• How is Light Industry Workers Day? Day of workers of textile and light industry Day of workers of light industry of the year


    On June 11, 2017, Russia celebrates.

    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2000 No. 1111, the second Sunday of June is celebrated Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

    1. Install Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers and celebrate it on the second Sunday in June.

    2. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing.

    President of Russian Federation
    V. PUTIN

    Moscow Kremlin

    On this holiday, all employees of this industry accept congratulations from colleagues, friends, bosses and officials of different ranks. Veterans of light industry are also honored. Indeed, it is thanks to the hard work of these people that we have the opportunity to buy quality products of domestic production.

    The enterprises of the light industry employ mainly the fair sex. They produce a wide variety of consumer goods. Small businesses and private entrepreneurs who are engaged in sewing clothes in small batches and according to individual orders, make special clothes and tourist equipment are gaining more and more weight in the production volumes of the industry.

    Many light industry enterprises are pursuing an active marketing and sales strategy, which helps them to expand their presence both in the local market and in other regions of Russia. Depending on consumer demand and changes in the economic situation, the range of products is expanding and dramatically changing, production is diversifying, and new progressive technologies are being introduced.

    Textile and light industry

    Unfortunately, many Russian light industry enterprises are currently going through difficult times. Private entrepreneurs and small businesses are becoming increasingly important in terms of production volumes in the industry.

    Today the industry faces new and important challenges. The problem of increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products, as well as the investment attractiveness and professionalism of personnel, has become very urgent.
    It is the textile and light industry that provide us with everything that we need so much in everyday life. The country needs their products; a huge number of Russians work in this industry - more than 2 million people. One of the features of this industry can be called the fact that mostly women work at its enterprises.

    This industry accounts for more than 40% of all non-food consumer goods. Today, light industry plays a significant role in relations between the CIS countries. These countries regularly exchange not only raw materials, but also semi-finished products and finished products. Products for industrial purposes are also produced.

    The industry is engaged in the production of various consumer goods, manufactures clothing, footwear, hosiery, linen, fabrics, etc.

    It is no secret that clothes, footwear and other similar goods of domestic production are cheaper than the same goods imported from other countries. Thanks to the work of this industry, we have the opportunity to buy Russian clothing and footwear.

    The products manufactured by the industry are of a sufficiently high quality and are able to meet the demands of not only Russian, but also foreign buyers. There is a gradual expansion and change in the range of products. This is due to consumer demand and changes in the economic situation in the country. So far, however, the situation is not very good. The light industry of our country has suffered quite badly as a result of the economic crisis.

    The volume of production has dropped significantly. A major role in this was played by the lack of raw materials, especially cotton, because it is not grown on the territory of our country. Russia is forced to import flax, wool, leather raw materials and chemical fibers.

    Light industry is a complex industry that includes more than 20 sub-sectors. All of them can be combined into 3 main groups. The first group includes the textile industry. It includes: linen, wool, cotton, silk, knitwear, etc. The second group includes the garment industry, and the third - leather, fur and footwear. The textile industry is the leader among these industries in terms of such indicators as the volume of production and the number of workers employed in it. It includes: primary processing of raw materials, production of all types of fabrics, production of nonwovens, as well as other similar products.

    In our country in the 19th - early 20th centuries. the production of fabrics was the most developed industry. The location of the textile industry was very uneven. More than 80% of all products were manufactured in the Central and North-Western regions of the country.
    After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian textile industry faced a very important issue related to the raw material base. The country needed supplies from other CIS countries of such raw materials as: cotton fiber, wool and natural silk threads.

    For this reason, chemical fibers have moved to the forefront of the industry in the balance of raw materials. Currently, a huge number of products are made with an admixture of chemical fibers. This helps to reduce the tension in providing the industry with raw materials, but negatively affects the quality of manufactured products.

    The leading branch of the textile industry is cotton. It is she who provides more than 70% of all fabrics produced in our country.

    Light industry is very closely related to all sectors of the economy. Its strongest connection can be traced to agriculture. The chemical industry also acts as a raw material base for the light industry. It produces synthetic fibers, dyes and artificial leathers.

    The meat industry supplies leather, the mechanical engineering provides the industry with equipment. The fuel and energy sector ensures the smooth operation of light industry enterprises.

    It must be said that there are light industry enterprises in every economic region of Russia. However, there are also specialized areas in our country, which have long been considered centers for the development of light industry. The main of these regions is the Central District, and within it are the Ivanovo and Tver Regions. They specialize in the production of cotton products.
    The volume of production, unfortunately, continues to decline every year. The situation is especially difficult in the textile industry. It is experiencing the greatest decline in production. The main reason for this is the lack of raw materials. Raw material prices are rising. This becomes the reason for a rather tangible increase in prices for finished products. Therefore, domestic products in this industry are becoming less competitive in comparison with imported goods.

    Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation has been implementing a number of measures of economic support for domestic manufacturers of the textile and light industry. A number of decrees have been adopted on temporary exemption from import duties for the most important types of technological equipment imported for the modernization of production, partial changes have been made to the regulation on customs duties on goods transported for personal use by individuals, issues of allocating funds from the federal budget to partially subsidize interest rates on loans received for the seasonal purchase of raw materials and supplies. Russian union entrepreneurs of the textile and light industry is the guardian of domestic interests.

    The list of honorary titles in Russia includes the title "Honored Worker of the Textile and Light Industry of the Russian Federation".

    The light industry provides 40% of all the necessary consumer needs of the citizens of our country. Despite this, workers in this area are not revered, as doctors or teachers, but they invest no less work and bring no less benefit. Modest workers of light industry celebrate their professional holiday every year on the 2nd Sunday of June.

    When celebrate

    Day of light industry workers is celebrated in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. For the first time, this holiday went down in history as an official celebration, under Soviet rule, in 1980, on October 1, by decree of L.I. Brezhnev. (First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the USSR from 1964-1982) "On memorable and holiday dates."

    After the collapse of the USSR, the entire industry fell into decay, hard times came for the whole country, then people had no time for the holidays, and the day of light industry was forgotten for a while. This celebration began to be celebrated again in 2000, after the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. dated June 17. According to the official document, the day of the light industry worker is celebrated every second Sunday of the first summer month, i.e. in June.

    Whose holiday is this

    According to the international classification, light industry includes 25 divisions: textile production, footwear, leather, sewing, knitwear, silk, chemical, etc. This holiday is celebrated both by veterans and active workers in these areas of production. The celebration is celebrated on a special scale in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Novgorod regions. These areas are considered the center of the textile and light industry in Russia.

    Almost every fifth family in Russia works at light industry enterprises, and of course they take part in festive events, go out of town, gather a festive table, invite guests to share the fun with them. Because This holiday falls on the summer period, then, as a festivities, the management of enterprises organize mass trips to nature, picnics, and competitions. Fairs, exhibitions, fashion shows are held in the central palaces of the city.

    Interesting facts about light industry

    1. Every year the world produces 82 million tons of textile fiber, the production of which requires 6 billion tons of coal and 8 billion liters of water.
    2. The most popular types of fabric: linen, cotton, polyester, viscose, lycra.
    3. From 1996 to 2011, there has been a sharp decline in light industry, during this time almost 3 million people have lost their jobs.
    4. According to statistics, the average life expectancy women's clothing- 3 years, male - 6 years.
    5. The first garment that a man invented was a loincloth, the second was a skirt.
    6. In the Middle Ages, a person's belonging to the social class was determined by the color of clothing, so the rich wore red shades, the poor - gray and brown, bankers and merchants - green.


    More than 2 million people work in the light industry of Russia. They produce consumer goods: clothes, shoes, underwear, everything you need for everyday life. All these domestically produced goods are much cheaper than imported ones, but at the same time they are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts. On this day, do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on their professional holiday, they will be very pleased to know that their work is appreciated and respected. Our attentions will become the best gifts for them, and compliments and praise will motivate them to work with great enthusiasm.

    Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

    Almost everything we wear and use is the products of enterprises of the light and textile industries. Significant, isn't it? But it is even more significant, even surprising, that hundreds of thousands of workers of this group of producers received their professional holiday only in 1980. From that memorable Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the annual celebration of textile workers and light industrialists began on the second Sunday of June. 20 years later, a similar Decree was signed by the President of the now sovereign Russia.

    Manufacturing, which actually began the biography of the enterprises of this plan, flourished even before Ivan the Terrible and Peter I. However, individual artisans and handicraft workshops could hardly provide even their own state. Well, there was no need to talk about the quality, especially of textile materials. Ladies and gentlemen tried to import everything from abroad.

    Now everything is different. Almost fifteen thousand enterprises of light and textile industries work in Russia. And they employ about half a million professional workers, experienced engineers and designers, mostly women. The title "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry of the Russian Federation" was established. The interests of all labor collectives are defended and defended by the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry.

    This focus on the industry is understandable. After all, since ancient times, everywhere on earth, people were greeted "by their clothes ..." Textile workers provide us with it. So that a citizen of Russia looks no worse than any foreigner.

    The combination of "Women" and "light industry" does not at all characterize the specifics of production. There is a lot of hard, monotonous physical labor, because the industry includes not only textile enterprises, but also the clothing, leather, fur, shoe industries. Artificial furs and leathers, polymer-film materials are also produced here. This means that the chemical industry is closely related to production. Uniting everything, grouping, debugging interdepartmental relations, establishing mutual deliveries is also hard work, and only leaders from the beautiful half of humanity can handle it, who understand how important it is that the rhythm of production is clear and the delivery of products is not disrupted. And in the end, so that neither trade enterprises, nor subcontractors, nor, most importantly, society suffer. Which, of course, is interested in a domestic product, supports its own manufacturer. And after the war, it continues to perform the difficult functions of the home front.

    The climatic conditions of the Russian Federation necessitate the presence of at least three sets of clothes and shoes in the wardrobe of every Russian. This allows people to comfortably spend time outside. Many people buy imported clothes for themselves, but consumer demand for domestically produced products is also not small.

    Light industry employees celebrate their professional holiday in early July. Most of the workers in this industry are women. On this day, congratulations deserve all the employees of the clothing and footwear industries and everyone who is somehow connected with the textile industry.


    Officially, the Day of the Textile Worker in the Russian Federation was approved by the President at the beginning of the XXI century. But this holiday has been celebrated for over 30 years.

    The main raw materials of the Russian light industry until the 18th century were wool and flax. The manufactories of that time were mainly serfs. Despite the prosperity of new textile factories, artisanal workshops remained the dominant form of production.

    In the 19th century, a gradual transition to factory production began. From the middle of the 19th century, manual machines began to be replaced by more modern mechanical ones. By the end of the century, half of the enterprises had switched to machine production.

    During the First and Second World War, the Russian manufactory suffered huge losses. In production, the volume of manufactured products fell several times. It was possible to fully establish and restore the industry only in the 1940s.

    • 1970s - the textile industry reaches the pinnacle of its development.
    • Since the 1970s, active production of synthetics begins: acetate silk, lavsan, nitron.
    • From 1965 to 1986 The USSR occupies one of the first places in the production of wool.
    • Since the 1980s, a sharp decline in production efficiency began.

    From 1990 to 1998, the productivity of the textile industry fell dramatically. The volume of production decreased several times. The number of imported goods on Russian markets began to prevail over domestic ones.


    In honor of this holiday, large-scale celebrations are held in factories and enterprises of this industry. Employees try to organize interesting and bright concerts, corporate parties and other events.

    In addition to corporate events, successful factories and textile corporations hold fashion shows. Most often, these shows feature fashionable products from the best fabrics. They are carried out to increase the number of consumers and increase the authority in the market.

    It is also customary to celebrate this holiday with the family. Relatives, friends and colleagues gather for festive tables, share their professional experience, tell interesting and funny stories.

    Do not forget to congratulate the employees of the light industry, because they make a huge contribution to the comfortable existence of mankind.

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