• Extract from the maternity hospital: what do you need? What day do you write out from the hospital and how to determine the readiness of mom and baby to discharge


    If the child and mom is healthy, their extract from the maternity hospital is produced on the 4-5th day after childbirth. The child's statement is made only after the 3rd day after birth, the child will make BCG, for 3-4 days will hold him an audio ride, it will take the blood of the child for the 4th day of life for neonatal screening.

    If the child is discharged from the hospital for the 3rd day (at the request of the mother or due to the crowd of the hospital), the audioscreening and neonatal screening will have to pass an outpatient basis. i.e. the newborn child will need to carry to the clinic for the examination, which is much less convenient than to do everything in the hospital.

    Extract from the maternity hospital is planned on the eve, but it is definitely prescribed or not, Mom will always find out on the day of statement. Report 2 of the doctor: an obstetrician gynecologist reports a mom's disciposition, a pediatrician reports a child's discharge. Each of these two doctors can postpone an extract for several days.

    Extract from the maternity hospital is carried out in the afternoon (after 12.00) after the doctors make a search and prepare documents for extracting.

    Documents when discharge from the hospital

    On the day of statement, mom gives out documents

    For the registry office

    Birthday certificate - To register the child. It indicates the date of birth of a child, the name of the mother. It is necessary to contact it to the registry office where the child will register and give the parents about his birth.

    For pediatrician at the place of residence

    1. Issument on the state of health of the child (exchange card, information about the newborn). It indicates: the date of birth of a child, the name of the mother, the features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the weight and growth of the child at birth and at the discharge, the circumference of the head and chest, the assessment of the child on the apgar's scale when the child was put to the chest and on what it feeds Marks about vaccinations (in the maternity hospital there are two: against viral hepatitis B and against tuberculosis), marks about the conduct of neonatal and audiological screening. The statement of the child's health is the first document from which his outpatient card will begin.
    2. Certificate.This mother's document was issued in women's consultation after 30 weeks of pregnancy and after 12 weeks of regular surveillance in women's consultation. Upon admission to the hospital, she passed it along with the exchange card, if it was returned to it, but not all, but only 2 coupons: 3-1 and 3-2. According to these coupons, the child will undergo compulsory free examinations in the children's clinic from birth to 1 year. This includes ultrasound, ECG, inspections of doctors and laboratory surveys.

    The generic certificate and statement of the state of the health of the child at Mom will take the precinct pediatrician at the first inspection of the newborn at home. On the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, the pediatric medical program sends information about the child to the children's clinic, to which the address refers to the child. If my mother pointed out the correct address, then the Potitioner and Honey. The sister will visit the newborn in a three-day after discharge without an additional invitation.

    For women's consultation

    A woman at discharge returns her exchange card + an extract about the features of the flow of childbirth and the postpartum period. Both she must provide in female consultationwhere she was observed before childbirth, in 3 days, after discharge from the hospital.

    Kit for a child on a discharge from the hospital

    While mom and child are preparing for an extract from the maternity hospital, dad must prepare things for mom and child on an extract and apartment to their return home. In practice, things for themselves and child is preparing future mom in advance.

    The easiest set for a child on an extract is described

    But now it is fashionable not to wrap a child in a pellery and a blanket, but immediately wear in a blouse, pants, etc. Then the suit will be required for a child, a hat and an envelope or jumpsuit.

    And, of course, you always need a diaper (better 2), corresponding to the weight of the child (size 0 or 1),

    Extract from the hospital in the summer

    If the child is discharged from the hospital in the summer at air temperature on the street 24c and above. The child can be dressed in diapers, body or lightweight, slim knitted jumpsuit-slick and a light hat or cap, and then put in a light (summer) envelope, or wrap in a knitted pellery, or put in another 1 light elegant summer overalls.

    Extract from the hospital in the fall, in winter, in the spring

    If the child is written in spring, autumn or in winter, you need:

    • Dressing on it diapers, then bodies or blouse (body is more convenient than steaming, since it does not go up), then a blouse + pants or a hood jumpsuit, a slight hat or cap.
    • Further, the baby dresses a warm hat and jumpsuit, or wrapped it into the blanket, or put in a warm envelope. How warm should be blanket, jumpsuit or envelope - depends on the weather.
    • In winter, there may be an additional point between the first and second items: a warm blouse and pants or warm (flannel, bike, knitted) pellink.

    If you are planning to carry a child in a chair for newborns, it needs to wear it in a jumpsuit or in a special envelope with sleeves and a slot between the legs for the fastener belts. There are still very comfortable overalls transformers that easily turn from an envelope with sleeves into a jumpsuit. An ordinary envelope or a blanket for transporting a child in a car seat is not suitable.

    Solemn extract from the hospital

    How many people invite to an extract to solve mom and dad. The solemn extract is needed by dad, grandparents, grandfathers and other family relatives and friends who wish to admire the baby and celebrate a joyful event. The child is still needed. Mom, tired after childbirth and maternity hospital, dreams of quickly to be at home and is not ready for a long and noisy holiday. It needs to be considered to relatives.

    The solemn extract (the part that occurs in the walls of the hospital) may include: toasta, which manages the process and pronounces a solemn speech, photography, video.

    Extract, even solemn, is performed quickly, takes 20-30 minutes. Mom and child escorted into a dressing room.

    Mom first disguises itself and puts himself in order.

    Then the medical site of the children's office dress up a child. If my mother ordered, the process of changing the child is written on the camcorder and its first photo session is carried out.

    Next Mom and honey. Sister with a child in his hands go to the hall for a solemn extract. Here they are waiting for relatives and Tamada. Tamada pronounces his speech, honey. The sister passes the child to dad, dad (if he thinks necessary) hands her flowers and gifts. On an extract you can invite a doctor and midwife who took childbirth and thank them, as well as take pictures with them. In the process of all this action, photos and video are being conducted.

    Further, mom, a child and a group of happy relatives go outside and further actions are limited to flight of their fantasy. Most often, the group is photodigified several times at the hospital walls on their camera, then everyone sit in the car and go home.

    What to do with a newborn baby at home you can read

    Stay healthy!

    All nine months are waiting for the advent of the long-awaited kid and young parents, and numerous relatives. And when the miracle happened, everyone was filled with exciting joy and look forward to meeting with mom and a new little man. To extract from the maternity hospital, there is no fuss and left for many years only happy moments, it is necessary to carefully prepare.

    When will the extract?

    When the childbirth remained behind, mommies want to be at home with their crumb as soon as possible. But there are certain rules in the maternity homes. Most often, the feminine with newborns is discharged after three or four days from the date of birth. But it happens that the timing may increase.

    The term of statement from the hospital determines the attending physician

    The main factors depends on how much time mom and child will spend in the maternity hospital:

    • What way is the childbirth (naturally or with cesarean section);
    • Postpartum complications;
    • State of health of the newborn;
    • Health status of feminine.

    If no deviations found, mom and child will leave the maternity hospital in the most coming deadlines. If the child was born using cesarean sections or the birth process was difficult, staying in the department increases to ten days, and maybe more. It happens that mom and kid leave sick leave individually. If the newborn has all the indicators in the norm, and the mother does not have, the child will remain waiting for the mother's recovery. If neonatologists have discovered any deviations at the baby, it is left for a survey in the department for newborns, and the mother is discharged.

    The final decision on the discharge is taken by two doctors: an obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist (a pediatrician who is engaged in newborns).

    Indications for which mommy will be allowed to be an extract:

    • the doctor is satisfied with the general health of the patient;
    • the uterus is reduced in accordance with the norms;
    • there are no pathological discharges that may indicate inflammatory processes;
    • urine and blood analysis comply with the standards;
    • the result of ultrasound confirms the absence of remnants of placent parts and curved blood.

    Before the discharge of the newborn inspects the doctor

    The newborn is also a thorough examination. Baby is contraindicated, if:

    • infectious disease detected;
    • body weight decreased by more than 8%;
    • the jaundice of the newborn is expressed in the change in the color of feces and urine, barking of vomiting;
    • diagnosis of prematurity;
    • insecurable hypoxia was installed, and there were disorders subsequently.

    If all the indicators are normal, mother and child prepare for discharge. An extract is usually planning in the afternoon, when all the results of the analyzes are ready, documents are prepared. When it is known that an extract is planned, relatives must pass all required documents And the essentials of the first need for feminine and child with medical personnel, to prepare the solemn part.

    What documentation is provided when discharge

    When discharge, the fever receives a number of specific documentation.

    With the discharge of a woman provide a package of documents

    The document that is provided to the registry office:

    1. Help about the birth of a baby. They indicate the date of birth and the name Mom. In the registry office, the baby register and receive a birth certificate.

    Pediatrician documents to the local clinic:

    1. Extract about the state of the child's health. There they indicate information about the baby - body weight at birth and on the day of statements, an assessment on the scale of apgar, which vaccinations were made in the maternity hospital. Based on this reference, the baby's outpatient map is given;
    2. Generic certificate. His feminine gets still in the clinic after 30 pregnancy. One coupon remains in the maternity hospital, and the two remaining mom takes with them. These sheets will provide an opportunity to carry out free surveys in the local clinic to 12 months.

    Documents in women's advice:

    • exchange card;
    • extract for childbirth and health in postpartum period;
    • hospital sheet (if childbirth passed with complications).

    All documents parents receive in the maternity hospital and within three days are obliged to provide to the local clinic.

    What will be needed on the day of the discharge of the woman in labor and the newborn

    Clothing for an extract for a newborn

    Everything necessary for extracting from the hospital is advisable to prepare in advance or give an instruction to the new dad and relatives. Some women before going to the maternity hospital, collect two bags - to themselves and the baby. You can make a detailed list of everything you need, and after birth, the husband will prepare the whole arsenal.

    What you need to prepare for a newborn:

    • bottle for mixture, nipple;
    • mixture or water;
    • diapers corresponding to the weight of a newborn;
    • packing of wet napkins;
    • dispenser;
    • blouse;
    • knitted riverpers, jumpsuit, bodies or knitwear diaper;
    • socks, booties;
    • a thin cap-cap, which should reliably cover the ears of the baby;
    • upper clothes are chosen depending on the season. If an extract from the maternity hospital occurs in the summer, a thin festive envelope. In the spring and autumn additionally use a warm blouse with a hat and blanket. Winter jumpsuit or envelope should be with a lining from natural insulation.

    Important! It is impossible to overheat the baby. If the temperature is more than 24 degrees do not need to abuse additional clothing.

    What you need to prepare for mom:

    1. Clothes and underwear need to be chosen taking into account the increase in breast size;
    2. Cosmetic bag;
    3. Personal hygiene objects - comb, lining for nursing mothers, hygienic gaskets;
    4. Bandage for comfortable movement;
    5. Footwear.

    It is also impossible to forget about the car cradle for the transportation of a baby.

    Important!When transporting the baby should be dressed in a special jumpsuit, where there is a position for separating the legs. An elegant envelope with bows is used only during a photo session.

    For a young mother, a comfortable set of clothes for an extract from the hospital should also be prepared.

    How to hold a solemn statement

    How will the newborn goes from the hospital, depends on the desire of parents. It may be a simple meeting with a limited number of people closest. And maybe a magnificent celebration with numerous invited, with video shooting and photo session, which is discussed in advance.

    Before the very extract with moms, talks on the themes, how to behave at home in the postpartum period and how to care for the newborn. The fever is carried out in a special room, where it leads to order. Next, Mom herself puts the baby or a medical staff, and the first photo session begins.

    Regardless of which will be an extract from the hospital, modest or large-scale, it lasts no more than half an hour. When a newborn and mom is dressed, they are taken into another room, where they are celebrated invited guests. An envelope with a baby transmit to dad. After that, guests give flowers and gifts to staff and young parents.

    Attention!Among those present guests should not be people with viral or infectious diseases. The mother's and child's body is currently weakened and needs protection.

    What should be gifts for extracting

    Such an event involves festive mood and gifts.

    Human Resources:

    • bouquets of flowers, boxes of candies, high-quality alcoholic beverages;
    • gift boxes of tea, coffee, cakes;
    • souvenirs.


    • radionia;
    • breast pumps, sterilizers;
    • toys or clothes for the baby;
    • cake composed of diapers.

    Any woman after the experiences covered, happily take as a gift a subscription to the beauty salon. Also an excellent gift will be a certificate in a children's store, where parents will be able to choose everything you need.

    Cake from diapers

    Organization of discharge

    To extract from the hospital to become a memorable event, it can be made original both independently and attract organizational companies.

    What can be used for a bright event:

    1. Decorate the car with stickers. In stores many different options - "Thank you for your daughter / son", "food for my daughter / son" and the like. They are not difficult to attach them to the car, and also easy to remove;
    2. Purchase a lot of multi-colored balloons and release them into the sky;
    3. Pick up beautiful music for such a case;
    4. Decorate the entrance, the street, apartment, in particular the children's room. There are different on sale helium balls With inscriptions and wishes.
    5. Houses cover the festive table.

    How to meet a wife from the hospital

    When an exciting event happened, and the man became dad, he must thoroughly prepare for a meeting with his expensive people. Of course, there is a lot of worries on the shoulders of the husband, so the wife must give clear instructions before the trip what exactly he should do.

    • make sure that everything is prepared in the baby's room - the crib is refilled, the wet cleaning was carried out;
    • bags with things for an extract for his wife and child are fully prepared;
    • products for festive feast prepared;
    • a bouquet for spouses and for staff is already standing in vases.

    The question of gratitude to doctors is solved in advance.

    That's all the family connected, and now they need to learn to live in a new way. The husband needs to be considered with the understanding of the new responsibilities and whims of his wife. Now all attention will be paid to the main culprit of this wonderful event.

    If creatively prepared for the event, by connecting the fantasy - the discharge from the hospital will become an unforgettable moment in life, which will remain in memory for life!

    Today we will talk about when you wait for discharge from the maternity hospital. For what reasons, mom with a child can write out or, on the contrary, delay? What indicators are the main to make a decision. After all, extract from the hospital is real holiday, the event that relatives and loved ones are waiting and, of course, Mom with Pope. It is always suitable for this issue very carefully, since nothing can be more important than the health and well-being of a newborn baby.

    Every mom on the eve of and especially after childbirth is concerned about the opportunity when she can let go home. The question of what day I write out from the hospital, is important for various reasons. First, whether everything is fine with the health of the child and mom, and secondly, when the dad and other closest can see their crumb.

    As a rule, it is written out of the maternity hospital for 3-4 days, if everything is in order, mom and child feel good.

    The first few days of the life of the kid

    1. 1 day. At birth, the child loses a lot of strength and energy, and the next day is restored and adapted to new conditions. He sleeps a lot. In the first day, the child is applied to the chest, but as such a need for food is not yet. For a long time he can sleep, not even waking up and this is considered the norm.
    2. 2 day. During the second day, doctors are observed for the child and mom. Watching the current state, look at how the child is applied to the chest or eats an adapted milk mixture, if any. The child has a temperature several times a day to prevent supercooling or overheating. Look at urination, defecation.
    3. 3 day. On the third day, the analysis of blood, urine and make the first vaccination, if all the indicators are normal. For rent from a thumb on a leg on congenital diseases. Next, the child weigh. Fix the difference in weight at birth and the current weight. Usually, the child loses a bit of several grams (about 5%), this is considered the norm.

    If the child's condition is normal, he has normal weight, positive results of analyzes and comply with all the rules, the child together with mom is discharged from the maternity hospital.

    What do you need to have with you?

    From the documents, you need to have the same documents as the passport, SNILS, marriage certificate (if any) and a medical card from the female consultation. Based on these documents, they write a medical certificate of the birth of a child, with which in the future it will be necessary to receive a birth certificate in the registry office, child's exchange cards and mothers for children's clinics and women's consultation.

    Mom's postpartum state

    An important component for extracting from the maternity hospital is well-being Mom after childbirth. The postpartum period for each woman is very individual. It depends on the set of factors:

    • age and physical training;
    • what kind of childbirth;
    • cesarean section or natural childbirth;
    • features of generic activities.

    In the following days after childbirth or operation, obstec doctors are necessarily looking to reduce the uterus, pay attention to, process the seams, if there were internal or external breaks, and. Survey the dairy glands. Measure pressure and body temperature. A woman gives a blood test if there was anemia, which is often found in pregnant women or was a big blood loss.

    After the cesarean section, a woman needs a little longer for recovery, then it is discharged with a child for 7-8 days. It is necessary to start the seams. But a child of some special care or an individual approach is practically no need. Light children different waysIn the future, no divisions no longer have, if there are no special testimony because of what Mama Caesarisley. Children grow equally well, develop, gain weight. In rare cases there are some individual situations. Even if the woman for any reason was made anesthesia, a child, like everyone else, you can apply to the chest and produce all standard procedures.

    Features of the Mother and Newborn

    After childbirth, in 2017, we consistently discharge newborn for the full fourth day. it
    it is due to the fact that doctors should make sure the full health of the child, to observe and give recommendations for further care. If the baby was born until 12 o'clock in the afternoon, then this day is considered the first days from which the stay in the hospital is started. If the childhood ended after 12 hours of the day, then these days are considered "zero." As a rule, now do not take the kids at mom after birth and do not carry them into individual chambers. During the entire time of stay in the hospital, they are together. Mom has the opportunity to directly observe and control everything that happens, ask questions to doctors according to what happens to the child, feed on demand, care and learn to do what has never done.

    There are situations where the child is ready for the discharge, and mom is not, then the child is in the maternity hospital until Mom's complete recovery. But when the mother is healthy, and the baby for any reason requires inpatient treatment or observation, then mom is discharged, and the baby is transferred to a specialized children's office.

    Quite often, when discharge from the hospital, Dr. and Moms face such a phenomenon as. This is not a disease, the jaundice is discharged and safely send home. These are the physiological features of the children's body. There is a special device that measure the level of this substance in the blood. In rare cases, it happens that the jaundice has a pathological nature, but then the treatment is appointed by a doctor in a hospital or at home.

    It must be said that the majority of childbirth take place safely. Children lose a minor body weight in the first days, after which they are consistently gaining weight and are easily restored. They appetite appetite, crumbs eat well. Mom instead of colostrum, milk begins to produce. Mom calmly transfers the postpartum period and then for 3-4 days go home along with the baby. Good childbirth. Positive emotions and impressions. Happiness and health kids.

    See you in the next article.

    The mother of the newborn crumbs always wants the days to be held in the hospital, passed as quickly as possible. Yes, and all the relatives are looking forward to the moment when mom with a newborn baby will discharge from the maternity hospital. After all, in our time, the birth of a child and an extract from the maternity hospital is a whole ritual accompanied by warm congratulations and many gifts. So, after how many days mom and baby can be written out of the maternity hospital?

    What day do mom write with a child?

    Many future mothers are interested in how to pay from the hospital. First of all, it is necessary to understand that mom and child will write out only when they both will be ready for this. And how many days lie in the hospital after childbirth, it depends primarily on the state of health mom and baby.

    As a rule, with successful childbirth (when it is not only a newborn crumb, but also a mother), the extract is already on the third day. If a woman has any complications with health during childbirth, it may occur so that the duration of stay in the maternity hospital will extend up to 10 days.

    Also, an extract can delay if some kind of health problems have a newborn crumbage.

    Thus, the term of statement from the maternity hospital depends on the 3 components:

    • successful childbirth
    • mother's health
    • child health.

    In the maternity hospital, the mother of the newborn crumbs and the kid himself are under the supervision of a gynecologist and pediatrician. The duties of the obstetric-gynecologist enters track, as the postpartum period in a woman passes, while the pediatrician is obliged to observe the health and development of a newborn baby. The opinions of these two doctors in aggregate play a crucial role in what day they write out from the hospital after childbirth.

    Often, if my mother still needs help doctors, then the baby remains with it in the hospital until the woman is ready for the discharge. If everything is in order with mom, and the baby requires regular observation of doctors, then there are cases that the mother is discharged, and the child remains under the supervision of experienced doctors.

    Documents issued

    Many parents are concerned about the question, what documents when discharge from the maternity hospital should be in their hands? Of course, the workers of the maternity hospital know perfectly well what documents they should give a family in which a child was born. But most parents prefer to progress and suck themselves in this matter.

    When discharge from the hospital, a woman must issue the following documents:

    • Help about the birth of a child. This certificate is needed to issue an important document by crude - birth certificate. The child's birth certificate contains the following information: date and time of the child's birth, sex of the child, as well as the name and initials of the doctor who has taken childbirth. The birth certificate will also be needed to obtain a one-time state allowance issued at the birth of a child.
    • Extract (exchange card) with the conclusion of the health of the woman in labor (mother). This statement is given to a woman to give it to a medical institution (in women's consultation) in which it was observed during the entire period of pregnancy.
    • Extract (exchange card) with the conclusion of the health of a newborn baby. Parents should provide this statement to the children's clinic in which the baby will be observed. But most often, medical workers themselves transmit an extract to the children's clinic, without parental participation.

    It is important that the parents of the newborn baby get all the above documents. And on the second or third day of stay of the house, the mother of the newborn should be expected to be expected: a children's doctor is obliged to visit the mother and a newborn crumb.

    First, the doctor must check, in what conditions is a child. And secondly, the pediatrician is obliged to help and advise the young mother relatively proper care Behind the child: give useful advice, tell and clearly show how to bathe baby, how to make a massage, how to provide first aid. This approach is very important, especially if the woman gave birth to the firstborn and does not know many nuances in the care of children.

    Factors of readiness

    An obstetrician gynecologist, establishing an extract period, repelled from several factors:

    • What were the birth (light childbirth, natural childbirth or caesarean cross-section accompanied by abundant bleeding or not). So, with the natural and light childbirth, mom with a child will be discharged as it should be on the 3rd day.
    • General health of the mother;
    • Cutting of the uterus;
    • Character of vaginal discharge;
    • As far as the seams are healed (with cesarean section or if there are breaks, cuts obtained in natural genus). The doctor can write out a woman only to make sure that the seams heal well, and there are no inflammatory processes;
    • The state of the mammary glands. It is important that the woman does not have prerequisites for the masper, as well as that there were no cracks on the chest.

    In any case, before the discharge woman, it will be necessary to hand over blood and urine for analyzes. Blood analysis will allow to identify signs of anemia, and urinary analysis - urinary system disease. In some male houses, doctors suggest passing an ultrasound to finally make sure that there are no blood clots and remnants of the placenta in the umbrellas of the woman. Only after passing the woman of all analyzes, the obstetrician-gynecologist can accurately assign the date of discharge from the hospital.

    How to determine if a newborn baby is ready for an extract?

    It will rightly note that for how much the hospital lie in the maternity hospital, not only an obstetrician gynecologist, but also a pediatrician. After all, it is very important that when the baby does not have any health problems at the discharge.

    During his stay in the maternity hospital, children's doctors are watching daily: they conduct a general inspection, check how the umbilical wound heals, weigh the crumb, look, whether the child has a chair, is there any problems with urination. Also, kids take the following types of analyzes: general analysis blood, blood test for the presence of congenital diseases, urine analysis. The first vaccinations are made in the newborn croching already in the hospital. This is a BCG (vaccination from tuberculosis) and vaccinating from hepatitis V.

    Before writing a newborn baby, a pediatrician must make sure that:

    • the baby has a normal weight. Do not everyone know that 2-3 days after the appearance of the light, the kids are slightly losing weight, compared with the initial indicators. The norm is considered if the child has lost no more than 7% of its initial weight. If this indicator exceeds the norm, the doctors will postpone the statement before identifying the reasons.
    • the child has no infectious diseases. If the newborn crumbs observes any infection (it may be a skin infection, urinary tract infection, or any other type of infection), then its extract will be detained until the corresponding course of treatment is passed.
    • the newborn did not have oxygen starvation. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) can lead to violations of the nervous system of the child. Therefore, if the kid hypoxia has developed even in the womb of the mother, either during childbirth, doctors will leave the crumb to the hospital for a longer period to identify possible deviations and promptly assist.

    It is important to know that premature babes hold in the maternity hospital longer. This is due to the fact that premature babes have a very small weight, and considering that the 2-3rd day the child still loses in weight, it can become a threat to life.

    Doctors should make sure that the newly born women have a well sentenced the seams, and that the general health of the newly minted mother does not cause concerns. The stay in the maternity hospital is extended in the following cases:

    • In case of complex childbirth (for example, after the cesarean section, mom with the baby is discharged no earlier than on the 8-10th day).
    • With high arterial pressure. High blood pressure in a nursing mother may be accompanied by edema and protein presence in the urine. In this case, the discharge is delayed until the normalization of blood pressure.
    • With inflammatory processes. Sometimes after delivery, a woman has inflammation of the mammary glands (which can lead to the maple) or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Both types of inflammation require medical interventions, so the woman will only write down after the course of treatment has passed - no earlier than the 8-10th day.
    • If there was bleeding in the date of birth. In itself, bleeding is very dangerous: the mother has sharply hemoglobin falling, which can lead to anemia (anemia). Therefore, women who during childbirth were abundant bleeding, discharge no earlier than the 7-8th day, making sure that there is no threat to her life.
    • If the seams are bad. If a woman was sitting or she had breakdowns during her natural childbirth, sometimes superimposed seams are badly healing. If there is inflammation, the discharge from the maternity hospital will detain until the condition improves (about the 6-7th day).

    Thus, with successful childbirth, when a healthy mother and healthy, a newborn baby, an extract from the maternity hospital occurs according to the standard procedure, and already on the 3rd (maximum - 5th) day, the kid with mom is at home.

    It should be tested that in spite of the above information, most clans are still - a process that occurs favorably, which means that the stay in the maternity hospital should not be too long!

    When, finally, the long-awaited child was born, the newly made mother is looking forward to the moment when she can go along with the baby home. To make an extract from the hospital, without delay and turmoil, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Even before childbirth, you should find out what things you need when discharge, which documents will be issued, and how, in fact, the procedure itself passes.

    When you write out of the maternity hospital

    If the childbirth was natural and passed without complications, the baby and his mother can be discharged home on the third day. If the childbirth was complex, or the child was born with the help of a cesarean section, the stay in the maternity hospital increases to 5 to 9 days. The decision on the discharge is taken by an obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist (pediatrician dealing with newborns).

    Indications for the discharge of the mother serve:

    • Satisfactory general condition;
    • Reduction of the uterus corresponding to the norm;
    • Normal urine and blood tests;
    • Absence pathological dischargetestifying to the inflammatory process;
    • The results of the ultrasound confirming that there is no blood clots in the uterus or the remainder of the placenta.

    In the event that the manufacturers have found any complications: the seams on the perineum, the vagina, the cervix, the seam after the cesarean section, are reduced due to significant blood loss, the level of hemoglobin is reduced, or there are signs of the inflammatory process, it remains in the hospital to full recovery.

    The newborn before discharge from the hospital is also carefully examined: standard urine and blood tests are carried out, as well as analyzes for congenital diseases: hypothyroidism, fibrosis, galactosemia, phenylketonuria, and adrenogenital syndrome. Neonatologist assesses the state of the umbilical residue and the skin of the child, muscular tone and weight changes. If the newborn is all right, he has good well-being and normal temperature, he received vaccinations from tuberculosis and hepatitis B, it is written out.

    Contraindications to the discharge of the child are:

    • Infectious diseases;
    • Loss of body weight, exceeding 6-8% of the initial;
    • Jaundice newborns in a pronounced form (when it is accompanied by a change in the color of feces and urine, vomiting);
    • Diagnosis - immature or premature baby;
    • Disorders resulting from intrauterine hypoxia.

    It happens that mom and her baby are discharged from the maternity hospital at the same time. In the case when the child is discharged, and the mother is not, the baby remains with her mother. If the situation is reverse, and only the mother discharges, the child before its complete recovery is left in the department for newborns.

    What documents are issued when discharge

    • A medical certificate of the child's birth, on the basis of which the first official document of the baby will be issued in the registry office - birth certificate.
    • Exchange card of the female in labor, which is transmitted to the female consultation. This document contains information about the flow of childbirth and the postpartum period.
    • The exchange card of the child, which will become part of the overall outpatient card of the child in the children's clinic. It includes information about the newborn - weight, growth, blood type, the assessment of the general condition at discharge, data on vaccination and others.
    • Roda certificate that a pregnant woman passed in the maternity hospital. When discharge, two coupons of this certificate returns. They are transferred to the children's clinic, where the child will be free of free medical examinations up to 1 year.
    • In the case of complicated childbirth of the mother, a hospital sheet is issued, at the expense of which its maternity leave is extended.

    How is the procedure for extracting

    On the day of discharge from the maternity hospital and the guinea, and the newborn inspectors the doctors, the latest blood and urine tests are carried out, the blood pressure and body temperature is measured. If "good" and from children's DoctorAnd from the gynecologist, the newly-made mother is issued and issued documents for an extract on an extract. This procedure takes about half an hour.

    The mother is then invited to a lecture, where they will tell how to properly care for the kid. After a lecture, her together with the child escorted into the dressing room. Upper clothes and shoes are taken from the wardrobe, all other things needed for a newborn and mother transmit relatives. Do not forget to tell you in advance, what clothes for you should bring - in this wonderful day you will want to look especially beautiful.

    What clothes are needed for baby

    In our time, the newborn baby is not shy, but immediately dress "adult" - in blouses, pants and jumpsters. The standard children's set, which will be required to be newborn when discharge from the maternity hospital, includes:

    • dispenser;
    • blouse;
    • knitted sliders or bodysuit with overalls;
    • booties or socks;
    • thin cap-cap, well-closing ears (in spring, autumn and winter over her warm knitted cap);
    • disposable diaper (the size is selected depending on the weight of the kid);
    • outerwear - Jumpsuit or blanket envelope.

    What to give to an extract from the hospital

    Among the most welcome gifts - Clothes for the baby (costume for increased, jumpsuit, set of sliders or bodys). Further, in the degree of popularity there are a cot, a playpen, a bath, autolo, as well as devices and devices, useful for a family with a small child: a thermos or a thermosum for bottles, radionagna, bedside night, orthopedic feeding cushion, May-sling or sling backpack. It will never be superimposed such a versatile gift as a big packaging of diapers.

    But with children's dishes, cosmetics for infants, toys and rattles should be careful. Children's cosmetics should only be natural, utensils for infants can be ceramic, plastic or glass, and withstand treatment with boiling water. Toys should be made of safe material - hypoallergenic plastic, wood or natural fabrics, buy them better in specialized stores, where all products have a quality certificate.

    Judging by the polls, which were held among women, an excellent gift for discharge from the maternity hospital, many of them consider the certificate to the specialized store "All for kids", where parents themselves can choose the necessary things for their child.

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