• Exit to light: When you can go to visit the baby. When, how much and do you need to walk with the newborn? Useful tips and recommendations that you can not do with a baby


    The birth of the child radically changes the life of the family, and first of all, of course, limits the freedom of mom. This does not mean that it is necessary to sit at home all the time or walk with a newborn just near him, but there are places where Mama with babies to walk extremely undesirable.

    - An integral part of the care and education. Parents are divided into two categories. Someone is reinsured, isolating the kid from all "outsiders" communication, and someone practically does not change his lifestyle: "The child can be with us everywhere, let it expand its horizon and gets used to the world around!" In fact, a reasonable mom is worth looking for a golden middle.

    The first two months after birth is the standard term "infant quarantine". Prior to this age, pediatricians are recommended to refrain from hiking in crowded places, as the immune system of a small organism is still too vulnerable and easy.

    Also, the mode of increased caution should be observed in the period "around" vaccinations - a few days before and - a week - after. And of course, during flu epidemics and ORVI.


    The obvious thing: it is extremely undesirable to walk with the baby where noisy and crowded, not to mention the places where they are smoking. Young mothers and dads, taking with themselves unfeasant baby on the film, provide children with a bad service: noise or loud music does not affect the child's nervous system.

    Beauty saloon

    Not the best (although quite common) option - to take a baby with you in a hairdresser (on a manicure): maybe in the next chair the master will make a chemical twist, painting, use some reason with a sharp smell - all these evaporations are extremely undesirable for crumbs .


    There are such parents who can take a newborn with them to the stadium: "And what is there, there are fresh air, she calmly spent time in the sling." But the stadium is a place of potential danger, a large cluster of people and a sufficiently high level of noise, so it is not worth the risk - in terms of common sense, it is better to watch the match on TV.

    Concerts and theaters

    Disco Bars, Music Concerts - also not a place for infant. And of course, to go to the theater, it is best to find someone with whom you can leave a baby for a few hours (grandmother, nanny): the babe will not give you a play or your neighbors.

    How do you need to organize walks? How often and long need to walk? How to wear a child for a walk? Doctor Komarovsky replies

    If you take into account the factors that bring the baby to the maximum benefit to walk, it becomes clear that during the walk, you should not close the face of the child, Tie his nose with a scarf, because in this way we deprive him of that for what they were taken for a walk - fresh air.

    With the slightest feature, it is necessary to open the face at all so that the sun rays fall on it (better not straight, but scattered), and with warm weather, at all try to keep the newborn baby.

    It is unlikely that the newborn will bring the benefit and a walk with a mom in a sling, because in it the baby is completely closed and turn face to mom.

    The sling is indispensable during the "business" campaigns, for example, to a clinic, from it will be very convenient and safe to learn the world around the world, but the baby is still better to walk in the stroller.

    Since the first walks of the newborn are very short, it is unlikely that there is a risk of serious supercooling. Much more often the baby is too hidden.

    Find out that baby is hot It is possible to break it. If, after a walk, the skin of the newborn blushed, and the body is clearly hot, just the next time it's a little easier.

    That child frozen, usually recognize, touched his nose. At the frozen baby he is cold (not cool, it's just fine, and noticeably cold!). At such a case it is worth to have a superior blanket with you.

    Especially cautiously to the clothes of the newborn, it is worth fitting in hot weather because overheating is much more terrible for baby than supercooling.

    Therefore, if the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, sufficiently light pamper or shirts and diapers, can be covered with a thin diaper from above. Mosquito net protects from insects and direct sunlight.

    When are the walks contraindicated?

    It is unlikely to go outside with a newborn, if there strong wind or temperature below minus 15 degrees. And start walking in general is better at a temperature not lower than minus 5.

    Also walks are also contraindicated in severe heatWhen the thermometer column rises above 29 degrees. If the house is no less hot, you can make a baby in a shady corner of a garden or grove.

    Naturally, do not walk with a newborn, if he is sick.

    Walk with a premature little baby It is better to start only with permission observing his doctor.

    Instead of imprisonment

    Thus, for a newborn walk, undoubtedly useful - This is fresh air, and hardening, and sunbathing.

    Also, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather walks often deliver great pleasure. So I want to "boast" a new member of the family as soon as possible, meet their girlfriends, familiar, hear their congratulations.

    Restless babies often sleep hard only while walking, allowing parents to quietly walk or even sit on a bench and read the book.

    But the need for walks for newborns is often greatly exaggerated. In the first months of life The balcony or even a well-ventable room completely replaced the walk through the urban streets.

    Only parents themselves decide whether it is possible to walk with a newborn baby.

    Each mother understands that walks for the baby are useful at any age. But is there any benefits for newborns in the first month of their lives? In the fall and winter, the weather does not always make happy and it is interesting to know how much you can walk with newborns in November. Also, most parents ask the question that should be purchased in advance and carry with them how to wear a crumb. It is useful to get information about the schedule and rules of walks at different times of the year, in which weather can be walking and what to do with diseases.

    And now we will focus on this.

    The benefits of walks for newborn

    In the past, people spent a lot of time on the street, so the need for walks remains now. Specialists recommend adults to spend on the street 4-5 hours a day. The same advice can be given to children of any age.

    Newborn, too, you need to walk more. Many doctors believe that excessively dry apartment air harms the mucous membranes of infants, because of what bronchitis, ORZ and other lung diseases appear.
    Most of the children's problems are treated with walking and bathing, so there is no first and second. We have already written in the previous section.

    Of course, the first time after birth, the immunity of the karapusov is still weak, and long walks will bring more harm than good. In the question, after how many days you can walk with newborns, specialists are not unanimous. Some recommend to output only a month later, others claim that early walks are safe if they are short-lived.

    Pluses of walking:

    • increases appetite;
    • sleep becomes stronger and healthier;
    • immunity strengthened;
    • increases the ability to adapt;
    • the kid is physically and mentally developing faster.

    Walking instill immunity to walks. Therefore, later removal to the street is much worse than too early.

    Increase the benefit of the mosquito using nature. Walking with newborn better in parks, squares and in water bodies. The benefit will become more when walking in natural reservoirs (rivers, sea, lakes) and in the forest, and not from artificial ponds and in the park. Of course, it is impossible to walk with the karapuz near the auto parks and along the road.

    When can I go to walk in the first month?

    Immediately after discharge from the hospital with walks, it is better to postpone. For the first time, go out to the street is preferably in 3-5 days. But some pediatricians say that you can wait 3-4 weeks after the discharge, as the baby is enough for the new space and microbes in the apartment. In the summer, you can remove the Karapuz almost immediately, the first walks with the newborn winter is better to postpone several weeks.

    It is desirable that the first walk is not more than 10-15 minutes, it is better to walk with a baby without a carriage, carry it on his hands. You should increase the time of the walk for 10 minutes daily, so bring the mime time to 2 hours 2 times a day, a total of 4 hours. At temperatures below -15 ° C, the first walk is better to cancel, when the weather is warmer + 15 ° C, the first walk can be increased immediately to 30-40 minutes.

    Several rules for first walks:

    1. You need to walk the baby after he went on a little and large, the peelings should be dry. This is especially important in winter and autumn.
    2. For the first time it is preferable to walk with the baby on hand. Mom's arms will give him confidence and calm. Very useful.
    3. You can walk with the baby when it is fed. After feeding, he quickly falls on the street.
    4. It is possible to walk at a temperature not lower than -15 ° C and not higher than + 30 ° С, in a windless, dry weather.
    5. Up to 11 and after 16 hours of the day - the optimal moment for a walk. At this time, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is still high, due to which Vitamin D is produced. At the same time, the level of infrared rays is reduced, which is why the baby does not overheat in the sun.

    It is impossible to walk with the carapaus near the car parks and along the road.

    Walking at the time of the year: how much to start, what to wear

    We find out how much you can walk with newborns, in summer and winter, what rules and recommendations are, based on season and weather.

    In summer

    How much can walk with a newborn summer, must solve the pediatrician, based on the level of the health of the kid. It is impossible to go out directly after the statement. It is necessary to wait at least 3-5 days, and better 7-10 days. The time of the first walk can be increased to 30-40 minutes.

    Remember that the ability of a children's body in thermoregulation is much lower than in an adult. You need to increase the time gradually adding 10 minutes daily. Baby can easily overheat or get a heat blow. Therefore, when walking in the summer you need to follow the condition of the child as thoroughly as in the winter.

    For summer walk You need to follow several rules:

    1. Clothes should consist of natural cotton breathable fabrics. The same requirement for precipitations, mattress and any other tissues, with which contacts the baby during the summer walk.
    2. You need to walk the baby until 11-12 hours and after 16-17 pm. Immediately day you need to avoid staying outside, as the straight sunlight burn the baby's skin, can apply a heat blow.
    3. Due to the bright sun, walk with a child can be exclusively in the shade of trees, buildings. When entering the open space, put the baby in the stroller and put a visor from the sun.
    4. For artificial feeding Be sure to take a bottle with water.
    5. With artificial feeding, all nutritional mixes for the baby are taken in a dry form. Dissolve them in the water before feeding, which should be stored separately in the thermos.
    6. If you are nursing mom, then take care of comfortable clothes. How to choose linen for nursing ,.

    In summer optimal temperature For walking is 20-25 ° C. At a temperature of 15-20 ° C per baby, you can wear warm clothes, at 25-30 ° C you can wear more easy clothing and walk in the shade. In the summer at temperatures below 15 ° C or above 30 ° C from walks.

    The ability of a children's body in thermoregulation is much lower than in an adult.

    In autumn and spring

    The main rules remain the same: you need to wait 5-6 days after discharge from the maternity hospital and the first walk is obliged to be short. Optimal time For the "first time" - 15-20 minutes. It is also necessary to increase it for 10 minutes a day. Do not be seduced by the bright sun. With sunny weather, strong cold wind often occurs, so it is necessary to dress warmly.

    The first walk with newborn autumn has a couple of individual rules:

    1. The most comfortable view of the clothes is a jumpsuit, it allows air to circulate throughout the body. Under the overalls dressed natural cotton things.
    2. It is worth abandoning walking in the rain. It is impossible to hope for a rain, since the main problem is not in drops falling from above, but in high humidity and low temperature. Wet air much faster "selects" heat, as a result, the baby can catch a cold.


    How much can a walk with newborns in winter more often depends on temperature and wind speed. On snowfall, you can not pay attention, it does not affect the humidity. The first walk in the winter should be no more than 10 minutes, it is necessary to increase her time gradually, adding 10 minutes daily.

    Winter conditions also create several special rules for walking:

    1. The ideal form of clothing is a transformer jumpsuit. It provides access to the back of the baby, as a result, the swaddling is seriously simplified.
    2. The time of the first walk is better to push up to 2 weeks of the Karapuza.
    3. Requirements for dry ass in winter are high as ever. Because of the wet diaper, the heat transfer increases in tens of times, the cold occurs instantly.
    4. In winter, a walk with the baby up to 2 years should be worth up for no more than an hour.

    The minimum permissible temperature for winter walk - -10 ° C. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that a strong wind increases heat transfer, as a result, the weather becomes subjectively colder. With wind above 7-10 meters per second with walks, it is also better to postpone.

    Preparation for walking

    When the first walk with newborns in the fall, how to wear and what to take become the main issues. Before walking, feed the crumb, wait for it when he guarantees need, and after that change the diaper. So that the child did not sweat, waiting for you, first get dressed, and then dress the baby. In the cold, insulate the stroller with a warm blanket.

    In the summer of Karapuza, you can wear a trousers, a T-shirt or a blouse (depending on the weather), be sure to dress the cape for protection from the sun. In autumn the best option There will be a jumpsuit, hat on ties and gloves. In winter, wear more warm clothes, it is suitable for a fur envelope or a transformer jumpsuit. All the necessary is in the previous article.

    If you leave for 10-15 minutes, you can take the napkins with you and it is limited to this. With long walks, be fulfillment, be sure to capture:

    • wet wipes,
    • feeding bottle,
    • clean diapers.

    Especially carefully you need to choose a stroller for a newborn:

    • regardless of the functional and the configuration of the stroller, it is obliged to be durable, slightly light, and the handle must approach your growth or regulated;
    • buy for a newborn should be a cradle, and not a stroller, since the baby must lie, and not sit in it;
    • it is desirable that the stroller is compact, as it will have to climb it on the elevator, store it somewhere;
    • choose a stroller with large wheels on shock absorbers;
    • the carriage should be easily folded visor;
    • it is desirable that the carriage is already a corporate mattress, ideally suitable in size.

    More about Tom, we wrote in the past publication.


    It is possible to remove the child to the street at least 3-5 days, but it is better to wait a week. Newborn walks in the first month are allowed at good health Karapuza. Make sure that the baby is dressed according to the weather, not withdrawing it in a rainy time or with excessively low or high temperatures.

    Additional information about when and how much can walk with the baby and what to wear it on the video:

    Take the wet napkins with you, be sure to change the pellery before walking so that the baby's skin is dry. Then walks will be really useful for the child.

    Dopping the water of chest children continues to worry the parents, because some claim that it is categorically impossible to do this, others admit that in some circumstances it is simply necessary. So is it possible to drink the newborn to drink, and how can this affect the children's body? The Ministry of Health in this regard has its solid position, which is worth considering separately.

    In many ways, the need for drinking water for a small child depends on whether his mother feeds breast milk Or it is on artificial milk mixtures. In this regard, it is worth considering the composition of maternal milk. It includes more than half thousands of important nutrients, and, of course, no, even the most approximate, adapted mixture cannot be fully replaced.

    This is a universal complex of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and mineral compounds, valuable trace elements, such as calcium, zinc and sodium. About 2 weeks after childbirth, the woman begins to synthesize the mature milk, which can give the baby everything is required for the development of organs, bone and muscle tissue for the formation of a brain. In addition, it contains about 90% of the water, so the infants are fully provided with liquid. The infant stomach is still very small and it is enough for milk milk. If you give him more and the water, the child may not be pre-nutrients.

    The Ministry of Health also points to other dangers, threatening to the children's body, if they dope with water:

    1. Water can give an excessive load on the internal organs of infants, especially it is dangerous for kidneys that are formed up to 12 weeks. Mother's milk does not have a negative effect on them, as it almost does not contain salts, so the impact on the renal system does not occur, in contrast to the water.
    2. The intestine of the newborn when it feeds on breast milk is inhabit the useful lactobacteries that support normal digestion. Unfortunately, the water is capable of disrupting the optimal balance of microflora, and therefore water for infants in the first two months is undesirable.
    3. If you begin to dope the baby with water, the lactation of the mother is naturally reduced.
    4. If you give to drink a child at night, during the daytime it may not get the right amount of nutrition, since the night, breastfeeding stimulates the production of prolactin.
    5. In the end, getting used to a bottle with water, a child and can abandon my mother's chest at all, because sucking the chest is much more difficult.

    Despite the fact that milk is the food, food is liquid and perfectly quenches the thirst for the baby at any time, including in the heat. And of course, no dehydration from the child will not be if he won't drink water.

    Supporters of dopping note that water is needed when the baby needs to drink a medicine, but the milk also has solvent properties with the difference that the baby will sweep away Mamino milk, rather than water.

    Another argument in favor of water is the statement that the water bottle helps to calm the excited child. With the same success, it is possible to calm it with the help of a nipple, a tech or lightweight massage. It turns out that all the arguments about the benefits of water for infants do not have good reasons.

    Thus, it can be concluded that kids on breastfeeding It is undesirable to give water, at least for up to 2-3 months, especially since the mother will have to grind milk, which is why it will be naturally reduced.

    Only in the third month, in hot time you can offer a child of water, but not in a bottle with a nipple, but from the spoon. Parents should be aware that, perhaps, the child and he refuses the water itself and then it is not worthwhile to steal it. In general, doctors believe that in particularly warm days, it is enough just to attach a crumb to the chest - the first, front, incoming milk in his body is watery, so it's beautifully quiet.

    Water is needed in despofing

    During dust water, water is needed to all children. In addition to the fact that it protects the children's body from dehydration, it accelerates the process of digestion and delivery of valuable nutrients in all cells internal organs. The child in 4-5 months begins to move a lot, and therefore it is extremely important for him to restore the forces spent during the games and learning new for themselves. It is the water that gives energy requested.

    I need to enter it into the diet, you need carefully, in small portions. A children's doctor who watches the child can tell me how much the baby is needed per day. As a rule, for children feeding with milk milk, during sinking, no more than 100 ml is required per day. This amount can be increased in hot weather or with unsatisfactory digestion.

    It is impossible to give the child any drinking water, especially from under the tap. Water must comply with strict requirements:

    • In the composition of the water for the baby should be as few miners and salts;
    • It should be well purified, since otherwise pathogenic microorganisms may penetrate into the children's body;
    • Since the gastrointestinal tract of infants is still very fragile and wound, there should not contain more than 15 g of nitrogen compounds per liter.

    Any inconsistency of such standards may entail violations of organs. In addition, it is worth monitoring the state of the child to determine if there is enough liquid in its body.

    Is it possible to drink the newborn to drink if it is on artificial or mixed feeding. Children who are completely on the mixtures should use water, but only as needed. When the child feeds is mixed, he needs a minimum of water - no more than 100-150 ml per day.

    In what cases water for children is necessary

    There are situations where water is extremely important for a small child.

    There are basic symptoms of dehydration that parents need to know:

    1. The child quickly begins to lose weight. With light degrees of dehydration, weight loss is observed by 5-6%. At the same time urine has a pronounced color and unpleasant odor. The baby cries more often, licks the sponges, behaves restless.
    2. At an average of dehydration, the volume of urine decreases, the urinary uriva becomes less often, it begins to fall of parietal springs, the rhythm of the heart and pulse increases.
    3. In severe cases, the child loses in the mass of the body to 9-10%, the urination does not actually have. Forest eyes and rodnikov, the baby becomes sluggish, his legs and his handles are cold.

    According to such signs, parents can independently determine that the baby requires more water, but it is better to show his doctor. If it is the initial phase of the water balance disorders, the pediatrician can simply advise you to steal a child clean drinking waterwhile its condition is normalized.

    In more complex situations, it is necessary to fall out with mixtures of the type of reguder, and sometimes intravenous administration of special solutions. Therefore, the case of Mom and Pope - carefully follow the growth rates and the well-being of their baby, so as not to bring it to serious stages of dehydration.

    There are other signs from babies to which you need to treat with special attention:

    • When the child has a high temperature;
    • If the baby has enhanced sweating, which in itself is a pathology;
    • Any symptoms of dyspepsia, such as bouts of vomiting, or diarrhea, can cause a violation of the water-salt balance, and the baby requires medical care;
    • The constipation is also considered a serious reason for watering it with water.

    If also in crumbs increased temperature, dry sponges, tongue, black eyes, and urine dark color, It is necessary to urgently turn to the pediatrician.

    If there is no pharmacy preparation, parents themselves can prepare an electrolytic mixture. To do this, you will need one liter of pure bottled water, in which half a teaspoon should be dissolved. food Soda Both salts, as well as put 4 spoons of sugar in it.

    Such a measure is important when vomiting or a liquid chair at a child. If these phenomena are observed 4-5 times per day, dehydration occurs very quickly. Digging the baby every five minutes with small portions - up to 5 ml. To do this, you can use a simple disposable syringe without a needle - division will help accurately dose water.

    Number of water per day for children of different ages

    1. Newborn and kids up to 12 weeks are required about 20-30 ml;
    2. From four months and until six months - no more than 50 ml;
    3. From eight months to a year - 80-100 ml;
    4. From year to year and a half - up to 150 ml;
    5. In two or three years, the volume of water should not exceed 300 ml.

    Of course, the average number and parents should be understood here that in real conditions you can dope more or less children.

    In addition, Pope and Moms can take advantage of useful tips to help them correctly take care of their small children:

    • It is impossible to offer the baby water before taking food. After that, he will eat with reluctance, since his stomach is already full. Also, he will not be powered by nutrients necessary for its growth.
    • Make a child to drink unreasonable. He himself knows at the intuitive level, whether he needs water at the moment.
    • Water for infants should be high quality. Otherwise, the disorder of the work of the stomach, intestines can be followed. Often, due to the use of irregular water, the baby suffers from allergic reactions - irritation on the skin, itching, edema and difficulty breathing.
    • It is strictly not recommended to give a baby more fluid than its body is required. Such uncontrolled kidney problems involved.

    In preventive purposes, the main medical recommendations must be remembered:

    • It is not necessary to steal a child, but it is necessary to offer it fresh purified water regularly. Water should not be boiled, sweet or raw.
    • Parents are important to observe the urination of the baby. At the same time, urine should not have a sharp smell, the color of it is light.
    • It should not be reinsured and excessively rude a child, and on hot days you need to constantly remind the child about the use of water.

    How to determine whether it is possible to drink the newborn to drink, many parents ask. It is possible to do this only in certain cases - when the child is sick, he has a symptom of water deficiency, or it is powered by artificial mixtures. As soon as the baby begins to regret, it should be able to use water constantly, albeit in small quantities. Parents are fully responsible for the health and life of their little children, so they must pay them enough attention, following all the changes taking place with the children's body.

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    If you first go to visit, it was for you the simplest thing, now it is necessary to relate all visits with the child's mode and well-being. Let's look at when you can go with a newborn to visit, what do you need to take into account?

    15.05.2016 8012 3

    Karapuz, which appeared in the house, changes the entire rhythm of the life of the parents. In the first year of the newborn, it requires a special attention to himself, so many familiar and everyday action becomes for mom and dad are not always possible. How to see friends and go to visit?

    If you first go to visit, it was for you the simplest thing, now it is necessary to relate all visits with the child's mode and well-being. Let's look at when you can go with a newborn to visit , what do you need to take into account?

    Rate the condition of the kid

    The smallest kids for about two months later, pediatricians strongly advise visit other families and public places. At this age, newborns are very susceptible to different viral infections. Extra contacts with outsiders can provoke the appearance of the disease.

    In addition, in breastfeeding children 1-2 months from the genus It may not yet be installed feeding mode. This means that the baby may want to eat at any time, even when mom is uncomfortable.

    Going with the baby to visit, appreciate his well-being. If Karapuz felt not very good in past days, all walks must be postponed to complete recovery. Do not load newborn new impressions and go to visit if he:

    1. Not enough sleep. To fall asleep in an unfamiliar place for some kids a whole problem. Do not deprive your carpus of full sleep because of the campaign to visit.
    2. Little or badly attempted. In the road, all the sanitary and hygienic standards of feeding a newborn will be observed. You can go to visit if your crumb is full and calm.
    3. If in the house where you are going to visit, there is a sharp adult or a child.
    4. Capricious, behaves not as usual. Any discontent expressed by the baby groove or cry, means that it bothers something or he begins to hurt.

    Collect the necessary information

    If you are going to visit the grandfather and grandmother, then you probably know whether there are conditions for your crumbs: a changing place, a place to sleep, a place for feeding.

    If you were invited to visit the unfamiliar with the newborn, and not to abandon the invitation, it is appropriate to ask the owners in detail about where you can put a baby to sleep, feed, disguise and change the diaper.

    Young mom is useful to have a list of things for infant to the road at hand.

    1. Children food
    2. Sealed container with nipples, dummy
    3. Replaceable clothes for the kid
    4. Hygiene products (Napkins, diapers, Creams from diarmors)
    5. Favorite toys
    6. By the need for medicines.

    Insecide the sides who invited you, whether there will be many people, whether other children will be, how much you need to go back. All this data will help you make a decision about the need for a trip.

    Be sure to capture with you

    If you are planning long trip with a childYou need to prepare for it in advance so that your vacation goes well and has not brought unnecessary problems. The most important thing in this case helps the baby quickly adapt in a new place. In this very help to help him things: toys, bed linen, dishes.

    Make a list of things for a child on a trip. It is necessary to turn on:

    1. All crumb documents (birth certificate, vaccination card, insurance medical policy, passport, departure permission abroad, if necessary)
    2. Food to which the child got used to the trip. This is important, because when changing the situation, the baby's body will be better adapted if there is no food stress. Do not forget about drinking water.
    3. Stroller, carrying. If you go to the sea, inflatable pool Or an inflatable pillow will also be useful.
    4. Diaper, sheets and towels, to whom the child is used, is needed in a double copy.
    5. Hygiene products familiar to the child. Bought in a new place creams, powders, napkins can cause irritation or allergies. Do not risk.
    6. Children's first aid kit, which you use at home. Compelate with your doctor, what medicinal products need to add to the fully to meet sudden malaise (money from temperature, from intestinal colic, from poisoning, from burns).
    7. Several sets of children's clothing for varying weather.

    Of course, very many items can be bought in place. But even the goods of one brand produced in different countriesmay be very different in composition. And then the tool you use at home may be in another country unsuitable for the child. Therefore, it is better to prepare everything you need to travel in advance and bring with you.

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