• Lindgren fairy tales. Works by Astrid Lindgren for children: list, brief description. Pippi Longstocking is heading out


    “Andersen of our time”, “the sorceress from Sweden” - this is what the writer Astrid Lindgren is called in her homeland and abroad. Like the writer from Denmark, Lindgren’s fairy-tale books are close to folklore; in them, a genuine connection between fantasy and the realities of life is palpable. And the imaginary, magical is born in Lindgren’s fairy tales from the game, from the head of the child himself. After all, kids, when playing, always invent magical stories, imagining themselves as real heroes of the most amusing adventures.

    And created by children, their dreams always live in fairy tales. Lindgren dedicated almost all of her fairy tales to children of different ages. On our website you can read fairy tales and stories by Astrid Lindgren online without restrictions, easily going through the list of her books. Astrid Lindgren created many other works for children, and was the author of several programs on Swedish television, and wrote scripts for cinema and theater.

    I have a pain in my leg. She has been sick for a whole year. And I’ve been lying in bed for exactly a year now. This is probably why my mother is so sad. Of course, it's all because of my leg. One day I even heard my mother say to my father: “You know, in my opinion, Göran will never be able to walk again.” Clearly, she didn't think I would hear those words. And so I lie in bed all day, reading, drawing, or building something with...

    Carlson, who lives on the roof In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson. This family consists of a very ordinary dad, a very ordinary mother and three very ordinary children - Bosse, Bethan and Baby. “I’m not an ordinary kid at all,” says the Kid. But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who...

    Everyone has the right to be Carlson One morning, waking up, the Kid heard excited voices coming from the kitchen. Dad and Mom were clearly upset about something. - Well, we've waited! - said dad. - Just look what is written in the newspaper. Well, read it yourself. - Terrible! - Mom exclaimed. - Just some kind of horror! The baby jumped out of bed instantly. He couldn't wait to find out what exactly was terrible. And he found out. On the front page of the newspaper there are huge...

    Something extraordinary happened at the Gustav Vasa Folk School in Stockholm not long ago. It was Monday, and in one of the classes for beginners they were just studying reading. Then someone knocked on the door, knocking very weakly and briefly. - Come in! - said Freken. But no one came in. But there was a knock again. - Go and see who it is -...

      1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

      Donald Bisset

      A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

      2 - Three kittens

      Suteev V.G.

      A short fairy tale for the little ones about three fidgety kittens and their funny adventures. Little children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev’s fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and...

      3 - Hedgehog in the fog

      Kozlov S.G.

      A fairy tale about a Hedgehog, how he was walking at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play...

      4 - About the mouse from the book

      Gianni Rodari

      A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange book language... Read about a mouse from a book...

      5 - Apple

      Suteev V.G.

      A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not divide the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of the treat... Apple read It was late...

      6 - Black Pool

      Kozlov S.G.

      A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black Whirlpool read Once upon a time there was a Hare...

      7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

      Stewart P. and Riddell K.

      The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, asked the Rabbit to save him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece...

      8 - About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

      Suteev V.G.

      A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Luckily, he was taken to the hospital and treated. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of his behavior... About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid...

    Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (née Eriksson, November 14, 1907, Vimmerby, Sweden - January 28, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish writer, author of a number of world-famous books for children, including Carlson, who lives on Roof" and the tetralogy about Pippi Longstocking. In Russian, her books became known and very popular thanks to the translation by Lilianna Lungina.

    After marriage, Astrid Lindgren decided to become a housewife in order to devote herself entirely to caring for her daughter Karin.
    According to Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking (1945) was born primarily thanks to her daughter Karin. In 1941, she fell ill with pneumonia, and every evening Astrid told her all sorts of stories before bed. One day a girl ordered a story about Pippi Longstocking - she made up this name on the spot. So Astrid Lindgren began to write a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. Since Astrid was then advocating a new and hotly debated idea of ​​upbringing based on child psychology, challenging conventions seemed like an interesting thought experiment to her.
    In 1945, Astrid Lindgren was offered the position of editor of children's literature at the publishing house Raben and Sjögren. She accepted the offer and worked in one place until 1970, when she officially retired. All her books were published by the same publishing house. Despite being extremely busy and combining editorial work with household responsibilities and writing, Astrid turned out to be a prolific writer: if you count picture books, a total of about eighty works came from her pen.

    Astrid Lindgren was an extraordinarily versatile author, willing to experiment in a variety of genres.

    In 1946, she published her first story about detective Kalle Blumkvist, thanks to which she won first prize in a literary competition.
    In 1954, Astrid Lindgren composed the first of her three fairy tales - “Mio, my Mio!” This is the story of Boo Vilhelm Ohlsson, the unloved and neglected son of his adoptive parents.
    In the next trilogy - “The Kid and Carlson, Who Lives on the Roof” - the fantasy hero of a non-evil sort again acts. This “moderately well-fed”, infantile, greedy, boastful, pouting, self-pitying, self-centered, although not without charm, little man lives on the roof of the apartment building where the Kid lives. As a half-adult friend of the Kid from a half-fairytale reality, he is a much less wonderful image of childhood than the unpredictable and carefree Pippi.

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    It's good if you have both a dad and a mom. What if you're completely alone? If you are lonely, how unbearably lonely is the nine-year-old boy Busse from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? Then your imagination can take you to the Far Land, where the king is your father, and you yourself are the handsome Prince Mio. And even if you are in danger and have to fight the terrible and treacherous knight Kato, you are able to overcome any fear, because in that magical land everything you dream about will definitely come true.

    Genre: psy_theraphy
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    On the outskirts of a small Swedish town there is a neglected garden, and in it a dilapidated house, blackened by time. Pippi Longstocking settled in this house. She will live there with her horse and a little monkey named Mister Nilsson. Pippi is an amazing dreamer, that's why she is never bored, just as you won't be bored reading this funny book.

    Genre: visual_arts
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    It's good if you have both a dad and a mom. What if you're completely alone? If you are lonely, how unbearably lonely is the nine-year-old boy Busse from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? Then your imagination can take you to the Far Country, where the king is your father, and you yourself are the handsome Prince Mio. And even if you are in danger and have to fight the terrible and treacherous knight Kato, you are able to overcome any fear, because in that magical land everything you dream about will definitely come true. For middle school age.

    Genre: dramaturgy
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Genre: sci_philosophy
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Bullerby is the best place on Earth, according to the children who live there, and Astrid Lindgren herself, whose childhood was spent in the same small village in southern Sweden. And although there are only six children in Bullerby, they are never bored, just as the great writer was never bored, because it was there that her worldview was formed. With her usual brilliance and humor, she describes their carefree childhood, in which there is a place for wonderful family holidays, pranks, joys, and fleeting sorrows.

    Genre: computers
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Finally summer holidays! A fresh wind has already inflated the sails of the Jumping Girl, and soon, very soon, Pippi Longstocking will see the country of Merry, in which her father is a powerful king. And all the loyal subjects passionately want to meet Princess Peppilotta-Victualina-Rolgardina, about whom they have heard a lot. The final book in Astrid Lindgren's trilogy about a girl with red pigtails. The book contains an introductory article about the writer’s work.

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Madiken lives in a big red house near a river. A better place than this cannot be found in the whole world, she believes. Also living there are mom and dad, assistant Alva and little Pims, who follows her older sister everywhere. Where one goes, there goes the other. They always have fun together. And how could it be otherwise! After all, there are so many interesting things here: you can swim, swing on a swing, play croquet, water the garden and give milk to a hedgehog!

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Adults often wonder: why do children like Carlson so much? Nasty, capricious, ill-mannered, always demanding delicious food... This series can be continued indefinitely. Maybe because every moment he is ready to play pranks, and not always innocently? Is the bad influence of the street (in this case the roof) always attractive to children at home? I think this is not at all true. After all, for the Kid, Carlson is not an inveterate hooligan and a leader in risky games, but rather a lonely child who needs affection, participation and family warmth. The baby, despite his small age, feels this very well. He feels sorry for Carlson and forgives him a lot. This great book teaches a child love and tolerance for those who are difficult to love.

    Genre: science
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Brothers Lionheart - a fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren, from which we learn where fairy tales come from, where miracles live, what real melancholy is and what kind of country Nangiyala is. When people come to this country they become more beautiful and their wishes come true. But as the fairy tale Brothers Lionheart shows, this is not enough to always be happy... The book includes two stories: “Mio, my Mio”! and "Brothers Lionheart".

    Genre: science
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Brothers Lionheart - a fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren, from which we learn where fairy tales come from, where miracles live, what real melancholy is and what kind of country Nangiyala is. When people come to this country they become more beautiful and their wishes come true. But as the fairy tale Brothers Lionheart shows, this is not enough to always be happy...

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    One Christmas day, something incredible happened in a very small town. Someone nailed a huge, huge poster to the door of the small, very small town hall, which invited all children to the “Grab whatever you want!” holiday. As you probably already guessed, it was hosted by a naughty girl named Pippi Longstocking. All the children in the city were burning with impatience for evening to come so they could go to Villa Upside Down. And believe me, it was the most amazing Christmas tree they had ever been to.

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Pippi is getting ready to go, she must finally see the country of Merry, in which her father, Captain Ephraim Longstocking, is a powerful king. Now she will probably become a black princess. What a life! What shine! Imagine how Peppilotta dances in the light of a fire to the beat of drums, how her rings rattle in her ears and nose!.. Every morning her face will be smeared with wax so that she becomes as black and shiny as all the little blacks. If you want to know if black suits her red hair, go with her. And don't forget: the ship "Bouncer" is leaving immediately!

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    When a boy from a respectable Swedish family meets an ill-mannered little man with a propeller on his back, nothing good can be expected from this acquaintance. Indeed, the number of broken furniture, eaten jam jars and all sorts of disgrace in the boy’s apartment increased sharply. But does true friendship pay attention to such trifles? It's an everyday matter!

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The book includes the following works by the famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren: “Pippi Longstocking”, “Katie in America”, “Katie in Italy”, “Katie in Paris”, “Britt Marie pours out her soul”, “Cherstin and I”. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Twin sisters Barbara and Cherstin are tired of boring lessons and the dusty city and leave with their parents to live on their father’s family estate. There are so many new and interesting things there! And most importantly, young men Eric and Bjorn appear in the lives of Cherstin and Barbara.

    Genre: sf_horror
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Genre: religion_esoterics
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Genre: sf_humor
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    In the city of Stockholm, two friends Katya and Eva live in a small cozy apartment. One day, after betting on different football teams, the girls win three thousand Swedish kronor. How to spend this winnings? Kati, who has already been to America, dreams of Italy. Indeed, what could be better than fabulous, divine, sweet Italy! It doesn't matter that you don't know Italian. The main thing is to learn the most necessary phrases, like: “What a fiery look you have, sir!”, or something like that...

    Genre: humor_fantasy
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The funny story about Emil from Lenneberga, which was written by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and brilliantly retold into Russian by Lilianna Lungina, was loved by both adults and children all over the world. This curly-haired little boy is a terrible mischief-maker; he won’t live a day without getting into mischief. Well, who would think of chasing a cat to check if it jumps well?! Or put a tureen on yourself? Or set fire to the feather on the pastor's hat? Or catch your own father in a rat trap and feed the pig with drunken cherries?..

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Continuation of the fairy tale about an amazing dreamer with red pigtails named Pippi Longstocking. She is not only the best in the world, but also the strongest, the funniest, the kindest and the fairest. And also - it’s never boring with her! The book has an introductory article about the work of Astrid Lindgren.

    Genre: thriller
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Adults often wonder: why do children like Carlson so much? Nasty, capricious, ill-mannered, always demanding delicious food... This series can be continued indefinitely. Maybe because every moment he is ready to play pranks, and not always innocently? Is the bad influence of the street (in this case the roof) always attractive to children at home? I think this is not at all true. After all, for the Kid, Carlson is not an inveterate hooligan and a leader in risky games, but rather a lonely child who needs affection, participation and family warmth. The baby, despite his small age, feels this very well. He feels sorry for Carlson and forgives him a lot. This great book teaches a child love and tolerance for those who are difficult to love.

    Genre: home_health
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The book includes four stories: “Madiken”, “Madiken and Pims from Junibakken”, “Children from Loud Street” and “Lotta from Loud Street”. The stories are full of humor and fun adventures. In them, with the usual brilliance of the writer, children's fun and pranks, fleeting sorrows and joys, traditional family holidays and exciting leisure time are described.

    Genre: foreign_desc
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The funny story about Emil from Lönneberga, which was written by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and brilliantly retold into Russian by Lilianna Lungina, was loved by both adults and children all over the planet. This curly-haired little boy is a terrible mischief-maker; he won’t live a day without getting into mischief. Well, who would even think of chasing a cat around to check if it jumps well?! Or put a tureen on yourself? Or set fire to the feather on the pastor's hat? Or catch your own father in a rat trap and feed the pig with drunken cherries?..

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    “Once upon a time in Stockholm there was a nine-year-old orphan boy, Boo Vilhelm Olsson (or simply Bosse). He didn’t have a very happy life with his adoptive parents, because they couldn’t stand boys. If only Bosse had a father like his friend Benki ! But one day a golden apple falls into the boy's hands, and his life changes, as if by magic. It turns out that Bosse is not Bosse at all, but Prince Mio! And his real home is not in Stockholm, but in the wonderful Far Country, ruled by his father - king. Mio seems to find himself in a fairy tale, where his faithful friend Yum-Yum, the snow-white horse Miramis, a magic well and his father's garden full of roses are waiting for him. Only this fairy tale is at times sad, and sometimes scary - the cruel knight Kato caused too much grief to the Far Country , who lives behind the Deep Forest. And the young prince Mio is destined to fight with him... For the first time in many years, one of the best books by Astrid Lindgren is published with extraordinary drawings by the wonderful master of book graphics Nikolai Bryukhanov. Thanks to these illustrations, “Mio, my Mio” was published in 1979 ! became the favorite book of a whole generation of readers."

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    “Nowhere is there so much fun as on our farm,” say the children from Bullerby, although there are only six of them, if you don’t count little Cherstin, who is too small to pass for a whole child. One day the children decided to arrange a real holiday for her. What came of it, you will find out by reading this book with charming illustrations by Elon Wikland, Astrid Lindgren's favorite artist.

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    An eccentric writer and father of a family goes with his children to Saltkroka, a small island lost in the Baltic Sea. It is there, away from the bustle of the city, that they will spend an unforgettable summer. The holidays promise something extraordinary. Every day is full of adventure and woven with memories, sensations, smells and tastes. One involuntarily thinks about eternal human values: friendship, love, family.

    Genre: russian_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    How can a little girl carry a horse in her arms?! Imagine what it can do! And this girl's name is Pippi Longstocking. It was invented by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. There is no one stronger than Pippi; she is capable of knocking even the most famous strongman to the ground. But Pippi is not only famous for this. She is also the funniest, most unpredictable, most mischievous and kindest girl in the world, with whom you definitely want to make friends!

    Genre: sf_heroic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    "Roni, the Robber's Daughter" is the latest book by Astrid Lindgren, one of the most famous children's writers in the world and, perhaps, the most famous in Sweden. She easily and naturally tells her story about the enmity of two robber clans, skillfully intertwining reality with the world of fantasy. The book is filled with sadness, but it is completely justified when it comes to the most important thing in life.

    Genre: newspapers
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    “A Calf for Christmas” is a touching story about how, even in the most difficult life situations, circumstances often develop in such an amazing way that what happens seems like a real miracle - as if higher powers are weaving the fabric of our lives in such a way as to protect us, and balance everything that happens in us with goodness. evil in the world."How Adam Engelbrekt went on a rampage" - a story about a huge bull named Adam Engelbrekt, who one day suddenly became furious and burst out of the barn, trying to stick his horns into everyone who was in his way, about a little boy who tamed this bull, and about that in any business the main thing is kindness. "Tomten" and "Tomten and the Fox" are touching and poetic fairy tales about Tomten, the gnome guardian of a forest farm, a wonderful soothing bedtime reading for a child. The books were recognized as the best children's books of 2016 by the online magazine "Papmambuk" in the "Best Picture Book" category.

    Genre: love_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The Swallowtail publishing house presents a series of books by the famous writer Astrid Lindgren. She created an amazing, magical world of childhood and happiness that fascinates adults and children all over the world. The work of the great Swedish storyteller has been awarded many prestigious literary awards. Her works have been translated into 91 languages ​​and sold more than 145 million copies.

    Genre: love_contemporary
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Little Kaisa lives alone with her grandmother. A week before Christmas, Grandma breaks her leg. Who will now go to the fair to sell sweets and prepare the house for the holiday? And then Kaisa gets down to business... A collection of stories by Astrid Lindgren about a variety of children, happy and not so happy. But almost all of them are brave, brave, smart, with a twinkle in their eyes. For primary school age.

    Genre: child_sf
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The Swallowtail publishing house is releasing a new series of books by Astrid Lindgren. The text of the book remains classic - it is a translation by Lilianna Lungina, which made Lindgren's stories famous and very popular in Russia. Children will definitely love the mischievous and bright illustrations of the Ukrainian artist Arsen Dzhanikyan. “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, “Town in a Snuffbox”, “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Cipollino” found new life thanks to the witty and colorful illustrations of Arsen Dzhanikyan. This book will be a wonderful gift for both children and adults! Those who already know about Pippi's adventures will be captivated by the new cheerful illustrations! And those who are going on a journey with a restless mischief-maker for the first time will get double the pleasure from reading this publication.

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Lotta from Loud Street can do almost everything. For example, she whistles great. And in general, when no one sees her, Lotte succeeds. True, there are also mistakes. And how can you ride an old tricycle that twitches every now and then if you were promised a new two-wheeler for your birthday! After all, Lotte is already five years old!

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The book LITTLE NILS CARLSON contains 9 wonderful magical and moral tales by Astrid Lindgren. Thanks to her illustrations, Katerina Mishchuk created an amazing and colorful world for Lindgren’s beloved characters. This collection includes only the best translations: Lyudmila Braude, E. Solovyova, N. Belyakova. For children of primary school age.

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    What could be calmer and more boring than life in a small Swedish town? Eleven-year-old Rasmus and Pontus do not miss a single opportunity to diversify it, be it a trip to the fair or the nightly theft of the “Useless Items Form”. They wouldn’t mind traveling around the world - at least in such a cozy green trailer as the world famous sword swallower Alfredo... But it turns out that you don’t have to leave Vestanvik to encounter real adventures!

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Twin sisters Barbara and Cherstin are tired of boring lessons and the dusty city and leave with their parents to live on their father’s family estate. There are so many new and interesting things there! And most importantly, young men Eric and Bjorn appear in the lives of Cherstin and Barbara.

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Twin sisters Barbara and Cherstin are tired of boring lessons and the dusty city and leave with their parents to live on their father’s family estate. There are so many new and interesting things there! And most importantly, young men Eric and Bjorn appear in the lives of Cherstin and Barbara.

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Twin sisters Barbara and Cherstin are tired of boring lessons and the dusty city and leave with their parents to live on their father’s family estate. There are so many new and interesting things there! And most importantly, young men Eric and Bjorn appear in the lives of Cherstin and Barbara.

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Who is the most charming, most handsome, most intelligent and moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life? Of course, Carlson, a plump, funny little man with a motor on his back! Children all over the world know and love him. For his restless disposition, irrepressible imagination and desire to play pranks. But most of all, perhaps, the Kid loves Carlson, because together they are never bored, because the main thing for Carlson is: “It needs to be fun and funny, otherwise I don’t play.”

    Genre: periodic
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Girls and boys! Don't have anything to do after school? Bored during the holidays? Hurry up, go for a walk and carefully look around, suddenly there lives in your area a cheerful and mischievous girl who has visited all, all countries of the world, knows many, many games, and is so strong that she can even lift a horse. Just like Peppa Longstocking. You will definitely never get bored with her!

    Genre: Children's adventures
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Madiken lives in a big red house near a river. A better place than this cannot be found in the whole world, she believes. Also living there are mom and dad, assistant Alva and little Pims, who follows her older sister everywhere. Where one goes, there goes the other. They always have fun together. And how could it be otherwise! After all, there are so many interesting things here: you can swim, swing on a swing, play croquet, water the garden and give milk to a hedgehog! [b][i]The publishing design is preserved in pdf A4 format.

    Genre: Stories
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    What could be calmer and more boring than life in a small Swedish town? Eleven-year-old Rasmus and Pontus do not miss a single opportunity to diversify it, be it a trip to the fair or a nightly theft of the “Useless Items Form”. They wouldn’t mind traveling around the world - at least in such a cozy green trailer as the world-famous sword swallower Alfredo... But it turns out that you don’t have to leave Vestanvik to encounter real adventures!

    Genre: Children's prose
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Little Kaisa lives alone with her grandmother. A week before Christmas, Grandma breaks her leg. Who will now go to the fair to sell sweets and prepare the house for the holiday? And then Kaisa gets down to business... A collection of stories by Astrid Lindgren about a variety of children, happy and not so happy. But almost all of them are brave, brave, smart, with a twinkle in their eyes. [b][i]The book was also published under the title “Live Kaisa and Other Children.” [i]The publishing design is preserved in pdf A4 format.

    Genre: Stories
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    “Britt Marie pours out her soul” is the first book by Astrid Lindgren, for which the then not yet famous writer, but the most traditional housewife, received an award at a children's publishing competition as the author of the best book for girls. This book is about love for your home and family, about the sense of responsibility and the meaning of existence, about the problems of love and the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, in a word, about those who enter life.

    Genre: Children's prose
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    The story “Rasmus the Tramp” tells about the fateful events in the life of a nine-year-old boy, an orphan. When it becomes completely unbearable in the shelter, he runs wherever his eyes look. During his wanderings, Rasmus meets the tramp Oscar. Dangerous adventures await them ahead, which, fortunately, will end happily. [b][i]The publishing design is preserved in pdf A4 format.

    Genre: Stories
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    It's good when tracking down bandits is just an exciting game. What if a real criminal appeared in the city, a kidnapper at that, a child abductor? This means the game is over, and the famous detective Kalle Blumkvist needs to show extraordinary enterprise and ingenuity to defeat Evil.

    Genre: Stories
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    This book is a continuation of the story about the detective adventures of the famous detective Kalle Blumkvist and his friends. It would seem what could happen in a quiet small provincial town, where every resident is visible. However, unexpectedly dramatic events occur there. Murder. And the children accidentally become his witnesses. Exciting action unfolds. Would you like to join and go through difficult trials together with the heroes of the book?

    Genre: Stories
    Author: Astrid Lindgren

    Which boy did not dream in childhood of becoming a famous detective, such as Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Kalle Blumkvist, the hero of the story by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, did not escape this either. In his quest to catch a criminal in a small provincial town, he unexpectedly finds himself on the trail of a real robber. Kalle has his own team - the Knights of the White Rose, who are ready to come to his aid at any time. But at some point the boy begins to realize that the exciting game is becoming unsafe...

    Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (Swedish: Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, née Ericsson, Swedish: Ericsson) is a Swedish writer, author of a number of world-famous books for children.

    As Lindgren herself pointed out in the collection of autobiographical essays “My Fictions” (1971), she grew up in the age of “the horse and the convertible.” The main means of transportation for the family was a horse-drawn carriage, the pace of life was slower, entertainment was simpler, and the relationship with the surrounding nature was much closer than today. This environment contributed to the writer’s development of a love for nature - this feeling permeates all of Lindgren’s work, from eccentric stories about the pirate’s daughter Pippi Longstocking to the story about Ronnie, the robber’s daughter.
    Astrid Eriksson was born on November 14, 1907 in southern Sweden, in the small town of Vimmerby in the province of Småland (Kalmar County), into a farming family. She became the second child of Samuel August Eriksson and his wife Hannah. My father was engaged in farming on a rented farm in Näs, a pastoral estate on the very outskirts of the town. Together with his older brother, Gunnar, three sisters grew up in the family - Astrid, Stina and Ingegerd. The writer herself always called her childhood happy (there were many games and adventures in it, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it served as a source of inspiration for her work. Astrid's parents not only felt deep affection for each other and for their children, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was rare at that time. The writer spoke with great sympathy and tenderness about the special relationships in the family in her only book not addressed to children, “Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hannah from Hult” (1973).
    The beginning of creative activity
    As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded by folklore, and many jokes, fairy tales, stories that she heard from her father or from friends later formed the basis of her own works. Her love for books and reading, as she later admitted, arose in the kitchen of Christine, with whom she was friends. It was Christine who introduced Astrid to the amazing, exciting world that one could get into by reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later she herself mastered the magic of the word.
    Her abilities became obvious already in elementary school, where Astrid was called “Wimmerbün’s Selma Lagerlöf,” which, in her own opinion, she did not deserve.

    Astrid Lindgren in 1924
    After school, at the age of 16, Astrid Lindgren began working as a journalist for the local newspaper Wimmerby Tidningen. But two years later she became pregnant without being married, and, leaving her position as a junior reporter, went to Stockholm. There she completed secretarial courses and in 1931 found a job in this specialty. In December 1926, her son Lars was born. Since there was not enough money, Astrid had to give her beloved son to Denmark, to a family of adoptive parents. In 1928, she got a job as a secretary at the Royal Automobile Club, where she met Sture Lindgren. They married in April 1931, and after that Astrid was able to take Lars home.
    Years of creativity
    After marriage, Astrid Lindgren decided to become a housewife in order to devote herself entirely to caring for Lars, and then her daughter Karin, born in 1934. In 1941, the Lindgrens moved to an apartment overlooking Stockholm's Vasa Park, where the writer lived until her death. Occasionally taking on secretarial work, she composed travel descriptions and rather banal fairy tales for family magazines and Christmas calendars, thereby gradually honing her literary skills.
    According to Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking (1945) was born primarily thanks to her daughter Karin. In 1941, Karin fell ill with pneumonia, and every evening Astrid told her all sorts of stories before bed. One day a girl ordered a story about Pippi Longstocking - she made up this name right there on the spot. So Astrid Lindgren began to write a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. Since Astrid was then advocating a new and hotly debated idea of ​​upbringing based on child psychology, challenging conventions seemed like an interesting thought experiment to her. If we consider the image of Pippi in a generalized sense, it is based on innovative ideas in the field of child education and child psychology that appeared in the 1930s and 40s. Lindgren followed and participated in the controversy, advocating for education that respects children's thoughts and feelings. The new approach to children also affected her creative style, as a result of which she became an author who consistently spoke from the point of view of a child. After the first story about Pippi, which Karin loved, Astrid Lindgren over the next years told more and more evening fairy tales about this red-haired girl. On Karin's tenth birthday, Astrid Lindgren made a shorthand recording of several stories, from which she then compiled a book of her own making (with illustrations by the author) for her daughter. This original manuscript of Pippi was less elaborate stylistically and more radical in its ideas. The writer sent one copy of the manuscript to the largest Stockholm publishing house, Bonnier. After some deliberation, the manuscript was rejected. Astrid Lindgren was not discouraged by the refusal; she already realized that composing for children was her calling. In 1944, she took part in a competition for the best book for girls, announced by the relatively new and little-known publishing house Raben and Sjögren. Lindgren received second prize for the story “Britt-Marie pours out her soul” (1944) and a publishing contract for it. In 1945, Astrid Lindgren was offered the position of editor of children's literature at the publishing house Raben and Sjögren. She accepted the offer and worked in one place until 1970, when she officially retired. All her books were published by the same publishing house. Despite being extremely busy and combining editorial work with household responsibilities and writing, Astrid turned out to be a prolific writer: if you count picture books, a total of about eighty works came from her pen. The work was especially productive in the 40s and 50s. Between 1944 and 1950 alone, Astrid Lindgren wrote a trilogy about Pippi Longstocking, two stories about children from Bullerby, three books for girls, a detective story, two collections of fairy tales, a collection of songs, four plays and two picture books. As this list shows, Astrid Lindgren was an extraordinarily versatile author, willing to experiment in a variety of genres. In 1946, she published her first story about the detective Kalle Blumkvist (“Kalle Blumkvist Plays”), thanks to which she won first prize in a literary competition (Astrid Lindgren did not participate in any more competitions). In 1951, there was a sequel, “Kalle Blumkvist Takes Risks” (in Russian, both stories were published in 1959 under the title “The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist”), and in 1953, the final part of the trilogy, “Kalle Blumkvist and Rasmus” (was translated into Russian in 1986). With Kalle Blumkvist, the writer wanted to replace readers with cheap thrillers that glorified violence. In 1954, Astrid Lindgren composed the first of her three fairy tales - “Mio, my Mio!” (trans. 1965). This emotional, dramatic book combines the techniques of a heroic legend and a fairy tale, and tells the story of Boo Vilhelm Olsson, the unloved and neglected son of his adoptive parents. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly resorted to fairy tales and fairy tales, touching on the fate of lonely and abandoned children (this was the case before “Mio, my Mio!”). Bringing comfort to children, helping them overcome difficult situations - this task not least motivated the writer’s work. In the next trilogy - “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof” (1955; trans. 1957), “Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again” (1962; trans. 1965) and “Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again" (1968; trans. 1973) - the fantasy hero of a kindly kind acts again. This “moderately well-fed”, infantile, greedy, boastful, pouting, self-pitying, self-centered, although not without charm, little man lives on the roof of the apartment building where the Kid lives. As Baby's imaginary friend, he is a much less wonderful image of childhood than the unpredictable and carefree Pippi. The Kid is the youngest of three children in the most ordinary family of Stockholm bourgeois, and Carlson enters his life in a very specific way - through the window, and does this every time the Kid feels left out, left out or humiliated, in other words, when the boy feels sorry for himself . In such cases, his compensatory alter ego appears - in all respects, “the best in the world” Carlson, who makes the Kid forget about his troubles. Film adaptations and theatrical productions In 1969, the famous Stockholm Royal Drama Theater staged Carlson Who Lives on the Roof, which was unusual for that time. Since then, dramatizations based on Astrid Lindgren's books have been constantly performed in both large and small theaters in Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe and the United States of America. A year before the production in Stockholm, the play about Carlson was shown on the stage of the Moscow Satire Theater, where it is still performed (this hero is extremely popular in Russia). While Astrid Lindgren's work has attracted attention worldwide primarily thanks to theatrical performances, in Sweden the writer's fame has been greatly enhanced by films and television series based on her works. The stories about Kalle Blumkvist were the first to be filmed - the film premiered on Christmas Day 1947. Two years later, the first of four films about Pippi Longstocking appeared. Between the 50s and 80s, famous Swedish director Olle Hellboom created a total of 17 films based on Astrid Lindgren's books. Hellboom's visual interpretations, with their inexpressible beauty and sensitivity to the written word, have become classics of Swedish children's cinema. Social activities Over the years of her literary activity, Astrid Lindgren has earned more than one million crowns by selling the rights to publish her books and their film adaptations, to release audio and video cassettes, and later also CDs with recordings of her songs or literary works in her own performance, but she didn’t change her lifestyle at all. Since the 1940s, she lived in the same - rather modest - Stockholm apartment and preferred not to accumulate wealth, but to give money to others. Unlike many Swedish celebrities, she was not even averse to transferring a significant part of her income to the Swedish tax authorities. Only once, in 1976, when the tax they collected amounted to 102% of her profits, Astrid Lingren protested. On March 10 of the same year, she went on the offensive, sending an open letter to the Stockholm newspaper Expressen, in which she told a fairy tale about a certain Pomperipossa from Monismania. In this fairy tale for adults, Astrid Lindgren took the position of a layman or a naive child (as Hans Christian Andersen did before her in “The King’s New Clothes”) and, using it, tried to expose the vices of society and general pretense. In the year when parliamentary elections were approaching, this fairy tale became an almost naked, crushing attack on the bureaucratic, complacent and self-interested apparatus of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, which had been in power for over 40 years in a row. Although at first Finance Minister Gunnar Strang took up arms against the writer and tried to ridicule her, heated debates followed, the tax law was changed, and (as many believe, not without the help of Astrid Lindgren) the Social Democrats were defeated in the autumn elections to the Riksdag. The writer herself was a member of the Social Democratic Party throughout her adult life - and remained in its ranks after 1976. And she objected primarily to the distance from the ideals that Lindgren remembered from her youth. When she was once asked what path she would have chosen for herself if she had not become a famous writer, she answered without hesitation that she would like to take part in the social democratic movement of the initial period. The values ​​and ideals of this movement played - together with humanism - a fundamental role in the character of Astrid Lindgren. Her inherent desire for equality and caring attitude towards people helped the writer overcome the barriers erected by her high position in society. She treated everyone with the same warmth and respect, be it the Swedish Prime Minister, the head of a foreign state, or one of her child readers. In other words, Astrid Lindgren lived according to her convictions, which is why she became the subject of admiration and respect, both in Sweden and abroad. Lindgren's open letter with the tale of Pomperipossa was so influential because by 1976 she was not just a famous writer: she was not only famous in Sweden, but also enormously respected. She became an important person, a person known throughout the country, thanks to numerous appearances on radio and television. Thousands of Swedish children grew up listening to Astrid Lindgren's original books on the radio. Her voice, her face, her opinions, her sense of humor have been familiar to most Swedes since the 50s and 60s, when she hosted various quizzes and talk shows on radio and television. In addition, Astrid Lindgren won over the people with her speeches in defense of such a typically Swedish phenomenon as a universal love for nature and reverence for its beauty. In the spring of 1985, when the daughter of a Småland farmer spoke publicly about the oppression of farm animals, the Prime Minister himself listened to her. Lindgren heard about animal abuse on large farms in Sweden and other industrialized countries from Kristina Forslund, a veterinarian and lecturer at Uppsala University. Seventy-eight-year-old Astrid Lindgren sent an open letter to major Stockholm newspapers. The letter contained another fairy tale - about a loving cow who protests against the mistreatment of livestock. With this tale, the writer began a campaign that lasted three years. In June 1988, an animal protection law was passed, which received the Latin name Lex Lindgren (Lindgren Law); however, its inspirer did not like it because of its vagueness and obviously low effectiveness. As in other cases when Lindgren stood up for the well-being of children, adults or the environment, the writer started from her own experience and her protest was caused by deep emotional disturbance. She understood that at the end of the 20th century it was impossible to return to small-scale cattle breeding, which she witnessed in her childhood and youth on her father’s farm and on neighboring farms. She demanded something more fundamental: respect for animals, since they are also living beings and endowed with feelings. Astrid Lindgren's deep belief in non-violent treatment extended to both animals and children. “Not violence” was the title of her speech when she was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 1978 (she received for the story “The Lionheart Brothers” (1973; trans. 1981) and for the writer’s struggle for peaceful coexistence and a decent life for all Living creatures). In this speech, Astrid Lindgren defended her pacifist beliefs and advocated raising children without violence and corporal punishment. “We all know,” Lindgren reminded, “that children who are beaten and abused will beat and abuse their own children, and therefore this vicious circle must be broken.” In 1952, Astrid Sture's husband died. Her mother died in 1961, eight years later her father died, and in 1974 her brother and several bosom friends died. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly encountered the mystery of death and thought about it a lot. While Astrid’s parents were sincere adherents of Lutheranism and believed in life after death, the writer herself called herself an agnostic. Awards In 1958, Astrid Lindgren was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, which is called the Nobel Prize in children's literature. In addition to awards given exclusively to children's writers, Lindgren has also received a number of awards for “adult” authors, in particular, the Karen Blixen Medal established by the Danish Academy, the Russian Leo Tolstoy Medal, the Chilean Gabriela Mistral Prize and the Swedish Selma Lagerlöf Prize. In 1969, the writer received the Swedish State Prize for Literature. Her achievements in the field of charity were recognized by the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 1978 and the Albert Schweitzer Medal in 1989 (awarded by the American Institute for the Improvement of Animal Life). The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren is one of the world's most famous children's writers. Her works are imbued with fantasy and love for children. Many of them have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries. In Sweden, she became a living legend because she entertained, inspired and consoled generations of readers, participated in political life, changed laws and significantly influenced the development of children's literature.

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