon find the ashen creatures and Verona's body. Tell this sad news to Neloth. He will ask you to find him a new manager.

    It's worth looking for someone in Raven Rock. Many people are afraid to work with a mysterious magician. Only the innkeeper's assistant Relvi will agree to work for Neloth. As a reward, Nelota will allow you to enchant staves.

    New debt

    You will soon learn the reason why Relvi agreed to work for the magician so quickly. It turns out that he owes a large sum of money to the local businessman Morgul, and this is a good reason to stay away from the moneylender.

    Since with your help Relvi escapes from Morgul’s reach, he will pin Relvi’s debt on you. If you have developed the skill of eloquence, you will be able to reduce the amount of debt to five hundred. If you refuse to pay, Morgul will periodically send collectors who are very unfriendly to you. It is impossible to get rid of Morgul himself, so it is better to pay and forget.

    Core stone for Neloth

    Periodically, Neloth needs to bring heart stones for his research, for which he will pay you in gold. Heart stones can be mined in special veins that exist on the island, for example, in the dungeons of Fort Frostmoth.

    Heather Heart

    Another ingredient that Neloth begs to be found is heather heart. In order to get it, go to the Reach, to any outcast camp, kill the leader and tear out his heather heart, which you take to Neloth.

    Old friends

    Neloth will complain that the attacks of ash monsters on Tel Mithryn have become more frequent, and will ask you to solve this problem. He will give you a ring that will help you find the source of the problem. Go to the cemetery, which is located east of Tel Mithryn, and search Ildari's grave. Take the heart stone that is there and tell Neloth everything.

    The magician will perform a ritual that will allow you to find Ildari. A crazy necromancer lives in the Summit Tower. Go there. Once inside the tower, go down, at the first fork, go straight into the spider caves and collect the gems, then return to the fork and go right. In the enchanter's room, which is full of tripwires and magical traps, find the first part of Ildari's diary. At the second fork, go right into the prison, save Niid and take the second part of the diary. Then go to the left passage. In the mine, deal with the ashen creatures and go upstairs. The alchemy laboratory contains the third part of Ildari's diary. Take the stairs on the left to the second floor in the large hall. Here you will have to fight Ildari and watch a video of how Dovahkiin snatches the heart stone from the sorceress.

    In recognition of your merits, you will be accepted into the Telvani house, Neloth will give you a separate room in his tower and allow you to use all things.

    Experiment participant

    Neloth will ask you to become a participant in his experiment with a new spell. You need to understand what the consequences of the spell that Neloth will cast on you are, and what they depend on. The spell causes health to increase by 25 on land and decrease by 25 in water. To find out, go into the water or get caught in the rain. Tell Neloth about your observations.

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