• Daily planning 2nd junior group April. Scheduling in the second junior group for April. Check out a snippet of the thematic week


    Tatiana Konovalova
    Scheduling in the second junior group for April.


    MONDAY 1 04 13

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favourite toy" develop the child's spoken language. In KGN- continue teaching children how to use cutlery correctly. Labor - to continue teaching children to prepare tables for meals and for classes. P / I- Inflate the bubble "Who is it?" "The bear has a pick"


    Theme: "Bunny"

    (Komarova Art. 75)

    goal: To learn to divide plasticine into the required number of parts, when sculpting the body and head, use the technique of rolling plasticine in circular movements between the palms. When sculpting ears - by rolling sticks and flattening. Strengthen children's interest in sculpting familiar objects, consisting of several parts. Foster creativity, initiative.

    Words of a slave. ears, torso, head.


    WALK: Cap, drip, I drip

    In my april

    On the spring trail

    The droplets are ripe.

    Watching the rain, what rain? (strong warm, where do the drops fall? What does it leave on the path? Is it good or bad when it rains? Why? - to learn to determine the strength of the rain and its consequences. "The sun and the rain" "Gray zainka" "Which one?" - fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix the jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S \\ R I "Let's give the bear tea" continue to teach to play with friends in a friendly manner, to be able to negotiate roles. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on their own.

    EVENING "The Sun and the Rain" bring joy to children. P / N "Who is faster" "Toy shop" "Swan geese"

    TUESDAY 2 04 13g

    P / N "Fox in the chicken coop" -to develop dexterity. P / N "Who is faster" -learn the element of the relay. DI "Name the item by description" "Touch ..."



    Memorizing a poem "The grass turns green" A. Pleshcheev. Didactic exercise "When it happens".

    (Zatulina-111 Gerbova-70)

    goal: Teach children to memorize a short poem, read it with natural intonation. Strengthen the ability of children to answer questions with simple sentences. Develop observation, attention, memory. Develop an interest in nature.

    Words of a slave. turns green


    WALK: The kitten has smooth fur

    And she must be sweet

    Because Vaska is red

    Often, often licks the fur.

    Observing the cat that walks around the site. What is the kitten's coat? What are his eyes? What does a kitten have on its head? And what is on the kitten's face? Do you know what to feed your kitten with? What is his body covered with? Do you think the kitten has really sweet fur? –Forming how to treat animals correctly. P / N "Cats and Mice"-to develop dexterity. P / N "At the Bear in the Forest" -to learn to pronounce words clearly in the text. DI "Clothes and Vegetables" (green, brown, blue)


    "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" "Barbershop" small groups and play for a long time. Games with the constructor teach you how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use Zhenya L, Vicky P Dima S. Make sure that the children talk WEDNESDAY 3 04 13g.

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What is the name of your loved ones" - to fix the names of moms, dads, grandfathers, sisters, VK GN - to teach without a reminder to use a napkin after a meal, rinse your mouth. P / N "Mother hen and chickens" "Mice and a cat" "Pick by color" "Puff" and empathize with the heroes.

    KNOWLEDGE. (Posina page 35)

    Prog sod. Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample within three. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes. To cultivate perseverance.

    Words of a slave. circle, square.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK. Sun bell

    You get up early

    Wake us up early

    P / N "Birds are flying"-to develop the physical data of the child. P / N "On a flat path".DI "Touch ..." to train children to recognize objects made from various materials... Swinging teach patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha, continue to learn sounds (Moo-moo, pee-pee)

    Hardening procedures. Continue teaching children to dress and undress themselves in sequence ... Reading the verse "The swallow has come running) "Find your place" "Knock down a pin" "The sun and the rain" "SCORE" teach children the ability to compose short story about the subject, to consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which the toys are made. Talk to the parents of Anya and Katya Z how to dress the child in group?

    P. D. D. "Find your car".

    goal: Consolidate knowledge of different types of transport, act on a signal.

    THURSDAY 4 04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About the season"what morning was it? How are people dressed? What has changed in nature? Teach children to name the signs of spring, answer questions with complete sentences. P / N "One bird, two bird!" exercise children in performing movements, teach counting. P / N "Sun and rain" develop agility. DI "Which one?" fix colors with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In KGN continue to eat neatly, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings.

    KNOWLEDGE. (Dybina st 34)

    THEME: Clay plates.

    Prog. content. To acquaint children with the properties of clay with the structure of its surface. Fix the properties of the sand. To cultivate accuracy in handling natural ingredients.

    Words of a slave. clay, sand, free flowing.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK: Dandelion, dandelion

    Yellow sarafan

    Grow up dress up

    In a little white dress

    Watching a dandelion, but the guys, the sun warmed the earth, woke up the green grass, and together with the green grass appeared to the light and yellow flowers -dandelion. They opened their eyes, raised their heads, looked at the sun, smiling. The sun is yellow and the dandelion is yellow, the sun has rays and the dandelion. We pluck the flower, we examine the stem, the head, and the leaves remained in the grass. DI "Find the largest dandelion", long stem ... P / N "Sunbeams" develop agility. DI "WHAT?" "F" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, to bring up diligence. At the end of the walk, allow the children to pick one dandelion at a time and give it to the nanny. Reinforce the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. P, in group - to speak in a half voice.

    CIRCLE. "Why and why"

    Topic Seeds of annual flowers and preparation for their sowing "

    Purpose To acquaint with the seeds of annual flowers. Teach children to plant them in the ground, to determine their germination. Strengthen the ability to observe plants. Foster a desire to get results.

    EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue teaching children how to dress and undress on their own before going to bed, and keep an eye on their appearance. P / N "WHO IS FASTER" "Visiting Mishka" continue to learn to play together with friends to develop a simple plot together. Talk to Dima P's parents about keeping a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach on their own, find something to do. Read the story at will, plant Friday 5 04


    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About birds," What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in the winter? What color is their color? Recall body parts, what they eat. Foster love for our smaller brothers. P / N "Sparrows and the car" teach to follow the rules of the game. In K G N - continue to teach to eat carefully, slowly, use a napkin after eating. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P / N "Find your color" "What's good what's bad"

    ARTISTIC WORKS. Application

    THEME; Birdhouse (Komarova page 76)

    Prog sod. Teach children to depict objects in the applique consisting of several parts. Fasten to determine the shape of the parts, and colors. To cultivate accuracy in work.

    Slave words; circle, rectangle.


    WALK. Sparrow from birch

    Jump on the road

    No more frost

    Chick is a tweet. !

    I draw your attention to the fact that the sun warms the puddles all the warmer on the ground, I remind you that you cannot get into puddles, but there are many sparrows gathered on the bushes, they chirp loudly, fly from bush to bush, they say something, they rejoice in the spring sun, children decide. Let's treat them. (pour bread crumbs into the feeder) watch them peck. We remember what birds we know, we note the peculiarities of their behavior. P / N "Merry Sparrow"(Teplyuk p 115) teach children to perform actions as directed by an adult. The work on the site is to collect large garbage, to bring up diligence. P / N "The bear has a pick" pronounce words clearly. Fasten jumps on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, fix the geometric shapes. Play with sand to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games for children to learn to play on their own.

    Hardening procedures. P / N "Mother hen and chickens", "Day Night" "Compare" "Barbershop" to learn to select analogs of toys, to agree on roles. To consolidate the painting technique with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P to continue teaching to communicate with each other calmly. To write a constructor for free use - to develop imagination in children and achieve the final result.

    MONDAY 08.04.13

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation develop the child's spoken language. In K GN - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. Continue teaching children how to prepare tables for meals and activities. P / I- "On a flat path"- develop coordination of movements. D / I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P / N "The bear has a pick" - learn to pronounce the words of the text clearly.


    Theme: "Chickens are Walking".

    (Komarova p. 82)

    goal: Learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, the advanced shape and size of the parts. Reinforce the pinching technique with your fingertips (beak, tail, the ability to firmly fasten parts by pressing them tightly to each other. Foster creativity, initiative.

    Words of a slave. beak, torso, head.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.



    "The sun and the rain" -Respond quickly to the signal. P / N "Gray zainka" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which one?" - fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix the jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S \\ R I "Let's give the bear tea"

    EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue teaching on your own, dressing after sleep, and keeping your head in order. P / N "Let's wake up the bear" "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay games. To give coloring pages for free use - to teach painting techniques. C / R I "Toy shop" -to learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading p. n. from. "Swan geese" teach you to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, Vitalik, Vika. The independent activity of children is to learn to find an interesting activity for themselves.

    TUESDAY 9. 04.

    Reception and examination of children. Picture Conversation - Learn to compose short stories.

    P / N "Fox in the chicken coop" -to develop dexterity. DI "Name the item by description" develop the ability of children to guess the subject by describing the signs. DI "Touch ..." to train children to recognize objects made of various materials. In KGN- continue to teach how to wash your hands before eating, roll up your sleeves. Finger games develop fine motor skills muscles.



    Sound culture of speech: sound "F"

    goal: Teach children to answer and pronounce the isolating sound correctly (f) and Fix onomatopoeic words with this sound. Foster a desire to pronounce the words of the rules

    Words. slave. fook, fock, fack!

    Indus slave. encourage inactive children.


    WALK: I'm on the grass in the meadow

    I run in white slippers

    OH, the grass is tickling

    I want to laugh.

    Observing the grass in the meadow. The meadow turned green. Why? How does the sun warm? How are people dressed? Teach children to make simple conclusions. P / N "Cats and Mice"-to develop dexterity. P / N "We are funny guys" (Teplyuk p 115)... DI "Clothes and Vegetables" -to teach children to identify and name the main signs of objects. The work on the site to collect large stones is to cultivate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children.


    Hardening procedures. Self-service labor to continue to teach how to dress independently after sleep as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" Marshak - to bring up a love of fairy tales. C / R I "Barbershop" -to teach children to pick up toys for the game, be able to unite in small groups

    WEDNESDAY 10.04.

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Tell me where you live" "Mother hen and chickens"continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements. "Mice and a cat" follow the rules of the game. Finger games, tongue games. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff"

    KNOWLEDGE. (Pozina p. 36 Kolesnikova p. 40)

    About. sod. Learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle; To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample within three, compare two objects in size. To cultivate perseverance.

    Words of a slave. big small.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK. And the sun is already clear

    hot, hot

    And gold is everywhere

    Spilled, spilled

    Observation of early spring, I draw attention to the sun, it is bright, the sun warms more and more. Show your palms to the sun, what do you feel? Now touch, the trunk of the tree is also warm, this is all the sun is working, calling for spring. Spring brings warmth. Look at the color of the sky, it is blue and blue, and they float white clouds, take their time, admire the kids from above. Spring is coming.

    P / N "On a flat path" (Moo-moo, pee-pee)... Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to develop the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

    Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children, dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, (unfasten and fasten buttons, fold things neatly)... Reading a verse Where is whose home? (p. 135 SN Teplyuk)foster a love of poetry. Making riddles about spring. P / N "Find your place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint. P / I / "Knock down a pin" develop dexterity in the child. P / N "The sun and the rain" learn to quickly respond to a signal. C / R I "Toy shop" group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales

    P. D. D. Tema: Supervising the play of older children, take part in the play as pedestrians.

    goal: To acquaint children with the fact that the road can be crossed on striped paths.

    THURSDAY 11.04.

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "WHAT are your parents' names?" "One bird, two bird!" "On the contrary?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In KGN continue to eat neatly, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living things. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to use soap correctly, wipe your hands dry. Labor is to continue teaching to prepare tables for meals.


    Theme "Walk in the spring forest"

    Prog sod. Teach children with typical spring weather patterns. Expand understanding of forest plants and animals. To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. Educate respect to nature.

    Words of a slave. under a birch, squirrel needles.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK: Chick-chirp on track jump

    Peck do not be shy

    Who is it (sparrow)

    Bird watching at the site to fix body parts, what is the body covered with? How do they move? What do they eat? How do people benefit? Develop observation skills. P / N "Merry Sparrow" (Teplyuk p 115) "Sunbeams" (Teplyuk p. 114) develop agility. DI "WHAT?" fix colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P / N Bear and bees - fix the sound "F" group - to speak in a half voice.

    CIRCLE. "Why and why"

    Theme "Observation of pelargonium growing from cuttings".

    Goal. Teach children to conduct experiments with the help of adults. To consolidate the ability to observe the experiments and sketch in the observation diary what has changed in the growth of pelargonium. Foster a desire to get results.

    Home assignment; conduct an experiment on sugar melting and hardening.

    "Find your color" teach the elements of the relay. Fix familiar verse with children - develop intonation into voices. Will consolidate painting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is ill" continue to learn to play, together with friends, amicably, to develop a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about keeping a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach on their own, find something to do. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love of works.

    FRIDAY 12.04.


    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" "When it happens" "Sparrows and the car" "Find your color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good what's bad" teach to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.

    THEME; "Multi-colored handkerchiefs are drying" (Komarova p. 76)

    Prog sod. Teach children to draw familiar square objects. Strengthen the ability to accurately paint images in one direction from top to bottom without going beyond the lines. Foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.

    Slave words; square.

    Indus slave; with inactive children.

    MUSICAL. 9.00

    P / N "On a flat path"

    Hardening procedures. P / N "Mother hen and chickens", "Day Night" teach yourself how to organize games. Reading familiar verses by children to develop the intonation of the voice. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find the difference. C / R I "Barbershop"

    OB Zh. How to behave at home when alone at home.

    Goal. Teach children to behave calmly at home, not to touch dangerous objects for life.


    MONDAY 15.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favourite toy" develop the child's spoken language. In KGN - continue to teach children to use cutlery correctly, eat slowly. Continue teaching children how to prepare tables for meals and activities. P / I- "The sun and the rain"- quickly respond to the signal. D / I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P / N "The bear has a pick" - learn to pronounce the words of the text clearly.

    PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES. (construction)

    Theme: «

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK. In the morning gets up before everyone else

    He will sweep all the tracks.

    Observing the janitor's work, what tools does he use, why does he sweep all the paths? How can we help him? P / N "The sun and the rain" -Respond quickly to the signal. P / N "Gray zainka" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which one?" - fix the properties of the item (wooden, glass, iron plastic) with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix the jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S \\ R I "Let's give the bear tea" continue to teach to play with friends in a friendly manner, to be able to negotiate roles. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on their own.

    Games with fingers - to develop fine motor skills of the hand.

    EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue teaching on your own, dressing after sleep, and keeping your head in order. P / N "Sparrows and the car" learn to act on a signal and follow the rules of the game. P / N "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay games. P / N "Find your color" fix colors. To give coloring pages for free use - to teach painting techniques. C / R I "Toy shop" -to learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading p. n. from. "Swan geese" teach you to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, Vitalik, Vika. The independent activity of children is to learn to find an interesting activity for themselves.

    TUESDAY 16.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Name it in one word" teach to classify objects, vegetables and fruits. P / N "Fox in the chicken coop" -to develop dexterity. DI "Name the item by description" develop the ability of children to guess objects by describing signs. DI "Touch ..." to train children to recognize objects made of various materials. In K G N - continue to learn how to use a napkin after eating, use cutlery correctly. Finger games develop fine muscle motor skills.

    Continue to teach to carry out work assignments, prepare tables for classes.


    Theme: "Reading and dramatizing a Russian folk song Kurochka Ryabushechka"

    About. sod Continue to teach children to look at the picture and talk about what is depicted on it. To acquaint children with the Russian folk song the Ryabushechka chicken. Foster interest in Russian folk songs.

    Words. slave. Ryabushechka, different, chickens.

    Indus slave. encourage inactive children.

    WALK: Observing the transport, which is located near the kindergarten, mark the parts of the car, fix the mode of transport and its purpose. What would happen if there was no transport? P / N "Cats and Mice"-to develop dexterity. P / N "We are funny guys" teach children to perform actions as directed by an adult. (Teplyuk p 115)... DI "Clothes and Vegetables" -to teach children to identify and name the main signs of objects. The work on the site to collect large stones is to cultivate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children.


    Hardening procedures. Self-service labor to continue teaching how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Clever Mouse" Marshak - to bring up a love of fairy tales. C / R I "Barbershop" -to teach children to pick up toys for the game, be able to unite in small groups and play for a long time. Games with the constructor teach you how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use to Zhenya L, Vicky P to Dima S. Make sure that the children talk in a half voice.

    WEDNESDAY 17.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Tell me where you live" fix your home address and city in which you live. V K G N - teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. P / N "Mother hen and chickens"continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements. "Mice and a cat" follow the rules of the game. Finger games, tongue games. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the heroes. Learn to prepare tables for class. Foster hard work.

    KNOWLEDGE (Pozina p. 37 Kolesnikova p. 40)

    Prog sod. Learn to distinguish a certain number of movements and call them one many words. To consolidate the ability to distinguish spatial directions from oneself, to designate them with words in front-back, above-below, left-right. Improve the ability to compose group items from separate items and select one item from group... To cultivate perseverance.

    Words of a slave. left to right. one, many.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK. Cloud, cloud, shut up.

    Don't growl over us!

    We are not afraid of you!

    Watching the rain. As the rain drum happily on the roof, the drops jump along the path, as bubbles appear on the water. Is it raining all around, even though it's raining? but warm. So the rain has passed, and the sun parted the clouds. D / I “Who got drunk? Who washed up? " - we approach a tree, flowers, grass, and ask.

    P / N "The sun and the rain" quickly respond to the signal. D / I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Swinging teach patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha, continue to learn sounds (Bam, bam, knock-knock, drop-drop)... Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to form the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

    Hardening procedures. Continue teaching the children, combing your own hair and getting yourself in order .. Reading a verse Where is whose home? (p. 135 S. N. Teplyuk)foster a love of poetry. Making riddles about spring. P / N "Find your place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint. P / I / "Knock down a pin" develop an eye in a child. P / N "The sun and the rain" learn to quickly respond to a signal. C / R I "Visiting Katya" continue to teach children to name tea appliances, to fix the rules of behavior at a party. Talk to the parents of Vitalik, Nikita. how to dress a child in group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales


    THURSDAY 18 04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "WHAT are your parents' names?", fix with the children the names of the parents and who lives with them in the same house. P / N "One bird, two bird!" exercise children in performing movements, teach counting. D \\ I "On the contrary?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In KGN continue to eat neatly, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings. V.K.G.N. continue to teach correctly, use soap, wipe your hands dry. Labor is to continue teaching to prepare tables for meals.


    THEME. The nanny washes the dishes.

    Prog. sod. Teach children with labor to employees of a preschool institution - assistant educators, contact them at "you" show the attitude of an adult to work. Strengthen the ability to call them by name, patronymic. Foster respect for the teacher's assistant, for work.

    Words of a slave. washes dishes, feeds, vacuums carpets.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.



    "Where is my mom?" -to repeat, what is the name of the mothers of different animal cubs, how they call their children, learn to listen to sounds without relying on the visual image. (Teplyuk p. 86)... P / N "Merry Sparrow" (Teplyuk p. 115) teach children to perform movements on the text. P / N "Sunbeams" (Teplyuk p. 114) develop agility. DI "WHAT?" fix colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P / N Bear and bees - fix the sound "F" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. It is difficult for the site to collect large debris, to cultivate diligence. Reinforce the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. P, in group - to speak in a half voice.

    CIRCLE. "Why and why"

    The topic “Heating and cooling.

    Purpose To form an idea of \u200b\u200bheating, cooling, melting and solidification. Assign homework with the children.

    EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue teaching children to independently monitor their appearance P / I "Find your color" teach the elements of the relay. Fix familiar verse with children - develop intonation into voices. Will consolidate sculpting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is ill" continue to learn to play, together with friends to develop amicably, a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about keeping a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach on their own, find something to do. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love of works.

    FRIDAY 19.04.


    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in the winter? What color is spring? Recall body parts, what they eat. Foster love for our younger brothers. D / I. "When it happens" to consolidate the signs of spring. P / N "Sparrows and the car" teach to follow the rules of the game. In K G N - to form elementary skills of behavior at the table, not crumbling bread, chewing food with a closed mouth. Labor is to feed the fish to educate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P / N "Find your color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good what's bad" teach to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.

    ARTISTIC WORKS. Drawing 9.30

    THEME; "Birdhouse" (Komarova p. 78)

    Prog. sod. Teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle, a straight roof; correctly convey the relative size of parts of an object. Consolidate painting techniques. Foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.

    Slave words; birdhouse.

    Indus slave; with inactive children.

    MUSICAL. 9.00

    WALK. "Tell me, moth,

    How do you live, friend?

    How not to get tired

    Day - all day long?

    Insect watching. What insects appeared, consider body parts, what do they do in the spring? Foster a friendly attitude towards them.

    P / N "On a flat path" follow the rules of the game. The work on the site is to collect large garbage, to bring up diligence. P, / I, Chickens "to teach children to perform imitation movements, imitate the vocal reactions of birds. Fasten jumps on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, fix the geometric shapes. Play with sand to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games for children to learn to play on their own.

    Hardening procedures. P / N "Mother hen and chickens" teach children to follow the rules of the game. "Day Night" teach independently, organize games. Reading familiar verses by children to develop the intonation of the voice. DI "On the contrary" learn to call opposite words. C / R "At the doctor" to learn to select analogs of toys, to agree on roles. To consolidate the painting technique with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P to continue teaching to communicate with each other calmly. To write a constructor for free use - to develop imagination in children and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children at will to bring up a love of works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.


    MONDAY 22.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What I saw on the way to kindergarten" develop the child's spoken language. In K GN - continue to teach children to use cutlery correctly to chew food with a closed mouth. Continue teaching children how to prepare tables for meals and activities. P / I- "On a flat path"- develop coordination of movements. D / I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P / N "The bear has a pick" - learn to pronounce the words of the text clearly.


    Theme: "Bowls of the Three Bears"

    (Komarova p. 79)

    goal: Learn to sculpt bowls of different sizes, using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Reinforce the pinching technique with your fingertips. To foster creativity, initiative and accuracy in work.

    Words of a slave. big smaller and small.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.

    MUSICAL. 9.00


    Observing flower beds and grass, observing the structure of a flower and grass. Learn to compare plants and find differences and similarities. P / N "Bear and Bees" -Respond quickly to the signal. P / N "Gray zainka" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which one?" - fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix the jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on their own. C / R I "Driver" to teach children to play amicably with friends, share toys.

    EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue teaching on your own, dressing after sleep, and keeping your head in order. P / N "Let's wake up the bear" teach to pronounce words clearly and follow the rules of the game. P / N "Who will jump on the ball faster" develop the ability to play relay games. To give coloring pages for free use - to teach painting techniques. C / R I "Vegetable shop" -to learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading p. n. from. "Swan geese" teach you to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, Vitalik, Vika. The independent activity of children is to learn to find interesting activities for themselves.

    TUESDAY 23.04

    Reception and examination of children. Picture Conversation - Learn to compose short stories.

    P / N "Fox in the chicken coop" -to develop dexterity. DI "Name the item by description" develop the ability of children to guess the subject by describing the signs. DI "Touch ..." to train children to recognize objects made of various materials. In K GN - continue to teach how to wash your hands before eating, roll up your sleeves. Finger games develop fine muscle motor skills.

    Continue to teach to carry out work assignments, prepare tables for classes.


    Theme: Sound culture of speech; sound (from).

    Prog. sod. Teach children to pronounce the sound clearly "FROM" Strengthen the ability to expressively read rhymes, with intonation expression. Foster a friendly attitude towards each other.

    Words. slave. kind, please swallow.

    Indus slave. encourage inactive children.


    WALK Where are you, where are you swallow

    Did you fly all day?

    She braided the golden braid of the sun.

    Watching birds that are on the site. Which birds are new? How many are there on the site? How do they move? How do they shout? What is the body covered with? Develop observation, spoken language.

    P / N "Sparrows and the car"-to develop dexterity. P / N "We are funny guys" teach children to perform actions as directed by an adult. (Teplyuk p 115)... DI "Clothes and Vegetables" -to teach children to identify and name the main signs of objects. The work on the site to collect large stones is to cultivate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children. Fix color "Spring" with Vika, Sasha. Sh.


    Hardening procedures. Self-service labor to continue to teach how to dress independently after sleep as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" Marshak - to bring up a love of fairy tales. C / R I "Barbershop" -to teach children to pick up toys for the game, be able to unite in small groups and play for a long time. Games with the constructor teach you how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use to Zhenya L, Vicky P to Dima S. Make sure that the children talk in a half voice.

    Wednesday 24.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About spring" consolidate the signs of spring. V K G N - teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. R. n P / I "Zainka"continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements with the text. "Mice and a cat" follow the rules of the game. Finger games, tongue games. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the heroes. To teach how to prepare tables for classes is to cultivate diligence.

    KNOWLEDGE. (Pozina p. 38 Kolesnikova p. 42)

    Prog sod. Continue to teach to see patterns in the arrangement of objects and reproduce them. Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them in words many and one. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts days: morning, evening, develop thinking. Educate

    Words of a slave. a lot, morning, evening, day.

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK. Tell the moth

    How are you, friend?

    How not to get tired

    Day - all day long?

    Ant insect watching, ladybug - Mark appearance, “Hello, dear baby, we are glad to see you! Have you come to meet us? "

    You should not take it with your hands, let it crawl onto your hand by itself. “Do not be afraid, we will not offend you! We are kind! Alternately crawls to the children - So you met Katya…. We pronounce the words of nursery rhymes.

    P / N "On a flat path" teach children to follow the rules of the game. D / I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Swinging teach patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha, continue to learn sounds (Moo-moo, pee-pee)... Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to develop the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

    Hardening procedures. Continue teaching children how to dress and undress independently in a specific sequence. Making riddles about spring. P / N "Find your place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint. P / I / "Knock down a pin" develop dexterity in the child. P / N "The sun and the rain" learn to quickly respond to a signal. C / R I "Toy shop" to teach children the ability to compose a short story about an object, to consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which toys are made. Talk to the parents of Vitalik, Nikita. how to dress a child in group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales

    P. D. D. "Participation in games for older children as bus passengers".

    Goal. To acquaint children with the fact that the bus goes along the route, get off it only at the bus stop.

    THURSDAY 25.04

    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What do your parents do for work", to consolidate the profession. P / N "At the Bear in the Forest" exercise children performing movements, D \\ I "On the contrary?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to use soap correctly, wipe your hands dry. Labor is to continue teaching to prepare tables for meals. Games with fingers, tongue - to develop fine motor skills of muscles.


    Theme "Which is better paper or cloth".

    Prog. sod. Learn to establish the relationship between the material from which the object is made and the way the object is used. Strengthen children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities. Cultivate interest in classes.

    Words. slave. smooth does not consist of threads, does not make a sound,

    Indus slave. with inactive children.


    WALK: Rides and holds on to the wire so as not to get lost. (trolleybus)

    Observation of the transport that is located near the kindergarten. Examine the parts, mark the type of transport. What benefits it brings to people. P / N "Sunbeams" (Teplyuk p. 114) develop agility. DI "WHAT?" fix colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P / N Bear and bees - fix the sound "F" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. Difficult, the site is to collect large garbage, to bring up diligence. Reinforce the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. P, in group - to speak in a half voice. Games at the request of children.

    CIRCLE. "Why and why"

    Subject Evaporation. (Galimov p. 31)

    goal: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe evaporation of water - the transformation of water into steam when heated.

    EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue teaching children to dress and undress themselves before bedtime, to monitor their appearance P / N "Find your color" teach the elements of the relay. Fix familiar verse with children - develop intonation into voices. Will consolidate painting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is ill" continue to learn to play, together with friends to develop amicably, a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about keeping a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach, independently find something to do to their liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love of works.

    FRIDAY 26.04


    Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in the winter? What color is spring? Recall body parts, what they eat. Foster love for our younger brothers. D / I. "When it happens" to consolidate the signs of spring. P / N "Sparrows and the car" teach to follow the rules of the game. In K G N - to form elementary skills of behavior at the table, not crumbling bread, chewing food with a closed mouth. Labor is to feed the fish to educate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P / N "Find your color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good what's bad" teach to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.

    ARTISTIC WORKS. Drawing 9.30

    THEME; "Beautiful cart" (Komarova page 80)

    Prog sod. Teach children to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. Strengthen the ability to accurately paint over images with paints Develop initiative, imagination. Foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.

    Slave words; cart, wheel, rectangular.

    Indus slave; with inactive children.

    MUSICAL. 9.00

    WALK. Monitoring of flower beds. What changed? What spring flowers do we know? What does a flower have? - to fix the structure of a flower (leaves, stem, flower root) P / N "On a flat path" follow the rules of the game. The work on the site is to collect large garbage, to bring up diligence. P, / I, Chickens "to teach children to perform imitation movements, imitate the vocal reactions of birds. Fasten jumps on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vmka, Katya Z, Dima P, fix the geometric shapes. Play with sand to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games for children to learn to play on their own.

    Hardening procedures. P / N "Mother hen and chickens", "Day Night" teach yourself how to organize games. Reading familiar verses by children to develop the intonation of the voice. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find the difference. C / R I "Barbershop" to learn to select analogs of toys, to agree on roles. To consolidate the painting technique with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P to continue teaching to communicate with each other calmly. Writing a constructor for free use - to develop imagination in children and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children at will to bring up a love of works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.

    OB Zh. Describe the subject.

    goal: Teaching children how to handle subjects: matches, needles, boiling water.

    Monday 29.04.

    Reception of children. Conversation "About water" to repeat signs of water and make the simplest conclusions. What is water for? DI "Where is what to be?" fix the location of a friend. P / N "Blow up the bubble" bring joy to children. VKGN continue to teach correctly, use cutlery, chew food with his mouth closed. Labor - continue to give labor orders. Finger games.

    Productive activity. (modeling)

    Theme "By design"

    Prog. sod. Teach children to come up with their own idea. Continue to develop the ability to sculpt objects, consisting of two parts of a familiar shape, advanced shape and size of the parts. Foster a desire to bring the plot started to the end.

    Words. slave. friends - chicken, round.

    Ind. slave. with troubled children.



    Soft fluffy

    There are scratches in the paws.

    Watching pets Hello cute cat, ladybug. Consider the appearance, body parts, teach to compare in size. How do they benefit people? How does a person care? P / N "Shaggy dog" - teach children to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form... P / N "Run to what I call" - teach children to run in a flock, remind children of the name of objects. D / And “what” to fix colors with Sasha, Aida, Katya. C, R, / I "Pilots" - to bring joy to children. Work on the site to collect large sticks, pebbles - to learn to work collectively.

    Hardening procedures. Guessing riddles for children - teaching them to guess

    Reading fairy tales to children at will, continue to teach to listen carefully, to answer questions. C / R I "For a walk with Katya" to teach to play in a team, to be able to agree on roles, to develop an interesting plot. Games with a constructor - to develop the imagination of children. Fix the words of the song with Daniel, Vika, Timur.

    Give pencils for free use. V.K.P - continue teaching children to speak in a half voice, going home to say goodbye.

    TUESDAY 30. 04

    Reception and inspection of children. Conversation "My favourite toy" - to develop the ability to tell about the pile with your favorite toy. VKGN - to continue teaching children to eat carefully, not to crush bread, to chew with their mouths closed. Finger games. P / N "Locomotive" - to teach children to move at a different pace, change direction. Fix parts of the day with children. Reading "What is good, what is bad" foster a love of the work.

    Reading fiction.

    Theme. "Goby - black barrel, white hooves" Literary quiz.

    Prog. sod. Introduce Russian folk tale... To consolidate the name and content of the fairy tales that were read to them in class. To cultivate love and interest in fairy tales.

    Words. slave. hoof

    Ind. slave. with inactive children.

    Physical Education.


    We have nothing to call him,

    He will come anyway

    Will bloom trustingly

    Right at the gate

    Flooded with sun

    Buttercup golden.

    Watching spring flowers. Consider the structure of a flower (stem, leaf, flower)... What is needed for its growth? –To develop observation skills. P / N "Carousel" - teach children to clearly pronounce words in the text. DI "Who's gone" -develop visual memory... P / N "Catch the Bear" bring joy to children. Play with sand to learn how to make Easter cakes, to play nearby not to break a friend's buildings.

    C / R I "Mother's daughters" teach children to negotiate roles. Games at will - teach yourself how to find activities for yourself.

    Hardening procedures. P \\ I "Who is faster" teach children to jump on a ball with advancement in front. Self-service work - to teach yourself how to put on tights, sweaters, use a comb. Reading familiar verses by children - to develop the intonation of the voice. Give plasticine for free use to consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar figures. C / RI "Katya got sick" foster feelings of empathy for the patient. To give construction material for buildings to teach how to make buildings and beat them.


    educational and educational


    the first junior group № 5

    « Chamomiles »

    2012-2013 academic year

    educator: Bokaneva Ekaterina Yurievna

    Calendar-thematic planning 1 year of study

    Month, general topic


    Hello, kindergarten (workers' professions, getting to know the kindergarten premises)

    Autumn colors (seasonal changes in nature)

    Harvest (Fruits, vegetables)

    Fauna (domestic and wild animals)

    My body

    Family (professions of relatives)




    Who how to prepare for winter

    Hello winter - winter (signs of winter)

    City of masters

    New Year's kaleidoscope (entertainment, holidays, leisure)


    Hello Zimushka - winter! (signs of winter)

    Seasonal changes (animals, birds)

    We want to be healthy!

    Little explorers

    Safety ABC

    Defenders of the Fatherland

    The world is ruled by kindness (emotion)

    Women's Day

    City of masters

    Folk culture and traditions

    Spring walks the planet

    Meet the birds

    Natural world



    Let's get the planet in order

    Sorceress water

    That's how big we are!

    GCD - direct educational activity

    P / N - outdoor game

    Х / и - round dance game

    D / i - didactic game

    C / r game - role-playing game

    T / d - theatrical activity

    K-e - design

    Kh / l - fiction

    X / s - artistic word

    R-e - drawing

    1. N.A. Karpukhina Lecture notes in the first junior group of kindergarten. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution. - Voronezh: SP Lakocenin S.S., 2010 - 285 p.

    2. Complex lessons under the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilieva. The first junior group / auto-comp. O.P. Vlasenko (and others). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012 .-- 292 p.

    3. Work program of the educator: daily planning according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S.Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The first junior group / authored by N.N. Gladyshev (and others). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012 .-- 315p.

    4. "First Steps to Intellect" Educational tasks for children 2-3 years old. Publishing house "Arkti"

    5. Development activities with children 2-3 years old / Ed. Pramonova L.A. 2nd ed. Prerab. - M .: OLMA Media Group, 2012 .-- 512s.

    6. Book to read in kindergarten and at home: 2-4 years: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents / Comp. VV Gerbova et al. - M .: Onyx Publishing House, 2010 .-- 272 p.

    7 Complex lesson in the first junior group: A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: PE Lakocenin S.S., 2008 .-- 272p.

    Long-term plan for April 2013 Morning exercises from 1 to 5 April Complex No. 15 E. Zheleznova

    Days of the week


    Topic: "Spring is walking the planet"



    Signs of spring. We dress the doll for a walk.

    Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons, to develop general motor skills, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; select items for their intended purpose, name the color, promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

    (2, p. 230)


    Build the same tower as in the picture. Game "Compare towers by color".

    Purpose: to teach how to create simple structures, find similarities and differences in them; develop playing skills, imagination, motor skills. Auditory perception, speech, memory, thinking, activate vocabulary on the topic.

    (2, p. 235)



    Examination of the painting "Children playing with blocks." Game "Multi-colored cubes".

    Purpose: to teach you to listen carefully and observe, understand the plot of the picture, answer questions with words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; clarify children's ideas about the meaning of the adjectives "long", "short", encourage them to use these words in speech; activate words in the speech of children - the names of geometric shapes; to form the ability of children for dialogical speech.

    (2, p. 232)


    "The wind walks on the sea" (an excerpt from the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"). Drawing "Sea"

    Purpose: to acquaint with an excerpt from A. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", to continue teaching to consider illustrations-illustrations, to tell with the help of a teacher what is drawn in the picture; enrich speech; improve the ability to work with paints, exercise in drawing wavy lines; learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music, start moving with the first sounds of music.

    (2, p. 234)

    Physical Education

    "On a visit to grandma"

    Purpose: exercise in rolling a ball, walking on a ribbed board, repeat crawling and climbing over a log, foster courage and independence.

    Physical Education

    Lesson number 57

    Software content.Strengthen in children the ability to walk on a gymnastic bench and jump from it, teach how to throw and catch a ball, promote the development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements. Benefits.1-2 gymnastic benches and a medium ball


    Poem by A. Pleshcheev "Rural Song" Modeling "Spring Grass"

    Purpose: to acquaint with A. Pleshcheev's poem "Country song", to teach to coordinate words in a sentence, to develop memory; continue to learn how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll sticks out of them, carefully lay them on a board, distinguish green color, develop the ability to work collectively.

    (2, p. 231)

    Physical Education

    Lesson number 58

    Software content.Strengthen in children the ability to jump in length from a place, throw at a horizontal target, teach them to measure the throw with the distance to the target, crawl and crawl, and react to the teacher's signal. Benefits.Colored handkerchiefs and sandbags according to the number of children, 2-3 arcs (or 2 racks and slats), 3-4 large hooped boxes (50x50 cm).

    Igolkina Elena Konstantinovna, educator, 2nd junior gr. MBDOU d / s number 7 "Polyanka"
    This material will be useful for educators when writing a plan for each day.
    Perspective plan of educational work
    II junior group for April 2015/16 academic year
    WEEK I " Physical education classes in d / s. 2ml.group "LI Penzulaeva.
    Lesson number 28 Cognition (FEMP)
    Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without counting and the name of the number);
    Circle, square, triangle
    Lesson number 1 (April)
    IN AND. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.37
    Sun bunnies
    Reading A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring".
    D / exercise "When does this happen?"
    VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p.71
    "The sun is shining"

    Detailed perspective planning for the project under the editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. 2 ml gr. 2010 (February) Application
    "House for a hare"
    (according to the folk tale "Fox, hare and rooster")
    N.S. Golitsyn
    “Complex-thematic. plan image. activities in d / s "
    WEEK II "Physical education in the school. 2ml.group "LI Penzulaeva.
    Lesson number 29 Design
    Detailed perspective planning for the project under the editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. 2 ml gr. 2010
    Babysitter washes the dishes
    O.V. Dybina “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in 2 ml. group. " page 35
    Sound culture of speech: sound f
    VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p. 72
    TS Komarova “Art classes in 2 ml. group. " from. 93
    "Big and small birds at the feeder"
    TS Komarova “Art classes in 2 ml. group. " from. 84
    WEEK III "Physical education in the school. 2ml.group "LI Penzulaeva.
    Lesson number 30
    Cognition (FEMP)
    Strengthen the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without counting and the name of the number);
    Big small;
    In front - behind
    left - right.
    Lesson number 2 (April)
    IN AND. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP lessons in the 2nd junior group" p.38
    The real spring has come!
    A. Barto "Korablik" (memorization)
    N.S. Golitsyn
    “Complex-thematic. plan image. activities in d / s "s. 29
    Repetition of poems. Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov "The Spring Guest"
    VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group" p. 79
    "Dandelions in the Grass"
    TS Komarova “Art classes in 2 ml. group. " p.101
    Bugs crawl on the grass

    Perspective plan for the month of April according to Vasilyeva 2nd junior group

    They get acquainted with the signs of spring, learn about what happens in nature in spring, what birds fly from warm regions. The teacher conducts observations of changes in nature, examines the first spring flowers with the children, teaches them to compose stories about the time of year using a mnemonic table. Detailed description conversations, experimental activities, speech games can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week“ Spring is red ”.

    Social and communicative development

    The teacher continues to work on the formation of the foundations and between children through the games "Stubborn Goats", "Teddy Bear - a Guesser", etc. Social and communicative development takes place in role-playing games on the theme "Cook" under the guidance of an adult. The teacher continues to teach children to be on duty in the cafeteria.

    Cognitive development

    In area cognitive development conversations about the time of year, observations and excursions on a walk, board games "Lay out the pattern", "Continue the row" are planned. The teacher organizes a series of experiments with sand to develop curiosity and forms a spatial perception of himself in children.

    Speech development

    Pronouncing pure phrases, composing stories using mnemonic tables, breathing exercises contribute to speech development children. The teacher selects literature for reading in the afternoon, suggests remembering.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    The theme of spring is also reflected in artistic and aesthetic development. Kids get acquainted with the round dance game "Vesnyanka", draw blossoming trees and bushes with their fingers, practice modeling and applique work. The result of the week is the design of the Blooming Spring exhibition.

    Physical development

    The teacher continues to acquaint children with the human body and ways to improve health, relaxation techniques, which has a beneficial effect on physical development... Children recall the outdoor games "Find where it is hidden", "Giants - dwarfs", "Flight of birds" and others.

    Check out a snippet of the thematic week


    OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Study "Stubborn goats". Purpose: to educate children in such qualities as compliance, generosity.Conversation "What time of year is it now?" Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of seasonal changes.Di. "Whose Voice". Purpose: to learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.Examination of paintings from the Blooming Spring series. Purpose: to teach to see the beauty of spring nature, to prepare for drawing.Physical minute "Winter is over" M. Klokov. Purpose: to strengthen the muscular system of the body.
    Helping the teacher in fixing books. Purpose: to introduce children to work.Examining the grass. Purpose: to show the features of spring grass, to enrich the vocabulary of children.Di. "What is it made of." Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the use of relative adjectives and the ways of their formation.Games in the music corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical abilities.PI "Find where it is hidden." Purpose: to form the ability to navigate in space. P. and. "Stream". Purpose: to form in children the ability to coordinate their actions.
    2 p.d.Adding attributes to the game "Chef". Purpose: to prepare children for s.r. the game.Button games "Lay out the pattern", "Lay out the picture", "Continue the row", etc. Goal: the development of sensing and fine motor skills.Reading K. Chukovsky "Fly - tsokotukha". Purpose: to acquaint with a new work.Round dance "Vesnyanka" N. Nishchev. Purpose: to expand ideas about spring.Self-massage of auricles "Let's play with ears". Purpose: to help strengthen the body's defenses.


    OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Conversation "What is kindness". Purpose: to form ideas about kindness.Math games of the teacher's choice. Purpose: to consolidate mathematical concepts in children.Exercises with "Magic Cubes". Purpose: to form the ZKR.Drawing with fingers with the subgroup "Flowering trees and bushes". Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to draw in non-traditional ways.Examination of the painting "Masha Washes". Purpose: to remind children about the benefits and the need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
    Removal of damaged and dry branches. Purpose: to educate love, caring attitude to nature.Examining a spring tree. Purpose: to clarify what happens to the tree in spring.Drawing up descriptive stories about spring using mnemonic tables. Purpose: to form coherent speech.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to promote the development of theatrical games.P. and. "Stream". Purpose: to remember the rules, to form in children the ability to coordinate their actions. P. and. "Flight of Birds". Purpose: to train children in climbing.

    They get acquainted with the signs of spring, learn about what happens in nature in spring, what birds fly from warm regions. The teacher conducts observations of changes in nature, examines the first spring flowers with the children, teaches them to compose stories about the time of year using a mnemonic table. A detailed description of conversations, experimental activities, speech games can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" Spring is red ".

    Social and communicative development

    The teacher continues to work on the formation of the foundations and between children through the games "Stubborn Goats", "Teddy Bear - a Guesser", etc. Social and communicative development takes place in role-playing games on the theme "Cook" under the guidance of an adult. The teacher continues to teach children to be on duty in the cafeteria.

    Cognitive development

    In the field of cognitive development, conversations about the time of year, observations and excursions on a walk, board games "Lay out the pattern", "Continue the row" are planned. The teacher organizes a series of experiments with sand to develop curiosity and forms a spatial perception of himself in children.

    Speech development

    Pronouncing pure phrases, composing stories from mnemonic tables, breathing exercises contribute to the speech development of children. The teacher selects literature for reading in the afternoon, suggests remembering.

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    The theme of spring is also reflected in artistic and aesthetic development. Kids get acquainted with the round dance game "Vesnyanka", draw blossoming trees and bushes with their fingers, practice modeling and applique work. The result of the week is the design of the Blooming Spring exhibition.

    Physical development

    The teacher continues to acquaint children with the human body and methods of health promotion, relaxation techniques, which has a beneficial effect on physical development. Children recall the outdoor games "Find where it is hidden", "Giants - dwarfs", "Flight of birds" and others.

    Check out a snippet of the thematic week


    OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Study "Stubborn goats". Purpose: to educate children in such qualities as compliance, generosity.Conversation "What time of year is it now?" Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of seasonal changes.Di. "Whose Voice". Purpose: to learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.Examination of paintings from the Blooming Spring series. Purpose: to teach to see the beauty of spring nature, to prepare for drawing.Physical minute "Winter is over" M. Klokov. Purpose: to strengthen the muscular system of the body.
    Helping the teacher in fixing books. Purpose: to introduce children to work.Examining the grass. Purpose: to show the features of spring grass, to enrich the vocabulary of children.Di. "What is it made of." Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the use of relative adjectives and the ways of their formation.Games in the music corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical abilities.PI "Find where it is hidden." Purpose: to form the ability to navigate in space. P. and. "Stream". Purpose: to form in children the ability to coordinate their actions.
    2 p.d.Adding attributes to the game "Chef". Purpose: to prepare children for s.r. the game.Button games "Lay out the pattern", "Lay out the picture", "Continue the row", etc. Goal: the development of sensing and fine motor skills.Reading K. Chukovsky "Fly - tsokotukha". Purpose: to acquaint with a new work.Round dance "Vesnyanka" N. Nishchev. Purpose: to expand ideas about spring.Self-massage of auricles "Let's play with ears". Purpose: to help strengthen the body's defenses.


    OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    1 p.d.Conversation "What is kindness". Purpose: to form ideas about kindness.Math games of the teacher's choice. Purpose: to consolidate mathematical concepts in children.Exercises with "Magic Cubes". Purpose: to form the ZKR.Drawing with fingers with the subgroup "Flowering trees and bushes". Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to draw in non-traditional ways.Examination of the painting "Masha Washes". Purpose: to remind children about the benefits and the need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
    Removal of damaged and dry branches. Purpose: to educate love, caring attitude to nature.Examining a spring tree. Purpose: to clarify what happens to the tree in spring.Drawing up descriptive stories about spring using mnemonic tables. Purpose: to form coherent speech.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to promote the development of theatrical games.P. and. "Stream". Purpose: to remember the rules, to form in children the ability to coordinate their actions. P. and. "Flight of Birds". Purpose: to train children in climbing.
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