• What you need to know if you want to marry an American. Married in the USA Americans in relationships


    The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. A huge territory, occupying almost half of the North American continent, the most powerful industry and one of the most serious financial systems in the world.

    America is different. Rich and poor live here, but the backbone is the middle class, those same average Americans who live a calm, measured life. The life that numerous immigrants so desire, who come here in the tens of thousands every year in search of a better life.

    The Great American Dream is not a myth or an invention of writers. This is a very tangible concept. Owning your own home, a good car, a secure financial position and a strong, friendly family - this is the dream of every American, and not only Americans.

    One of the surest ways to make this very American dream come true is to marry a US citizen. The method, it should be noted, is indeed real, but not one hundred percent.

    First of all, not all Americans are wealthy. In the United States, several million people live below the poverty line, and their lives are not much different from the life of the average resident of the Russian or Ukrainian hinterland. The same problems and the same worries about daily bread, the same endless bustle in the hope of getting a job, getting by until benefits, saving on household things.

    Otherwise, the States are a pretty good choice, and women who decide to connect their fate with an American really have every chance to live, as they say, in a new way.

    It should be remembered that the USA is not just a capitalist country, the States are the flagship and standard of capitalism with all the ensuing factors. The main thing here is money, which determines success. People around you are very reluctant to part with money, while everyone from a street vendor to a pizza delivery guy is trying to make money off of you.

    Departure for permanent residence

    Unlike some other countries, the beginning of any paperwork is preceded by a long correspondence with the groom. It is better if this correspondence lasts a year or more, and the candidate himself visits the bride in her homeland several times during this time. The fact is that the US immigration service is closely interested in all the details of your affair, from the fact of acquaintance to the registration of marriage.

    After a certain time, you can take further steps. Namely, apply for the so-called “fiancé visa”. What it is? This is a special type of visa established by the US government for foreign citizens wishing to join their destiny with US citizens.

    A fiancé visa gives you the right to enter the United States and get married within 90 days from the date the visa is issued. After an official marriage, you can apply for permanent resident status in the United States.

    How to get a fiancee visa. The process is quite complex and lengthy, taking from five months to a year, and in some cases more. First, a formal petition is submitted to the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, USCIS. An application to this organization is submitted in the States, and this is done by the groom. Officials of this service provide the groom with a list of documents that need to be prepared. After all the specified documents have been collected and submitted to USCIS, and if there is no need for additional documents, an interview date is set at the US Embassy in the bride’s home country.

    Before an interview at the consulate, you are required to undergo a mandatory medical examination at one of the authorized medical institutions. It is better to set the date of the medical examination in advance and at least a couple of days before the interview date - the results may not be released on the same day. The results of the medical examination can affect the decision of the US authorities only in one case - if the visa applicant suffers from an infectious disease that can be dangerous to others. In addition, in rare cases, refusal may be motivated by the presence of a serious disease requiring expensive treatment.

    Typically, an interview at the consulate comes down to fairly simple and harmless questions. There is no need to embellish anything, much less invent anything. When asked about the reasons for the decision to leave for the States, one can mention the desire to live with a loved one, and in a normal, civilized country. Consuls are people too, and they fully understand the true reasons that push you to immigrate.

    Remember the important point. Immigration to the USA is a series of humiliations, big and small, that you have to go through. Depending on the zeal of the immigration officer, checks may be as frequent and sudden as the individual officer deems justifiable. Questions may concern things so intimate that it will be very difficult to answer them. Our upbringing does not involve detailed conversations about personal relationships, but in the West this is considered normal.

    These humiliations do not always ultimately turn into a happy, well-fed life. There are also disappointments when, after a couple of years, you wonder why you went through all these things, why it was worth making so much effort and humiliation, overcoming yourself and pacifying your own pride. It’s good if you come across a truly decent, intelligent and loving person. And it’s much worse if the spouse turns out to be a loser, a projector, or just a pathetic miser, shaking over every dollar.

    Status of wife of a US citizen

    After marriage in the United States, the bride’s status changes to the status of the spouse of a United States citizen, and she herself receives the coveted Green Card - the main identification document, and at the same time indicating the status of a permanent resident.

    Green Card holders have all civil rights and obligations, with the exception of the right to vote and the right to hold certain responsible government positions.

    After receiving your Green Card, you can take the driver's license exam and obtain a Social Security card - the Social Security number is the main identification tool in the States and is required everywhere.

    By the way. Passing the driver's license test quickly and without problems is almost a myth. This is possible only in a few cities. In most states, passing the theory and driving test is a difficult task.


    Both the fiancee visa and the future Green Card are designed not only for you, but also for your dependent children. This means that your children can come with you to America, attend your wedding, and after the marriage receive the status of permanent residents.

    Children studying at universities are automatically considered dependents and receive status on an equal basis with young children.

    Attitudes towards immigrants

    Since America is a country of immigrants and built by immigrants, the attitude towards new arrivals is quite tolerable. But not without pathos and snobbery. In most cases, people are greeted by their clothes, that is, by their behavior, by their knowledge of the language, by their level of education. You are expected to have poor English, a poor resume, and ignorance of local realities. But if you debunk the stereotype, show an average level of language, a good track record and are fluent in everyday matters, you will be given a big plus.

    But to earn a rating in American society, it is not enough just to be beautiful, smart and fluent in the language and profession. You need something more - to know, and most importantly, to share the mentality of the local population, to be able to adapt to those around you, to be like everyone else. That is, you can stand out with your clothes, hairstyle or skin color as much as you like. But you need to behave as is customary in America - smile, be a hypocrite, live by the rules and concepts accepted here. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any success.


    The USA is a country of contrasts. “Beggars and princes live here side by side” is a somewhat exaggerated reflection of the essence of American life. Your neighbor on the street in the suburbs may be a multimillionaire from Wall Street, and a couple of houses away a decent but noisy large black family of a certain entrepreneur will live, and this will be, in principle, a normal thing.

    As for the income of the average American, not everything is so simple here. In small towns, the average worker's salary can be $1,500-$2,500, while in New York, a similar position can pay $3,000-$4,000. Naturally, the cost of living in a metropolis and in the provinces is different, often the numbers are polar. In particular, the cost of a good house in a good area and in an area with an average reputation can differ by 200-300%, hence the difference in income levels.

    How much does the average American family spend on food, clothing, home and car maintenance, vacations and travel? This is an even more difficult question, which is difficult to answer in a nutshell. After all, you can buy jeans, sweaters and sneakers in cheap “stock” stores, you can cook at home from cheap semi-finished products and drive an old 2000 Chevrolet. Or you can dress in expensive department stores, live in a prestigious house or condominium, and change your car every year or two.

    Another thing is completely obvious: judging by how a person dresses, what kind of car he drives and where he lives, one can get an unmistakable idea of ​​his level of income. Given the slightest opportunity, Americans move to a better area and buy a better car. Without the opportunity, they are content with what they have at the moment.

    Social protection

    Social Security is a big deal in America. The moment, frankly speaking, is key. The United States is a very pragmatic, one might say ruthless, country. You get only what you are entitled to by law, and not a cent, not a single bread crumb more. In order not to be left alone with your problems, it is better to study the American social system, the laws and rules by which it works as quickly as possible.

    In America there are a huge mass of people who live on social security for years and decades. Needless to say, the income of these people barely covers their basic needs. This was done specifically so as not to stimulate the growth of unemployment, and not at all because America is a poor country.

    How can you determine that your future spouse belongs to the socially weaker sections of American society? First of all, inquire about the availability of a car. Usually those on benefits do not have it. However, residents of large cities can do without a car purely for technical reasons - parking is terribly expensive, but public transport is faster.

    In America, it is considered normal to evict the elderly and infirm to nowhere, to the street. Every now and then on a bench in front of the condominium you can see an old man dozing, surrounded by simple household belongings. Social services often cannot help people who have lost their homes.


    Important point! Do not pay attention to the lack of your own purchased housing, especially if your chosen one lives in a big city. Americans are a nation that lives where there is work. And often, even with a fairly decent income, they do not buy housing, based on practical considerations. It may happen that after living in Chicago for a couple of years, you will find a good job in Washington or Miami, in which case your own house or apartment will become an additional burden.

    In principle, living in a rented apartment is a dubious pleasure. Landlords often set different requirements, for example, no guests in the evenings or no pets. Living your whole life under pressure and restrictions is not pleasant.


    Americans are a nation of incorrigible pragmatists who live within their means. And now, as a result of the economic crisis, the institution of consumer loans, which Americans used a lot and with pleasure, has suddenly fallen into a coma.

    Living within your means is the surest strategy for a successful life in this country. Living beyond your means means sooner or later ruining your credit history, getting into debt and ultimately sliding to the very bottom of society.

    However, Americans cannot be called misers. They enjoy spending money on clothes and travel, love good cars and visit restaurants. Lunch at a restaurant is a common experience for a middle manager or stockbroker.

    The quality of food in America is the talk of the town. Americans are unscrupulous eaters, and the vast majority of food itself is bland and tasteless. Fruits and vegetables have no smell, meat is of very low quality, almost all ice cream. All the tastes and smells that we are accustomed to in Russia are found here only in concentrated form, but not in fresh products. Unless, of course, you have enough money to buy luxury food.

    Every supermarket has an organic products department where you can buy “real products” - apple-smelling apples, fresh quality meat, aromatic cheese. However, prices for organic food are much higher, and not everyone can afford them.


    The American open spaces beckon you to travel. And there are a great many travel lovers in the States. This is facilitated by the purely American system of motels, universal gas stations, where you can not only water your iron horse, but also eat, sleep, wash and buy everything you need on the road. Driving your own car from New York to Las Vegas is quite normal and not something extraordinary.

    In addition, many Americans travel by air. The plane in the United States is like a commuter bus, and the average American flies more per year than any other nation.

    Traveling to Europe is a favorite type of vacation for the middle class. France, England, Spain, Italy are the most popular routes. They travel more often with their families and do not spare money when traveling.

    If the weather or finances do not permit, Americans relax at home. And they do it quite well. Living in a private home, no Native American family can do without a barbecue and a spacious freezer in the basement - the first attributes of a quality weekend.

    Family relationships

    The classic American family model is a spouse living separately from their parents with two children. Options are possible depending on ethnicity: black families tend to have more children, while Italians often live with their husband's parents. Arabs, Pakistanis and Indians also have many children, and often live together due to circumstances. The Anglo-Saxons, white Americans, whose ancestors arrived to the shores of the Hudson on the ship Mayfower, try to adhere to old traditions.

    The attitude towards children in the average American family is more than reverent. Americans love their children, especially before they reach adulthood.

    A common false stereotype is that Americans leave their parents' home as soon as they turn 18 and set out on their own. This is in no way true. In most cases, American boys and girls simply enroll in universities and colleges located in other cities and are forced to live on campus.

    A Russian wife of a Native American is not nonsense and not a reason for contempt on the part of relatives. At the everyday level, only in rare cases do minor misunderstandings arise on this basis, most often, by the way, caused by simple misunderstanding and cultural differences. Otherwise, the husband's relatives will most likely like Russian dumplings or Ukrainian borscht, and guests will go crazy over real barbecue.

    However, one should not delude oneself about the ostentatious good nature of Americans. The daughter-in-law will never be able to just sit and have a heart-to-heart talk with her husband’s mother, and your spouse is unlikely to ever be seriously interested in the life of your parents who remained in Russia.

    Divorce in America is a painfully long and quite expensive procedure, especially if there are property disputes. Children are usually divided equally if the financial situation and status of the former spouses are approximately the same. Father's feelings are as serious an argument for the judge as mother's love.

    In the event of divorce, US immigration authorities do not prevent the former spouse of a citizen from living in the country. Especially if the length of life together is calculated in years.

    It is possible to take a child (children) out of the country against the will of your ex-husband. To do this, you need to go through several instances, enlist the support of a serious and influential lawyer, and win in court. The arguments can be anything, from the financial situation of the ex-husband to his promiscuity in intimate relationships. A competent lawyer will always find a loophole, a reason or a trifle that you can “catch onto”. Needless to say, such services can be expensive. In addition, the ex-spouse may also have a fully qualified lawyer, then the outcome of the process will be difficult to predict.

    Let's summarize.

    Marriage to an American is not the easiest way to go abroad for permanent residence. However, it's worth it. At a minimum, you are guaranteed a good knowledge of English, which will always be useful in your home country, and Western work and communication experience.

    Unlike other countries, it is still possible to take children out of the United States, and with some effort, you can do it legally. Of course, if you have the necessary funds.

    Americans are not the most open people in the world. Frank conversations about personal things are not their strong point. Sometimes it’s difficult for our people there to get used to it, especially if you are the only Russian in the area.

    By marrying a representative of a socially weaker class, you risk remaining in your own interests, that is, not improving at all, and perhaps even worsening, your life compared to life in your homeland.

    America is a country of lawyers. Most US presidents had a legal education, most US congressmen and senators were lawyers. Does this mean lawyers rule the States? Yes. And this is one of the few fully confirmed stereotypes. No sane American would take any significant step without the advice of a lawyer. And almost no trial can proceed without a qualified defense lawyer.

    The current financial crisis has seriously undermined the well-being of tens of thousands of American families. Many became bankrupt, many lost their own property and jobs. To avoid ending up as the wife of such a bankrupt, you should take a close look at the groom’s lifestyle, his expenses, and, of course, his income. Otherwise, your spouse's bankruptcy will automatically apply to you.

    The fantastic cheapness of American food and clothing is not a myth, but a holy truth. However, what is cheap can be described in one simple word, “surrogate”. Genetically modified products, clothes that cannot withstand even six months of careful wear, furniture that cannot be disassembled and reassembled without the use of wood glue and screws - all this is cheap America for the poor.

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    Marrying an American is the dream of many girls and women. However, this is not so easy to do. If the question of “marriage with an American” is your main task, then you first need to know where and how to meet him, find out the peculiarities of his culture, and then decide whether you really need this?

    How to meet an American?
    Many representatives of the fair sex would like to have an American as a groom. But where can I get them? Naturally, if you have the opportunity to come to the country, then you can start your search by visiting crowded places, local exhibitions, parks, museums, clubs and bars. Only the last two options require special caution. As a rule, bars and clubs are inhabited by those who like to have fun or want to have a good time, night, etc. Of course, this option of finding an American groom is not an easy one. However, today there is the all-powerful Internet, through which many young people get to know each other. At the same time, there are quite a lot of cases when such acquaintances end in marriage.

    In America itself, online dating is popular. There are quite a lot of websites that provide online dating. But here it is important to get to a well-known, proven and reliable site that is trusted by people all over the world. It should be noted that such sites are often paid, which indicates the seriousness of the intentions of the people using their services.

    Since you want to marry an American, therefore, you need to be fluent in the language of your future chosen one. In addition, it should be remembered that not all Americans who use the services of an online dating agency intend to get married right away. When choosing a candidate, you should pay attention to such points in his profile as whether the man has been married at all, how many times and how old he is at the moment. If his age is already approaching a respectable forty or fifty years, and he has never been married, it is not a fact that he is even going to get married. He might want to find a pen pal, or worse, he might turn out to be a horny guy who terrorizes you with horny letters every day. Although such letters can also be written by both divorced and married Americans. It is not possible to verify this fact.

    American mentality.
    There are quite a lot of Americans who want to meet and marry a Russian woman on dating sites. Those who really want to be that long-awaited chosen one should first become acquainted with the peculiarities of American culture. In general, it is impossible to speak in general about all Americans, because this is a multinational state, and everyone considers themselves and calls themselves Americans. Many representatives carefully preserve the habits and traditions of their people. Chinese, Italians, East Asians, etc. assimilated to the extent that this allows them to work successfully and live in comfort. However, in many ways they remained similar to their grandfathers.

    It should be noted that Americans take marriage quite seriously. They are in no particular hurry to get married, because they understand that all responsibilities for supporting their wife and children will now fall on their shoulders. Nobody even thinks about help from their parents.

    American men are great romantics, they completely believe in love, and love songs about love. If an American talks about his desire to spend family evenings in front of the TV with his beloved wife, this is true. For most Americans, this way of things is desirable and common. And you can understand them: they work a lot and get very tired. All they need for quiet family happiness is a loving and understanding woman next to them. Therefore, if you belong to the category of avid party girls and correspond with such a man, such correspondence should be stopped. Nothing good will come of this.

    If you dream of marrying an American, you should know that they love children, so it is common for families there to have two, three or even four children. In addition, fathers do not believe that raising children is a woman’s job. They themselves know how to do a lot: they can feed a child and change a diaper, they know how to keep him busy or entertained.

    Additionally, more than half of American men are circumcised. Uncircumcised men cause confusion among women. This is mainly done according to medical recommendations on the second day after the birth of the child. However, parental consent to this procedure is required.

    Americans are quite friendly people. At the same time, they smile even in cases that are completely inappropriate. Americans are taught from childhood to be assertive, to work hard and achieve their goals, and to make decisions for which they will later be held accountable.

    Feelings of jealousy in American relationships are not welcomed, since its manifestation is considered to be some kind of desire of the jealous partner to control. Trust in each other is a kind of cult. Marital infidelity occurs in American couples, as well as everywhere else. However, cases of treason are strongly condemned by local society. A traitor or traitor may lose the friendly relations of colleagues and neighbors if his or her adventures become known.

    Who can be happy with an American?
    Even though America is a beautiful country, it is still different from ours. At first glance, it may seem idiotic to you. But then, after some time, you will realize that this is not so. Therefore, it is very important to be patient if you want to marry an American and go with him to his homeland for permanent residence. It is also very important to understand and accept the culture of your chosen one. Please understand right away that America is not a paradise on Earth where dollars grow right on every tree. You need to work hard, be purposeful, strive to learn new things, be sociable, open and friendly. All this needs to be learned. All this is the key to a successful marriage with an American.

    However, the most important thing that is needed in marriage with any foreigner is love. Without it, it is impossible to build a happy family and strong relationships.

    If you are a swaggering person with a scandalous nature, high self-esteem, and, in general, harmful by nature, you should not marry a foreigner. Such a character has never graced a woman, and in America such qualities are generally considered a vice.

    Advice for women who dream of marrying an American.
    It is important to determine exactly whether you really need to marry an American. If you intend to take this step only in order to leave the country (be it Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.) to the USA on a fiancee visa to obtain a residence permit there, or to improve your financial situation at the expense of your husband -American, or help relatives, etc., then you better give up any attempts. You will not find happiness even if you achieve your goal and marry an American and receive a residence permit in the United States. In addition, having successfully gotten married and moved to another country, you will need to say goodbye to your parents, habits, way of life, etc. if your intentions are to really find love and live a healthy family life, then take the risk and marry an American.

    When posting your profile on online dating services, upload a professionally taken photo of yourself. After all, the image you present will determine which contingent of men will consider you as a potential bride. A carelessly taken photograph with an unclear and blurry image can attract a male representative with psychological difficulties and low self-esteem. If the photo shows too many exposed areas of the body, it may arouse the interest of men with intimate problems or, worse, a maniac. In the photo you should look like a confident and relaxed woman, for which you need to try and spare no effort and time.

    If you intend to marry a foreigner, you should have a personal PC connected to the Internet. You need to master the initial minimum of a PC user, namely: learn how to use the Internet and email. To meet American men, it is recommended to have a separate mailbox, but not on a Russian server. This will increase the passage of correspondence from foreign servers, and will also not “clutter up” your personal mailbox.

    When filling out a questionnaire on dating sites, answer the questions posed honestly: tell us a little about yourself, add a photo, tell us why you want to marry an American and what you would like to see in your chosen one (age, habits, where he works, etc. .). If, two weeks after uploading your profile and photos to an American dating site, you have not received a single message, it means you did something wrong. Maybe you need to edit your information or requirements for a groom from the USA.

    Marrying an American is a personal matter for everyone. If you have clearly set such a goal for yourself, follow it, but take into account the above. Happy marriage!

    Before marrying a foreigner, find out a few important points from him - this will greatly facilitate your future life together. Photo kievpravda.com

    When you leave the country, leave forever. You can’t sit with one butt on two chairs - it’s not only uncomfortable, but you can also fall on the floor. When you move away, you not only transport your physical body, but also rewire your brain. You need to immediately prepare for the fact that your home will be in another country, and the country will eventually become your home and only one. This is the best approach to immigration. We must immediately stop comparing, stop converting dollars into rubles, inches into centimeters, and degrees from Fahrenheit to Celsius. You should try to enjoy the fact that life has given you an attempt to start absolutely everything from scratch.

    When I arrived in the states, I began to understand this country little by little, little by little. Every day brought me new discoveries, as I was curious and meticulous. I spoke a little English. I knew nothing about life and culture in the practical sense of these words. I married an American (you can read more about how to immigrate to the USA through marriage). By the way, my husband has never filled out any immigration forms before. Therefore, together we began to collect documents and fill out forms. We did not hire any lawyers.

    After a year of my stay in the country, I could already do everything myself without outside help. Quite quickly, I acquired acquaintances and friends and began to help those who, after 10-15 years in the country, had not learned to speak English. And, naturally, my journalistic “piggy bank” began to receive numerous stories from the life of Russian brides. 90% of them were dramatic. This gave me the idea to write some kind of guide on how to avoid mistakes when moving to America for marriage.

    This little book “Marrying an American” grew out of the desire to help my compatriots.

    I would like to warn women against rash marriages with Americans and unrealistic expectations. Some people reproach me: “Why are you warning us from there, from America? I would like to be in our shoes here in Russia: without money, work, surrounded by drunks. Normal men, you know, have disappeared like a class. And those rare ones who remained were dismantled even before the October Revolution...”

    Girls (can I call you all that?), arguments are accepted. And therefore, I will assume that you have decided to change your life for the better through marriage with an American. But you should approach this venture wisely.

    Of all the men, it is better to choose a bachelor or a widower. Photo soulpost.ru

    Types of men

    About candidates for marriage They can be of three types: single, widowed and divorced. Any divorce for an American man (like moving for a Russian woman) is like a fire. It’s good if he manages to save some money in his accounts... Most often, it is after such a devastating divorce that Americans resort to the help of marriage agencies, and so on. Do you think they are attracted to the mysterious Russian soul? Beauty, kindness and thriftiness of Russian women? Don't flatter yourself! It’s just that not a single normal American woman will even come close to a poor man, which he actually is after a divorce.

    Your complete ignorance of this issue, your absolute unpretentiousness, undemandingness - this is what attracts the American man.

    By the way, if your chosen one said that he is in separation from his wife, and explained to you that this is the same as a divorce, immediately end all relations with him.

    Separation is separate living, separate housekeeping. Sometimes spouses can live like this for many years, sometimes even document it. But divorce is still a long way off here. And, of course, he will not be able to formalize a legal marriage with you.

    Therefore, if not the worst option, your chosen one should be either a bachelor or a widower.

    Your future husband's children can make your life hell. Still from the film “Child of Darkness”, kinoguru.co

    Children from a previous marriage

    You came to an agency or used a dating site. Take your choice of your future husband not just seriously, but super-seriously. Of course, the ideal option is a childless millionaire orphan. But more often than not, this is an elderly and shabby man, whose children for some reason live with him after a divorce. The heart of our compassionate woman will shed tears from such information, and she will immediately want to become the adoptive mother of his “unfortunate” children.

    This is where you fell into the first trap.

    A man in America will never agree to keep his children unless he pursues his own selfish goals.

    Suppose he did not want to remain naked and barefoot after divorcing his wife (which most often happens here), but decided to keep his house or apartment and some capital. The child serves as a bargaining chip for him. And he agrees with his ex-wife that he will support him until he comes of age. And she will also pay him alimony. But if they reach an amicable agreement, he will receive another benefit - a tax write-off due to the fact that he is a single father.

    “Why is this a trap?” you ask. Because an American child raised in a democracy has an unbridled character with absolute lack of control. Perhaps you have heard that in American schools, teachers constantly advise their students how they should report any “violence” against them from their parents? This is the absolute truth.

    This doesn't just apply to American children. This may also affect your own offspring, who after a year at school will easily chat in English, and in response to your next remark about unwashed dishes they will say: “Don’t yell at me, otherwise I’ll turn you in to the police!”

    A friend of mine raised two grandchildren here in America. She put, as it seemed to her, her whole soul and heart into them. One day the elder invited his friends to his house. And to show off in front of them or just out of stupidity, he hit his grandmother, who entered the children’s room and made some minor remark to him. The grandmother reacted in Russian: she grabbed her grandson by the scruff of the neck and asked sternly why he was letting his hands go? While the grandson was fighting back and making excuses, another boy dialed the cherished 911 number for all Americans and was ready to call the police. The grandson stopped his friend in time, who did not doubt for a minute that the grandmother should be sent to prison.

    Do not expect that you will replace your future husband's American offspring with their own mother.

    They will regularly, on Saturdays and Sundays, see the parent on her territory. Several divorced dads complained to me that when they brought their children to meet their mother and were about fifteen minutes late, they more than once encountered the police, called by an angry mother.

    Yes, yes, dear girls, everything is stipulated in the divorce documents, down to the hours and minutes; food that parents can feed their child at meetings; and the clothes that children should wear. In order to “replace” a mother for an American child, at a minimum, you must speak English as well as their real mother. Be prepared for the fact that she will turn her offspring against you. Why? Yes, because the money that was previously spent only on your husband’s children is now divided between them and you. This means that children were once again denied the purchase of a mobile phone or the fiftieth pair of sneakers... A tragedy on a universal scale!

    Well, girls, what conclusion do we draw from all of the above? Right! The future husband should not have children at all, or they should live with their mother, or they should already be adults and independent.

    Your photo on dating sites should match your appearance in real life as closely as possible. Photo itc.ua

    What photos to put

    I would like to dwell just a little on the photographs that you are ready to post on the Internet on a dating site () or bring to the agency for a more specific search for an overseas prince. Of course, you went through them for a long time, looking for the best one. Maybe this one is in a swimsuit? Here you are so tanned, slim and sexy. Maybe this one is from a photo studio? You look like a fashion model against a background of blue satin. Or this one - close-up, hair down, makeup to the highest standard... No, no, and again - no!

    The photo should be ordinary, taken in your usual environment. No beach frills with a charming tan. If this is a full-length photo, then no bare knees. This way you will eliminate those who are only interested in sex.

    The simpler the photo, the more likely it is that a normal, family-oriented man will choose you.

    And when he sees you in person - with full makeup, elegantly dressed - he will not only be pleasantly surprised, but also flattered by the correctness of his choice. Remember that family life consists of more than just holidays. Therefore, everyday life, where you appear in front of your spouse without makeup and in a robe, can greatly disappoint him. On the other hand, men are designed in such a way that it is enough for them to see a naked toe for their imagination to complete the rest.

    Without English and a computer - nowhere

    Well, now let's return to knowledge of the English language. Half of all your problems may arise due to ignorance of it. So after deciding to get married, immediately start learning the language. Firstly, it will be more difficult to deceive you, and secondly, it will be easier for you to find a job and obtain the documents necessary for life. It is very good if you master everyday spoken language. But it's even better if you learn to read, write and type in English. English is independence, which, all other things being equal, is valued by men in women.

    Regardless of age, you should have a normal level of computer skills.

    One of my friends has been living in the states for more than ten years. With every small question she runs to her husband. Write a message on your phone, find out the schedule of trains or planes, look at the weather forecast for the week on your computer, order tickets to the theater. He, of course, does all this for her. But to say that with great displeasure is to say nothing. I once asked her: “Why don’t you master the computer?” “I don’t have time, I have enough to do without a computer,” she said. But, in the next conversation, she noticed: “It seems to me that my husband doesn’t love me...”. Of course, in love, computer literacy and correct English should not play a decisive role. However, do not forget that life is made up of little things.

    Be sure to check what medications your chosen one takes. Photo prepbase.ru

    What else to pay attention to
    Start by testing your assumption. Don't invite him to Russia. Don't agree to visit America right away. Arrange for a nice, romantic meeting in no man's land, in Italy or Switzerland, for example. There, without straining him for all kinds of gifts, just watch.

    Talk and remember everything that he wants to tell you in the heat of the first date. Better yet, write it down. No one knows what information you will need later.

    Pay attention to what medications your fiancé is taking. My friend Tamara, for example, had her future husband taking something. No, it wasn't drugs. Common psychotropic drugs with side effects. During the seduction of a beautiful Russian woman, the American macho stopped accepting them. Tamara got married and at first enjoyed family happiness. And six months later, the husband again became addicted to his favorite “delicacy.” A side effect of these drugs was impotence. This is how they still live: he is in his room, she is in hers. In addition, he also turned out to be a jealous dog in the manger. The poor lady has no sex, no cupcake (in the form of at least some kind of lover).

    Some men like to choose women much younger than themselves. This is not always normal. Photo blu-ray-rezensionen.net

    When choosing a partner, pay attention to age. American men often look for women at least 15 years younger than them. This, of course, is not surprising, but such a desire does not mean one hundred percent mental health.

    Lana was seduced by the offer of a respectable, rich man, to put it mildly, of advanced age. She was flattered by his stability, his desire to please her and give her gifts. And he was flattered by her youth, beauty, and ability to behave in society. She, let’s say, received the key to the sweets shop, and he received a beautiful, expensive toy. After a short time, Lana realized that fulfilling her marital duty towards her elderly husband was not just difficult, but almost impossible. He also realized that there was no end to her “headaches” and “bad mood.” They abruptly demanded the key back to the shop, and in return they brought divorce papers. In general, Karabas-Barabas has played enough.

    In this article I will talk about how much your future husband should earn, and also why it is important to know what city in the USA he lives in.

    This story does not have a happy ending, although there are many good reasons for that. I would like those who are in such a hurry to Russia in the hope of returning with a valuable trophy - the “ideal Russian wife”, could draw some conclusions for themselves from this sad experience. Disappointed in their emancipated Western girlfriends and tired of the materialism of their own women, these men dream of a simple life with someone who is still able to appreciate the charm of traditional values: a good husband, a comfortable home, well-mannered children...

    “Dear Natasha, I have been thinking for several days about your request to publish my story on the pages of your website. I came to the conclusion that maybe the only point of my family battle is to help others avoid a similar fate... My wife is from the “Russian intelligentsia” (in Soviet Russia, if you remember, there were three social classes: the working class , the peasantry and the intelligentsia are the most refined, highly cultured and educated class.) I have always been a simple person with ordinary, uncomplicated needs... My wife’s demands have always been and are much higher than my own: she needs more intellectually, spiritually, materially and sexually. Today she asked me “if I am a homosexual...” Our struggle continues day after day. We probably both understand very well that we made a mistake by getting married...”

    Tom (name has been changed) worked in Moscow for four years. He came to the Soviet Union in 1992, at the very beginning of Perestroika. His future wife worked with him in the same office.
    They were both in a much better situation than most "tourists", who have no more than two weeks at their disposal to meet their Russian "brides". However, instead of using the opportunity for full communication and finding out their psychological and physiological compatibility, they hastened to tie the knot...

    “Our family life was much better while we lived in Moscow. We didn't have time to dig into each other. We were connected by a common cause...”

    Those who have been to Moscow know that no one is bored in this large and lively city! The active lifestyle of the Russian capital easily compensates for the lack of common interests and softens the difference in characters. While at home in Russia, Russian women tend to find all foreigners attractive. Most of them easily fall under the charm and gloss of foreign businessmen. An affair with an American or European makes her friends jealous and raises the heroine to a kind of pedestal in the eyes of others. A foreign passport will almost always provide its owner with success and easy victory in any Russian city. As soon as the “Russian romance” ends in marriage and the Russian woman is successfully taken abroad, her husband’s “foreign charm” instantly loses its power. Now the foreign spouse will have to prove his attractiveness and significance in the eyes of his Russian wife in his own country. The task of not falling in the eyes of your Russian girlfriend is sometimes not an easy one!

    Typically, Russian women (like all other women, regardless of their nationality) are attracted to healthy, wealthy and attractive men. If your foreign passport became the only or main reason why she decided to marry, your family life will face many serious trials.

    “When we arrived in America, we both experienced a huge shock. In my home country I was not as successful in business as I was in Russia. Left without work, my wife began to “take out” her disappointment on me. In response, I did the same. There was no love left between us, and as I realized only now, after a long time, there was little of it at the time of our meeting...”

    Although, according to tradition, a Russian woman has a broad soul and extraordinary tolerance towards her husband, life abroad often changes her character. It is known that the majority of women living in Russia prefer to remain married to their spouses, even if they do not support their families and abuse alcohol immoderately. At the same time, many of those married to foreigners experience great disappointment when their “foreign” husbands do not live up to their high hopes.

    “I feel sorry for my Russian wife... I had nothing to offer her. And how can I be a man when she constantly criticizes me and threatens me with divorce... After daily analyzing my “lost soul”, there is nothing good left in me... Her accusations hurt me. I'm a simple person. I am ashamed that I could not make this woman happy. I'm probably going a little crazy. The only thing I dream about is peace and a little happiness. Thank you for listening. I hope my experience will help someone not to go through a similar nightmare...”

    Nobody expected that I would find that very article in which the American would be described as an animal, all his habits, pros and cons. This means that there are many women who dream of an American prince on a white horse.

    Dating Americans

    To better understand the American man, you need to understand the country in which he lives and is very proud of. The United States of America is a huge country consisting of 50 states and several other territories: American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico. The territory of America is washed by two oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific. Nature is amazing and diverse: mountains, snowy plains of Alaska, sun-scorched steppes and deserts, endless forests, evergreen jungles, the hot coast of Miami. America is modern and beautiful cities, carefully preserved historical places and attractions, a well-developed economy and agriculture, and a socially protected population.

    Dating in the USA

    America is a very multinational country. There are very few indigenous people, Indians, left. All American citizens are, in essence, foreigners who represent the most diverse peoples of the world. Many arrived in the country recently, some with ancestors centuries ago. Discover America through the eyes of an American and you will be able to fall in love with these open and so different people. It is impossible to judge them stereotypically, their natures are so different and contradictory. If you decide to marry an American, you should be prepared for a wide range of his character traits. Meeting Americans always brings with it interesting communication, a lot of emotions and impressions. It is very different from communicating with elegant Europeans, reserved Scandinavians, pedantic and demanding Germans, reserved Englishmen, and emotional Italians. One thing remains - to understand the mentality of the American man, the motives of his actions, actions, desires and motivations.

    The best qualities of American men

    • Americans are very liberal and sociable people, with a positive attitude towards people and the world. More often than not, it doesn’t matter to an American that he knows a person for only one minute, and that by chance your seats on the plane were next to each other. During the flight you will find a very original and interesting interlocutor. The American will certainly tell you how much he loves his country - America. He will be very open with you, very friendly, with complete readiness to help in any matter.
    • When communicating with Americans, always remember that they are very patriotic and will, at the slightest opportunity, emphasize their love for their native country, defend its culture and traditions.
    • American men are always determined to win. Optimism is one of their best qualities.
    • It is very important for them to have a high level of self-esteem, good mood, and a positive attitude. They are taught this from childhood. This takes them a lot of effort and time, but the result is reflected in a wide, white-toothed smile and a constant declaration that everything is fine with them! Of course, Americans are people too! They are afraid of losing their jobs, they are afraid of personal failures, they are afraid of losing fearful people. Despite this, they rarely discuss it publicly.
      A distinctive feature of an American is the desire and ability to joke, inserting simple anecdotes and jokes into the conversation and at the same time having fun from the heart from his own wit.
    • They say about Americans: “Well, just like children,” and there is some truth in this. Openness, good nature, the ability to accept a person as he is, a constant desire to help are the main character traits of this nation. But each of them remains at heart a responsible and serious person who assesses the situation quite realistically.
    • Another advantage of any American is efficiency. It is difficult for an American to understand why a person does not work. They rarely miss work due to colds and other ailments.
    • The main meaning of life of any American man is to achieve success in his field and he selflessly moves forward with this idea throughout his life (“American Dream”). These qualities, as well as a sense of competitiveness, are instilled in children from a very early age.
      American men value their marriage, since divorce is troublesome and expensive. A third of American men are single, many have not even been married.
    • According to statistics, 100% of marriages account for 50% of divorces.

    Children in an American family

    Children in the family grow up somewhat spoiled, at least by Slavic standards. They are allowed a lot, they are protected from anything that could be dangerous to their health or psyche. The entire society is focused on creating a prosperous childhood for children and providing basic education in an accessible form. In the future, teenagers decide for themselves whether to continue their education or not, depending on their chosen life goals. In America, almost everything depends on desire and determination. Many children in America grow up to be self-confident, with a strong psyche and a strong grip. These young Americans know what they want from this life.

    Family for an American

    For an American man, a family is a protected way of life, an indicator of his success and prosperity. A family with a husband, wife, two or three children is considered ideal. Ideally, a wife should not work so that she can run the household and meet and see off her husband and children. But life in America dictates its own rules. In the average young family, both partners work. Children are sent to kindergartens, since 80% are engaged in working activities. Many household chores are distributed in the family depending on who has how much free time. An American husband will mow the lawn, cook dinner or even breakfast, take the children to school or kindergarten, and wash the dishes.

    Respect for traditions

    Observance of family holidays and traditions occupies a special place in the system of family values ​​of any American. There are official and unofficial holidays, and they must be celebrated. This is accepted and is not discussed. Thanksgiving Day is the most important family holiday after Christmas, when all family members come together. At such gatherings there is a traditional table, where turkey is the main dish, and thanking Providence for all the blessings and joys is the most important necessity.

    What is important to an American

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the desire to look 100%, is very “fashionable” for a modern American. Illness, old age, poverty, according to their beliefs, are a consequence of the fact that American traditions are not supported. The desire to be healthy, fit, athletic, eat right and look “super” has recently become an obsession for this nation. Is it bad?

    Recreation and entertainment

    American men like to relax and spend weekends mainly in nature, loading the whole family into a car or a van on wheels. Americans travel a lot by car. Fishing, sightseeing while traveling, shopping or outdoor barbecues are popular. In recent years, almost all sports have become popular, as it is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and excellent shape. The most favorite sports for Americans are American football (national treasure), baseball, basketball, and hockey. Traditional football is not very popular.

    Meet an American

    On the LoversPlanet website you can meet men from the USA for communication, friendship, serious relationships and, possibly, marriage. A sincere relationship with an American will open the way for you to immigrate to the United States. Be open and sincere in your interactions with American men, and they will immediately appreciate these qualities. Take the first steps towards yourself, this way you can really attract the attention of the very man you like. Invite the man you are interested in to a video chat. Chatting with Americans will help you fully appreciate all their advantages, sociability, ability to be loyal and tolerant even of your imperfect English. LoversPlanet is the largest dating site with Americans, where you can actually find an American for a serious relationship and marriage.

    I also found a separate site with US grooms. Is it just me, or has the real hunt for these beauties begun a long time ago?

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