• You will laugh at yourself over another, you will cry for meaning. You will laugh at others, you will cry over yourself: Europeans will look at caricatures differently. From dirt to Kings


    History of provocation

    In 1969, a monthly satirical magazine was published in France "L"hebdo Hara-kiri", whose motto was "a stupid and evil magazine." But a year later it was closed by a special order of the Minister of the Interior of France for insulting the memory of the recently deceased President Charles de Gaulle. The editor of "Harakiri" was not at a loss and began to release a new edition, but already under the title "Charlie Hebdo". Despite the different name, the main principle "Nothing is sacred!" strictly observed.

    "Not your mother, not the Jewish martyrs, not even people dying of hunger", Mr. Cavannah wrote in 1982, as quoted by Parisian researcher Jane Weston. "Laugh at everything, cruelly, caustically, to drive out the old monsters". Charlie Hebdo refers to such “old monsters” the universal values ​​of previous generations: faith in God, moral ideals, compassion. The magazine published cartoons of politicians, Christian shrines, and later Islamic ones.

    Francois Kavanna. Photo source: kp.md

    Charlie Hebdo reprints 12 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cartoons from the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten to contribute. The cover of a French magazine read "Muhammad shocked by fundamentalists", the Prophet is depicted covering his face and lamenting "It's hard to be loved by idiots". The editors explained their cartoons on the topic of Islam by rejecting fundamentalism and fighting for freedom of speech.

    The name of the magazine is temporarily changed to Sharia Hedbo. During this period of the "Arab spring" in Tunisia and Libya, they "invited the editor-in-chief" of the prophet Mohammed, on the cover there was a cartoon with him, where he says: "100 lashes if you do not die of laughter."

    This time, they did not manage with simple indignation and litigation. The editorial office was firebombed, and it completely burned down.

    This is the time when scandal breaks out in the world because of the film "Innocence of Muslims". The cartoonists of the magazine again did not stand aside. Charlie Hebdo released an issue in which the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was depicted naked. On the cover, an Orthodox Jew is pushing a Muslim man in a wheelchair.

    Charlie Hebdo magazine published a comic about the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

    On the cover of the issue is a cartoon by the French writer Michel Houellebecq. His novel Submission depicts France in 2022, ruled by a Muslim president under Sharia law. The cover of the weekly features Mr. Houellebecq as a sorcerer, predicting that in 2015 he will lose his teeth and in 2022 he will fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Printed on the inside pages is a cartoon by magazine editor Stéphane Charbonnier captioning "Still no attacks in France" and underneath a jihadist with a machine gun saying "Wait, we have until the end of January to congratulate." Note that in France there is a tradition to wish Happy New Year throughout the month.

    From dirt to Kings

    Charlie Hebdo seeks to provoke society. But it was hard to offend those in whom, during the second half of the 20th century, all the moral principles of the people and all mankind were gradually outlived. The most infernal and inhuman forms of “ridiculous” bullying did not evoke in people either sympathy, compassion, or indignation.

    The editors of Charlie Hebdo found a second life when they came across Muslims who cherish and honor the traditional values ​​that Charlie's French cartoonists love to mock. By hurting their nerves, first provoking them into litigation, and then into open conflict with the attack, Charlie Hebdo won fame for itself. Maybe not the best, maybe not everyone understands them, but everyone knows and heard about Charlie Hebdo. This is such a black PR move. Perhaps accidental, but very successful for cultivating popularity and gaining fame for himself.

    The magazine remained unknown for a long time and was on the verge of closing. The marginal publication could have remained so if on January 7, 2015 there had not been an armed attack on the editorial office in Paris, as a result of which 12 people were killed. It must be said that there have been attacks on media publishing houses in France before, but they were all related to political issues. Here we saw the seething pain of Muslims, whose feelings have been offended since 2006.

    Out of a sense of compassion for the dead, on the same day, a mass action “I am Charlie!” was launched everywhere. Moreover, the authorities of one of the French cities renamed the square in honor of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, and a year after the attack - on January 5, 2016 - President Francois Hollande, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo opened a memorial plaque in memory of dead workers of a weekly satirical publication.

    “No one read Charlie Hebdo, everyone was disgusted by these perverts, who have now become almost saints,” journalist Emmanuel Ratier is indignant. “They almost want to be placed in the Pantheon.”

    After the attack on the editors, Charlie Hebdo became known to the whole world. The next issue came out with a circulation of 3 million copies and was sold out in a matter of minutes.

    Such a joke it's creepy

    Having no moral boundaries, Charlie Hebdo cartoonists continued to ridicule everything that has at least some universal value. In September 2015, in the wake of its popularity, the magazine published cartoons of a dead Syrian boy whose body washed up on the Turkish coast. The cartoon, titled "Proof that Europe is Christian," depicts Jesus walking on water with a dead boy floating upside down beside him. The drawing is signed: "Christians walk on water, but Muslim children drown".

    And so, the publication caused a flurry of public criticism not only among Muslims. Here we have already touched on a topic that is close to everyone - innocent children. The public began to admit that the authors of these drawings "lost the moral compass." The discussions raised not so much the topic of Islam and migrants as the topic of an innocent child. And it does not matter what nationality and religion he is, if he is a victim of political conflicts, coincidences of circumstances, and now the subject of cruel ridicule.

    The second sobering slap in the face of secular society was a caricature of a new tragedy. On September 2, 2016, Charlie Hebdo released a cartoon depicting the devastating earthquake in Italy on August 24 this year.

    Earthquake in Italy. Photo source: RIA Novosti

    In this edition of the French edition, with the title "Earthquake in Italian", two bloody people were depicted. Above one of them is the inscription "penne with tomato sauce", and above the other - "baked pasta". Next to them is the third "dish" of Italian cuisine - lasagna, in which the legs of crushed people are visible in the form of sauce between layers of concrete slabs. And again, it was not without an injection against Islam. The log contains a comment: “About 300 people died in the earthquake in Italy. It is still unknown if the earth shouted before making a push, "Allahu Akbar"".

    When the values ​​of Islam were previously ridiculed, this trouble did not touch the hearts of Europeans who followed freedom of speech and expression. Only when the people who once said “I am Charlie” fell under the merciless machine of immoral foundations, when ordinary people in the neighborhood and themselves were under attack, people changed their slogans: “I am not Charlie!”. The public has ceased to find anything funny in these cartoons.

    But behind this cruel picture lies another provocation. The phrase about whether the land said "Allahu Akbar" directly hints that the land is Muslim, which destroys the society that lives there. If in the case of the Syrian boy there was an image of a Christian land where there is no place for Muslims, then the opposite situation is observed here. Cartoonists seem to be ringing the bells, announcing that Muslims are killing the local population. Perhaps the earthquake embodied the image of migrants who overpopulated Europe.

    When a second information is hidden under one, it acts directly on the subconscious. And the caricature of the dead Italians not only hurts people's feelings, but also puts pressure on a sore spot - the issue of the clash between Europeans and Islamic society.

    two-faced society

    On the one hand, we see how the European community continues to decay. After all, the magazine, no matter how it is criticized now, in fact publishes what the population demands. Focusing on the consumer, the publication, like a mirror, shows us the true face of people. Maybe not the most beautiful side of them, but still reflects reality. In an era when pornography has become the norm, and cynicism is the main trend, society has lost all sense of proportion. The magazine is not in opposition, but following social trends, where national roots are destroyed, moral norms are despised, it opposes the family, for homosexuality and abortion, without a twinge of conscience, it denigrates religious and even sacred feelings of people.

    On the other hand, the presence of at least some criticism confirms that the hearts of these people have not completely become callous, that the public has not yet completely rolled into the abyss of immorality and permissiveness.

    Is it possible to talk about double standards of Europeans here? Probably not, if they don't even have these standards of what's allowed and what's forbidden. Once having crossed the line of what is permitted, people slowly mired in sinfulness, without realizing it.

    The hadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) states:

    “Indeed, what is permitted is obvious and what is forbidden is obvious, and between them is doubtful, which many people do not know. The one who is wary of the dubious is cleansed (from it) for the sake of his religion and his honor, and the one who practices the dubious, (will come to commit) the forbidden, like that shepherd who grazes (his flock) near a reserved place and is about to be there ... "(Bukhari, Muslim).

    This rolling down of social life has fallen into the so-called overton window. All these cartoons are not only the personification of a decaying society, but also the very tool that contributes to this. And the theme of Islam, even in the latest issue of the scandalous magazine, is additional confirmation that if the values ​​of Muslims were not so strong, they would not be mocked or used for insults. This is also proof that the authors of these images are hardly mentally healthy people, since they are mocking not only death, dressing it in the image of an enemy, but any person. For these people there really is nothing sacred, as Francois Cavannat bequeathed, and such people have no heart, no soul, no mind. They cannot even be considered human beings, since they reject universal ideals.

    The mocking illustration of those who died as a result of the earthquake shook and shuddered the public consciousness. It remains to be hoped that this indignation will develop into action against lawlessness and help Europe find and, finally, mark the line that separates the permitted from the forbidden, and begin to revive lost values ​​in the West, and at the same time move away from the negative image of Muslims.

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      DASH" - in the balance sheet - the name of the current ...
    • ABOVE in Medical terms:
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    • ABOVE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
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    • ABOVE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
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    • ABOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      by someone, a preposition with those. item I. Indicates a stay, finding someone-something. over, above someone. in some relation. Lamp over the table. …
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      preposition (and also necessary) with creative. pad. Use when referring to: 1) location, stay, action of someone. or something. over or...
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      Indicates the direction of the action on something + Sit over the book. Laugh at the weirdo. over Indicates being, finding someone on top of, above ...
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      sometimes a preposition is necessary before a consonant. , control creative and wine. (less often). It means a position or being above something, influence or ...
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      see also (need) and (nad), verbal prefix. Denotes: 1) over, above something. (verbs with the prefix "above" in this meaning mean: ...
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      1. prefix A word-building unit that forms nouns with the meaning of the same object or phenomenon that is called the motivating noun, but ...
    • ABOVE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
      preposition (and also necessary) with creative. pad. Use when referring to: 1) location, stay, action of someone. or something. over...
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      I prefix A word-building unit that forms nouns with the meaning of the same object or phenomenon that is called the motivating noun, but ...
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      suggestion; - necessary; with creative It is used when referring to 1) the location, stay, action of someone or something on top of or above someone, ...
    • ABOVE-
      I prefix A word-building unit that forms nouns with the meaning of the same object or phenomenon as the words from which the corresponding ...
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      suggestion with creative ; = necessary 1. Used when indicating the location, stay or action of someone, something on top or above ...
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      adv. unfold cm. …
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      yourself, adv. on its own, alone, separately, especially. They came by themselves, not with anyone; | by himself, by his own…
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      Cm. …
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    Everyone can make fun of others, but to laugh at oneself is a more subtle science, it is far from being given to everyone. They say that self-irony is a skill available only to people with high intelligence. We found for you 20 people who are all right with their wit and sense of humor.

    1. “Best friend took his wife away. Need money for a thank you card

    2. Blow under the stomach

    3. “Breasts are real, but the smile is fake”

    4. Dedicated to all owls

    5. The tattoo says: "Made in China" - "Made in China"

    6. “The girl in the restaurant asked me: “Are you alone?” I happily answered: “Yes.” Then she took the second chair, standing in front of me, and left.

    7. Age 6: “I want to be a doctor.”

    At 16: "I want to be a nurse"

    At 19: "I'll try my hand at accounting"

    Age 24: "Hey guys, welcome to my video channel"

    8. When you are also a little star

    9. “329 day without sex: I went to Starbucks only to hear someone scream my name.”

    10. "I will never be as successful as this gosling."

    The inscriptions on the plates: "Best young goose", "Vice-champion", "Best waterfowl", "Best novice".

    11. Moose. Just Elk

    12. “On my birthday, I went to the game of my favorite team to celebrate their victory. So-so idea was "

    13. All girls are witches

    14. “This is me taking a cool underwater selfie.”

    15. “My drunk boyfriend just asked me: “Who is the most handsome man in the world?” I said: “You”. And he told me: “Lies, this is fucking Ryan Reynolds” ”

    16. “When I get sad, I just look at this picture of me from the past.”

    17. Pelmeni - Foreva

    18. What do you know about the luxury life?

    19. “I no longer open the front camera on my phone. How I look is none of my business now.”

    20. Expectation and reality

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