• Diet Kozhevnikova. How did Maria Kozhevnikova lose weight? Sports for weight loss


    Pregnancy and childbirth are a serious test for the female body. And few women after the appearance of the baby can immediately boast of an excellent figure. The actress Maria Kozhevnikova, who became a mother for the third time about a year ago, was no exception. During past pregnancies, the star gained up to 40 kilograms, this time - about 30. But now the actress is in great shape. Let's see how she did it.

    Weight loss technique and diet of Maria Kozhevnikova

    Photos of the actress who has lost weight can often be found in advertisements for various supposedly miraculous pills, potions and similar weight loss products, which are actually not just useless, but even dangerous. Maria herself in her Instagram profile urges not to follow such advertising, and calls the secret of her weight loss a successful combination of drinking regimen, diet and sports activities. At the same time, the actress is not a supporter of severe dietary restrictions and exhausting physical activity for the sake of faster weight loss. Instead, she prefers to lose weight with comfort and pleasure, dropping within 5 kilograms per month.

    Principles of the Kozhevnikova diet:

    1. Do not eat 4-5 hours before bed. The actress admits that she herself sometimes violates this rule, but still tries to adhere to it.
    2. Reduce portions and purchase small-capacity dishes. Nutritionists agree that modern people in more or less prosperous countries, for the most part, eat more than they need. And this is due, among other things, to the increased size of finished products in stores and increased standards for tableware. In comparison with the beginning-middle of the last century, the plates became on average 3-5 centimeters larger in diameter. And the larger the dishes, the more it fits there, and the more people will eventually eat.
    3. Avoid snacking while working at a computer, reading, watching TV.
    4. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day and start your morning with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
    5. Do not eat out of boredom, you can always find more interesting and useful activities.
    6. Don't eat sadness. Of course, occasionally you can improve your mood with a piece of cake, but this should not become a habit. If everything is very bad with the emotional state, it is better to consult a psychologist and check the health of the hormonal system.
    7. Eat only when there is a feeling of hunger. If there is any doubt about its presence, you need to drink a couple of sips of water and wait a bit. The fact is that the feelings of hunger and thirst are quite similar, and many often confuse them.
    8. Refuse fried foods and reduce the amount of flour products in the diet.

    Maria calls love for herself and her body a very important component of successful weight loss. After all, if you love yourself, then take care of your health and, for example, you won’t lead an exclusively sedentary lifestyle for years or stuff yourself with fast food every day.

    Sports for weight loss

    Maria Kozhevnikova is a mother of three young children and a successful actress. Work and childcare, as the star admits, do not leave her time for regular classes in the gym. But this does not mean that there is no physical activity in her life. In her youth, Maria was engaged in gymnastics and even has the title of master of sports, so she knows well how to do it in order to lose weight. The actress trains at home and performs exercises on the press and on the muscles of the whole body. When she has free time, she enjoys swimming, cycling and playing tennis. Sometimes sports training includes running, but Maria does not really like it because of the high load on the spine and legs.

    Articles on how other Russian actresses lost weight are available at the links:

    • - minus 16 kg
    • - minus 20 kg
    • - minus 24 kg
    • – minus 15 kg

    As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in how Maria Kozhevnikova lost weight. Her weight loss methodology is based on simple nutritional recommendations and sports activities that are accessible even to the most ordinary person. So be inspired by the example of a mother of many children and a successful actress - and start losing weight, everything will definitely work out.

    Maria Kozhevnikova lost weight: before and after photos

    Maria Kozhevnikova is a theater and film actress who became famous after playing the role of the blonde Alla Grishko in the TV series Univer. After finishing work in the series, Maria starred in many feature films, and at the moment she is a public figure and a deputy of the State Duma.

    Before pregnancy, the star had a perfect figure. However, after the birth of her second son, Kozhevnikova had to look for a way to get rid of almost twenty-five extra pounds (with a height of 172 cm, Maria began to weigh 75 kg).

    How Maria Kozhevnikova lost weight

    In the first months after giving birth, Maria tried not to worry about her weight, because after pregnancy it was possible to start losing weight only after the restoration of normal hormonal levels. The basis of the diet for the duration of the diet was fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish, dairy products and cereals. At the same time, Maria carefully monitored the glycemic index of the foods consumed.

    During the diet, the actress did not eat confectionery, pastries and fried foods. Maria ate small meals 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 snacks). During the diet, it was necessary to drink as much as possible, at least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water per day.

    Sample diet menu for Maria Kozhevnikova

    Breakfast - steamed omelet or oatmeal with berries, a cup of green tea.

    Lunch - a portion of vegetable or fish soup, a light salad of seafood and vegetables, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

    Dinner - chicken with vegetables (bake or steam).

    As snacks, Maria used berries, fruits, drank compotes, fruit drinks and juices.

    This diet Kozhevnikova works by reducing the calorie content of the diet while maintaining the balance of nutrients and a balanced menu. Diet helps to remove from the body not only fats, but also accumulated harmful substances and excess fluid.

    The diet of Maria Kozhevnikova is approved by nutritionists, and is recommended as a permanent diet. This diet helps to lose weight, strengthen the immune system and has no contraindications.

    Actress Maria Kozhevnikova is expecting her third child and has recovered greatly again. In each previous pregnancy, he added 40 kilograms in weight, and after the birth of the babies, she lost weight. The actress is convinced that diets are a hoax. In her microblog, she urges women not to be afraid to gain weight, have children, and shares secrets on how to lose weight without diets, the site reports.

    The body cannot be fooled

    According to the actress, the body cannot be deceived, so resorting to various means to reduce weight is useless. The actress advises readers to adopt the thesis that our body is smarter than ourselves. For a short time, with the help of pills, slimming teas, he can be deceived. After that, according to Kozhevnikova, the deceived body will take revenge: all the lost kilograms will return and bring additional ones with them.

    To lose weight, you must, first of all, learn to love yourself in any weight: both slim and curvy. The actress considers diets a hoax. She said that she had been dieting since the age of 10, tried different options. Kozhevnikova was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics as a child and is still in good shape. In the social network, she is no worse than Volochkova.

    The actress admits that each organism has its own individual characteristics. Someone has managed to lose weight after giving up meat or dairy products. But in general, you should not rely on a magic wand. It does not exist, the main thing is what is in our head, Maria assures.

    Treat your big weight with irony

    She does not hide the fact that it is quite difficult to fall in love with a fat woman. And he recommends treating his great weight with irony. “I called myself, for example, elephant-footed. By nature, or rather from everyday training for 6 hours, I had embossed legs from early childhood, and here ... that caviar, that shin, that thigh were the same, not to mention my husband’s clothes, which I didn’t fit into, to this “fans and friendly media” were also always happy to “support with a kind word,” Maria shares on Instagram.

    To increase the degree of sympathy for your beloved, you should throw out unnecessary and unnecessary thoughts. In addition to psychological attitudes, Kozhevnikova admits that water, proper nutrition and physical activity play an important role. And she promised to tell about it next time, JoInfoMedia journalist Ksenia Ivanichenko found out.

    Recall that the secular and acting parties were amazed at the speed with which Maria regained her former form after the birth of her second child. at the Golden Eagle Award Ceremony.

    Kozhevnikova shared with subscribers not only a picture. She said that during this pregnancy she managed to gain as much as 27 kilograms. But it turned out to be a pleasant surprise for her. Prior to this (in the last pregnancy), the figure varied within 40 kilograms. Then Maria fought for harmony for a long time and, by the way, achieved excellent results.

    “For the third pregnancy, I gained less than the previous two, and it was very noticeable!!! +27 vs +40 How? Why? I would really like to reveal this secret to you, but it is not there, simply not. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional state. And the son was born small, only 4 kg. Yes, for me this is everything, since again 4600 versus 4 kg is a huge difference for natural childbirth. In general, this time the son took pity on his mother.

    More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I have +13, and I am gradually going to come to my senses, despite the fact that I do not fit into my clothes, this, by the way, is the main incentive !!! Clothes hang, but you can’t put them on, it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and create stress for it, losing more than 5 kg per month, I won’t! Tomorrow I will write a second post about my weight loss, I also remember your questions about stretch marks, I will definitely answer soon and tell you about everything.

    P.S. I am posting this photo, perhaps not the most successful by Instagram standards, to support women who did not leave the hospital as models with the size “90 60 90”, as is customary on this resource.

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