• Small children don't eat well. The child does not eat well in a year. Baby doesn't eat well


    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    A A

    Problems such as poor sleep, poor weight gain and poor appetite often make moms and dads worry in the first months of a baby's life.

    But young parents should not be afraid and panic! Responsible adults must find the cause of the problems and fix it.

    11 reasons for poor appetite in babies - why does a newborn eat poorly?

    A baby can eat poorly for many reasons., the most serious of which are health problems. Already with a slight malaise, appetite disappears even in adults - what can we say about fragile children's organisms!

    To determine what the baby is worried about, you need to know the main symptoms of the most common childhood ailments .

    1. With otitis media the baby cries, shakes his head and does not allow to touch the base of his ears. If you suspect this particular disease, then be sure to seek help from a specialist doctor, and with constant crying and anxiety of the child, call an ambulance.
    2. , then he jerks his legs, bends and constantly, monotonously cries. To help your baby cope with gas formation, you need:
    3. If the child has snot - this is immediately clear. The baby squishes his nose and mucus flows out of his nostrils. With a runny nose, doctors recommend moistening and ventilating the room so that dry and hot air does not dry out the nasal mucosa. It is also useful to instill saline solution into each nasal passage. But vasoconstrictor drops for newborns are prohibited, they can be used only after a year.

    4. For diseases of the oral cavity the mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with either a curdled coating or white spots. At the same time, it is difficult for the baby to swallow and suck, which is why he refuses to eat. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the damaged mucosa with a soda solution. But for the appointment of adequate treatment, you need to consult a doctor - a pediatrician.
    5. Cause of poor appetite there may be a change in the nutrition of a nursing mother. The fact is that some products can change the taste of milk. So, after garlic, spices, alcohol or smoking, children most often give up their breasts. Stick to the diet and your baby's appetite won't be a problem.

    6. Cosmetics can also be a cause. After all, children like how mother's skin will wave, and not deodorants, perfumes and cosmetic oils. Therefore, do not overdo it with perfume in the pursuit of beauty.

    7. A newborn can not only eat little, but also refuse to breastfeed . This is a whole disaster for breastfeeding, because in such a situation the baby is rapidly losing weight and constantly crying from hunger. Rejection can happen due to bottle use when the child understands that it is much easier to suck milk from it, and chooses a simple way of feeding. It also contributes to breastfeeding pacifier. As with the bottle situation, the baby finds it easier to suck on the nipple and refuses to feed naturally. Solving this problem is far from easy, so it is better to seek help from lactation consultants who have sufficient knowledge and experience to organize the feeding of such wayward kids.
    8. Poor appetite may be the result of a tense psychological situation within the family. If you have discord in relationships with household members, or your family has been overcome by troubles, then all you need is to calm down and devote more time to the baby. So the child will feel calmer, and his appetite will return.
    9. Or maybe the child is just a baby? Many parents and doctors are based on tabular norms for weight gain and the amount of milk eaten by age, but each baby is individual. Therefore, it is worth letting go of your doubts and not force-feeding the child. Moreover, if there are no visible reasons for concern - the baby is cheerful and playful, sleeps well and has regular stools.
    10. Another reason may be inconvenience of feeding . With the correct position of the body, the mother should sit or lie extremely relaxed, while the child should be in contact with the mother's tummy with the stomach.

    11. Also many children prevent themselves from eating by waving their arms. In this case, you need to swaddle the baby before feeding.
    • The main recommendation is to walk more. Because fresh air and oxygen stimulate hunger.
    • Don't overexcite the child. If guests often come to you to nurse a newborn (and this happens in the first months of life), then it is worth forbidding them to visit you until the feeding problems are resolved.

    • Pay more attention to your child , carry it on your hands, swing it. After giving birth, the baby feels lonely. After all, his old world has collapsed, and he has not yet got used to the new one. When the skin of the baby comes into contact with the skin of the mother, the baby seems to return to the intrauterine state. He again hears the beating of his heart, feels the warmth of his mother's body and calms down from this.
    • When bathing, add decoctions of string and chamomile to the water. They have a calming effect on the nervous system of the child, and therefore the baby quickly develops an appetite. Read also:

    If the reason for refusing food is not clear to you, then Be sure to contact your pediatrician! Together you can help your baby and restore his long-awaited appetite.

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    A A

    Problems such as poor sleep, poor weight gain and poor appetite often make moms and dads worry in the first months of a baby's life.

    But young parents should not be afraid and panic! Responsible adults must find the cause of the problems and fix it.

    11 reasons for poor appetite in babies - why does a newborn eat poorly?

    A baby can eat poorly for many reasons., the most serious of which are health problems. Already with a slight malaise, appetite disappears even in adults - what can we say about fragile children's organisms!

    To determine what the baby is worried about, you need to know the main symptoms of the most common childhood ailments .

    1. With otitis media the baby cries, shakes his head and does not allow to touch the base of his ears. If you suspect this particular disease, then be sure to seek help from a specialist doctor, and with constant crying and anxiety of the child, call an ambulance.
    2. , then he jerks his legs, bends and constantly, monotonously cries. To help your baby cope with gas formation, you need:
    3. If the child has snot - this is immediately clear. The baby squishes his nose and mucus flows out of his nostrils. With a runny nose, doctors recommend moistening and ventilating the room so that dry and hot air does not dry out the nasal mucosa. It is also useful to instill saline solution into each nasal passage. But vasoconstrictor drops for newborns are prohibited, they can be used only after a year.

    4. For diseases of the oral cavity the mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with either a curdled coating or white spots. At the same time, it is difficult for the baby to swallow and suck, which is why he refuses to eat. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the damaged mucosa with a soda solution. But for the appointment of adequate treatment, you need to consult a doctor - a pediatrician.
    5. Cause of poor appetite there may be a change in the nutrition of a nursing mother. The fact is that some products can change the taste of milk. So, after garlic, spices, alcohol or smoking, children most often give up their breasts. Stick to the diet and your baby's appetite won't be a problem.

    6. Cosmetics can also be a cause. After all, children like how mother's skin will wave, and not deodorants, perfumes and cosmetic oils. Therefore, do not overdo it with perfume in the pursuit of beauty.

    7. A newborn can not only eat little, but also refuse to breastfeed . This is a whole disaster for breastfeeding, because in such a situation the baby is rapidly losing weight and constantly crying from hunger. Rejection can happen due to bottle use when the child understands that it is much easier to suck milk from it, and chooses a simple way of feeding. It also contributes to breastfeeding pacifier. As with the bottle situation, the baby finds it easier to suck on the nipple and refuses to feed naturally. Solving this problem is far from easy, so it is better to seek help from lactation consultants who have sufficient knowledge and experience to organize the feeding of such wayward kids.
    8. Poor appetite may be the result of a tense psychological situation within the family. If you have discord in relationships with household members, or your family has been overcome by troubles, then all you need is to calm down and devote more time to the baby. So the child will feel calmer, and his appetite will return.
    9. Or maybe the child is just a baby? Many parents and doctors are based on tabular norms for weight gain and the amount of milk eaten by age, but each baby is individual. Therefore, it is worth letting go of your doubts and not force-feeding the child. Moreover, if there are no visible reasons for concern - the baby is cheerful and playful, sleeps well and has regular stools.
    10. Another reason may be inconvenience of feeding . With the correct position of the body, the mother should sit or lie extremely relaxed, while the child should be in contact with the mother's tummy with the stomach.

    11. Also many children prevent themselves from eating by waving their arms. In this case, you need to swaddle the baby before feeding.
    • The main recommendation is to walk more. Because fresh air and oxygen stimulate hunger.
    • Don't overexcite the child. If guests often come to you to nurse a newborn (and this happens in the first months of life), then it is worth forbidding them to visit you until the feeding problems are resolved.

    • Pay more attention to your child , carry it on your hands, swing it. After giving birth, the baby feels lonely. After all, his old world has collapsed, and he has not yet got used to the new one. When the skin of the baby comes into contact with the skin of the mother, the baby seems to return to the intrauterine state. He again hears the beating of his heart, feels the warmth of his mother's body and calms down from this.
    • When bathing, add decoctions of string and chamomile to the water. They have a calming effect on the nervous system of the child, and therefore the baby quickly develops an appetite. Read also:

    If the reason for refusing food is not clear to you, then Be sure to contact your pediatrician! Together you can help your baby and restore his long-awaited appetite.

    In a beloved child, it gives rise to various diseases and a lag in physical development. Toddlers who eat poorly are usually pale, moody and irritable. Unfortunately, many parents are faced with a situation where children do not eat well. What to do in this case and what can cause such a phenomenon?

    Causes of poor appetite in a child

    During the period when the baby is on artificial or natural feeding, provided that the mixture or milk meets the necessary parameters, there are usually no problems with appetite. At this time, the baby eats regularly and in the volume required by the small body.

    The first difficulties with eating usually begin with the introduction of complementary foods, when parents can observe that the child eats poorly, and, it would seem, for no apparent reason. In fact, the lack of appetite in a baby almost always has an explanation.

    The most common reasons for a child’s reluctance to eat are diseases, malaise, lack of regimen, a stressful situation, or just a bad mood.


    If the baby is sick, then a violation of appetite is a natural reaction to the disease. The human body is so arranged that it always distributes its forces in the right amount and in a certain direction. With any illness, the immune system concentrates on the focus of inflammation, trying with all its might to fight the disease. From this we can conclude that if the child began to eat poorly during the period of illness, it does not matter, it even contributes to a speedy recovery, because the body, as you know, spends a fairly large amount of energy on digesting food.

    Bad mood and lack of routine

    The most difficult to recognize reason for a child’s lack of appetite is. Such a reaction may be the result of misunderstanding or insufficient attention on the part of parents, as well as quarrels, scandals, unfair punishment, resentment inflicted by peers, etc. If the child began to eat poorly due to internal experiences , moms and dads need to find contact with their child and talk to solve the problem.

    Most often, children have poor appetite in the absence of a daily routine. Making sure that sleep, games and feedings are strictly on schedule is quite difficult. In addition, the child during the day can pick up some sweets, sandwiches, snacks, and a full dinner will become completely uninteresting to him.

    What to do if the child has a poor appetite?

    Thus, if the child began to eat poorly, the first step is to observe him and try to find out the cause of the situation. At the same time, it is very important to be extremely attentive, restrained and patient, because the little man needs love, affection and care so much.

    Simple rules will help to solve the problem of poor appetite in a baby, following which you can turn the process of eating into an interesting and exciting activity for a little man.

    Rule #1

    The child does not eat well: what to do in this situation? In no case should you force the baby to gobble up those dishes that he does not like. Children can often have a dislike for certain foods, but this phenomenon in most cases is age-related and disappears over the years. However, forcing the baby to eat what he does not want, you can thereby cause him to have a real phobia associated with this dish.

    Overcoming the hostility of your child to the product by force will not only bring no result, but can also lead to harmful consequences. Forcing the baby to eat, you can instill in him a persistent dislike for food. This is how the problem of poor appetite is born.

    To get out of this situation, it is necessary to temporarily exclude from the child’s diet what causes dislike in him, and after a while, when the memory of this product fades, he should, as it were, accidentally put it on the baby. If the negative reflex to this type of food is unstable, then, most likely, the child will begin to eat, if it is persistent, then nothing can be done, it remains only to accept.

    Rule #2

    It is very important that the process of eating evokes positive emotions in the baby. If the child eats very poorly, then it is important for parents to pay great attention to the environment in which the child has breakfast, lunch or dinner. While eating, adults should forget about their problems and in every possible way show the crumbs how delicious everything is cooked. You also need to try to pay less attention to the child, do not pull him and eat with appetite. Looking at others, the baby will also begin to eat.

    You should pay attention to the dishes from which the child eats. So, some kids love children's dishes, while others prefer "adult" plates, like everyone else. It will be useful to purchase plates with various bright patterns on the bottom and, during lunch, each time offer the baby to guess which pattern he got this time.

    Rule #3

    If possible, breakfast, lunch and dinner should be arranged at approximately the same time, and for the whole family at once. This, of course, will be difficult to do, but still it is necessary to strive for this.

    It is desirable that in the morning the children get up at the same time as adults, and that the whole family has breakfast at the same time. If this causes certain difficulties, then it is worth at least having dinner together on weekdays. On weekends, family meals should become a tradition.

    Rule #4

    If children do not eat well, what should be done to increase appetite? It is very important that the baby is hungry before eating. In order for the child to feel hungry by the time he is seated at the table, he should be provided with walks between meals and sufficient physical activity. At the same time, it is very important not to feed the child with different goodies.

    Do not succumb to his requests and persuasion to give something to eat before the appointed meal time. Only in this case the baby will get hungry properly. Parents only need to show their character a few times and overcome pity for their beloved child, and the problem of poor appetite will disappear.

    Rule #5

    The child does not eat well, what should parents do with this? Often this happens when the baby does not finish his portion, but nevertheless, in such a situation, you should not scold him. You should calmly remove everything from the table and tell the child that next time we will eat, for example, at 7 o’clock, and try to keep this promise. If, before the agreed time, the child persistently asks for food, you can give him insatiable fruits - a pear, an apple or an orange.

    Rule #6

    You should not impose a lot of food on the baby at once. It often happens that a child is torn away from the game in order to eat. In this case, he perceives food as an annoying hindrance that prevents him from continuing the game. And if in such a situation the child, in addition to everything, sees a huge portion that requires a lot of time, he will naturally become capricious.

    It is best to first give the baby a small portion and, after waiting until he has an appetite, try to get the child to ask for the supplement. Such a request should become a habit over time.

    Rule #7

    When a child is 2 years old, the baby does not eat well, as it turned out, for various reasons. Perhaps the food is simply not tasty enough, and its appearance does not cause appetite? This can be easily fixed by showing your imagination and ingenuity.

    So, for example, you can make “sweets” from vegetable puree or cottage cheese, for which you simply place pieces of food in bright wrappers. The child should be offered to drink tea, compote, or even eat soup through a straw.

    “Children do not eat well, what should I do?” - young parents often turn to pediatricians with this question. As a rule, the recommendations of experts come down to the following:

    1. It is necessary to monitor not the quantity of food, but its quality. The nutrition of the child should be balanced and varied.
    2. For especially active children who cannot sit still for even a minute, you can read a book at lunch. This will help them focus and calm down.
    3. The most capricious fidgets can be offered to draw while eating and put pencils and an album on the dining table. So, for example, if a child eats an apple, then you should invite him to draw this fruit.
    4. You should not feed the child immediately upon returning from kindergarten. It is best to wait until the child himself expresses a desire to eat. It is important to remember that food in the evening should be extremely low-fat and light.
    5. It is not necessary to put a second dish in front of him until he has eaten the first.

    Means that increase children's appetite

    Children do not eat well, what to do if all methods have been tried, but the situation has not changed? Folk methods come to the rescue, aimed at increasing the appetite of a little man.

    For good stimulation of digestion, the berries of such medicinal plants as juniper and barberry, blackcurrant and rosehip, black chokeberry and sea buckthorn, as well as cumin and anise seeds in the form of decoctions and tea additives are used. These funds, pleasant and sweet in taste, children, as a rule, drink with pleasure.

    But decoctions of yarrow, chicory and dandelion root, although they have rather unpleasant taste characteristics (in connection with which the kids completely refuse to take them), significantly increase the secretion of gastric juice, and therefore increase appetite much more. It is necessary to use such herbal remedies 30 minutes before eating.

    When a child does not eat well, what does traditional medicine advise in this case? Well-proven as a means of improving appetite, and homeopathic preparations: "Colchicum", complexes with calcium and magnesium salts. Medications include drugs "Lysine", "Creon", "Elkar", "Glycine". However, it is very important to use them only on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Steady observance of these rules will surely bring success and help turn the process of eating into a real exciting, and most importantly, desirable activity for the baby. Parents always need to remember that the right thing for a child is the key to the full development of a growing organism.

    A long-awaited event has happened in your family - the birth of a baby. There were no problems with feeding the baby, because he received all the necessary vitamins from his mother's milk. Feeding a one-year-old baby and an older child is more difficult: after all, you already have to add more vegetables and fruits to food, gradually equating the children's diet with an adult. There are difficulties with nutrition: the baby is naughty while eating, eats little or does not eat at all. Parents panic: what to do?

    The main causes of poor appetite in a child

    Poor appetite in a child aged 1-2 years can be due to a number of reasons. First of all, it is necessary to exclude any disease, due to which the appetite can be reduced or completely absent.

    Do not panic if your baby does not eat well, but at the same time looks quite healthy and vigorous. He is usually in good health, but apparently there are reasons that affect his desire.

    Try to identify the root cause of your lack of appetite.

    There are several reasons that can affect appetite.

    • Transferred disease ().
    • During cooking, the preferences of the baby (taste, food texture, serving size) are not taken into account.
    • Coercion during feeding (forced, persuaded).
    • Snacks between meals.
    • Influence on appetite of the season.
    • Violated daily routine: walking, feeding, sleep.

    What to do if the child eats poorly or eats very little?

    • After illness

    A child who has just recovered will not show a "wolf" appetite. Usually during this period he is more thirsty, and his appetite, as is generally the case, is very small.

    Be attentive and patient: listen to his desires, and very soon the baby will ask for food.

    • Teething

    In the period from one to 2 years, teething occurs in children. As a rule, a baby has four upper and lower teeth per year. Primary molars and canines erupt by the age of two, and can also be a cause of anxiety and poor appetite.

    • Don't force if you don't want to

    You can not constantly force the child to eat more or eat what he does not like. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing the baby to be disgusted with food and dislike the very process of eating. Portions of food should be moderate, not too large.

    • Avoid snacking between meals

    A couple of cookies or sweets eaten before dinner can affect your appetite. A sweet tooth can feel full from a snack, and therefore refuse to eat during lunch.

    • Appetite level depends on the time of year

    Undoubtedly, on hot summer days, children's appetite decreases. The young body wants to drink more, and this is normal. In the heat, do not force the child to eat, let him drink natural freshly squeezed juices.

    Half an hour before meals, you can give a glass of water, this will help increase salivation and stimulate appetite.

    • Follow the routine of the day

    The daily routine of the child should have a certain sequence. Timely going to bed and waking up, daytime and nighttime sleep, walks, games and meals form the habit of doing everything at the right time.

    Spend enough time outdoors. The daily routine from one to two years should correspond to the physiology of the development of a child of this age.

    For example, if you have lunch at 2:00 every day, then by this time he will really want to eat.

    • Consider your child's taste preferences

    Milk porridge, which the neighbor's kid eats with pleasure, may not please your son at all. Many children love vegetables, and some prefer meat. Therefore, when the child eats with appetite, take a closer look at what remains intact on the plate, and which food is eaten first. Thus, you can find out his taste preferences.

    • Diversify your diet

    To diversify the diet, you can introduce new dishes into it - so that your favorite dish is combined with a new one. To do this, counting on the fact that the baby will eat the main dish and try a new one. In addition, as the child grows, his taste preferences may change and expand.

    • Create a pleasing food appearance

    What can not be done if the child refuses to eat?

    • Each mother struggles with a child's poor appetite in her own way. But in no case should you force the baby to eat! This will not only cause disgust for food, but also violate the trusting relationship with mom.
    • Do not threaten or blackmail : "You won't go to play until you eat." It can spoil the child's psyche. During meals, turn off the TV, computer, tablet, as they negatively affect digestion.
    • Do not swear if the baby, for example, broke a cup or spilled a drink during a meal.
    • Don't show your concern and experience if the baby does not eat anything.
    • Don't snack before the main meal.

    The main thing is to try to understand why the baby has a poor appetite. Based on the reasons, proceed to carefully thought-out actions.

    Often parents are faced with the fact that the child does not eat well. This begins to worry adults, since good nutrition is a source of nutrients and essential vitamins. What is the basis of poor appetite? Reluctance to eat or impossibility due to various disturbing factors?

    Why did the child become malnourished?

    The presence of diseases affects the ability of the crumbs to eat. Babies born prematurely tire more quickly, refuse to breastfeed, and gain less weight. It is recommended to supplement the babies additionally from a bottle or from a spoon in order to gain strength faster.

    Oral problems (inflammation, teething, tongue tie) prevent the child from getting food. A flat nipple can also make it difficult to suckle milk. A runny nose makes eating uncomfortable, as it becomes difficult to eat and breathe at the same time.

    Violation of the mother's diet often leads to a change in the taste of milk, which is not always pleasant for the baby. As children get older, they may not be comfortable with the temperature of the food—too hot or too cold. Also, the presence of hard pieces is not to the liking of the baby, who does not know how to chew well. Eating habits play a significant role: someone cannot stand semolina porridge or the smell of stewed cabbage.

    The reason in these cases is easy to identify, because the child wants to eat, but something is stopping him. Eliminating the causes contributes to the normalization of nutrition. Things are much more complicated with those who are able to eat, who are not bothered by anything, but have a poor appetite.

    Viruses - assistants to poor appetite

    The primary symptoms of diseases are just manifested by the fact that the child does not eat well. SARS, bacterial diseases always affect appetite. At this time, it is best to offer your baby plenty of fluids. It is desirable to feed the crumbs with what he wants: fruits, vegetables, do not impose unpleasant food on him.

    Prolonged difficulties with appetite are sometimes caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with nervous abnormalities, and with endocrine pathologies. If a child eats poorly and lags behind in weight gain, then this is an alarming sign that requires the intervention of pediatricians.

    Somatic disease leads to fatigue and loss of appetite!

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cause a prolonged deterioration in appetite. Diseases such as gastritis, enterocolitis, liver disease - cause difficulties with meals. With allergies, lack of vitamins, diseases of the cardiovascular system, there may be problems with appetite. In these cases, you can not do without the help of doctors, because it is important to find the cause, and not just deal with the effect.

    Causes of improper catering

    If the baby is fed irrationally, inappropriate food, then the appetite decreases. The lack of a regimen, the predominance of fatty foods, sweets inhibit the feeling of hunger.

    Forced feeding can cause a wrong attitude towards food, it should not be perceived as a punishment.

    Not all babies like to eat from a spoon when weaning begins. Cutting teeth sometimes cause pain. After a year, children develop taste preferences, and they react with a refusal to food that they do not like.

    The environment of the child, the emotional state

    Psychogenic causes of decreased appetite can occur in dysfunctional families or where the child is overprotected. Sometimes a mother believes that love is manifested in the amount of food and literally feeds the child, which causes appetite disorders.

    Advice to parents if the child is not eating well

    Feeding frequency. No need to force the child to eat at any cost. Often the desire to be sure to feed the little one is not subject to logical explanations, but goes instinctively. When the indicators of height and weight correspond to the norms, you should not worry that the baby has not eaten enough. If this behavior is not one-time, then the daily routine, menu, portion size, and physical activity of the crumbs are discussed with the pediatrician.

    Count the amount of food eaten per day. Up to one year, children normally eat up to 1200 grams of food, along with liquid. By the age of one and a half years, the mass of food reaches 1500 grams. Naturally petite children may eat less and this is absolutely normal for them.

    Take vitamins. If the child does not eat well, then special vitamin complexes will restore the lack of nutrients.

    Taking medications. It is worth taking medicines only at the suggestion of a pediatrician if the child does not eat well due to somatic diseases. Preparations containing levocarnitine help to absorb energy, avoid weight loss.

    Poor appetite in a newborn

    As mentioned above, newborns do not eat well because of the difficulty in sucking milk, because of insufficient nutritional value of milk. In this case, you need to apply more often to the chest, if necessary, supplement with a mixture from a spoon. The mixture is selected with a pediatrician, where all parameters are taken into account.

    The child does not eat well at 1 year

    By the year, taste preferences appear, the texture of food, its temperature are important for the baby. Some children do not want to learn how to chew, so their parents go along with them and feed them too small food. It is important to start with soft foods that the child will learn to chew without difficulty, then you can offer more solid foods.

    Poor appetite at 2 years old

    If the baby does not eat well at 3 years

    Three-year-olds go through a certain crisis, and often they do everything in defiance of their parents. Mode, calm environment, lack of frequent snacks and moderate physical activity will be beneficial to improve nutrition.

    1. Understand the reason. Force-feeding is not necessary, because there is always some reason behind a poor appetite. Probably the baby is sick or teething, or maybe the food has not cooled down and he is hot.
    2. Count the amount of food. Well-fed children may refuse food because they are already full. The child's body is very sensitive and the child always knows how much nutrients he needs.
    3. Mode. Newborn babies are fed on demand, but then meals should be on schedule so that the food has time to be digested. It also builds discipline.
    4. Lots of sweets. Sweets before meals affect appetite, it is better to change sweets for fruits or vegetables.
    5. Cold or infection. When the body is fighting the disease, the child does not eat well. All because all forces are directed to recovery. Eating light food and drinking plenty of water will help to overcome the disease more easily.
    6. Games while eating. The kid can simply play too much, using food instead of toys. In this case, you should strictly separate what you can have fun with and what you can’t.
    7. Meals with family. From about 3 years old, the baby should eat with the family, learn good manners, instill the right eating habits.
    8. Diverse food. Food should be different, mostly healthy. No need to feed the crumbs with chips and fast food. Diversity is ensured through healthy food.
    9. Beautiful decoration. For a baby, it is important that the food is beautiful and bright. The plot of your favorite fairy tale, realized in food, will please the baby.
    10. Patience. You should always be patient and calm about the whims of the child, not indulge them. Even if the baby refuses to eat, you do not need to force feed. Hungry - catch up at the next meal. The main thing is to exclude serious causes of poor appetite.

    When a child does not eat well, you need to find out why he behaves this way. There are many reasons - from physiological to emotional. In serious situations, you should always consult a doctor so that the height and weight parameters do not differ much from the norm.

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