• The child sees invisible fields under his feet. The child says he sees strange things. Causes of unusual visual images in children. What to do with vision in children


    I put together a post about what strange and creepy things little children sometimes say. And these are not stories about a woman, oh no! This sounds much scarier.

    We have selected the most impressive comments:

    “At the age of 3, my daughter told me that I had a boy inside; but I don’t even know. But he won't last long. Well, that’s how it turned out. I took a test and found out I was pregnant. I lost my baby at 12 weeks."

    “Our youngest is 3 years old, until recently he slept in the room with us. He once had a period when he cried hysterically and said that there was a cow in the mirror. Of course, we laughed and didn’t pay attention, until in the middle of the night the dog suddenly jumped up and started barking at the mirror. After that, I washed the mirror with holy water and the cow seemed to disappear.”

    “When I was two years old, I saw a boy at the chandelier who was crying. It was dusk, and her brothers and I were in the room. My daughter periodically looked at the chandelier, and then talked to us, and at some point said: how long is he going to cry? After questioning, she pointed to the chandelier and said that there was a crying boy there. A few days later everything happened again."

    “A friend started coming to my son when he was 7 years old. His name is Gandhi. Most often he comes at night. My son talks about him very calmly. He says that he and his parents were killed, but somehow he remained in spirit and has been looking for a friend for a long time. The son agreed to be friends with him. Gandhi rarely comes, and they have their own conventional sign when a child can call him. I ask: why are you calling him? The son says that he gives him advice on how to act in certain situations."

    “Until the age of 3, the child said that he chose his parents himself, that his uncle named the Caretaker showed him his parents.”

    “Mine was constantly looking at one corner of the room. He plays and plays, then freezes and looks there. Periodically she pointed there with her finger and said: uncle. After a year and a half this started happening. It was also scary"

    “In the old apartment, my daughter kept saying that some old woman was bathing in the bathroom.”

    “When I was three years old, I said that my aunt was sitting on the table in the room. She even had a name - Marashaba. One day I started asking him what she looked like. And I wish I hadn’t asked this! The son said that this aunt has long legs and WHITE eyes. And that she does nothing, just sits. I felt sick. This lasted for about 2 months. My husband then wanted to call the imam from the mosque, but somehow everything ended abruptly.”

    “My daughter (7 years old) sometimes tells me that she remembers how she was offered to choose her mother THERE. There were different ones, he says, there was even one blonde, but I knew that I would choose you. I saw you and knew you before. It’s like someone gave me a button to press on a tablet.”

    “When my son was 2 years old, he told me about some kind of hand. That she has no mouth, no tummy - just one arm. That he sees her often and is afraid. He slept in the same bed with us until he was 5 years old, he was afraid of this hand.”

    “When I go to bed, my daughter looks at the ceiling and starts smiling and gets embarrassed. I ask: who is there? She answers: children"

    “My child saw a boy with wings and our grandfather, who died in this apartment before he was born.”

    “Once I almost peed myself at night, when the child woke me up with a thin voice: mamaaaaaa, there’s some aunt standing at the door!”

    “My 3-year-old son in a new apartment saw his uncle in the kitchen in the same place. But he was not afraid of him, and I was calm too. So it wasn’t a bad entity.”

    “My son saw some uncle in the room. I saw him for about 3 years, then it passed. The first time he woke up screaming and said that some black uncle had taken his finger. It was very scary"

    “Children see things that we cannot. When my son was 1.5 years old, I gave birth to a daughter, but she died at the age of 5 months. And until 40 days, the son woke up every night at 3 o’clock and talked to someone. He turned to me and said: “Mom, don’t cry, Lala is smiling.” It was creepy"

    “And my daughter keeps calling herself by a different name since she was 1.5 years old. She’s going to be 4 soon. And she keeps saying, “I’ll be big, and you’ll be little, and I’ll push you in a stroller too.”

    “My children, under the age of 2, both told me that they see someone outside the window, on the ceiling, in the corner, etc. By the age of three I stopped hearing it. I chalked it up to childhood fantasy. Did you just find out whether this person was good or bad? Whether his child is afraid or not. Mine were not afraid"

    Hello. Oksana Manoilo is with you again. A child sees something, visions in children are another topic for discussion. It is included in the “top 10” topics that cause parental concern.

    Children's fears and nightmares often seem like annoying trifles and nonsense to adults. But the child’s persistence, his persistent reluctance to remain alone, to remain in a closed space, or to let an adult go, his negative reaction to attempts to convince him that there is none of this, everything is fine, makes parents think...

    The child sees something at home. Children see more!

    Indeed, among new children the topic of fears stands apart due to the fact that they react to many things in a way that is completely unusual for us, and not at all in the same way as the generations that preceded them at this age.

    And the point is not in the subtleties of the psyche, for example, or in modern reality overloaded with unnecessary information. The point is that they see more. More than those around you. Let's try to understand this topic in more detail.

    The thing is that today's highly sensitive children are able to see various objects of the energy world.

    Sometimes a child can accurately and clearly formulate what exactly he saw, and sometimes he explains that he simply feels someone’s presence and sees something as if with peripheral vision. Moreover, children can sometimes describe something frightening, and other times some kind, bright things.

    Now let’s try to step back from the details and look at the situation in general. We all studied the world of microbes in biology lessons and we know that there are no crocosids in this world that are unique in shape and abundance of legs and antennae.

    At the same time, we know that many microbes help us ensure our vital functions. But our mental salvation lies precisely in the fact that we do not see them in ourselves, because if we saw them, we would hardly remain calm and balanced in our current level of mental development.

    The child says he sees something. Visions in children.

    And if we talk about energetically sensitive children, then their abilities extend precisely to the ability to see energetic substances that are hidden from our sight.

    Why, why see? I don’t think it’s advisable now to look for an answer to this question, since our children are in the future, the possibilities of which we cannot even approximately imagine now.

    Returning to energy essences, let us denote that they are traces, remnants of people’s thoughts and emotions. They are also formed from scraps of the collective mental field, information on TV, scraps of electromagnetic radiation from equipment, and much more. That is, in fact, there is a sort of soup of entities splashing around us.

    I’ll immediately make a reservation that they have no desire to act and they do not have their own will, but in a sense they can be called alive, because they have the will to live, they want to continue to exist.

    Any thought or emotion does not dissipate instantly, going nowhere, it is like a cloud of steam exhaled in the cold, it retains its individuality for some time. These are exclusively human creations, our creations.

    And this desire for life prompts this thought form created by us to look for its own kind and seek reunification with consonant substances. That is, the positive unites with positive entities, while the destructive ones seek allies with the same dark entities.

    This explains the action of the Universal Law that when a person is in a good mood, he attracts a good combination of circumstances and joyful events, and when he is in emotions with the sign “-”, he attracts events that are no longer positive. We tune in to activate that subtle world, the energy vibrations of which we ourselves emit.

    Children see the world differently than adults. Children have a different vision.

    Children, as we all know, are very susceptible to emotional fluctuations and their mood range is very wide - from acute happiness to persistent happiness.

    The key factor here is the general human ability to fantasize, or more precisely, in a situation of lack of data, to “complete” in the brain a complete picture of what is happening.For the mind to receive information and project actions. And it is absolutely clear that in a situation where a child sees a blurry spot and feels someone’s presence and is at the same time in peace and joy, or, on the contrary, sees the same spot, feels something, but is at the same time anxious, tired or disappointed , then the pictures completed with imagination will be completely different.

    Energy substances themselves do not have any form, but instantly acquire the appearance that we expect from them. And if a child has had the experience of fear more than once, then he “invents” an image for himself and becomes afraid of it again.

    Here is another interesting reason why a child does not want to be left alone, without adults. The first is obvious - fear of your own fear.

    But the second is that a child, being in the field of an adult who is not able to see energy manifestations, himself changes the frequency of his “built-in energy imager” to our primitive one. It is as if he is attuned to an adult and this ability of his, which gives him so much anxiety, is closed. It's easier for him this way.

    What to do with vision in children?

    And now we come to the key part, in which we will analyze the main aspects of what to do with all this.

    It is important for you, as a parent, to realize that your inability to coherently explain to your child what is happening, and your personal fear about this, frightens the child much more than what is happening.

    Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of your inner resource so that, having calmed yourself with prayer, meditation, breathing or filling practices, you can clearly convey to yourself the truth that “Everything has a place to be, and since this happens to my child, it means his Soul needs it for some reasons unknown to me, and this is a stage of his growth that I need to accept and support him in this.”

    And when an adult develops this fundamental calm and confidence that everything is correct, everything is normal, everything is in order, this state, this feeling of security and armor is instantly transferred to the child.

    And only by being in this calm state of confidence and trust in the Universe, is it possible to instill confidence in your child, to convey to him that “you will certainly master this gift of yours and learn to manage it, you will learn to create a blissful space for yourself, because you control everything, because you have the fire of the Creator, the spark of God, in you, but in what you see there is not.

    Because they are the creation of people or other forces, and you are created by the Almighty. And therefore you are under his protection, in his kind palms every minute.” And the child clearly understands that in fact he does not need to be saved, that all the power is in himself, and all he really needs is support and assurance that everything is fine.

    The next stage is focused on this. The world of subtle matters is very diverse, but a person who is able to see energy essences sees at a certain moment only what he himself is in tune with, those beings who live at the level at which he himself is. In a state of negativity these are terrible manifestations, but in a state of positivity and joy they are beautiful.

    And this is not a scurrying up and down - all this is present at the same time - but rather it is like an internal radar, which, being tuned to certain vibrations, takes the direction of certain consonant frequencies. And here is the task of teaching a child to tune his “energovisor” to high, beneficial frequencies. There are several ways to do this.

    How can parents help their child?

    The task of a parent whose child discovers a gift for seeing the subtle world is to teach his child to “switch the switch” in time, to raise his frequency to a higher level. There are several effective ways to do this.

    1. It is important to let the child understand the immutable rule. Man is subject to everything and he is the master of everything, his will is not discussed and is paramount. Therefore, if a child sees something that he does not want to see, he must firmly and directly say: “I don’t want to see you! Leave! Get lost!” - and everything will melt away like an obsession.
    2. As early as possible, you need to tell your child about the good superpowers that are constantly next to each of us and whose task is to help and protect us at our every call - about our curators, guardians, whatever it is more convenient to call them. The feeling of powerful support from these invisible friends, whom many children later often begin to see in the same way, will make life much easier for the child. As well as the habit of enlisting this invisible help in some alarming situations for the child, or better regularly, perhaps even at the beginning of each day, turning to the Guardians in your own words, or reading a prayer that you like, for example: “My Guardian, walk with me “You are ahead, I am behind you.” Children are beautiful in their pure faith in what they do, hence the power of embodiment; needless to say, the disbelief of adults is a significant obstacle here. Hence the presence of the third point.
    3. Protect your hypersensitive child from others. Explain to him in time that these details and a detailed description of what he sees do not need to be shared with others except the closest understanding people. If one of the adults, who is still far from understanding this, begins to put some kind of pressure on the child, then you, as a parent, should use all your diplomatic skills. In this case, explain this phenomenon of the child seeing what others do not see, hiding behind, if necessary, any, even sometimes fictitious, facts (worried about a runaway dog). And convince him to allow him to do what he is doing, that the child will soon outgrow this moment, you just need to leave him alone and not focus on this moment.
    4. Since the main task is not to stop seeing the subtle world, but to teach the child to control this world, it is important that the child understands that it is he, and not someone else, who gives energy to form for him. It's like the sky with clouds floating across it. Two people can lie side by side on the grass, looking up and being in different moods, and one in one cloud will see a winged hippopotamus, and the other in the same cloud will see a toothy crocodile. Everything is a projection of the state of mind.
    Needless to say, how seriously a troubled situation in the family, watching scary TV shows, movies, scary cartoons, listening to scary fairy tales and playing with scary toys can aggravate the situation. The very imagination of such children is too creative and alive.

    And finally, I want to say again about your key role as a parent in this matter. Feel, looking at your hypersensitive child, that the Almighty has given you a great gift to raise such an unknown creature, unlike anyone else. This means you have the resource, strength and opportunity for this.

    And this, in turn, means that you are under such protection, with such invisible armor against everything that can harm you and your child, that your finding peace in everything is something taken for granted.

    You will begin to feel this communion with the Creator through your child, and after this your consonance with your baby will inevitably come.

    You will clearly begin to understand what he needs and what he doesn’t, what to feed him, and what, even what is familiar to other children, should be removed from the diet, what to insist on, and what, even the most important for others, should be left to chance.

    And your feeling for him will increase until the moment he gets stronger and grows to the point where he can remember himself here, remember his purpose. And your mission in this is unique and responsible, so be grateful to the Creator for the fact that this unique creation has been entrusted to you.

    If for some reason you cannot fully feel your child. You have difficulties, difficulties, then write to me by email [email protected] and I will try to help you.

    I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

    Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

    Children perceive the world in a special way, sometimes they demonstrate such amazing abilities and skills that it causes amazement and the question - how can they know this? When they are born, up to five years old, sometimes even older, children retain an invisible connection with the astral world. This may manifest itself to one degree or another. Mainly children have the ability to see and hear ghosts, spirits, angels, brownies, that is, everything that adults do not see.

    Does the child see and communicate with the other world?

    Parents of infants often encounter the fact that the baby may look with interest at a certain place in the room, smile there and tell something. Older children who can already speak point to an empty place in the house and tell their parents that “uncle or aunt is over there.” What is this? Does the child see and communicate with the other world?

    Naturally, this behavior of children worries fathers and mothers, and they worry: is everything okay with their baby? But this happens to almost all children.

    According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the brownie, the invisible spirit of the home, lives side by side with people. If he likes his owners, he will help look after the children, calm them down and entertain them. Our ancestors believed that the brownie could fly, and usually be on the ceiling or under the threshold. This seems quite plausible, considering that most often small children “talk” to something that is on the ceiling and laugh while looking there. Based on this, parents explain this behavior of the child precisely by the fact that children see and hear ghosts, spirits, angels, brownies and other representatives of the other world.

    In such cases, older people say that it is the angels who entertain the children, but angels are also spirits, and it turns out that children still see beings from the subtle world, unlike adults who have lost this ability.

    A child communicates with an invisible friend. What should I do?

    Children aged two years and older often make invisible friends and talk to them. These “invisible ones” can tell the kids their name, often quite unusual, and even play with them. Naturally, parents are trying to figure out who this invisible friend is with whom their child communicates.

    When asked by adults about what such a “friend” looks like, children can describe adults, little boys or girls, but sometimes invisible friends take the form of an animal, often not quite ordinary.

    Experts believe that a similar situation arises when a child is deprived of attention, but “invisible people” appear in friends and among very sociable and outgoing children, and the children do not hide their mysterious friends, but, on the contrary, try to show them to their parents and introduce them to them.

    It is not always only such creatures that behave harmlessly - it happens that babies cry because some unkindly disposed entities frighten them. And now mothers are often faced with a situation when the child is overcome by crying, and nothing can calm him down. In such cases, even in our enlightened times, the baby is taken to a healer, and with the help of spells and special rituals, the children fall asleep peacefully.

    My Child Sees Ghosts: Stories from Worried Moms

    -...Tell me, is this not dangerous, not a disease? – the young woman is noticeably excited, although she is trying to hide her anxiety. – My three-year-old son sometimes seems to see something that is beyond the normal gaze. The child seems to see a ghost. Example? OK then. One day we arrived at the dacha, and suddenly he, pointing his finger just above the trees, said loudly: “Mom, there’s auntie...”

    - Where, there’s no one? – I’m surprised.

    “No, Auntie, over there...” and with her eyes and hand she follows something in the sky, descending behind the fence. Then he lost his temper and ran to the gate to look, but I didn’t let him go further: “You thought...” However, I think that the kid didn’t come up with anything: he doesn’t know how. He even said that she was kind, all in white... And then, a few weeks later, when he was with us at the dacha, he invariably remembered: “Where is auntie?” So I’m tormented: what did my son see?

    A similar situation was told by Valentina Ivanovna Kolesnichenko, a resident of a small farm near the village of Bykovo, whom we met thanks to the unusual psychic abilities of her six-year-old daughter.

    Twice Yulenka told me about some woman in the sky, described her, only to be surprised: “Why is she bald?” I have no doubt that my daughter really sees something, but I myself wonder if that alien arrives wearing a helmet, like the ones worn by astronauts? At the same time, neither I nor the other children noticed anything like that in the sky. Apparently, Yulia’s vision allows her to see something hidden from us...

    Do children contact the other world? Is it possible to study the phenomenon?

    Recent research by scientists has found that babies can perceive many more frequencies, and they hear sounds that are inaccessible to adults. Therefore, when a child “booms” and laughs at something, it is quite possible that he is communicating with creatures invisible to us.

    Be that as it may, these phenomena will have to be studied sooner or later. We must believe that they will not only bring us completely unexpected and unusual knowledge, but will also enrich us with a new vision of the world.

    Small children up to about 7-8 years old see things that adults cannot control: brownies, elves, ghosts, the souls of dead people, and other inhabitants of parallel worlds. Few people doubt this anymore. Over the years, this ability is lost.

    Emergence unusual visual images often found in children, but they are usually difficult to interpret due to the fact that the child has difficulty describing this peculiar sensation. As a rule, most of these conditions are benign and all you need to do is reassure the child. However, complaints of unusual vision may be more significant and indicate an underlying serious condition. It is very important to listen carefully to the complaints of both the child and the parents and evaluate them together. Here's a little mnemonic that might be helpful in situations like this. OSCE means:
    1. Optical (refraction, middle eye)
    2. Sensory (visual pathways)
    3. Cerebral (neurological, psychological/functional, psychiatric)
    4. Efferent (motor, such as nystagmus, impaired innervation of the superior oblique muscle or spasm of accommodation) disorders.

    This checklist should help provide a comprehensive approach to assessing the problem. This can usually be achieved with a thorough history and clinical examination, but additional testing or referral to other specialists may be required. It should be remembered that not in all cases it is possible to make a final diagnosis, and even symptoms that seem strange at first glance can be caused by an organic disease. Common complaints of unusual visual patterns are broken down into individual visual symptoms and presented from common to rare. There are excellent reviews on this issue.

    This nine-year-old boy complained that he constantly saw a colored grid in front of both eyes.
    Five months later, the color grid in one eye remained unchanged, but in the other it began to be perceived in black and white.
    There is no history of seizures, systemic diseases or trauma. He is a balanced boy who enjoys school.
    Results of all examinations, including ophthalmological and pediatric examination, study of pupillary reactions,
    MRI of the brain and electrodiagnostic studies (ERG, VEP, EEG) were within normal limits.

    A) Entoptine phenomena as the cause of strange visual images. Entoptic phenomena are visual sensations received from signals not from the external world, but from the eye itself. For the most part, they occur rarely and do not pose a danger. Often adults are not aware of these sensations or do not attach importance to them, but an impressionable child may notice them. Entoptic phenomena occur under conditions of certain visibility and lighting. Most people experience them at least once in their lives. Ophthalmologists use entoptic phenomena to assess the visual function of the retina and optic nerve when viewing the fundus is difficult due to the opacity of the ocular media.

    In addition, visually impaired children often rub and touch their eyes to stimulate entoptic phenomena.

    The Scheerer phenomenon (or entoptic blue field phenomenon) involves the appearance of small bright spots moving quickly and in waves when a clear sky or open snow-covered field is observed for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is the circulation of leukocytes in the perimacular capillaries. To assess microcirculation in the retinal capillaries, blue-field entoptoscopy is used.

    Many children with normal vision notice “Purkinje trees” - a display of the network of blood vessels in the retina of their own eye, which is the shadow of these capillaries cast on the still unadapted photoreceptors. This phenomenon is observed when bright light passes through closed eyelids.

    Other harmless entoptic phenomena include Purkinje's blue arcs, Heidinger's brushes, diffraction of light through eyelashes, as well as eye floaters, photopsia, and phosphenes.

    b) Photopsia and phosphenes as a cause of strange visual images. Photopsia and phosphenes are short-term entoptic phenomena. Phosphenes can occur due to mechanical (scratching the eye or sneezing), electrical, magnetic effects on the retina or visual cortex, as well as spontaneous excitation of retinal cells. Pressure phosphene represents color and light phenomena when rubbing the eyes. Flash phosphenes occur when the eyes move, especially when the retina adapts to darkness when the eyelids are closed. With prolonged accommodation stress, Cermak's phosphene accommodation occurs, the cause of which is probably traction of the retinal periphery by the ciliary muscle.

    In some cases, photopsia and phosphenes are pathological. These phenomena are observed in diseases of the retina (traction, rupture, detachment, retinal inflammation, external retinopathy), optic nerve (neuritis and papilledema) or brain (usually migraine). The cause of irritation reflexes, sensitivity to bright light and dysphotopsia can be pathological changes in the anterior segment of the eye, namely diseases of the cornea, cataracts, the edge effect of dislocation or scratches of the lens, opacification of the posterior capsule. Diseases that threaten vision loss can be excluded only with a thorough examination of the organ of vision, especially the peripheral zone of the retina.

    V) Vitreous floaters as a cause of strange visions(destruction of the vitreous body, “flying spots”). The tertiary vitreous is completely transparent at birth. Destruction of the vitreous body manifests itself in the appearance of floating spots. This disease is caused by defects or abnormal deposits in the vitreous humor that cast moving shadows on the retina. Such floating opacities are similar to “flying flies” (synonyms: mousches volantes - French, muscae volitantes - Lat.) Opacities are especially visible on a plain background, a bright surface, and also if the opacities are close to the retina. Floaters change their position, unlike a scotoma, which is fixed in space.

    For the most part, these opacities do not pose a health hazard, but nevertheless they can cause discomfort, and therefore it is necessary to reassure the patient. The cause of their occurrence is normally degenerative changes in the vitreous body (vitreous syneresis, incomplete posterior vitreous detachment, Weiss ring). Floaters are a common age-related complaint that occurs earlier in people with myopia than in emmetropes. In rare cases, the cause of this phenomenon may be stellate hyalosis or remnants of the hyaloid artery in the Cloquet canal, characteristic of persistent primary vitreous.

    However, we should be wary of floaters that appear for the first time, especially in combination with photopsia, multiple black spots, fainting or blurred vision. In such cases, an ophthalmologic examination should always be performed to rule out retinal tear, detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, or uveitis.

    Visual sensations similar to lens floaters are noted with abnormalities of the precorneal tear film (dry eye, meibomian gland dysfunction, or the presence of a foreign body). Such conditions can be easily distinguished by cessation of blinking, associated symptoms of eye irritation, and ophthalmologic examination.

    G) Benign blurred vision (“blurry”) vision. Children often complain that their vision is “fuzzy” and “cloudy.” The most common cause of this phenomenon is refractive error. Other common causes include intermittent or fixed strabismus, amblyopia, afterimages after staring into bright light, entoptic phenomena, and abnormalities of the tear film, conjunctiva, or cornea (eg, dry eye, tear film instability, and meibomian gland dysfunction).

    d) Temporary loss of vision. Temporary loss of vision of non-ischemic origin can occur as a result of migraine (against the background of nausea, headache and photopsia/atrial fibrillation), during or after an epileptic seizure (sometimes against the background of motor, sensory and autonomic phenomena or automatisms), with papilledema ( occurring against the background of symptoms of increased intracranial pressure and worsening with changes in body position and with the Valsalva experience), with optic neuritis (with associated pain with eye movements and the child’s history of recent infections/immunizations), with Uhthoff’s symptom within the framework of optic neuropathy ( loss of vision when body temperature rises, for example, during a hot shower), with temporary post-traumatic cerebral blindness as a result of damage to the occipital lobes, as a result of staring as a result of intraorbital compression of the optic nerve or orbital artery (occurs against the background of eye movement), with temporary increased intraocular pressure, uncompensated diabetes, intraocular inflammation or hemorrhage.

    Temporary vision loss of ischemic origin can be caused by an increase or decrease in blood pressure, cardiac causes (arrhythmia, septal defects), changes in the arteries (wall dissection, aneurysm, vasculitis, Moyamoya disease, vasospasm), disorders of the rheological properties of the blood and coagulation system (polycythemia, leukemia ). In this case, an emergency consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

    e) Illusions of object movement(oscillopsia or Pulfrich phenomenon). Visual illusions of movement are divided in origin into motor, sensory and cerebral. Motor causes include nystagmus, which is most often acquired, and myokymia syndrome of the superior oblique muscle of the eye. In the latter case, monocular vertical or rotational oscillopsia is observed. Confirmation of the diagnosis is the appearance during ophthalmoscopy of jerky, saccadic eye movements when the patient gazes with the involvement of the superior oblique muscle of the eye. Myokymia of the eyelids is an involuntary and, as a rule, harmless phenomenon, which is a twitching of the eyelids. Data from the anamnesis and examination allow for differential diagnosis with true oscillopsia.

    The Pulfrich phenomenon is of sensory origin and occurs as a result of slowing of optic nerve fiber conduction in optic neuropathy. The stereoscopic effect occurs as a result of a discrepancy between the signals received by the retina from the two optic nerves due to a hidden delay in the passage of the impulse along one of them. This phenomenon can be verified by observing a ball swinging from side to side in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight. Instead of a rocking motion, the patient will notice the movement of the ball along an elliptical plane towards and away from himself.

    Epileptic kinetopsia is an illusion of movement that occurs during a convulsive seizure of occipital epilepsy.

    and) Color vision impairment (dyschromatopsia). The loss of color vision in twilight conditions is explained by the relative insensitivity of cones compared to rods (“all cats are gray in the dark”). Some children describe multi-colored visual sensations after looking at a bright object, which persist for some time even if they close their eyes. A thorough history and clear explanation will reassure the child and his parents.

    True dyschromatopsia is a violation of color vision. The most common cause of dyschromatopsia is congenital color blindness, deuteranomaly, which occurs in 5-8% of boys and 0.4% of girls. Often this anomaly is noticed not by the children themselves, but by those around them, for example, when a child incorrectly names the colors of drawn objects or during a vision test at school. The causes of acquired dyschromatopsia are often changes in the ocular environment (for example, with cataracts, vitreous hemorrhage), diseases of the optic nerve (for example, neuritis), and in rare cases, pathologies of the retina and macula (for example, dystrophy). According to Kollner's rule, pathology of the outer retina (for example, pathology of the corpus luteum) usually leads to a defect in the perception of blue-yellow colors, and diseases of the inner part of the retina, the optic nerve, or a combination of both manifest themselves in loss of perception of red-green colors.

    An early clinical sign of compression of the optic chiasm is bitemporal desaturation of the red color when determining the boundaries of the visual fields. A rare cause of dyschromatopsia is brain pathology (cerebral dyschromatopsia).

    h) Perception of one object as multiple(monocular diplopia, triplopia and polyopia). Often, children note “double vision” not with true diplopia, but when describing blurred vision or a shadow from an object. A common reason for visiting a doctor is that an impressionable child notices physiological double vision in front and behind the point of fixation. The most pathological is binocular diplopia due to incorrect eye position. Complete bitemporal loss of visual fields in patients with chiasmal diseases and strabismus can lead to slide phenomenon, diplopia, and loss of central visual fields. A distinctive feature of binocular diplopia is a violation of binocular vision that disappears when one eye is closed.

    In contrast, true monocular diplopia and polyopsia persist when one eye is closed. The majority of causes of monocular diplopia are refractive errors, pathologies of the precorneal tear film and cornea, cataracts, lens dislocation and polycoria. In rare cases, the cause of monocular diplopia is retinal disease. Diplopia and polyopia of cerebral origin are rare and are most often accompanied by other disturbances (for example, visual fields) and are described in the chapter on visual perseverations.

    And) Impaired perception of the size of objects(micropsia, macropsia, teleopsia, “Lilliputian vision”). Objects may appear larger (macropsia), further away than they actually are (teleopsia), or smaller (micropsia). A patient with “Lilliputian vision” perceives people around him as smaller. Simple benign total micropsia is a prominent complaint in children, mainly of school age. Such micropsia may appear before reading at night and resolve on its own after a few months. Micropsia of macular origin is associated with weakened or distorted vision. Cerebral causes of micropsia include migraine, as well as, in rare cases, epilepsy and infectious diseases.

    Clinical observation is indicated for a relatively healthy child who does not have a distortion of the perception of reality, hallucinations, or impaired visual fields; no pathology was detected during orthoptic and ophthalmological examinations, and the only complaint is micropsia. In all other cases, as well as if the symptoms of micropsia do not go away on their own, an examination is indicated (pediatric examination, screening for infectious diseases, neuroimaging).

    To) Distorted Perception(dysmetropia, metamorphopsia and Alice in Wonderland syndrome). Dysmetropsia and metamorphopsia are interrelated visual illusions in which the shape of an object is distorted and straight lines become curved. To diagnose metamorphopsia, it is more convenient to use the Amsler grid. Even a small child can tell whether lines are straight or not and note that the lines are “funny.” Distortions of visual perception in origin can be optical (most often), macular (sometimes found) and cerebral (rare). Optical causes include severe astigmatism of the cornea, lens or retina (staphyloma), severe ametropia, anisometry, and changes in glasses. Macular causes include macular edema and choroidal neovascularization (eg, associated with myopic Fuchs maculopathy, inflammatory ocular diseases, and macular degeneration). In rare cases, visual distortion is cerebral in origin, as in the case of Alice in Wonderland syndrome. In such cases, other neurological disorders are often observed.

    If a distortion of visual perception is detected using the Amsler grid, then it is necessary to determine the refraction, the topography of the cornea (if kerotoconus is suspected) and perform a thorough examination of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye in a slit lamp. If macular disease is suspected, optical coherence tomography, fundus fluorescein angiography can be used as research, and if cerebral causes are suspected, neuroimaging (MRI) can be used.

    The combination of metamorphopsia, micropsia and macropsia with migraine is more common in children than in adults. Most cases of Alice in Wonderland syndrome are associated with migraines, but can also be caused by epilepsy, drugs/drugs (topiramate), chickenpox, or infectious mononucleosis.

    m) Bradypsia. In rare cases, children take longer to adapt to changes in light and darkness and have difficulty tracking moving objects as a result of a defect in the photoreceptor deactivation mechanism of the photoconversion cascade. In addition to significantly slower dark and light adaptation, children with normal color vision and the absence of pathology in the fundus may experience a moderate decrease in visual acuity and slight photophobia.

    n) Visual perseverations and other rare visual impairments of cerebral origin. Palenopsia is the repetition of a visual impression after some time. In immediate palenopsia, the image remains for several minutes after the object disappears from the field of view, and in delayed palenopsia, the image of the previously seen image appears again after several days or weeks. The image is complete and differs from afterimages that occur when the retina is overstimulated, for example after looking at a light for a long time. With diplopia or polyopia of cerebral origin, the visual image is preserved in space, and the patient sees two or more copies of the same image simultaneously.

    Unlike binocular diplopia, diplopia and polyopia of cerebral origin are monocular and can be differentiated from monocular diplopia and polyopia of non-cerebral origin by determining refraction followed by an ophthalmological examination to exclude corneal pathology, lens displacement, iris defects (polycoria) and cataracts. With diplopia and polyopia of cerebral origin, each image is perceived clearly, viewing an object through a small hole does not lead to positive changes, the situation does not change when looking with one or two eyes. Illusory expansion of the image is characterized by the perception of an object that is larger in size. Palinopsia, polyopia and illusory image magnification are often combined with other cerebral pathologies, such as homonymous visual field defects.

    With cerebral akinetopsia, any perception of movement is completely disrupted as a result of bilateral brain damage. In the case of “visual disorientation” and “simultaneous agnosia,” the patient is able to describe individual parts of the image, but not the entire picture. These conditions are part of Balint syndrome.

    O) Visual disturbances associated with migraine. Migraine in children can be accompanied by a variety of visual disturbances. Visual hallucinations usually occur in the form of increasing scintillating scotomas (teichopsia) or shapeless flashes of light (cerebral photopsia). A well-known complication is loss of visual fields (eg hemianopsia). Migraine can cause visual illusions (micropsia, macropsia, metamorphopsia, Alice in Wonderland syndrome). Palinopsia and polyopsia have also been described in migraine. In rare cases, complex visual hallucinations associated with the appearance of images of people or animals (zoopsia) are observed. Sometimes the patient sees himself from the outside (autoscopic hallucination). Other rare disorders include complete achromatopsia (loss of color perception of cerebral origin), prosopagnosia (impaired recognition of faces) and visual agnosia (impaired recognition of objects).

    P) Hallucinations. Hallucinations are sensory experiences that are unique and generated by the brain without any external stimulus. Illusions are errors of perception or distortion of an existing external signal.

    R) Hallucinations in darkness and isolation. Random background noise in the form of light and dark dots occurs when the eyes are closed or in complete darkness (hallucinations and visualizations of “closed eyes”). "Eigengrau" (German: "inner grey") or "Eigenlicht" ("inner light") is the gray or light color we see in absolute darkness, resulting from the retina's own underlying electrical activity. The Ganzfeld effect is a visual hallucination that occurs when staring for a long time into a completely empty visual field or color field. Prolonged sensory deprivation in the dark (for example, at night or in a dark room) can stimulate hallucinations in the form of shaped spots of light or even figures of people.

    With) Charles Bonnet syndrome. Visual hallucinations in people with vision loss who are mentally healthy and aware of the unreality of their hallucinations are called Charles Bonnet syndrome. They can occur after simultaneous or sequential, not necessarily complete bilateral vision loss as a result of any visual pathology (cataracts, diseases of the macula, optic nerve, cortical diseases, after enucleation). Typically, such hallucinations are vivid, complex, complex (often involving people and scene-like), and filling a blind spot. Hallucinations are strictly visual (for example, people do not talk in them). The cause of these hallucinations is the cessation of cortical stimulation after loss of vision. Such hallucinations are potentially reversible (for example, after cataract surgery). Many patients are reluctant to admit to having hallucinations, and, as a rule, an explanation of the true origin of this phenomenon calms them down.

    T) Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. Visual hallucinations that occur when falling asleep (hypnagogic) and when waking up (hypnopompic) can occur normally. However, if hypnagogic hallucinations in a child with somnolence are associated with the presence of daytime sleepiness, catalepsy, or sleep paralysis, then research should be conducted to exclude narcolepsy.

    y) Occipital and temporal lobe epilepsy. Another common cause of hallucinations is occipital, temporal and, in rare cases, parietal epilepsy. With occipital epilepsy, simple visual hallucinations are observed (photopsia, white phosphenes, persistent colored lights), and with temporal epilepsy, more complex ones (faces, people). Visual epileptic seizures are often accompanied by other seizure symptoms, such as focal motor seizures, automatisms (eg, lip pursing, chewing), sensory disturbances (eg, olfactory hallucinations), and autonomic disturbances (eg, pupillary changes, salivation, urinary incontinence). Occipital epilepsy, accompanied by visual hallucinations, is difficult to distinguish only from acephalgic migraine with visual aura.

    Benign childhood epilepsy is a syndrome of idiopathic occipital epilepsy in school-age children, which spontaneously ceases in adolescence. Epileptic seizures are accompanied by simple or complex visual hallucinations (or temporary loss of vision) and can progress to motor or complex partial seizures. After an attack, a migraine-like headache may occur. EEG is used for diagnosis, and pharmacotherapy is used for treatment.

    f) Peduncular hallucinosis. With this rare disease, the patient experiences bright, colorful, kaleidoscopically changing images, geometric shapes, detailed pictures of landscapes, flowers, animals and even people. Peduncular hallucinosis is usually associated with damage to the midbrain and may be accompanied by other pathologies such as sleep disorders and cognitive disorders.

    X) Drug-induced hallucinations. Visual hallucinations may be caused by medications (eg, steroids, lamotrigine, cyclosporine, digoxin, sildenafil (for pulmonary hypertension), ganciclovir, vincristine, lidocaine, itraconazole, lithium salts, levodopa), drug withdrawal (eg, barbiturates for epilepsy in children , baclofen), painkillers (ketamine), eye drops (idiosyncrasy to atropine and cyclopentolate), as well as alcohol and hallucinogenic drugs (LSD, phencyclidine, cocaine, marijuana)

    c) Psychogenic (“functional”) vision loss. Psychogenic (“functional”) vision loss is common in children (approximate prevalence - 1.4/1000, predominantly prepubertal and pubertal adolescence, girls are more often affected). This disease should be suspected if subjective complaints of vision loss do not correspond to objective examination data. Psychogenic vision loss is a diagnosis of exclusion. In some cases, in children with signs of psychogenic vision loss, the organic pathology underlying the disease is discovered over time. Psychogenic vision loss can manifest itself in a variety of ways: from imaginary vision loss to unusual visual sensations. Sure, some kids are faking it, but most of them are really sick. Brodsky proposed a classification into four groups:
    Group 1: visually anxious children;
    Group 2: children with conversion disorders;
    Group 3: children with possible twilight clouding of consciousness;
    Group 4: psychogenic vision loss due to a true organic disease.

    h) Associated Medical Conditions. Visual hallucinations may occur in some medical conditions such as febrile illness, encephalitis, and metabolic encephalopathies. In such cases, emergency medical intervention is necessary.

    w) Psychiatric diseases. Hallucinations, in which there is a complete lack of understanding of the falsity of visual images, are part of psychosis - a deep disorder of thinking in which a person loses control over the sense of reality. The patient hears and sees something that does not exist. Frequently frightening visual and acoustic (voices) hallucinations in this devastating mental disorder are accompanied by delusions, extravagant behavior, and cessation of self-care. It is usually not difficult to recognize full-blown psychosis in a teenager, which often occurs as a result of taking illegal substances. If there is a significant risk of the patient causing harm to himself or others, it is necessary to call a psychiatric team.

    Psychiatric patients may also experience visual disturbances. In this regard, it is necessary to listen to the patient’s persistent complaints that persist after stabilization of the mental state. The author of this article recalls how he was once asked to examine a young psychiatric patient who complained that he could not read up close and see people at a distance. His psychiatrist doubted the organic nature of the disease and sent him for examination. It turned out that the patient had severe keratoconus!

    A 14-year-old boy diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1,
    glioma of the left optic nerve and chiasm (A) complained that
    that he sees flickering spots in the left and sometimes in both eyes (B, C).

    . A nine-year-old girl complained of decreased visual acuity in both eyes, reduction and distortion of objects on the left.
    (A) The white zone, located temporally in relation to the optic nerve head, indicates swelling of the nerve fiber and fluid leakage through the vessels, spreading to the foveal zone.
    (B) Due to the increase in retinal edema, which extended to the macula, visual acuity decreased to 6/36 and micropsia disappeared.

    This drawing was drawn by a right-handed child with fatal metastatic carcinoma of the right parietal lobe of the brain.
    The symptom of the disease was an uncontrollable sudden visual sensation of an image of a kitchen window
    in a different environment several hours after the initial stimulus.
    This boy's illness with Mobius-like syndrome began at the age of 18 years in the form of shapeless hallucinations in the right part of the visual field and was accompanied by nausea and, subsequently, insomnia.
    There were no epileptic seizures. On MRI: an area of ​​dysplastic ectopic gray matter in the left posterior parieto-occipital lobe (arrow).

    (A, B) Fundus of a boy with intact intellect, suffering from neuroretinitis resulting from widespread encephalopathy.
    (B) MRI: areas of inflammation of the white matter of the brain.
    (D) At this stage, four weeks after the onset of the first symptoms: a drawing of the visual image that the patient saw,
    when he “counted his fingers” (he drew the pictures he saw after partial restoration of his vision).
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