• Dr. Kurpatov was horrified by his aged face. Nostalgia for the box. Where are Dr. Kurpatov and other well-known presenters "you and I are very different" now


    About responsibility.
    Never shift the responsibility for what happens in your life onto someone else's shoulders. I understand that the temptation is great, but have pity on yourself. Attention! Only at the moment when you internally make this decision: "I am the Author of My Failures and the Creator of My Successes" - you will gain strength.

    About illusions.
    Get rid of the illusion that you can change other people. Subconsciously, we all suffer from this naive delusion, and as a result, we suffer in the truest sense of the word.

    Only circumstances change people, everything else is just a delusion of perception. Let others be different, and at some point you will even begin to enjoy it.

    About love.
    It seems to people now that they can endlessly choose their life partner, ideal and unique. The illusion of limitless choice is a terrible delusion.
    If not in every, then in every second person you can find "The One". It is naive to wait for the "Happy Meeting" until the onset of complete loneliness.

    About weakness.
    This is sad news, but nothing can be done about it: others need us strong. Weak, tired, suffering, unhappy - no one needs us.
    Only if others pretend that things are somehow different, then they simply mislead you. Don't give in! Agree with the absoluteness of this rule, exhale, shake yourself up, and you will understand that there is nothing to be upset about.

    About labor.
    Every normal person wants a comfortable pension, and the sooner the better, and preferably right now, right away. This is a chimera.
    And not because there can be no comfortable pension, but because a person needs to work. Realize this, and then your daily work will begin to bring joy.

    About children.
    We give birth to children in order to understand what true love is, to experience true love, to become true love.

    About problems.
    Learn to downplay rather than exaggerate your problems. For our psyche, which itself does not understand anything in this matter, it is better to hear that the problem is trifling than gigantic. And instead of thinking: "My Life Has no Sense" - think that your problems are deprived of it.
    If we can so easily devalue our own lives, why don't we redirect our accusatory sting and devalue the issues that devalue our lives?

    About kindness.
    Never waste your time and energy on those who do not care about you, or even worse, on those who do not love you. In this world, there are a huge number of people with whom living life is a joy.
    Just don't be closed and suspicious. Believe me, being open and kind, you have nothing to lose.

    We wanted to get to know Andrei Vladimirovich better from a personal perspective, so we talked about whether he was always so rational and scientific in his approaches, whether he experienced crises in the course of his work, which helps him to be so productive, where ideas and topics for writing books come from , as well as why he took up questions of thinking and what he wants to come to. Andrey Vladimirovich also spoke about his views on modern science, about his attitude to faith, basic human needs, perception of criticism and important problems of modern digital society.

    I think that the topics that Andrei Kurpatov raises in his books and lectures are incredibly relevant and worth everyone's attention. There are still many questions, but I am glad that I was able to discuss at least some of them personally. Happy listening!

    Video How we came to the search for happiness and is there light at the end of the tunnel

    Red pill. Face it! Andrey Kurpatov

    "Red pill. Face the truth" - serious reading. The book is suitable for those who are interested in the capabilities of the human brain, who are interested in conspiracy theory and understand that in modern society and the system, everything is not as simple as it seems. The author of the work, Andrey Kurpatov, is a famous psychotherapist and psychologist, a person who knows exactly how our brain works. By the way, there is an opinion that the famous philosopher Angel de Poitiers is writing under the pseudonym Kurpatov.

    "Red pill. Face the truth" - a book that explains to readers the principles of the human brain in a very easy and accessible language for everyone. There are no complex and too abstruse scientific terms and formulations in the work. Kurpatov talks about the very nature of human consciousness, he does it very accurately, succinctly, simply and easily, with a fair amount of witty humor.

    In the "Red Pill" the reader will find answers to a number of questions. Why don't we use our brains? Where does the erroneous perception of the world around us come from? And, why doesn't each person have a chance to reach their full potential? Why do we misperceive the world and the people in it? And most importantly, why is it so difficult for most of us to find our way in this world.

    The author very appropriately and vividly builds an analogy with the cult film "The Matrix" and proves to readers that some people skillfully control the minds of others. The "Red Pill" will acquaint each of us with research in the field of neurology and neurophysiology. But, most importantly, is that the "Red Pill" teaches readers how to properly mobilize the resources of their brain and competently manage their minds. In order to learn how to show your own individuality and forget about the imposed stereotypes - read "The Red Pill. Face the truth."

    Red Square

    This term has other meanings, see Red square (disambiguation).

    "Red Square" - a painting by Kazimir Malevich, written in 1915. The title on the back is "Woman in Two Dimensions". It is a red rectangle on a white background, slightly different in shape from a square.

    Exhibited at the exhibition "0.10" in 1915. In the exhibition catalog of 1915, he received a second name - "Picturesque realism of a peasant woman in two dimensions."

    Currently located in the Russian Museum.

    In 1920, Malevich wrote about this painting that "in the hostel, he received more significance" "as a signal of the revolution."

    Xana Blank compares Malevich's Suprematism with the work of Leo Tolstoy. In particular, Tolstoy's story "Notes of a Madman" describes the room where Fyodor begins to experience mortal anguish: "A clean whitewashed square room. How, I remember, it was painful for me that this room was exactly square. There was only one window, with a red curtain. That is, a red square on a white background is, in fact, a symbol of longing. Malevich himself explained the concept of his first "Black Square", that "a square is a feeling, white space is an emptiness behind this feeling." Xana Blank comes to the conclusion that, as in Tolstoy's story, the red square on a white background graphically depicts the fear of death and emptiness.

    The plot of the novel by M. Cruise Smith "Red Square" is built on a play on words: the criminals want to steal the "Red Square", which in English is called the same as Red Square.

    Academy of Meaning

    The Academy of Meaning is an offline course to develop effective thinking skills based on the latest brain science.

    Thinking is our most important resource. People who know how to use it effectively are able to solve the most complex work and life tasks.
    Show in full…

    The Academy of Meaning consists of three courses, three stages of education, the materials of which are based on Andrey Kurpatov's books “The Red Pill. Face the truth! ”,“ Halls of the mind. Kill the idiot in yourself!”, “Trinity. Be bigger than yourself!"

    Detailed information about the courses - https://vk.cc/70B0lS

    Order books “Red Pill. Face the truth! ”,“ Halls of Reason. Kill the idiot in yourself” and “Trinity. Be bigger than yourself!" here https://vk.cc/6VBXm5 .

    To always be aware of what is happening at the Academy, click "Notify about entries" so as not to miss information, and our open events, and other project news related to his daily life.

    Also subscribe to our updates in other social networks:
    1) Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sense.academy/
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    To make it easier for you to navigate the group and read interesting posts, we share a list of our headings and hashtags:

    #articleAS - materials of the Academy participants (articles, transcripts, notes) about the brain and thinking; materials on lectures by Andrey Kurpatov and other scientists;

    #informationAS - recruitment dates, features of admission to courses and other important organizational information;

    #eventsAS - announcements of open events of the Academy, photos and videos of past events;

    #lifeAS - everything with what, how and where the Academy and its participants live;

    #studybooksAS - discussion materials about topics from the Academy books for those who have not yet taken the courses, but want to discuss and better understand the books;

    #casesAS - stories about how and what the participants changed in themselves during or after the training;

    #videoAS - recordings of closed lectures by Andrey Kurpatov for course participants, other videos by A. Kurpatov, as well as videos about the brain and thinking translated by the Academy;

    #quotesAS - the brightest excerpts from the books of the series "Academy of Meaning".

    Saint Petersburg

    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a syndrome of acute poly(radiculo)neuropathy, in the pathogenesis of which autoimmune mechanisms play a decisive role.

    High-volume plasmapheresis is an extracorporeal method of pathogenetic therapy for GBS, which involves the removal of plasma in a volume of at least 140 ml/kg of the patient's weight in one session.

    Intravenous high-dose immunotherapy is a medical method of pathogenetic therapy of GBS, in which human intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) preparations containing at least 95% class G Ig are prescribed at a course dose of 2 grams per kg of patient weight.

    Doctor Kurpatov

    Dr. Kurpatov's books experienced a wave of tremendous popularity immediately after their appearance. The topics that are relevant to most people, which are revealed on their pages, the light style, the abundance of humor and life examples made these books interesting for people of all ages. The first editions had a small volume, the information in them was presented in a concise and accessible form.

    Readers are invited to go through 12 steps, as a result of which a person will be able to get rid of harmful stereotypes of thinking, tension, fears and complexes. Each chapter provides exercises and tasks, the implementation of which makes it possible to consolidate knowledge and better understand the principle of working with one's psyche. Reviews note that all the described steps-tips are non-trivial, simple and effective.

    Russian actress Polina Aleksandrovna Nevzorova was born on October 9, 1981 in St. Petersburg in the family of TV journalist Alexander Nevzorov. Parents met in the church choir, where both were singers. The little girl Paula bathed in her father's love until the age of 9, and then a conflict occurred between her parents. Alexander not only left the family, but also crossed out his ex-wife and daughter from his life. Polina lived with her mother and paternal grandmother Galina Georgievna.

    Actress Polina Nevzorova

    The girl stopped communicating with Alexander Nevzorov not on her own initiative. Despite the tense relationship between father and daughter, the future actress constantly carried a photograph with her. It depicted a happy girl in the arms of Alexander Nevzorov. This photo helped the girl get into the Moscow party.

    Polina Nevzorova and Alexander Nevzorov

    After graduating from secondary school, Polina Nevzorova enters the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. She was accepted to the course of the People's Artist of the USSR Igor Olegovich Gorbachev. The girl studied as a theater and film actress. While studying at the academy, Polina begins to try her hand at filmmaking. A few years later, she even moved to Moscow to further develop her professional career.

    There was something demonic about his appearance. As if diligently ate a sweet boy out of himself. As if before us is not the scientist himself, but the most talented actor. Not natural? Yes! And deliberate glasses ... But it fascinates ... Clothes ... facial expressions ... pauses in words ... Often looks somewhere to the side. He freezes without looking away, with his mouth slightly open... And how he raises his eyebrows!!! Poke at this lecture somewhere in the middle, where he has already "got a taste"... He is now 41 years old. Perhaps he divorced his wife. At least, someone allegedly saw on the page of his wife on FB (was there a page? I didn’t find ...) in 2015 the status of “divorced”. On Kurpatov’s website, in the “private life” section, there is a streamlined phrase: “ Together with the famous Russian writer and screenwriter of feature films and TV series Lilia Kim is raising her daughter Sophia. After the program on "First", which made him super-popular, he headed the project of entertainment programs "Red Square" on the same channel. Now he's just thinking about the fate of mankind and trying to save the world... :) But seriously, he creates a "Cultural Cluster" in St. Petersburg, an art space with conferences, seminars, educational classes, clubs for lovers of intellectual films and books ... A few thoughts from one of his last: Read it, if you're interested... is happening, and therefore we are not aware of the real risk.Everyone is in captivity of the old paradigms, starting with Marxism-Leninism, liberalism familiar to us, and ending with the naive conviction that we have high technology under control.
    In fact, the situation is radically different. And the main problem is that our brain, whose capabilities are very limited, cannot cope with the global information flood.
    Our attention costs money - in fact, it is the most expensive commodity, and there is a struggle for it. We do not realize this, but our life is determined by what our attention is directed to, what it is occupied with. And it is busy with news, series, political cataclysms, thousands of SMS, calls, messages in social networks. Absolute intellectual fast food, entertainment.
    When the brain does not work with information, but only passively perceives it, it does not form its own schemes for organizing information. Essentially, the brain loses its own identity. It's like a kaleidoscope: the pattern looks structural, but it's just the effect of glass reflections in mirrors.
    A person has a feeling that he thinks, argues, makes decisions. But in fact, people are getting worse and worse at the most elementary tasks. Everything is solved in a fire mode, everything constantly breaks down, there is no systematic approach. There is a feeling that in our life a huge number of people who are not able to plan their actions suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
    It's not just unprofessional. The fact is that life becomes more complicated catastrophically: the interface seems to be clear to us, and what stands behind it is a dark forest. We have become consumers of zero degree - that is, we do not even feel the need to think about what we consume.
    The structure of the world becomes more and more amorphous, and the brains, instead of concentrating on understanding the tasks, on the contrary, become dull. In this case, the person becomes more and more aggressive.
    It is clear that due to terrorism, refugees, the stratification of the world into rich and poor, we will come to a new reality with fences around countries, Big Brother, total control, lack of privacy. This is almost inevitable for the Western world, because when chaos sets in, boundaries must be set. But the presence of boundaries on the outside affects the processes inside.
    The structure of education, the system of preparation for life in this "brave new world" must be changed in principle. The academic model of education that has developed since the medieval universities is clearly stagnating today. This model is outdated. Next, we must think about how to teach people to navigate correctly in the abyss of information. We must be prepared for the fact that we will have to find our place next to artificial intelligence. After all, the time is not far off when in medicine a machine will diagnose a patient based on the results of tests and give him an individual medicine. "
    Probably, it was not by chance that I came across these texts precisely after my own. But take a look at the video anyway ... What is the impression of a person? Tired? Internal crisis? Rise above the earthly-petty-bourgeois? An interesting image...

    Andrei Kurpatov is perhaps still the most famous psychotherapist in the country, although the peak of his fame came in 2006, when the TV show "Doctor Kurpatov" was broadcast on Channel One. As he himself assures in an interview with VADEMECUM, the desire to promote psychotherapy among the broad masses of the population led the doctor to television, but he did not use the fruits of education, after the program was closed, he headed the largest television company, Red Square. Now this is also in the past - Kurpatov intends to return to his native St. Petersburg and use the money earned in business to open his own school of psychotherapy, modestly comparing himself with the great Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev, who built the Psycho-Neurological Institute 107 years ago.


    Dr. Kurpatov comes from a large St. Petersburg medical family, his father is Vladimir Kurpatov, a well-known scientist, director of the Center for Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, chief freelance psychotherapist of the Northern capital. Most of the other relatives are also doctors: an uncle is a neuropathologist, another uncle is a urologist, an aunt is a pathologist, a grandmother is a physiotherapist, and a grandfather is a gastroenterologist. The most famous of the relatives is another grandfather, Anton Zandanov, a military doctor who completed his service with the rank of general and as head of the medical service of the Northern Fleet. So the young man did not even have a question about choosing a profession - only medicine. As for specialization, he followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather at the same time - in 1991 he entered the Military Medical Academy (VMA) at the naval faculty with a degree in general medicine, but from the first year he was actively interested in psychiatry, listened to professorial analyzes at Department of Psychiatry VMA.

    Gradually, he became interested in psychotherapy - this direction in Russia was just beginning to develop. “Psychotherapy in the West arose mainly from psychology. In the USSR, psychology, of course, also existed, but it was more of a theoretical nature, it studied perception, attention, thinking and other brain processes. Psychiatrists were directly involved in the treatment of patients, Peter Gannushkin even introduced the special term "minor psychiatry", denoting borderline states - phobias, neurosis, depression, and so on. Therefore, when new methods, such as psychoanalysis, behavioral psychotherapy, humanistic psychotherapy, began to come to Russia, they came primarily to psychiatrists,” explains Kurpatov.

    The same opinion was shared by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, which issued an order at the end of 1995 that finally described what a psychotherapist is: “a specialist with a higher medical education in the specialty “General Medicine” who has experience in the practical work of a psychiatrist does not less than three years and additional training in psychotherapy at the faculty of postgraduate education.

    After graduating from high school, Kurpatov began to undergo an internship at the Clinic of Psychiatry of the Military Medical Academy, although he had to learn a lot on his own, in literature - there were no teachers of psychotherapy in the country yet.

    Perhaps he hoped to eventually become a general, like grandfather, but then an illness intervened in the life of a young doctor.


    In 1998, Andrey Kurpatov had the flu, after which a complication arose in the form of Guillain-Barré syndrome (this is a dangerous autoimmune disease that can literally lead a patient to death from paralysis of the respiratory muscles in just two or three days).

    “I was in the Clinic of Psychiatry, when I suddenly realized that I couldn’t urinate, I couldn’t feel my legs, my reflexes started to fall out. Fortunately, the Clinic for Nervous Diseases is nearby, I immediately ended up in intensive care, and this saved me, ”recalls Kurpatov.

    He spent a month in intensive care, then there was a long recovery period, then there was a relapse. As a result, he was commissioned from the Armed Forces for health with the rank of senior lieutenant, since then he walks with a cane.

    I had to get my life back on track somehow. Kurpatov recalls that in 1999 in the First Crisis Department of the City Psychiatric Hospital No. 7 there were two suitable positions (the order of the Ministry of Health prescribed to have one psychotherapist for 25,000 adults), but what a psychotherapist is and why he is needed, the hospital did not really understand. One rate was divided between psychiatrists, but the second could not be divided, so a young specialist had to be hired.

    “At first they didn’t give patients and generally looked at them as some kind of strange monster,” he says.

    The turning point in the relationship occurred after he cured a young patient with psychotherapeutic methods, who was already almost dying of anorexia - the girl weighed less than 30 kilograms, and psychiatrists could not help her.

    “I gradually gained credibility with my colleagues and eventually headed the St. Petersburg City Psychotherapy Center (GPC),” Kurpatov describes his career. By the way, the center, created by order of the city administration in 1999, is successfully operating to this day, is located in the same 7th GPB, and now, in addition to performing other duties, it is headed by Andrey Kurpatov's father, Vladimir Kurpatov.


    Having received a new position in the GOC, the young doctor began to vigorously develop psychotherapy in St. Petersburg. The center dealt with the problems of suicide, beer alcoholism, gambling addiction, psychosomatic disorders, and also conducted a free outpatient reception of citizens at the expense of the city budget.

    “We started conducting research, studying the prevalence of mental disorders in the city, and we ended up with one and a half mental disorders per head, because a person can suffer from alcoholism and anxiety disorders, one does not interfere with the other,” says Kurpatov.

    The main problem was that people suffered, but did not go to be treated. Even physicians did not know about the possibilities of the new discipline of psychotherapy, let alone patients. And if doctors could still be “reached out” with the help of special brochures and speeches at industry conferences, then patients had to be educated in some other way.

    And then Kurpatov came up with the idea of ​​publishing a series of popular science books. He had the first such manuscript ready a long time ago - he wrote it for his patients so that they could study independently while the therapist was in the hospital. No sooner said than done, having thrown off with friends, the doctor in 1999 published the book "12 Steps to Happiness" at his own expense. The book was seen at the Neva publishing house, where Kurpatov's wife, the young writer Lilia Kim, was published, and they offered to continue the work.

    Thus, a series of three dozen non-fiction books was born on parenting, conflicts in the family and at work, interpersonal relationships and other topical everyday problems. According to Kurpatov, the books did not bring much income, the author's fee was about $500. “At the time this project went commercial, my income was not determined by the book business,” he says. They began to be defined by television.


    Like most doctors who succeeded in business (the story of Alexander Bronstein -, VADEMECUM # 5 (72) of February 9, 2015), Andrey Kurpatov was helped in a new field by influential patients. The psychotherapist helped "one very famous businessman from Moscow" lose 80 kg of excess weight, and in 2003 he introduced his doctor to Roman Petrenko, who then headed the TNT channel. The TV producer, already familiar, as it turned out, with Kurpatov's books, immediately offered to make a "psychological" TV show - live psychotherapy sessions.

    The pilot episodes of the program were filmed for two years, eight of them were filmed in total. However, irreconcilable contradictions emerged between the TV channel and the doctor - the producers wanted the material to be "sharper", and for this it was necessary to invite fake "patients". “I can’t and won’t work with dummies, I told them so,” Kurpatov recalls. As a result, they parted amicably with the TNT channel, he says.

    Then Kurpatov turned to the well-known producer Andrei Razbash, the founder of the Wings of Media company, who began to offer the transfer to other channels. Alexander Rodnyansky, who then headed the STS Media holding, reacted favorably, he just recently launched the Domashny TV channel, which needed to be filled with content, and the producer decided that the show with a psychotherapist fits perfectly into the “family” format.

    In May 2005, programs began to air on Domashny under the name “There are no problems with Dr. Kurpatov” (later the name was slightly changed - “We will decide everything with Dr. Kurpatov”). The broadcast format was as simple as possible - a studio, a table, two chairs, a doctor and a patient. The programs were noticed, they began to discuss, after television popularity, the circulation of books also went up.

    Almost immediately, disagreements began with the producer, and Andrei Kurpatov had to leave Razbash. “My colleagues and I rented a three-room apartment. One room was the studio, I lived in the other, the editing room was in the third, and the editing room was in the kitchen. So they did up to 30 transfers per month. Fortunately, this did not last long, ”recalls Kurpatov.

    Relations with Domashny ended in December 2005. Kurpatov says that the TV channel decided to make a similar program on its own in order to save money, but nothing happened. “Such programs have their own audience, but I would not exaggerate their popularity. The fact that the program lasted less than a year both with us and on Channel One pushes us to certain conclusions, ”says a former employee of Domashny, who wished to remain anonymous.

    Indeed, in 2006 the program moved to the First, the country's main TV channel. Kurpatov assures that the producers of the TV channel called him themselves. Here the program was more like a real show in a large studio with invited viewers and celebrities.

    According to TNS Russia, the most popular program, “Doctor Kurpatov”, was watched by more than 2.8 million people on August 6, 2006 (for more details, see the Teletherapy infographic) - about 10 times more than on the Domashny TV channel. ". However, in the spring of 2007, the program ceased to be broadcast. Kurpatov assures that he himself decided this: “I made all the thematic programs that I wanted and closed it.”


    Andrei Kurpatov claims that he was engaged in television projects solely for the sake of popularizing psychotherapy in society, and not at all for the sake of fame or personal enrichment. Forbes magazine calculated that only in 2005 the enterprising doctor's income could amount to $ 1.8 million (mainly due to the publication and reprinting of books), but later Kurpatov indignantly denied this data in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, calling this figure "unthinkable" .

    The doctor was also criticized by fellow psychotherapists. “On the one hand, the cycle of such programs outlines the range of problems that are solved mainly with the help of psychologists or psychotherapists, and thus the promotion of such services among the population is carried out, but, on the other hand, what is shown on the screen does not at all correspond to the real work of a psychologist or psychotherapist with client. A real therapy session does not correspond to the television format, it is painstaking, by no means spectacular work. The sessions of Dr. Andrei Kurpatov leave the viewer with the impression of a miracle performed by an all-powerful psychotherapist in 15–20 minutes. In reality, this kind of effect cannot be achieved in a short, single session, and the audience, deciding to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist, will be disappointed in their expectations, and such a result can hardly be called useful, ”says Vergine Avakyan, clinical psychologist at the Clinical Center for Psychical Development and psychoanalytic research of children, adolescents and adults at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

    “The advantages of the program are that the topic is raised, not hushed up, people should understand that many of their problems can be solved by specialists. The minus is an insufficient understanding of the depth of these problems, which must be solved for years, carefully, using not only psychotherapeutic, but also drug treatment. It would be better if popular science films were made about what the psyche is and how it works,” agrees Vladimir Mendelevich, head of the Department of Medical Psychology at Kazan State Medical University.

    The TV program could not, of course, cure anyone, Kurpatov admits, but it brought its benefits. “Before, people were afraid of the word “psychotherapist”, and now those who criticized me proudly declare their profession and hold conferences on psychotherapy. I know that I made a very important change in the minds of the audience for psychotherapy,” he says.

    Of course, it is difficult to give an objective assessment of whether psychotherapy has become more popular. At the end of 2014, the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) conducted a survey “Do Russians go to psychotherapists?” and compared its results with the data of a similar survey conducted in May 2006, that is, the year of the release of the program “Doctor Kurpatov” on Channel One falls within the period under study. The results are mixed. 35% of those surveyed in 2006 and 39% in 2014 answered positively to the question of whether it is beneficial to turn to psychologists and psychotherapists. However, the number of negatively-minded citizens also increased - from 18% to 26% (for more details, see the infographic “I believe I don’t believe”).


    - So you are a producer? I asked him.

    “Yes,” he shrugged modestly, without any challenge and even, one might say, modestly. - He worked and worked and now ...

    He waved his hands at the sideboard through which we were passing at that moment.

    “But more, of course, I am known as Dr. Kurpatov,” added the producer.

    – So who are you, a producer or a doctor? I tried to clarify.

    - How can I tell you? Our profession suggests that one should always be a little... – he hesitated.

    - Producer? I asked.

    “No, doctor,” he replied.

    This is how Kommersant journalist Andrei Kolesnikov described in 2009 his rather unexpected meeting with Andrei Kurpatov in the role of Eurovision producer in Moscow. It turns out that after the closure of his program in 2007, the psychotherapist did not part with television, on the contrary, he took up it even more thoroughly.

    The charming doctor was noticed by Larisa Sinelshchikova, the most influential person in the domestic show business, the founder of the VID television company and the former common-law wife of Konstantin Ernst, general director of Channel One OJSC. Just in 2007, Sinelshchikova carried out a reform - she transferred the production of television programs and other types of television-related businesses from VID to a new structure she created - the Red Square group of companies.

    “The founder, Larisa Sinelshchikova, invited me to become the vice president of Red Square for corporate construction, we knew each other very well, in fact, one of her companies produced my program for Channel One. And I’m not only a psychotherapist, I’m primarily a methodologist, I know how large systems work and how to properly organize and structure this work, ”Kurpatov explains his appointment.

    “The career of a TV presenter did not work out very well for him, at that moment he helped Larisa a lot, somehow treated her, well, he gained a lot of confidence. But, of course, these are all rumors. Nobody knows for sure. Well, Larisa suddenly took this psychoanalyst as the commercial director of the Red Square studio, - in 2011, the Afisha website quoted the television manager who wished to remain anonymous.

    Be that as it may, Andrey Kurpatov worked at Red Square for seven years in various positions, from general director to chairman of the board of directors. Gradually, the company became the largest producer of television programs in the country. When the well-known entrepreneur Arkady Rotenberg acquired a controlling stake in Red Square in 2014, the amount of the company's annual revenue was announced - 9.1 billion rubles.

    Andrei Kurpatov categorically does not want to talk about his income during his work in the Red Square. Artur Shamilov of the Top-Contact recruiting company estimated that a high-level manager in a company like Krasny Kvadrat could receive a compensation package of $100,000 to $500,000 a year. By the way, the doctor's wife, Lilia Kim, took part in the work - she became the screenwriter of several TV series and feature films shot with the participation of Red Square.

    In 2014, after the change of the main shareholder from Sinelshchikova to Rotenberg, Andrey Kurpatov stopped working at the Red Square company, although he denies the connection between these two events: “I wanted to leave a long time ago, this work is not my life's work.”


    Andrei Kurpatov believes that the process of establishing psychotherapy as a system of practices in our country has not yet ended. In his opinion, the market will follow the European and American path - it will be divided into psychiatry and a system of certain associations representing various psychotherapeutic schools and guaranteeing the patient the quality and conscientiousness of service.

    He would like to create one of these schools himself. “First of all, I am not a doctor, but a methodologist,” explains Kurpatov. - In my youth, I chose the specialty quite by accident, but if I chose now, I would choose methodology, systems theory. Even my medical monographs are devoted primarily to methodology, to the correct organization of knowledge. I would like to organize the release of specialists with a systematic education in psychotherapy. But it was clear that psychotherapy would not earn money for your school, so I got into television.”

    Now he has funds, moreover, they have already purchased real estate, judging by the SPARK database, in St. Petersburg, on Dostoevsky Street. The Higher School of Methodology, founded by him, will be located there, which in the fall of 2015 will begin recruiting those wishing to study psychotherapy according to the method of Andrei Kurpatov. According to him, the training will be conducted on a non-commercial basis, and the financing of the enterprise will be provided by a restaurant and a hotel planned in the same place. He does not name the specific amount of investment: “I have invested a lot and do not regret it, I want it to be good and comfortable there.”

    The second line of work is advising enterprises on the methodological aspects of doing business. Perhaps one of the first clients will be Red Square, with which Kurpatov formally broke up, but, according to him, continues to provide consulting services.

    “I am now 40, I have 20 years of active life left, after that my brain will begin to turn slowly into a set of memories. And for these 20 years I want to do what I could not do, because no one but me and my friends and colleagues needed it. I acted like Vladimir Bekhterev - his institute was built with his own money, ”says Kurpatov.

    mental health, psychiatric care, kurpatov

    Remember how we laughed at jokes Igor Ugolnikov in his "Good Evening", sympathized with the heroes of the program "Doctor Kurpatov", blushed, looking at Elena Hangu who, without a shadow of shame, spoke to her viewers “about it”? At some point, the presenters of these and other programs beloved by millions disappeared from the screens. Where are they now, says AiF.ru.

    Andrey Kurpatov

    We know and remember the psychotherapist Andrei Kurpatov thanks to two projects: “We will decide everything with Dr. Kurpatov” on the Domashny channel and “Doctor Kurpatov” on Channel One. Disappearing from the screens, Andrei did not break his connection with television. From 2007 to 2015, he held various senior positions at the Red Square Group of Companies. This is the largest Russian producer of television programs (“Who wants to be a millionaire?”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Voice”, “Exactly the Same”, “Big Difference” and many others).

    Today, fans of the doctor can see their idol on the Internet. In 2017, Kurpatov started YouTube channel It has a permanent audience of over 100,000 people. On the Web, the TV presenter gives lectures and periodically answers subscribers' questions addressed to him. At the same time, the former chief psychotherapist of the country is the president of the Higher School of Methodology and founded the Mind Games intellectual cluster in St. Petersburg, where Kurpatov's restaurant with the telling name Symposium is located. There you can not only order stewed beef brisket with perlotto and broccoli inflorescences, but also taste spiritual food. In a huge bookcase there is a special selection of intellectual books, which, according to Andrey, can brighten up the leisure time of visitors. Perhaps among this list there are also the doctor's own works. Only this year, several bestsellers came out from the pen of a psychotherapist at once: “A Tutorial on Philosophy”, “The Halls of the Mind. Kill the idiot in you!" and the Red Pill.

    As for the personal life of the TV presenter, his marriage to the screenwriter Lilia Kim came to an end. A few years ago, a woman moved to live in the United States. Relations between the former spouses remained friendly, Kim even lectures in the intellectual cluster of Kurpatov.

    Igor Ugolnikov

    Igor Ugolnikov's television career was more than successful, but after the Good Evening with Igor Ugolnikov program, the last release of which we could watch in 2002, he went into the shadows in a sense. No, he could be seen on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, and then - and the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire, but not on blue screens.

    A new wave of talk about Ugolnikov arose at the moment when the film "Brest Fortress" began to be prepared for release, where the TV presenter was the general producer and author of the idea. The next high-profile project that the former showman took on was Battalion. And today Igor is producing the third film about the war: "Ilyinsky frontier". It is filmed in the Kaluga region.

    But this man does not live by producing alone. Ugolnikov continues to act in films himself, although not always in the lead roles, plus he enters the theater stage. In particular, he can be seen in the play "Bad Habits" along with Daniil Spivakovsky, Albina Dzhanabaeva And Sergei Shakurov. And in 2018, the TV presenter joined the new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region.

    Mikhail Shvydkiy. In 2008, this creative union even received the Tefi award in the Talk Show Host nomination. When the program was closed, Perova appeared in one project or another, but few people remember their names today. In 2013, a serious scandal erupted around the TV presenter: her car crashed into a Mercedes standing on the side of the road. When Elena was taken to the hospital, doctors found cuts on the star's wrist and suggested that the girl first tried to commit suicide, and then got behind the wheel in this state. Later it turned out that at the time of the accident she was in a state of intoxication, for which she was deprived of a driver's license. This whole situation gave rise to a rumor that the TV presenter was suffering from severe depression. In general, such a version could be true, because after the project “Life is Beautiful” Perova was never able to regain her former popularity, and her singing career also did not work out. However, Elena herself completely rejected the version of a suicide attempt and any problems, saying that she had injured her arm as a result of an accident.

    In the same ill-fated 2013 for her, she decided to try her hand, as they say, behind the scenes, becoming the editor-in-chief of the directorate of music and entertainment programs on Channel One. However, she did not stay in this position for a long time, the last job of the TV presenter was the program “Coming from Childhood” on “Children's Radio”, although this cooperation turned out to be short-lived.

    Andrei Kurpatov last year was not only one of the most prominent television personalities, but also an important character in the public consciousness. After working with TNT, he switched to Domashny and became one of the faces of the channel.
    All the more unexpected was the disappearance of Kurpatov from the air at the peak of his popularity. Kurpatov did not tell anyone in detail how and why, but in a conversation with our correspondent he revealed himself.

    - You suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared: from where and where?

    – There was no “suddenly”. It was a terribly long, progressive, step-by-step process. Five years ago, I headed the St. Petersburg City Psychological Center, designed to organize the work of all municipal psychotherapists in St. Petersburg. And then I faced so many obstacles that I had a feeling of paralysis: there is no place to work, no rates, opening a new office is a problem, and as soon as it opens, it immediately becomes so busy that the doctor does not have time for anyone. I agreed with patients, including journalists - they gave me the opportunity to write a column in the newspaper, for free, about various mental states. Just for the sake of promoting psychotherapy, which is marginal in our country, but all over the world has long been helping people survive. After that, I began to write books, but no one published them. Then all this began to be sold, bought, republished in Moscow, local clients appeared - people of not the last analysis.

    – Can you name any of these influential clients?

    - Well, of course not. Professional ethics does not allow. Take my word for it, these were influential people... and in need of psychological help, because the degree of a person's influence is most often directly proportional to his frustration. Both the rich and the poor are seriously injured in our country ... They brought me to television, purely in a friendly way. They started talking about the fact that a psychologist can do something on television. And then TNT ordered the first pilot, which was filmed in 2003. Everyone said: Kurpatov is not the host, they won’t watch it, it’s boring. I do not deny that this is not a spectacle. But it is quite fascinating if you sit down and delve into it. Among the professionals, my colleagues, there is mass hysteria: behind every negative response one reads: “Why not me?!” Yes, for God's sake, please, am I disturbing someone?! We left TNT and started working with a production company. My departure was due to the fact that the TNT channel offered to work with decoy patients, artists. I would be ready to agree, I am a non-conflict person, although the authenticity of all the stories was originally laid down in the project. They recorded one program with fake ones - nothing happens, I myself see that you don’t believe anything. Then I left, the format remained at the disposal of TNT - well, where are all these psychotherapists who could do just as well? I don’t watch them, unfortunately ... Then we turned to one production company, with which we soon parted, because we - me and the creators of the program who left with me - were not satisfied with its services. After that, the company began to conduct auditions for psychologists - and nothing came of it either. This professional jealousy of some colleagues is incomprehensible to me: I don’t block anyone’s path, earn a professional and human name, start working - nothing supernatural. From the outside, everything is easy and, as you put it, suddenly ...

    And with the Domashny channel - this cooperation arose thanks to Alexander Rodnyansky, many thanks to him. Formally, the reason for the disappearance of my program is an expired contract.

    Why didn't you restart it?

    - The channel, it seems to me, does not really imagine what to do with Dr. Kurpatov. A discrepancy between our ideas about the program was revealed. It seems to me that this should be a conversation. The channel wants a certain slot of medical programs to appear, in which I would act not as an interlocutor, not as a therapist, but as a presenter, showman, partly technical character ... This is not part of my tasks.

    – What is included?

    – Demonstration of the possibilities of psychotherapy. However, I do not at all claim that watching my programs is healing.

    - People no less influential are turning to you now, for sure, than five years ago ...

    – They do, and quite high-ranking ones. But I don't practice right now. The daily program, on which only four people work besides me, leaves no time to eat, let alone hold a reception.

    “Well, what if the Most High-Ranking calls?” He also has one hundred percent chronic stress ...

    - A rhetorical question. He won't call.

    - Why?

    – Professional knowledge. I know a little about people. He won't call, that's all.

    - But if the practice resumes, will you charge a lot for a consultation?

    – I am not a cheap doctor, and my work costs money.

    - Without psychotherapy, without you in particular, the country will not be able to return to normal?

    “This is going to sound terribly brazen, but no.

    Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov is an extremely significant figure not only in the field of psychiatric research, but also in the popularization of science. During his career, he has published more than a dozen books, founded a huge intellectual project "Mind Games", released on the YouTube platform. Created hundreds of scientific articles, reviews and videos. Today he is the President of the Graduate School of Psychiatric Methodology.

    Early biography

    Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov was born in Leningrad on September 11, 1974. He chose the profession of a psychiatrist as a child, following the example of his parents. Doctor Kurpatov's father and mother were military doctors. After graduation, he entered the Naval School named after Admiral Nakhimov. Having received a military specialty, Andrei Vladimirovich follows in the footsteps of his parents and submits documents to the Sergei Mironovich Kirov Military Medical Academy at the Faculty of Naval Affairs, where he received the specialization "doctor".

    On the basis of the education received, he expanded the scope of his knowledge. From 1997 to 1999 he received three more specialties - psychiatrist, therapist and psychotherapist.

    Student period

    While studying at the academy, Dr. Kurpatov was one of the main researchers in theoretical psychiatry. He was engaged in consideration of the mechanisms of psychological adaptation to unforeseen circumstances of life. He practiced his theory under the guidance of a mentor, Professor Alekhine. In the competition for young scientists held in St. Petersburg, he won first place for research in the field of adaptation and habits.

    Despite the huge success in the international competition, Andrey Vladimir Kurpatov's main work turned out to be a failure. At the same time, the Department of Psychotherapists and Integration Psychiatry was created on the basis of the Kirov Military Academy. This structure provided training in the use of new techniques for the treatment of borderline mental personality disorders. The knowledge gained by Dr. Kurpatov during his studies at this department formed the basis of a new direction in the treatment of diseases called "systemic psychiatry of behavior."

    recognition, disease

    Being engaged in scientific research in the field of humanitarian knowledge, psychotherapist Andrey Vladimirovich Kurpatov compiled a new system of methods. It was formed on the basis of principles that differed for each field of knowledge. Thus, in 1996, Dr. Kurpatov published his first scientific monograph, which was called "The Beginning of Psychosophy". He wrote it in his last year at the academy.

    In 1997, an event occurs that turns the career of a budding specialist on its head. Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov is experiencing a rare neuroinfectious disease - Guillain-Barré palsy. Postoperative rehabilitation took two whole years, which significantly pushed back Dr. Kurpatov in his research. Due to the consequences of his illness, he was expelled from the armed forces of the Russian Federation. I had to forget about the military career. During a long treatment, he first tried his hand at writing a book. Andrey Vladimirovich Kurpatov published the book "Happy of his own free will", which became a bestseller. It is an excellent tool not only for those suffering from mental illness, but also for ordinary people.

    Professional activity

    Since 1999, Dr. Kurpatov has been working at the Pavlov Clinic of Neurosis. Andrei Vladimirovich got a job in one of the most difficult departments - for patients in crisis. He was engaged in the treatment of patients with suicidal tendencies and other severe psychological illnesses. At the age of 25, he created and headed the first Center for Psychotherapeutic Assistance in St. Petersburg, became the organizer of the methodological department of psychiatry under the administration of the Health Committee.

    The program of Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov had a broad focus and was included in the scope of the initiative for the urban development of assistance to people with mental illness. This was the first step towards the general retraining of humanitarian doctors, in particular psychologists. Among other things, Dr. Kurpatov conducted a huge study of the spread of borderline mental disorders among residents of St. Petersburg.

    Also during this period, Andrey Vladimirovich launched a new program of licenses for medical institutions, which made it possible to increase the level of qualifications and medical care for the population.

    Research in the early 2000s

    The results of Kurpatov's research in the field of the spread of psychosomatic and borderline states of citizens made it possible to reveal an accurate picture of the general condition of the average resident of Russia. This made it possible to determine the tendency of Russians to psychosis, suicide and violence, as well as to determine the level of alcoholism and drug addiction throughout the country.

    On the basis of the works of Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov, many textbooks on the methodology and research of psychiatry were created. For his contribution to the development of the medical field, the scientist was awarded the title of a member of the Expert Group under the Council of the Russian Federation. It was thanks to Kurpatov that advertising of alcoholic and tobacco products, as well as the casino and gambling halls industry, was limited in the CIS.

    Dr. Kurpatov - popularizer of science

    A doctor has become an extremely rare example of a person who develops his field not for the sake of money, but to help his people. It's no secret that after the advent of the 90s, the level of medicine, and even more so of psychiatry, was at a deplorably low level. The famous scientist himself suffered from an extremely severe form of a neuroinfectious disease. Throughout his conscious life, the psychotherapist has been publishing popular science articles in newspapers, magazines, and publishing books. He hosts an author's psychiatric show on YouTube.


    • "Fear Pill" One of the very first works of the specialist. In the book, the author criticizes the modern treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, calling it the most common manifestation of neurotic fear. The doctor gives some useful tips on how to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorders and start a normal life. Also in the book you can learn about the nature of human fears and the system of their appearance.

    • "Decisions for Every Day". The book is perfect for those who have never encountered a psychiatrist or psychotherapist in their lives. The work tells how to solve the simplest everyday problems, how to avoid petty and unpleasant conflicts. Dr. Kurpatov was able to help millions of people in choosing a profession, explained how to behave better in a team and calm the homely atmosphere. Also in the book there is a description of the classical ways of human behavior.
    • "Stress and depression". Throughout life, a person faces many problems that do not always end without consequences. Dr. Kurpatov talks about the causes and consequences of the appearance of stressful conditions, as well as methods for overcoming them.

    Kurpatov on TV

    In 2003, the doctor began his career on TNT. He was offered a contract, according to which his program was to be released every Sunday. It is not known for certain why, but the project was curtailed and the rights were transferred to the Domashny TV channel. The new format began to appear in 2005, and after a year of broadcasts it was transferred to the First.

    Personal life

    Andrei Vladimirovich Kurpatov met his future wife at one of his sessions. The girl suffered from suicidal tendencies, to which Andrei Vladimirovich advised her to read Dostoevsky's novels and prescribed medication. Sympathy developed between them.

    Today, the couple is raising a daughter, whom they named Sophia, a reference to the work of the great writer.

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