• Speech corner in kindergarten in kindergarten. principles of organizing speech corners presence of a game character filling a variety of material. Corner on speech development in the second junior group - Presentations - Methodical piggy bank - Website upbringing


    One of the most important conditions for the successful upbringing and teaching of children is the developmental environment (subject-spatial) in the group and at the site of the kindergarten. In order to find out what the subject-spatial environment should be in the 2nd junior group, what toys, didactic material, zones (corners) you need, you can refer to the following documents:

    1. SanPiN, where you will find the sanitary requirements for the placement of equipment.
    2. FGOS DO, requirements for the protection of the life of pupils, principles of constructing PRS, comprehensive equipment of the educational process, accounting for ZPD.
    3. The program according to which your preschool institution operates.

    Subject-spatial environment in the 2nd junior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

    Board game "Patch up the rug"

    The game "Patch up the rug" is very easy to make. Glue white geometric shapes on sheets of colored paper and pass through a laminator (once we just glued the cardboard with tape), make holes with a hole punch and make a fringe, cut out geometric shapes of the same color separately.

    Children are happy to patch up rugs.
    The carpet is an indispensable item for the second junior group. In addition to the theater, any textbook can be placed on it. In our case, these are geometric shapes and multi-colored droplets (you can work individually).

    And here is the modern version of the game "Collect the flower". If you disassemble a flower, then from knitted circles you can assemble a caterpillar, a tumbler, etc.

    Touch panel "Underwater world"

    Also in the sensory area, we have equipped a panel "Underwater World", using which you can develop fine motor skills of the hand in different ways. The panel is attached to the back wall of the shelf, which separates the training area from the play area. For the background, we used an ordinary shower curtain with a marine pattern, but you could find an oilcloth, self-adhesive film, or just paint and varnish.

    Different materials were used to create the underwater world: we made fish from sandpaper, dishwashing sponges, knitted fish and starfish with beads look great. Algae are made from pieces of felt with ribbons for tying sewn on, pebbles - simple cotton pads. Lots of tactile sensations, right?

    An interesting underwater inhabitant is the octopus. To make it, you only need different ribbons and cardboard. Try to make a great manual for children.

    In the corner of mathematics, kids are greeted by a cube, a cone and a cylinder. By the way, there should still be manuals like "Many, one, none", handouts, various nesting dolls, cubes, inserts, etc.

    In the active speech area, you will find breathing simulators, lexical card indexes, a mini-library and games that broaden the horizons of children, for example, "Who eats what?"

    The natural area has everything you need for experimentation, plant care and nature observation.

    The model "Babushkino Compound" allows you to expand the knowledge of children about the features and benefits of pets.

    Our kindergarten uses a multicultural education program in its work, according to which in the 2nd junior group we introduce children to a folk toy. Therefore, we put together a mini museum of wooden toys and designed it like this:

    Hope you have an idea already! Fine!

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    Equipping the speech corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the second junior group. Nikiforova A.O. Group No. 13

    1. Formation of the vocabulary 1. Based on the enrichment of ideas about the immediate environment, continue to expand and activate the vocabulary of children. 2. Clarify the names and purpose of items of clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, furniture, modes of transport. 3. Develop the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collars, pockets, buttons), quality (color and shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper breaks easily and gets soaked, glass objects break, rubber toys, after squeezing, restore their original shape), location (outside the window, high, far, under the cabinet). 4. To draw the attention of children to some similar objects (a plate - a saucer, a chair - a stool, a fur coat - a coat - a sheepskin coat). 5. Develop the ability to understand generalizing words (clothes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds, etc.); name parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night); name pets and their babies, vegetables and fruits. Tasks of speech development in accordance with the requirements of the modern Federal State Educational Standard:

    2. Formation of sound culture of speech 1. To improve the ability of children to clearly pronounce vowels in words (a, y, u, o, e) and some consonant sounds (p - b - t - d - k - g; f - v; t - s - h - c). 2. To develop the motor skills of the speech motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, to clarify and consolidate the articulation of sounds. 3. Develop the correct tempo of speech, intonational expressiveness. 4. To form the ability to pronounce words and short phrases clearly, to speak calmly, with natural intonations.

    3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech 1. To improve the ability of children to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case; use nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, for, about). 2. Help to use singular and plural nouns in speech, denoting animals and their babies (duck - duckling - ducklings); the plural form of nouns in the genitive case (ribbons, nesting dolls, books, pears, plums). Treat the word-creation of children as a stage of active mastering of grammar, suggest to them the correct form of the word. 3. To help children receive from uncommon simple sentences (consisting only of subject and predicate), common by introducing definitions, additions, circumstances into them; make sentences with homogeneous members ("We will go to the zoo and see an elephant, a zebra and tigers").

    4. Formation of coherent speech 1. To develop a dialogical form of speech. Involve children in conversation while looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; observations of living objects; after watching performances, cartoons. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the speaking adult. Remind children to say “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “good night” (in a family, group). 2. To develop initiative speech of children in interactions with adults and other children. In order to develop initiative speech, enrich and clarify ideas about the objects of the immediate environment, provide children with pictures, books, sets of objects for independent examination.

    It is advisable to place the speech corner next to the book corner. The design of the corner should be aesthetic. Play material must be accessible to the child. Do not overload the corner with equipment. An integral attribute of the speech corner should be a toy - an “animated character”. When organizing a speech corner, the following requirements must be observed:

    We use material from the corner of knowledge: D idactic games to develop the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons), quality (color and its shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper breaks easily and gets soaked, glass objects break, rubber toys restore their original shape after squeezing), location (outside the window, high, far, under the cabinet). freshwater ", etc. 1. Formation of the dictionary

    2.Sound culture of speech

    Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech

    Thanks for attention!

    On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Comprehensive lesson on the outside world in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the second junior group "Vodichka, vodichka"

    Comprehensive lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the second junior group "Vodichka, vodichka" Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of the properties of water (clean, cold, hot, warm) To consolidate knowledge of toilet items and ...

    Complex lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the second junior group "Vodichka, vodichka"

    Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of the properties of water (clean, cold, hot, warm) To consolidate knowledge of toilet items and their purpose. Arouse interest in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills. Call ...

    Pedagogical work with children in younger groups: education of correct physiological breathing; clarification of the pronunciation of vowels and some consonants; clarification of pronunciation in onomatopoeia; systematic exercise of articulatory gymnastics; development of fine motor skills of hands through special play exercises.

    In the middle group: development of phonemic hearing, speech breathing and speech attention; expansion and activation of the dictionary; telling about the different qualities and properties of objects of the man-made and natural world; acquaintance with the rules of dialogue through theatrical and play activities; motivation for statements of different types; development of fine motor skills of hands in the process of various types of children's activities.

    In the older group: development of articulation and correct pronunciation; development of phonemic hearing; expansion and activation of the dictionary; exercise in the use of generalized words in speech; exercise in the use of numerals in speech; development of dialogical speech; development of fine motor skills of hands in the process of various types of children's activities.

    In the preparatory group for school: the development of phonemic hearing, speech breathing and speech attention, intonational expressiveness of speech; expansion and activation of the dictionary; drawing up and pronouncing dialogues in everyday and educational situations, in theatrical activities; development of spatial representations; expanding the ability to navigate in the plane of the sheet and in various rulers; preparation of hands for writing in various process. types of children's activities

    Organization of the speech area DIDACTIC GAMES AND EXERCISES (on cards) DIDACTIC GAMES AND EXERCISES (on cards) for the development of correct sound pronunciation for the development of correct sound pronunciation for the development of the articulatory apparatus for the development of the articulatory apparatus for the development of speech breathing for the development of speech breathing for the development of fine motor skills motor skills verbal games phrases, verses, sentences, nursery rhymes, phrases, verses, sentences, nursery rhymes

    PICTURES on lexical topics depicting natural phenomena depicting natural phenomena depicting household items depicting household items depicting the main parts of objects depicting the main parts of objects depicting the labor of adults depicting the work of adults depicting the color, size and quality of objects depicting colors, size and quality of objects depicting actions depicting actions depicting plural objects depicting plural objects to reconcile nouns with numerals to reconcile nouns with numerals starting from the middle group subject and plot for composing descriptive stories subject and plot for compiling descriptive stories

    Board games; games for the development of fine motor skills: lacing, puzzles, mosaics, "dry pools"; starting with the middle group of the scheme for composing descriptive stories; pictures with a gradually developing plot; reproductions of paintings by famous artists; individual mirrors; games for the development of phonemic hearing.

    Catalog In each age group, a catalog of the material located in the speech corner is compiled according to the following scheme: 1. Didactic games and exercises: a) for the development of sound pronunciation; b) for the development of speech breathing; c) for the development of articulation; d) for the development of phonemic hearing; e) for the development of fine motor skills; f) word games; g) desktop printed. 2. Pictures, paintings and reproductions of paintings.

    Ostapova Galina Ivanovna
    Position: educator
    Educational institution: MBDOU d / s 67
    Locality: Kiselevsk city, Kemerovo region
    Material name: An article from work experience.
    Topic: "" The organization of the subject-developing speech environment in the junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the DOI "".
    Date of publication: 14.11.2016
    Section: preschool education

    Organization of the subject-developing speech environment in the junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the DOI An important component in the development of speech in younger preschoolers is the creation of a subject-developing speech environment. In our group, we are building a subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. One of the conditions for full-fledged speech development is a competently organized developing subject-spatial environment. The environment should be: 1. Content-rich. 2. Transformable. 3. Multifunctional 4. Variable. 5. Affordable. 6. Safe. The 1st junior group should have bright toys of different sizes, object pictures with a plot accessible to children, books for reading and viewing. In the 2nd junior group, you can already distinguish a separate area with games and materials for the development of speech. These are sets of plot pictures, object pictures, didactic games, toys for the development of fine motor skills, fiction, various types of theater. Theater is one of the favorite activities of children. Our children know how to dramatize fairy tales: "Teremok", "Chicken Ryaba", "Turnip" and others. We widely use the bibabo puppet theater, finger theater and flannel theater. Theatrical activity contributes to the development of intonational expressiveness
    speech, evokes positive emotions, interest in reincarnation. The music corner contains various musical instruments that help develop the ear for music of children. We use them in didactic games “Let's hear what you hear”, “Guess what sounds”, “Knock louder and quieter”.
    Children willingly play musical instruments and outdoor games with their use, for example, "Zhmurka with a bell", "Merry tambourine". The group has created a center for sensory development, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations, visual perception, auditory analyzers, smell and the development of all mental processes. Large mosaics are collected here,
    puzzles, pyramids, insert toys, lacing, stencils, etc. There is a book corner in the group. Various works of art have a great impact on the development of children's speech. We acquaint children with fairy tales, stories, talk about what they read, learn poems. Children on their own
    view illustrations in books. To develop correct physiological breathing, we use toys and simulators such as: spinners, pipes, balloons, sultans, butterflies, snowflakes, leaves on strings, soap bubbles. An important role in speech development is played by interaction with a music worker in music lessons. Dances, games with singing, musical exercises, develop children's attention to speech, because they must perform certain actions, movements in accordance with the instructions of an adult. Learning and singing songs develops speech, and playing musical instruments develops auditory
    perception of children. In physical education classes, in the selection of outdoor games, the physical education worker takes into account the topic that the children are studying at the moment. For example: the topic “Transport” - outdoor games “Sparrows and a car”, “Airplanes”, “Train”; theme "Spring" - "Birds in their nests", "The sun and the rain"; poultry theme means games
    “Mother hen and chickens”, “Cockerel”, etc. Work with parents is a significant factor in the development of the speech environment. For them, the following developmental zone is proposed - the reception area, the purpose of which is to create a unified society of teachers and parents.
    It includes: 1. Information stands with teachers' recommendations, consultations, memos. 2. Folders-clamshells with recommendations for organizing the regime, children's leisure time, materials for games and homework. For great opportunities for the development of the speech of babies, we have created a card index of physical minutes, myriloks, poems, phrases, finger games, which we actively use in dynamic pauses, in the classroom, in the morning, before
    lunch, afternoon tea and other regime moments - washing, dressing, preparing for bed. Subject pictures and board-printed games have rich opportunities for the development of speech. They allow teaching children to correctly name the depicted objects, group objects by shape, size, purpose.
    For the timely development of speech, it is necessary to teach children to play together as early as possible. The play center allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of play skills, the implementation of play ideas, the upbringing of friendly relationships in which their direct verbal communication takes place. Play corners are equipped with attributes for role-playing games, taking into account the age characteristics of children. In conclusion, I would like to say that the construction of a subject environment is an external condition of the pedagogical process, which allows organizing the independent activity of a child and must perform educational, upbringing, organizational, and communicative functions.

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