• Short-term project in the junior group of the preschool educational institution on the topic: Friendship. Calendar and thematic planning in the second junior group "travel to the country of friendship and kindness" Week of friendship in the junior group


    Entertainment in the preschool educational institution "Smiles of Friends". Younger preschool age

    Elena I. Kameneva
    Description: Methodical development intended for preschool educators working with younger children preschool age... This entertainment is aimed at the formation of emotionally positive relationships in the children's team.

    Target: Creation of a joyful, cheerful mood.
    Learn to establish interpersonal contacts, teach to follow the rules of the culture of behavior, teach children to be polite in communication. Expand the understanding of friendship; to deepen the understanding of children about kindness, as a single inalienable quality of a person.
    To develop in children communication skills, memory, thinking, attention, emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other's help in a difficult situation.
    To foster a benevolent attitude towards peers, a sense of collectivism, support, kind, comradely attitude towards each other, to promote the rallying of the children's team.

    Entertainment progress:

    Educator: Hello guys! How glad I am to see you all. Get up in a circle, join hands, let's drive away the sad mood and give each other the kindest smile.

    Exercise "Joy begins with a smile."
    Stretched to the sun
    The rays took
    They pressed to my heart
    They gave it to people
    And they smiled.

    Educator: And now I will tell you a story. Smile lived in one city. The smile was very kind, gentle, welcoming. All people were happy to meet her. They vied with each other to invite her to visit, tried to treat her, cheer her up and make friends with her. Smile gladly went to visit, helped people and tried not to offend anyone, either old or small.

    Once in the city where Smile lived, a very Evil Man appeared. He was unhappy with everything, angry about every occasion: his sweets were not sweet, the snow was not white, the sun was not bright, the bread was not tasty, and his children - his children were always naughty. He was angry with everyone: the weather and people, but most of all he was annoyed by the children.
    Showing a picture of an evil person on a computer screen.

    The Evil Man's Voice: Why are you here today? Sit smiling.
    Educator: Today we have a holiday "Give a smile to a friend."
    Evil person. Holiday! I hate the word smile. And why are you all smiling? The weather outside is bad. V kindergarten the teachers are evil. You are not allowed to indulge. Toys are forced to clean up. Savory porridge is cooked in the garden. They make you eat soup for lunch. They don't give ice cream, chips and Coca-Cola. Make your hands wash. And the worst thing is that they make you sleep in a quiet hour.
    Educator: Can a smile affect a person? What do you guys think? Let's help this wicked person to become kind.
    Children's answers.
    Educator: But first, I want to know what kind of guys you are - good or bad.
    I will tell you the task, and you must respond with movements. Just listen carefully and answer correctly.

    Social and communicative game "Listen carefully!"
    Join hands for ice cream lovers.
    Stomp your foot for those who want to offend friends.
    Raise your hands in the air for those who love exercise.
    Clap your hands for those who are not helping mom.
    Place your hands on your belt for those who like to visit.
    Spread your arms to the sides for those who like to do dirty tricks.

    Join hands for those who love cartoons.

    Educator: I see that you guys are kind. And I suggest you play with smiles. Now, attention, we will give each other a smile!

    Game "Pass a smile".
    To the music of gr. "Fidgets" "Give a smile to the world", smiling, alternately turn to the neighbor on the right, and clapping their palms on the neighbors' palms, as it were, convey a smile.

    Educator: Here we are with you transmitted smiles to each other. We are true friends. Friendship is when people want to be together, when they play together and do not quarrel. Friends are people with whom we are interested and comfortable. Guys, do you know what real friends should be? We will now check it out. I will ask questions, and you answer "yes-yes" or "no-no".

    Game "Yes-yes-yes, no-no-no"
    Will we be good friends? (Yes Yes Yes)
    To cherish our friendship? (Yes Yes Yes)
    Will we learn to play? (Yes Yes Yes)
    Will we help a friend? (Yes Yes Yes)
    Do you need to piss a friend off? (no no no)
    And give a smile? (Yes Yes Yes)
    Is a friend worth offending? (no no no)
    Shall we drink tea with friends? (Yes Yes Yes)
    Will we be good friends? (Yes Yes Yes).

    Educator: Become a circle soon. Let's tell you how to be friends.

    Physics "Good Friends".
    If a friend smiles at you
    You, too, smile at him. (Smiled at each other)
    If a friend bows to you
    Bow to him too. (Bowed down)
    If a friend shared with you
    You also share with him. (Stretched out their palms in turn)
    And then tightly, tightly
    You hug him. (Hugged with a neighbor and a teacher)

    Educator: Are you guys polite?
    Do you know the polite words?
    Well, well, now we'll check it out!
    I will make riddles for you, and you try to guess them!

    1. Ice block will melt
    From a warm word ... (thank you)
    1. The old tree stump turns green
    When he hears ... (Good afternoon)
    1. When scolded for pranks
    We say sorry ... (please)
    1. If you cannot eat more,
    Let's tell mom we ... (thanks)

    Educator: Well done boys! Words: "Goodbye!", "Thank you", "Sorry",
    "Please", "Hello" -
    Give generously!
    It is impossible without them
    To live in the world.
    These words are necessary
    Give with a smile.
    Educator: And I wanted to ask you, do you know how to draw smiles? Then I invite you to play my favorite game "The Cheerful Artist".

    Game "Cheerful Artist".
    Children draw smiles on pre-prepared emoticons.

    Educator: Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
    Give a smile to your friends.
    Love the smile, keep the smile
    - We cannot live without a smile!
    The Evil Man's Voice: Oh, and you know everything. It can be seen and really live in kindergarten amicably and cheerfully. I do not want to be a Villain anymore, I will be Kind!
    A picture of a Kind Man appears.
    Educator: So our smiles helped to soften the Evil Man.

    Dance "All friends are in this hall."

    Give each other warmth and smiles!
    Forgive insults, other people's mistakes.
    A smile is powerful and worth the reward.
    Just a smile - and you will be glad!
    Let's give each other our smiles again.

    The song "Smile"

    2. Introductory part.
    Friendship conversation (in a circle)
    Purpose: to update the knowledge of children about the importance of friendship, to develop dialogic speech, the ability to select definition words, verb words, to activate vocabulary.
    Q: Children, we have been talking so much about friendship lately, tell me, where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with a kind word, with a joint game, with the manifestation of care, help)
    Q: Whom do we call friend? (a person who helps, regrets, protects, shares toys, can help out, teach what he himself can do, will yield to a friend)
    Q: if you want to have good friends, what should you be yourself? ( good friend, kind, non-greedy, well-mannered, benevolent)

    Exercise "I'm sad, I'm happy"
    Purpose: development of the emotional sphere of children.
    Q: How do you feel when there are no friends around? (lonely, melancholy, sad) Pretend melancholy. (showing pictogram) And when you have friends, how do you feel? Show joy. (thumbnail display)
    Q: "It's great when there are friends in the world!" It's great when everyone is happy.
    Q: do children in our group know how to be friends? (know how)
    Of course, I think that all the children in our group are friends.

    3. The main part.
    Reading a poem about the friendship of Yu. Entin.
    Purpose: to form the ability to listen carefully to a friend, catch the main idea, answer questions, encourage friendly relations
    Q: Now Yaroslav will tell us a poem about friendship, and you listen carefully and tell what advice to friends sounds in this poem?
    Yaroslav reads a poem by Yu. Entin.
    The breeze is friends with the sun,
    And the dew is with the grass.
    A flower is friends with a butterfly,
    We are friends with you.
    Everything with friends in half
    We are happy to share!
    Friends only quarrel

    Q: What advice did you hear? What do friends need and don't need to do? (Need to share and do not need to quarrel)
    Q: That's right, and if you accidentally quarreled, what should be done? (make up) How? (apologize, regret, hug, pet, say to peace)

    Physical education "Let's be friends with each other"
    C: to stimulate children to friendly relationships, to form the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, to act collectively, in concert.
    Physical minute "Let's be friends with each other."
    Let's be friends with each other (alternately stretch out their hand to each other)
    Like birds with the sky (reach out with your hands up, standing on your toes)
    Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
    Like the wind with the sea, (they shake their arms above their head along with their torso)
    Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
    How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

    Surprising moment.
    Purpose: motivation of children.
    Etiquette situation.
    Objective: To continue teaching children to use polite words in speech.
    There is a knock on the door.
    Seryozha (doll) enters.
    Educator and children: Hello!
    Q: What's your name, boy? (Seryozha)
    Children, let's get to know our guest, tell us what your name is (Each child holds out his hand to Seryozha and says his name, Seryozha answers - very nice)
    Q: Why are you so sad?
    Seryozha: no one is friends with me.
    Q: why is no one friends with you? Tell us. (Brings Seryozha to his ear)

    Solving a problem situation.
    Purpose: to expand children's ideas about friendly relationships, to form the ability to analyze actions, find the right solution, develop children's speech, and foster a desire to help.

    Reading a poem by a teacher.
    They do not want to be friends with Seryozha.
    What is the reason? Who will help?
    He began to play with Irinka,
    But he broke her typewriter.
    I ran after the ball with Slava
    And pushed him into the ditch.
    Our Sergey is used to jokes -
    Kolya showed his tongue.
    Shouted loudly to the kids:
    - Hey, little ones, can I come to you?
    Nobody needs Sergey ...
    Why aren't they friends with him?
    Q: Tell me, children, why is no one friends with Serezha? (he offends everyone, breaks toys, calls names, pushes)
    Gender focus.
    First the girls (if they wish) come up to Seryozha and tell him advice, then the boys.
    Q: Let's help Seryozha, what advice will we give him? (children's answers)

    Acquaintance with a new word. Pronunciation in chorus.
    Purpose: expanding the vocabulary of children.

    Q: (summarizing the children's answers) of course, children, you are right so that Seryozha has friends, and we all need to be benevolent - to wish everyone good and not offend, to put it another way - friendly. Let's say a word in chorus and remember it.

    Q: Now let's sing a song about friends, and Seryozha will listen to us attentively.
    (children and the teacher sing a song under musical accompaniment)
    The teacher brings Seryozha to his ear and says:
    -Serezha thanks us for our advice and for such a wonderful song and says that he understood, you can't be rude, then you won't be lonely, you can't offend anyone, on the contrary, you need to help and protect your friends.
    Q: Well done, Seryozha, we hope you will improve and you will have many friends. We will gladly share our friendship with you and tell you what kind of children we are.
    Let's stand in a circle (and Seryozha is with us) and handshake our friendship to each other, share it with Seryozha.

    "Relay of friendship"
    (The teacher begins: “I will give you my friendship with a handshake, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and finally returns to me again. I feel that there is more friendship, since each of I added a piece of my friendship to you. May it not leave you and warm you, and Seryozha, too)

    "True friends" chant
    Pronunciation in chorus.
    Purpose: the attitude of children to friendly relations, to form the ability to hear each other, to pronounce the lines in chorus.

    Q: Let's say a phrase about what kind of friends we are.
    We are all true friends
    A real family.
    Learning together, playing
    And we help each other.
    We live a lot of fun
    Year after year, day after day.

    Q: Seryozha says that he understood how great it is when there are friends, and he will never offend his comrades again, but will be friends with everyone.
    Q: Well done, Seryozha. He says that he will go to his comrades, apologize for the trouble he caused them and make friends with them.
    Seryozha says goodbye to the children:
    -Goodbye kids!
    -Children: Goodbye, Seryozha!
    Q: Come and visit us. We will be glad to see you. (Seryozha thanks, leaves)

    4. The final part.
    Reflection. Open end of the lesson (maintaining positive emotional feelings)
    Q: Children, what good deed have we done with you today? (helped Serezha understand that he needs to be able to be friends and value friendship) Let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with words - yes, yes, yes. Or no, no, no. Be attentive!

    Word game "Yes, yes, yes" - "No, no, no."
    Will we be good friends?
    To cherish our friendship?
    Will we learn to play?
    Will we help a friend?
    Do you need to piss a friend off?
    And give a smile?
    Is a friend worth offending?
    Shall we drink tea with friends?
    Will we be good friends?
    Q: Well done!
    Q: Let's dance to the familiar song of our friends, we will be glad that we are such friendly children.
    Music sounds, children dance.

    Work continues to unite the children's team and the main task of the educator, according to the "From birth to school" program, is to provide conditions for moral education children, to teach to live in harmony, to promote the emergence of joint games. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the educator creates play situations and draws the attention of children to the analysis of good and bad actions, encourages children to discuss. Description of observations, verses about friendship and educational games for children can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" You and I are friends! "

    Social and communicative development

    For the emergence of role-playing games, the educator in the field of social and communicative development plans the situations "Dad came home from work", "Let's give the doll tea". A viewing of the cartoon "The Grimy Girl" is organized in order to teach children to watch their appearance, performing elementary work assignments, exercises aimed at the ability to distinguish between their emotions.

    Cognitive development

    Cognitive development will be facilitated by looking at pictures, didactic math games"Lay out correctly", "Find a pair", board game introduction - "LEGO" "Collect a tree". The teacher plans a cognitive and research activity "Magic Mitten", which will help children learn the features of a magnet, its ability to attract other objects.

    Speech development

    Work continues on speech development children. The teacher offers children games such as "Name it affectionately", "Summer or autumn", etc. In addition to daily reading of fiction, it is planned to retell the tale "Two Greedy Bears" using a mnemonic table. Exercises "Echo", "Quiet - loudly" contribute to the development of voice power.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    To develop interest in drawing, the teacher organizes the creative activity "Gift". When tinting a sheet, children discover a hidden wax image, which gives them great joy. In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, an application "Christmas tree and a house", round dance games and an examination of M. Prishvin's painting "Falling Leaves" are also planned.

    Physical development

    In the course of outdoor games, skills are formed to play together, walk and run, not bump into each other. During the walk, the teacher invites children to play "Train", "Sun and Rain". Great attention in the field physical development given to exercises for the development of the respiratory system "Inflate the ball", "Angry hedgehog". This week, children look at their teeth in a mirror and listen to a story about the benefits of dairy products.

    Check out a snippet of the thematic week


    OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Organization game situation"Dad came home from work." Purpose: to promote the emergence of joint s.r. games.Examination of the painting "Children are playing." Purpose: to form the ability to carefully consider the pictures.Exercise "Name it affectionately." Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children, to teach the use of words in a diminutive form.Drawing with the subgroup "Gift" (candle and paint). Purpose: to form the ability to tint a sheet of paper, to develop an interest in drawing.Exercise "Angry hedgehog." Purpose: to promote development correct breathing, strengthen the respiratory system.
    WalkAssignment "Disassemble the pencils." Purpose: to form a desire to participate in feasible work.Observation of leaf fall. Purpose: to continue your acquaintance with the autumn signs.Di. "Help Bear". Purpose: to consolidate generalizing concepts: toys, vegetables, fruits, etc.Games with a constructor. Purpose: to consolidate the previously acquired skills in independent play.P. and. "Train". Goal: continue to form the ability to walk and run in a column one by one, listen to the signal. P. and. "From bump to bump." Purpose: to develop the ability to jump on two legs with forward movement.
    2 p.d.Game situation "It is bad to be alone." Purpose: to promote the formation of joint games.Cognitive research activity "Magic mitten". Purpose: to find out the ability of a magnet to attract some objects.Reading G. Tsyferov "About friends". Purpose: to encourage children to repeat short passages from the work.Laying out a Christmas tree and a house from geometric shapes. Purpose: to develop spatial perception.Examination of the teeth in the mirror. Purpose: to acquaint children with oral care methods.


    OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Exercise "Give the doll tea." Purpose: to form the ability of children to perform game actions.Di. "Expand by color" (any options). Objective: to develop the ability to group objects by color.Exercise with fruit nuts or massage balls"Nut". Purpose: to stimulate the development of speech through fine motor skills.Round dance game "We are walking through the forest." Objective: to work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.Exercise "Inflate the ball". Purpose: to help strengthen the body systems.
    WalkSweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach correctly, to use brooms.Di. "Divide into groups." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify vegetables and fruits according to the place of growth.Ball exercise "Summer or Autumn". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the signs of autumn, to form a coherent speech.Drawing with external material. Purpose: to promote the development of visual skills.P. and. "The sun and the rain." Purpose: to teach children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other.

    "Visit the bunny"

    Educator Ovchinnikova E.I.

    Demonstration materials: steam locomotive, chest, mittens


    1. Form friendly relations in a team, contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relations, a negative attitude towards rudeness.

    2. To cultivate communication skills, empathy, positive emotions.

    Course of the lesson:


    The bell is mischievous
    Build the guys in the circle.
    The guys gathered in a circle.
    On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
    Let's hold hands together
    And we will smile at each other.

    Children, what is your mood today?

    Show (smile).

    Or maybe we have our mood for someone

    give? (Yes).

    Children, today I want to offer you a trip on a steam train.

    Will you come with me? Get into the trailer.

    The song "Steam Locomotive".

    Steam locomotive, steam locomotive

    Brand new, shiny

    He drove the cars,

    Like real.

    Who is on the train?

    Our kids,

    We went on a visit.


    Oh, what happened? Why did our locomotive stop and the music no longer plays?

    Who is this? (bunny).

    Let's say hello (say hello).

    What do you think bunny? (sad, sad).

    Why do you think? (does not smile).

    Who do you think could offend him? (fox, wolf).

    What fox?

    Let's ask him?

    Bunny, what did she do (took the mittens).

    Children, can you call them friends? (No).

    Why? (offended, took the mittens).

    Who are friends?

    Friends are those whom you love, whom you are glad, without whom you miss.

    Can you call us friends? (Yes).

    Why? (we do not offend, we share toys).

    "Let's be friends with each other"

    Let's be friends with each other (alternately stretch out their hand to each other)
    Like birds with the sky (reach out with your hands up, standing on your toes)
    Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
    Like the wind with the sea, (they shake their arms above their head along with their torso)
    Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
    How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

    Good - bad game.

    Playing together is good

    Quarreling is bad.

    To offend each other is bad

    Sharing toys is good.


    Guys, can we help the bunny? (Can).

    Let's find the fox and return the mittens to the bunny.

    Look, there is a path, let's follow it,

    let's see where it will lead us?

    Bunnies walked, raising their legs along the path (they walk, raising their legs high). Ponytails pressed (go squatting). Raised the paws up (hands up). Here is a trickle in front of us, bunnies jump, bunnies jump (jump). Then the bunnies went into the forest, they came to visit the foxes.

    The fox is sitting, and in its paws is a chest.

    Forgive me, friends, I will never offend again (hands over the chest).


    Here is a wonderful chest

    He is a friend to all the guys.

    I really want to all of us

    See, well, what is there?

    Look in the chest and see what is there? (take out mittens).

    You need to reconcile a bunny with a chanterelle.

    Let's go fox with a bunny to put up with.

    Guys, how are we going to reconcile them?

    Word game "Yes, yes, yes" - "No, no, no."
    Will we be good friends?
    To cherish our friendship?
    Will we learn to play?
    Will we help a friend?
    Do you need to piss a friend off?
    And give a smile?
    Is a friend worth offending?
    Shall we drink tea with friends?
    Will we be good friends?

    The game "Fox and Hares"


    Bunny and fox reconciled, how can they be called now? (friends)

    Are we friends too? (Yes).

    Let's show everyone how we can be friends (take each other's hands).

    And now it's time for us, the kids are leaving (the children get into the trailer).

    Music plays: the locomotive hummed and drove the trailers.

    Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu, far away I'll rock.

    Planning thematic week Friendship Week

    Topic of the week: Friendship week

    Target: Raising positive character traits in children, promoting team building, motivating children to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people.

    Final event:

    WORK WITH PARENTS: consultation "Is your child kind?"; design of baby books about good and friendship.

    organization of an exhibition of children's works: drawings, applications.

    Day weeks, Topic Activity

    Monday"Give people kindness" 1. USPD


    CHL Conversation « Know how to cherish friendship

    To form the ability to listen and understand a work of art, an idea of friendship.

    M. Zoshchenko "Stories about Lele and Mink", I. Dyalutite "Hands of a Man", M. Zoshchenko "Stories about Lele and Mink", I. Dyalutite "Hands of a Man",

    play activity D / i "Good bad" Form an idea of ​​good and bad deeds. Ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

    Di "Good bad"

    Word play ... stimulate the development of verbal communication; evoke sympathy, the desire to help others. Word play "Who will say more kind and warm words".


    « Friendship is a wonderful word» introduce the rules friendship; show the importance of true friends in a person's life; teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends. poster « Friendship is a wonderful word» , recording a song "Smile", cards with words-qualities of a friend, cards with letters of the word « friendship» , proverbs about friendship

    Molding "Gift to a friend" To form the ability to sculpt according to the plan, to consolidate familiar sculpting methods. Induce desire to do nice gift friend. Plasticine, stack, oilcloth


    Chatting with children Bring up friendships in the group... Reveal the importance of mutual understanding, mutual assistance.

    game activity Game-situation "Give a gift", Induce the desire to give gifts to friends. Develop a monologue speech.

    play activity Game "Guess the mood",

    Cards "My mood"

    The game "I shouldn't - I should".

    Strengthen the ability to consciously make a choice and explain it.

    Day weeks, topic Type of activity, O. O. Activity name content material

    Tuesday "Politeness" 1. USPD


    "Morning of joyful meetings" create a positive attitude towards week, encourage active communication through the game.

    game game "Guess the emotion" Strengthen the ability to recognize an emotion and name it. The game "Guess the emotion"

    communication Conversation with children "Let's never quarrel!", Clarify children's ideas about concepts "good", "evil", "Benevolence"

    To foster in children a benevolent and respectful attitude towards others. Illustrations

    Cognition - FEMP "My four-legged friend" Enrichment and deepening of children's ideas about pets living in the apartment, the way of care and communication with them. Exercise in ordinal up to 3. Math set, illustrations

    music Drawing, "My four-legged friend" Develop the ability to independently draw an animal. Carefully paint over with pencils, choose the right colors.

    Paper, pencils

    Shadow theater "Zayushkina hut" Introduce shadow theater. Arouse interest in fairy tales, a sense of empathy. Shadow theater "Zayushkina hut"

    Music game - dance "Dance in pairs" develop empathy (focusing on emotional condition and the behavior of the other) in children by stimulating eye and tactile contact; optimization of relationships in the group. Record player.

    play Sl / s "Call it affectionately by the name of your friend" Develop speech activity, treat each other kindly. Cause a joyful mood from communicating with each other.

    Day weeks, topic Type of activity, O. O. Activity name content material

    Wednesday "Good will not die, but evil will disappear" 1. USPD

    Game activity Situational story games "The cat and the hedgehog on the swing", "Help the squirrel", enrichment with experience of effective interaction in a situation of conflict of interests.

    Playful activity

    construction didactic games: "What is good, what is bad",

    "Symbol friendship»

    Application "We friendly guys» Develop communication skills, friendly relations with peers. Contribute to the generation of good feelings for each other

    Learn to compose complex sentences. To intensify the dialogical speech of children. Foster respect for each other

    "A tree for friends"

    Viewing m / f "How to Become a Friend"

    Board game ("Mosaic") "Bouquet for a friend"

    "Pie for a friend"

    The game: "Magic hands".

    optimize group relationships by encouraging physical contact between children; overcoming egocentrism, emotional alienation in preschoolers. The game: "Magic hands".

    Day weeks, topic Type of activity, O. O. Activity name content material

    Thursday "Do Good" 1. USPD

    communication conversation give people kindness. "

    Clarify children's ideas about concepts "good", "evil", "Benevolence", their importance in people's lives; to form the ability to evaluate the actions of others;

    Stimulate the development of figurative thinking and creative imagination of preschoolers;

    To foster in children a benevolent and respectful attitude towards others. Toy Hare, courtesy chest, letter, envelope with kind words, a bundle with a crossword puzzle, animal hats by the number of children, Miracle tree, hearts, a sheet of Whatman paper with a heart, felt-tip pens, paper, glue, scissors,

    The game "Children in a cage" based on poems by S. Marshak. To acquaint children with the life of animals in a zoo. To cultivate interest, love for nature. "Children in a cage" based on poems by S. Marshak.

    Wild drawing "Working with schemes-emotions" Develop imagination, imagination, logical thinking.

    "Handkerchief for a friend"

    Continue to acquaint with the Dymkovo toy, see a variety of images (Young lady, animals, highlight a new composition - a cellular pattern. Illustrations of a Dymkovo toy. White paper 15 * 15 cm, gouache.

    finger theater « Friendly family » . "Reverse etiquette" self-playing.

    Motor activity P / and "It's boring, it's boring to sit like that" develop relaxedness; to educate attention, self-organization, the ability to interact with each other.

    The game "Bridge friendship» . to develop an orientation towards the behavior and emotional state of another, the ability to see the positive in the other, overcoming indecision, constraint, optimize relationships.

    "Bridge friendship» .

    Day weeks, topic Type of activity, O. O. Activity name content material

    Friday "Holiday "In the world of kindness" 1. USPD

    Get to know-to-study Conversation « Know how to cherish friendship acquaintance of pupils with the rules friendship.

    show the importance of true friends in a person's life;

    to teach benevolence and condescension, the desire to understand each other;

    teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends.

    Viewing m / f "Zainkina hut" Deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Viewing m / f "Zainkina hut"

    "Travel to the land of kindness"

    deepen the understanding of children about kindness, about "What is good and what is bad", improve communicative qualities (the ability to listen to comrades, express their opinions, the skills of cultural communication with peers, cultivate friendly relations with each other.

    Buratino doll, Petrushka doll, attributes for roles, musical escort: song of the train from Romashkovo, song "If you have fun - do it!", music to dance, music for listening when we swim across the gentle sea, theatrical screen, bibabo dolls (mice, Leopold the cat, storyteller costume, magic chest with a watering can, a book, scotch tape, a leaf and a felt-tip pen, a box with seeds, hearts for a gift for every child and a sweet gift "Cockerels".

    play game "I shouldn't - I should" To form the ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.

    To cultivate a respectful attitude, sympathy, responsiveness to peers, people around them.

    Strengthen the ability to consciously make a choice and explain it. The game "I shouldn't - I should"

    play game: "Magic hands"... optimize group relationships by encouraging physical contact between children; overcoming egocentrism, emotional alienation in preschoolers.

    The game: "Magic hands".

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